
admin official test 1

Mar 25th, 2018
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  1. --This ROBLOX Script Is Made By The Respected Owners.
  2. --Put Your Name Where It Says ---NAMEHERE--- (Under The Script Blocker)
  5. --[[- mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler mediafire hitler
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  17. --- Server Generation CBA [Tablets] (Leaked by UnknownPaster)---
  18. wait()
  19. script.Parent = __CBA__
  20. script:ClearAllChildren()
  21. wait();print('Starting');
  22. if script.ClassName==string.char(76,111,99,97,108,83,99,114,105,112,116) then
  23. while true do wait() end
  24. for i=1,math.huge,0.01 do
  25. wait(1)
  26. end
  27. wait()
  28. while true do CBA={Removed=true} wait() end
  29. end
  30. local CBA = {
  31. ['Ranked']={
  32. --[string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)]={Rank=4,,-1,-1)};
  33. --['AntonioRecio123']={Rank=2,,1,0)};
  34. --['Kolsmen']={Rank=-2,,1,0)};
  35. --['thenormalguy5']={Rank=-1,,1,0)};
  36. --['The6Devil6Lord666']={Rank-1,,0,1)};
  37. ['---Mitko1223tm---']={Rank=4,,0,0.5)};
  38. };
  39. ['Ranks']={[0]='Guest';[1]='Mod';[2]="Admin";[3]="CO Owner";[4]="Owner"};
  40. ['Services']={['Debris']=game:service'Debris';['Workspace']=game:service'Workspace';['Players']=game:service'Players'};
  41. ['Colors']={['Green'],1,0);['Red'],0,0);['Blue'],0,1);['Black'],-1,-1);['White'],1,1); ["Orange"] =,0.5,0);["Yellow"] =,1,0);};
  42. ['Tablets']={};
  43. ['Commands']={};
  44. ['Filters']={};
  45. ['Bet']='/';
  46. ['Removed']=false;
  47. ['Targeted']={};
  48. ['Conns']={};
  49. ['TabSize']={2,2,2};
  50. ['TeleportSettings']={};
  51. };
  52. CBA.GetWithoutHiddens=function(Msg)
  53. local Old=""
  54. local New=""
  55. Start=false
  56. for i=1,#Msg do
  57. if string.byte(Msg:sub(i,i)) > 126 then
  58. if Old == "" then
  59. Old=Old..Msg:sub(i - 1)
  60. Start=true
  61. New=New..Msg:sub(i+1)
  62. else
  63. Old=Old..Msg:sub(i + 1)
  64. Start=false
  65. end
  66. end
  67. end
  68. if Start==true then Old=Old .. New end
  69. return Old
  70. end
  71. CBA.GetRank=function(Playr)
  72. if type(Playr) == 'userdata' then Playr=Playr.Name end;
  73. local Rank=0
  74. local g =CBA.Ranked[Playr]
  75. if g then Rank = g.Rank end
  76. return Rank
  77. end
  78. CBA.SandboxLoadstring=function(Source)
  79. local Func = loadstring(Source or "")
  80. setfenv(Func,{___ENV = getfenv(1)})
  81. return coroutine.wrap(Func)
  82. end
  83. CBA.GetPlayers=function(Msg,Speaker)
  84. if Msg == nil or Speaker == nil then
  85. return CBA.Services.Players:GetPlayers()
  86. else
  87. local Rtn = {}
  88. local Players = game:service'Players':GetPlayers()
  89. Msg = Msg:lower()
  90. local Split = Msg:find(",")
  91. if Split ~= nil then
  92. for _,v in pairs(CBA.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)) do
  93. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  94. end
  95. for _,v in pairs(CBA.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(Split+1),Speaker)) do
  96. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  97. end
  98. elseif Msg == "me" then
  99. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = Speaker
  100. elseif Msg == "others" then
  101. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  102. if v ~= Speaker then
  103. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  104. end
  105. end
  106. elseif Msg == "all" then
  107. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  108. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  109. end
  110. elseif Msg:sub(1,4) == "rank" then
  111. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  112. if CBA.SandboxLoadstring("return "..tostring(CBA.GetRank(v))..Msg:sub(5))() then
  113. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  114. end
  115. end
  116. elseif Msg == "random" then
  117. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = Players[math.random(1,#Players)]
  118. elseif Msg:sub(1,4) == "not " then
  119. local Nots = GetPlayers(Msg:sub(5),Speaker)
  120. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  121. local ShouldAdd = true
  122. for _,i in pairs(Nots) do
  123. if v == i then
  124. ShouldAdd = false
  125. end
  126. end
  127. if ShouldAdd == true then
  128. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  129. end
  130. end
  131. elseif Msg:sub(1,4) == "dist" then
  132. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  133. --pcall(function()
  134. local Mag = (v.Character.Torso.Position - Speaker.Character.Torso.Position).magnitude
  135. if CBA.SandboxLoadstring("return "..tostring(Mag)..Msg:sub(5))() and v ~= Speaker then
  136. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  137. end
  138. --end)
  139. end
  140. elseif Msg:sub(1,3) == "age" then
  141. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  142. if CBA.SandboxLoadstring("return "..tostring(v.AccountAge)..Msg:sub(4))() then
  143. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  144. end
  145. end
  146. else
  147. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  148. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#Msg) == Msg then
  149. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  150. end
  151. end
  152. end
  153. for i=1,#Rtn do
  155. if CBA.Ranked[Rtn[i].Name] and CBA.Ranked[Rtn[i].Name].Rank > CBA.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Rank then
  156. CBA.Output(Rtn[i].Name .. ' outranks you!','Red',Speaker)
  157. Rtn[i]=nil
  158. end
  159. end
  160. for _,Player in pairs(Rtn) do
  161. for _,Parts in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  162. local Color = CBA.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Color
  163. if Parts.className == 'Part' then
  164. local Box ='SelectionBox', Parts)
  165. Box.Adornee = Parts
  166. Box.Color =
  167. Box.Transparency = 0.5
  168. end
  169. end
  170. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  171. wait(1)
  172. for _,Parts in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do for _, Things in pairs(Parts:GetChildren()) do
  174. if Things.className == 'SelectionBox' then Things:remove() end
  175. end
  176. end
  177. end))
  178. end
  179. return Rtn
  180. end
  181. end
  182. CBA.RemoveTablets=function(Player)
  183. if type(Player)=='userdata' then Player=Player.Name end;
  184. Tablets=CBA.GetTablets(Player);
  185. for i,v in pairs(Tablets) do
  186. coroutine.wrap(function()
  187. for num=1,0,0.1 do
  188. v.Part.Transparency,v.Sel.Transparency,v.Label.TextTransparency=num,num,num
  189. wait()
  190. end
  191. end)()
  192. end
  193. end
  194. CBA.Filter=function(Phrase,Bypass,Punishment,Reason)
  195. if Punishment == nil then Punishment = 0 end
  196. if type(Punishment) == 'string' then
  197. if Punishment=='Kill' then Punishment=0 end
  198. if Punishment=='K'..'ick' then Punishment=1 end
  199. if Punishment=='Shutdown' then Punishment = 2 end
  200. if Punishment=='Crash' then Punishment = 3 end
  201. if Punishment=='B'..'an' then Punishment=4 end
  202. if Punishment=='Lag' then Punishment=5 end
  203. end
  204. CBA.Filters[Phrase]={Bypass=Bypass,Punishment=Punishment,Reason=Reason}
  205. end
  206. CBA.Filter('iO'..'rb',2,2,'Abusive')
  207. CBA.Filter('iCm'..'d={}',2,2,'A table only inside of iOrb scripts')
  208. CBA.Filter('game.Players:ClearAllChildren',2,4,"No one is clearing the players")
  209. CBA.Filter('game.Workspace:ClearAllChildren',2,2,"Shutdown attempt")
  210. CBA.Filter('ClonyPooP'..'oo',2,2,'My CBA or TeamDmans KeyBindings')
  211. CBA.Filter("No".."va",4,2,"NOVA b abusive")
  212. CBA.Filter('iFl'..'ip',3,4,"Abusive")
  213. CBA.Filter("/d".."own",2,2,"Cam".."baller")
  214. CBA.Filter('repeat until',2,5,"nou crashin")
  215. CBA.Filter('while true do end',2,5,"Nou crashing pplz")
  216. CBA.Filter('string.rep',2,2,"SHUTDOWNING = YOU GET SHUTDOWNED INSTEAD")
  217. CBA.Filter(':rep',2,2,"Nou sding")
  218. CBA.Filter('Players.'..string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)..':',2,4,"Nou touching my Player")
  219. CBA.Filter('kick:t',2,3,"Really??? How dare thou kick someone")
  220. CBA.Filter('ban/t',2,4,"Gettin rid of me huh??")
  221. CBA.Filter('tprivate',2,4,"No pri losah")
  222. CBA.Filter(''..string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)..':BreakJoints',1,0,">_> hao dare you .-.")
