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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use List::AllUtils qw(none indexes);
- $| = 1;
- $/ = '';
- # Map for reversing bits of an edge
- my @Rev_Map = map { oct("0b" . reverse(sprintf( "%010b", $_ ))) } (0 .. 1023);
- # Read in tiles, calculate edge array (D4 group) for manipulating
- my %Tiles;
- my $count = 0;
- while (<>) {
- my @lines = split( "\n" );
- chomp @lines;
- my ($num) = ((shift @lines) =~ m#Tile (\d+):#);
- my @tile = map { [ split( // ) ] } @lines;
- my ($ident, $rot1, $rot2, $rot3) = (0,0,0,0); # top, left, bottom, right
- foreach my $i (0 .. 9) {
- $ident = ($ident << 1) | ($tile[0][$i] eq '#');
- $rot1 = ($rot1 << 1) | ($tile[9-$i][0] eq '#');
- $rot2 = ($rot2 << 1) | ($tile[9][9-$i] eq '#');
- $rot3 = ($rot3 << 1) | ($tile[$i][9] eq '#');
- }
- my $flip = $Rev_Map[ $rot1 ];
- my $flip1 = $Rev_Map[ $ident ];
- my $flip2 = $Rev_Map[ $rot3 ];
- my $flip3 = $Rev_Map[ $rot2 ];
- foreach my $y (1 .. 8) {
- foreach my $x (1 .. 8) {
- $count++ if ($tile[$y][$x] eq '#');
- }
- }
- $Tiles{$num}{edge} = [ $ident, $rot1, $rot2, $rot3, $flip, $flip1, $flip2, $flip3 ];
- $Tiles{$num}{tile} = \@tile;
- }
- print "Hashes in image: $count\n";
- # Match up tiles to sort out corners from rest
- my @Side_Map = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2 );
- my @tlist = keys %Tiles;
- my $Dim = sqrt( scalar @tlist );
- my %Match;
- foreach my $t1 (0 .. $#tlist) {
- foreach my $t2 ($t1 + 1 .. $#tlist) {
- foreach my $i (0 .. 7) {
- my $s1 = $Tiles{$tlist[$t1]}{edge}[$i];
- foreach my $j (0 .. 7) {
- my $s2 = $Tiles{$tlist[$t2]}{edge}[$j];
- if ($s1 == $s2) {
- $Match{$tlist[$t1]}{$tlist[$t2]} = $i;
- $Match{$tlist[$t2]}{$tlist[$t1]} = $j;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Put together unoriented tiles in Image
- my @Image;
- my %Info;
- sub set_cell {
- my ($y, $x, $tile) = @_;
- warn "Tile already used ($tile)\n" if ($Info{$tile}{used});
- $Image[$y][$x] = $tile;
- $Info{$tile}{used} = 1;
- }
- # Find a corner to start at while recording neighbours into info hash
- my $corner_start;
- foreach my $k (keys %Match) {
- my $neigh = keys %{$Match{$k}};
- $Info{$k}{neigh} = $neigh;
- $corner_start = $k if ($neigh == 2);
- }
- &set_cell( 0, 0, $corner_start );
- # Init the one on the next row so it is marked used
- my $cell = (keys %{$Match{$corner_start}})[0];
- &set_cell( 1, 0, $cell );
- # Start by building upper edge
- foreach my $x (1 .. $Dim - 2) {
- my $prev = $Image[0][$x - 1];
- my @neigh = keys %{$Match{$prev}};
- foreach my $i (@neigh) {
- next if ($Info{$i}{used});
- if ($Info{$i}{neigh} == 3) {
- &set_cell( 0, $x, $i );
- } elsif ($Info{$i}{neigh} == 4) {
- &set_cell( 1, $x - 1, $i );
- }
- }
- }my $up_right;
- foreach my $i (keys %{$Match{$Image[0][$Dim - 2]}}) {
- next if ($Info{$i}{used});
- $up_right = $i if ($Info{$i}{neigh} == 2);
- }
- &set_cell( 0, $Dim - 1, $up_right );
