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- // gta source partial
- #include "fwanimation/animmanager.h"
- #include "fwanimation/directorcomponentsyncedscene.h"
- #include "fwscene/stores/networkdefstore.h"
- #include "fwscene/stores/framefilterdictionarystore.h"
- #include "script/commands_task.h"
- #include "script/wrapper.h"
- #include "script/thread.h"
- //Game headers
- #include "ai/debug/system/AIDebugLogManager.h"
- #include "animation/AnimDefines.h"
- #include "animation/Move.h"
- #include "control/WaypointRecording.h"
- #include "control/replay/replay.h"
- #include "event/EventShocking.h"
- #include "event/EventWeapon.h"
- #include "event/ShockingEvents.h"
- #include "game/ModelIndices.h"
- #include "math/angmath.h"
- #include "network/NetworkInterface.h"
- #include "network/Events/NetworkEventTypes.h"
- #include "peds/PedFactory.h"
- #include "peds/PedHelmetComponent.h"
- #include "peds/PedIntelligence.h"
- #include "peds/Pedpopulation.h"
- #include "peds/PedTaskRecord.h"
- #include "peds/Ped.h"
- #include "peds/WildlifeManager.h"
- #include "physics/WorldProbe/worldprobe.h"
- #include "physics/RagdollConstraints.h"
- #include "pickups/Pickup.h"
- #include "pickups/PickupPlacement.h"
- #include "scene/world/GameWorld.h"
- #include "fwpheffects/ropemanager.h"
- #include "fwscene/search/SearchVolumes.h"
- #include "script/Handlers/GameScriptEntity.h"
- #include "script/Handlers/GameScriptResources.h"
- #include "script/Handlers/GameScriptMgr.h"
- #include "script/scrchannel.h"
- #include "script/script.h"
- #include "script/script_cars_and_peds.h"
- #include "script/script_helper.h"
- #include "script/ScriptTaskTypes.h"
- #include "script/commands_waypoint.h"
- #include "script/commands_entity.h"
- #include "streaming/streaming.h"
- #include "Task/Animation/TaskMoveScripted.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/Cover/Cover.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/TaskNewCombat.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/Cover/TaskCover.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/Cover/TaskSeekCover.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/Cover/TaskStayInCover.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/Subtasks/TaskDraggingToSafety.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/Subtasks/TaskHeliChase.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/Subtasks/TaskPlaneChase.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/Subtasks/TaskStealth.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/Subtasks/TaskVehicleChase.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/Subtasks/TaskVehicleCombat.h"
- #include "task/Combat/TaskCombat.h"
- #include "task/Combat/TaskCombatMelee.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/TaskDamageDeath.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/TaskInvestigate.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/TaskReact.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/TaskSearch.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/TaskSharkAttack.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/TaskThreatResponse.h"
- #include "Task/Combat/TaskWrithe.h"
- #include "Task/Default/AmbientAnimationManager.h"
- #include "Task/Default/Patrol/PatrolRoutes.h"
- #include "Task/Default/Patrol/TaskPatrol.h"
- #include "Task/Default/TaskArrest.h"
- #include "Task/Default/ArrestHelpers.h"
- #include "Task/Default/TaskChat.h"
- #include "Task/Default/TaskCuffed.h"
- #include "Task/Default/TaskPlayer.h"
- #include "Task/Default/TaskWander.h"
- #include "Task/General/TaskBasic.h"
- #include "Task/General/TaskGeneralSweep.h"
- #include "Task/General/Phone/TaskMobilePhone.h"
- #include "Task/Scenario/info/ScenarioInfoManager.h"
- #include "Task/General/TaskSecondary.h"
- #include "Task/Motion/Locomotion/TaskMotionPed.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/Climbing/TaskGoToAndClimbLadder.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/Climbing/TaskRappel.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/Jumping/TaskJump.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/TaskFall.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/TaskSlideToCoord.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/TaskCollisionResponse.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/TaskFollowWaypointRecording.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/TaskGoto.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/TaskGoToPointAiming.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/TaskMoveFollowEntityOffset.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/TaskParachute.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/TaskJetpack.h"
- #include "Task/Movement/TaskSeekEntity.h"
- #include "Task/Physics/TaskAnimatedAttach.h"
- #include "Task/Physics/TaskNM.h"
- #include "Task/Physics/TaskNMBindPose.h"
- #include "Task/Physics/TaskNMElectrocute.h"
- #include "Task/Physics/TaskNMDangle.h"
- #include "Task/Physics/TaskNMHighFall.h"
- #include "Task/Physics/TaskNMSlungOverShoulder.h"
- //#include "Task/Physics/TaskNMStumble.h"
- #include "Task/Response/TaskAgitated.h"
- #include "Task/Response/TaskConfront.h"
- #include "Task/Response/TaskFlee.h"
- #include "Task/Response/TaskGangs.h"
- #include "task/Response/TaskReactAndFlee.h"
- #include "Task/Response/TaskShockingEvents.h"
- #include "Task/Scenario/Info/ScenarioInfo.h"
- #include "Task/Scenario/ScenarioManager.h"
- #include "Task/Scenario/ScenarioPointManager.h"
- #include "Task/Scenario/Types/TaskParkedVehicleScenario.h"
- #include "Task/Scenario/Types/TaskUseScenario.h"
- #include "Task/Service/Police/TaskPolicePatrol.h"
- #include "Task/Service/Swat/TaskSwat.h"
- #include "Task/System/Task.h"
- #include "Task/Animation/TaskAnims.h"
- #include "Task/Animation/TaskScriptedAnimation.h"
- #include "Task/System/TaskManager.h"
- #include "Task/Vehicle/TaskCar.h"
- #include "Task/Vehicle/TaskCarAccessories.h"
- #include "Task/Vehicle/TaskCarUtils.h"
- #include "Task/Vehicle/TaskEnterVehicle.h"
- #include "Task/Vehicle/TaskExitVehicle.h"
- #include "Task/Vehicle/TaskMountAnimal.h"
- #include "Task/Vehicle/TaskRideTrain.h"
- #include "Task/Vehicle/TaskVehicleWeapon.h"
- #include "Task/Weapons/Gun/TaskGun.h"
- #include "Task/Weapons/Gun/TaskAimGunScripted.h"
- #include "Task/Weapons/Gun/TaskReloadGun.h"
- #include "Task/Weapons/Gun/Metadata/ScriptedGunTaskInfo.h"
- #include "Task/Weapons/Gun/Metadata/ScriptedGunTaskInfoMetadataMgr.h"
- #include "Task/Weapons/Gun/TaskVehicleDriveBy.h"
- #include "Task/Weapons/TaskBomb.h"
- #include "Task/Weapons/TaskProjectile.h"
- #include "Task/Weapons/TaskSwapWeapon.h"
- #include "Task/Weapons/WeaponController.h"
- #include "debug/DebugScene.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/vehicleintelligence.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleGoTo.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleGotoAutomobile.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleGoToHelicopter.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleGoToPlane.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleGoToSubmarine.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleAttack.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleBlock.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleCircle.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleCruise.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleDeadDriver.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleEscort.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleFlying.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleFollowRecording.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleGoToLongRange.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleHeliProtect.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehiclePark.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehiclePoliceBehaviour.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleTempAction.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/Task/TaskVehicleThreePointTurn.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/task/TaskVehicleAnimation.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/task/TaskVehiclePursue.h"
- #include "vehicleAi/task/TaskVehicleLandPlane.h"
- #include "vehicles/Metadata/VehicleEntryPointInfo.h"
- #include "vehicles/Planes.h"
- #include "Weapons/Info/WeaponInfoManager.h"
- //Rage headers
- #include "script/wrapper.h"
- namespace task_commands
- {
- void UpdatePedRagdollBoundsForScriptActivation(CPed* pPed)
- {
- // only need to do this if we're in the viewport, not in ragdoll already and our capsule physics isn't active
- if (pPed && pPed->GetIsVisibleInSomeViewportThisFrame() && !pPed->GetUsingRagdoll())
- {
- pPed->UpdateRagdollRootTransformFromAnimatedSkel();
- pPed->UpdateRagdollBoundsFromAnimatedSkel();
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskToggleDuck( int PedIndex, s32 iToggleType )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(CGameConfig::Get().AllowCrouchedMovement(), "TASK_TOGGLE_DUCK - Crouch is disabled" ))
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskCrouchToggle(iToggleType);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_TOGGLE_DUCK, "TASK_TOGGLE_DUCK");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskPause(int PedIndex, int Time)
- {
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskPause(Time);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_PAUSE, "TASK_PAUSE");
- }
- void CommandTaskStandStill(int PedIndex, int StandStillTime)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((StandStillTime == -1) || (StandStillTime > 0) ,"TASK_STAND_STILL - Time must be -1 for infinite, otherwise > 0" ))
- {
- const int numFramesToRun = 0; // no frame limit
- const bool bMakeMountStandStill = true;
- const bool bEnableTimeslicing = (StandStillTime == -1);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskDoNothing(StandStillTime, numFramesToRun, bMakeMountStandStill, bEnableTimeslicing);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_STAND_STILL, "TASK_STAND_STILL");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskJump(int PedIndex, bool UNUSED_PARAM(UsePlayerLaunchForce), bool DoSuperJump, bool UseFullSuperJumpForce)
- {
- s32 nFlags = JF_DisableVault;
- if (DoSuperJump)
- nFlags |= JF_SuperJump | JF_BeastJump;
- if (UseFullSuperJumpForce)
- nFlags |= JF_AIUseFullForceBeastJump;
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskJumpVault(nFlags);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_JUMP, "TASK_JUMP");
- }
- void CommandTaskCower(int PedIndex, int Time)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((Time == -1) || (Time > 0) ,"TASK_COWER - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskCower(Time);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_COWER, "TASK_COWER");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskHandsUp(int PedIndex, int Time, int PedToFaceIndex, int TimeToFacePed, int Flags)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((Time == -1) || (Time > 0) ,"TASK_HANDS_UP - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskHandsUp(Time, pPed, TimeToFacePed, Flags);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_HANDS_UP, "TASK_HANDS_UP");
- }
- }
- void CommandUpdateTaskHandsUpDuration(int PedIndex, int Time)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskHandsUp* pTaskHandsUp = static_cast<CTaskHandsUp*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_HANDS_UP));
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskHandsUp, "UPDATE_TASK_HANDS_UP_DURATION - task is not running!"))