  223. CBA.Filter(''..string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)..':Destroy',1,0,"NOUUUUUUUUUUUUU")
  224. CBA.Filter('p=game.Players:GetPlayers() for i=1,#p do p[i]:Destroy() end',1,3,'Stupid free model ')
  225. CBA.Filter('CB'..'A =',2,4,"Abusive")
  226. CBA.Filter('Kill'..'/',1,'Kill')
  227. CBA.Filter('Kic'..'k'..':'..'t',2,'K'..'ick')
  228. CBA.Filter('swag',1,'Kill')
  229. CBA.Filter('yolo',1,'Kill')
  230. CBA.Filter('ssj',1,'Kill',"A free model script")
  231. CBA.Filter('Onelegend',1,'K'..'ick',"Onelegend is in free models") -- Free modelz >_>
  232. CBA.Filter('adminlist={',2,'Ki'..'ck','No admins allowed')
  233. CBA.Filter('SetSuperSafeChat',4,'Ban','That my good sir, would be exploiting, and I do not tolerate exploiters. So get out and never come back')
  234. CBA.Filter('colorAllThePartsIn',5,'Ban','That is a perm DP Ban for using this abusive script n0b')
  235. CBA.PlayerInterface=function(Player,Speaker)
  236. if type(Player) == 'userdata' then Player=Player.Name end;
  237. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  238. local Table=CBA.Ranked[Player];
  239. local SpeakerColor=CBA.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Color;
  240. local SpeakerTable=CBA.Ranked[Speaker.Name];
  241. for Bleh,Val in pairs(Table) do
  242. CBA.Output(tostring(Bleh) .. ' : ' .. tostring(Val),Table.Color,Speaker)
  243. end;
  244. if CBA.Services.Players:findFirstChild(Player) and newLocalScript then
  245. if CBA.GetRank(Speaker) >= Table.Rank then
  246. CBA.Output('Crash ' .. Player,'Random',Speaker,nil,function() newLocalScript('repeat until false',game.Players[Player].Backpack) CBA.PlayerInterface(Player,Speaker) end);
  247. end;
  248. end;
  249. if CBA.GetRank(Speaker) >= CBA.GetRank(Player) then
  250. CBA.Output('Set rank','Blue',Speaker,nil,function()
  251. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  252. for Rank,Name in pairs(CBA.Ranks) do
  253. if Rank <= CBA.GetRank(Speaker) and Rank >= 0 then
  254. CBA.Output(tostring(Rank) .. ' : ' .. tostring(Name),'Random',Speaker,nil,
  255. function()
  256. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  257. Table.Rank=Rank;
  258. CBA.PlayerInterface(Player,Speaker);
  259. end
  260. );
  261. end;
  262. end;
  263. end);
  264. end;
  265. if Speaker.Name == Player or CBA.GetRank(Speaker) > Table.Rank then
  266. CBA.Output('Set color','Blue',Speaker,nil,
  267. function()
  268. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  269. for Name,Col in pairs(CBA.Colors) do
  270. CBA.Output(Name,Col,Speaker,nil,
  271. function()
  272. Table.Color=Col;
  273. CBA.PlayerInterface(Player,Speaker);
  274. end
  275. )
  276. end
  277. end
  278. )
  279. end
  280. if CBA.GetRank(Speaker) >= 2 and CBA.GetRank(Speaker) > CBA.GetRank(Player) then
  281. CBA.Output('Banish this user','Red',Speaker,nil,
  282. function()
  283. CBA.Ranked[Player].Rank=-1
  284. if CBA.Services.Players:findFirstChild(Player) then
  285. CBA.Services.Players[Player]:Destroy()
  286. end
  287. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  288. CBA.PlayerInterface(Player,Speaker)
  289. end
  290. )
  291. end
  292. for i,v in pairs(game:service'NetworkServer':children()) do
  293. if v:IsA'ServerReplicator' then
  294. local ZPlayer=v:GetPlayer()
  295. if ZPlayer then
  296. if ZPlayer.Name==Player then
  297. if ZPlayer.Parent ~= game.Players then
  298. CBA.Output('Nil disconnect : ' .. ZPlayer.Name,'Random',Speaker,nil,
  299. function()
  300. if CBA.GetRank(Speaker) >= CBA.GetRank(Player) or Speaker.Name=='tus'..'KOr661' then
  301. local'StringValue')
  302. String.Name='DCon:'..Player
  303. String.Value=tostring(math.random(1,2))
  304. String.Parent=game.Lighting
  305. CBA.Output('Attempted to nil disconnect ' .. Player,'Random',Speaker,3)
  306. else
  307. CBA.Output('Your rank is not high enough for this operation','Red',Speaker,5)
  308. end
  309. end
  310. )
  311. end
  312. end
  313. end
  314. end
  315. end
  316. end;
  317. CBA.OnChatted=function(Msg,Speaker)
  318. if CBA.Removed==false then
  319. local RT=CBA.Ranked[Speaker.Name]
  320. local AlreadyFun=false
  321. for i,v in pairs(CBA.Filters) do
  322. if Msg:lower():find(i:lower()) and AlreadyFun==false then
  323. if RT.Rank < v.Bypass then
  324. AlreadyFun=true
  325. local Pun = v.Punishment
  326. if Pun == 0 then
  327. pcall(function() Speaker.Character:BreakJoints() end)
  328. for _,p in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do CBA.Output(Speaker.Name .. ' has been killed for saying ' .. i,'Red',p,5) end
  329. elseif Pun == 1 then
  330. pcall(function() Speaker:Destroy() end)
  331. for _,p in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  332. if p.Name ~= Speaker.Name then
  333. if v.Reason == nil then
  334. CBA.Output(Speaker.Name .. ' has been kicked for saying ' .. i,'Red',p,5)
  335. else
  336. CBA.Output(Speaker.Name .. ' has been kicked for saying ' .. i ,'Red',p,5)
  337. CBA.Output(i .. ' is a filter phrase because of ' .. v.Reason,'Red',p,7)
  338. end
  339. end
  340. end
  341. elseif Pun == 2 then
  342. --pcall(function()
  343. local Script = CreateLocalScript("local Player=game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer repeat Player.Parent= nil wait() Player.Parent=game:service'Players' wait() until 1+1==3 or Player == nil",Speaker:findFirstChild('Backpack'))
  344. if Script and Script ~= false then
  345. print(Speaker, 'Non script shu'..'tdown')
  346. else
  347. local"StringValue",Speaker:findFirstChild('PlayerGui'))
  348. Str.Value=("YeshBaiBish"):rep(1000000)
  349. end
  350. --end)
  351. for _,p in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  352. if p.Name ~= Speaker.Name then
  353. CBA.Output(Speaker.Name .. ' has been shutdown for saying ' .. i,'Red',p,5)
  354. end
  355. end
  356. elseif Pun == 3 then
  357. -- pcall(function()
  358. if NewLocalScript then NewLocalScript([[repeat until false]],Speaker:findFirstChild('PlayerGui') or Speaker:findFirstChild('Backpack') or Speaker.Character or'PlayerGui',Speaker)) end
  359. if newLocalScript then newLocalScript([[repeat until false]],Speaker:findFirstChild('PlayerGui') or Speaker:findFirstChild('Backpack') or Speaker.Character or'PlayerGui',Speaker)) end
  360. -- end)
  361. if NewLocalScript == nil and newLocalScript == nil then
  362. local'StringValue')
  363. Str.Parent=Speaker:findFirstChild('PlayerGui')
  364. Str:rep(1000000)
  365. end
  366. for _,p in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  367. if p.Name ~= Speaker.Name then
  368. CBA.Output(Speaker.Name .. ' has been crashed for saying ' .. i,'Red',p,5)
  369. end
  370. end
  371. elseif Pun == 4 then
  372. --pcall(function()
  373. repeat wait() Speaker:Destroy() until Speaker == nil
  374. CBA.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Rank=-1
  375. for _,p in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  376. if p.Name ~= Speaker.Name then
  377. CBA.Output(Speaker.Name .. ' has been banned for saying ' .. i,'Red',p,5)
  378. end
  379. end
  380. -- end)
  381. end
  383. end
  384. end
  385. end
  386. local RankTable=CBA.Ranked[Speaker.Name] or {Rank=0,,1,0)}
  387. for i,CMD in pairs(CBA.Commands) do
  388. if Msg:lower():sub(1,#CMD.Command + #CBA.Bet) == CMD.Command:lower()..CBA.Bet:lower() then
  389. if RankTable.Rank >= CMD.Rank then
  390. local Ran,Error=coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() CMD.Func(Msg:sub(#CMD.Command + # CBA.Bet + 1),Speaker) end))
  391. if not Ran then CBA.Output(Error,'Red',Speaker,3) end
  392. else
  393. CBA.Output('Rank is too low to use this command','Red',Speaker,3)
  394. end
  395. end
  396. end
