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- [100 ScrnGameLength]
- GameTitle=Mystery Game
- Author=[ScrN]PooSH
- BountyScale=1.0
- StartingCashBonus=400
- bLogStats=True
- Waves=MysteryW1
- Waves=MysteryW2_Dosh
- Waves=MysteryW2a_DoshGrab
- Waves=MysteryW2b_DoshGrabZed
- Waves=MysteryW3_Ghosts
- Waves=MysteryW4_Boss
- Waves=MysteryW5_Jasons
- Waves=MysteryW6
- Waves=MysteryW7_BrutalTesla
- Waves=MysteryW8_Clots
- Waves=MysteryW9
- Waves=MysteryW9a_Ammo
- Waves=MysteryW10
- Waves=MysteryBossWave
- Zeds=MysteryZeds
- Zeds=NormalZeds
- Zeds=CircusZeds
- Zeds=HalloweenZeds
- Zeds=XmasZeds
- Zeds=GrittierZeds
- [MysteryZeds ScrnZedInfo]
- Zeds=(Alias="BR",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.ZombieBrute")
- Zeds=(Alias="SH",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.ZombieShiver")
- Zeds=(Alias="JS",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.ZombieJason")
- Zeds=(Alias="GH",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.ZombieGhost")
- Zeds=(Alias="TH",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.TeslaHusk")
- Zeds=(Alias="FM",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.FemaleFP")
- Zeds=(Alias="FM",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.FemaleFP_MKII",Pct=0.20)
- Zeds=(Alias="FM1",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.FemaleFP")
- Zeds=(Alias="FM2",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.FemaleFP_MKII")
- Zeds=(Alias="BOSS",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.HardPat",Pct=0.25)
- Zeds=(Alias="BOSS",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.HardPat_CIRCUS",Pct=0.25)
- Zeds=(Alias="BOSS",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.HardPat_HALLOWEEN",Pct=0.25)
- Zeds=(Alias="BOSS",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.HardPat_GRITTIER",Vote="HARDPAT",Pct=0.25)
- Zeds=(Alias="XBOSS",ZedClass="ScrnZedPack.HardPat_XMAS",Pct=1.0)
- Zeds=(Alias="XBL",ZedClass="KFChar.ZombieBloat_XMAS")
- [MysteryW1 ScrnWaveInfo]
- TraderMessage=You can shop before the wave starts
- TraderTime=60
- bOpenTrader=true
- EndRule=RULE_KillEmAll
- Counter=32
- SpawnRateMod=0.80
- ZedsPerSpecialSquad=50
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=4*CR
- Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
- Squads=2*CL + SH/CL + BL
- Squads=2*CL + 2*GF
- Squads=CL + GF + 2*SH/2*GF
- Squads=3*CL + GF + SI
- Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + SI
- Squads=4*ST
- Squads=4*GF
- Squads=6*CR
- Squads=2*CR + 2*GF + 2*ST + TH/SI
- Squads=HU
- SpecialSquads=BR
- [MysteryW2_Dosh ScrnWaveInfo]
- Title=I NEED DOSH!
- Message=Earn £%c
- TraderTime=60
- bOpenTrader=True
- EndRule=RULE_EarnDosh
- SpawnRateMod=0.8
- Counter=250
- PerPlayerMult=0.5
- MaxCounter=1250
- ZedsPerSpecialSquad=60
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=4*CR
- Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
- Squads=2*CL + CL + BL
- Squads=2*CL + 2*GF
- Squads=CL + GF + 2*GF
- Squads=3*CL + GF + SI
- Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + SI
- Squads=SC + 2*CL + BL
- Squads=4*GF
- Squads=6*CR
- Squads=2*CL + 2*CR + 2*GF + 2*SI
- Squads=HU + BL + 2*CL
- SpecialSquads=FM1
- [MysteryW2a_DoshGrab ScrnWaveInfo]
- Title=DOSH!
- Message=Grab it while it is hot!