- {
- pTaskHandsUp->SetDuration(Time);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskDuck(int PedIndex, int Time)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(CGameConfig::Get().AllowCrouchedMovement(), "TASK_DUCK - Crouch is disabled" ))
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((Time == -1) || (Time > 0) ,"TASK_DUCK - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- CTask* pTask;
- if(-1==Time)
- {
- pTask=rage_new CTaskCrouch(0);
- }
- else
- {
- pTask=rage_new CTaskCrouch(Time);
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_DUCK, "TASK_DUCK");
- }
- }
- }
- void ScriptPassengerTask( int iPedID, CVehicle *pVehicle, int iTime, SeatRequestType requestType, int iSeat, int UNUSED_PARAM(EnterStatus), float fMoveBlendRatio, VehicleEnterExitFlags iScriptFlags, fwMvClipSetId overrideClipsetId, const char* commandName)
- {
- float fTime = (float)iTime;
- fTime/=1000.0f;
- if( -1==iTime )
- {
- fTime = 0.0f;
- }
- else if( iTime > 0 )
- {
- iScriptFlags.BitSet().Set(CVehicleEnterExitFlags::WarpAfterTime);
- }
- // Convert the time into seconds
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskEnterVehicle(pVehicle, requestType, iSeat, iScriptFlags, fTime, fMoveBlendRatio, NULL, overrideClipsetId);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE, commandName);
- }
- void ScriptDriverTask( int iPedID, CVehicle *pVehicle, int iTime, int UNUSED_PARAM(EnterStatus), VehicleEnterExitFlags iScriptFlags, float fMoveBlendRatio, fwMvClipSetId overrideClipsetId, const char* commandName)
- {
- s32 seat = pVehicle->GetDriverSeat();
- float fTime = (float)iTime;
- if( -1==iTime )
- {
- fTime = 0.0f;
- }
- else if( iTime >= 0 )
- {
- iScriptFlags.BitSet().Set(CVehicleEnterExitFlags::WarpAfterTime);
- }
- // Convert the time into seconds
- fTime/=1000.0f;
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, rage_new CTaskEnterVehicle(pVehicle, SR_Specific, seat, iScriptFlags, fTime, fMoveBlendRatio, NULL, overrideClipsetId), SCRIPT_TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE, commandName);
- }
- void CommandTaskOpenVehicleDoor( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iTime, int iSeat, float fMoveBlendRatio)
- {
- SeatRequestType seatRequestType = SR_Specific;
- s32 iSeatRequest = iSeat+1;
- if( iSeat == -2 )
- {
- seatRequestType = SR_Any;
- }
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_OPEN_VEHICLE_DOOR - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pVehicle)
- {
- VehicleEnterExitFlags vehicleFlags;
- vehicleFlags.BitSet().Set(CVehicleEnterExitFlags::JustOpenDoor);
- if (iSeatRequest != 0)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(iSeatRequest < pVehicle->GetSeatManager()->GetMaxSeats(), "TASK_OPEN_VEHICLE_DOOR - seat doesn't exist"))
- {
- ScriptPassengerTask(iPedID, pVehicle, iTime, seatRequestType, iSeatRequest, 0, fMoveBlendRatio, vehicleFlags, CLIP_SET_ID_INVALID, "TASK_OPEN_VEHICLE_DOOR");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY (!pVehicle->GetDriver(), "TASK_OPEN_VEHICLE_DOOR - Vehicle already has a driver"))
- {
- ScriptDriverTask(iPedID, pVehicle, iTime, 0, vehicleFlags, fMoveBlendRatio, CLIP_SET_ID_INVALID, "TASK_OPEN_VEHICLE_DOOR");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskEnterVehicle( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iTime, int iSeat, float fMoveBlendRatio, const int iScriptFlags, const char* szOverrideEntryClipsetName )
- {
- VehicleEnterExitFlags iFlags;
- CTaskVehicleFSM::SetScriptedVehicleEntryExitFlags(iFlags, iScriptFlags);
- SeatRequestType seatRequestType = SR_Specific;
- s32 iSeatRequest = iSeat+1;
- if( iSeat == -2 )
- {
- seatRequestType = SR_Any;
- }
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pVehicle)
- {
- #if __ASSERT
- const bool bIsTrailerLarge = MI_TRAILER_TRAILERLARGE.IsValid() && pVehicle->GetModelIndex() == MI_TRAILER_TRAILERLARGE;
- if (bIsTrailerLarge)
- {
- AI_LOG_WITH_ARGS("Ped with index %i is being placed into the trailerlarge from %s", iPedID, CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- #endif // __ASSERT
- fwMvClipSetId overrideClipsetId = CLIP_SET_ID_INVALID;
- //look for an clip set with this name
- if (szOverrideEntryClipsetName)
- {
- if (fwClipSetManager::GetClipSet(fwMvClipSetId(szOverrideEntryClipsetName)))
- {
- overrideClipsetId.SetFromString(szOverrideEntryClipsetName);
- #if __ASSERT
- scriptAssertf(fwClipSetManager::IsStreamedIn_DEPRECATED(overrideClipsetId), "TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE - Clip set %s is not loaded yet:", szOverrideEntryClipsetName);
- #endif // __ASSERT
- }
- #if __ASSERT
- else
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "Couldn't find clipset with name %s", szOverrideEntryClipsetName);
- }
- #endif // __ASSERT
- }
- if (iSeatRequest != 0)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(iSeatRequest < pVehicle->GetSeatManager()->GetMaxSeats(), "TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE - seat doesn't exist"))
- {
- ScriptPassengerTask(iPedID, pVehicle, iTime, seatRequestType, iSeatRequest, 0, fMoveBlendRatio, iFlags, overrideClipsetId, "TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // See if the vehicle has a driver already, if they are still running the enter vehicle task then they must be shuffling
- // so discount them
- CPed* pDriver = pVehicle->GetDriver();
- if (pDriver && pDriver->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE))
- {
- pDriver = NULL;
- }
- //driver seat
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pDriver || (iFlags.BitSet().IsSet(CVehicleEnterExitFlags::JackIfOccupied)), "TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE - Vehicle already has a driver"))
- {
- ScriptDriverTask(iPedID, pVehicle, iTime, 0, iFlags, fMoveBlendRatio, overrideClipsetId, "TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskLeaveVehicle( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, s32 iScriptFlags )
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pVehicle)
- {
- VehicleEnterExitFlags vehicleFlags;
- CTaskVehicleFSM::SetScriptedVehicleEntryExitFlags(vehicleFlags, iScriptFlags);
- vehicleFlags.BitSet().Set(CVehicleEnterExitFlags::DontJackAnyone);
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskExitVehicle(pVehicle,vehicleFlags);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_LEAVE_VEHICLE, "TASK_LEAVE_VEHICLE");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleDriveToCoord_Intern( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, const Vector3 &VecCoors_, float CruiseSpeed, int iMode, int UNUSED_PARAM(VehicleModelHashKey), int iDrivingFlags, float TargetRadius, float StraightLineDist)
- {
- Vector3 VecCoors = VecCoors_;
- TUNE_GROUP_BOOL(RACING_AI, RACING_actuallyGoFast, false);
- TUNE_GROUP_FLOAT(RACING_AI, RACING_actuallyGoFastSpeed, 50.0f, 0.0, 100.0f, 0.1f);
- if(RACING_actuallyGoFast)
- {
- CruiseSpeed = RACING_actuallyGoFastSpeed;
- }
- CTask* pTask = NULL;
- CVehicle *pVehicle = NULL;
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (!pVehicle)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (VecCoors.z <= INVALID_MINIMUM_WORLD_Z)
- {
- VecCoors.z = WorldProbe::FindGroundZForCoord(TOP_SURFACE, VecCoors.x, VecCoors.y);
- }
- if (StraightLineDist < 0.0f)
- {
- StraightLineDist = sVehicleMissionParams::DEFAULT_SWITCH_TO_STRAIGHT_LINE_DIST;
- }
- // The old driving styles are still present in the script headers, until we remove them this will
- // At least make drivingstyle reversing work.
- if( iMode == 2 )
- {
- iDrivingFlags |= DF_DriveInReverse;
- }
- aiTask *pVehicleTask = CVehicleIntelligence::GetGotoTaskForVehicle(pVehicle, NULL, &VecCoors, iDrivingFlags, TargetRadius, StraightLineDist, CruiseSpeed);
- pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pVehicleTask );
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleDriveToCoord( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, float CruiseSpeed, int iMode, int VehicleModelHashKey, int iDrivingFlags, float TargetRadius, float StraightLineDist )
- {
- Vector3 VecCoors = Vector3 (scrVecCoors);
- CommandTaskVehicleDriveToCoord_Intern( iPedID, iVehicleID, VecCoors, CruiseSpeed, iMode, VehicleModelHashKey, iDrivingFlags, TargetRadius, StraightLineDist );
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleDriveToCoordLongRange(int iPedID, int iVehicleID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, float CruiseSpeed, int iDrivingFlags, float TargetRadius)
- {
- Vector3 VecCoors = Vector3(scrVecCoors);
- CTask* pTask = NULL;
- CVehicle *pVehicle = NULL;
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (!pVehicle)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (VecCoors.z <= INVALID_MINIMUM_WORLD_Z)
- {
- VecCoors.z = WorldProbe::FindGroundZForCoord(TOP_SURFACE, VecCoors.x, VecCoors.y);
- }
- //aiTask *pVehicleTask = CVehicleIntelligence::GetGotoTaskForVehicle(pVehicle, NULL, &VecCoors, iDrivingFlags, TargetRadius, StraightLineDist, CruiseSpeed);
- sVehicleMissionParams params;
- params.SetTargetPosition(VecCoors);
- params.m_iDrivingFlags = iDrivingFlags;
- params.m_fTargetArriveDist = TargetRadius;
- params.m_fCruiseSpeed = CruiseSpeed;
- CTask* pVehicleTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleGotoLongRange(params);
- pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pVehicleTask );
- }
- void CommandTaskMountAnimal( int iPedID, int iMountID, int iTime, int iSeat, float fMoveBlendRatio, const int iFlags )
- {
- s32 iSeatRequest = iSeat+1;
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_MOUNT_ANIMAL - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- // if this task is being added to a sequence, don't do a clone check on the mount
- CPed *pMount = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iMountID, assertFlags);
- if (pMount)
- {
- if (iSeatRequest != 0)
- {
- scriptAssertf(false, "Non-driver's on mounts not yet supported by TASK_MOUNT_ANIMAL");
- }
- else
- {
- VehicleEnterExitFlags vehicleFlags;
- CTaskVehicleFSM::SetScriptedVehicleEntryExitFlags(vehicleFlags, iFlags);
- //driver seat
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pMount->GetSeatManager()->GetDriver() || vehicleFlags.BitSet().IsSet(CVehicleEnterExitFlags::JackIfOccupied), "TASK_MOUNT_ANIMAL - Mount already has a driver"))
- {
- s32 seat = pMount->GetPedModelInfo()->GetModelSeatInfo()->GetDriverSeat();
- float fTime = (float)iTime;
- if( -1==iTime )
- {
- fTime = 0.0f;
- }
- else if( iTime >= 0 )
- {
- vehicleFlags.BitSet().Set(CVehicleEnterExitFlags::WarpAfterTime);
- }
- // Convert the time into seconds
- fTime/=1000.0f;
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, rage_new CTaskMountAnimal(pMount, SR_Specific, seat, vehicleFlags, fTime, fMoveBlendRatio), SCRIPT_TASK_MOUNT_ANIMAL, "TASK_MOUNT_ANIMAL");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskDismountAnimal( int iPedID, s32 iScriptFlags )
- {
- CPed *pMount = NULL;
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- pMount = pPed->GetMyMount();
- if (!pMount)
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- VehicleEnterExitFlags vehicleFlags;
- CTaskVehicleFSM::SetScriptedVehicleEntryExitFlags(vehicleFlags, iScriptFlags);
- vehicleFlags.BitSet().Set(CVehicleEnterExitFlags::DontJackAnyone);
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskDismountAnimal(vehicleFlags);
- }
- #else
- void CommandTaskMountAnimal( int UNUSED_PARAM(iPedID), int UNUSED_PARAM(iMountID), int UNUSED_PARAM(iTime), int UNUSED_PARAM(iSeat), float UNUSED_PARAM(fMoveBlendRatio), const int UNUSED_PARAM(iFlags) )
- {
- }
- void CommandTaskDismountAnimal( int UNUSED_PARAM(iPedID), s32 UNUSED_PARAM(iScriptFlags) )
- {
- }
- #endif
- void CommandTaskVehicleDriveWander( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, float fSpeed, int iDrivingFlags )
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle = NULL;
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- }
- if (!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pVehicle, "TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_WANDER needs a valid vehicle"))
- {
- return;
- }
- // cap cruise speed to the maximum
- float fCruiseSpeed = rage::Min(fSpeed, CTaskVehicleMissionBase::MAX_CRUISE_SPEED);
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskCarDriveWander(pVehicle, iDrivingFlags, fCruiseSpeed);
- }
- void CommandTaskGoStraightToCoord(int PedIndex, const scrVector &scrVecCoors, float MoveBlendRatio, int Time, const float fTargetHeading, const float fInTargetRadius)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((Time == -1) || (Time > 0) ,"TASK_GO_STRAIGHT_TO_COORD - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- CTask* pTask;
- Vector3 vTarget(scrVecCoors);
- const float fTargetRadius = fInTargetRadius;//CTaskMoveGoToPointAndStandStill::ms_fTargetRadius;
- const float fSlowDownDistance = CTaskMoveGoToPointAndStandStill::ms_fSlowDownDistance;
- float fMainTaskTimer = 0.0f;
- if(-1==Time)
- {
- pTask=rage_new CTaskMoveGoToPointAndStandStill(MoveBlendRatio,vTarget,fTargetRadius,fSlowDownDistance,false,true, fTargetHeading<DEFAULT_NAVMESH_FINAL_HEADING ? DtoR * fTargetHeading : fTargetHeading);
- }
- else
- {
- fMainTaskTimer = (float)Time/1000.0f;
- if( fMainTaskTimer > 0.0f )
- fMainTaskTimer += 2.0f;
- int iTime = Max(CTaskComplexGoToPointAndStandStillTimed::ms_iTime, Time);
- pTask=rage_new CTaskComplexGoToPointAndStandStillTimed(MoveBlendRatio,vTarget,fTargetRadius,fSlowDownDistance, iTime, true, fTargetHeading<DEFAULT_NAVMESH_FINAL_HEADING ? DtoR * fTargetHeading : fTargetHeading);
- }
- pTask = rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement( pTask, NULL, CTaskComplexControlMovement::TerminateOnMovementTask, fMainTaskTimer );
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskGoStraightToCoordRelativeToEntity(int PedIndex, int EntityIndex, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, float MoveBlendRatio, int Time)
- {
- Vector3 vLocalTarget(scrVecCoors);
- const float fTargetRadius = CTaskMoveGoToPointAndStandStill::ms_fTargetRadius;
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((Time == -1) || (Time > 0) ,"TASK_GO_STRAIGHT_TO_COORD_RELATIVE_TO_ENTITY - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- const CEntity *pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(EntityIndex);
- if (pEntity)
- {
- CTaskMoveGoToPointRelativeToEntityAndStandStill * pMoveTask = rage_new CTaskMoveGoToPointRelativeToEntityAndStandStill(
- pEntity,
- MoveBlendRatio,
- vLocalTarget,
- fTargetRadius,
- Time
- );
- CTask * pTask = rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement( pMoveTask );
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskAchieveHeading(int PedIndex, float fHeadingDegrees, int iTime)
- {
- float fTime;
- if(iTime < 0)
- {
- fTime = -1.0f;
- }
- else if(iTime == 0)
- {
- fTime = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- fTime = ((float)iTime)/1000.0f;
- }
- const float fHeadingRadians=( DtoR * fHeadingDegrees);
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskMoveAchieveHeading(fHeadingRadians, CTaskMoveAchieveHeading::ms_fHeadingChangeRateFrac, CTaskMoveAchieveHeading::ms_fHeadingTolerance, fTime);
- pTask = rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement( pTask );
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_ACHIEVE_HEADING, "TASK_ACHIEVE_HEADING");
- }
- void CommandFlushRoute()
- {
- CTaskMoveFollowPointRoute::ms_pointRoute.Clear();
- }
- void CommandExtendRoute(const scrVector & scrVecCoors)
- {
- Vector3 vTarget(scrVecCoors);
- if (CTaskMoveFollowPointRoute::ms_pointRoute.Add(vTarget) == false)
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "%s:EXTEND_ROUTE - too many points in this route ", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskFollowToOffsetOfEntity(int PedIndex, int EntityIndex, const scrVector & scrVecOffset, float MoveBlendRatio, int Time, float Radius, bool RelativeOffset)
