

Sep 24th, 2022
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  1. {
  2. "banEntries":[
  3. {
  4. "userId":"AFLuic38qeeint04Bh9h2JEOnmE2",
  5. "userName":"poggers man",
  6. "minutes":9999999.0,
  7. "dateTimeOfBan":"2021-06-04T15:55:36.6741050+00:00",
  8. "reason":"If you are seeing this then this is a bug, try rejoining",
  9. "ipAddress":"",
  10. "clientId":"0001C0089068",
  11. "adminId":"7Cf0j5mSPsYUWyuccqs0qx7LJ4d2",
  12. "adminName":"Daniel"
  13. },
  14. {
  15. "userId":"7VaJdKS21DT1oDXDLvvc8ltWqz83",
  16. "userName":"The Secret Slav",
  17. "minutes":9999999.0,
  18. "dateTimeOfBan":"2021-07-13T19:08:34.6931790+00:00",
  19. "reason":"Racism, RDM.",
  20. "ipAddress":"",
  21. "clientId":"3CA82AB2753B",
  22. "adminId":"WtWERSff1yNqrUKiykh17OrnFa23",
  23. "adminName":"Pet Mudstone"
  24. },
  25. {
  26. "userId":"XjDaR204mudmEMDnSBhWrTIhEhx2",
  27. "userName":"gun",
  28. "minutes":1440.0,
  29. "dateTimeOfBan":"2021-07-19T19:53:48.7901710+00:00",
  30. "reason":"Murdered and spaced the clown for putting down grafitti.",
  31. "ipAddress":"",
  32. "clientId":"244BFEC91C16",
  33. "adminId":"WtWERSff1yNqrUKiykh17OrnFa23",
  34. "adminName":"Pet Mudstone"
  35. },
  36. {
  37. "userId":"4yndVyKTdIVUeXG8UxzJX0sgzjl1",
  38. "userName":"RobertBoats",
  39. "minutes":60.0,
  40. "dateTimeOfBan":"2021-07-28T15:10:18.3484820+00:00",
  41. "reason":"saying the nword is like the one thing you are not allowed to do.",
  42. "ipAddress":"",
  43. "clientId":"00E04C685E29",
  44. "adminId":"GmrJoyggF3cLz87CyE9mz8VdIvP2",
  45. "adminName":"potatoalienof13"
  46. },
  47. {
  48. "userId":"j8wFzVWrQ2MOCfsxt2TJBIWC9Us2",
  49. "userName":"Adolf Hitler Von Deutschland",
  50. "minutes":999999999.0,
  51. "dateTimeOfBan":"2021-08-12T12:13:16.3596830+00:00",
  52. "reason":"Bye Hitler",
  53. "ipAddress":"",
  54. "clientId":"B00CD17D8B4E",
  55. "adminId":"7Cf0j5mSPsYUWyuccqs0qx7LJ4d2",
  56. "adminName":"Daniel"
  57. },
  58. {
  59. "userId":"j8wFzVWrQ2MOCfsxt2TJBIWC9Us2",
  60. "userName":"Adolf Hitler Von Deutschland",
  61. "minutes":999999999.0,
  62. "dateTimeOfBan":"2021-08-12T12:13:16.3596830+00:00",
  63. "reason":"Bye Hitler",
  64. "ipAddress":"",
  65. "clientId":"B00CD17D8B4E",
  66. "adminId":"7Cf0j5mSPsYUWyuccqs0qx7LJ4d2",
  67. "adminName":"Daniel"
  68. },
  69. {
  70. "userId":"8b104MpZKsdOGAAmrdeNkUJHVjy1",
  71. "userName":"NeoNNN",
  72. "minutes":9999999.0,
  73. "dateTimeOfBan":"2022-09-04T21:05:22.0563520+00:00",
  74. "reason":"you had your chance. wait before appealing it on the discord",
  75. "ipAddress":"",
  76. "clientId":"D02788AC9BE9",
  77. "adminId":"",
  78. "adminName":""
  79. },
  80. {
  81. "userId":"rKqJpYMEEIeddV6ZHxJooyyxlNv1",
  82. "userName":"Cap",
  83. "minutes":10080.0,
  84. "dateTimeOfBan":"2022-09-04T21:07:31.9672230+00:00",
  85. "reason":"RDM and metacomms",
  86. "ipAddress":"",
  87. "clientId":"E0D55E225EF3",
  88. "adminId":"",
  89. "adminName":""
  90. },
  91. {
  92. "userId":"WfIMmcIsNXMlOm77IGW0wIW0juh2",
  93. "userName":"Dave Greene",
  94. "minutes":9999999.0,
  95. "dateTimeOfBan":"2022-08-21T02:26:43.4184410+00:00",
  96. "reason":"Spamming N-word in game after several reported issues.",
  97. "ipAddress":"",
  98. "clientId":"D8CB8A169E2B",
  99. "adminId":"",
  100. "adminName":""
  101. }
  102. ]
  103. }
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