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- {
- Delphi Hooking Library by Aphex
- Delphi XE, XE2, XE3 Support added by imsh
- }
- unit afxCodeHook;
- {$IMAGEBASE $13140000}
- interface
- uses
- Windows;
- function SizeOfCode(Code: pointer): dword;
- function SizeOfProc(Proc: pointer): dword;
- function InjectString(Process: NativeUInt; Text: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar;
- function InjectMemory(Process: NativeUInt; Memory: pointer; Len: dword): pointer;
- function InjectThread(Process: NativeUInt; Thread: pointer; Info: pointer; InfoLen: dword; Results: boolean): THandle;
- function InjectLibrary1(Process: NativeUInt; ModulePath: PAnsiChar): boolean; overload;
- function InjectLibrary2(Process: NativeUInt; Src: pointer): boolean; overload;
- function InjectExe(Process: NativeUInt; EntryPoint: pointer): boolean;
- function UninjectLibrary(Process: NativeUInt; ModulePath: PAnsiChar): boolean;
- function CreateProcessEx(lpApplicationName: PAnsiChar; lpCommandLine: PAnsiChar; lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes: PSecurityAttributes; bInheritHandles: boolean; dwCreationFlags: longword; lpEnvironment: pointer; lpCurrentDirectory: PAnsiChar; const lpStartupInfo: TStartupInfoA; var lpProcessInformation: TProcessInformation; ModulePath: PAnsiChar): boolean; overload;
- function CreateProcessEx(lpApplicationName: PAnsiChar; lpCommandLine: PAnsiChar; lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes: PSecurityAttributes; bInheritHandles: boolean; dwCreationFlags: longword; lpEnvironment: pointer; lpCurrentDirectory: PAnsiChar; const lpStartupInfo: TStartupInfoA; var lpProcessInformation: TProcessInformation; Src: pointer): boolean; overload;
- function HookCode(TargetProc, NewProc: pointer; var OldProc: pointer): boolean;
- function UnhookCode(OldProc: pointer): boolean;
- function DeleteFileEx(FilePath: PAnsiChar): boolean;
- function DisableSFC: boolean;
- implementation
- type
- TModuleList = array of cardinal;
- PImageImportDescriptor = ^TImageImportDescriptor;
- TImageImportDescriptor = packed record
- OriginalFirstThunk: longword;
- TimeDateStamp: longword;
- ForwarderChain: longword;
- Name: longword;
- FirstThunk: longword;
- end;
- PImageBaseRelocation = ^TImageBaseRelocation;
- TImageBaseRelocation = packed record
- VirtualAddress: cardinal;
- SizeOfBlock: cardinal;
- end;
- TDllEntryProc = function(hinstDLL: HMODULE; dwReason: longword; lpvReserved: pointer): boolean; stdcall;
- TStringArray = array of string;
- TLibInfo = record
- ImageBase: pointer;
- ImageSize: longint;
- DllProc: TDllEntryProc;
- DllProcAddress: pointer;
- LibsUsed: TStringArray;
- end;
- PLibInfo = ^TLibInfo;
- Ppointer = ^pointer;
- TSections = array [0..0] of TImageSectionHeader;
- const
- IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32 = $80000000;
- Opcodes1: array [0..255] of word =
- (
- (16913),(17124),(8209),(8420),(33793),(35906),(0),(0),(16913),(17124),(8209),(8420),(33793),(35906),(0),(0),(16913),
- (17124),(8209),(8420),(33793),(35906),(0),(0),(16913),(17124),(8209),(8420),(33793),(35906),(0),(0),(16913),
- (17124),(8209),(8420),(33793),(35906),(0),(32768),(16913),(17124),(8209),(8420),(33793),(35906),(0),(32768),(16913),
- (17124),(8209),(8420),(33793),(35906),(0),(32768),(529),(740),(17),(228),(1025),(3138),(0),(32768),(24645),
- (24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(69),
- (69),(69),(69),(69),(69),(69),(69),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(24645),(0),
- (32768),(228),(16922),(0),(0),(0),(0),(3072),(11492),(1024),(9444),(0),(0),(0),(0),(5120),
- (5120),(5120),(5120),(5120),(5120),(5120),(5120),(5120),(5120),(5120),(5120),(5120),(5120),(5120),(5120),(1296),
- (3488),(1296),(1440),(529),(740),(41489),(41700),(16913),(17124),(8209),(8420),(17123),(8420),(227),(416),(0),
