
Ocarina of Time save corruption for adult link strat

Dec 18th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. 1. Start with SRAM in a clean state for both File 1 Primary and File 1 Backup. On emulator, this will happen automatically if there is no pre-existing SRAM at the start of the emulator. On a real N64, this can be done by creating and erasing File 1, and then resetting the game (the reset is mandatory).
  3. 2. Create file 1 with the name "00www " (00 00 DB DB DB DF DF DF). Do a subframe reset in the middle of the SRAM write to file 1 backup, at some point after 0x2B playerName is written but before 0x1352 checksum is written.
  5. 3. Open file select again. Erase file 1 and do a subframe reset after the game has started to write at least one byte to File 1 Primary in SRAM, but before it has started to write to File 1 Backup. This will invalidate the checksum of the primary save.
  7. 4. Open file select again. The game will see that file 1 primary and file 1 backup both have an invalid checksum, and it will try to reset them and write the new save to SRAM. Do a subframe reset in the middle of the SRAM write to file 1 backup, at some point after 0xD dayTime is written but before 0x1C newf is written.
  9. 5. The result will be that file 1 backup once again has a valid checksum. Load the file, and you will spawn in link's house as adult link at night. You will have master sword in inventory, and on 1.2 and later, it will be equipped.
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