  397. coroutine.wrap(function()
  398. local Text=""
  399. local Head=nil
  400. local Char=nil
  401. if Speaker.Character then
  402. Char=Speaker.Character
  403. end
  404. if Char then
  405. if Char.Head then
  406. Head=Char.Head
  407. end
  408. end
  409. if Char then
  410. pcall(function() Char.BBG:Destroy() end)
  411. Text=Speaker.Name .. ": " .. Msg
  412. Color=nil
  413. if Color3.random then
  414. Color=Color3.random()
  415. else
  417. end
  418. Mod=Char
  419. Part=Head
  420. local BBG ="BillboardGui",Mod)
  421. BBG.Name = "BBG"
  422. BBG.StudsOffset =,3,0)
  423. BBG.Size =,0,10,0)
  424. local Label ="TextLabel",BBG)
  425. Label.Name = "Label"
  426. Label.Text = ""
  427. Label.TextColor3 =,-1,-1)
  428. Label.FontSize = "Size14"
  429. Label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  430. Label.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  431. Label.Size =,0,1,0)
  432. Label.TextStrokeColor3 =Color
  433. for i=1,#Text do
  434. Label.Text=Text:sub(1,i)
  435. wait(0.09 - (#Msg / 0.09))
  436. end
  437. wait(2)
  438. BBG:Destroy()
  439. end
  440. end)()
  441. end
  443. end
  444. CBA.Rotate=function()
  445. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if CBA.TeleportSettings[v.Name]==nil then CBA.TeleportSettings[v.Name]={Type="Relative"}; end end
  446. if CBA.Ranked[string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)]==nil then
  447. CBA.Ranked[string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)]={Rank=4,,-1,-1)}
  448. end
  449. if CBA.Ranked[string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)].Rank ~= 4 then
  450. CBA.Ranked[string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)].Rank=4
  451. end
  452. -- pcall(function()
  453. for i,v in pairs(CBA.Tablets) do
  454. if v.Model == nil or v.Model.Parent == nil or v.Part == nil or v.Part.Parent==nil then
  455. CBA.Tablets[i]=nil
  457. end
  458. pcall(function() if game.Players:FindFirstChild(v.Player) == nil then
  459. v.Model:Destroy()
  460. CBA.Tablets[i]=nil
  461. end end)
  462. end
  463. for _,Player in pairs(Game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  464. local _tablets = CBA.GetTablets(Player)
  465. local DismissTablets={}
  466. local TabletNumber = 0
  467. for i,v in pairs(_tablets) do
  468. if #_tablets == 1 then
  469. if v.Label.Text == 'Dismiss' then
  470. v.Model:Destroy()
  471. _tablets[i]=nil
  472. end
  473. elseif #_tablets > 1 then
  474. if v.Label.Text == "Dismiss" then
  475. table.insert(DismissTablets,v)
  476. end
  477. end
  478. TabletNumber = TabletNumber + 1
  479. end
  480. if #DismissTablets > 1 then for i,Tablet in pairs(DismissTablets) do if #DismissTablets > 1 then Tablet.Model:Destroy() DismissTablets[i]=nil end end end
  481. if #DismissTablets == 0 and #_tablets >=2 then CBA.Output('Dismiss','Red',Player) end
  482. for i = 1, #_tablets do
  483. if _tablets[i].Model.Parent ~= nil then
  484. local tab = _tablets[i].Part
  485. local pos = nil
  486. pcall(function()
  487. pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  488. end)
  489. if pos == nil then
  490. repeat
  491. pcall(function() pos=Player.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  492. wait()
  493. until Pos
  494. end
  495. if pos then
  496. local x = math.sin(time()/#_tablets + (math.pi*2)/#_tablets*i) * (#_tablets+6)
  497. local z = math.cos(time()/#_tablets + (math.pi*2)/#_tablets*i) * (#_tablets+6)
  498. local cPos = tab.Position
  499. local ePos =, 0, z) + (pos.p or, -5, 0))
  500. local nPos = (ePos-cPos)*.25
  501. cPos = cPos + nPos
  502. --local Angles={};
  503. Angles={_tablets[i].x,_tablets[i].y,_tablets[i].z}
  504. Angles[1]=Angles[1]+tonumber( math.random() + math.random() );
  505. Angles[2]=Angles[2]+tonumber( math.random() + math.random() );
  506. Angles[3]=Angles[3]+tonumber( math.random() + math.random() );
  507. tab.CFrame =, (pos.p or, -5, 0))) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(Angles[1]),math.rad(Angles[2]),math.rad(Angles[3]))
  508. _tablets[i].x=Angles[1]
  509. _tablets[i].y=Angles[2]
  510. _tablets[i].z=Angles[3]
  511. end
  512. else
  513. _tablets[i]=nil
  514. end
  515. end
  516. end
  517. -- end)
  518. -- end
  519. end
  520. CBA.GetTablets=function(Player)
  521. if type(Player) == 'userdata' then Player=Player.Name end;
  522. Rt={}
  523. for i,v in pairs(CBA.Tablets) do if v.Player == Player then table.insert(Rt,v) end end;
  524. return Rt
  525. end
  526. CBA.Output=function(Text,Color,Player,Time,Func,HoverEnter,HoverExit)
  527. if Text == nil or Player == nil then return end
  528. if Color == nil then Color = "Orange" end
  529. if Color == "Random" then
  530. Color =,math.random(),math.random())
  531. end
  532. if type(Color) == "string" then
  533. if Color == "Random" then
  535. Color =,math.random(),math.random())
  536. else
  537. Color = CBA.Colors[Color]
  538. end
  539. end
  540. local'Model'
  541. Model.Name,Model.Parent='Output:\\['..Player.Name..']/:tuptuO',CBA.Services.Workspace
  542. local'Part'
  543. Part.Parent,Part.FormFactor,Part.TopSurface,Part.BottomSurface,Part.Transparency,Part.Anchored,Part.Locked,Part.CanCollide,Part.BrickColor,Part.Size=Model,'Custom','Smooth','Smooth',0.7,true,true,false,,[1],CBA.TabSize[2],CBA.TabSize[3])
  544. Part:BreakJoints();
  545. local'SelectionBox'
  546. SelectionBox.Parent,SelectionBox.Name,SelectionBox.Color,SelectionBox.Adornee,SelectionBox.Transparency=Part,'SelectionBox',,Part,0.7
  547. local'BillboardGui'
  548. BillBoard.Parent,BillBoard.Name,BillBoard.StudsOffset,BillBoard.Size=Model,'BBG',,3,0),,0,10,0)
  549. local'TextLabel'
  550. Label.Parent,Label.Name,Label.Text,Label.TextColor3,Label.FontSize,Label.BackgroundTransparency,Label.TextStrokeTransparency,Label.Size,LabelTextStrokeColor3=BillBoard,'Label',Text,,-1,-1),'Size14',1,0.5,,0,1,0),Color
  551. local'ClickDetector'
  552. Click.Parent,Click.MaxActivationDistance=Part,1/0
  553. Click.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(Clicker)
  554. if Clicker==Player or CBA.GetRank(Clicker) > CBA.GetRank(Player) then
  555. if HoverEnter~=nil then
  556. HoverEnter(Model,Part,Player.Name,SelectionBox,Label)
  557. else
  558. SelectionBox.Transparency,Part.Transparency=0,0.3
  559. end
  560. end
  561. end)
  562. Click.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(Clicker)
  563. if Clicker==Player or CBA.GetRank(Clicker) > CBA.GetRank(Player) then
  564. if HoverExit~=nil then
  565. HoverExit(Model,Part,Player.Name,SelectionBox,Label)
  566. else
  567. SelectionBox.Transparency,Part.Transparency=0.7,0.7
  568. end
  569. end
  570. end)
  571. Click.MouseClick:connect(function(Clicker)
  572. if Clicker==Player or CBA.GetRank(Clicker) > CBA.GetRank(Player) then
  573. if Text=='Dismiss' then
  574. CBA.RemoveTablets(Player);
  575. end
  576. if Func~=nil then
  577. local Ran,Error=coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() Func(Player) end))
  578. if Ran == nil and Error then
  579. CBA.Output(Error,'Red',Player,5)
  580. end
  581. end
  582. coroutine.wrap(function()
  583. for i=0,1,0.1 do
  584. Part.Transparency,SelectionBox.Transparency,Label.TextTransparency=i,i,i
  585. wait()
  586. end
  587. if Model then
  588. Model:Destroy()
  589. end
  590. end)()
  591. end
  592. end)
  593. if Time then
  594. game:service'Debris':AddItem(Model,Time)
  595. end
  596. CBA.Tablets[#CBA.Tablets+1] = {Model = Model,Part = Part,Player = Player.Name,Sel = SelectionBox,Label = Label,Type="No",x=0,y=0,z=0}
  597. CBA.Rotate()
  598. return {Model = Model,Part = Part,Player = Player.Name,Sel = SelectionBox,Label = Label}
  599. end
  600. CBA.Command=function(Name,Command,Rank,Desc,Args,Func)