- (57414),(57414),(57414),(57414),(57414),(57414),(57414),(32768),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(32768),(33025),
- (33090),(769),(834),(0),(0),(0),(0),(1025),(3138),(0),(0),(32768),(32768),(0),(0),(25604),
- (25604),(25604),(25604),(25604),(25604),(25604),(25604),(27717),(27717),(27717),(27717),(27717),(27717),(27717),(27717),(17680),
- (17824),(2048),(0),(8420),(8420),(17680),(19872),(0),(0),(2048),(0),(0),(1024),(0),(0),(16656),
- (16800),(16656),(16800),(33792),(33792),(0),(32768),(8),(8),(8),(8),(8),(8),(8),(8),(5120),
- (5120),(5120),(5120),(33793),(33858),(1537),(1602),(7168),(7168),(0),(5120),(32775),(32839),(519),(583),(0),
- (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(8),(8),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(16656),(416)
- );
- Opcodes2: array [0..255] of word =
- (
- (280),(288),(8420),(8420),(65535),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(65535),(65535),(65535),(272),(0),(1325),(63),
- (575),(63),(575),(63),(63),(63),(575),(272),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(16419),
- (16419),(547),(547),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(63),(575),(47),(575),(61),(61),(63),(63),(0),
- (32768),(32768),(32768),(0),(0),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(8420),
- (8420),(8420),(8420),(8420),(8420),(8420),(8420),(8420),(8420),(8420),(8420),(8420),(8420),(8420),(8420),(16935),
- (63),(63),(63),(63),(63),(63),(63),(63),(63),(63),(63),(63),(63),(63),(63),(237),
- (237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(101),(237),(1261),
- (1192),(1192),(1192),(237),(237),(237),(0),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(65535),(613),(749),(7168),
- (7168),(7168),(7168),(7168),(7168),(7168),(7168),(7168),(7168),(7168),(7168),(7168),(7168),(7168),(7168),(16656),
- (16656),(16656),(16656),(16656),(16656),(16656),(16656),(16656),(16656),(16656),(16656),(16656),(16656),(16656),(16656),(0),
- (0),(32768),(740),(18404),(17380),(49681),(49892),(0),(0),(0),(17124),(18404),(17380),(32),(8420),(49681),
- (49892),(8420),(17124),(8420),(8932),(8532),(8476),(65535),(65535),(1440),(17124),(8420),(8420),(8532),(8476),(41489),
- (41700),(1087),(548),(1125),(9388),(1087),(33064),(24581),(24581),(24581),(24581),(24581),(24581),(24581),(24581),(65535),
- (237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(749),(8364),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),
- (237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(63),(749),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(65535),
- (237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(237),(0)
- );
- Opcodes3: array [0..9] of array [0..15] of word =
- (
- ((1296),(65535),(16656),(16656),(33040),(33040),(33040),(33040),(1296),(65535),(16656),(16656),(33040),(33040),(33040),(33040)),
- ((3488),(65535),(16800),(16800),(33184),(33184),(33184),(33184),(3488),(65535),(16800),(16800),(33184),(33184),(33184),(33184)),
- ((288),(288),(288),(288),(288),(288),(288),(288),(54),(54),(48),(48),(54),(54),(54),(54)),
- ((288),(65535),(288),(288),(272),(280),(272),(280),(48),(48),(0),(48),(0),(0),(0),(0)),
- ((288),(288),(288),(288),(288),(288),(288),(288),(54),(54),(54),(54),(65535),(0),(65535),(65535)),
- ((288),(65535),(288),(288),(65535),(304),(65535),(304),(54),(54),(54),(54),(0),(54),(54),(0)),
- ((296),(296),(296),(296),(296),(296),(296),(296),(566),(566),(48),(48),(566),(566),(566),(566)),
- ((296),(65535),(296),(296),(272),(65535),(272),(280),(48),(48),(48),(48),(48),(48),(65535),(65535)),
- ((280),(280),(280),(280),(280),(280),(280),(280),(566),(566),(48),(566),(566),(566),(566),(566)),
- ((280),(65535),(280),(280),(304),(296),(304),(296),(48),(48),(48),(48),(0),(54),(54),(65535))
- );
- function SaveOldFunction(Proc: pointer; Old: pointer): longword; forward;
- function GetProcAddressEx(Process: LongWord; lpModuleName, lpProcName: PAnsiChar; dwProcLen: dword): pointer; forward;