- {
- Vector3 Offset(scrVecOffset);
- const CPhysical* pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPhysical>(EntityIndex);
- if (pEntity)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((Time == -1) || (Time > 0) ,"TASK_FOLLOW_TO_OFFSET_OF_PED - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- CTask* pTask= rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement(rage_new CTaskMoveFollowEntityOffset(pEntity, MoveBlendRatio, Radius, Offset, Time, RelativeOffset));
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskFollowToOffsetOfPickup(int PedIndex, int PickupID, const scrVector & scrVecOffset, float MoveBlendRatio, int Time, float Radius, bool RelativeOffset)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((Time == -1) || (Time > 0) ,"TASK_FOLLOW_TO_OFFSET_OF_PICKUP - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- if (scriptVerify(CTheScripts::GetCurrentGtaScriptHandler()))
- {
- scriptHandlerObject* pScriptHandlerObject = CTheScripts::GetCurrentGtaScriptHandler()->GetScriptObject(PickupID);
- if (scriptVerifyf(pScriptHandlerObject, "%s: TASK_FOLLOW_TO_OFFSET_OF_PICKUP - failed to find script handler object for pickup ID", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter()))
- {
- if (scriptVerifyf(static_cast<CGameScriptHandlerObject*>(pScriptHandlerObject)->GetType() == SCRIPT_HANDLER_OBJECT_TYPE_PICKUP, "%s: TASK_FOLLOW_TO_OFFSET_OF_PICKUP - This is not a pickup id", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter()))
- {
- CPickupPlacement* pPlacement = static_cast<CPickupPlacement*>(pScriptHandlerObject);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPlacement,"TASK_FOLLOW_TO_OFFSET_OF_PICKUP - Pickup does not exist"))
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pPlacement->GetIsCollected(), "TASK_FOLLOW_TO_OFFSET_OF_PICKUP - pickup has already been collected"))
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pPlacement->GetHasPickupBeenDestroyed(), "TASK_FOLLOW_TO_OFFSET_OF_PICKUP - pickup has been destroyed"))
- {
- const CPickup *pPickup = pPlacement->GetPickup();
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPickup, "TASK_FOLLOW_TO_OFFSET_OF_PICKUP - pickup object for this pickup placement is NULL"))
- {
- Vector3 Offset(scrVecOffset);
- CTask* pTask= rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement(rage_new CTaskMoveFollowEntityOffset(pPickup, MoveBlendRatio, Radius, Offset, Time, RelativeOffset));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskFollowPointRoute(int PedIndex, float MoveBlendRatio, int Mode)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY (((CTaskMoveFollowPointRoute::TICKET_SINGLE==Mode) ||
- (CTaskMoveFollowPointRoute::TICKET_RETURN==Mode) ||
- (CTaskMoveFollowPointRoute::TICKET_SEASON==Mode) ||
- (CTaskMoveFollowPointRoute::TICKET_LOOP==Mode)),
- "TASK_FOLLOW_POINT_ROUTE - invalid mode"))
- {
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskMoveFollowPointRoute(MoveBlendRatio,CTaskMoveFollowPointRoute::ms_pointRoute,Mode);
- pTask = rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement( pTask );
- }
- }
- // Please keep this in sync with the enumeration in "commands_task.sch"
- {
- };
- void CommandTaskGoToEntity(int PedIndex, int EntityIndex, int Time, float SeekRadius, float MoveBlendRatio, float fSlowDownDistance, int iFlags)
- {
- const CEntity* pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(EntityIndex);
- if (pEntity)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((Time == -1) || (Time > 0) ,"TASK_GOTO_ENTITY - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- if (NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress() && (!pEntity->GetIsDynamic() || !((CDynamicEntity*)pEntity)->GetNetworkObject()))
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "%s:TASK_GOTO_ENTITY; the entity must be networked or this ped will not be able to migrate properly", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- CTask* pMoveTask=rage_new TTaskMoveSeekEntityStandard(pEntity, Time, TTaskMoveSeekEntityStandard::ms_iPeriod, SeekRadius);
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityStandard*)pMoveTask)->SetMoveBlendRatio(MoveBlendRatio);
- // scripted seek entity, so we use larger search extents
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityStandard*)pMoveTask)->SetUseLargerSearchExtents(true);
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityStandard*)pMoveTask)->SetUseAdaptiveUpdateFreq(true);
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityStandard*)pMoveTask)->SetSlowDownDistance(fSlowDownDistance);
- {
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityStandard*)pMoveTask)->SetNeverSlowDownForPathLength(true);
- }
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement( pMoveTask );
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_GO_TO_ENTITY, "TASK_GOTO_ENTITY");
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskSmartFleeCoord(int PedIndex, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, float SafeDistance, int Time, bool UNUSED_PARAM(bPreferPavements), bool bQuitIfOutOfRange)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((Time == -1) || (Time > 0) ,"TASK_SMART_FLEE_POINT - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(SafeDistance >= 0.0f ,"TASK_SMART_FLEE_POINT - SafeDistance must be >= 0.0" ))
- {
- Vector3 vTarget(scrVecCoors);
- CTaskSmartFlee* pTask = rage_new CTaskSmartFlee(CAITarget(vTarget),SafeDistance,Time);
- // scripted flee task, so we use larger search extents
- pTask->SetUseLargerSearchExtents(true);
- pTask->SetQuitIfOutOfRange(bQuitIfOutOfRange);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_SMART_FLEE_POINT, "TASK_SMART_FLEE_POINT");
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskSmartFleePed(int PedIndex, int OtherPedIndex, float SafeDistance, int Time, bool UNUSED_PARAM(bPreferPavements), bool UNUSED_PARAM(bUpdateToNearestHatedPed))
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((Time == -1) || (Time > 0) ,"TASK_SMART_FLEE_PED - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(SafeDistance >= 0.0f ,"TASK_SMART_FLEE_PED - SafeDistance must be >= 0.0" ))
- {
- const CPed* pOtherPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(OtherPedIndex);
- if (pOtherPed)
- {
- CTaskSmartFlee* pTask = rage_new CTaskSmartFlee(CAITarget(pOtherPed), // Target to flee from
- SafeDistance, // Distance to stop at
- Time, // Time to flee for
- CTaskSmartFlee::ms_uiEntityPosCheckPeriod,
- 0.0f, /*CTaskSmartFlee::ms_fEntityPosChangeThreshold*/
- false);
- // scripted flee task, so we use larger search extents
- pTask->SetUseLargerSearchExtents(true);
- pTask->SetConsiderRunStartForPathLookAhead(true);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_SMART_FLEE_PED, "TASK_SMART_FLEE_PED");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskReactAndFleeCoord(int PedIndex, const scrVector & scrVecCoors)
- {
- Vector3 vTarget(scrVecCoors);
- CTaskReactAndFlee* pTask = rage_new CTaskReactAndFlee(CAITarget(vTarget), CTaskReactAndFlee::BA_Gunfire);
- }
- void CommandTaskReactAndFleePed(int PedIndex, int OtherPedIndex)
- {
- const CPed* pOtherPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(OtherPedIndex);
- if(pOtherPed)
- {
- CTaskReactAndFlee* pTask = rage_new CTaskReactAndFlee(CAITarget(pOtherPed), CTaskReactAndFlee::BA_Gunfire);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_REACT_AND_FLEE_PED, "TASK_REACT_AND_FLEE_PED");
- }
- }
- CEventShocking* GetShockingEventFromIDInternal(int EventIndex)
- {
- CEventGroupGlobal& global = *GetEventGlobalGroup();
- int num = global.GetNumEvents();
- for(int j = 0; j < num; j++)
- {
- fwEvent* ev = global.GetEventByIndex(j);
- if(!ev || !static_cast<CEvent*>(ev)->IsShockingEvent())
- {
- continue;
- }
- CEventShocking* pShocking = static_cast<CEventShocking*>(ev);
- // Check if we've found the event we're looking for.
- // Note: GetCreatedByScript() is here in case a script-created event timed out by itself,
- // and then a code-created one reused the same ID (which would require a wraparound, so it's
- // unlikely anyway). Since there are currently no commands to give scripts the ID numbers
- // of code-created shocking events, the only valid use of this command is for script-created
- // events.
- if(EventIndex == (int)pShocking->GetId() && pShocking->GetCreatedByScript())
- {
- return pShocking;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- void CommandTaskShockingEventBackAway(int PedIndex, int EventIndex)
- {
- CEventShocking* pEvent = GetShockingEventFromIDInternal(EventIndex);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pEvent, "Invalid event specified to react to!"))
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "Invalid PedIndex!"))
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskShockingEventBackAway(pEvent, CTaskShockingEventBackAway::GetDefaultBackAwayPositionForPed(*pPed));
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskShockingEventHurryAway(int PedIndex, int EventIndex)
- {
- CEventShocking* pEvent = GetShockingEventFromIDInternal(EventIndex);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pEvent, "Invalid event specified to react to!"))
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskShockingEventHurryAway(pEvent);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskShockingEventReact(int PedIndex, int EventIndex)
- {
- CEventShocking* pEvent = GetShockingEventFromIDInternal(EventIndex);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pEvent, "Invalid event specified to react to!"))
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskShockingEventReact(pEvent);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskWanderInArea(int PedIndex, const scrVector & scvCenter, float fRadius, float fMinWaitTime, float fMaxWaitTime)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(fMinWaitTime <= fMaxWaitTime, "MinWaitTime was greater than MaxWaitTime"))
- {
- Vec3V vCenter(scvCenter);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskWanderInArea(MOVEBLENDRATIO_WALK, fRadius, VEC3V_TO_VECTOR3(vCenter), fMinWaitTime, fMaxWaitTime);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_WANDER_IN_AREA, "TASK_WANDER_IN_AREA");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskWanderStandard(int PedIndex, float fHeading, int iFlags)
- {
- float fWanderHeading = (IsClose(fHeading, DEFAULT_NAVMESH_FINAL_HEADING, 0.1f) ? fwRandom::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.0f, TWO_PI) : fHeading* DtoR);
- CTaskWander * pTask = rage_new CTaskWander(MOVEBLENDRATIO_WALK, fWanderHeading);
- {
- pTask->KeepMovingWhilstWaitingForFirstPath(NULL);
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_WANDER_STANDARD, "TASK_WANDER_STANDARD");
- }
- void CommandTaskWanderSpecific(int PedIndex, const char* CondtionalAnimGroupStr, const char* ConditonalAnimStr, float fHeading)
- {
- // Find the conditionalAnimsGroup
- const CConditionalAnimsGroup* pConditionalAnimGroup = CONDITIONALANIMSMGR.GetConditionalAnimsGroup(atHashString(CondtionalAnimGroupStr));
- if (scriptVerifyf(pConditionalAnimGroup, "TASK_WANDER_SPECIFIC called with invalid ConditionalAnimGroup name, (%s)", CondtionalAnimGroupStr))
- {
- // Search for the specified conditionalAnim
- atHashString conditionalAnimHash(ConditonalAnimStr);
- for (int scan = 0; scan < pConditionalAnimGroup->GetNumAnims(); ++scan)
- {
- const CConditionalAnims* pAnims = pConditionalAnimGroup->GetAnims(scan);
- if (pAnims && pAnims->GetNameHash() == conditionalAnimHash)
- {
- float fWanderHeading = (IsClose(fHeading, DEFAULT_NAVMESH_FINAL_HEADING, 0.1f) ? fwRandom::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.0f, TWO_PI) : fHeading* DtoR);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskWander(MOVEBLENDRATIO_WALK, fWanderHeading, pConditionalAnimGroup, scan);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_WANDER_SPECIFIC, "TASK_WANDER_SPECIFIC");
- return;
- }
- }
- // If you get here, we failed to find the specified conditional anim.
- scriptAssertf(0, "TASK_WANDER_SPECIFIC could not find ConditionalAnim name (%s) in ConditionalAnimGroup (%s)", ConditonalAnimStr, CondtionalAnimGroupStr);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskCombat( int iPedID, int iOtherPedID, const int iCombatFlags, const int iThreatResponseFlags )
- {
- // NULL peds are valid since this task can run in a sequence
- const CPed *pPed = NULL;
- pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- const CPed *pSecondPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iOtherPedID);
- if (pSecondPed)
- {
- SCRIPT_ASSERT((!pPed || !pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->IsFriendlyWith(*pSecondPed)), "TASK_COMBAT_PED - Ped told to attack friendly ped!");
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(!pSecondPed->GetPedResetFlag(CPED_RESET_FLAG_CannotBeTargeted), "TASK_COMBAT_PED - Ped told to attack ped with flag PRF_CannotBeTargetedByAI!");
- CTaskThreatResponse* pTask= rage_new CTaskThreatResponse(pSecondPed);
- pTask->GetConfigFlags().SetAllFlags((u8)iThreatResponseFlags);
- pTask->GetConfigFlagsForCombat().SetAllFlags(iCombatFlags);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_COMBAT, "TASK_COMBAT_PED");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea( int PedIndex, const scrVector & scvCentre, float Radius, const int iCombatFlags )
- {
- if(NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress())
- {
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(Radius < CClonedCombatClosestTargetInAreaInfo::MAX_AREA, "Radius is greater than max allowed (300.0m)");
- Radius = rage::Clamp( Radius, 0.0f, CClonedCombatClosestTargetInAreaInfo::MAX_AREA );
- }
- Vector3 vCentre = scvCentre;
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskCombatClosestTargetInArea(vCentre,Radius, false, CTaskCombatClosestTargetInArea::INVALID_OVERALL_TIME, iCombatFlags);
- }
- void CommandTaskCombatHatedTargetsAroundPed( int PedIndex, float Radius, const int iCombatFlags )
- {
- if(NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress())
- {
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(Radius < CClonedCombatClosestTargetInAreaInfo::MAX_AREA, "Radius is greater than max allowed (300.0m)");
- Radius = rage::Clamp( Radius, 0.0f, CClonedCombatClosestTargetInAreaInfo::MAX_AREA );
- }
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskCombatClosestTargetInArea(Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),Radius, true, CTaskCombatClosestTargetInArea::INVALID_OVERALL_TIME, iCombatFlags);
- }
- void CommandTaskCombatHatedTargetsAroundPedTimed( int PedIndex, float Radius, int iTime, const int iCombatFlags )
- {
- if(NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress())
- {
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(Radius < CClonedCombatClosestTargetInAreaInfo::MAX_AREA, "Radius is greater than max allowed (300.0m)");
- Radius = rage::Clamp( Radius, 0.0f, CClonedCombatClosestTargetInAreaInfo::MAX_AREA );
- }
- float fTime = ((float) iTime) / 1000.0f ;
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskCombatClosestTargetInArea(Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),Radius, true, fTime, iCombatFlags );
- }
- void CommandTaskCombatTimed( int PedIndex, int iOtherPedID, s32 iTime, const int iFlags )
- {
- CPed *pSecondPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iOtherPedID);
- if (pSecondPed)
- {
- {
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if( pPed )
- {
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->IsFriendlyWith(*pSecondPed), "TASK_COMBAT_TIMED - Ped told to attack friendly ped!"))
