Oct 26th, 2023
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  1. Comprehensive list of their torture tactics as of 8.15.23 and it's proceeding dates, starting on the date 8.15.23. This is not including -anything- from the past at all, and will only be jotted down and taken note of AS something is occurring. Even an incident as strong and valuable as last night, will not be noted. Items noticed should be items that genuinely have impact or are upsetting (attempts to illicit notes in this discord for trolling purposes that aren't deliberately aggressive will be omitted explicitly not to be note taking every second of the day).
  3. Frequency attack. A high pitch frequency just was sounding off. All of a sudden out of nowhere the frequency (unsettling noise and unpleasant) turned off. 8.15.23
  5. Someone playing the song 'bad company until the day I die' in my head. 8.15.23
  7. Consciously aware of unpleasant frequency attacks having some affect. Not supremely unpleasant but noticeable 8.15.23 8:04am.
  9. Seems to be a disconnect between nose and body or air passageways and brain. where my actions are not actually inducing oxygen. 8.15.23 7:13pm
  11. Habitual mind taunting from Stephen Colbert currently 8.18.23 11:50am.
  13. Hearing lucky and other keywords on a continual basis, sometimes every minute or less. At best, very spamming and very annoying. I've maybe heard lucky in my head 10-30 times today, I've only been up 2~ hours or so. These words have negative correlation from the past, but will not cite the past incident as these notes are current to date notes and not citing past references necessarily. 8.18.23 11:56am
  15. Stephen Colbert has been taunting me to take certain actions, like take a note from a video game that is likely not really in the realm of possibility to be taken down as a note (in game griefing he's citing, but this is a pvp server I'm on so i don't think it's professional to cite it as something oppressive, however him messing with me in my mind to cite it (i think this is the third time in the past 10 minutes hes tried to get me to write it down) now it seems as if his repetitive mind messages could be noted). 8.18.23 11:58am.
  17. It just hit me that i'm actually on some sort of 5 second delay where anything can be censored. I previously thought that they were doing it to be mean, so when they said certain things and then 5 seconds later the thing would happen, i thought they were being jerks spoiling the surprise. But now I'm not sure if its actually that or they're literally having my mind work in a way where i don't comprehend until 5 seconds later. In the same way... for months video feeds have had a few seconds i think up to 5 seconds mismatch with their visual. As if something is being delayed. 8.18.23 1:04pm
  19. My internal monologue is generally speaking reflecting how my friends that i earn their friendship behave in game, including trade chat and other chat channels in WoW. So if i disagree or am negative of any way to literally the air in my bedroom or order an extra batch or eat an extra cookie, the people on my friends list, some of which i worked hard to make friendships with, suddenly turn on me on me, get nasty, and speak towards the hardship I'm having in the air and in my mind. This is extreme reality bastardization and extremely de-humanizing, it happens constantly, a small amount of this was displayed today, but it happened yesterday too and i forgot to write it down. This happens all the time. 8.18.23 3:32pm
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