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- ---------
- function GoGo_OnLoad()
- ---------
- SLASH_GOGOMOUNT1 = "/gogo"
- SlashCmdList["GOGOMOUNT"] = function(msg) GoGo_OnSlash(msg) end
- SLASH_GOGOID1 = "/id"
- SlashCmdList["GOGOID"] = function(msg) GoGo_Msg(GoGo_Id(msg)) end
- this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED")
- this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BINDINGS")
- this:RegisterEvent("TAXIMAP_OPENED")
- this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON")
- this:RegisterEvent("COMPANION_LEARNED")
- this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
- -- this:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE")
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_OnEvent(event)
- ---------
- if event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" then
- GoGo_DebugLog = {}
- if not GoGo_Prefs then
- GoGo_Prefs = {}
- GoGo_Settings_Default()
- end --if
- -- GoGo_Localize()
- -- GoGo_LoadMountDB()
- GoGo_Variables.TestVersion = false
- -- GoGo_Variables.Debug = false
- _, GoGo_Variables.Player.Class = UnitClass("player")
- if (GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "DRUID") then
- GoGo_Variables.Druid = {}
- this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED")
- elseif (GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "SHAMAN") then
- GoGo_Variables.Shaman = {}
- this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED")
- end --if
- GOGO_KALIMDOR = table.concat({GetMapZones(1)}, ":")
- GOGO_EASTERN_KINGDOMS = table.concat({GetMapZones(2)}, ":")
- GOGO_CAPITAL_CITIES = table.concat({"Stormwind City", "Ironforge", "Undercity", "Silvermoon City", "Darnassus", "Exodar", "Orgrimmar", "Thunder Bluff"}, ":")
- GOGO_OUTLANDS = table.concat({GetMapZones(3)}, ":")..":"..GoGo_Variables.Localize.Zone.TwistingNether
- GOGO_NORTHREND = table.concat({GetMapZones(4)}, ":")..":"..GoGo_Variables.Localize.Zone.TheFrozenSea
- GoGoFrame:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA")
- if not GoGo_Prefs.version then
- GoGo_Settings_Default()
- elseif GoGo_Prefs.version ~= GetAddOnMetadata("GoGoMount", "Version") then
- GoGo_Settings_SetUpdates()
- end --if
- GoGo_Panel_Options()
- GoGo_Panel_UpdateViews()
- -- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Populate()
- elseif event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED" then
- for i, button in ipairs({GoGoButton, GoGoButton2, GoGoButton3}) do
- if GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "SHAMAN" then
- GoGo_FillButton(button, GoGo_InBook(GOGO_SPELLS["SHAMAN"]))
- elseif GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "DRUID" then
- GoGo_FillButton(button, GoGo_InBook(GOGO_SPELLS["DRUID"]))
- end --if
- end --for
- elseif event == "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" then
- SetMapToCurrentZone()
- GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone = GetRealZoneText()
- elseif event == "TAXIMAP_OPENED" then
- GoGo_Dismount()
- elseif event == "UPDATE_BINDINGS" then
- if not InCombatLockdown() then -- ticket 213
- GoGo_CheckBindings()
- end --if
- elseif event == "UI_ERROR_MESSAGE" then
- if GOGO_ERRORS[arg1] and not IsFlying() then
- GoGo_Dismount()
- end --if
- elseif (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("EVENT: Player Entering World")
- end --if
- GoGo_BuildMountSpellList()
- GoGo_BuildMountItemList()
- GoGo_BuildMountList()
- GoGo_CheckFor310()
- elseif (event == "COMPANION_LEARNED") then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("EVENT: Companion Learned")
- end --if
- GoGo_BuildMountSpellList()
- GoGo_BuildMountList()
- GoGo_CheckFor310()
- -- elseif (event == "BAG_UPDATE") then -- currently causing a noticable lag when moving bag items around
- -- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- -- GoGo_DebugAddLine("EVENT: Bag Update")
- -- end --if
- -- GoGo_BuildMountItemList()
- -- GoGo_BuildMountList()
- elseif (event == "CHAT_MSG_ADDON") and (arg1 == "GoGoMountVER") and not GoGo_Prefs.DisableUpdateNotice then
- if (arg2 > GetAddOnMetadata("GoGoMount", "Version")) and not GoGo_Variables.UpdateShown then
- GoGo_Variables.UpdateShown = true
- end --if
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_OnSlash(msg)
- ---------
- if GOGO_COMMANDS[string.lower(msg)] then
- GOGO_COMMANDS[string.lower(msg)]()
- elseif string.find(msg, "spell:%d+") or string.find(msg, "item:%d+") then
- local FItemID = string.gsub(msg,".-\124H([^\124]*)\124h.*", "%1");
- local idtype, itemid = strsplit(":",FItemID);
- GoGo_AddPrefMount(tonumber(itemid))
- GoGo_Msg("pref")
- else
- GoGo_Msg("optiongui")
- GoGo_Msg("auto")
- GoGo_Msg("genericfastflyer")
- GoGo_Msg("updatenotice")
- GoGo_Msg("mountnotice")
- if GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "DRUID" then GoGo_Msg("druidclickform") end --if
- if GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "DRUID" then GoGo_Msg("druidflightform") end --if
- GoGo_Msg("pref")
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_PreClick(button)
- ---------
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: Starts")
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: Location = " .. GetRealZoneText() .. " - " .. GetZoneText() .. " - " ..GetSubZoneText() .. " - " .. GetMinimapZoneText())
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: Current unit speed is " .. GetUnitSpeed("player"))
- local level = UnitLevel("player")
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are level " .. level)
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are a " .. GoGo_Variables.Player.Class)
- if GoGo_CanFly() then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We can fly here as per GoGo_CanFly()")
- else
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We can not fly here as per GoGo_CanFly()")
- end --if
- if IsOutdoors() then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are outdoors as per IsOutdoors()")
- else
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are not outdoors as per IsOutdoors()")
- end --if
- if IsIndoors() then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are indoors as per IsIndoors()")
- else
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are not indoors as per IsIndoors()")
- end --if
- if IsFlyableArea() then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We can fly here as per IsFlyableArea()")
- else
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We can not fly here as per IsFlyableArea()")
- end --if
- if IsFlying() then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are flying as per IsFlying()")
- else
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are not flying as per IsFlying()")
- end --if
- if IsSwimming() then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are swimming as per IsSwimming()")
- else
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are not swimming as per IsSwimming()")
- end --if
- if IsFalling() then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are falling as per IsFalling()")
- else
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are not falling as per IsFalling()")
- end --if
- if GoGo_IsMoving() then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are moving as per GoGo_IsMoving()")
- else
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: We are not moving as per GoGo_IsMoving()")
- end --if
- local posX, posY = GetPlayerMapPosition("Player")
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: Player location: X = ".. posX .. ", Y = " .. posY)
- end --if
- if not InCombatLockdown() then
- GoGo_FillButton(button)
- end --if
- if IsMounted() or CanExitVehicle() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: Player is mounted and is being dismounted.")