- return;
- }
- }
- float fTime = ((float) iTime) / 1000.0f ;
- CTaskThreatResponse* pTask=rage_new CTaskThreatResponse(pSecondPed, fTime);
- pTask->GetConfigFlags().SetFlag(CTaskThreatResponse::CF_CanFightArmedPedsWhenNotArmed);
- pTask->GetConfigFlagsForCombat().SetAllFlags(iFlags);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_COMBAT_TIMED, "TASK_COMBAT_TIMED" );
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskThrowProjectile( int PedIndex, const scrVector & scrVecTarget, int IgnoreCollisionEntityIndex, bool CreateInvincibleProjectile)
- {
- CEntity* pIgnoreCollisionEntity = NULL;
- if (IgnoreCollisionEntityIndex != NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE)
- {
- pIgnoreCollisionEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CEntity>(IgnoreCollisionEntityIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES_NO_DEAD_CHECK);
- #if __BANK
- if (!pIgnoreCollisionEntity)
- {
- scriptAssertf(0,"TASK_THROW_PROJECTILE - IgnoreCollisionEntityIndex is not null (%i), but could not find the entity in the world!", IgnoreCollisionEntityIndex);
- }
- #endif
- }
- // Create vectors needed for getting the start position, trajectory, velocity.
- CTaskAimAndThrowProjectile* pTask = rage_new CTaskAimAndThrowProjectile( CWeaponTarget( scrVecTarget ), pIgnoreCollisionEntity, CreateInvincibleProjectile );
- }
- //*************************************************************************************************************************
- CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh * CreateNavigateTask(const int iPedIndex, const Vector3 &vTarget, const float fMoveBlendRatio, int iTime, const float fTargetRadius, const float fTargetHeading = DEFAULT_NAVMESH_FINAL_HEADING)
- {
- //*************************************************************
- // Assert that scripters aren't trying to do "crazy shit"(tm)
- {
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (!pPed)
- return NULL;
- }
- //********************************
- // Sanity-check for comedy values
- ASSERT_ONLY(static const float fStupidlyLargeValue = 10000.0f);
- scriptAssertf(rage::FPIsFinite(vTarget.x) && rage::FPIsFinite(vTarget.y) && rage::FPIsFinite(vTarget.z), "script \'%s\'\nNAVIGATE_TO_COORD - Ped %i's target (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) is duff.", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), iPedIndex, vTarget.x, vTarget.y, vTarget.z);
- scriptAssertf((vTarget.x > -fStupidlyLargeValue && vTarget.y > -fStupidlyLargeValue && vTarget.z > -fStupidlyLargeValue && vTarget.x < fStupidlyLargeValue && vTarget.y < fStupidlyLargeValue && vTarget.z < fStupidlyLargeValue), "script \'%s\'\nNAVIGATE_TO_COORD - Ped %i's target (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) is outside of the world.", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), iPedIndex, vTarget.x, vTarget.y, vTarget.z);
- //***************************************************************
- // Translate iTime into a value meaningful to the navmesh task
- //-1 is assumed as to be infinite -2, will assert legacy used to be infinite
- //*********************************************************
- // Create the CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh task
- // Set up the task according to the passed-in parameters
- CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh* pTaskFollowNavMesh = rage_new CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh(
- fMoveBlendRatio,
- vTarget,
- fTargetRadius,
- CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh::ms_fSlowDownDistance,
- iTime,
- true,
- false,
- fTargetRadius);
- //***********************************************
- // This is always set for scripted navmesh tasks
- pTaskFollowNavMesh->SetIsScriptedRoute(true);
- pTaskFollowNavMesh->SetTargetStopHeading(fTargetHeading);
- return pTaskFollowNavMesh;
- }
- void CommandTaskFollowNavMeshToCoord(const int iPedIndex, const scrVector & vScrTarget, const float fMoveBlendRatio, const int iTime, const float fTargetRadius, const int iFlags, const float fTargetHeading)
- {
- Assertf(fMoveBlendRatio >= MOVEBLENDRATIO_STILL && fMoveBlendRatio <= MOVEBLENDRATIO_SPRINT, "Invalid 'fMoveBlendRatio' specified in TASK_FOLLOW_NAVMESH_TO_COORD. Must be in range (%.1f to %.1f) inclusive. You've passed in %.1f", MOVEBLENDRATIO_STILL, MOVEBLENDRATIO_SPRINT, fMoveBlendRatio);
- CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh * pTaskFollowNavMesh = CreateNavigateTask(iPedIndex, vScrTarget, fMoveBlendRatio, iTime, fTargetRadius, fTargetHeading<DEFAULT_NAVMESH_FINAL_HEADING ? DtoR * fTargetHeading : fTargetHeading);
- if (iTime < -1)
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "%s:TASK_FOLLOW_NAVMESH_TO_COORD - Time must be -1 for infinite ", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- return;
- }
- else if (iTime == 0)
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "%s:TASK_FOLLOW_NAVMESH_TO_COORD - You cannot give a task 0 time", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- return;
- }
- if(!pTaskFollowNavMesh)
- return;
- #if __ASSERT
- {
- Assertf(false, "You cannot specify 'ENAV_SUPPRESS_EXACT_STOP' and have a target-heading");
- }
- #endif
- pTaskFollowNavMesh->SetScriptBehaviourFlags(iFlags, NULL);
- //*****************************************************************************************************
- // The 'fMainTaskTimer' value is used to warp the ped via the parent CTaskComplexControlMovement task
- float fMainTaskTimer = ((float)iTime)/1000.0f;
- if(fMainTaskTimer > 0.0f)
- fMainTaskTimer += 2.0f;
- //**********************************************************************************
- // Now wrap the task in the CTaskComplexControlMovement parent, and give to the ped
- CTask * pTask = rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement( pTaskFollowNavMesh, NULL, CTaskComplexControlMovement::TerminateOnMovementTask, fMainTaskTimer );
- }
- void CommandTaskFollowNavMeshToCoordAdvanced(const int iPedIndex, const Vector3 &vTarget, const float fMoveBlendRatio, const int iTime, const float fTargetRadius, const int iFlags, TNavMeshScriptStruct * pNavData, const float fTargetHeading )
- {
- Assertf(fMoveBlendRatio >= MOVEBLENDRATIO_STILL && fMoveBlendRatio <= MOVEBLENDRATIO_SPRINT, "Invalid 'fMoveBlendRatio' specified in TASK_FOLLOW_NAVMESH_TO_COORD_ADVANCED. Must be in range (%.1f to %.1f) inclusive. You've passed in %.1f", MOVEBLENDRATIO_STILL, MOVEBLENDRATIO_SPRINT, fMoveBlendRatio);
- //********************
- // Create the task
- if (iTime < -1)
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "%s:TASK_FOLLOW_NAVMESH_TO_COORD_ADVANCED - Time must be -1 for infinite ", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- return;
- }
- else if (iTime == 0)
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "%s:TASK_FOLLOW_NAVMESH_TO_COORD_ADVANCED - You cannot give a task 0 time", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- return;
- }
- CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh * pTaskFollowNavMesh = CreateNavigateTask(iPedIndex, vTarget, fMoveBlendRatio, iTime, fTargetRadius, fTargetHeading<DEFAULT_NAVMESH_FINAL_HEADING ? DtoR * fTargetHeading: fTargetHeading);
- if(!pTaskFollowNavMesh)
- return;
- pTaskFollowNavMesh->SetScriptBehaviourFlags(iFlags, pNavData);
- //*****************************************************************************************************
- // The 'fMainTaskTimer' value is used to warp the ped via the parent CTaskComplexControlMovement task
- float fMainTaskTimer = ((float)iTime)/1000.0f;
- if(fMainTaskTimer > 0.0f)
- fMainTaskTimer += 2.0f;
- //**********************************************************************************
- // Now wrap the task in the CTaskComplexControlMovement parent, and give to the ped
- CTask * pTask = rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement( pTaskFollowNavMesh, NULL, CTaskComplexControlMovement::TerminateOnMovementTask, fMainTaskTimer);
- }
- //***********************************************************
- // CommandTaskNavigateToCoordAdvanced - parameter list:
- //
- // int iPedIndex
- // const scrVector & vScrTarget
- // float fMoveBlendRatio
- // int iTime
- // float fTargetRadius
- // int iFlags
- // TNavMeshScriptStruct navStruct
- //
- void CommandTaskFollowNavMeshToCoordAdvanced_ScrStruct(scrThread::Info & info)
- {
- //**********************************************************************
- // Extract the parameters from the scrThread::Info structure. This
- // is necessary as the way of passing structures into script functions
- ASSERT_ONLY(static const int iNumParams = 12);
- scriptAssertf(info.ParamCount == iNumParams, "script \'%s\'\nTASK_FOLLOW_NAV_MESH_TO_COORD_ADVANCED - You have passed in the wrong num arguments (%i instead of %i)", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), info.ParamCount, iNumParams);
- // Get the ped index
- const int iPedIndex = info.Params[0].Int;
- // Get the target position
- //const float * pFloat = &info.Params[1].Reference->Float;
- const Vector3 vTarget(info.Params[1].Float, info.Params[2].Float, info.Params[3].Float);
- // Get the move blend ratio
- const float fMoveBlendRatio = info.Params[4].Float;
- // Get the time
- int iTime = info.Params[5].Int;
- // Get the target radius
- const float fTargetRadius = info.Params[6].Float;
- // Get the bit-flags
- const int iFlags = info.Params[7].Int;
- // Get the nav data structure
- //void * pStructData = info.Params[6].Reference;
- //TNavMeshScriptStruct * pNavStruct = (TNavMeshScriptStruct*)pStructData;
- TNavMeshScriptStruct NavStruct;
- NavStruct.m_fSlideToCoordHeading = info.Params[8].Float;
- NavStruct.m_fMaxSlopeNavigable = info.Params[9].Float;
- NavStruct.m_fClampMaxSearchDistance = info.Params[10].Float;
- // Final heading
- const float fTargetHeading = info.Params[11].Float;
- CommandTaskFollowNavMeshToCoordAdvanced(iPedIndex, vTarget, fMoveBlendRatio, iTime, fTargetRadius, iFlags, &NavStruct, fTargetHeading);
- }
- // Sets the path-style for this ped, so that they will use climb-overs or not during pathfinding
- void CommandSetPedPathCanUseClimbOvers(int PedIndex, bool Flag)
- {
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CPedIntelligence * pPedAI = pPed->GetPedIntelligence();
- pPedAI->GetNavCapabilities().SetFlag(CPedNavCapabilityInfo::FLAG_MAY_CLIMB, Flag);
- }
- }
- // Sets the path-style for this ped, so that they will use ladders or not during pathfinding
- void CommandSetPedPathCanUseLadders(int PedIndex, bool Flag)
- {
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CPedIntelligence * pPedAI = pPed->GetPedIntelligence();
- pPedAI->GetNavCapabilities().SetFlag(CPedNavCapabilityInfo::FLAG_MAY_USE_LADDERS, Flag);
- }
- }
- // Sets the path-style for this ped, so that they will use high drop-downs or not during pathfinding
- void CommandSetPedPathCanDropFromHeight(int PedIndex, bool Flag)
- {
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CPedIntelligence * pPedAI = pPed->GetPedIntelligence();
- pPedAI->GetNavCapabilities().SetFlag(CPedNavCapabilityInfo::FLAG_MAY_DROP, Flag);
- }
- }
- // Sets the path-style for this ped, so designers can modify how likely it is for a ped to use a climb during navigation
- void CommandSetPedPathClimbCostModifier(int PedIndex, float fModifier)
- {
- fModifier = Clamp(fModifier, 0.0f, 10.0f);
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CPedIntelligence * pPedAI = pPed->GetPedIntelligence();
- pPedAI->GetNavCapabilities().SetClimbCostModifier(fModifier);
- }
- }
- //
- void CommandSetPedToMayEnterWater(int PedIndex, bool Flag)
- {
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CPedIntelligence * pPedAI = pPed->GetPedIntelligence();
- pPedAI->GetNavCapabilities().SetFlag(CPedNavCapabilityInfo::FLAG_MAY_ENTER_WATER, Flag);
- }
- }
- // Sets the path-style for this ped, so that they will use prefer to avoid water or not during pathfinding
- void CommandSetPedPreferToAvoidWater(int PedIndex, bool Flag)
- {
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CPedIntelligence * pPedAI = pPed->GetPedIntelligence();
- pPedAI->GetNavCapabilities().SetFlag(CPedNavCapabilityInfo::FLAG_PREFER_TO_AVOID_WATER, Flag);
- }
- }
- // Sets the path-style for this ped, so that they will use prefer to avoid fire during pathfinding
- void CommandSetPedPathAvoidFire(int PedIndex, bool Flag)
- {
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CPedIntelligence * pPedAI = pPed->GetPedIntelligence();
- pPedAI->GetNavCapabilities().SetFlag(CPedNavCapabilityInfo::FLAG_AVOID_FIRE, Flag);
- }
- }
- // Needs to be called each frame or it will reset.
- void CommandSetGlobalMinBirdFlightHeight(float fHeight)
- {
- CWildlifeManager::GetInstance().SetScriptMinBirdHeight(fHeight);
- }
- //****************************************************************************
- // Retrieves the remaining distance to the target, if a ped is following
- // a navmesh route in their primary slot. Returns enumeration value to
- // indicate whether the navmesh task was found.
