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- #Advent of Code 2022: Day 18
- from datetime import datetime
- from collections import deque
- start =
- def create_cubes(lines):
- cubes = set()
- for line in lines:
- cube = tuple(map(int,line.split(",")))
- cubes.add(cube)
- return cubes
- def create_directions():
- directions = []
- all_directions = set([(x, y, z) for x in range(-1,2) for y in range(-1, 2) for z in range(-1,2)])
- for direction in all_directions:
- if manhDistance(direction, (0,0,0)) == 1:
- directions.append(direction)
- return directions
- def tuple_sum(a,b):
- return tuple([x + y for x, y in zip(a,b)])
- def manhDistance(a, b):
- return sum(abs(val1-val2) for val1, val2 in zip(a,b))
- def check_neighbour(cube):
- open_sides = 6
- for direction in directions:
- neighbour = tuple_sum(direction, cube)
- if neighbour in cubes:
- open_sides -= 1
- return open_sides
- def check_sides(cubes):
- counter = 0
- for cube in cubes:
- open_sides = check_neighbour(cube)
- counter += open_sides
- return counter
- def count_surface(water_surface):
- counter = 0
- for cube in cubes:
- for direction in directions:
- if tuple_sum(direction, cube) in water_surface:
- counter += 1
- return counter
- with open("data.txt") as file:
- lines =
- #cubes = create_cubes(lines)
- directions = create_directions()
- #Cuve 3x3x3 with mid segment+one corner missing
- cubes = set((x,y,z) for x in range(2,5) for y in range(2,5) for z in range(2,5))
- cubes.remove((3,3,3))
- cubes.remove((2,2,2))
- #Task1:
- task1 = check_sides(cubes)
- print("Task 1:", task1)
- print("Runtime:",
- #Task2
- max_size = 24
- all_cubes = set((x,y,z) for x in range(0, max_size+1) for y in range(0, max_size+1) for z in range(0,max_size+1))
- start_cube = (1,1,1)
- queue = deque([start_cube])
- water_surface = set()
- while queue:
- current_cube = queue[0]
- for direction in directions:
- neighbour = tuple_sum(direction, current_cube)
- if neighbour in all_cubes and neighbour not in cubes:
- if check_neighbour(neighbour) <= 5:
- water_surface.add(neighbour)
- queue.append(neighbour)
- all_cubes.remove(neighbour)
- queue.popleft()
- size = 6
- for z in range(0,size):
- print("Layer:",z)
- for y in range(0,size):
- for x in range(0,size):
- if (x,y,z) in cubes:
- print("#", end="")
- elif (x,y,z) in water_surface:
- print(".", end="")
- else:
- print(" ", end="")
- print(" ")
- print(" ")
- print(count_surface(water_surface))
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