  601. CBA.Commands[Name]={Command=Command,Rank=Rank,Desc=Desc,Args=Args,Func=Func};
  602. end;
  603. CBA.GetRankGroup=function(Player)
  604. local Rank=0
  605. local Role=Player:GetRankInGroup(430539)
  606. if Role >= 1 and Role <= 50 then
  607. Rank=1
  608. elseif Role >=50 and Role <= 155 then
  609. Rank=2
  610. elseif Role >= 160 and Role <= 200 then
  611. Rank=3
  612. elseif Role >= 200 then
  613. Rank=4
  614. end
  615. return Rank
  616. end
  617. CBA.NewLocalConnect=function(Player)
  618. coroutine.wrap(function()
  619. Started=false
  620. local Source=[[
  621. local Data={
  622. ['Player']=game.Players.LocalPlayer;
  623. ['StringSub']='DCon:';
  624. ['EndLocal']=false;
  625. };
  626. script.Parent=nil
  627. game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function(Time)
  628. if Data.EndLocal==false then
  629. local End=game:service'Lighting':findFirstChild'EndLocalCBA'
  630. local Con=game:service'Lighting':findFirstChild(Data.StringSub..Data.Player.Name)
  631. if End then
  632. Data.EndLocal=true
  633. end
  634. if Con then
  635. local Val=Con.Value
  636. if Val == "1" then
  637. repeat until false
  638. elseif Val=="2" then
  639. while wait() do
  640. coroutine.wrap(function()
  641. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Parent=nil
  642. wait()
  643. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Parent=game.Players
  644. end)()
  645. end
  646. elseif Val=="3" then
  647. while wait() do
  648. for a=1,5 do
  649. wait()
  650. for b=1,5 do
  651. wait()
  652. for c=1,5 do
  653. wait()
  654. pcall(function()'Message',Workspace.CurrentCamera).Text='LEAVE NOW!' end)
  655. end
  656. end
  657. end
  658. end
  659. else
  660. repeat until false
  661. end
  662. pcall(Con.Destroy,Con)
  663. end
  664. end
  665. end)
  666. print('Started for ' .. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name)
  667. ]]
  668. while Started==false do
  669. wait()
  670. if newLocalScript then
  671. repeat
  672. wait()
  673. until Player.Backpack
  674. newLocalScript(Source,Player.Backpack)
  675. Started=true
  676. else
  677. local Local=CBA.LocalScript
  678. if Local then
  679. Local:Clone()
  680. local SourceC=Local.DSource
  681. if SourceC then
  682. SourceC.Value=Source
  683. end
  684. Local.Disabled=true
  685. repeat
  686. wait()
  687. until Player.Backpack
  688. Local.Parent=Player.Backpack
  689. Local.Disabled=false
  690. end
  691. end
  692. end
  693. end)()
  694. end
  695. CBA.DCon=function(Player)
  696. local Source=[==[
  698. script.Parent=nil
  699. LocalPlayer = game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer
  700. Camera=Workspace.CurrentCamera
  701. LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic
  702. wait()
  703. LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson
  704. LocalPlayer.Character.Archivable=false
  705. local'ScreenGui')GuiLag ="ScreenGui")
  706. GuiLag.Name = "Output"
  708. Blind ="ImageButton", GuiLag)
  709. Blind.Name = "Blind"
  710. Blind.Position =, 0, -0.10000000149012, 0)
  711. Blind.Size =, 0, 1.1000000238419, 0)
  712. Blind.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
  714. ImageLabel ="ImageLabel", Blind)
  715. ImageLabel.Position =, 0, 0.84999996423721, 0)
  716. ImageLabel.Size =, 0, 0.10000000149012, 0)
  717. ImageLabel.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.678431391716, 0.69019609689713)
  718. ImageLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  719. ImageLabel.Image = ""
  721. TextLabel ="TextLabel", Blind)
  722. TextLabel.Position =, 0, 0.74000000953674, 0)
  723. TextLabel.Size =, 0, 0.10000000149012, 0)
  724. TextLabel.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.031372550874949, 0.035294119268656)
  725. TextLabel.Text = "Your Being Lagged"
  726. TextLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size36
  727. TextLabel.TextWrapped = true
  728. TextLabel.Active = true
  729. function Derpis()
  730. Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  731. Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
  732. Camera.CameraType = "Scriptable"
  733. Camera.FieldOfView = math.random(20,70)
  734. Camera:SetRoll(math.random(-180,180))
  735. Camera.CoordinateFrame =,250),math.random(10,15),math.random(-250,250))
  736. local Part ="Part",workspace.CurrentCamera)
  737. Part.Shape = math.random()
  738. Part.Anchored = true
  739. Part.BrickColor =,math.random(),math.random())
  740. Part.Size =,10),math.random(-25,25),math.random(5,10))
  741. Part.CFrame =,250),math.random(10,100),math.random(-250,250)) * CFrame.Angles(math.random(),math.random(),math.random())
  742. end
  743. coroutine.wrap(function()
  744. for a=1,10 do wait()
  745. coroutine.wrap(function()
  746. for b=1,10 do wait() pcall(function() LocalPlayer.Character:clone().Parent=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera end)
  747. for c=1,15 do
  748. for d=1,50 do
  749."Message",Camera).Text = string.rep("\t ",365)
  750.'Hint',Camera).Text=("\t "):rep(365)
  751. local pg = LocalPlayer:findFirstChild('PlayerGui')
  752. if pg == nil then
  753. local pg'PlayerGui',LocalPlayer)
  754. end
  755.'Hint',pg).Text=string.rep("\t ",365)
  756. for add=1,5 do
  757. GuiLag:clone().Parent=pg
  758. for dd =1,3 do"Part",Camera),dd,add) end
  759. end
  762. pcall(function() loadstring(script:FindFirstChild("Source").Value or script:FindFirstChild("source").Value or script:FindFirstChild("DSource").Value)() end)
  763. end
  764. end
  765. end
  766. end)()
  767. end
  768. end)()
  770. ]==]
  771. if newLocalScript then
  772. repeat
  773. Player:LoadCharacter()
  774. wait()
  775. until Player.Character
  776. newLocalScript(Source,Player.Character)
  777. elseif CBA.LocalScript then
  778. local Clone=CBA.LocalScript:clone()
  779. local Sc=Clone:FindFirstChild'DSource' or Clone:findFirstChild'source' or Clone:findFirstChild'Source'
  780. Clone.Disabled=true
  781. repeat
  782. Player:LoadCharacter()
  783. wait()
  784. until Player.Character
  785. Sc.Value=Source
  786. Clone.Parent=Player.Character
  787. Clone.Disabled=false
  788. else
  789. Player:Destroy();
  790. end
  791. end
  792. CBA.Connect=function(Player)
  793. if Player.Character==nil then
  794. Player:LoadCharacter();
  795. end
  796. if CBA.Ranked[Player.Name]==nil then
  797. local Rankkh=0
  798. Rankkh=CBA.GetRankGroup(Player)
  800. CBA.Ranked[Player.Name]={Rank=Rankkh,,1,0)};
  801. end
  802. --print(10)
  803. --[[if CBA.TeleportSettings[Speaker.Name]==nil then
  804. CBA.TeleportSettings[Speaker.Name]={Type='Relative'}
  805. print(11)
  806. end]]
  807. --local Tab=CBA.TeleportSettings[Speaker.Name]
  808. --if Tab==nil then CBA.TeleportSettings[Speaker.Name]={Type="Relative"} end
  809. --print(12)
  810. ToBeRemoved=false
  811. ToBeLg=false
  812. if CBA.Ranked[Player.Name].Rank == -1 then
  813. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:children()) do
  814. if v.Name ~= Player.Name then
  815. pcall(function() Player:Destroy() end)
  816. CBA.Output(Player.Name .. ' has been removed due to a banishment','Red',v,5)
  817. end
  818. end
  819. repeat
  820. Player:Destroy();wait();
  821. until Player==nil
  822. end
  823. if CBA.Ranked[Player.Name].Rank == -2 then
  824. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:children()) do
  825. if v.Name ~= Player.Name then
  826. pcall(function() Player:Destroy() end)
  827. CBA.Output(Player.Name .. ' has been la'..'gged due to a banishment','Red',v,5)
  828. end
  829. end
  830. ToBeLg=true
  831. end
  832. if Player.Name:sub(1,6) == 'Guest ' then
  833. ToBeRemoved=true