- function MapLibrary(Process: LongWord; Dest, Src: pointer): TLibInfo; forward;
- function SizeOfCode(Code: pointer): longword;
- var
- Opcode: word;
- Modrm: byte;
- Fixed, AddressOveride: boolean;
- Last, OperandOveride, Flags, Rm, Size, Extend: longword;
- begin
- try
- Last := longword(Code);
- if Code <> nil then
- begin
- AddressOveride := False;
- Fixed := False;
- OperandOveride := 4;
- Extend := 0;
- repeat
- Opcode := byte(Code^);
- Code := pointer(longword(Code) + 1);
- if Opcode = $66 then
- begin
- OperandOveride := 2;
- end
- else if Opcode = $67 then
- begin
- AddressOveride := True;
- end
- else
- begin
- if not ((Opcode and $E7) = $26) then
- begin
- if not (Opcode in [$64..$65]) then
- begin
- Fixed := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- until Fixed;
- if Opcode = $0f then
- begin
- Opcode := byte(Code^);
- Flags := Opcodes2[Opcode];
- Opcode := Opcode + $0f00;
- Code := pointer(longword(Code) + 1);
- end
- else
- begin
- Flags := Opcodes1[Opcode];
- end;
- if ((Flags and $0038) <> 0) then
- begin
- Modrm := byte(Code^);
- Rm := Modrm and $7;
- Code := pointer(longword(Code) + 1);
- case (Modrm and $c0) of
- $40: Size := 1;
- $80:
- begin
- if AddressOveride then
- begin
- Size := 2;
- end
- else
- Size := 4;
- end;
- else
- begin
- Size := 0;
- end;
- end;
- if not (((Modrm and $c0) <> $c0) and AddressOveride) then
- begin
- if (Rm = 4) and ((Modrm and $c0) <> $c0) then
- begin
- Rm := byte(Code^) and $7;
- end;
- if ((Modrm and $c0 = 0) and (Rm = 5)) then
- begin
- Size := 4;
- end;
- Code := pointer(longword(Code) + Size);
- end;
- if ((Flags and $0038) = $0008) then
- begin
- case Opcode of
- $f6: Extend := 0;
- $f7: Extend := 1;
- $d8: Extend := 2;
- $d9: Extend := 3;
- $da: Extend := 4;
- $db: Extend := 5;
- $dc: Extend := 6;
- $dd: Extend := 7;
- $de: Extend := 8;
- $df: Extend := 9;
- end;
- if ((Modrm and $c0) <> $c0) then
- begin
- Flags := Opcodes3[Extend][(Modrm shr 3) and $7];
- end
- else
- begin
- Flags := Opcodes3[Extend][((Modrm shr 3) and $7) + 8];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- case (Flags and $0C00) of
- $0400: Code := pointer(longword(Code) + 1);
- $0800: Code := pointer(longword(Code) + 2);
- $0C00: Code := pointer(longword(Code) + OperandOveride);
- else
- begin
- case Opcode of
- $9a, $ea: Code := pointer(longword(Code) + OperandOveride + 2);
- $c8: Code := pointer(longword(Code) + 3);
- $a0..$a3:
- begin
- if AddressOveride then
- begin
- Code := pointer(longword(Code) + 2)
- end
- else
- begin
- Code := pointer(longword(Code) + 4);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Result := longword(Code) - Last;
- except
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- function SizeOfProc(Proc: pointer): longword;
- var
- Length: longword;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- repeat
- Length := SizeOfCode(Proc);
- Inc(Result, Length);
- if ((Length = 1) and (byte(Proc^) = $C3)) then Break;
- Proc := pointer(longword(Proc) + Length);
- until Length = 0;
- end;
- function InjectString(Process: NativeUInt; Text: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar;
- var
- BytesWritten,
- Old, Size: NativeUInt;
- begin
- Size := Length(Text) + 1;
- Result := VirtualAllocEx(Process, nil, Size, MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
- VirtualProtectEx(Process, Result, Size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, @Old);
- WriteProcessMemory(Process, Result, Text, Size, BytesWritten);
- end;
- function InjectMemory(Process: NativeUInt; Memory: pointer; Len: longword): pointer;
- var
- BytesWritten: NativeUInt;
- begin
- Result := VirtualAllocEx(Process, nil, Len, MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
- WriteProcessMemory(Process, Result, Memory, Len, BytesWritten);
- end;
- function InjectThread(Process: NativeUInt; Thread: pointer; Info: pointer; InfoLen: longword; Results: boolean): THandle;
- var