- end --if
- GoGo_Dismount()
- elseif GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "DRUID" and GoGo_IsShifted() and not InCombatLockdown() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: Player is a druid, is shifted and not in combat.")
- end --if
- GoGo_Dismount(button)
- elseif GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "SHAMAN" and UnitBuff("player", GoGo_Variables.Localize.GhostWolf) then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: Player is a shaman and is in wolf form.")
- end --if
- GoGo_Dismount()
- elseif not InCombatLockdown() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_PreClick: Player not in combat, button pressed, looking for a mount.")
- end --if
- GoGo_FillButton(button, GoGo_GetMount())
- end --if
- if not GoGo_Variables.TestVersion then
- if ( IsInGuild() ) then
- SendAddonMessage("GoGoMountVER", GetAddOnMetadata("GoGoMount", "Version"), "GUILD")
- end --if
- -- SendAddonMessage("GoGoMountVER", GetAddOnMetadata("GoGoMount", "Version"), "BATTLEGROUND")
- -- SendAddonMessage("GoGoMountVER", GetAddOnMetadata("GoGoMount", "Version"), "RAID")
- end --if
- -- GoGo_Variables.Debug = false
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_GetMount()
- ---------
- local selectedmount = GoGo_ChooseMount()
- -- if (GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "PALADIN") and GoGo_Prefs.PaliUseCrusader and GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.CrusaderAura) then
- -- local modifier = GetSpellInfo(GoGo_Variables.Localize.CrusaderAura)
- -- selectedmount = selectedmount .. "\n /stopcasting;\n /cast " .. modifier
- -- end --if
- return selectedmount
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_ChooseMount()
- ---------
- if (GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "DRUID") then
- GoGo_Variables.Druid.FeralSwiftness, _ = GoGo_GetTalentInfo(GOGO_TALENT_FERALSWIFTNESS)
- if IsIndoors() then
- if IsSwimming() then
- return GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.AquaForm)
- elseif GoGo_Variables.Druid.FeralSwiftness > 0 then
- return GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.CatForm)
- end --if
- return
- end --if
- if (IsSwimming() or IsFalling() or GoGo_IsMoving()) then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: We are a druid and we're falling, swimming or moving. Changing shape form.")
- end --if
- return GoGo_InBook(GOGO_SPELLS["DRUID"])
- end --if
- elseif (GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "SHAMAN") and GoGo_IsMoving() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: We are a shaman and we're moving. Changing shape form.")
- end --if
- GoGo_Variables.Shaman.ImprovedGhostWolf, _ = GoGo_GetTalentInfo(GOGO_TALENT_IMPROVEDGHOSTWOLF)
- if (GoGo_Variables.Shaman.ImprovedGhostWolf == 2) then return GoGo_InBook(GOGO_SPELLS["SHAMAN"]) end --if
- elseif (GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "HUNTER") and GoGo_IsMoving() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: We are a hunter and we're moving. Checking for aspects.")
- end --if
- -- if GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.AspectPack) then
- -- return GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.AspectPack)
- if GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.AspectCheetah) then
- return GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.AspectCheetah)
- end --if
- end --if
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Passed Druid / Shaman forms - nothing selected.")
- end --if
- local mounts = {}
- local GoGo_FilteredMounts = {}
- GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone = GetRealZoneText()
- GoGo_Variables.EngineeringLevel = GoGo_GetSkillLevel(GOGO_SKILL_ENGINEERING) or 0
- GoGo_Variables.TailoringLevel = GoGo_GetSkillLevel(GOGO_SKILL_TAILORING) or 0
- GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel = GoGo_GetSkillLevel(GOGO_SKILL_RIDING) or 0
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: " .. GOGO_SKILL_ENGINEERING .. " = "..GoGo_Variables.EngineeringLevel)
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: " .. GOGO_SKILL_TAILORING .. " = "..GoGo_Variables.TailoringLevel)
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: " .. GOGO_SKILL_RIDING .. " = "..GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel)
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) then
- if GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone] then
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone]
- GoGo_DisableUnknownMountNotice = true
- end --if
- end --if
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Checked for zone favorites.")
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) and not GoGo_FilteredMounts or (table.getn(GoGo_FilteredMounts) == 0) then
- if GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts then
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts
- GoGo_DisableUnknownMountNotice = true
- end --if
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Checked for global favorites.")
- end --if
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) and not GoGo_FilteredMounts or (table.getn(GoGo_FilteredMounts) == 0) then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Checking for spell and item mounts.")
- end --if
- -- Not updating bag items on bag changes right now so scan and update list
- GoGo_BuildMountItemList()
- GoGo_BuildMountList()
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_Variables.MountList
- if not GoGo_FilteredMounts or (table.getn(GoGo_FilteredMounts) == 0) then
- if GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "SHAMAN" then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: No mounts found. Forcing shaman shape form.")
- end --if
- return GoGo_InBook(GOGO_SPELLS["SHAMAN"])
- elseif GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "DRUID" then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: No mounts found. Forcing druid shape form.")
- end --if
- return GoGo_InBook(GOGO_SPELLS["DRUID"])
- else
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: No mounts found. Giving up the search.")
- end --if
- return nil
- end --if
- end --if
- end --if
- local GoGo_TempMounts = {}
- if GoGo_Variables.EngineeringLevel <= 299 then
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 45)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 46)
- elseif GoGo_Variables.EngineeringLevel >= 300 and GoGo_Variables.EngineeringLevel <= 374 then
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 46)
- elseif GoGo_Variables.EngineeringLevel >= 375 then
- -- filter nothing
- else
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 45)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 46)
- end --if
- if GoGo_Variables.TailoringLevel <= 299 then
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 49)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 48)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 47)
- elseif GoGo_Variables.TailoringLevel >= 300 and GoGo_Variables.TailoringLevel <= 424 then
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 49)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 47)
- elseif GoGo_Variables.TailoringLevel >= 425 and GoGo_Variables.TailoringLevel <= 449 then
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 47)
- elseif GoGo_Variables.TailoringLevel >= 450 then
- -- filter nothing
- else
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 49)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 48)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 47)
- end --if
- if IsSwimming() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Forcing ground mounts because we're swimming.")