- # Build right edge
- foreach my $y (1 .. $Dim - 2) {
- my $prev = $Image[$y - 1][0];
- my @neigh = keys %{$Match{$prev}};
- foreach my $i (@neigh) {
- next if ($Info{$i}{used});
- if ($Info{$i}{neigh} == 3) {
- &set_cell( $y, 0, $i );
- } elsif ($Info{$i}{neigh} == 4) {
- &set_cell( $y - 1, 1, $i );
- }
- }
- }
- # Build the rest
- foreach my $y (1 .. $Dim - 1) {
- foreach my $x (0 .. $Dim - 1) {
- next if (defined $Image[$y][$x]);
- my $north = $Image[$y - 1][$x];
- my @unmatched = grep { !$Info{$_}{used} } keys %{$Match{$north}};
- if (scalar @unmatched != 1) {
- if (@unmatched) {
- warn "Warning: Unmatched $north: ", join( ', ', @unmatched ), "\n";
- } else {
- warn "Warning: Unmatched $north: empty!\n";
- }
- } else {
- &set_cell( $y, $x, $unmatched[0] );
- }
- }
- }
- print "\nImage:\n";
- foreach my $y (0 .. $Dim - 1) {
- foreach my $x (0 .. $Dim - 1) {
- if (!defined $Image[$y][$x]) {
- print "xxxx ";
- } else {
- print "$Image[$y][$x] ";
- }
- }
- print "\n";
- }
- #
- # Helper functions for manipulating tiles:
- #
- sub print_tile {
- my $cell = shift;
- my @tile = @{$cell->{tile}};
- my @edge = @{$cell->{edge}};
- foreach my $y (0 .. 9) {
- foreach my $x (0 .. 9) {
- print $tile[$y][$x];
- }
- print "\n";
- }
- print "Edges: [", join( ',', @edge ), "]\n";
- foreach my $i (0 .. 3) {
- printf( "$i [%3d]: %010b %d [%3d]: %010b\n",
- $edge[$i], $edge[$i], $i+4, $edge[$i+4], $edge[$i+4] );
- }
- }
- sub flip_tile {
- my $cell = shift;
- my @tile = @{$cell->{tile}};
- my @edge = @{$cell->{edge}};
- my @flip;
- foreach my $y (0 .. 9) {
- foreach my $x (0 .. 9) {
- $flip[$x][$y] = $tile[$y][$x];
- }
- }
- my @e_flip;
- foreach my $i (0 .. 7) {
- $e_flip[$i] = $edge[($i + 4) % 8];
- }
- return ('edge' => \@e_flip, 'tile' => \@flip);
- }
- sub rotate_tile {
- my $cell = shift;
- my $num = shift;
- return (%$cell) if ($num == 0);
- my @tile = @{$cell->{tile}};
- my @edge = @{$cell->{edge}};
- my @rot;
- foreach my $y (0 .. 9) {
- foreach my $x (0 .. 9) {
- $rot[$y][$x] = $tile[9-$x][$y];
- }
- }
- my @e_rot;
- foreach my $i (0 .. 3) {
- $e_rot[$i] = $edge[($i + 1) % 4];
- $e_rot[$i + 4] = $edge[($i - 1) % 4 + 4];
- }
- $num--;
- &rotate_tile( {'edge' => \@e_rot, 'tile' => \@rot}, $num );
- }
- # detect which sides of first corner tile don't connect:
- my %corn_sides = ( 0 => 1, 1 => 1, 2 => 1, 3 => 1 );
- foreach my $i (keys %{$Match{$corner_start}}) {
- delete $corn_sides{ $Side_Map[$Match{$corner_start}{$i}] };
- }
- my @missing = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %corn_sides;
- if (scalar( keys %corn_sides ) != 2) {
- die "Corner does not have two missing sides!\n";
- }
- my $rots_needed = $missing[0];
- if ($rots_needed == 0 && $missing[1] == 3) {
- $rots_needed = 3;
- }
- my %rot_corner = &rotate_tile( $Tiles{$Image[0][0]}, $rots_needed );
- # Rotating the blanks to the outside might not be enough,
- # we might need to flip it over too.