- pThread, pInfo: pointer;
- BytesRead: NativeUInt;
- TID: Cardinal;
- begin
- pInfo := InjectMemory(Process, Info, InfoLen);
- pThread := InjectMemory(Process, Thread, SizeOfProc(Thread));
- Result := CreateRemoteThread(Process, nil, 0, pThread, pInfo, 0, TID);
- if Results then
- begin
- WaitForSingleObject(Result, INFINITE);
- ReadProcessMemory(Process, pInfo, Info, InfoLen, BytesRead);
- end;
- end;
- function InjectLibrary1(Process: NativeUInt; ModulePath: PAnsiChar): boolean;
- type
- TInjectLibraryInfo = record
- pLoadLibrary: pointer;
- lpModuleName: pointer;
- pSleep: pointer;
- end;
- var
- InjectLibraryInfo: TInjectLibraryInfo;
- Thread: THandle;
- procedure InjectLibraryThread(lpParameter: pointer); stdcall;
- var
- InjectLibraryInfo: TInjectLibraryInfo;
- begin
- InjectLibraryInfo := TInjectLibraryInfo(lpParameter^);
- asm
- push InjectLibraryInfo.lpModuleName
- call InjectLibraryInfo.pLoadLibrary
- @noret:
- mov eax, $FFFFFFFF
- push eax
- call InjectLibraryInfo.pSleep
- jmp @noret
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Result := False;
- InjectLibraryInfo.pSleep := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle('kernel32'), 'Sleep');
- InjectLibraryInfo.pLoadLibrary := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle('kernel32'), 'LoadLibraryA');
- InjectLibraryInfo.lpModuleName := InjectString(Process, PAnsiChar(ModulePath));
- Thread := InjectThread(Process, @InjectLibraryThread, @InjectLibraryInfo, SizeOf(TInjectLibraryInfo), False);
- if Thread = 0 then Exit;
- CloseHandle(Thread);
- Result := True;
- Sleep(100);
- end;
- function InjectLibrary2(Process: NativeUInt; Src: pointer): boolean;
- type
- TDllLoadInfo = record
- Module: pointer;
- EntryPoint: pointer;
- end;
- var
- Lib: TLibInfo;
- DllLoadInfo: TDllLoadInfo;
- BytesWritten: NativeUInt;
- ImageNtHeaders: PImageNtHeaders;
- pModule: pointer;
- Offset: longword;
- procedure DllEntryPoint(lpParameter: pointer); stdcall;
- var
- LoadInfo: TDllLoadInfo;
- begin
- LoadInfo := TDllLoadInfo(lpParameter^);
- asm
- xor eax, eax
- push eax
- push LoadInfo.Module
- call LoadInfo.EntryPoint
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Result := False;
- ImageNtHeaders := pointer(int64(cardinal(Src)) + PImageDosHeader(Src)._lfanew);
- Offset := $10000000;
- repeat
- Inc(Offset, $10000);
- pModule := VirtualAlloc(pointer(ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.ImageBase + Offset), ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
- if pModule <> nil then
- begin
- VirtualFree(pModule, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
- pModule := VirtualAllocEx(Process, pointer(ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.ImageBase + Offset), ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
- end;
- until ((pModule <> nil) or (Offset > $30000000));
- Lib := MapLibrary(Process, pModule, Src);
- if Lib.ImageBase = nil then Exit;
- DllLoadInfo.Module := Lib.ImageBase;
- DllLoadInfo.EntryPoint := Lib.DllProcAddress;
- WriteProcessMemory(Process, pModule, Lib.ImageBase, Lib.ImageSize, BytesWritten);
- if InjectThread(Process, @DllEntryPoint, @DllLoadInfo, SizeOf(TDllLoadInfo), False) <> 0 then Result := True
- end;
- function InjectExe(Process: NativeUInt; EntryPoint: pointer): boolean;
- var
- Module, NewModule: pointer;
- Size: NativeUInt;
- TID: Cardinal;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Module := pointer(GetModuleHandle(nil));
- Size := PImageOptionalHeader32(pointer(integer(Module) + PImageDosHeader(Module)._lfanew + SizeOf(longword) + SizeOf(TImageFileHeader))).SizeOfImage;
- VirtualFreeEx(Process, Module, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
- NewModule := InjectMemory(Process, Module, Size);
- if CreateRemoteThread(Process, nil, 0, EntryPoint, NewModule, 0, TID) <> 0 then Result := True;
- end;
- function UninjectLibrary(Process: NativeUInt; ModulePath: PAnsiChar): boolean;
