

Sep 18th, 2019
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  1. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ # drivers/input/oneplus_touchscreen
  2. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ strings boot.img-zImage | grep -i 'S6SY761' | head -n5
  3. sec-s6sy761
  4. 3[TP]sec-s6sy761: %s: Time Over, event_buf: %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X
  5. 3[TP]sec-s6sy761: %s: firmware in bootloader mode,boot failed
  6. 3[TP]sec-s6sy761: %s: failed to read, ret = %d
  7. 3[TP]sec-s6sy761: %s: count:%d, pass count:%d, fail count:%d, status:0x%X
  8. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ # fs/exfat
  9. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ strings boot.img-zImage | grep -i 'exfat' | head -n5
  10. [EXFAT] trying to mount...
  11. [EXFAT] mounted successfully
  12. [EXFAT] trying to unmount...
  13. [EXFAT] unmounted with media errors. device's already ejected.
  14. [EXFAT] unmounted successfully
  15. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ # fs/proc/adj_chain_stat.c
  16. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ strings boot.img-zImage | grep -i 'adj.chain' | head -n5
  17. lowmemorykiller.trust_adj_chain
  18. adj_chain_stat
  19. adj_chain_verify
  20. adj chain hist high: %d
  21. 6lowmemorykiller: missing task '%s' (%d) adj %hd, adj_chain_status(%d), size %d, missed from adj chain, run diagnose
  22. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ # fs/proc/fg_uid
  23. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ strings boot.img-zImage | grep -i 'fg.uid' | head -n5
  24. fg_uids
  25. fg_uids: %d
  26. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ # mm/memory_monitor.c
  27. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ strings boot.img-zImage | grep -i 'memory.monitor' | head -n5
  28. memory_monitor.alloc_wait_h_ms
  29. memory_monitor.alloc_wait_l_ms
  30. memory_monitor.alloc_wait_log_ms
  31. memory_monitor.alloc_wait_trig_ms
  32. memory_monitor
  33. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ # opslalib/slalib
  34. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ strings boot.img-zImage | grep -i 'op.sla' | head -n5
  35. drop_slab
  36. 6[op_sla] %s: cell_quality_good:%d wlan_bad:%d game_rtt:%d
  37. 6[op_sla] %s: special_rx_error_count:%d game mark:%d time:%d
  38. 6[op_sla] %s: wlan valid:%d cell valid:%d
  39. 6[op_sla] %s: switch_count:%d repeat_switch_time:%d
  40. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ # drivers/step_motor
  41. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ strings boot.img-zImage | grep -i 'step.motor' | head -n5
  42. oneplus,step-motor
  43. 3[oneplus_motor] %s : name == NULL || ops == NULL, would not register step motor
  44. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ # drivers/tri_state_key
  45. arter97@arter97-x1:~/Downloads/q/out/kernel$ strings boot.img-zImage | grep -i 'tri.state' | head -n5
  46. oneplus, tri-state-key
  47. oneplus,hall_tri_state_key
  48. 6[tri_state_key] %s:
  49. 3[tri_state_key] %s : p_m1120_data == NULL
  50. 6[tri_state_key] %s : fail %d
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