
Killing Floor - ScrN Game - Mystery

Jun 29th, 2018
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  1. [100 ScrnGameLength]
  2. GameTitle=Mystery Game
  3. Author=[ScrN]PooSH
  4. BountyScale=1.0
  5. StartingCashBonus=400
  6. bLogStats=True
  7. Waves=MysteryW1
  8. Waves=MysteryW2_Dosh
  9. Waves=MysteryW2a_DoshGrab
  10. Waves=MysteryW2b_DoshGrabZed
  11. Waves=MysteryW3_Ghosts
  12. Waves=MysteryW4_Boss
  13. Waves=MysteryW5_Jasons
  14. Waves=MysteryW6
  15. Waves=MysteryW7_BrutalTesla
  16. Waves=MysteryW8_Clots
  17. Waves=MysteryW9
  18. Waves=MysteryW9a_Ammo
  19. Waves=MysteryW10
  20. Waves=MysteryBossWave
  21. Zeds=MysteryZeds
  22. Zeds=NormalZeds
  23. Zeds=CircusZeds
  24. Zeds=HalloweenZeds
  25. Zeds=XmasZeds
  26. Zeds=GrittierZeds
  28. [MysteryZeds ScrnZedInfo]
  29. Zeds=(Alias="BR",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.ZombieBrute")
  30. Zeds=(Alias="SH",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.ZombieShiver")
  31. Zeds=(Alias="JS",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.ZombieJason")
  32. Zeds=(Alias="GH",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.ZombieGhost")
  33. Zeds=(Alias="TH",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.TeslaHusk")
  34. Zeds=(Alias="FM",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.FemaleFP")
  35. Zeds=(Alias="FM",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.FemaleFP_MKII",Pct=0.20)
  36. Zeds=(Alias="FM1",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.FemaleFP")
  37. Zeds=(Alias="FM2",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.FemaleFP_MKII")
  38. Zeds=(Alias="BOSS",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.HardPat",Pct=0.25)
  39. Zeds=(Alias="BOSS",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.HardPat_CIRCUS",Pct=0.25)
  40. Zeds=(Alias="BOSS",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.HardPat_HALLOWEEN",Pct=0.25)
  41. Zeds=(Alias="BOSS",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.HardPat_GRITTIER",Vote="HARDPAT",Pct=0.25)
  42. Zeds=(Alias="XBOSS",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.HardPat_XMAS",Pct=1.0)
  43. Zeds=(Alias="XBL",ZedClass="KFChar.ZombieBloat_XMAS")
  45. [MysteryW1 ScrnWaveInfo]
  46. Title=MYSTERY GAME
  47. TraderMessage=You can shop before the wave starts
  48. TraderTime=60
  49. bOpenTrader=true
  50. EndRule=RULE_KillEmAll
  51. Counter=32
  52. SpawnRateMod=0.80
  53. ZedsPerSpecialSquad=50
  54. Squads=4*CL
  55. Squads=4*CR
  56. Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
  57. Squads=2*CL + SH/CL + BL
  58. Squads=2*CL + 2*GF
  59. Squads=CL + GF + 2*SH/2*GF
  60. Squads=3*CL + GF + SI
  61. Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + SI
  62. Squads=4*ST
  63. Squads=4*GF
  64. Squads=6*CR
  65. Squads=2*CR + 2*GF + 2*ST + TH/SI
  66. Squads=HU
  67. SpecialSquads=BR
  69. [MysteryW2_Dosh ScrnWaveInfo]
  70. Title=I NEED DOSH!
  71. Message=Earn £%c
  72. TraderTime=60
  73. bOpenTrader=True
  74. EndRule=RULE_EarnDosh
  75. SpawnRateMod=0.8
  76. Counter=250
  77. PerPlayerMult=0.5
  78. MaxCounter=1250
  79. ZedsPerSpecialSquad=60
  80. Squads=4*CL
  81. Squads=4*CR
  82. Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
  83. Squads=2*CL + CL + BL
  84. Squads=2*CL + 2*GF
  85. Squads=CL + GF + 2*GF
  86. Squads=3*CL + GF + SI
  87. Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + SI
  88. Squads=SC + 2*CL + BL
  89. Squads=4*GF
  90. Squads=6*CR
  91. Squads=2*CL + 2*CR + 2*GF + 2*SI
  92. Squads=HU + BL + 2*CL
  93. SpecialSquads=FM1
  95. [MysteryW2a_DoshGrab ScrnWaveInfo]