- type
- TUninjectLibraryInfo = record
- pFreeLibrary: pointer;
- pGetModuleHandle: pointer;
- lpModuleName: pointer;
- pExitThread: pointer;
- end;
- var
- UninjectLibraryInfo: TUninjectLibraryInfo;
- Thread: THandle;
- procedure UninjectLibraryThread(lpParameter: pointer); stdcall;
- var
- UninjectLibraryInfo: TUninjectLibraryInfo;
- begin
- UninjectLibraryInfo := TUninjectLibraryInfo(lpParameter^);
- asm
- @1:
- inc ecx
- push UninjectLibraryInfo.lpModuleName
- call UninjectLibraryInfo.pGetModuleHandle
- cmp eax, 0
- je @2
- push eax
- call UninjectLibraryInfo.pFreeLibrary
- jmp @1
- @2:
- push eax
- call UninjectLibraryInfo.pExitThread
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Result := False;
- UninjectLibraryInfo.pGetModuleHandle := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA('kernel32'), 'GetModuleHandleA');
- UninjectLibraryInfo.pFreeLibrary := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA('kernel32'), 'FreeLibrary');
- UninjectLibraryInfo.pExitThread := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA('kernel32'), 'ExitThread');
- UninjectLibraryInfo.lpModuleName := InjectString(Process, PAnsiChar(ModulePath));
- Thread := InjectThread(Process, @UninjectLibraryThread, @UninjectLibraryInfo, SizeOf(TUninjectLibraryInfo), False);
- if Thread = 0 then Exit;
- CloseHandle(Thread);
- Result := True;
- end;
- function CreateProcessEx(lpApplicationName: PAnsiChar; lpCommandLine: PAnsiChar; lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes: PSecurityAttributes; bInheritHandles: boolean; dwCreationFlags: longword; lpEnvironment: pointer; lpCurrentDirectory: PAnsiChar; const lpStartupInfo: TStartupInfoA; var lpProcessInformation: TProcessInformation; ModulePath: PAnsiChar): boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not CreateProcessA(lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags or CREATE_SUSPENDED, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation) then Exit;
- Result := InjectLibrary1(lpProcessInformation.hProcess, ModulePath);
- ResumeThread(lpProcessInformation.hThread);
- end;
- function CreateProcessEx(lpApplicationName: PAnsiChar; lpCommandLine: PAnsiChar; lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes: PSecurityAttributes; bInheritHandles: boolean; dwCreationFlags: longword; lpEnvironment: pointer; lpCurrentDirectory: PAnsiChar; const lpStartupInfo: TStartupInfoA; var lpProcessInformation: TProcessInformation; Src: pointer): boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not CreateProcessA(lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags or CREATE_SUSPENDED, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation) then Exit;
- Result := InjectLibrary2(lpProcessInformation.hProcess, Src);
- ResumeThread(lpProcessInformation.hThread);
- end;
- function HookCode(TargetProc, NewProc: pointer; var OldProc: pointer): boolean;
- var
- Address: longword;
- OldProtect: longword;
- OldFunction: pointer;
- Proc: pointer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- try
- Proc := TargetProc;
- Address := longword(NewProc) - longword(Proc) - 5;
- VirtualProtect(Proc, 5, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, OldProtect);
- GetMem(OldFunction, 255);
- longword(OldFunction^) := longword(Proc);
- byte(pointer(longword(OldFunction) + 4)^) := SaveOldFunction(Proc, pointer(longword(OldFunction) + 5));
- byte(pointer(Proc)^) := $e9;
- longword(pointer(longword(Proc) + 1)^) := Address;
- VirtualProtect(Proc, 5, OldProtect, OldProtect);
- OldProc := pointer(longword(OldFunction) + 5);
- except
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function UnhookCode(OldProc: pointer): boolean;
- var
- OldProtect: longword;
- Proc: pointer;
- SaveSize: longword;
- begin
- Result := True;
- try
- Proc := pointer(longword(pointer(longword(OldProc) - 5)^));
- SaveSize := byte(pointer(longword(OldProc) - 1)^);