- end --if
- GoGo_Variables.SkipFlyingMount = true
- else
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 53)
- end --if
- if GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone ~= GoGo_Variables.Localize.Zone.AQ40 then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Removing AQ40 mounts since we are not in AQ40.")
- end --if
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 50)
- end --if
- if GoGo_Variables.SelectPassengerMount then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Filtering out all mounts except passenger mounts since passenger mount only was requested.")
- end --if
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 2) or {}
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) and IsSwimming() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Looking for water speed increase mounts since we're in water.")
- end --if
- mounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 5) or {}
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) and GoGo_CanFly() and not GoGo_Variables.SkipFlyingMount then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Looking for flying mounts since we past flight checks.")
- end --if
- if GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel <= 224 then
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 36)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 35)
- elseif GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel >= 225 and GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel <= 299 then
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 35)
- elseif GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel >= 300 then
- -- filter nothing
- else
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 36)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 35)
- end --if
- -- Druid stuff...
- -- Use flight forms if preferred
- if GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "DRUID" and (GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.FastFlightForm) or GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.FlightForm)) and GoGo_Prefs.DruidFlightForm then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Druid with preferred flight forms option enabled. Using flight form.")
- end --if
- return GoGo_InBook(GOGO_SPELLS["DRUID"])
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) then
- GoGo_TempMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 9)
- mounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_TempMounts, 24)
- end --if
- if GoGo_Prefs.genericfastflyer then
- local GoGo_TempMountsA = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_TempMounts, 23)
- if GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel <= 299 then
- GoGo_TempMountsA = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_TempMountsA, 29)
- end --if
- if GoGo_TempMountsA then
- for counter = 1, table.getn(GoGo_TempMountsA) do
- table.insert(mounts, GoGo_TempMountsA[counter])
- end --for
- end --if
- local GoGo_TempMountsA = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_TempMounts, 26)
- if GoGo_TempMountsA then
- for counter = 1, table.getn(GoGo_TempMountsA) do
- table.insert(mounts, GoGo_TempMountsA[counter])
- end --for
- end --if
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) then
- GoGo_TempMountsA = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_TempMounts, 23)
- if GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel <= 299 then
- mounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_TempMountsA, 29)
- else
- mounts = GoGo_TempMountsA
- end --if
- end --if
- -- no epic flyers found - add druid swift flight if available
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0 and (GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "Druid") and (GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.FastFlightForm))) then
- table.insert(mounts, GoGo_Variables.Localize.FastFlightForm)
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) then
- GoGo_TempMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 9)
- mounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_TempMounts, 22)
- end --if
- -- no slow flying mounts found - add druid flight if available
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0 and (GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "Druid") and (GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.FlightForm))) then
- table.insert(mounts, GoGo_Variables.Localize.FlightForm)
- end --if
- end --if
- if (table.getn(GoGo_FilteredMounts) >= 1) then
- --GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 1)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 36)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 35)
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) and (table.getn(GoGo_FilteredMounts) >= 1) then -- no flying mounts selected yet - try to use loaned mounts
- GoGo_TempMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 52) or {}
- if (table.getn(GoGo_TempMounts) >= 1) and (GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone == GoGo_Variables.Localize.Zone.SholazarBasin or GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone == GoGo_Variables.Localize.Zone.TheStormPeaks or GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone == GOGO_ZONE_ICECROWN) then
- mounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 52)
- end --if
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 52)
- end --if
- -- Set the oculus mounts as the only mounts available if we're in the oculus, not skiping flying and have them in inventory
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) and (table.getn(GoGo_FilteredMounts) >= 1) and (GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone == GOGO_ZONE_THEOCULUS) and not GoGo_Variables.SkipFlyingMount then
- GoGo_TempMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 54) or {}
- if (table.getn(GoGo_TempMounts) >= 1) then
- mounts = GoGo_TempMounts
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: In the Oculus, Oculus only mount found, using.")
- end --if
- else
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: In the Oculus, no oculus mount found in inventory.")
- end --if
- end --if
- else
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 54)
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Not in Oculus or forced ground mount only.")
- end --if
- end --if
- -- Select ground mounts
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) and GoGo_CanRide() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Looking for ground mounts since we can't fly.")
- end --if
- if GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel <= 74 then
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 37)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 38)
- elseif GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel >= 75 and GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel <= 149 then
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 37)
- end --if
- GoGo_TempMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 21)
- if GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel <= 149 then
- GoGo_TempMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_TempMounts, 29)
- end --if
- if GoGo_Variables.RidingLevel <= 225 and GoGo_CanFly() then
- mounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_TempMounts, 3)
- else
- mounts = GoGo_TempMounts
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) then
- mounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 20)
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) then
- mounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 25)
- end --if
- end --if
- if table.getn(GoGo_FilteredMounts) >= 1 then
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 37)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 38)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 21)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 20)
- GoGo_FilteredMounts = GoGo_FilterMountsOut(GoGo_FilteredMounts, 25)
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) == 0) then
- if (GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "SHAMAN") and (GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.GhostWolf)) then
- table.insert(mounts, GoGo_Variables.Localize.GhostWolf)
- end --if
- end --if
- if (table.getn(mounts) >= 1) then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- for a = 1, table.getn(mounts) do
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Found mount " .. mounts[a] .. " - included in random pick.")
