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- module OiU3
- integer, parameter :: ASCII_const = 48
- contains
- !
- subroutine numbers(array, n, y)
- integer :: n, i, y
- integer :: array(n)
- write (0,fmt = '(a4$)') '| \ '
- do i = 1,n,1
- if (i==y) then
- write (0, fmt = '(a$)') '| '
- write (0, fmt='(a$)') achar(27)//'[4m'//achar(27)//'[91m'//&
- achar(ASCII_const + array(i))//':'//achar(27)//'[0m'
- else
- write (0, fmt = '(a,i2,a$)') '|', array(i), ':'
- end if
- !write (0,fmt='(i2$)') array(i)
- end do
- write (0,fmt = '(a1)') '|'
- end subroutine
- !
- subroutine cap(n)
- integer :: n, i
- do i =1,n
- write (0,fmt = '(a$)') '+---'
- end do
- write (0,fmt = '(a)') '+'
- end subroutine
- !
- subroutine write_array(stolbec_count,array,n)
- integer :: n, i
- integer :: array(n), stolbec_count(n)
- write (0,*)
- call cap(n+1)
- call numbers(stolbec_count,n,0)
- call cap(n+1)
- write (0,fmt = '(a$)') '| / '
- do i = 1,n
- write (0,fmt = '(a,i2,a$)') '|', array(i),' '
- end do
- write (0,fmt = '(a)') '|'
- call cap(n+1)
- write (0,*)
- end subroutine
- !
- subroutine write_matrix(matrix, stroka_count, stolbec_count, n, x, y)
- integer :: n, x, y, k, l
- integer :: matrix(n,n), stolbec_count(n), stroka_count(n)
- !
- call execute_command_line('')
- write (0,*)
- call cap(n+1)
- call numbers(stolbec_count,n,y)
- do k = 1,n
- call cap(n+1)
- if (k==x) then
- write (0, fmt='(a$)') '| '
- write (0, fmt='(a$)') achar(27)//'[4m'//achar(27)//'[91m'&
- //achar( ASCII_const + stroka_count(k) )//':'//achar(27)//'[0m'
- else
- write (0, fmt='(a,i2,a$)') '|', stroka_count(k), ':'
- end if
- do l = 1,n
- if ( matrix(k,l)>10000 ) then
- if (k==x .or. l==y) then
- write (0,fmt = '(a$)') '|'
- write (0,fmt = '(a$)') achar(27)//'[4m'//achar(27)//'[91m'//'inf'//achar(27)//'[0m'
- else
- write (0, fmt = '(a$)') '|inf'
- end if
- else
- if (k==x .or. l==y) then
- write (0,fmt='(a$)') '|'
- write (0,fmt = '(1x,a$)') achar(27)//'[4m'//achar(27)//'[91m'//&
- achar(ASCII_const + (matrix(k,l)/10) )//&
- achar(ASCII_const + (matrix(k,l)-matrix(k,l)/10*10))//achar(27)//'[0m'
- else
- write (0,fmt='(a,i3$)') '|',matrix(k,l)
- end if
- end if
- end do
- write (0,fmt='(a)') '|'
- end do
- call cap(n+1)
- write (0,*)
- end subroutine
- !
- integer function minimum(array,n) result(res_index)
- integer :: n, i
- integer :: array(n)
- res_index = 1
- do i =1,n,1
- if( array(i)<array(res_index) ) then
- res_index = i
- end if
- end do
- end function
- !
- subroutine min_stroka(matrix,n,stroka_min)
- integer :: n, i
- integer :: matrix(n,n), stroka_min(n),temp_array(n)
- do i =1,n
- temp_array = matrix(i,:)
- stroka_min(i) = matrix(i, minimum(temp_array,n))
- end do
- end subroutine
- !
- subroutine min_stolbec(matrix,n,stolbec_min)
- integer :: n, i
- integer :: matrix(n,n), stolbec_min(n),temp_array(n)
- do i =1,n
- temp_array = matrix(:,i)
- stolbec_min(i) = matrix(minimum(temp_array,n), i)
- end do
- end subroutine
- !
- subroutine transform(matrix, n, summa)
- integer :: n,i, summa_1, summa_2, summa
- integer :: matrix(n,n), temp_matrix(n,n), stroka_min(n), stolbec_min(n)
- ! 1 sequence of actions
- temp_matrix = matrix
- !