- VirtualProtect(Proc, 5, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, OldProtect);
- CopyMemory(Proc, OldProc, SaveSize);
- VirtualProtect(Proc, 5, OldProtect, OldProtect);
- FreeMem(pointer(longword(OldProc) - 5));
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- function DeleteFileEx(FilePath: PAnsiChar): boolean;
- type
- TDeleteFileExInfo = record
- pSleep: pointer;
- lpModuleName: pointer;
- pDeleteFile: pointer;
- pExitThread: pointer;
- end;
- var
- DeleteFileExInfo: TDeleteFileExInfo;
- Thread: THandle;
- Process: longword;
- PID: longword;
- procedure DeleteFileExThread(lpParameter: pointer); stdcall;
- var
- DeleteFileExInfo: TDeleteFileExInfo;
- begin
- DeleteFileExInfo := TDeleteFileExInfo(lpParameter^);
- asm
- @1:
- push 1000
- call DeleteFileExInfo.pSleep
- push DeleteFileExInfo.lpModuleName
- call DeleteFileExInfo.pDeleteFile
- cmp eax, 0
- je @1
- push eax
- call DeleteFileExInfo.pExitThread
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Result := False;
- GetWindowThreadProcessID(FindWindowA('Shell_TrayWnd', nil), @PID);
- Process := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, PID);
- DeleteFileExInfo.pSleep := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA('kernel32'), 'Sleep');
- DeleteFileExInfo.pDeleteFile := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA('kernel32'), 'DeleteFileA');
- DeleteFileExInfo.pExitThread := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA('kernel32'), 'ExitThread');
- DeleteFileExInfo.lpModuleName := InjectString(Process, FilePath);
- Thread := InjectThread(Process, @DeleteFileExThread, @DeleteFileExInfo, SizeOf(TDeleteFileExInfo), False);
- if Thread = 0 then Exit;
- CloseHandle(Thread);
- CloseHandle(Process);
- Result := True;
- end;
- function DisableSFC: boolean;
- var
- Process, SFC, PID, Thread, ThreadID: longword;
- begin
- Result := False;
- SFC := LoadLibrary('sfc.dll');
- GetWindowThreadProcessID(FindWindowA('NDDEAgnt', nil), @PID);
- Process := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, PID);
- Thread := CreateRemoteThread(Process, nil, 0, GetProcAddress(SFC, PAnsiChar(2 and $ffff)), nil, 0, ThreadId);
- if Thread = 0 then Exit;
- CloseHandle(Thread);
- CloseHandle(Process);
- FreeLibrary(SFC);
- Result := True;
- end;
- function SaveOldFunction(Proc: pointer; Old: pointer): longword;
- var
- SaveSize, Size: longword;
- Next: pointer;
- begin
- SaveSize := 0;
- Next := Proc;
- while SaveSize < 5 do
- begin
- Size := SizeOfCode(Next);
- Next := pointer(longword(Next) + Size);
- Inc(SaveSize, Size);
- end;
- CopyMemory(Old, Proc, SaveSize);
- byte(pointer(longword(Old) + SaveSize)^) := $e9;
- longword(pointer(longword(Old) + SaveSize + 1)^) := longword(Next) - longword(Old) - SaveSize - 5;
- Result := SaveSize;
- end;
- function GetProcAddressEx(Process: LongWord; lpModuleName, lpProcName: PAnsiChar; dwProcLen: dword): pointer;
- type
- TGetProcAddrExInfo = record
- pExitThread: pointer;
- pGetProcAddress: pointer;
- pGetModuleHandle: pointer;
- lpModuleName: pointer;
- lpProcName: pointer;
- end;
- var
- GetProcAddrExInfo: TGetProcAddrExInfo;
- ExitCode: longword;
- Thread: THandle;
- procedure GetProcAddrExThread(lpParameter: pointer); stdcall;
- var
- GetProcAddrExInfo: TGetProcAddrExInfo;
- begin
- GetProcAddrExInfo := TGetProcAddrExInfo(lpParameter^);
- asm
- push GetProcAddrExInfo.lpModuleName
- call GetProcAddrExInfo.pGetModuleHandle
- push GetProcAddrExInfo.lpProcName
- push eax
- call GetProcAddrExInfo.pGetProcAddress
- push eax
- call GetProcAddrExInfo.pExitThread
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- GetProcAddrExInfo.pGetModuleHandle := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA('kernel32'), 'GetModuleHandleA');
- GetProcAddrExInfo.pGetProcAddress := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA('kernel32'), 'GetProcAddress');