  96. Title=DOSH!
  97. Message=Grab it while it is hot!
  98. TraderTime=10
  99. bOpenTrader=False
  100. EndRule=RULE_GrabDosh
  101. SpawnRateMod=0.65
  102. Counter=250
  103. PerPlayerMult=0.5
  104. MaxCounter=1000
  105. ZedsPerSpecialSquad=60
  106. Squads=4*CL
  107. Squads=4*CR
  108. Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
  109. Squads=2*CL + CL + BL
  110. Squads=2*CL + 2*GF
  111. Squads=CL + GF + 2*GF
  112. Squads=3*CL + GF + SI
  113. Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + TH/SI
  114. Squads=SC + 3*CL
  115. Squads=SC + 2*CL + BL
  116. Squads=4*GF
  117. Squads=6*CR
  118. Squads=2*CL + 2*CR + 2*GF + 2*SI
  119. Squads=HU + BL + 2*CL
  120. Squads=BR + 2*GF
  121. SpecialSquads=FM2
  123. [MysteryW2b_DoshGrabZed ScrnWaveInfo]
  124. Title=DOSH MEDICINE
  125. Message=Zeds have learned to eat dosh. It makes them stronger!
  126. TraderTime=5
  127. bOpenTrader=False
  128. EndRule=RULE_GrabDoshZed
  129. SpawnRateMod=0.5
  130. Counter=250
  131. PerPlayerMult=0.5
  132. MaxCounter=500
  133. ZedsPerSpecialSquad=60
  134. Squads=4*CL + BL
  135. Squads=4*CR
  136. Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
  137. Squads=2*CL + 2*BL
  138. Squads=4*BL
  139. Squads=CL + GF + 2*GF
  140. Squads=3*CL + GF + SI
  141. Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + TH/SI
  142. Squads=SC + 3*CL
  143. Squads=SC + 2*CL + BL
  144. Squads=4*GF
  145. Squads=6*CR
  146. Squads=2*CL + 2*CR + 2*GF + 2*SI
  147. Squads=HU + BL + 2*CL
  148. Squads=BR + 2*BL
  149. SpecialSquads=6*BL
  151. [MysteryW3_Ghosts ScrnWaveInfo]
  153. Message=Are you afraid of Ghosts?
  154. TraderTime=5
  155. bOpenTrader=False
  156. EndRule=RULE_Timeout
  157. SpawnRateMod=3.0
  158. Counter=100
  159. PerPlayerMult=0.2
  160. MaxCounter=250
  161. Squads=8*GH
  162. Squads=2*SH + 4*GH
  163. Squads=6*GH
  164. Squads=4*SH
  166. [MysteryW4_Boss ScrnWaveInfo]
  168. Message=Santa got presents for you...
  169. TraderTime=60
  170. bOpenTrader=True
  171. EndRule=RULE_KillEmAll
  172. Counter=10
  173. SpawnRateMod=0.25
  174. ZedsPerSpecialSquad=999
  175. bRandomSpecialSquads=false
  176. SpecialSquads=XBOSS
  177. Squads=2*XBL
  178. Squads=4*CL
  179. Squads=3*CL + CR
  180. Squads=3*CL + CR + ST
  181. Squads=4*CL
  182. Squads=3*CL + GF
  183. Squads=3*CL + XBL
  185. [MysteryW5_Jasons ScrnWaveInfo]
  186. Title=FRIDAY 13
  187. Message=
  188. SpawnRateMod=0.5
  189. TraderTime=60
  190. bOpenTrader=True
  191. EndRule=RULE_SpawnEmAll
  192. Counter=2
  193. MaxCounter=13
  194. Squads=JS
  196. [MysteryW6 ScrnWaveInfo]
  197. TraderTime=30
  198. bOpenTrader=False
  199. EndRule=RULE_SpawnEmAll
  200. Counter=25
  201. ZedsPerSpecialSquad=70
  202. Squads=4*CL
  203. Squads=4*CR
  204. Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
  205. Squads=2*CL + CL + BL
  206. Squads=2*CL + 2*GF
  207. Squads=CL + GF + 2*GF
  208. Squads=3*CL + GF + SI
  209. Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + SI
  210. Squads=SC + 3*CL
  211. Squads=JS/SC + 2*CL + BL
  212. Squads=4*GF
  213. Squads=6*CR
  214. Squads=2*CL + 2*CR + 2*GF + 2*SI
  215. Squads=HU
  216. Squads=HU + BL + 2*CL
  217. Squads=FM
  218. Squads=FP
  220. [MysteryW7_BrutalTesla ScrnWaveInfo]
  222. Message=
  223. TraderTime=30
  224. bOpenTrader=False
  225. EndRule=RULE_SpawnEmAll
  226. SpawnRateMod=0.8
  227. Counter=6
  228. ZedsPerSpecialSquad=40
  229. Squads=2*TH
  230. Squads=2*TH
  231. Squads=TH