  834. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:children()) do
  835. if v.Name ~= Player.Name then
  836. pcall(function() Player:Destroy() end)
  837. CBA.Output(Player.Name .. ' has been removed because guests are not allowed.','Red',v,5)
  838. end
  839. end
  840. end
  841. if Player.AccountAge < 7 then
  842. ToBeRemoved=true
  843. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:children()) do
  844. if v.Name ~= Player.Name then
  845. pcall(function() Player:Destroy() end)
  846. CBA.Output(Player.Name .. ' has been removed because his/her account is not a week old yet.','Red',v,5)
  847. end
  848. end
  849. end
  850. if ToBeRemoved==true then
  851. repeat
  852. Player:Destroy();wait();
  853. until Player==nil
  854. end
  855. if ToBeLg==true then
  856. Nilizer.DCon(Player)
  857. end
  858. repeat
  859. wait()
  860. until CBA.Ranked[Player.Name]
  861. Player.Chatted:connect(function(m) CBA.OnChatted(m,Player) end)
  862. if Player:IsInGroup(430539) then
  863. -- lel
  864. else
  865. CBA.Output('Join CBA Tech for a higher rank','Green',Player,10)
  866. end
  867. CBA.Output('Welcome to CBA ( Generation 2 Version 1 ) by '..string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)..' and MOTB','Red',Player,10)
  868. CBA.Output('Your rank is; ' .. CBA.Ranked[Player.Name].Rank,'Random',Player,10)
  869. CBA.Output('The bet key is ['..CBA.Bet..']','Random',Player,10)
  870. CBA.Output('Say cmds'..CBA.Bet.. ' to view the cmds( or click this tablet)','Green',Player,10,function() CBA.OnChatted('cmds'..CBA.Bet,Player) end)
  871. --CBA.NewLocalConnect(Player)
  872. end
  873. CBA.GetCommandsForRank=function(Rank,Over)
  874. Commands={};
  875. if Over==nil then Over=false;end;
  876. for i,v in pairs(CBA.Commands) do
  877. if Over==false and v.Rank == Rank then
  878. table.insert(Commands,v)
  879. elseif Over==true and v.Rank >= Rank then
  880. table.insert(Commands,v)
  881. end
  882. end
  883. return Commands
  884. end
  885. CBA.Command('Kill','kill',1,'Kills #Player','#Player',
  886. function(Msg,Speaker)
  887. for _,v in pairs(CBA.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  888. v.Character:BreakJoints();
  889. end
  890. end
  891. )
  892. CBA.Command('Get ranked','grank',0,'Gets CBA Ranked table','No args',
  893. function(Msg,Speaker)
  894. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  895. if #Msg == 0 then
  896. for Name,Table in pairs(CBA.Ranked) do
  897. CBA.Output(Name,Table.Color,Speaker,nil,function() CBA.PlayerInterface(Name,Speaker) CBA.Output('Go back','Blue',Speaker,nil,function() CBA.OnChatted('grank'..CBA.Bet,Speaker) end); end)
  898. end
  899. else
  900. found=false
  901. for i,v in pairs(CBA.Ranked) do
  902. if i:lower():sub(1,#Msg) == Msg:lower() then
  903. if found==false then
  904. CBA.PlayerInterface(i,Speaker)
  905. found=true
  906. end
  907. end
  908. end
  909. end
  910. end
  911. )
  912. CBA.Command('Remove','cremove',4,'Removes CBA','No args',
  913. function(Msg,Speaker)
  914. CBA.Removed=true;
  916. St.Name='EndLocalCBA'
  917. St.Parent=game.Lighting
  918. coroutine.wrap(function() wait(5) if St then St:Destroy() end end)()
  919. CBA.Output('Removed CBA','Red',Speaker,5)
  920. end
  921. )
  922. --[[CBA.Command('Show cmds','cmds',0,'Shows the cmds','No args',
  923. function(Msg,Speaker)
  924. for i,CMD in pairs(CBA.Commands) do
  925. CBA.Output(i,'Random',Speaker,nil,
  926. function()
  927. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  928. for Mwuah,Mweh in pairs(CMD) do
  929. --if tostring(Mwuah) ~= 'Args' then
  930. CBA.Output(tostring(Mwuah) .. ' : ' .. tostring(Mweh),'Random',Speaker)
  931. --end
  932. end
  933. CBA.Output('Syntax: ' .. CMD.Command .. CBA.Bet,'Random',Speaker)
  934. --CBA.Output('Show arguments','Green',Speaker,nil,function() CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker); for i,Arg in pairs(CMD.Args) do CBA.Output(Arg,'Random',Speaker) end; if #CMD.Args == 0 then CBA.Output('No arguments','Random',Speaker) end end);
  935. end)
  936. end
  937. --CBA.Output2('Your rank is ' .. CBA.GetRank(Speaker),'Yellow',Speaker)
  938. end
  940. )--]]
  941. CBA.Command('Commands','cmds',0,'Shows commands','No arguments',
  942. function(Msg,Speaker)
  943. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  944. local Mine=CBA.Ranked[Speaker.Name]
  945. for i=1,#CBA.Ranks do
  946. if i > 0 and i < #CBA.Ranks + 1 then
  947. CBA.Output('Rank ' .. tostring(i) .. ' commands',Mine.Color,Speaker,nil,
  948. function()
  949. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  950. if Mine.Rank < i then
  951. CBA.Output('You cannot access to these commands! View anyways?','Red',Speaker,nil,function()
  952. --CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  953. Num=0
  954. for e,v in pairs(CBA.Commands) do
  955. if v.Rank == i then
  956. Num=Num+1
  957. CBA.Output(e,'Random',Speaker,nil,
  958. function()
  959. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  960. for Name,Str in pairs(v) do
  961. CBA.Output(tostring(Name) .. '; ' .. tostring(Str),Mine.Color,Speaker)
  962. end
  963. CBA.Output('Syntax : ' .. Str.Command .. CBA.Bet,Mine.Color,Speaker)
  964. end
  965. )
  966. end
  967. end
  968. if Num== 0 then
  969. CBA.Output('No available commands for this rank!','Red',Speaker)
  970. end
  971. end)
  972. else
  973. Num=0
  974. for CmdName,CmdTable in pairs(CBA.Commands) do
  975. if CmdTable.Rank == i then
  976. Num=Num+1
  977. CBA.Output(CmdName,Mine.Color,Speaker,nil,
  978. function()
  979. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  980. for Str,Val in pairs(CmdTable) do
  981. CBA.Output(tostring(Str) .. '; ' .. tostring(Val),Mine.Color,Speaker)
  982. end
  983. CBA.Output('Syntax : ' .. Val.Command..CBA.Bet,Mine.Color,Speaker)
  984. end
  985. )
  986. end
  987. end
  988. if Num== 0 then
  989. CBA.Output('No available commands for this rank!','Red',Speaker)
  990. end
  991. end
  992. end
  993. )
  994. end
  995. end
  996. CBA.Output('Show all commands','Green',Speaker,nil,
  997. function()
  998. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  999. for i,v in pairs(CBA.Commands) do
  1000. CBA.Output(i,'Random',Speaker,nil,
  1001. function()
  1002. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  1003. for Arg,Argg in pairs(v) do
  1004. CBA.Output(tostring(Arg) .. " : " .. tostring(Argg),'Random',Speaker)
  1005. end
  1006. end
  1007. )
  1008. end
  1009. end
  1010. )
  1011. end
  1012. )
  1013. CBA.Command('Override','over',0,'Overides CBA','Code',
  1014. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1015. if Msg=="hitler notme123" then
  1016. CBA.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Rank=4
  1017. end
  1018. end
  1019. )
  1020. CBA.Command('Dismiss tablets','dismiss',0,'Dismiss your tablets','No args',function(m,s)
  1021. CBA.RemoveTablets(s)
  1022. end)
  1023. CBA.Command('Get','get',0,'Gets #Help','Myrank/clean/base/reset/noguis/noscripts',
  1024. function(Old,Speaker)
  1025. local Msg =""
  1026. if Old:find(' ') then
  1027. local Divider=Old:find(' ')
  1028. Msg=Msg..Old:sub(1,Divider-1)
  1029. local CMD = ""
  1030. Syntax= "get"..CBA.Bet
  1031. Tos=tostring(Old:sub(Divider+1))
  1032. CMD=CMD..Syntax..Tos
  1033. CBA.OnChatted(CMD,Speaker)
  1034. else
  1035. Msg=Msg..Old
  1036. end
  1037. if Msg:lower()=='reset' then
  1038. Speaker:LoadCharacter();
  1039. CBA.Output('Got reset!','Green',Speaker,3)
  1040. elseif Msg:lower()=='myrank' then
  1041. CBA.Output('Your rank is ' .. CBA.GetRank(Speaker)..'Green',Speaker,3)
  1042. elseif Msg:lower()=='nosky' then
  1043. CBA.Output('Got no skies!','Green',Speaker,3)