- TraderTime=10
- bOpenTrader=False
- EndRule=RULE_GrabDosh
- SpawnRateMod=0.65
- Counter=250
- PerPlayerMult=0.5
- MaxCounter=1000
- ZedsPerSpecialSquad=60
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=4*CR
- Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
- Squads=2*CL + CL + BL
- Squads=2*CL + 2*GF
- Squads=CL + GF + 2*GF
- Squads=3*CL + GF + SI
- Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + TH/SI
- Squads=SC + 3*CL
- Squads=SC + 2*CL + BL
- Squads=4*GF
- Squads=6*CR
- Squads=2*CL + 2*CR + 2*GF + 2*SI
- Squads=HU + BL + 2*CL
- Squads=BR + 2*GF
- SpecialSquads=FM2
- [MysteryW2b_DoshGrabZed ScrnWaveInfo]
- Message=Zeds have learned to eat dosh. It makes them stronger!
- TraderTime=5
- bOpenTrader=False
- EndRule=RULE_GrabDoshZed
- SpawnRateMod=0.5
- Counter=250
- PerPlayerMult=0.5
- MaxCounter=500
- ZedsPerSpecialSquad=60
- Squads=4*CL + BL
- Squads=4*CR
- Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
- Squads=2*CL + 2*BL
- Squads=4*BL
- Squads=CL + GF + 2*GF
- Squads=3*CL + GF + SI
- Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + TH/SI
- Squads=SC + 3*CL
- Squads=SC + 2*CL + BL
- Squads=4*GF
- Squads=6*CR
- Squads=2*CL + 2*CR + 2*GF + 2*SI
- Squads=HU + BL + 2*CL
- Squads=BR + 2*BL
- SpecialSquads=6*BL
- [MysteryW3_Ghosts ScrnWaveInfo]
- Message=Are you afraid of Ghosts?
- TraderTime=5
- bOpenTrader=False
- EndRule=RULE_Timeout
- SpawnRateMod=3.0
- Counter=100
- PerPlayerMult=0.2
- MaxCounter=250
- Squads=8*GH
- Squads=2*SH + 4*GH
- Squads=6*GH
- Squads=4*SH
- [MysteryW4_Boss ScrnWaveInfo]
- Message=Santa got presents for you...
- TraderTime=60
- bOpenTrader=True
- EndRule=RULE_KillEmAll
- Counter=10
- SpawnRateMod=0.25
- ZedsPerSpecialSquad=999
- bRandomSpecialSquads=false
- SpecialSquads=XBOSS
- Squads=2*XBL
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=3*CL + CR
- Squads=3*CL + CR + ST
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=3*CL + GF
- Squads=3*CL + XBL
- [MysteryW5_Jasons ScrnWaveInfo]
- Title=FRIDAY 13
- Message=
- SpawnRateMod=0.5
- TraderTime=60
- bOpenTrader=True
- EndRule=RULE_SpawnEmAll
- Counter=2
- MaxCounter=13
- Squads=JS
- [MysteryW6 ScrnWaveInfo]
- TraderTime=30
- bOpenTrader=False
- EndRule=RULE_SpawnEmAll
- Counter=25
- ZedsPerSpecialSquad=70
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=4*CR
- Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
- Squads=2*CL + CL + BL
- Squads=2*CL + 2*GF
- Squads=CL + GF + 2*GF
- Squads=3*CL + GF + SI
- Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + SI
- Squads=SC + 3*CL
- Squads=JS/SC + 2*CL + BL
- Squads=4*GF
- Squads=6*CR
- Squads=2*CL + 2*CR + 2*GF + 2*SI
- Squads=HU
- Squads=HU + BL + 2*CL
- Squads=FM
- Squads=FP
- [MysteryW7_BrutalTesla ScrnWaveInfo]
- Message=
- TraderTime=30
- bOpenTrader=False
- EndRule=RULE_SpawnEmAll
- SpawnRateMod=0.8
- Counter=6
- ZedsPerSpecialSquad=40
- Squads=2*TH
- Squads=2*TH
- Squads=TH
- Squads=TH
