
la politica monetara e malprudenta da fimar

Jul 17th, 2022
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  1. To Whom It May Concern,
  3. I am writing an inquiry about the vague and opaque smoking policies at the campus of the University of the Six 6️⃣in Toronto. Can you elaborate on whether kush 🌬️is allowed to be smoked on campus or not, and the associated fines or punishments if I’m caught?
  5. I have five questions related to this:
  7. Question the first: When the University of the Six 6️⃣first announced their smoke-free policy, they indicated that they had to make accommodations for the “unique culture and lifestyle” of their students. Since what I’ve heard from the people I’ve talked to in the K.U.S.A. community is that they think smoking kush 🌬️is “normal and acceptable”, is the University of the Six 6️⃣planning to accommodate those needs similarly? And if so, what exactly will those accommodations be?
  9. Question the second: Why is the University of the Six 6️⃣going to such great lengths to police kush 🌬️, even as they’ve taken a step back from enforcing any of their other policies (for example, the prohibition on non-students entering the premises), but not gone so far as to stop students from smoking it?
  11. Question the third: Should a college, in the name of being able to be more selective with whom they allow to use their facilities, choose not to allow smoking on campus?
  13. Question the fourth: If smoking kush 🌬️was banned, but smoking tobacco was permitted, would there still be many violations of the smoking ban? And if so, how would this impact the quality of the experience of students on campus?
  15. Question the fifth: If you believe it is the right of students to smoke kush 🌬️on campus, is the fact that there are no designated smoking areas for kush 🌬️ an adequate substitute for a smoking ban?
  17. Please let me know when you have time.
  19. Yours in Health,
  21. Roger F.
  23. ---
  25. Da tgi ch’i s’occupa,
  27. Jau scriv ina retschertga davart la politica monetara e malprudenta da fimar sin il campus da l’Universitadity of the Six a Toronto. Po ti explitgar pli detagliadamain, sche Kush-Journal dastga vegnir fimà sin il campus u betg, ed ils chastis pecuniars u ils chastis ch’èn colliads cun quai, sche jau vegn tschiffà?
  29. Per quai hai jau tschintg dumondas:
  31. Dumonda numer in: Cura che l’universitad da sis ha annunzià sia politica senza fim ha ella inditgà ch’ella stoppia prender mesiras per «la cultura e la moda da viver unica» da ses students. Cunquai che jau hai udì da la glieud che jau hai discurrì en la cuminanza K.U.S.A. ch’ella tegnia «normal ed acceptabel» per «normal ed acceptabel», planisescha l’universitad da las sis da satisfar a quests basegns en ina moda sumeglianta? E sche gea, tge exact vegnan quests alloschis ad esser?
  33. Dumonda la segunda: Pertge fa l’universitad da las sis uschè grondas stentas per stimar la polizia da Kush, schebain ch’ella ha fatg in pass enavos da l’execuziun da sias autras directivas (p.ex. il scumond da betg entrar en las localitads), ma betg uschè lunsch per tegnair davent studentas e students da fimar?
  35. Dumonda la terza: duess ina scola auta, en num da la pussaivladad d’esser pli selectiva cun tgi ch’ella dastga duvrar ses indrizs, decider da betg lubir il fimar sin il campus?
  37. Dumonda da quart: sch’il fimar da Kush fiss scumandà, ma il fimar tubac fiss permess, dessi alura anc adina bleras cuntravenziuns cunter il scumond da fimar? E sche gea, co avess quai in effect sin la qualitad da las experientschas da las studentas e dals students sin il campus?
  39. Tschintgavla dumonda: Sche Vus crais ch’il dretg da studentas e students è da fimar Kushoz sin il campus, è il fatg ch’i na dat naginas zonas da fimar cumprovadas per Kush ♫ ina substituziun adequata per in scumond da fimar?
  41. Per plaschair ma laschai savair, sche Vus avais temp.
  43. Vus en il sectur da la sanadad,
  45. Roger F.
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