- GetProcAddrExInfo.pExitThread := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA('kernel32'), 'ExitThread');
- if dwProcLen = 4 then
- begin
- GetProcAddrExInfo.lpProcName := lpProcName;
- end
- else
- begin
- GetProcAddrExInfo.lpProcName := InjectMemory(Process, lpProcName, dwProcLen);
- end;
- GetProcAddrExInfo.lpModuleName := InjectString(Process, lpModuleName);
- Thread := InjectThread(Process, @GetProcAddrExThread, @GetProcAddrExInfo, SizeOf(GetProcAddrExInfo), False);
- if Thread <> 0 then
- begin
- WaitForSingleObject(Thread, INFINITE);
- GetExitCodeThread(Thread, ExitCode);
- Result := pointer(ExitCode);
- end;
- end;
- function MapLibrary(Process: LongWord; Dest, Src: pointer): TLibInfo;
- var
- ImageBase: pointer;
- ImageBaseDelta: integer;
- ImageNtHeaders: PImageNtHeaders;
- PSections: ^TSections;
- SectionLoop: integer;
- SectionBase: pointer;
- VirtualSectionSize, RawSectionSize: cardinal;
- OldProtect: cardinal;
- NewLibInfo: TLibInfo;
- function StrToInt(S: string): integer;
- begin
- Val(S, Result, Result);
- end;
- procedure Add(Strings: TStringArray; Text: string);
- begin
- SetLength(Strings, Length(Strings) + 1);
- Strings[Length(Strings) - 1] := Text;
- end;
- function Find(Strings: array of string; Text: string; var Index: integer): boolean;
- var
- StringLoop: integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- for StringLoop := 0 to Length(Strings) - 1 do
- begin
- if lstrcmpia(PAnsiChar(Strings[StringLoop]), PAnsiChar(Text)) = 0 then
- begin
- Index := StringLoop;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function GetSectionProtection(ImageScn: cardinal): cardinal;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if (ImageScn and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED) <> 0 then
- begin
- Result := Result or PAGE_NOCACHE;
- end;
- if (ImageScn and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) <> 0 then
- begin
- if (ImageScn and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ)<> 0 then
- begin
- if (ImageScn and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE)<> 0 then
- begin
- Result := Result or PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := Result or PAGE_EXECUTE_READ
- end;
- end
- else if (ImageScn and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE) <> 0 then
- begin
- Result := Result or PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := Result or PAGE_EXECUTE
- end;
- end
- else if (ImageScn and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ)<> 0 then
- begin
- if (ImageScn and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE) <> 0 then
- begin
- Result := Result or PAGE_READWRITE
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := Result or PAGE_READONLY
- end
- end
- else if (ImageScn and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE) <> 0 then
- begin
- Result := Result or PAGE_WRITECOPY
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := Result or PAGE_NOACCESS;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ProcessRelocs(PRelocs:PImageBaseRelocation);
- var
- PReloc: PImageBaseRelocation;
- RelocsSize: cardinal;
- Reloc: PWord;
- ModCount: cardinal;
- RelocLoop: cardinal;
- begin
- PReloc := PRelocs;
- RelocsSize := ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC].Size;
- while cardinal(PReloc) - cardinal(PRelocs) < RelocsSize do
- begin
- ModCount := (PReloc.SizeOfBlock - Sizeof(PReloc^)) div 2;
- Reloc := pointer(cardinal(PReloc) + sizeof(PReloc^));
- for RelocLoop := 0 to ModCount - 1 do
- begin
- if Reloc^ and $f000 <> 0 then Inc(plongword(cardinal(ImageBase) + PReloc.VirtualAddress + (Reloc^ and $0fff))^, ImageBaseDelta);
- Inc(Reloc);
- end;
- PReloc := pointer(Reloc);
- end;
- end;
- procedure ProcessImports(PImports: PImageImportDescriptor);
- var
- PImport: PImageImportDescriptor;
- Import: plongword;
- PImportedName: PAnsiChar;
- ProcAddress: pointer;
- PLibName: PAnsiChar;
- ImportLoop: integer;