- call min_stroka(temp_matrix,n,stroka_min)
- !write (0,fmt = '(a$)') 'Massiv strok: '
- do i = 1,n
- temp_matrix(i,:) = temp_matrix(i,:) - stroka_min(i)
- end do
- call min_stolbec(temp_matrix,n,stolbec_min)
- do i = 1,n
- temp_matrix(:,i) = temp_matrix(:,i) - stolbec_min(i)
- end do
- !write (0,fmt = '(a$)') 'Massiv stolbcov: '
- summa_1 = sum(stroka_min) + sum(stolbec_min)
- ! 2 sequence of actions
- temp_matrix = matrix
- !
- call min_stolbec(temp_matrix,n,stolbec_min)
- do i = 1,n
- temp_matrix(:,i) = temp_matrix(:,i) - stolbec_min(i)
- end do
- !write (0,fmt = '(a$)') 'Massiv stolbcov: '
- call min_stroka(temp_matrix,n,stroka_min)
- do i = 1,n
- temp_matrix(i,:) = temp_matrix(i,:) - stroka_min(i)
- end do
- !write (0,fmt = '(a$)') 'Massiv strok: '
- summa_2 = sum(stroka_min) + sum(stolbec_min)
- !
- write (0,fmt = '(a,i3)') 'Sum when stroki first then stolbcy:',summa_1
- write (0,fmt = '(a,i3)') 'Sum when stolbcy first then stroki:',summa_2
- if (summa_1>summa_2) then
- summa = summa_1
- !do i =1,n
- !temp_array = matrix(i,:)
- !stroka_min(i) = matrix(i, minimum(temp_array,n))
- !end do
- call min_stroka(matrix,n,stroka_min)
- do i = 1,n
- matrix(i,:) = matrix(i,:) - stroka_min(i)
- end do
- call min_stolbec(matrix,n,stolbec_min)
- do i = 1,n
- matrix(:,i) = matrix(:,i) - stolbec_min(i)
- end do
- else
- summa = summa_2
- call min_stolbec(matrix,n,stolbec_min)
- do i = 1,n
- matrix(:,i) = matrix(:,i) - stolbec_min(i)
- end do
- call min_stroka(matrix,n,stroka_min)
- do i = 1,n
- matrix(i,:) = matrix(i,:) - stroka_min(i)
- end do
- end if
- end subroutine
- !
- integer function summ_of_minimums_in_zero(matrix,n,i,j)
- integer :: i,j,n
- integer :: matrix(n,n), stroka_min(n), stolbec_min(n)
- matrix(i,j) = 100000
- call min_stroka(matrix,n,stroka_min)
- call min_stolbec(matrix,n,stolbec_min)
- summ_of_minimums_in_zero = stroka_min(i) + stolbec_min(j)
- matrix(i,j) = 0
- end function
- !
- subroutine zero_choose(matrix,n,k,l)
- integer :: i,j,n,k,l
- integer :: matrix(n,n)
- do j =1,n
- if (matrix(1,j)==0) then
- l = j
- end if
- end do
- do i =1,n
- do j =1,n
- if (matrix(i,j)==0) then
- if ( summ_of_minimums_in_zero(matrix,n,i,j) > summ_of_minimums_in_zero(matrix,n,k,l) ) then
- k = i
- l = j
- end if
- end if
- end do
- end do
- end subroutine
- !
- subroutine matrix_rewrite(matrix_1,matrix_2,n,k,l)
- integer :: n,k,l,i,j,x,y
- integer :: matrix_1(n,n), matrix_2(n-1,n-1)
- do i =1,n-1
- do j = 1,n-1
- x = i
- y = j
- if (x >= k) then
- x = x + 1
- end if
- if (y >= l) then
- y = y + 1
- end if
- matrix_2(i,j) = matrix_1(x,y)
- end do
- end do
- end subroutine
- !
- subroutine array_rewrite(array_1,array_2,n,m)
- integer :: n,m,i,temp
- integer :: array_1(n), array_2(n-1)
- do i = 1,n-1
- temp = i
- if (temp >= m) then
- temp = temp + 1
- end if
- array_2(i) = array_1(temp)
- end do
- end subroutine
- !
- subroutine add_infinity(matrix,n)
- integer :: n, i, j, x, y
- integer :: matrix(n,n)
- k = 0
- l = 0
- do i = 1, n
- j = 1
- do while ((j <= n) .and. (matrix(i, j) <= 10000))
- if (j == n) then
- x = i
- end if
- j = j + 1
- end do
- end do
- do j = 1, n
- i = 1
- do while ((i <= n) .and. (matrix(i, j) <= 10000))
- if (i == n) then
- y = j
- end if
- i = i + 1
- end do
- end do
- matrix(x,y) = 100000
- end subroutine
- end module
- !