- if (none { $_ == $rot_corner{edge}[3] } @{$Tiles{$Image[0][1]}{edge}}) {
- %rot_corner = &flip_tile( \%rot_corner );
- }
- #
- # Putting together correctly rotated tiles:
- #
- my @Map;
- $Map[0][0] = \%rot_corner;
- # build top edge by orienting to connect to left
- foreach my $i (1 .. $Dim - 1) {
- my $need_left = $Rev_Map[ $Map[0][$i - 1]{edge}[3] ];
- my %next_tile = %{$Tiles{$Image[0][$i]}};
- my ($targ_pos) = indexes { $_ == $need_left } @{$next_tile{edge}};
- if ($targ_pos >= 4) {
- %next_tile = &flip_tile( \%next_tile );
- $targ_pos -= 4;
- }
- %next_tile = &rotate_tile( \%next_tile, ($targ_pos + 3) % 4 );
- $Map[0][$i] = \%next_tile;
- }
- # build rest by orienting to connect to top
- foreach my $y (1 .. $Dim - 1) {
- foreach my $x (0 .. $Dim - 1) {
- my $need_top = $Rev_Map[ $Map[$y - 1][$x]{edge}[2] ];
- my %next_tile = %{$Tiles{$Image[$y][$x]}};
- my ($targ_pos) = indexes { $_ == $need_top } @{$next_tile{edge}};
- if ($targ_pos >= 4) {
- %next_tile = &flip_tile( \%next_tile );
- $targ_pos -= 4;
- }
- %next_tile = &rotate_tile( \%next_tile, $targ_pos );
- $Map[$y][$x] = \%next_tile;
- }
- }
- #
- # Stitch together image as arrays of strings in four orientations:
- # - as made + its reverse, by columns + its reverse
- #
- my @Stitch;
- foreach my $y (0 .. $Dim - 1) {
- foreach my $ty (1 .. 8) {
- my $line = $y * 8 + ($ty - 1);
- $Stitch[0][$line] = '';
- $Stitch[1][$line] = '';
- foreach my $x (0 .. $Dim - 1) {
- foreach my $tx (1 .. 8) {
- $Stitch[0][$line] .= $Map[$y][$x]{tile}[$ty][$tx];
- $Stitch[1][$line] .= $Map[$x][$y]{tile}[$tx][$ty];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach my $m (0 .. 1) {
- foreach my $line (@{$Stitch[$m]}) {
- my $rev = reverse( $line );
- push( @{$Stitch[$m + 2]}, $rev );
- }
- }
- # Using the middle line of a monster to get best map.
- # Assuming that the best match of these is correct.
- # For my input, the others have 0, 0, and 2 hits.
- my $best;
- my @hits;
- foreach my $i (0 .. 3) {
- my @matches = indexes { m/#....##....##....###/ } @{$Stitch[$i]};
- if (@matches > @hits) {
- $best = $i;
- @hits = @matches;
- }
- }
- print "\nBest orientation: $best\n";
- print "Lines with hits: ", join( ',', @hits ), "\n\n";
- foreach my $line (@{$Stitch[$best]}) {
- print "$line\n";
- }
- # Two remaining orientations to detect: up-side-up or up-side-down monsters
- my $up_side = 0;
- my $down_side = 0;
- foreach my $i (@hits) {
- next if ($i == 0 || $i == scalar($Stitch[$best]) - 1);
- my $line = $Stitch[$best][$i];
- while ($line =~ m/#....##....##....###/g) {
- my $x_end = pos( $line );
- if (substr( $Stitch[$best][$i-1], $x_end - 2, 1 ) eq '#') {
- my $lower = substr( $Stitch[$best][$i+1], $x_end - 19, 16 );
- if ($lower =~ m/^#..#..#..#..#..#/) {
- $up_side++;
- }
- }
- if (substr( $Stitch[$best][$i+1], $x_end - 2, 1 ) eq '#') {
- my $upper = substr( $Stitch[$best][$i-1], $x_end - 19, 16 );
- if ($upper =~ m/^#..#..#..#..#..#/) {
- $down_side++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- print "\nSeamonsters found Up-side-up: $up_side\n";
- print "Seamonsters fOund Up-side-dOwn: $down_side\n";
- # Assuming no overlapping seamonsters
- print "Part 2: ", $count - 15 * ($up_side || $down_side), "\n";
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