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- #, An object-oriented Tic Tac Toe game.
- # By Al Sweigart
- # Setting up constants:
- ALL_SPACES = list('123456789') # The keys for a TTT board.
- X, O, BLANK = 'X', 'O', ' '
- def main():
- """Runs a game of Tic Tac Toe."""
- print('Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!')
- gameBoard = LoggingPrettyTTTBoard('#', 'tttlog.txt') # Create a TTT board object.
- currentPlayer, nextPlayer = X, O # X goes first, O goes next.
- while True:
- print(gameBoard.getBoardStr()) # Display the board on the screen.
- # Keep asking the player until they enter a number 1-9:
- move = None
- while move not in ALL_SPACES or gameBoard.spaces[move] != BLANK:
- print(f'What is {currentPlayer}\'s move? (1-9)')
- move = input()
- gameBoard.updateBoard(move, currentPlayer) # Make the move.
- # Check if the game is over:
- if gameBoard.isWinner(currentPlayer):
- print(gameBoard.getBoardStr())
- print(currentPlayer + ' has won the game!')
- break
- elif gameBoard.isBoardFull():
- print(gameBoard.getBoardStr())
- print('The game is a tie!')
- break
- currentPlayer, nextPlayer = nextPlayer, currentPlayer # Swap turns.
- class TTTBoard:
- def __init__(self, usePrettyBoard=False, useLogging=False):
- """Create a new, blank tic tac toe board."""
- self.spaces = {} # The board is represented as a Python dictionary.
- for space in ALL_SPACES:
- self.spaces[space] = BLANK # All spaces start as blank.
- def getBoardStr(self):
- """Return a text-representation of the board."""
- return f'''
- {self.spaces['1']}|{self.spaces['2']}|{self.spaces['3']} 1 2 3
- -+-+-
- {self.spaces['4']}|{self.spaces['5']}|{self.spaces['6']} 4 5 6
- -+-+-
- {self.spaces['7']}|{self.spaces['8']}|{self.spaces['9']} 7 8 9'''
- def isWinner(self, player):
- """Return True if player is a winner on this TTTBoard."""
- b, p = self.spaces, player # Shorter names as "syntactic sugar".
- # Check for 3 marks across the 3 rows, 3 columns, and 2 diagonals.
- return ((b['1'] == b['2'] == b['3'] == p) or # Across the top
- (b['4'] == b['5'] == b['6'] == p) or # Across the middle
- (b['7'] == b['8'] == b['9'] == p) or # Across the bottom
- (b['1'] == b['4'] == b['7'] == p) or # Down the left
- (b['2'] == b['5'] == b['8'] == p) or # Down the middle
- (b['3'] == b['6'] == b['9'] == p) or # Down the right
- (b['3'] == b['5'] == b['7'] == p) or # Diagonal
- (b['1'] == b['5'] == b['9'] == p)) # Diagonal
- def isBoardFull(self):
- """Return True if every space on the board has been taken."""
- for space in ALL_SPACES:
- if self.spaces[space] == BLANK:
- return False # If a single space is blank, return False.
- return True # No spaces are blank, so return True.
- def updateBoard(self, space, player):
- """Sets the space on the board to player."""
- self.spaces[space] = player
- class PrettyTTTBoard(TTTBoard):
- def __init__(self, crossChar):
- super().__init__()
- self.crossChar = crossChar
- def getBoardStr(self):
- canvas = {}
- # Draw the board lines:
- for i in range(17):
- canvas[(5, i)] = self.crossChar
- canvas[(11, i)] = self.crossChar
- canvas[(i, 5)] = self.crossChar
- canvas[(i, 11)] = self.crossChar
- # Draw the Xs and Os or space numbers:
- i = 0
- for y in (0, 6, 12):
- for x in (0, 6, 12):
- i += 1
- if self.spaces[str(i)] == X:
- # Draw an X:
- canvas[(1 + x, 1 + y)] = X
- canvas[(3 + x, 1 + y)] = X
- canvas[(2 + x, 2 + y)] = X
- canvas[(1 + x, 3 + y)] = X
- canvas[(3 + x, 3 + y)] = X
- elif self.spaces[str(i)] == O:
- # Draw an O:
- canvas[(1 + x, 1 + y)] = O
- canvas[(2 + x, 1 + y)] = O
- canvas[(3 + x, 1 + y)] = O
- canvas[(1 + x, 2 + y)] = O
- canvas[(3 + x, 2 + y)] = O
- canvas[(1 + x, 3 + y)] = O
- canvas[(2 + x, 3 + y)] = O
- canvas[(3 + x, 3 + y)] = O
- else:
- # Draw the space number label:
- canvas[(2 + x, 2 + y)] = str(i)
- # Print the canvas on the screen:
- boardStrAsList = [] # Print a blank line as a spacer.
- for y in range(17):
- for x in range(17):
- if (x, y) in canvas:
- boardStrAsList.append(canvas[(x, y)])
- else:
- boardStrAsList.append(' ')
- boardStrAsList.append('\n')
- return ''.join(boardStrAsList)
- class LoggingTTTBoard(TTTBoard):
- def __init__(self, logFilename):
- """Create a new, blank tic tac toe board."""
- super().__init__()
- self.logFilename = logFilename
- def updateBoard(self, space, player):
- """Sets the space on the board to player, but also records each move
- to the log file."""
- super().updateBoard(space, player)
- with open(self.logFilename, 'a') as logFile:
- logFile.write(f'{player} moved on space {space}:\n')
- logFile.write(super().getBoardStr() + '\n')
- class LoggingPrettyTTTBoard(LoggingTTTBoard, PrettyTTTBoard):
- def __init__(self, crossChar, logFilename):
- self.logFilename = logFilename
- PrettyTTTBoard.__init__(self, crossChar)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main() # Call main() if this module is run, but not when imported.
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