- end --for
- end --if
- selected = mounts[math.random(table.getn(mounts))]
- if type(selected) == "string" then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_ChooseMount: Selected string " .. selected)
- end --if
- return selected
- else
- selected = GoGo_GetIDName(selected)
- return selected
- end --if
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_FilterMountsOut(PlayerMounts, FilterID)
- ---------
- local GoGo_FilteringMounts = {}
- if table.getn(PlayerMounts) == 0 then
- return GoGo_FilteringMounts
- end --if
- for a = 1, table.getn(PlayerMounts) do
- local MountID = PlayerMounts[a]
- for DBMountID, DBMountData in pairs(GoGo_Variables.MountDB) do
- if (DBMountID == MountID) and not DBMountData[FilterID] then
- table.insert(GoGo_FilteringMounts, MountID)
- elseif not GoGo_Variables.MountDB[MountID] then
- GoGo_Prefs.UnknownMounts[MountID] = true
- if not GoGo_Prefs.DisableMountNotice and not GoGo_DisableUnknownMountNotice then
- GoGo_DisableUnknownMountNotice = true
- GoGo_Msg("UnknownMount")
- end --if
- end --if
- end --for
- end --for
- return GoGo_FilteringMounts
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_FilterMountsIn(PlayerMounts, FilterID)
- ---------
- local GoGo_FilteringMounts = {}
- if table.getn(PlayerMounts) == 0 then
- return GoGo_FilteringMounts
- end --if
- for a = 1, table.getn(PlayerMounts) do
- local MountID = PlayerMounts[a]
- for DBMountID, DBMountData in pairs(GoGo_Variables.MountDB) do
- if (DBMountID == MountID) and DBMountData[FilterID] then
- table.insert(GoGo_FilteringMounts, MountID)
- elseif not GoGo_Variables.MountDB[MountID] then
- GoGo_Prefs.UnknownMounts[MountID] = true
- if not GoGo_Prefs.DisableMountNotice and not GoGo_DisableUnknownMountNotice then
- GoGo_DisableUnknownMountNotice = true
- GoGo_Msg("UnknownMount")
- end --if
- end --if
- end --for
- end --for
- return GoGo_FilteringMounts
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_Dismount(button)
- ---------
- if IsMounted() then
- Dismount()
- elseif CanExitVehicle() then
- VehicleExit()
- elseif GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "DRUID" then
- if GoGo_IsShifted() and button then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DruidClickForm and not IsFlying() then
- GoGo_FillButton(button, GoGo_GetMount())
- else
- -- CancelUnitBuff("player", GoGo_IsShifted()) -- protected by blizzard now
- GoGo_FillButton(button, GoGo_IsShifted())
- end --if
- end --if
- elseif GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "SHAMAN" and UnitBuff("player", GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.GhostWolf)) then
- CancelUnitBuff("player", GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.GhostWolf))
- else
- return nil
- end --if
- return true
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_InCompanions(item)
- ---------
- for slot = 1, GetNumCompanions("MOUNT") do
- local _, _, spellID = GetCompanionInfo("MOUNT", slot)
- if spellID and string.find(item, spellID) then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_InCompanions: Found mount name " .. GetSpellInfo(spellID) .. " in mount list.")
- end --if
- return GetSpellInfo(spellID)
- end --if
- end --for
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_BuildMountList()
- ---------
- GoGo_Variables.MountList = {}
- if (table.getn(GoGo_Variables.MountSpellList) > 0) then
- for a=1, table.getn(GoGo_Variables.MountSpellList) do
- table.insert(GoGo_Variables.MountList, GoGo_Variables.MountSpellList[a])
- end --for
- end --if
- if (table.getn(GoGo_Variables.MountItemList) > 0) then
- for a=1, table.getn(GoGo_Variables.MountItemList) do
- table.insert(GoGo_Variables.MountList, GoGo_Variables.MountItemList[a])
- end --for
- end --if
- return GoGo_Variables.MountList
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_BuildMountSpellList()
- ---------
- GoGo_Variables.MountSpellList = {}
- if (GetNumCompanions("MOUNT") >= 1) then
- for slot = 1, GetNumCompanions("MOUNT"),1 do
- local _, _, SpellID = GetCompanionInfo("MOUNT", slot)
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_BuildMountSpellList: Found mount spell ID " .. SpellID .. " at slot " .. slot .. " and added to known mount list.")
- end --if
- table.insert(GoGo_Variables.MountSpellList, SpellID)
- end --for
- end --if
- return GoGo_Variables.MountSpellList
- end -- function
- ---------
- function GoGo_BuildMountItemList()
- ---------
- GoGo_Variables.MountItemList = {}
- for a = 1, table.getn(GoGo_MountsItems) do
- local MountID = GoGo_MountsItems[a]
- if GoGo_InBags(MountID) then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_BuildMountItemList: Found mount item ID " .. MountID .. " in a bag and added to known mount list.")
- end --if
- table.insert(GoGo_Variables.MountItemList, MountID)
- end --if
- end --for
- return GoGo_Variables.MountItemList
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_InBags(item)
- ---------
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_InBags: Searching for " .. item)
- end --if
- for bag = 0, NUM_BAG_FRAMES do
- for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do
- local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot)
- if link then
- local _, itemid, _ = strsplit(":",link,3)
- if tonumber(itemid) == item then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_InBags: Found item ID " .. item .. " in bag " .. (bag+1) .. ", at slot " .. slot .. " and added to known mount list.")
- end --if
- return GetItemInfo(link)
- end --if
- end --if
- end --for
- end --for
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_InBook(spell)
- ---------
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_InBook: Searching for type " .. type(spell))
- end --if
- if type(spell) == "function" then
- return spell()
- else
- if type(spell) == "string" then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_InBook: Searching for " .. spell)
- end --if
- local slot = 1
- while GetSpellName(slot, "spell") do
- local name = GetSpellName(slot, "spell")
- if name == spell then
- return spell
- end --if
- slot = slot + 1
- end --while
- elseif type(spell) == "number" then
- local spellname = GetSpellInfo(spell)
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_InBook: Searching for spell ID " .. spell)
- end --if
- local slot = 1
- while GetSpellName(slot, "spell") do
- local name = GetSpellName(slot, "spell")
- if name == spellname then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_InBook: Found spell ID " .. spell .. " in book slot " .. slot)
- end --if
- return name
- end --if
- slot = slot + 1
- end --while
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_InBook: Spell ID " .. spell .. " not found")
- end --if
- end --if
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_IsShifted()
- ---------
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_IsShifted: GoGo_IsShifted starting")
- end --if
- for i = 1, GetNumShapeshiftForms() do
- local _, name, active = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i)
- if active then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_IsShifted: Found " .. name)
- end --if
- return name
- end
- end --for
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_InAzeroth()
- ---------
- if string.find(GOGO_AZEROTH, GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone, 1, true) then
- return true
- end --if
- end --function
- function GoGo_InCapitalCity()
- ---------
- if string.find(GOGO_CAPITAL_CITIES, GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone, 1, true) then
- return true
- end --if
- end --function
- function GoGo_InOutlands()
- ---------
- if string.find(GOGO_OUTLANDS, GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone, 1, true) then
- return true
- end --if
- end --function
- function GoGo_InNorthrend()
- ---------
- if string.find(GOGO_NORTHREND, GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone, 1, true) then
- return true
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_AddPrefMount(spell)
- ---------
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_AddPrefMount: Preference " .. spell)
- end --if
- if not GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMount then
- GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone = GetRealZoneText()
- if not GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone] then GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone] = {} end
