

Feb 10th, 2019
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  1. I'd like to start this off by mentioning a few things; first off, I would like to make it clear that I do not intend to harass or to degrade any of the administrators and the head staff efforts in making this community a better place as hard as they can, as well as me actually recognizing their efforts to keep things up-to-date within the staff community as well and doing their job as accurately as they can. Secondly, I would like to make it clear that I do not intend to target anybody in specific, and that if I noticed any of the stated issues coming from anybody I would still mention them and bring them up as I am doing right now, and that I do not have any personal grudges towards the mentioned staff.
  3. Starting this off, this topic here:
  4. As obviously mentioned, Vampire posted a facepalm as a response to Boles' ridiculous post, and in response, Nikos, as a regular PAM, mentions the fact that Vampire's post was plainly useless and adds no value to the topic and broke a rule stated clearly in the forum rules, which Brian responded to by not warning the addressee and preferred to blame Nikos for "picking on Vampire".
  6. Now, I know that Vampire is correct by warning the person who PMed him twice by 40%, nothing is wrong with that, and maybe even warning Boles with such a high warning level for his stupid topic, that can be toleratable too even tho he only broke two rules and should have been warned only for the two rules he broke, but why on earth isn't Vampire warned too for his useless post? Why did Brian focus and pay all of his attention on -maybe- protecting Vampire from getting warned and blaming Nikos instead for his "accusations"? [quote author=Brian]If you have anything against L1 to L4 staff you have to PM Arran or me with the issue instead of publicly picking on staff members while holding no authority to do so[/quote]
  8. How on earth is it not allowed to publically criticize something that is obviously done wrong by an L4 staff? How is it not allowed to post a comment meanwhile you are a PAM whose job to basically correct the wrongs of staff members and make sure everything's fair?
  10. You see, meanwhile Vampire escaping with such obvious misconduct, Nikos gets all the blame, once again, here:
  11. Nikos did nothing but call Brian a scammer [b]IF[/b] he actually removed such a deal he put for shaders where if you bought a shader you get a free edit, which is definitely correct. Yet Vampire jumped to conclusions to put Nikos out as the one who did wrong and kick him out UNFAIRLY of the PAM team because this is his [i]second time showing [b]rude[/b] behavior[/i].
  13. Also if you notice from Brian's posts, he literally jumps into conclusions and starts assuming opinions made out of people's posts thinking they are making a whole constructive critique where they just blame him for everything, victimizing himself to appear that he was the one who was done wrong when the whole thing wasn't even going to do anything to Brian except removing the warning Apache received. He even responds to Nikos' alleged "offence" with sarcasm saying "thanks for your impartiality" which shows that it wasn't insulting but rather just an opinion on something Brian imagined. Shows a lot of personal grudges coming from Vampire, right?
  15. Still, from my point of view, warning people for their DMs must be only disallowed for ONLY staff with maximum importance, such as Brian or Arran. Anybody else must be treated fairly like a normal player, even when "bothered" because people could be put on an ignore list if they pose annoyance. Why would a staff member be annoyed from such an irrelevant small mention or a small PM that wouldn't waste even 10 minutes of your great almighty time?
  17. Me and Brian had a talk about that, and here is the results: [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
  18. [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
  21. Why would such an elite member of the community, obvious from the date he registered his forum account, think that of him? You see how barely anybody mentions him in that topic? You see how xTra mentioned that he can be "too harsh" sometimes? It is more than obvious that Vampire is misusing his power and too demotivating when it comes to his staff tools and how he uses them.
  23. Aside to that, I will let @puhQ @Nikos talk about this whole "rushing the PAMs decition" thing because I really am not related but it is indeed related to the current head staff behavior.
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