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- # Hello, today i want to tell you some informantion about prime numbers
- # and algoritms, which help to work with faster and easier.
- # Prime number is number, whose divisors are 1 and the number itself.
- # So, lets code a function, which will return all prime numbers in range from 1 to N.
- def isPrime(n):
- allPrimes = []
- for k in range(2, n+1):
- prime = True
- for i in range(2, k):
- if k%i == 0:
- prime = False
- break
- if prime:
- allPrimes.append(k)
- return allPrimes
- # The asymptotic complexity of this algorithm is O(N^2)
- # The asymptotic complexity of an algorithm is a method for estimating the computational complexity
- # of an algorithm "up to a constant", used in complexity theory.
- # This algorithm is very slow. Why? Because when N will be more then 10^6 it will work for 10-15 secs.
- # We dont have this time, thats why I would like to show you The Eieve of Eratosthen.
- # The idea of this algo is very easy:
- # We will write down a series of numbers 1...n, and we will first cross out all the numbers divisible by 2,
- # except for the number 2 itself, then divisible by 3, except for the number 3 itself, then by 5,
- # then by 7, 11, and all the other primes up to n.
- # So, lets code =)
- def eratosthenes(N):
- a = [i for i in range(1, N+1)] # there would be prime numbes
- b = [] # there would be crossed
- num=2 # prime numbers, which will be checkes, so 2, 3, 5...
- i=0 # counter
- a.remove(1) # 1 - not prime numbee
- while num < a[-1]: # while num is less than the last number in list a
- while len(a) > i: # while as long as the length of a is greater than i, that is, it is a
- # loop that goes through the list looking for numbers that are multiples of num and deletes them
- if a[i]%num == 0 and a[i]!= num: # if the remainder of the number in the list at position i is zero ,
- # we add it to the deleted list(b) and delete it from a
- b.append(a[i]) # adding
- a.pop(i) # deleting
- i+=1 # check the next position
- i=0 # resetting the counter
- # next num
- for j in range(len(a)):
- if a[j] > num:
- num = a[j]
- break
- return b
- # The asymptotic complexity of this algorithm is O(N*log(log(n))), So you can find a prime fast =)
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