
Don Bradman 17 Low End Config

Jan 12th, 2021
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  1. ; screen resolution
  2. width=800
  3. height=600
  5. ; adapter 0xbda2 is "Microsoft Basic Render Driver", VidMem=0 MB, SysMem=0 MB, SharedMem=2030 MB, VendorId=0x1414, DeviceId=0x8C, SubSysId=0x0, Revision=0x0
  6. adapter=0xbda2 ; the adapter id should be one listed above!
  7. monitor=0 ; monitor output (0 = default, 1 = secondary etc)
  9. ; graphics quality
  10. characters=0 ; face texture quality 0=low 1=medium 2=high 3=highest
  11. vsync=0 ; vertical sync 0=off 1=on
  12. anisotropy=0 ; anisotropic texture filtering level 0=off 16=max
  13. mipBias=-0.1 ; mip map level bias
  14. gbufferScale=1.0 ; gbuffer scale
  15. fullscreen=0 ; fullscreen mode 0=off 1=on
  16. dof=0 ; depth of field quality 0=off 1=on
  17. bloom=0 ; bloom quality 0=off 1=gaussian(faster) 2=hexagonal(higher quality)
  18. light_flares=0 ; light flare quality 0=off 1=via bloom 2=high quality
  19. brightness=0.50 ; gamma / screen brightness (darkest: 0, brightest: 1)
  20. crowd=0 ; crowd texture quality (size) 0=off, 1=reduced, 2=high, 3=ultra
  21. grass=0 ; grass quality 0=2d 1=3d
  22. shadows=0 ; 0=off 1=low quality 2=high quality, 3=medium quality
  23. lighting=0 ; lighting quality 0=low 1=high
  24. ao=0 ; ambient occlusion 0=off 1=sometimes(cinematics only) 2=on
  25. antialiasing=0 ; antialiasing 0=off 1=on
  26. autoletterboxing=1 ; autoletterboxing 0=off 1=on
  27. shadow_smoothing=0 ; depth-aware screen space smoothing of shadows, 0=off 1=on
  28. shadow_contactHardening=0 ; contact hardening soft shadows, 0=off 1=on
  29. preset=2
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