- function IsImportByOrdinal(ImportDescriptor: longword): boolean;
- begin
- Result := (ImportDescriptor and IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32) <> 0;
- end;
- begin
- PImport := PImports;
- while PImport.Name <> 0 do
- begin
- PLibName := PAnsiChar(cardinal(PImport.Name) + cardinal(ImageBase));
- if not Find(NewLibInfo.LibsUsed, PLibName, ImportLoop) then
- begin
- //Temp InjectLibrary1(Process, string(PLibName));
- InjectLibrary1(Process, PLibName);
- Add(NewLibInfo.LibsUsed, PLibName);
- end;
- if PImport.TimeDateStamp = 0 then
- begin
- Import := plongword(pImport.FirstThunk + cardinal(ImageBase))
- end
- else
- begin
- Import := plongword(pImport.OriginalFirstThunk + cardinal(ImageBase));
- end;
- while Import^ <> 0 do
- begin
- if IsImportByOrdinal(Import^) then
- begin
- ProcAddress := GetProcAddressEx(Process, PLibName, PAnsiChar(Import^ and $ffff), 4);
- end
- else
- begin
- PImportedName := PAnsiChar(Import^ + cardinal(ImageBase) + IMPORTED_NAME_OFFSET);
- ProcAddress := GetProcAddressEx(Process, PLibName, PImportedName, Length(PImportedName));
- end;
- Ppointer(Import)^ := ProcAddress;
- Inc(Import);
- end;
- Inc(PImport);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- ImageNtHeaders := pointer(int64(cardinal(Src)) + PImageDosHeader(Src)._lfanew);
- ImageBase := VirtualAlloc(Dest, ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS);
- ImageBaseDelta := cardinal(ImageBase) - ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
- SectionBase := VirtualAlloc(ImageBase, ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
- Move(Src^, SectionBase^, ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders);
- VirtualProtect(SectionBase, ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders, PAGE_READONLY, OldProtect);
- PSections := pointer(PAnsiChar(@(ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader)) + ImageNtHeaders.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader);
- for SectionLoop := 0 to ImageNtHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1 do
- begin
- VirtualSectionSize := PSections[SectionLoop].Misc.VirtualSize;
- RawSectionSize := PSections[SectionLoop].SizeOfRawData;
- if VirtualSectionSize < RawSectionSize then
- begin
- VirtualSectionSize := VirtualSectionSize xor RawSectionSize;
- RawSectionSize := VirtualSectionSize xor RawSectionSize;
- VirtualSectionSize := VirtualSectionSize xor RawSectionSize;
- end;
- SectionBase := VirtualAlloc(PSections[SectionLoop].VirtualAddress + PAnsiChar(ImageBase), VirtualSectionSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
- FillChar(SectionBase^, VirtualSectionSize, 0);
- Move((PAnsiChar(src) + PSections[SectionLoop].pointerToRawData)^, SectionBase^, RawSectionSize);
- end;
- NewLibInfo.DllProc := TDllEntryProc(ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint + cardinal(ImageBase));
- NewLibInfo.DllProcAddress := pointer(ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint + cardinal(ImageBase));
- NewLibInfo.ImageBase := ImageBase;
- NewLibInfo.ImageSize := ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
- SetLength(NewLibInfo.LibsUsed, 0);
- if ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC].VirtualAddress <> 0 then ProcessRelocs(pointer(ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC].VirtualAddress + cardinal(ImageBase)));
- if ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress <> 0 then ProcessImports(pointer(ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress + cardinal(ImageBase)));
- for SectionLoop := 0 to ImageNtHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1 do
- begin
- VirtualProtect(PSections[SectionLoop].VirtualAddress + PAnsiChar(ImageBase), PSections[SectionLoop].Misc.VirtualSize, GetSectionProtection(PSections[SectionLoop].Characteristics), OldProtect);
- end;
- Result := NewLibInfo;
- end;
- end
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