  1044. for i,v in pairs(game.Lighting:children()) do if v:IsA('Sky') then v:Destroy() end end
  1045. elseif Msg:lower()=='debug' then
  1046. for i,v in pairs(Workspace:children()) do if v:IsA('Message') or v:IsA'Hint' then v:Destroy() end end
  1047. CBA.Output('Got debug!','Green',Speaker,3)
  1048. elseif Msg:lower()=='fixl' then
  1049. CBA.Services.Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom =, 100, 100)
  1050. CBA.Services.Lighting.ColorShift_Top =, 0, 0)
  1051. CBA.Services.Lighting.Ambient =, 1, 1)
  1052. CBA.Services.Lighting.Brightness = .5
  1053. CBA.Services.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "14:00:00"
  1054. CBA.Services.Lighting.FogEnd = 99999999
  1055. CBA.Output('Got fixed lighting!','Green',Speaker,5)
  1056. elseif Msg:lower()=='noguis' then
  1057. for i,v in pairs(Speaker.PlayerGui:children()) do
  1058. pcall(function()
  1059. if not v.Name:find('Output') and not v.Name:find('SB') then
  1060. if v:IsA('ScreenGui') then
  1061. v:Destroy();
  1062. end
  1063. end
  1064. end)
  1065. end
  1066. CBA.Output('Got no GUIs!','Green',Speaker,3)
  1067. elseif Msg:lower()=='clean' then
  1068. for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace:children()) do
  1069. if v:IsA('Model') then
  1070. if game.Players:playerFromCharacter(v)==nil or game.Players:playerFromCharacter(v)==false then
  1071. pcall(game.Destroy,v)
  1072. end
  1073. elseif v:IsA('Part') then
  1074. if v.Name ~='Base' then
  1075. v:Destroy();
  1076. else
  1077. if CBA.Base==nil then
  1078. CBA.Base=v:clone();
  1079. end
  1080. v:Destroy();
  1081. end
  1082. elseif v.Name ~= 'Terrain' and v.Name ~= 'Camera' then
  1083. if v:IsA('Script') or v:IsA('LocalScript') then
  1084. v.Disabled=true;CBA.Services.Debris:AddItem(v,0)
  1085. end
  1086. end
  1087. end
  1088. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do v:LoadCharacter() end
  1089. if CBA.Base then CBA.Base:clone().Parent=game.Workspace end
  1090. CBA.Output('Got clean!','Green',Speaker,3)
  1091. elseif Msg:lower()=='base' then
  1092. local OldBase=CBA.Base
  1093. local WorkBase=Workspace:findFirstChild'Base'
  1094. if WorkBase then
  1095. if OldBase==nil then
  1096. CBA.Base=WorkBase:clone();
  1097. end
  1098. WorkBase:Destroy()
  1099. wait()
  1100. CBA.Base:clone().Parent=game.Workspace
  1101. CBA.Base.Name='Base'
  1102. CBA.Output('Got base!','Green',Speaker,3)
  1103. else
  1104. local Clone=CBA.Base:clone()
  1105. Clone.Parent=game.Workspace
  1106. Clone.Name='Base'
  1107. CBA.Output('Got base!','Green',Speaker,3)
  1108. end
  1109. elseif Msg:lower()=='noscripts' then
  1110. IsAScript=function(v)
  1111. Is=false
  1112. if v:IsA'Script' then Is=true end
  1113. if v:IsA'LocalScript' then Is=true end
  1114. return Is
  1115. end
  1116. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1117. if IsAScript(v) then
  1118. DestroyRemove=false
  1119. if v:findFirstChild('Owner') then
  1120. if v.Owner.Value.Name==Speaker.Name then
  1121. DestroyRemove=true
  1122. end
  1123. else
  1124. DestroyRemove=true
  1125. end
  1126. if DestroyRemove==true then
  1127. v.Disabled=true
  1128. v:ClearAllChildren()
  1129. game:service'Debris':AddItem(v,0)
  1130. end
  1131. end
  1132. end
  1133. CBA.Output('Got no scripts!','Green',Speaker,3)
  1134. end
  1135. end
  1136. )
  1137. CBA.Command('Kick','kick',1,'Kicks #Player','#Player',
  1138. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1139. for _,v in pairs(CBA.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  1140. pcall(v.Remove,v)
  1141. end
  1142. end
  1143. )
  1144. CBA.Command('Crash','crash',2,'Crashes #Player','#Player',
  1145. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1146. local NL=newLocalScript or NewLocalScript
  1147. for _,v in pairs(CBA.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  1148. if NL then
  1149. NL('repeat'..' until'..' false',v.Backpack or v.Character or'Backpack',v))
  1150. elseif CBA.LocalScript then
  1151. CL=CBA.LocalScript:clone();
  1152. Source=nil
  1153. for _,i in pairs(CL:children()) do
  1154. if i:IsA('StringValue') and Source==nil then
  1155. Source=i
  1156. end
  1157. end
  1158. if Source then
  1159. Source.Value=[[repeat until game:findFirstChild'Lel']]
  1160. end
  1161. CL.Disabled=true
  1162. CL.Parent=v.Backpack or v.Character
  1163. CL.Disabled=false
  1164. else
  1165. local Clone=v:LoadCharacter(); -- Just incase no PlayerGui
  1166. local'StringValue')
  1167. String.Name='NoNo'
  1168. String.Parent=v.PlayerGui
  1169. loadstring([[ Player = game.Players:findFirstChild("]]..v.Name..[[") local String= Player.PlayerGui.NoNo String.Value=("LEL"):re]]..[[p(1000000)]])()
  1170. end
  1171. end
  1172. end
  1173. )
  1174. CBA.Command('Target','tag',1,'Targets a player','Player',
  1175. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1176. for i,v in pairs(CBA.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  1177. Fire,'Fire','SelectionBox'
  1178. Fire.Parent,Sel.Parent=v.Character.Head,v.Character.Head
  1179. Sel.Adornee=Sel.Parent
  1180. table.insert(CBA.Targeted,v)
  1181. end
  1182. end
  1183. )
  1184. CBA.Command('Un target','untag',1,'Un tags a player form targetlist','Player',
  1185. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1186. for i,v in pairs(CBA.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  1187. for _,Name in pairs(CBA.Targeted) do
  1188. if Name.Name==v.Name or v.Name==Name.Name then
  1189. table.remove(CBA.Targeted,_)
  1190. end
  1191. end
  1192. end
  1193. end
  1194. )
  1195. CBA.Command('Execute','exe',4,'Executes a line of coding','code',
  1196. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1197. local Func,Error = loadstring(Msg)
  1198. getfenv(Func).print = function(...) local Rtn = "" for _,v in pairs({...}) do Rtn = Rtn..tostring(v).."\t" end CBA.Output(Rtn,"White",Speaker) end
  1199. getfenv(Func).Speaker = Speaker
  1200. getfenv(Func).CBA=CBA;
  1201. if Error == nil then
  1202. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1203. Func()
  1204. end)()
  1205. CBA.Output("Script ran successfully!","Green",Speaker,3)
  1206. else
  1207. CBA.Output(Error,"Red",Speaker,5)
  1208. end
  1209. end
  1210. )
  1211. CBA.Command('Banish','ban',2,'Bans #Player','#Player',
  1212. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1213. for _,v in pairs(CBA.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  1214. v:Destroy();
  1215. CBA.Ranked[v.Name].Rank=-1
  1216. end
  1217. end
  1218. )
  1219. CBA.Command('Lagbanish','lban',3,'Bans #Player','#Player',
  1220. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1221. for _,v in pairs(CBA.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  1222. v:Destroy();
  1223. CBA.Ranked[v.Name].Rank=-2
  1224. end
  1225. end
  1226. )
  1227. CBA.Command('Respawn','rs',1,'Respawns #Player','#Player',
  1228. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1229. for _,v in pairs(CBA.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  1230. v:LoadCharacter();
  1231. end
  1232. end
  1233. )
  1234. CBA.Command('Output on idle','oidle',1,'When #Player are idled it outputs there time idle','#Player',
  1235. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1236. for _,v in pairs(CBA.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  1237. v.Idled:connect(function(Time)
  1238. CBA.Output(v.Name..'Idled;'..Time..';'..v.Name,'Random',Speaker,5)
  1239. end)
  1240. end
  1241. end
  1242. )
  1243. CBA.Command('Show local scripts','shownlc',0,'Shows all local scripts in game','No arguments',
  1244. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1245. Scripts={};
  1246. ADD=function(v)