- table.insert(GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone], spell)
- if table.getn(GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone]) > 1 then
- local i = 2
- repeat
- if GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone][i] == GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone][i - 1] then
- table.remove(GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone], i)
- else
- i = i + 1
- end --if
- until i > table.getn(GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone])
- end --if
- else
- if not GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts then GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts = {} end
- table.insert(GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts, spell)
- if table.getn(GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts) > 1 then
- local i = 2
- repeat
- if GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts[i] == GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts[i - 1] then
- table.remove(GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts, i)
- else
- i = i + 1
- end --if
- until i > table.getn(GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts)
- end --if
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_GetIDName(itemid)
- ---------
- local tempname = ""
- local ItemName = ""
- if type(itemid) == "number" then
- local GoGo_TempMount = {}
- table.insert(GoGo_TempMount, itemid)
- if (table.getn(GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_TempMount, 4)) == 1) then
- return GetItemInfo(itemid) or "Unknown Mount"
- else
- return GetSpellInfo(itemid) or "Unknown Mount"
- end --if
- elseif type(itemid) == "table" then
- for a=1, table.getn(itemid) do
- tempname = itemid[a]
- local GoGo_TempTable = {}
- table.insert(GoGo_TempTable, tempname)
- if (table.getn(GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_TempTable, 4)) == 1) then
- -- tempname = GetItemInfo(tempname)
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_GetIDName: GetItemID for " .. tempname .. GetItemInfo(tempname))
- end --if
- ItemName = ItemName .. (GetItemInfo(tempname) or "Unknown Mount") .. ", "
- else
- -- tempname = GetSpellInfo(tempname)
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_GetIDName: GetSpellID for " .. tempname .. GetSpellInfo(tempname))
- end --if
- ItemName = ItemName .. (GetSpellInfo(tempname) or "Unknown Mount") .. ", "
- end --if
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_GetIDName: Itemname string is " .. ItemName)
- end --if
- end --for
- return ItemName
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_GetTalentInfo(talentname)
- ---------
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_GetTalentInfo: Searching talent tree for " .. talentname)
- end --if
- local numTabs = GetNumTalentTabs()
- for tab=1, numTabs do
- local numTalents = GetNumTalents(tab)
- for talent=1, numTalents do
- local name, _, _, _, rank, maxrank = GetTalentInfo(tab,talent)
- if (talentname == name) then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_GetTalentInfo: Found " .. talentname .. " with rank " .. rank)
- end --if
- return rank, maxrank
- end --if
- end --for
- end --for
- return 0,0
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_FillButton(button, mount)
- ---------
- if mount then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_FillButton: Casting " .. mount)
- end --if
- button:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/use "..mount)
- else
- button:SetAttribute("macrotext", nil)
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_CheckBindings()
- ---------
- for binding, button in pairs({GOGOBINDING = GoGoButton, GOGOBINDING2 = GoGoButton2, GOGOBINDING3 = GoGoButton3}) do
- ClearOverrideBindings(button)
- local key1, key2 = GetBindingKey(binding)
- if key1 then
- SetOverrideBindingClick(button, true, key1, button:GetName())
- end --if
- if key2 then
- SetOverrideBindingClick(button, true, key2, button:GetName())
- end --if
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_CanFly()
- ---------
- GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone = GetRealZoneText()
- GoGo_Variables.Player.SubZone = GetSubZoneText()
- local level = UnitLevel("player")
- -- if (level <= 69) and not (GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "DRUID") then
- -- return false
- -- elseif (GoGo_Variables.Player.Class == "DRUID" and level <= 67) then
- -- return false
- -- end --if
- if (level < 60) then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Failed - Player under level 60")
- end --if
- return false
- end --if
- if GoGo_InOutlands() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Player in Outlands, we can fly here") -- we can fly here
- end --if
- elseif GoGo_InAzeroth() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Player in Azeroth, checking to see if we're in a capitcal city..")
- end --if
- -- exclude Stormwind, Ironforge, Undercity, Silvermoon City, Darnassus, Exodar, Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff
- if GoGo_InCapitalCity() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Failed - Player in capital city, not in flyable area.")
- end --if
- return false
- end --if
- elseif GoGo_InNorthrend() then --and (GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.ColdWeatherFlying))) then -- removing this check for Wow-Mania VIP mounts, but will need to find a better way
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Player in Northrend, but doing some more checks..")
- end --if
- if GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone == GoGo_Variables.Localize.Zone.Dalaran then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Player in Dalaran, but doing even more checks..")
- end --if
- if (GoGo_Variables.Player.SubZone == GOGO_SZONE_KRASUSLANDING) then
- if not IsFlyableArea() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Failed - Player in " .. GOGO_SZONE_KRASUSLANDING .. " and not in flyable area.")
- end --if
- return false
- end --if
- elseif (GoGo_Variables.Player.SubZone == GOGO_SZONE_THEVIOLETCITADEL) then
- if not IsOutdoors() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Failed - Player in " .. GOGO_SZONE_THEVIOLETCITADEL .. " and not outdoors area.")
- end --if
- return false
- end --if
- -- if not GoGo_CheckCoOrds("Dalaran", "VioletCitadel") then
- -- return false
- -- end --if
- if not IsFlyableArea() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Failed - Player in " .. GOGO_SZONE_THEVIOLETCITADEL .. " and not in flyable area.")
- end --if
- return false
- end --if
- elseif (GoGo_Variables.Player.SubZone == GOGO_SZONE_THEUNDERBELLY) then
- -- if not GoGo_CheckCoOrds("Dalaran", "Underbelly") then
- -- return false
- -- end --if
- if not IsFlyableArea() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Failed - Player in " .. GOGO_SZONE_THEUNDERBELLY .. " and not in flyable area.")
- end --if
- return false
- end --if
- elseif (GoGo_Variables.Player.SubZone == GoGo_Variables.Localize.Zone.Dalaran) then
- -- if not GoGo_CheckCoOrds("Dalaran", "Dalaran") then
- -- return false
- -- end --if
- if not IsFlyableArea() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Failed - Player in " .. GoGo_Variables.Localize.Zone.Dalaran .. " and not outdoors area.")
- end --if
- return false
- end --if
- else
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Failed - Player in " .. GoGo_Variables.Localize.Zone.Dalaran .. " and not in known flyable subzone.")
- end --if
- return false
- end --if
- end --if
- if GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone == GoGo_Variables.Localize.Zone.Wintergrasp then
- if GetWintergraspWaitTime() then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Player in Wintergrasp and battle ground is not active.")
- end --if
- -- timer ticking to start wg.. we can mount
- else
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Failed - Player in Wintergrasp and battle ground is active.")
- end --if
- -- we should be in battle.. can't mount
- return false
- end --if
- end --if
- else
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanFly: Failed - Player does not meet any flyable conditions.")
- end --if
- return false -- we can't fly anywhere else
- end --if
- return true
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_CanRide()
- ---------
- local level = UnitLevel("player")
- if level >= 20 then
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CanRide: Passed - Player is over level 20.")