- int CommandGetNavMeshRouteDistanceRemaining(int PedIndex, float & fOutDistanceRemaining, int & bThisIsLastRouteSection)
- {
- fOutDistanceRemaining = 0.0f;
- bThisIsLastRouteSection = false;
- const CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CPedIntelligence * pPedAI = pPed->GetPedIntelligence();
- aiTask * pTask = pPedAI->FindTaskActiveMovementByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_MOVE_FOLLOW_NAVMESH);
- if(pTask)
- {
- CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh * pNavTask = (CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh*)pTask;
- bThisIsLastRouteSection = pNavTask->GetLastRoutePointIsTarget();
- if(pNavTask->IsFollowingNavMeshRoute() && !pNavTask->GetIsFleeing())
- {
- fOutDistanceRemaining = pNavTask->GetDistanceLeftOnCurrentRouteSection(pPed);
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int CommandGetNavMeshRouteResult(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CPedIntelligence * pPedAI = pPed->GetPedIntelligence();
- // Script task priority must be active
- if(pPedAI->GetTaskManager()->GetTree(PED_TASK_TREE_PRIMARY)->GetActiveTaskPriority()==PED_TASK_PRIORITY_PRIMARY)
- {
- // The movement task tree must be running its general movement task
- if(pPedAI->GetTaskManager()->GetTree(PED_TASK_TREE_MOVEMENT)->GetActiveTaskPriority()==PED_TASK_MOVEMENT_GENERAL)
- {
- // A control movement task must be found
- CTaskComplexControlMovement * pControlMovementTask = (CTaskComplexControlMovement*) pPedAI->FindTaskPrimaryByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_COMPLEX_CONTROL_MOVEMENT);
- // The control movement must have a running movement task
- if(pControlMovementTask && pControlMovementTask->GetRunningMovementTask(pPed))
- {
- CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh * pNavTask = (CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh*)pPedAI->GetTaskManager()->GetTree(PED_TASK_TREE_MOVEMENT)->FindTaskByTypeActive(CTaskTypes::TASK_MOVE_FOLLOW_NAVMESH);
- if(pNavTask)
- {
- if(pNavTask->GetState()==CTaskNavBase::NavBaseState_FollowingPath)
- {
- }
- else if(pNavTask->IsUnableToFindRoute())
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bool CommandIsControlledVehicleUnableToGetToRoad(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CPedIntelligence * pPedAI = pPed->GetPedIntelligence();
- // Script task priority must be active
- if(pPedAI->GetTaskManager()->GetTree(PED_TASK_TREE_PRIMARY)->GetActiveTaskPriority()==PED_TASK_PRIORITY_PRIMARY)
- {
- // A control vehicle task must be found
- CTaskControlVehicle* pControlVehicleTask = (CTaskControlVehicle*) pPedAI->FindTaskPrimaryByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_CONTROL_VEHICLE);
- if(pControlVehicleTask)
- {
- return pControlVehicleTask->IsVehicleTaskUnableToGetToRoad();
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandTaskGoToCoordAnyMeans( int PedIndex, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, float fMoveBlendRatio, int iVehicleID, bool bUseLongRangeVehiclePathing, s32 iDrivingFlags, float fMaxRangeToShootTargets)
- {
- Vector3 vTarget(scrVecCoors);
- CVehicle *pVehicle=NULL;
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pVehicle)
- return;
- }
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskGoToPointAnyMeans(fMoveBlendRatio,vTarget,pVehicle, CTaskGoToPointAnyMeans::ms_fTargetRadius, -1, bUseLongRangeVehiclePathing, iDrivingFlags, fMaxRangeToShootTargets);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_GO_TO_COORD_ANY_MEANS, "TASK_GO_TO_COORD_ANY_MEANS");
- }
- void CommandTaskGoToCoordAnyMeansExtraParams( int PedIndex, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, float fMoveBlendRatio, int iVehicleID, bool bUseLongRangeVehiclePathing, s32 iDrivingFlags, float fMaxRangeToShootTargets, float fExtraVehToTargetDistToPreferVe, float fDriveStraightLineDistance, s32 iExtraFlags, float fWarpTimerMS)
- {
- Vector3 vTarget(scrVecCoors);
- CVehicle *pVehicle=NULL;
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pVehicle)
- return;
- }
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskGoToPointAnyMeans(fMoveBlendRatio,vTarget,pVehicle, CTaskGoToPointAnyMeans::ms_fTargetRadius, -1, bUseLongRangeVehiclePathing, iDrivingFlags, fMaxRangeToShootTargets, fExtraVehToTargetDistToPreferVe, fDriveStraightLineDistance, static_cast<u16>(iExtraFlags), -1.0f, fWarpTimerMS);
- }
- void CommandTaskGoToCoordAnyMeansExtraParamsWithCruiseSpeed( int PedIndex, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, float fMoveBlendRatio, int iVehicleID, bool bUseLongRangeVehiclePathing, s32 iDrivingFlags, float fMaxRangeToShootTargets, float fExtraVehToTargetDistToPreferVe, float fDriveStraightLineDistance, s32 iExtraFlags, float fCruiseSpeed, float fTargetArriveDist)
- {
- Vector3 vTarget(scrVecCoors);
- CVehicle *pVehicle=NULL;
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pVehicle)
- return;
- }
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskGoToPointAnyMeans(fMoveBlendRatio,vTarget,pVehicle, CTaskGoToPointAnyMeans::ms_fTargetRadius, -1, bUseLongRangeVehiclePathing, iDrivingFlags, fMaxRangeToShootTargets, fExtraVehToTargetDistToPreferVe, fDriveStraightLineDistance, static_cast<u16>(iExtraFlags), fCruiseSpeed, -1.0f, fTargetArriveDist);
- }
- #if __BANK
- bool VerifyDictAndAnim(atHashString dictionaryHash, atHashString animHash, const char * ASSERT_ONLY(scriptName))
- {
- strLocalIndex dictIndex = fwAnimManager::FindSlotFromHashKey(dictionaryHash.GetHash());
- if (scriptVerifyf(dictIndex.Get()>-1, "%s - The dictionary name '%s' is not recognised.", scriptName, dictionaryHash.TryGetCStr()))
- {
- strIndex index = strStreamingEngine::GetInfo().GetModuleMgr().GetModule(fwAnimManager::GetStreamingModuleId())->GetStreamingIndex(dictIndex);
- if (scriptVerifyf(strStreamingEngine::GetInfo().GetStreamingInfo(index)->GetStatus() == STRINFO_LOADED, "%s - The dictionary '%s' is not streamed in.", scriptName, dictionaryHash.TryGetCStr()))
- {
- const crClip* pClip = fwAnimManager::GetClipIfExistsByDictIndex(dictIndex.Get(), animHash.GetHash());
- if (scriptVerifyf(pClip, "%s - The clip '%s' does not exist in dictionary '%s'", scriptName, animHash.TryGetCStr(), dictionaryHash.TryGetCStr()))
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- #endif //__BANK
- CTaskScriptedAnimation::ePlaybackPriority GetPriorityFromControlFlags(s32 nControlFlags)
- {
- // TODO - convert to support the new anim priority flags
- CTaskScriptedAnimation::ePlaybackPriority priority = CTaskScriptedAnimation::kPriorityLow;
- if (nControlFlags == AF_PRIORITY_MEDIUM)
- {
- priority = CTaskScriptedAnimation::kPriorityMid;
- }
- else if (nControlFlags == AF_PRIORITY_HIGH)
- {
- priority = CTaskScriptedAnimation::kPriorityHigh;
- }
- return priority;
- }
- void PlayAnimScriptCommand(int CurrCommand, int PedIndex, const char *pAnimName, const char *pAnimDictNameStr, float fBlendInDelta, float fBlendOutDelta, int nTimeToPlay, int nControlFlags, int nIkFlags, bool bAdvanced, const Vector3 &initialPosition, const Vector3 &initialOrientation, float fStartPhase, EulerAngleOrder RotationOrder, bool phaseControlled, bool bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate)
- {
- eScriptedAnimFlagsBitSet flags;
- flags.BitSet().SetBits(nControlFlags);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pAnimName, "TASK_PLAY_ANIM - Animation name is null"))
- {
- return;
- }
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pAnimDictNameStr, "TASK_PLAY_ANIM - Animation dictionary name is null"))
- {
- return;
- }
- if (bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate && !NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress())
- {
- bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate = false;
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(0, "Don't expect bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate to be set true in SP. Clearing this bool.");
- }
- const strStreamingObjectName pAnimDictName( pAnimDictNameStr );
- CPed *pPed = NULL;
- {
- pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pPed)
- {
- return;
- }
- if(pPed->GetIsAttached())
- {
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(!flags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_OVERRIDE_PHYSICS), "TASK_PLAY_ANIM - Cannot use AF_OVERRIDE_PHYSICS when ped is attached!");
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(!flags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_TURN_OFF_COLLISION), "TASK_PLAY_ANIM - Cannot set CTaskScriptedAnimation::AF_TURN_OFF_COLLISION when ped is attached!");
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(!flags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_IGNORE_GRAVITY), "TASK_PLAY_ANIM - Cannot set CTaskScriptedAnimation::AF_IGNORE_GRAVITY when ped is attached!");
- }
- }
- else if(bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate)
- {
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(0, "In MP don't expect bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate to be set true with null PedIndex!");
- return;
- }
- bool bPartOfASequence = (PedIndex == NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE);
- //scriptAssertf(strlen(pAnimName)<ANIM_NAMELEN, "%s:TASK_PLAY_ANIM - Animation name is null : %s", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), pAnimName);
- if(!bPartOfASequence)
- {
- BANK_ONLY(VerifyDictAndAnim(pAnimDictName, pAnimName, "TASK_PLAY_ANIM");)
- }
- u32 iBoneMask = BONEMASK_ALL;
- eIkControlFlagsBitSet& ikFlags = reinterpret_cast<eIkControlFlagsBitSet&>(nIkFlags);
- if (flags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_UPPERBODY))
- {
- }
- // Currently, always extract the mover and the initial offset when using override physics mode
- if (flags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_OVERRIDE_PHYSICS) )
- {
- flags.BitSet().Set(AF_USE_MOVER_EXTRACTION, true);
- flags.BitSet().Set(AF_EXTRACT_INITIAL_OFFSET, true);
- }
- CTask* pTask;
- if (nTimeToPlay<0)
- nTimeToPlay = -1;
- if (bAdvanced)
- {
- Quaternion rotationQuaternion;
- CScriptEulers::QuaternionFromEulers(rotationQuaternion, initialOrientation, RotationOrder);
- pTask = rage_new CTaskScriptedAnimation(pAnimDictName, pAnimName, CTaskScriptedAnimation::kPriorityLow, iBoneMask, fwAnimHelpers::CalcBlendDuration(fBlendInDelta), fwAnimHelpers::CalcBlendDuration(fBlendOutDelta), nTimeToPlay, flags, fStartPhase, initialPosition, rotationQuaternion, false, phaseControlled, ikFlags, bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate, bPartOfASequence);
- }
- else
- {
- pTask = rage_new CTaskScriptedAnimation(pAnimDictName, pAnimName, CTaskScriptedAnimation::kPriorityLow, iBoneMask, fwAnimHelpers::CalcBlendDuration(fBlendInDelta), fwAnimHelpers::CalcBlendDuration(fBlendOutDelta), nTimeToPlay, flags, fStartPhase, false, phaseControlled, ikFlags, bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate, bPartOfASequence);
- }
- #if !__FINAL
- if(NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress())
- {
- scriptDebugf1("PlayAnimScriptCommand PedIndex %d, pPed %s, pAnimName %s, pAnimDictNameStr %s nControlFlags 0x%x, pTask [ %p ]",
- PedIndex,
- pPed?(pPed->GetNetworkObject()?pPed->GetNetworkObject()->GetLogName():pPed->GetModelName() ):"Null pPed",
- pAnimName,
- pAnimDictNameStr,
- nControlFlags,
- pTask);
- }
- #endif
- if (flags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_USE_ALTERNATIVE_FP_ANIM))
- {
- static const char * s_fpsClipSuffixHash = "_FP";
- u32 fpsClipHash = atPartialStringHash(s_fpsClipSuffixHash, atPartialStringHash(pAnimName));
- atHashString finalFpsHash(atFinalizeHash(fpsClipHash));
- static_cast<CTaskScriptedAnimation*>(pTask)->SetFPSClipHash(finalFpsHash);
- if(!bPartOfASequence)
- {
- BANK_ONLY(VerifyDictAndAnim(pAnimDictName, finalFpsHash, "TASK_PLAY_ANIM");)
- }
- }
- if(bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate)
- {
- scriptAssertf( !flags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_LOOPING) && !flags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_HOLD_LAST_FRAME), "Don't support AF_LOOPING or AF_HOLD_LAST_FRAME with bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate %d",nControlFlags);
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* pTaskScriptedAnimation = static_cast<CTaskScriptedAnimation*>(pTask);
- if(pPed->IsNetworkClone())
- {
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->AddLocalCloneTask(pTaskScriptedAnimation, PED_TASK_PRIORITY_PRIMARY);
- }
- else
- {
- int iEventPriority = E_PRIORITY_GIVE_PED_TASK;
- CEventGivePedTask event(PED_TASK_PRIORITY_PRIMARY,pTaskScriptedAnimation,false,iEventPriority);
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->AddEvent(event);
- }
- return;
- }
- // Nb/ PedIndex == NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE if the task is part of a sequence
- bool bSecondary = flags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_SECONDARY);
- if ( bPartOfASequence && bSecondary )
- {
- CTask* pTaskSecond=pTask;
- pTask=rage_new CTaskAffectSecondaryBehaviour(true,PED_TASK_SECONDARY_PARTIAL_ANIM,pTaskSecond);
- }
- else if (bSecondary)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY( !bPartOfASequence, "TASK_PLAY_ANIM_SECONDARY* Cant be used in a sequence!" ))
- {
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->AddTaskSecondary( pTask, PED_TASK_SECONDARY_PARTIAL_ANIM );
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!bPartOfASequence && flags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_OVERRIDE_PHYSICS))
- {
- //force an ai update post camera so that the anim will be visible next frame (rather than waiting for the next task update)
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- pPed->SetPedResetFlag( CPED_RESET_FLAG_ForcePostCameraAIUpdate, true );
- }
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, CurrCommand, "TASK_PLAY_ANIM");
- }
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* FindPrimaryScriptedAnimTask(const CPed* pPed)
- {
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* pTask = static_cast<CTaskScriptedAnimation*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskPrimaryByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION));
- return pTask;
- }
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* FindSecondaryScriptedAnimTask(const CPed* pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetTaskSecondaryPartialAnim();
- if (pTask && pTask->GetTaskType()==CTaskTypes::TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION)
- {
- return static_cast<CTaskScriptedAnimation*>(pTask);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- const crClip* FindClipForScriptCommand(const char * pDictName, const char * pClipName, const char * ASSERT_ONLY(pScriptName))
- {
- const crClip* pClip = fwAnimManager::GetClipIfExistsByName(pDictName, pClipName);
- #if __ASSERT
- if (!pClip)
- {
- const char * pFailReason;
- strLocalIndex dictIndex = strLocalIndex(fwAnimManager::FindSlot(pDictName));
- if (dictIndex.Get()<0)
- {
- pFailReason = " The dictionary does not exist.";
- }
- else
- {
- fwClipDictionaryDef* pDictDef = fwAnimManager::GetSlot(dictIndex);
- if ( !pDictDef)
- {