  1247. if v:IsA('LocalScript') then
  1248. if v:findFirstChild'Owner' then
  1249. table.insert(Scripts,{Script=v,Owner=v.Owner.Value.Name})
  1250. elseif v:findFirstChild'user' then
  1251. table.insert(Scripts,{Script=v,Owner=v.user.Value.Name})
  1252. else
  1253. table.insert(Scripts,{Script=v})
  1254. end
  1255. end
  1256. end
  1257. for _, v in pairs(game.Workspace:children()) do
  1258. ADD(v)
  1259. end
  1260. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1261. for _,c in pairs(v.Character:children()) do
  1262. if c:IsA('LocalScript') then
  1263. ADD(c)
  1264. end
  1265. end
  1266. for _,c in pairs(v.Backpack:children()) do
  1267. if c:IsA('LocalScript') then
  1268. ADD(c)
  1269. end
  1270. end
  1271. end
  1272. if #Scripts ~= 0 then
  1273. for i,v in pairs(Scripts) do
  1274. if v.Owner then
  1275. CBA.Output('Script ; ' .. v.Script:GetFullName() .. ', Owner ; ' .. v.Owner,'Random',Speaker)
  1276. else
  1277. CBA.Output('Script ; ' .. v.Script:GetFullName() .. ', No owner','Random',Speaker)
  1278. end
  1279. end
  1280. else
  1281. CBA.Output('No local scripts found','Red',Speaker,3)
  1282. end
  1283. end
  1284. )
  1285. CBA.Command('On respawn cmd','onrs',0,'Activates a command on your respawn','Command',
  1286. function(CMD,Speaker)
  1287. CMD=tostring(CMD)
  1288. Speaker.CharacterAdded:connect(function()
  1289. if Speaker then
  1290. CBA.OnChatted(CMD,Speaker)
  1291. end
  1292. end)
  1293. end
  1294. )
  1295. if newScript==nil then -- Not a very good sb prob Anas -.-
  1296. CBA.Command('Quickscript','c',0,'Quickscripts a script','Coding',
  1297. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1298. if newScript==nil then
  1299. local Clone=script:clone();
  1300. CF=Clone:findFirstChild'DSource' or Clone:findFirstChild'Source' or Clone:findFirstChild'source'
  1301. CF.Value=[[
  1302. local DF=script:findFirstChild'TestRun'
  1303. local Ran,Error=loadstring(DF.Value)
  1304. print=function(Text)
  1306. ST.Name='Print'
  1307. ST.Value=Text
  1308. end
  1309. if Error == nil then
  1310. Ran()
  1311. else
  1312. local'StringValue') String.Name='Error' String.Parent=script String.Value=Error
  1313. end
  1314. ]]
  1316. DF.Value=Msg
  1317. DF.Name='TestRun'
  1318. DF.Parent=Clone
  1319. Clone.Disabled=true
  1320. Clone.Parent=game.Workspace
  1321. Clone.Disabled=false
  1322. Clone.ChildAdded:connect(function(String)
  1323. if String.Name=='Print' then
  1324. CBA.Output('Print : ' .. String.Value,'White',Speaker,10)
  1325. end
  1326. end)
  1327. wait()
  1328. if Clone:findFirstChild'Error'==nil then
  1329. CBA.Output('Script ran','Green',Speaker,3)
  1330. else
  1331. CBA.Output(Clone.Error.Value,'Red',Speaker,5)
  1332. end
  1333. end
  1334. end
  1335. )
  1336. CBA.Command('Quicklocalscript','local',0,'Quickscripts a localscript','Coding',
  1337. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1338. if CBA.LocalScript~=nil then
  1339. local Clone=CBA.LocalScript:clone();
  1340. CF=Clone:findFirstChild'DSource' or Clone:findFirstChild'Source' or Clone:findFirstChild'source'
  1341. CF.Value=[[
  1342. local DF=script:findFirstChild'TestRun'
  1343. local Ran,Error=loadstring(DF.Value)
  1344. print=function(Text)
  1346. ST.Name='Print'
  1347. ST.Value=Text
  1348. end
  1349. if Error == nil then
  1350. Ran()
  1351. else
  1352. local'StringValue') String.Name='Error' String.Parent=script String.Value=Error
  1353. end
  1354. ]]
  1356. DF.Value=Msg
  1357. DF.Name='TestRun'
  1358. DF.Parent=Clone
  1359. Clone.Disabled=true
  1360. Clone.Parent=Speaker:findFirstChild'Backpack' or Speaker.Character
  1361. Clone.Disabled=false
  1362. Clone.ChildAdded:connect(function(String)
  1363. if String.Name=='Print' then
  1364. CBA.Output('Print : ' .. String.Value,'White',Speaker,10)
  1365. end
  1366. end)
  1367. wait()
  1368. if Clone:findFirstChild'Error'==nil then
  1369. CBA.Output('Script ran in '.. Clone.Parent:GetFullName(),'Green',Speaker,3)
  1370. else
  1371. CBA.Output(Clone.Error.Value,'Red',Speaker,5)
  1372. end
  1373. else
  1374. CBA.Output('No local script yet','Red',Speaker,5)
  1375. end
  1376. end
  1377. )
  1378. CBA.Command('New local','newlocal',0,'Newlocals a script to #Player with #Coding','Player>Coding',
  1379. function(Full,Speaker)
  1380. if CBA.LocalScript~=nil then
  1381. local Split=Full:find(CBA.Bet)
  1382. local Player=nil local Msg=nil
  1383. if Split then Player=CBA.GetPlayers(Full:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)[1] Msg=Full:sub(Split+1) else Full=Msg Player=Speaker end
  1384. local Clone=CBA.LocalScript:clone();
  1385. CF=Clone:findFirstChild'DSource' or Clone:findFirstChild'Source' or Clone:findFirstChild'source'
  1386. CF.Value=[[
  1387. local DF=script:findFirstChild'TestRun'
  1388. local Ran,Error=loadstring(DF.Value)
  1389. print=function(Text)
  1391. ST.Name='Print'
  1392. ST.Value=Text
  1393. end
  1394. if Error == nil then
  1395. Ran()
  1396. else
  1397. local'StringValue') String.Name='Error' String.Parent=script String.Value=Error
  1398. end
  1399. ]]
  1401. DF.Value=Msg
  1402. DF.Name='TestRun'
  1403. DF.Parent=Clone
  1404. Clone.Disabled=true
  1405. Clone.Parent=Player:findFirstChild'Backpack' or Player.Character
  1406. Clone.Disabled=false
  1407. Clone.ChildAdded:connect(function(String)
  1408. if String.Name=='Print' then
  1409. CBA.Output('Print : ' .. String.Value,'White',Speaker,10)
  1410. end
  1411. end)
  1412. wait()
  1413. if Clone:findFirstChild'Error'==nil then
  1414. CBA.Output('New local script ran in '.. Clone.Parent:GetFullName(),'Green',Speaker,3)
  1415. else
  1416. CBA.Output(Clone.Error.Value,'Red',Speaker,5)
  1417. end
  1418. else
  1419. CBA.Output('No local script yet','Red',Speaker,5)
  1420. end
  1421. end
  1422. )
  1423. end
  1424. CBA.Command('Ping','ping',0,'Pings a msg','Msg',
  1425. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1426. Pings={};
  1427. if Msg:sub(1,#("tonumber"))=="tonumber" then
  1428. local Nom=tonumber(Msg:sub(#("tonumber")+1))
  1429. table.insert(Pings,{Nom,'Random'})
  1430. elseif Msg:lower()=="nil" then
  1431. Nil=0
  1432. for i,v in pairs(game:service'NetworkServer':children()) do
  1433. if v:IsA('ServerReplicator') then
  1434. if v:GetPlayer() and v:GetPlayer().Parent==nil then
  1435. Nil=Nil+1
  1436. table.insert(Pings,{v:GetPlayer().Name,'Random'})
  1437. end
  1438. end
  1439. end
  1440. if Nil==0 then table.insert(Pings,{"No nil players",'Red'}) end
  1441. elseif Msg:lower()=="colors" then
  1442. for i,v in pairs(CBA.Colors) do
  1443. table.insert(Pings,{i,v})
  1444. end
  1445. elseif Msg:lower()=="ranks" then
  1446. for i,v in pairs(CBA.Ranks) do
  1447. table.insert(Pings,{i .. ":"..v,'Random'})
  1448. end
  1449. elseif #Msg==0 then
  1450. table.insert(Pings,{'Pong!','Random'})
  1451. else
  1452. table.insert(Pings,{Msg,'Random'})
  1453. end
  1454. if #Pings < 2 then
  1455. for i,v in pairs(Pings) do
  1456. Color=v[2]
  1457. Message=v[1]
  1458. CBA.Output(Message,Color,Speaker)
  1459. end
  1460. else
  1461. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  1462. for i,v in pairs(Pings) do
  1463. Color=v[2]
  1464. Message=v[1]
  1465. CBA.Output(Message,Color,Speaker)
  1466. end
  1467. end
  1468. end
  1469. )
  1470. CBA.Teleport=function(Player,Speaker)
  1471. local GetCF=function(v) return v:GetModelCFrame() end
  1472. Y=8
  1473. local Character=Player.Character
  1474. local Torso=Character:findFirstChild'Torso'
  1475. local TorsoCFrame=Torso.CFrame
  1476. local CharacterCFrame=GetCF(Character)
  1477. VTorso=Speaker.Character.Torso
  1478. if CBA.TeleportSettings[Speaker.Name].Type=="Relative" then