  232. Squads=TH
  233. Squads=BR
  234. Squads=BR
  235. Squads=BR
  237. [MysteryW8_Clots ScrnWaveInfo]
  238. Title=TRADER PATH
  239. Message=Get to the Trader though a zed horde
  240. TraderTime=5
  241. bOpenTrader=False
  242. EndRule=RULE_Timeout
  243. Counter=60
  244. PerPlayerMult=0
  245. SpawnRateMod=4.0
  246. Squads=8*CL
  247. Squads=BL + 5*CL
  248. Squads=2*BL + 4*CL
  250. [MysteryW9 ScrnWaveInfo]
  251. TraderTime=30
  252. bOpenTrader=true
  253. EndRule=RULE_SpawnEmAll
  254. Counter=30
  255. ZedsPerSpecialSquad=90
  256. SpecialSquads=1: FP + 2*SI + BL + SC
  257. SpecialSquads=2: 2*FM + SC + BL
  258. SpecialSquads=4: FP + 2*BR
  259. SpecialSquads=3: FP + FM + TH/SI
  260. Squads=4*CL
  261. Squads=4*CL + BL
  262. Squads=4*CR
  263. Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
  264. Squads=3*CL + GF
  265. Squads=2*CL + 2*GF
  266. Squads=2*CL + 3*CR + GF
  267. Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + TH/SI
  268. Squads=JS/SC + 2*CL
  269. Squads=SC + 2*CL + 3*GF
  270. Squads=4*CL
  271. Squads=4*ST
  272. Squads=4*GF
  273. Squads=6*CR
  274. Squads=2*CR + 2*GF + 2*ST + SI
  275. Squads=2*CL + 2*CR + 2*GF + 2*SI
  276. Squads=2*HU
  277. Squads=BR + 2*BL
  278. Squads=FM
  279. Squads=2*TH
  281. [MysteryW9a_Ammo ScrnWaveInfo]
  282. Title=AMMO LOOT
  283. TraderMessage=Look for ammo boxes
  284. TraderTime=10
  285. bOpenTrader=false
  286. EndRule=RULE_GrabAmmo
  287. Counter=4
  288. PerPlayerMult=0.5
  289. MaxCounter=15
  290. SpawnRateMod=0.2
  291. ZedsPerSpecialSquad=50
  292. Squads=4*CL
  293. Squads=4*CR
  294. Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
  295. Squads=2*CL + BL
  296. Squads=2*CL + GH
  297. Squads=2*GF
  298. Squads=3*CL + GF
  299. Squads=3*CR + 2*ST + SI
  300. Squads=2*GH
  301. Squads=4*CR
  302. Squads=2*CR + 2*GF + TH/SI
  303. SpecialSquads=HU
  304. SpecialSquads=TH
  306. [MysteryW10 ScrnWaveInfo]
  307. Title=FINISH LINE
  308. TraderMessage=Prepare for the final battle!
  309. TraderTime=30
  310. bOpenTrader=False
  311. EndRule=RULE_KillEmAll
  312. Counter=30
  313. ZedsPerSpecialSquad=90
  314. SpecialSquads=1: 2*FP + SC + 2*SI + BL
  315. SpecialSquads=5: 3*FP + 2*SI
  316. SpecialSquads=6: 4*FP
  317. SpecialSquads=6: 4*FM + 2*TH
  318. SpecialSquads=5: 3*FM + SC + 2*SI
  319. SpecialSquads=4: FP + 2*FM + SI + BL
  320. SpecialSquads=4: FP + FM + BR + JS + TH + SI
  321. SpecialSquads=4: 2*FM + JS + 2*SC + BL
  322. SpecialSquads=2: 4*BR + 2*TH
  323. Squads=4*CL
  324. Squads=4*CL + BL
  325. Squads=4*CR
  326. Squads=2*CL + 2*GF
  327. Squads=2*CL + 3*CR + GF
  328. Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + TH/SI
  329. Squads=JS/SC + 2*CL
  330. Squads=SC + 2*CL + 3*GF
  331. Squads=2*CR + 3*ST + BL + SI + TH/SI
  332. Squads=4*CL + GF
  333. Squads=4*CL
  334. Squads=4*ST
  335. Squads=4*GF
  336. Squads=6*CR
  337. Squads=2*CL + 2*CR + 2*GF + 2*SI
  338. Squads=HU
  339. Squads=2*HU
  340. Squads=2*BR
  341. Squads=FM
  342. Squads=2*TH
  344. [MysteryBossWave ScrnWaveInfo]
  346. Message=Kevin got cloned...
  347. TraderTime=60
  348. bOpenTrader=true
  349. EndRule=RULE_KillBoss
  350. Counter=4
  351. ZedsPerSpecialSquad=999
  352. bRandomSpecialSquads=false
  353. SpecialSquads=2*BOSS
  354. Squads=4*CL
  355. Squads=3*CL + CR
  356. Squads=3*CL + CR + ST
  357. Squads=4*CL
  358. Squads=3*CL + GF
  359. Squads=3*CL + BL
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