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- ##########################
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- # We want to disable non-user-facing settings in the config file before launching the game
- # Init file is located %LOCALAPPDATA%low\mcc\saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini
- Clear-Host
- Write-Host Pushing to User Profile directory...
- Push-Location $($env:USERPROFILE)
- Write-Host Running from $($env:USERPROFILE).
- Write-Host Pushing to User Profile directory - COMPLETE
- Write-Host Variables - Setting...
- [string]$ConfigDir =("AppData\LocalLow\mcc\saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini")
- Write-Host Variables - Printing...
- Write-Host ConfigDir: $ConfigDir
- Write-Host Variables - COMPLETE
- Write-Host Config File - Graphics Quality settings...
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'TextureResolution=.', 'TextureResolution=1' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Texture Resolution
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'TextureFilteringQuality=.', 'TextureFilteringQuality=0' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Texture Filtering
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'LightingQuality=.', 'LightingQuality=0' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Lighting
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'EffectsQuality=.', 'EffectsQuality=0' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Effects
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'ShadowQuality=.', 'ShadowQuality=0' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Shadows
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'DetailsQuality=.', 'DetailsQuality=3' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Details
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'PostProcessingQuality=.', 'PostProcessingQuality=0' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Post Processing
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'WaterQuality=.', 'WaterQuality=0' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Water
- Write-Host Config File - Booleans Toggles...
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'DisableDynamicLightingShadows=True', 'DisableDynamicLightingShadows=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Dynamic Light Shadows
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'DisableFirstPersonShadow=True', 'DisableFirstPersonShadow=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #First Person Shadows
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'DisableCheapParticles=True', 'DisableCheapParticles=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Cheap Particles
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'DisablePatchyFog=True', 'DisablePatchyFog=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Patchy Fog
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'AntiAliasing=True', 'AntiAliasing=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Anti Aliasing
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'MotionBlur=True', 'MotionBlur=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Motion Blur
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'Blood=False', 'Blood=True' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Blood
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'PushToTalkEnabled=True', 'PushToTalkEnabled=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Push to Talk
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'bUseVSync=True', 'bUseVSync=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #VSync
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'bUseDynamicResolution=True', 'bUseDynamicResolution=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Dynamic Resolution
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'bUseHDRDisplayOutput=True', 'bUseHDRDisplayOutput=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #HDR
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'InputBasedMatchmakingEnabled=True', 'InputBasedMatchmakingEnabled=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Input Based Matchmaking
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'PlatformBasedMatchmakingEnabled=True', 'PlatformBasedMatchmakingEnabled=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Platform Based Matchmaking
- Write-Host Config File - Mouse settings...
- if (!(Select-String -Path $ConfigDir -Pattern "/Script/Engine.InputSettings" -Quiet)) {
- Write-Host Config File - Mouse Settings - Field does not exist. Adding...
- Add-Content -Path $ConfigDir -Value "`n[/Script/Engine.InputSettings]`nbEnableMouseSmoothing=False`nbViewAccelerationEnabled=False"
- } else {
- Write-Host Config File - Mouse Settings - Field exists. Tweaking...
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'bEnableMouseSmoothing=True', 'bEnableMouseSmoothing=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Smoothing
- (Get-Content $ConfigDir) -replace 'bViewAccelerationEnabled=True', 'bViewAccelerationEnabled=False' | Set-Content $ConfigDir #Acceleration
- }
- Write-Host Config File - COMPLETE
- Write-Host Launching MCC - In progress...
- & '.\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Steam\Halo The Master Chief Collection.url'
- Write-Host Launching MCC - COMPLETE
- Write-Host `nSETUP COMPLETED. Window will close in 5 seconds.
- Start-Sleep -Seconds 4
- write-Host Exiting.
- Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
- exit
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