- Squads=BR
- Squads=BR
- Squads=BR
- [MysteryW8_Clots ScrnWaveInfo]
- Message=Get to the Trader though a zed horde
- TraderTime=5
- bOpenTrader=False
- EndRule=RULE_Timeout
- Counter=60
- PerPlayerMult=0
- SpawnRateMod=4.0
- Squads=8*CL
- Squads=BL + 5*CL
- Squads=2*BL + 4*CL
- [MysteryW9 ScrnWaveInfo]
- TraderTime=30
- bOpenTrader=true
- EndRule=RULE_SpawnEmAll
- Counter=30
- ZedsPerSpecialSquad=90
- SpecialSquads=1: FP + 2*SI + BL + SC
- SpecialSquads=2: 2*FM + SC + BL
- SpecialSquads=4: FP + 2*BR
- SpecialSquads=3: FP + FM + TH/SI
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=4*CL + BL
- Squads=4*CR
- Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
- Squads=3*CL + GF
- Squads=2*CL + 2*GF
- Squads=2*CL + 3*CR + GF
- Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + TH/SI
- Squads=JS/SC + 2*CL
- Squads=SC + 2*CL + 3*GF
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=4*ST
- Squads=4*GF
- Squads=6*CR
- Squads=2*CR + 2*GF + 2*ST + SI
- Squads=2*CL + 2*CR + 2*GF + 2*SI
- Squads=2*HU
- Squads=BR + 2*BL
- Squads=FM
- Squads=2*TH
- [MysteryW9a_Ammo ScrnWaveInfo]
- TraderMessage=Look for ammo boxes
- TraderTime=10
- bOpenTrader=false
- EndRule=RULE_GrabAmmo
- Counter=4
- PerPlayerMult=0.5
- MaxCounter=15
- SpawnRateMod=0.2
- ZedsPerSpecialSquad=50
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=4*CR
- Squads=2*ST + 2*CR
- Squads=2*CL + BL
- Squads=2*CL + GH
- Squads=2*GF
- Squads=3*CL + GF
- Squads=3*CR + 2*ST + SI
- Squads=2*GH
- Squads=4*CR
- Squads=2*CR + 2*GF + TH/SI
- SpecialSquads=HU
- SpecialSquads=TH
- [MysteryW10 ScrnWaveInfo]
- TraderMessage=Prepare for the final battle!
- TraderTime=30
- bOpenTrader=False
- EndRule=RULE_KillEmAll
- Counter=30
- ZedsPerSpecialSquad=90
- SpecialSquads=1: 2*FP + SC + 2*SI + BL
- SpecialSquads=5: 3*FP + 2*SI
- SpecialSquads=6: 4*FP
- SpecialSquads=6: 4*FM + 2*TH
- SpecialSquads=5: 3*FM + SC + 2*SI
- SpecialSquads=4: FP + 2*FM + SI + BL
- SpecialSquads=4: FP + FM + BR + JS + TH + SI
- SpecialSquads=4: 2*FM + JS + 2*SC + BL
- SpecialSquads=2: 4*BR + 2*TH
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=4*CL + BL
- Squads=4*CR
- Squads=2*CL + 2*GF
- Squads=2*CL + 3*CR + GF
- Squads=3*CL + CR + 2*ST + BL + TH/SI
- Squads=JS/SC + 2*CL
- Squads=SC + 2*CL + 3*GF
- Squads=2*CR + 3*ST + BL + SI + TH/SI
- Squads=4*CL + GF
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=4*ST
- Squads=4*GF
- Squads=6*CR
- Squads=2*CL + 2*CR + 2*GF + 2*SI
- Squads=HU
- Squads=2*HU
- Squads=2*BR
- Squads=FM
- Squads=2*TH
- [MysteryBossWave ScrnWaveInfo]
- Message=Kevin got cloned...
- TraderTime=60
- bOpenTrader=true
- EndRule=RULE_KillBoss
- Counter=4
- ZedsPerSpecialSquad=999
- bRandomSpecialSquads=false
- SpecialSquads=2*BOSS
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=3*CL + CR
- Squads=3*CL + CR + ST
- Squads=4*CL
- Squads=3*CL + GF
- Squads=3*CL + BL
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