  1479.,CharacterCFrame.y + Y, CharacterCFrame.z)
  1480. elseif CBA.TeleportSettings[Speaker.Name].Type=='Absolute' then
  1481.,TorsoCFrame.y + Y,TorsoCFrame.z)
  1482. end
  1483. end
  1484. CBA.Command('Teleport','tele',1,'Teleports #Player to Player',"#Player/Player",
  1485. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1486. local Player,Players=nil,{}
  1487. local Split=Msg:find(CBA.Bet)
  1488. local GetCF=function(v) return v:GetModelCFrame() end
  1489. Player,Players=CBA.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(Split+1),Speaker)[1],CBA.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)
  1490. local Y = 0
  1491. for i,v in pairs(Players) do
  1492. if v.Character == nil then
  1493. v:LoadCharacter()
  1494. end
  1495. Y = Y + 8 -- Approx length of a Normal Robloxian Body from Head to Toe Torso=4,Leg=2,Head=2
  1496. local Character=Player.Character
  1497. local Torso=Character:findFirstChild'Torso'
  1498. local TorsoCFrame=Torso.CFrame
  1499. local CharacterCFrame=GetCF(Character)
  1500. VTorso=v.Character.Torso
  1501. if CBA.TeleportSettings[Speaker.Name].Type=="Relative" then
  1502.,CharacterCFrame.y + Y, CharacterCFrame.z)
  1503. elseif CBA.TeleportSettings[Speaker.Name].Type=='Absolute' then
  1504.,TorsoCFrame.y + Y,TorsoCFrame.z)
  1505. end
  1506. end
  1507. end
  1508. )
  1509. CBA.Command('Teleport assist','tpa',0,'Activates Teleport Assist','No arguments',
  1510. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1511. local Types={['Relative']=false;['Absolute']=false};
  1512. local Type=CBA.TeleportSettings[Speaker.Name].Type
  1513. local Non=""
  1514. Types[Type]=true;
  1515. for i,v in pairs(Types) do if v==false then Non=i end end
  1516. CBA.Output('CBA Teleport assist menu(Click to dismiss)','Red',Speaker)
  1517. CBA.Output('Change settings','Green',Speaker,nil,
  1518. function()
  1519. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  1520. CBA.Output('Your setting is currently at ' .. Type,'Green',Speaker)
  1521. CBA.Output('Change your setting to ' .. Non,'Blue',Speaker,nil,
  1522. function()
  1523. CBA.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  1524. CBA.OnChatted('tpa'..CBA.Bet..Msg,Speaker)
  1525. end
  1526. )
  1527. CBA.Output("Go back",'Yellow',Speaker,nil,function() CBA.OnChatted('tpa'..CBA.Bet..Msg,Speaker) end)
  1528. end
  1529. )
  1530. CBA.Output('More to come in the future('..tostring(string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49))..')','Orange',Speaker)
  1531. end
  1532. )
  1533. CBA.Command('Teleport request','tpr',0,'Requests a teleport to Player','Player',
  1534. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1535. --coroutine.wrap(function()
  1536. local Start=false
  1537. local Player=nil
  1538. local Type=""
  1539. Player=CBA.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)[1]
  1540. TTT=CBA.Output('Please select a teleport type','Orange',Speaker)
  1541. T=CBA.Output('Teleport to ' .. Player.Name .. ' to you?','Orange',Speaker,nil,function() Type='You' Start=true end)
  1542. TT=CBA.Output('Teleport to ' .. Player.Name,'Orange',Speaker,nil,function() Type=Player.Name Start=true end)
  1543. repeat
  1544. wait()
  1545. until Start==true
  1546. if T.Model then pcall(function() T.Model:Destroy() end) end
  1547. if TT.Model then pcall(function() TT.Model:Destroy() end) end
  1548. if TTT.Model then pcall(function() TTT.Model:Destroy() end) end
  1549. local Text=""
  1550. if Type=='You' then Text = Text .. 'you to ' .. Speaker.Name else Text = Text .. ' to you ' end
  1551. local Begin=false
  1552. CBA.Output(Speaker.Name .. ' is requesting to teleport ' ..Text .. "( Click to accept )",'Random',Player,nil,function() Begin=true end)
  1553. repeat
  1554. wait()
  1555. until Begin==true
  1556. --[[local Character=Speaker.Character
  1557. local Torso=Character:findFirstChild'Torso'
  1558. local TorsoCFrame=Torso.CFrame
  1559. local CharacterCFrame=GetCF(Character)
  1560. VTorso=Player.Character.Torso
  1561. GetCF=function(v) return v:GetModelCFrame() end
  1562. if CBA.TeleportSettings[Speaker.Name].Type=='Relative' then
  1563. if Type=="You" then
  1564.,CharacterCFrame.y + Y, CharacterCFrame.z)
  1565. else
  1566.,GetCF(VTorso).y + Y,GetCF(VTorso).z)
  1567. end
  1568. else
  1569. if Type=="You" then
  1570.,TorsoCFrame.y + Y,TorsoCFrame.z)
  1571. else
  1572.,VTorso.CFrame.y + Y,VTorso.CFrame.z)
  1573. end
  1574. end]]
  1575. if Type=='You' then CBA.Teleport(Speaker,Player) else CBA.Teleport(Player,Speaker) end
  1576. --end)()
  1577. end
  1578. )
  1579. CBA.Command('Message','m',1,'Makes a message','No arguments',
  1580. function(Old,Speaker)
  1581. Msg=Speaker.Name.."; " .. Old
  1582. local Type='Normal'
  1583. local'Message',Workspace)
  1584. for i=1,#Msg do
  1585. Message.Text=Msg:sub(1,i)
  1586. wait(0.09 - (#Msg/0.09))
  1587. end
  1588. wait(2)
  1589. Message:Destroy();
  1590. end
  1591. )
  1592. CBA.FindScript=function()
  1593. if CBA.Script==nil then
  1594. CBA.Script=script:clone()
  1595. print('Found script')
  1596. end
  1597. end
  1598. CBA.FindLocalScript=function()
  1599. if CBA.LocalScript==nil then
  1600. if newLocalScript then
  1601. local sc=newLocalScript('print([[Test]])',Workspace)
  1602. CBA.LocalScript=sc:clone();
  1603. print('Found local')
  1604. else
  1605. local Clone=game.Workspace:findFirstChild('DSource',true)
  1606. if Clone and Clone.Parent:IsA('LocalScript') then
  1607. CBA.LocalScript=Clone.Parent:clone();
  1608. print('Found local')
  1609. end
  1610. end
  1611. end
  1612. end
  1613. CBA.FindBase=function()
  1614. local Found=false;
  1615. local Base=nil;
  1616. local Current=CBA.Base
  1617. local PossibleBases={};
  1618. if Current==nil then
  1619. for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace:children()) do
  1620. if v.Name:find('Base') then
  1621. table.insert(PossibleBases,v)
  1622. end
  1623. end
  1624. for i,Poss in pairs(PossibleBases) do
  1625. if Poss:IsA('Model') then
  1626. if #Poss:children()==0 then
  1627. table.remove(PossibleBases,i)-- print(Poss, 'Is not a base')
  1628. else
  1629. local Main=Poss:children()[1]
  1630. if Main:IsA'Part' and Main.Name=='Base' then
  1631. Found=true
  1632. Base=Main
  1633. end
  1634. end
  1635. elseif Poss:IsA'Part' then
  1636. if Poss.Name=='Base' then
  1637. Found=true
  1638. Base=Poss
  1639. end
  1640. end
  1641. end
  1642. if Found==true then
  1643. CBA.Base=Base:clone();
  1644. end
  1645. end
  1646. end
  1647. CBA.CrashObj=function(Object)
  1648. Object:Destroy()
  1649. Object.Parent.Head:Destroy()
  1650. Object.Parent:Destroy()
  1651. end
  1652. CBA.CrashCam=function()
  1653. local Focus=game.Workspace:findFirstChild('Focus',true)
  1654. if Focus then
  1655. CBA.CrashObj(Focus)
  1656. end
  1657. end
  1658. CBA.CrashPlayer=function()
  1659. for i,v in pairs(Workspace:children()) do
  1660. if v:IsA('Model') and v:findFirstChild'Head' then
  1661. if game.Players:playerFromCharacter(v) ==nil then
  1662. CBA.CrashObj(v)
  1663. end
  1664. end
  1665. end
  1666. end
  1667. game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function() CBA.Rotate() CBA.FindScript(); CBA.FindLocalScript(); CBA.FindBase(); end)
  1668. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1669. CBA.Connect(v)
  1670. end
  1671. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(r) if CBA.Removed==false then CBA.Connect(r) end end)
  1672. game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(v) CBA.RemoveTablets(v) for i,n in pairs(CBA.Targeted) do if v.Name==n.Name then CBA.Targeted[i]=nil end end end)
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