- pFailReason = " The dictionary is not in the image!";
- }
- else if (!GET_OBJECT(pDictDef))
- {
- pFailReason = " The dictionary is not streamed in.";
- }
- else
- {
- pFailReason = " The clip is not in the dictionary";
- }
- }
- animAssertf (pClip, "(%s) Unable to retrieve clip '%s' from dictionary '%s'.%s", pScriptName, pClipName, pDictName, pFailReason);
- }
- #endif // __ASSERT
- return pClip;
- }
- void CommandTaskPlayAnim(int PedIndex, const char *pAnimDictName, const char *pAnimName, float fBlendInDelta, float fBlendOutDelta, int nTimeToPlay, int nFlags, float startPhase, bool phaseControlled, int ikFlags, bool bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((nTimeToPlay == -1) || (nTimeToPlay > 0) ,"TASK_PLAY_ANIM - Time must be -1 for infinite or > 0" ))
- {
- PlayAnimScriptCommand(SCRIPT_TASK_PLAY_ANIM, PedIndex, pAnimName, pAnimDictName, fBlendInDelta, fBlendOutDelta, nTimeToPlay, nFlags, ikFlags, false, VEC3_ZERO, VEC3_ZERO, startPhase, EULER_YXZ, phaseControlled, bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate);
- }
- }
- #if __BANK
- void VerifySlotData(CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData* pData)
- {
- if (pData)
- {
- switch(pData->state.Int)
- {
- case CTaskScriptedAnimation::kStateSingleClip:
- {
- VerifyDictAndAnim(scrDecodeString(pData->dict0.String), scrDecodeString(pData->clip0.String), "TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION");
- }
- break;
- case CTaskScriptedAnimation::kStateBlend:
- {
- VerifyDictAndAnim(scrDecodeString(pData->dict0.String), scrDecodeString(pData->clip0.String), "TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION");
- VerifyDictAndAnim(scrDecodeString(pData->dict1.String), scrDecodeString(pData->clip1.String), "TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION");
- VerifyDictAndAnim(scrDecodeString(pData->dict2.String), scrDecodeString(pData->clip2.String), "TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION");
- }
- break;
- default:
- {
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif //__BANK
- void CommandTaskScriptedAnimation(int pedIndex, int& priorityLowData, int& priorityMidData, int& priorityHighData, float blendInDelta, float BlendOutDelta)
- {
- CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData* priorityLow = reinterpret_cast<CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData*>(&priorityLowData);
- CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData* priorityMid = reinterpret_cast<CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData*>(&priorityMidData);
- CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData* priorityHigh = reinterpret_cast<CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData*>(&priorityHighData);
- #if __BANK
- // verify the clips exist, etc
- VerifySlotData(priorityLow);
- VerifySlotData(priorityMid);
- VerifySlotData(priorityHigh);
- #endif //__BANK
- bool bSecondaryTask = false;
- u32 combinedBits = priorityLow->flags.Int | priorityMid->flags.Int | priorityHigh->flags.Int;
- eScriptedAnimFlagsBitSet& combinedFlags = reinterpret_cast<eScriptedAnimFlagsBitSet&>(combinedBits);
- if ( combinedFlags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_SECONDARY) )
- {
- bSecondaryTask = true;
- }
- #if __ASSERT
- if (NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress() )
- {
- if( (priorityMid->state.Int!=CTaskScriptedAnimation::kStateEmpty) || (priorityHigh->state.Int!=CTaskScriptedAnimation::kStateEmpty) )
- {
- scriptAssertf(false,"TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION:: Network implementation only handles one slot data in ANIM_DATA& priorityLow. priorityMid %s, priorityHigh %s",
- (priorityMid->state.Int!=CTaskScriptedAnimation::kStateEmpty)?"Valid":"Empty",
- (priorityHigh->state.Int!=CTaskScriptedAnimation::kStateEmpty)?"Valid":"Empty");
- }
- scriptAssertf( (priorityLow->clip2.String==NULL || priorityLow->weight2.Float==0.0f),"TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION:: Network blended anim implementation only handles first 2 weighted anims. weight2 = %.5f, clip =%s",
- priorityLow->weight2.Float,
- priorityLow->clip2.String?priorityLow->clip2.String:"Null clip string");
- }
- #endif
- // Start the new task
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskScriptedAnimation(*priorityLow, *priorityMid, *priorityHigh, blendInDelta, BlendOutDelta);
- // handle the automated FPS alternative clip
- if (combinedFlags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_USE_ALTERNATIVE_FP_ANIM))
- {
- if (pTask && priorityLow->state.Int==CTaskScriptedAnimation::kStateSingleClip)
- {
- static const char * s_fpsClipSuffixHash = "_FP";
- u32 fpsClipHash = atPartialStringHash(s_fpsClipSuffixHash, atPartialStringHash(priorityLow->clip0.String));
- atHashString finalFpsHash(atFinalizeHash(fpsClipHash));
- static_cast<CTaskScriptedAnimation*>(pTask)->SetFPSClipHash(finalFpsHash);
- BANK_ONLY(VerifyDictAndAnim(scrDecodeString(priorityLow->dict0.String), finalFpsHash, "TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION");)
- }
- }
- bool bPartOfASequence = (pedIndex == NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE);
- if ( bPartOfASequence && bSecondaryTask )
- {
- CTask* pTaskSecond=pTask;
- pTask=rage_new CTaskAffectSecondaryBehaviour(true,PED_TASK_SECONDARY_PARTIAL_ANIM,pTaskSecond);
- }
- else if (bSecondaryTask)
- {
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(pedIndex, bSecondaryTask ? CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES : CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_ALL);
- if(pPed)
- {
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->AddTaskSecondary( pTask, PED_TASK_SECONDARY_PARTIAL_ANIM );
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!bPartOfASequence && combinedFlags.BitSet().IsSet(AF_OVERRIDE_PHYSICS))
- {
- //force an ai update post camera so that the anim will be visible next frame (rather than waiting for the next task update)
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(pedIndex, bSecondaryTask ? CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES : CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_ALL);
- if(pPed)
- {
- pPed->SetPedResetFlag( CPED_RESET_FLAG_ForcePostCameraAIUpdate, true );
- }
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(pedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_PLAY_ANIM, "TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION");
- }
- void CommandPlayEntityScriptedAnimation(int EntityIndex, int& priorityLowData, int& priorityMidData, int& priorityHighData, float blendInDelta, float BlendOutDelta)
- {
- CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData* priorityLow = reinterpret_cast<CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData*>(&priorityLowData);
- CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData* priorityMid = reinterpret_cast<CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData*>(&priorityMidData);
- CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData* priorityHigh = reinterpret_cast<CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData*>(&priorityHighData);
- #if __BANK
- // verify the clips exist, etc
- VerifySlotData(priorityLow);
- VerifySlotData(priorityMid);
- VerifySlotData(priorityHigh);
- #endif //__BANK
- // Start the new task
- CPhysical *pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID< CPhysical >(EntityIndex);
- if(pEntity)
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskScriptedAnimation(*priorityLow, *priorityMid, *priorityHigh, blendInDelta, BlendOutDelta);
- if (pEntity->GetIsTypeObject())
- {
- CObject *pObject = static_cast<CObject*>(pEntity);
- pObject->SetTask(pTask, CObjectIntelligence::OBJECT_TASK_TREE_SECONDARY, CObjectIntelligence::OBJECT_TASK_SECONDARY_ANIM);
- }
- else if(pEntity->GetIsTypeVehicle())
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle = static_cast<CVehicle*>(pEntity);
- pVehicle->GetIntelligence()->AddTask(VEHICLE_TASK_TREE_SECONDARY, pTask, VEHICLE_TASK_SECONDARY_ANIM, true);
- }
- else
- {
- delete pTask;
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskPlayPhoneGestureAnimation(int PedIndex, const char* pAnimDictHash, const char* pAnimName, const char *pFilterName, float fBlendInDuration, float fBlendOutDuration, bool bIsLooping, bool bHoldLastFrame)
- {
- const CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed && pPed->GetAnimDirector(), "TASK_PLAY_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIMATION - Invalid ped or ped has no anim director."))
- {
- // Look to see if secondary/phone task is running
- CTaskMobilePhone *pTaskMobilePhone = static_cast<CTaskMobilePhone*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskSecondaryByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_MOBILE_PHONE));
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskMobilePhone, "TASK_PLAY_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIMATION - Ped is not running mobile phone task."))
- {
- // Check if clip actually exists
- u32 uDictHashkey = atHashString(pAnimDictHash);
- s32 sAnimDictIndex = fwAnimManager::FindSlotFromHashKey(uDictHashkey).Get();
- u32 uAnimHashKey = atHashString(pAnimName);
- const crClip* pClip = fwAnimManager::GetClipIfExistsByDictIndex(sAnimDictIndex, uAnimHashKey);
- scriptAssertf(pClip, "TASK_PLAY_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIMATION - Animation does not exist. Please ensure dictionary is streamed in! sAnimDictIndex: %d, uAnimHashKey: %d", sAnimDictIndex, uAnimHashKey);
- if (pClip)
- {
- pTaskMobilePhone->RequestAdditionalSecondaryAnims(pAnimDictHash, pAnimName, pFilterName, fBlendInDuration, fBlendOutDuration, bIsLooping, bHoldLastFrame);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskStopPhoneGestureAnimation(int PedIndex, float fBlendOutOverride)
- {
- const CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed && pPed->GetAnimDirector(), "TASK_STOP_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIMATION - Invalid ped or ped has no anim director."))
- {
- CTaskMobilePhone *pTaskMobilePhone = static_cast<CTaskMobilePhone*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskSecondaryByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_MOBILE_PHONE));
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskMobilePhone, "TASK_STOP_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIMATION - Ped is not running mobile phone task."))
- {
- pTaskMobilePhone->ClearAdditionalSecondaryAnimation(fBlendOutOverride);
- }
- }
- }
- bool CommandIsPlayingPhoneGestureAnim(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed && pPed->GetAnimDirector(), "(IS_PLAYING_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIM - Invalid ped or ped has no anim director."))
- {
- CTaskMobilePhone *pTaskMobilePhone = static_cast<CTaskMobilePhone*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskSecondaryByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_MOBILE_PHONE));
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskMobilePhone, "(IS_PLAYING_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIM - Ped is not running mobile phone task."))
- {
- return pTaskMobilePhone->GetIsPlayingAdditionalSecondaryAnim();
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- float CommandGetPhoneGestureAnimCurrentTime(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed && pPed->GetAnimDirector(), "GET_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIM_CURRENT_TIME - Invalid ped or ped has no anim director."))
- {
- CTaskMobilePhone *pTaskMobilePhone = static_cast<CTaskMobilePhone*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskSecondaryByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_MOBILE_PHONE));
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskMobilePhone, "GET_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIM_CURRENT_TIME - Ped is not running mobile phone task."))
- {
- return pTaskMobilePhone->GetAdditionalSecondaryAnimPhase();
- }
- }
- return -1.0f;
- }
- float CommandGetPhoneGestureAnimTotalTime(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed && pPed->GetAnimDirector(), "GET_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIM_TOTAL_TIME - Invalid ped or ped has no anim director."))
- {
- CTaskMobilePhone *pTaskMobilePhone = static_cast<CTaskMobilePhone*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskSecondaryByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_MOBILE_PHONE));
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskMobilePhone, "GET_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIM_TOTAL_TIME - Ped is not running mobile phone task."))
- {
- return pTaskMobilePhone->GetAdditionalSecondaryAnimDuration();
- }
- }
- return -1.0f;
- }
- void CommandStartAnimPlayback(int EntityIndex, int& data, s32 priority)
- {
- CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData* slotData = reinterpret_cast<CTaskScriptedAnimation::ScriptInitSlotData*>(&data);
- CPhysical *pPhysical = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(EntityIndex);
- if(pPhysical)
- {
- // look for an existing scripted animation task running on the ped
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* pTask = NULL;
- if (slotData->flags.Int & BIT(AF_SECONDARY))
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true, false);
- }
- else
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true);
- }
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "START_ANIM_PLAYBACK: Anim task is not playing. Use TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION to begin the task."))
- {
- CTaskScriptedAnimation::InitSlotData data(*slotData);
- pTask->StartPlayback(data, GetPriorityFromControlFlags(priority));
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandStopAnimPlayback(int EntityIndex, s32 priority, bool secondary = false)
- {
- CPhysical *pPhysical = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(EntityIndex);
- if(pPhysical)
- {
- // look for an existing scripted animation task running on the ped
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* pTask = NULL;
- if (secondary)
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true, false);
- }
- else
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true);
- }
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "STOP_ANIM_PLAYBACK: Anim task is not playing."))
- {
- pTask->StopPlayback(GetPriorityFromControlFlags(priority));
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskClipSetClip(int EntityIndex, const char * pAnimDictName, const char * pAnimName, s32 priority, s32 index, bool secondary = false)
- {
- CPhysical *pPhysical = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(EntityIndex);
- if(pPhysical)
- {
- // look for an existing scripted animation task running on the ped
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* pTask = NULL;
- if (secondary)
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true, false);
- }
- else
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true);
- }
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "TASK_CLIP_SET_CLIP: Anim task is not playing. Use TASK_ANIM_START_CLIP or TASK_ANIM_START_BLEND to begin the task."))