- end --if
- return true
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_CheckFor310() -- checks to see if any existing 310% mounts exist to increase the speed of [6] mounts
- ---------
- local loop
- local MountID
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CheckFor310: Function executed.")
- end --if
- local Find310Mounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_Variables.MountList,24)
- for loop=1, table.getn(Find310Mounts) do
- MountID = Find310Mounts[loop]
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CheckFor310: Mount ID " .. MountID .. " found as 310% flying.")
- end --if
- end --for
- if (table.getn(Find310Mounts) > 0) then
- Find310Mounts = GoGo_FilterMountsIn(GoGo_Variables.MountList,6)
- if table.getn(Find310Mounts) then
- for loop=1, table.getn(Find310Mounts) do
- MountID = Find310Mounts[loop]
- GoGo_Variables.MountDB[MountID][24] = true
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CheckFor310: Mount ID " .. MountID .. " added as 310% flying.")
- end --if
- end --for
- end --if
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_IsMoving()
- ---------
- if GetUnitSpeed("player") ~= 0 then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_GetSkillLevel(searchname)
- ---------
- for skillIndex = 1, GetNumSkillLines() do
- skillName, isHeader, isExpanded, skillRank = GetSkillLineInfo(skillIndex)
- if isHeader == nil then
- if skillName == searchname then
- return skillRank
- end --if
- end --if
- end --for
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_CheckCoOrds(ZoneName, SubZoneName)
- ---------
- local posX, posY = GetPlayerMapPosition("Player")
- local CanFlyHere = false
- local ZoneName = GoGo_FlyCoOrds[ZoneName]
- local SubZoneName = ZoneName[SubZoneName]
- for a = 1, table.getn(SubZoneName) or 0 do
- if GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then
- GoGo_DebugAddLine("GoGo_CheckCoOrds: Checking CoOrds " .. a)
- end --if
- local PointAX, PointAY, PointBX, PointBY = SubZoneName[a][1], SubZoneName[a][2], SubZoneName[a][3], SubZoneName[a][4]
- if posX >= PointAX and posX <= PointBX and posY >= PointAY and posY <= PointBY then
- -- we are in the rectangle a
- return true
- end --if
- end --for
- return false
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_Msg(msg)
- ---------
- if msg then
- if GOGO_MESSAGES[msg] then
- GoGo_Msg(GOGO_MESSAGES[msg]())
- else
- msg = string.gsub(msg, "<", LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE)
- msg = string.gsub(msg, ">", "|r")
- end --if
- end --if
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_Id(itemstring)
- ---------
- local _, _, itemid = string.find(itemstring,"(item:%d+)")
- if itemid then
- return itemid.." - "..itemstring
- end --if
- local _, _, spellid = string.find(itemstring,"(spell:%d+)")
- if spellid then
- return spellid.." - "..itemstring
- end --if
- end --function
- }
- ["DRUID"] = function()
- if GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.AquaForm) then
- if not GoGo_Variables.SkipFlyingMount and GoGo_CanFly() and GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.FastFlightForm) then
- return "[swimming] "..GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.AquaForm).."; [combat]"..GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.TravelForm).."; "..GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.FastFlightForm)
- elseif not GoGo_Variables.SkipFlyingMount and GoGo_CanFly() and GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.FlightForm) then
- return "[swimming] "..GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.AquaForm).."; [combat]"..GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.TravelForm).."; "..GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.FlightForm)
- else
- return "[swimming] "..GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.AquaForm).."; "..GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.TravelForm)
- end --if
- end --if
- end, --function
- ["SHAMAN"] = function()
- return GoGo_InBook(GoGo_Variables.Localize.GhostWolf)
- end, --function
- }
- ["auto"] = function()
- GoGo_Prefs.autodismount = not GoGo_Prefs.autodismount
- GoGo_Msg("auto")
- GoGo_Panel_UpdateViews()
- end, --function
- ["genericfastflyer"] = function()
- if not GoGo_CanFly() then
- return
- else
- GoGo_Prefs.genericfastflyer = not GoGo_Prefs.genericfastflyer
- GoGo_Msg("genericfastflyer")
- GoGo_Panel_UpdateViews()
- end --if
- end, --function
- ["clear"] = function()
- if GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMount then
- GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts = nil
- if not InCombatLockdown() then
- for i, button in ipairs({GoGoButton, GoGoButton2}) do
- GoGo_FillButton(button)
- end --for
- end --if
- else
- GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone] = nil
- if not InCombatLockdown() then
- for i, button in ipairs({GoGoButton, GoGoButton2}) do
- GoGo_FillButton(button)
- end --for
- end --if
- end --if
- GoGo_Msg("pref")
- end, --function
- ["updatenotice"] = function()
- GoGo_Prefs.DisableUpdateNotice = not GoGo_Prefs.DisableUpdateNotice
- GoGo_Msg("updatenotice")
- GoGo_Panel_UpdateViews()
- end, --function
- ["mountnotice"] = function()
- GoGo_Prefs.DisableMountNotice = not GoGo_Prefs.DisableMountNotice
- GoGo_Msg("mountnotice")
- GoGo_Panel_UpdateViews()
- end, --function
- ["druidclickform"] = function()
- GoGo_Prefs.DruidClickForm = not GoGo_Prefs.DruidClickForm
- GoGo_Msg("druidclickform")
- GoGo_Panel_UpdateViews()
- end, --function
- ["druidflightform"] = function()
- GoGo_Prefs.DruidFlightForm = not GoGo_Prefs.DruidFlightForm
- GoGo_Msg("druidflightform")
- GoGo_Panel_UpdateViews()
- end, --function
- ["options"] = function()
- InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(GoGo_Panel)
- end, --function
- }
- ["auto"] = function()
- if GoGo_Prefs.autodismount then
- return "Autodismount active - </gogo auto> to toggle"
- else
- return "Autodismount inactive - </gogo auto> to toggle"
- end --if
- end, --function
- ["genericfastflyer"] = function()
- if not GoGo_CanFly() then
- return
- elseif GoGo_Prefs.genericfastflyer then
- return "Considering epic flying mounts 310% - 280% speeds the same for random selection - </gogo genericfastflyer> to toggle"
- else
- return "Considering epic flying mounts 310% - 280% speeds different for random selection - </gogo genericfastflyer> to toggle"
- end --if
- end, --function
- ["pref"] = function()
- local msg = ""
- if not GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMount then
- local list = ""
- if GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone] then
- list = list .. GoGo_GetIDName(GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone])
- msg = GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone..": "..list.." - </gogo clear> to clear"
- else
- msg = GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone..": ?".." - </gogo ItemLink> or </gogo SpellName> to add"
- end --if
- if GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts then
- list = list .. GoGo_GetIDName(GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts)
- msg = msg .. "\nGlobal Preferred Mounts: "..list.." - Enable global mount preferences to change."