- !
- !
- program main
- use OiU3
- implicit none
- integer :: k, l, summa, n, j
- integer, allocatable :: c(:,:), temp(:,:),roads(:,:),temp_2(:,:)
- integer, allocatable :: stolbec_count(:), stroka_count(:), stolbec_count_temp(:), stroka_count_temp(:)
- integer, parameter :: i = 10
- !read (*,*) n
- call execute_command_line('')
- n = 7
- summa = 0
- allocate(c(n,n))
- allocate(temp(n,n))
- allocate(temp_2(n,n))
- allocate(roads(2,n))
- allocate(stolbec_count(n))
- allocate(stroka_count(n))
- allocate(stolbec_count_temp(n))
- allocate(stroka_count_temp(n))
- stolbec_count_temp = [(k, k =1,n)]
- stroka_count_temp = [(k, k =1,n)]
- stolbec_count = stolbec_count_temp
- stroka_count = stroka_count_temp
- do k = 1,n
- do l = 1,n
- if (k == l) then
- c(k,l) = 100000
- else if ( mod( (i + 3*k + 5*l), 17) == 0 ) then
- c(k,l) = 17
- else
- c(k,l) = mod( (i + 3*k + 5*l), 17)
- end if
- end do
- end do
- !stolbec_count = stolbec_count_temp
- !stroka_count = stroka_count_temp
- !stolbec_count(3) = 0
- temp_2 = c
- write (0,fmt='(a,i2)') 'Road 1 to 2: ',c(1,2)
- write (0, fmt='(a$)') achar(27)//'[96m'//'First matrix:'//achar(27)//'[0m'
- call write_matrix(c,stroka_count,stolbec_count,n,0,0)
- write (0, fmt='(a)') achar(27)//'[96m'//'Enter the cycle: '//achar(27)//'[0m'
- do j = n,3,-1
- write (0, fmt='(/a/)') achar(27)//'[96m'//achar(ASCII_const + (n-j+1) )//achar(27)//'[0m'
- deallocate(stolbec_count)
- deallocate(stroka_count)
- allocate(stolbec_count(j))
- allocate(stroka_count(j))
- stolbec_count = stolbec_count_temp
- stroka_count = stroka_count_temp
- deallocate(stolbec_count_temp)
- deallocate(stroka_count_temp)
- allocate(stolbec_count_temp(j-1))
- allocate(stroka_count_temp(j-1))
- !
- deallocate(temp)
- allocate(temp(j,j))
- temp = temp_2
- deallocate(temp_2)
- allocate(temp_2(j-1,j-1))
- !
- call transform(temp, j, summa)
- write (0, fmt='(/a)') achar(27)//'[96m'//'Write after transform:'//achar(27)//'[0m'
- call write_matrix(temp, stroka_count, stolbec_count, j, 0, 0)
- write (0,fmt = '(a,i3)') 'Then we choose better summa:', summa
- call zero_choose(temp,j,k,l)
- write (0,fmt = '(a,i1,/,a,i1,/,a,i10)') 'k:', stroka_count(k), 'l:', stolbec_count(l),&
- 'Summ in this zero:', summ_of_minimums_in_zero(temp,n,k,l)
- call write_matrix(temp, stroka_count, stolbec_count, j, k, l)
- !rewrite arrays and matrix, using k, l
- write (0, fmt='(/a)') achar(27)//'[96m'//'Rewrite arrays and matrix, using k, l'//achar(27)//'[0m'
- call matrix_rewrite(temp, temp_2, j, k, l)
- call array_rewrite(stroka_count, stroka_count_temp, j, k)
- call array_rewrite(stolbec_count, stolbec_count_temp, j, l)
- call write_matrix(temp_2,stroka_count_temp,stolbec_count_temp, j-1,0,0)
- !add infinity
- if ( (j-1) /= 2) then
- write (0, fmt='(/a)') achar(27)//'[96m'//'Add infinity'//achar(27)//'[0m'
- ! она добавляет бесконечность только один раз, а может быть случай, где их больше
- call add_infinity(temp_2, j-1)
- call write_matrix(temp_2,stroka_count_temp,stolbec_count_temp, j-1,0,0)
- end if
- end do
- !
- !
- deallocate(c)
- deallocate(roads)
- end program main
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