- {
- const crClip* pClip = FindClipForScriptCommand(pAnimDictName, pAnimName, "TASK_CLIP_SET_CLIP");
- if (pClip)
- {
- pTask->SetClip(pClip, GetPriorityFromControlFlags(priority), (u8)index);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskClipSetBlendWeight(int EntityIndex, float weight, s32 priority, s32 index, bool secondary = false)
- {
- CPhysical *pPhysical = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(EntityIndex);
- if(pPhysical)
- {
- // look for an existing scripted animation task running on the ped
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* pTask = NULL;
- if (secondary)
- {
- pTask = pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true, false);
- }
- else
- {
- pTask = pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true);
- }
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "TASK_CLIP_SET_BLEND_WEIGHT: Anim task is not playing. Use TASK_ANIM_START_BLEND to begin the task."))
- {
- pTask->SetBlend(weight, GetPriorityFromControlFlags(priority) , (u8)index);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskClipSetFilter(int EntityIndex, const char * pFilterName, s32 priority, bool secondary = false)
- {
- CPhysical *pPhysical = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(EntityIndex);
- if(pPhysical)
- {
- // look for an existing scripted animation task running on the ped
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* pTask = NULL;
- if (secondary)
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true, false);
- }
- else
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true);
- }
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "TASK_CLIP_SET_FILTER: Anim task is not playing. Use TASK_ANIM_START_CLIP or TASK_ANIM_START_BLEND to begin the task."))
- {
- pTask->SetFilter(pFilterName, GetPriorityFromControlFlags(priority));
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskClipSetPhase(int EntityIndex, float phase, s32 priority, bool secondary = false)
- {
- CPhysical *pPhysical = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(EntityIndex);
- if(pPhysical)
- {
- // look for an existing scripted animation task running on the ped
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* pTask = NULL;
- if (secondary)
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true, false);
- }
- else
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true);
- }
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "TASK_CLIP_SET_PHASE: Anim task is not playing. Use TASK_ANIM_START_CLIP or TASK_ANIM_START_BLEND to begin the task."))
- {
- pTask->SetPhase(phase, GetPriorityFromControlFlags(priority));
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskClipSetRate(int EntityIndex, float rate, s32 priority, bool secondary = false)
- {
- CPhysical *pPhysical = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(EntityIndex);
- if(pPhysical)
- {
- // look for an existing scripted animation task running on the ped
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* pTask = NULL;
- if (secondary)
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true, false);
- }
- else
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true);
- }
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "TASK_CLIP_SET_RATE: Anim task is not playing. Use TASK_ANIM_START_CLIP or TASK_ANIM_START_BLEND to begin the task."))
- {
- pTask->SetRate(rate, GetPriorityFromControlFlags(priority));
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskClipSetLooped(int EntityIndex, bool looped, s32 priority, bool secondary = false)
- {
- CPhysical *pPhysical = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(EntityIndex);
- if(pPhysical)
- {
- // look for an existing scripted animation task running on the ped
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* pTask = NULL;
- if (secondary)
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true, false);
- }
- else
- {
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true);
- }
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "TASK_CLIP_SET_LOOPED: Anim task is not playing. Use TASK_ANIM_START_CLIP or TASK_ANIM_START_BLEND to begin the task."))
- {
- pTask->SetLooped(looped, GetPriorityFromControlFlags(priority));
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskPlayAnimAdvanced(int PedIndex, const char *pAnimDictName, const char *pAnimName, const scrVector & pos, const scrVector & rot, float fBlendInDelta, float fBlendOutDelta, int nTimeToPlay, int nFlags, float startPhase, int RotOrder, int ikFlags)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((nTimeToPlay == -1) || (nTimeToPlay > 0) ,"TASK_PLAY_ANIM - Time must be -1 for infinite or > 0" ))
- {
- // Transform the rotation into x = yaw, y = pitch, z = roll
- // Convert from degrees to radians
- Vector3 axisRot(DtoR*rot.x, DtoR*rot.y, DtoR*rot.z);
- CPed *pPed = NULL;
- {
- pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CReplayMgr::RecordWarpedEntity(pPed);
- }
- }
- #endif
- PlayAnimScriptCommand(SCRIPT_TASK_PLAY_ANIM, PedIndex, pAnimName, pAnimDictName, fBlendInDelta, fBlendOutDelta, nTimeToPlay, nFlags, ikFlags, true, Vector3(pos), axisRot, startPhase, static_cast<EulerAngleOrder>(RotOrder), false, false);
- }
- }
- void CommandStopAnimTask(int EntityIndex, const char *pAnimDictName, const char *pAnimName, float fBlendDelta)
- {
- // Check the object
- CPhysical *pPhysical = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(EntityIndex);
- if(pPhysical)
- {
- // look for an existing scripted animation task running on the ped
- CTaskScriptedAnimation* pTask = NULL;
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true);
- if (pTask && pTask->IsPlayingClip(pAnimDictName, pAnimName))
- {
- // nothing to see here
- }
- else
- {
- //check the secondary task tree
- pTask = entity_commands::FindScriptedAnimTask(EntityIndex, true, false);
- if (pTask && !pTask->IsPlayingClip(pAnimDictName,pAnimName))
- {
- pTask = NULL;
- }
- }
- const CTaskSynchronizedScene* pTaskSynchronizedScene = NULL;
- if (!pTask)
- {
- pTaskSynchronizedScene = entity_commands::FindSynchronizedSceneTask(EntityIndex, pAnimDictName, pAnimName);
- if (!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskSynchronizedScene == NULL, "STOP_ANIM_TASK - Entity is playing the anim through a synced scene, use STOP_SYNCHRONIZED_ENTITY_ANIM instead!"))
- {
- pTaskSynchronizedScene = NULL;
- }
- }
- if(!pTaskSynchronizedScene)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "STOP_ANIM_TASK - Entity isn't running the anim"))
- {
- scriptAssertf(fBlendDelta<0.0f, "Blend out delta must be less than 0.0");
- pTask->BlendOut(fwAnimHelpers::CalcBlendDuration(fBlendDelta));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskSynchronizedScene(int PedIndex, int sceneId, const char *pAnimDictName, const char *pAnimName, float blendIn, float blendOut, int flags, int ragdollBlockingFlags, float moverBlendDelta, int ikFlags)
- {
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(fwAnimDirectorComponentSyncedScene::IsValidSceneId((fwSyncedSceneId)sceneId), "TASK_SYNCHRONIZED_SCENE: Invalid scene id!"))
- {
- // Get the ped
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- scriptAssertf(blendIn>0.0f ,"TASK_SYNCHRONIZED_SCENE: blend in delta is (%f) should be > 0.0f. Changing to INSTANT_BLEND_IN_DELTA.", blendIn);
- if (blendIn<=0.0f)
- scriptAssertf(blendOut<0.0f ,"TASK_SYNCHRONIZED_SCENE: blend out delta (%f) should be < 0.0. Changing to INSTANT_BLEND_OUT_DELTA.", blendOut);
- if (blendOut>=0.0f)
- scriptAssertf(moverBlendDelta>0.0f ,"TASK_SYNCHRONIZED_SCENE: mover blend delta (%f) should be > 0.0f. Changing to INSTANT_BLEND_IN_DELTA!", moverBlendDelta);
- if (moverBlendDelta<=0.0f)
- moverBlendDelta = INSTANT_BLEND_IN_DELTA;
- if(pPed->GetIsAttached())
- {
- // If we are using CTaskUseScenario, it's probably not a problem if we are attached, because it's likely
- // the task itself that has attached the ped.
- CTaskUseScenario* pScenarioTask = static_cast<CTaskUseScenario*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_USE_SCENARIO));
- if(pScenarioTask)
- {
- // It would have been expected to me that the running CTaskUseScenario would be aborted and
- // clean up the detachment before CTaskSynchronizedScene starts, so that we would just need
- // to find a way to bypass the attachment check below. For some reason, that doesn't seem to happen,
- // but by calling MakeAbortable(), the task seems to clean up the attachment (and we can still
- // check GetIsAttached() below), in case the abort failed or if there was some other reason the
- // ped was attached. /FF
- pScenarioTask->MakeAbortable(CTask::ABORT_PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE, NULL);
- }
- }
- if (pPed->GetPedConfigFlag( CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_InVehicle ))
- {
- // Added by sorr in CL 6438528
- if(pPed->IsLocalPlayer() && pPed->GetPedAudioEntity())
- {
- u32 animDictNameHash = atStringHash(pAnimDictName);
- if(animDictNameHash == ATSTRINGHASH("mini@prostitutes@sexlow_veh_first_person", 0x3A68E23A) ||
- animDictNameHash == ATSTRINGHASH("mini@prostitutes@sexnorm_veh_first_person", 0xF72790A8))
- {
- pPed->GetPedAudioEntity()->SetCachedBJVehicle(pPed->GetMyVehicle());
- }
- }
- // Added by sorr in CL 6438528
- Warningf("TASK_SYNCHRONIZED_SCENE: Ped was in vehicle, setting them out of it.");
- pPed->SetPedOutOfVehicle(CPed::PVF_IgnoreSafetyPositionCheck|CPed::PVF_Warp);
- }
- const fwAttachmentEntityExtension *pExtension = pPed->GetAttachmentExtension();
- if (pExtension)
- {
- fwEntity *entity = pExtension->GetAttachParent();
- if (entity)
- {
- Warningf("TASK_SYNCHRONIZED_SCENE: Ped was attached. Detaching them.");
- }
- }
- scriptAssertf(!pPed->GetIsAttached(), "TASK_SYNCHRONIZED_SCENE: Ped is attached.");
- const crClip* pClip = FindClipForScriptCommand(pAnimDictName, pAnimName, "TASK_SYNCHRONIZED_SCENE");
- if (pClip)
- {
- eSyncedSceneFlagsBitSet& sceneFlags = reinterpret_cast<eSyncedSceneFlagsBitSet&>(flags);
- eRagdollBlockingFlagsBitSet& ragdollFlags = reinterpret_cast<eRagdollBlockingFlagsBitSet&>(ragdollBlockingFlags);
- eIkControlFlagsBitSet& ikControlFlags = reinterpret_cast<eIkControlFlagsBitSet&>(ikFlags);
- CTaskSynchronizedScene* pTask = rage_new CTaskSynchronizedScene(static_cast<fwSyncedSceneId>(sceneId), atPartialStringHash(pAnimName), pAnimDictName, blendIn, blendOut, sceneFlags, ragdollFlags, moverBlendDelta, -1, ikControlFlags);
- #if __DEV
- fwAnimDirectorComponentSyncedScene::RegisterWithSyncedScene(static_cast<fwSyncedSceneId>(sceneId), pPed);
- #endif //__DEV
- animEntityDebugf(pPed, "TASK_SYNCHRONIZED_SCENE - %s starting synced scene task", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- // make sure we do an ai update now to sync up next frame
- pPed->SetPedResetFlag( CPED_RESET_FLAG_ForcePostCameraAIUpdate, true );
- pPed->SetPedResetFlag( CPED_RESET_FLAG_AllowUpdateIfNoCollisionLoaded, true);
- {
- animDebugf3("[%u:%u] TASK_SYNCHRONIZED_SCENE: forcing a post camera anim update ped %s(%p) for instant blend in of synced scene", fwTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(), fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), pPed->GetModelName(), pPed);
- pPed->SetPedResetFlag( CPED_RESET_FLAG_ForcePostCameraAnimUpdate, true );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int GetActualSequenceId(int Sequence)
- {
- return CTheScripts::GetCurrentGtaScriptHandler()->GetResourceReferenceFromId(Sequence);
- }
- void CommandOpenSequenceTask(int &Sequence)
- {
- CScriptResource_SequenceTask sequenceResource;
- Sequence = CTheScripts::GetCurrentGtaScriptHandler()->RegisterScriptResourceAndGetId(sequenceResource);
- }
- void CommandCloseSequenceTask(int Sequence)
- {
- const int iTaskID = GetActualSequenceId(Sequence);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iTaskID>=0, "CLOSE_SEQUENCE_TASK - No free sequences left."))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iTaskID<CTaskSequences::MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_TASKS, "CLOSE_SEQUENCE_TASK - Sequence task ID too big"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(CTaskSequences::ms_bIsOpened[iTaskID], "CLOSE_SEQUENCE_TASK - Sequence task is already closed"))
- {
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(!CTaskSequences::ms_TaskSequenceLists[iTaskID].IsEmpty(), "CLOSE_SEQUENCE_TASK - sequence is empty");
- CTaskSequences::ms_bIsOpened[iTaskID]=false;
- CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence=-1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskPerformSequence(int PedIndex, int Sequence)
- {
- const int iTaskID = GetActualSequenceId(Sequence);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iTaskID >= 0 && iTaskID<CTaskSequences::MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_TASKS, "TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE - not a valid Sequence task ID"))
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(!CTaskSequences::ms_bIsOpened[iTaskID], "TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE - Sequence task is still open"))
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(!CTaskSequences::ms_TaskSequenceLists[iTaskID].IsEmpty(), "TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE - sequence task empty"))
- {
- CTaskUseSequence* pSequenceTask=rage_new CTaskUseSequence(iTaskID, Sequence);
- #if __ASSERT
- //If assigning a sequence with a prop task in it, make sure the ped has an inventory.