- end --if
- return msg
- else
- local list = ""
- if GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts then
- list = list .. GoGo_GetIDName(GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts)
- msg = "Global Preferred Mounts: "..list.." - </gogo clear> to clear"
- else
- msg = "Global Preferred Mounts: ?".." - </gogo ItemLink> or </gogo SpellName> to add"
- end --if
- if GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone] then
- list = list .. GoGo_GetIDName(GoGo_Prefs[GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone])
- msg = msg .. "\n" .. GoGo_Variables.Player.Zone ..": "..list.." - Disable global mount preferences to change."
- end --if
- return msg
- end --if
- end, --function
- ["updatenotice"] = function()
- if GoGo_Prefs.DisableUpdateNotice then
- return "Update notices from other players disabled - </gogo updatenotice> to toggle"
- else
- return "Update notices from other players enabled - </gogo updatenotice> to toggle"
- end --if
- end, --function
- ["mountnotice"] = function()
- if GoGo_Prefs.DisableMountNotice then
- return "Update notices about unknown mounts are disabled - </gogo mountnotice> to toggle"
- else
- return "Update notices about unknown mounts are enabled - </gogo mountnotice> to toggle"
- end --if
- end, --function
- ["druidclickform"] = function()
- if GoGo_Prefs.DruidClickForm then
- return "Single click form changes enabled - </gogo druidclickform> to toggle"
- else
- return "Single click form changes disabled - </gogo druidclickform> to toggle"
- end --if
- end, --function
- ["druidflightform"] = function()
- if GoGo_Prefs.DruidFlightForm then
- return "Flight Forms always used over flying mounts - </gogo druidflightform> to toggle"
- else
- return "Flighing mounts selected, flight forms if moving - </gogo druidflightform> to toggle"
- end --if
- end, --function
- ["UnknownMount"] = function() return GOGO_STRING_UNKNOWNMOUNTFOUND end, --function
- ["optiongui"] = function() return "To open the GUI options window - </gogo options>" end, --function
- }
- ---------
- function GoGo_DebugAddLine(LogLine)
- ---------
- if not GoGo_Variables.DebugLine then GoGo_Variables.DebugLine = 1 end --if
- GoGo_DebugLog[GoGo_Variables.DebugLine] = LogLine
- GoGo_Msg(LogLine)
- GoGo_Variables.DebugLine = GoGo_Variables.DebugLine + 1
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_Panel_OnLoad(GoGo_Panel)
- ---------
- -- local GoGo_Panel = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil);
- -- GoGo_Panel:SetScript("OnShow",function() GoGo_Panel_UpdateViews(); end);
- = "GoGoMount"
- GoGo_Panel.okay = function (self) GoGo_Panel_Okay(); end;
- GoGo_Panel.default = function (self) GoGo_Settings_Default(); GoGo_Panel_UpdateViews(); end;
- InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(GoGo_Panel)
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_Panel_CurrentZoneFavorites_OnLoad(GoGo_Panel_CurrentZoneFavorites)
- ---------
- GoGo_Panel_CurrentZoneFavorites.parent = "GoGoMount"
- GoGo_Panel_CurrentZoneFavorites.okay = function (self) GoGo_Panel_Okay(); end;
- GoGo_Panel_CurrentZoneFavorites.default = function (self) GOGO_COMMANDS["clear"](); GoGo_UpdateFavoritesTabs(); end; -- use clear command with default button
- InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(GoGo_Panel_CurrentZoneFavorites)
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_OnLoad(GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites)
- ---------
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites.parent = "GoGoMount"
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites.okay = function (self) GoGo_Panel_Okay(); end;
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites.default = function (self) GOGO_COMMANDS["clear"](); GoGo_UpdateFavoritesTabs(); end; -- use clear command with default button
- InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites)
- end --function
- --[[
- ---------
- function GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Populate()
- ---------
- if getn(GoGo_Variables.MountList) > 0 then
- for numMounts = 1, getn(GoGo_Variables.MountList) do
- GoGo_CurrentMountID = CreateFrame("CheckButton", GoGo_Variables.MountList[numMounts], GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
- GoGo_CurrentMountID:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", numMounts * 16, -16)
- --GoGo_Panel_MountItem = getglobal(GoGo_Panel_MountItem[GoGo_CurrentMountID])
- GoGo_CurrentMountIDText:SetText(GoGo_Variables.MountList[numMounts])
- end --for
- end --if
- end --function
- ]]
- ---------
- function GoGo_Panel_Options()
- ---------
- GoGo_Panel_DruidClickForm = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "GoGo_Panel_DruidClickForm", GoGo_Panel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
- GoGo_Panel_DruidClickForm:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 16, -16)
- GoGo_Panel_DruidFlightForm = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "GoGo_Panel_DruidFlightForm", GoGo_Panel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
- GoGo_Panel_DruidFlightForm:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_DruidClickForm", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -4)
- GoGo_Panel_DruidFlightFormText:SetText(GoGo_Variables.Localize.String.DruidFlightPreference)
- GoGo_Panel_AutoDismount = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "GoGo_Panel_AutoDismount", GoGo_Panel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
- GoGo_Panel_AutoDismount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_DruidFlightForm", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -4)
- GoGo_Panel_GenericFastFlyer = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "GoGo_Panel_GenericFastFlyer", GoGo_Panel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
- GoGo_Panel_GenericFastFlyer:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_AutoDismount", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -4)
- GoGo_Panel_GenericFastFlyerText:SetText(GOGO_STRING_SAMEEPICFLYSPEED)
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalPrefMount = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalPrefMount", GoGo_Panel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalPrefMount:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GenericFastFlyer", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -4)
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalPrefMountText:SetText("Preferred mount changes apply to global setting")
- -- GoGo_Panel_PaliUseCrusader = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "GoGo_Panel_PaliUseCrusader", GoGo_Panel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
- -- GoGo_Panel_PaliUseCrusader:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalPrefMount", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -4)
- -- GoGo_Panel_PaliUseCrusaderText:SetText("Paladins: Auto start Crusader Aura when mounting")
- GoGo_Panel_DisableUpdateNotice = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "GoGo_Panel_DisableUpdateNotice", GoGo_Panel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
- -- GoGo_Panel_DisableUpdateNotice:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_PaliUseCrusader", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -12)
- GoGo_Panel_DisableUpdateNotice:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalPrefMount", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -12)
- GoGo_Panel_DisableUpdateNoticeText:SetText(GOGO_STRING_DISABLEUPDATENOTICES)
- GoGo_Panel_DisableMountNotice = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "GoGo_Panel_DisableMountNotice", GoGo_Panel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
- GoGo_Panel_DisableMountNotice:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_DisableUpdateNotice", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -4)
- GoGo_Panel_DebugMessages = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "GoGo_Panel_DebugMessages", GoGo_Panel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
- GoGo_Panel_DebugMessages:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_DisableMountNotice", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -4)
- GoGo_Panel_DebugMessagesText:SetText("Enable Debug Messages")
- -- Global favorite scroll frame and buttons
- --[[
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "FauxScrollFrameTemplate")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites", "TOPLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll:SetScript("OnVerticalScroll",function() FauxScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll(this, offset, 16, GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll_Update); end);
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll:SetScript("OnShow",function() GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll_Update(); end);
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line1 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line1", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll", "TOPLEFT", 8, 0)
