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- name: Jess
- game: Pokemon Red and Blue
- description: Generated by for Pokemon Red and Blue
- Pokemon Red and Blue:
- progression_balancing: '50'
- accessibility: minimal
- game_version: red
- trainer_name: Jess
- rival_name: Gary
- elite_four_badges_condition: '8'
- elite_four_key_items_condition: '0'
- elite_four_pokedex_condition: '0'
- victory_road_condition: '7'
- route_22_gate_condition: '7'
- viridian_gym_condition: '7'
- cerulean_cave_badges_condition: '4'
- cerulean_cave_key_items_condition: '50'
- route_3_condition: defeat_brock
- robbed_house_officer: 'true'
- second_fossil_check_condition: '2'
- fossil_check_item_types: any
- exp_all: randomize
- old_man: early_parcel
- badgesanity: 'false'
- badges_needed_for_hm_moves: 'on'
- key_items_only: 'false'
- tea: 'false'
- extra_key_items: 'false'
- split_card_key: 'off'
- all_elevators_locked: 'true'
- extra_strength_boulders: 'false'
- require_item_finder: 'false'
- randomize_hidden_items: 'off'
- prizesanity: 'true'
- trainersanity: '0'
- dexsanity: '0'
- randomize_pokedex: vanilla
- require_pokedex: 'true'
- all_pokemon_seen: 'false'
- oaks_aide_rt_2: '10'
- oaks_aide_rt_11: '30'
- oaks_aide_rt_15: '50'
- stonesanity: 'false'
- door_shuffle: insanity
- warp_tile_shuffle: mixed
- randomize_rock_tunnel: 'false'
- dark_rock_tunnel_logic: 'true'
- free_fly_location: 'false'
- town_map_fly_location: 'false'
- blind_trainers: '0'
- minimum_steps_between_encounters: '3'
- level_scaling: auto
- exp_modifier: '16'
- randomize_wild_pokemon: completely_random
- area_1_to_1_mapping: 'false'
- randomize_starter_pokemon: vanilla
- randomize_static_pokemon: vanilla
- randomize_legendary_pokemon: vanilla
- catch_em_all: all_pokemon
- randomize_pokemon_stats: vanilla
- randomize_pokemon_catch_rates: 'false'
- minimum_catch_rate: '3'
- randomize_trainer_parties: vanilla
- trainer_legendaries: 'false'
- move_balancing: 'false'
- fix_combat_bugs: 'false'
- randomize_pokemon_movesets: vanilla
- confine_transform_to_ditto: 'true'
- start_with_four_moves: 'false'
- same_type_attack_bonus: 'true'
- randomize_tm_moves: 'false'
- tm_same_type_compatibility: '-1'
- tm_normal_type_compatibility: '-1'
- tm_other_type_compatibility: '-1'
- hm_same_type_compatibility: '-1'
- hm_normal_type_compatibility: '-1'
- hm_other_type_compatibility: '-1'
- inherit_tm_hm_compatibility: 'false'
- randomize_move_types: 'false'
- randomize_pokemon_types: vanilla
- secondary_type_chance: '-1'
- randomize_type_chart: vanilla
- normal_matchups: '143'
- super_effective_matchups: '38'
- not_very_effective_matchups: '38'
- immunity_matchups: '6'
- type_chart_seed: random
- safari_zone_normal_battles: 'false'
- normalize_encounter_chances: 'false'
- reusable_tms: 'false'
- better_shops: 'off'
- master_ball_price: '5000'
- starting_money: '3000'
- lose_money_on_blackout: 'true'
- poke_doll_skip: in_logic
- bicycle_gate_skips: patched
- trap_percentage: '0'
- poison_trap_weight: medium
- fire_trap_weight: medium
- paralyze_trap_weight: medium
- sleep_trap_weight: medium
- ice_trap_weight: disabled
- randomize_pokemon_palettes: vanilla
- death_link: 'false'
- start_inventory: {}
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