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line2 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line2",GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line2:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line1", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line3 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line3", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line3:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line2", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line4 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line4", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line4:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line3", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line5 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line5", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line5:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line4", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line6 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line6", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line6:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line5", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line7 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line7", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line7:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line6", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line8 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line8", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line8:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line7", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line9 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line9", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line9:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line8", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line10 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line10", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line10:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line9", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line11 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line11", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line11:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line10", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line12 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line12", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line12:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line11", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line13 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line13", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line13:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line12", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line14 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line14", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line14:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line13", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line15 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line15", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line15:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line14", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line16 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line16", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line16:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line15", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line17 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line17", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line17:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line16", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line18 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line18", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line18:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line17", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line19 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line19", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line19:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line18", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line20 = CreateFrame("Button", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line20", GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites, "GoGo_Favorite_Button")
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line20:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line19", "BOTTOMLEFT")
- ]]
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll_Update()
- ---------
- local line; -- 1 through 5 of our window to scroll
- local lineplusoffset; -- an index into our data calculated from the scroll offset
- FauxScrollFrame_Update(GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll,50,20,16);
- for line=1,20 do
- lineplusoffset = line + FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Scroll);
- if lineplusoffset <= 50 then
- getglobal("GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line"..line):SetText(GoGo_GetIDName(GoGo_Variables.MountSpellList[lineplusoffset]));
- --GoGo_DebugAddLine(GoGo_GetIDName(GoGo_Variables.MountSpellList[lineplusoffset]))
- getglobal("GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line"..line):Show();
- else
- getglobal("GoGo_Panel_GlobalFavorites_Line"..line):Hide();
- end --if
- end --for
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_Panel_UpdateViews()
- ---------
- GoGo_Panel_AutoDismount:SetChecked(GoGo_Prefs.autodismount)
- GoGo_Panel_GenericFastFlyer:SetChecked(GoGo_Prefs.genericfastflyer)
- GoGo_Panel_DisableUpdateNotice:SetChecked(GoGo_Prefs.DisableUpdateNotice)
- GoGo_Panel_DisableMountNotice:SetChecked(GoGo_Prefs.DisableMountNotice)
- GoGo_Panel_DebugMessages:SetChecked(GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages)
- GoGo_Panel_DruidClickForm:SetChecked(GoGo_Prefs.DruidClickForm)
- GoGo_Panel_DruidFlightForm:SetChecked(GoGo_Prefs.DruidFlightForm)
- GoGo_Panel_GlobalPrefMount:SetChecked(GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMount)
- -- GoGo_Panel_PaliUseCrusader:SetChecked(GoGo_Prefs.PaliUseCrusader)
- if GoGo_Prefs.autodismount then
- GoGoFrame:RegisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE")
- else
- GoGoFrame:UnregisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE")
- end --if
- end -- function
- ---------
- function GoGo_Panel_Okay()
- ---------
- GoGo_Prefs.autodismount = GoGo_Panel_AutoDismount:GetChecked()
- GoGo_Prefs.genericfastflyer = GoGo_Panel_GenericFastFlyer:GetChecked()
- GoGo_Prefs.DisableUpdateNotice = GoGo_Panel_DisableUpdateNotice:GetChecked()
- GoGo_Prefs.DisableMountNotice = GoGo_Panel_DisableMountNotice:GetChecked()
- GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages = GoGo_Panel_DebugMessages:GetChecked()
- GoGo_Prefs.DruidClickForm = GoGo_Panel_DruidClickForm:GetChecked()
- GoGo_Prefs.DruidFlightForm = GoGo_Panel_DruidFlightForm:GetChecked()
- GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMount = GoGo_Panel_GlobalPrefMount:GetChecked()
- -- GoGo_Prefs.PaliUseCrusader = GoGo_Panel_PaliUseCrusader:GetChecked()
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_Settings_Default()
- ---------
- GoGo_Prefs.version = GetAddOnMetadata("GoGoMount", "Version")
- GoGo_Prefs.autodismount = true
- GoGo_Prefs.DisableUpdateNotice = false
- GoGo_Prefs.DisableMountNotice = false
- GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages = false
- GoGo_Prefs.genericfastflyer = false
- GoGo_Prefs.DruidClickForm = true
- GoGo_Prefs.DruidFlightForm = false
- GoGo_Prefs.UnknownMounts = {}
- GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMounts = {}
- GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMount = false
- -- GoGo_Prefs.PaliUseCrusader = false
- end --function
- ---------
- function GoGo_Settings_SetUpdates()
- ---------
- GoGo_Prefs.version = GetAddOnMetadata("GoGoMount", "Version")
- if not GoGo_Prefs.autodismount then GoGo_Prefs.autodismount = false end
- if not GoGo_Prefs.DisableUpdateNotice then GoGo_Prefs.DisableUpdateNotice = false end
- if not GoGo_Prefs.DisableMountNotice then GoGo_Prefs.DisableMountNotice = false end
- if not GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages then GoGo_Prefs.DebugMessages = false end
- if not GoGo_Prefs.genericfastflyer then GoGo_Prefs.genericfastflyer = false end
- if not GoGo_Prefs.DruidClickForm then GoGo_Prefs.DruidClickForm = false end
- if not GoGo_Prefs.DruidFlightForm then GoGo_Prefs.DruidFlightForm = false end
- if not GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMount then GoGo_Prefs.GlobalPrefMount = false end
- -- if not GoGo_Prefs.PaliUseCrusader then GoGo_Prefs.PaliUseCrusader = false end
- GoGo_Prefs.UnknownMounts = {}
- end --function
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