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- const CTaskList& taskList = pSequenceTask->GetTaskSequenceList()->GetTaskList();
- for (int seqIndex = 0; seqIndex < taskList.GetNumTasks(); ++seqIndex)
- {
- const CTask* pTask = static_cast<const CTask*>(taskList.GetTask(seqIndex));
- if (pTask && pTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_USE_SCENARIO)
- {
- const CTaskUseScenario* pScenarioTask = static_cast<const CTaskUseScenario*>(pTask);
- scriptAssertf(!pScenarioTask->GetScenarioInfo().HasProp() || pPed->GetInventory(), "%s: Attempting to assign a ped a task sequence that includes a prop scenario (%s), but the ped(%s) has no inventory", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), pScenarioTask->GetScenarioInfo().GetName(), pPed->GetModelName());
- }
- }
- #endif
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pSequenceTask, SCRIPT_TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE, "TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskPerformSequenceLocally(int PedIndex, int Sequence)
- {
- const int iTaskID = GetActualSequenceId(Sequence);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iTaskID >= 0 && iTaskID<CTaskSequences::MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_TASKS, "TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE_LOCALLY - not a valid Sequence task ID"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(!CTaskSequences::ms_bIsOpened[iTaskID], "TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE_LOCALLY - Sequence task is still open"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(!CTaskSequences::ms_TaskSequenceLists[iTaskID].IsEmpty(), "TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE_LOCALLY - sequence task empty"))
- {
- CTaskUseSequence* pTask=rage_new CTaskUseSequence(iTaskID);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandClearSequenceTask(int &Sequence)
- {
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentGtaScriptHandler()->RemoveScriptResource(Sequence, false, true, CGameScriptResource::SCRIPT_RESOURCE_SEQUENCE_TASK);
- Sequence = 0;
- }
- void CommandSetSequenceToRepeat(int Sequence, int repeat)
- {
- const int iSequenceTaskID = GetActualSequenceId(Sequence);
- const int iRepeatMode=repeat;
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iSequenceTaskID==CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence, "SET_SEQUENCE_TO_REPEAT - Using wrong sequence ID"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY (iSequenceTaskID>=0 && iSequenceTaskID<CTaskSequences::MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_TASKS, "SET_SEQUENCE_TO_REPEAT - Sequence task ID out of range"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY (CTaskSequences::ms_bIsOpened[iSequenceTaskID], "SET_SEQUENCE_TO_REPEAT - Sequence task needs to be open"))
- {
- CTaskSequences::ms_TaskSequenceLists[CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence].SetRepeatMode(iRepeatMode);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandSetSequencePreventMigration(int Sequence)
- {
- const int iSequenceTaskID = GetActualSequenceId(Sequence);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iSequenceTaskID==CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence, "SET_SEQUENCE_PREVENT_MIGRATION - Using wrong sequence ID"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY (iSequenceTaskID>=0 && iSequenceTaskID<CTaskSequences::MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_TASKS, "SET_SEQUENCE_TO_REPEAT - Sequence task ID out of range"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY (CTaskSequences::ms_bIsOpened[iSequenceTaskID], "SET_SEQUENCE_PREVENT_MIGRATION - Sequence task needs to be open"))
- {
- CTaskSequences::ms_TaskSequenceLists[CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence].PreventMigration();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int CommandGetSequenceProgress(int PedIndex)
- {
- int iProgress=-1;
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(CPedScriptedTaskRecord::GetStatus(pPed, SCRIPT_TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE)>=0 ||
- "GET_SEQUENCE_PROGRESS - Ped isn't performing sequence"))
- {
- bool b=false;
- const int iStage1=CPedScriptedTaskRecord::GetStatus(pPed, SCRIPT_TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE);
- if(CPedScriptedTaskRecordData::EVENT_STAGE==iStage1)
- {
- b=true;
- iProgress=-1;
- }
- const int iStage2=CPedScriptedTaskRecord::GetStatus(pPed, SCRIPT_TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE_FROM_PROGRESS);
- if(CPedScriptedTaskRecordData::EVENT_STAGE==iStage2)
- {
- b=true;
- iProgress=-1;
- }
- if(!b)
- {
- if( pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetQueriableInterface()->IsTaskPresentAtPriority( CTaskTypes::TASK_USE_SEQUENCE, PED_TASK_PRIORITY_PRIMARY ) )
- {
- iProgress = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetQueriableInterface()->GetSequenceProgressForTaskType( 0, CTaskTypes::TASK_USE_SEQUENCE, PED_TASK_PRIORITY_PRIMARY );
- }
- else
- {
- scriptAssertf(false, "GET_SEQUENCE_PROGRESS- Ped doesn't have a the correct primary task");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return iProgress;
- }
- void CommandTaskGetOffBoat( int iPedID, int iTime )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_GET_OFF_BOAT - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- CTaskComplexGetOffBoat * pTaskGetOffBoat = rage_new CTaskComplexGetOffBoat(iTime);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTaskGetOffBoat, SCRIPT_TASK_GET_OFF_BOAT, "TASK_GET_OFF_BOAT");
- }
- }
- bool CommandGetIsTaskActive( int iPedID, int iCommandType )
- {
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- if(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetQueriableInterface()->IsTaskCurrentlyRunning(iCommandType, true))
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- int CommandGetActiveVehicleMissionType(int iVehID)
- {
- const CVehicle *pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehID);
- if (pVehicle)
- {
- sVehicleMissionParams params;
- s32 iTaskType = CTaskTypes::TASK_INVALID_ID;
- pVehicle->GetIntelligence()->GetActiveTaskInfo(iTaskType, params);
- return CVehicleIntelligence::GetMissionIdentifierFromTaskType(iTaskType, params);
- }
- return MISSION_NONE;
- }
- int CommandGetScriptTaskStatus( int iPedID, int iCommandType)
- {
- #if __ASSERT
- scriptAssertf(CTheScripts::GetScriptTaskName(iCommandType), "%s GET_SCRIPT_TASK_STATUS: Unknown command type (%d)", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), iCommandType);
- #endif // __ASSERT
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- int iTaskStatus=CPedScriptedTaskRecord::GetStatus(pPed,iCommandType);
- if (iTaskStatus == -1)
- {
- iTaskStatus = CPedScriptedTaskRecordData::MAX_NUM_STAGES;
- }
- return iTaskStatus;
- }
- return (CPedScriptedTaskRecordData::MAX_NUM_STAGES);
- }
- void CommandTaskLeaveAnyVehicle( int iPedID, int iDelayTime, int iFlags)
- {
- VehicleEnterExitFlags vehicleFlags;
- CTaskVehicleFSM::SetScriptedVehicleEntryExitFlags(vehicleFlags, iFlags);
- if (!vehicleFlags.BitSet().IsSet(CVehicleEnterExitFlags::DontDefaultWarpIfDoorBlocked))
- {
- vehicleFlags.BitSet().Set(CVehicleEnterExitFlags::WarpIfDoorBlocked);
- }
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskLeaveAnyCar(iDelayTime, vehicleFlags);
- AI_LOG_WITH_ARGS("[Script] - Script %s has created CTaskLeaveAnyCar from SCRIPT_TASK_LEAVE_ANY_VEHICLE at 0x%p for ped with id %i\n", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptName(), pTask, iPedID);
- }
- void CommandTaskAimGunScripted(int iPedID, int iGunTaskType, bool bDisableBlockingClip, bool bInstantBlendToAim)
- {
- const CScriptedGunTaskInfo* pScriptedGunTaskInfo = CScriptedGunTaskMetadataMgr::GetScriptedGunTaskInfoByHash((u32)iGunTaskType);
- if (scriptVerifyf(pScriptedGunTaskInfo, "TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED - scripted gun task info (%u) didn't exist, check metadata", iGunTaskType))
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(pPed->IsLocalPlayer(), "TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED - Only supported on the player ped");
- //Position the default target position ahead of the player
- Vector3 targetPos = VEC3V_TO_VECTOR3(pPed->GetTransform().GetPosition()) + (VEC3V_TO_VECTOR3(pPed->GetTransform().GetForward()) * 3.0f);
- CTaskGun* pGunTask = rage_new CTaskGun(CWeaponController::WCT_Player, CTaskTypes::TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED, CWeaponTarget(targetPos));
- if( bDisableBlockingClip )
- pGunTask->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_DisableBlockingClip);
- if( bInstantBlendToAim )
- pGunTask->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_InstantBlendToAim);
- pGunTask->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_ForceAimState);
- pGunTask->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_DisableTorsoIk);
- pGunTask->SetScriptedGunTaskInfoHash(pScriptedGunTaskInfo->GetName().GetHash());
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pGunTask, SCRIPT_TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED, "TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED");
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskAimGunScriptedWithTarget(int iPedID, int iTargetPedID, const scrVector & scrVecTargetOrOffset, int iGunTaskType, bool bDisableBlockingClip, bool bForceAim)
- {
- const CScriptedGunTaskInfo* pScriptedGunTaskInfo = CScriptedGunTaskMetadataMgr::GetScriptedGunTaskInfoByHash((u32)iGunTaskType);
- if (scriptVerifyf(pScriptedGunTaskInfo, "TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED_WITH_TARGET - scripted gun task info (%u) didn't exist, check metadata", iGunTaskType))
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CTaskGun* pGunTask;
- Vec3V vTargetOrOffset(scrVecTargetOrOffset);
- const CPed* pTargetPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iTargetPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAG_DEAD_CHECK);
- CWeaponController::WeaponControllerType controllerType = CWeaponController::WCT_Fire;
- if(bForceAim)
- {
- controllerType = CWeaponController::WCT_Aim;
- }
- if(pTargetPed)
- {
- pGunTask = rage_new CTaskGun(controllerType, CTaskTypes::TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED, CWeaponTarget(pTargetPed, VEC3V_TO_VECTOR3(vTargetOrOffset)));
- }
- else
- {
- pGunTask = rage_new CTaskGun(controllerType, CTaskTypes::TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED, CWeaponTarget(VEC3V_TO_VECTOR3(vTargetOrOffset)));
- }
- if(pPed->IsLocalPlayer())
- {
- pGunTask->SetFiringPatternHash(FIRING_PATTERN_FULL_AUTO);
- }
- if( bDisableBlockingClip )
- pGunTask->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_DisableBlockingClip);
- pGunTask->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_ForceAimState);
- pGunTask->SetScriptedGunTaskInfoHash(pScriptedGunTaskInfo->GetName().GetHash());
- }
- }
- }
- void CommmandUpdateTaskAimGunScriptedTarget(int iPedID, int iTargetPedID, const scrVector & scrVecTargetOrOffset, bool bDisableBlockingClip)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CTaskAimGunScripted* pAimGunTask = static_cast<CTaskAimGunScripted*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED));
- {
- if( bDisableBlockingClip )
- {
- pAimGunTask->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_DisableBlockingClip);
- }
- pAimGunTask->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_ForceAimState);
- //Update the target on the gun task
- CTaskGun* pGunTask = static_cast<CTaskGun*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_GUN));
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pGunTask, "UPDATE_TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED_TARGET - Ped must be running CTaskGun"))
- {
- Vec3V vTargetOrOffset(scrVecTargetOrOffset);
- const CPed* pTargetPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iTargetPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAG_DEAD_CHECK);
- if(pTargetPed)
- {
- pGunTask->SetTarget( CWeaponTarget(pTargetPed, VEC3V_TO_VECTOR3(vTargetOrOffset)));
- }
- else
- {
- pGunTask->SetTarget( CWeaponTarget(VEC3V_TO_VECTOR3(vTargetOrOffset)));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- const char * CommandGetClipSetForScriptedGunTask(s32 iGunTaskType)
- {
- const CScriptedGunTaskInfo* pScriptedGunTaskInfo = CScriptedGunTaskMetadataMgr::GetScriptedGunTaskInfoByHash((u32)iGunTaskType);
- if (scriptVerifyf(pScriptedGunTaskInfo, "GET_CLIP_SET_FOR_SCRIPTED_GUN_TASK - Scripted gun task info %u didn't exist, check metadata", (u32)iGunTaskType))
- {
- return pScriptedGunTaskInfo->GetClipSetName().GetCStr();
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- void CommandSetRopeTrackEntityForGunTask(int iPedID, int iEntityID)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- {
- CEntity* pEntity = const_cast<CEntity*>(CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iEntityID));
- {
- CTaskAimGunScripted* pAimTask = static_cast<CTaskAimGunScripted*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED));
- {
- pAimTask->SetRopeOrientationEntity(pEntity);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskAimGunAtEntity(int iPedID, int iEntityID, int iTime, bool bInstantBlendToAim )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime >= 0) ,"TASK_AIM_GUN_AT_ENTITY - Time must be -1 for infinite" ))
- {
- const CEntity *pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iEntityID);
- if (pEntity)
- {
- CTaskGun* pTaskGun = rage_new CTaskGun(CWeaponController::WCT_Aim, CTaskTypes::TASK_AIM_GUN_ON_FOOT, CWeaponTarget(pEntity), ((float) iTime) / 1000.0f);
- if(iTime == -1)
- {
- pTaskGun->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_InfiniteDuration);
- }
- else if (iTime == 0)
- {
- pTaskGun->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_DisableAiming);
- }
- if(bInstantBlendToAim)
- {
- pTaskGun->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_InstantBlendToAim);
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTaskGun, SCRIPT_TASK_AIM_GUN_AT_ENTITY, "TASK_AIM_GUN_AT_ENTITY");
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskTurnPedToFaceEntity( int iPedID, int iEntityID, int iTime )
- {
- const CEntity* pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iEntityID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_NO_DEAD_CHECK);
- if (pEntity)
- {
- float fTime;
- if(iTime < 0)
- {
- fTime = -1.0f;
- }
- else if(iTime == 0)
- {
- fTime = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- fTime = ((float)iTime)/1000.0f;
- }
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskTurnToFaceEntityOrCoord(pEntity, CTaskMoveAchieveHeading::ms_fHeadingChangeRateFrac, CTaskMoveAchieveHeading::ms_fHeadingTolerance, fTime);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskAimGunAtCoord( int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, int iTime, bool bInstantBlendToAim, bool bPlayAimIntro )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime >= 0) ,"TASK_AIM_GUN_AT_COORD - Time must be -1 for infinite and >= 0" ))
- {
- Vector3 vecAimTarget(scrVecCoors);
- CTaskGun* pTaskGun = rage_new CTaskGun(CWeaponController::WCT_Aim, CTaskTypes::TASK_AIM_GUN_ON_FOOT, CWeaponTarget(vecAimTarget), ((float) iTime) / 1000.0f);
- if(iTime == -1)
- {
- pTaskGun->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_InfiniteDuration);
- }
- else if(iTime == 0)
- {
- pTaskGun->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_DisableAiming);
- }
- if(bInstantBlendToAim)
- {
- pTaskGun->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_InstantBlendToAim);
- }
- if(bPlayAimIntro)
- {
- pTaskGun->SetPlayAimIntro(true);
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedID, pTaskGun, SCRIPT_TASK_AIM_GUN_AT_COORD, "TASK_AIM_GUN_AT_COORD");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskShootAtCoord( int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, int iTime, int iFiringPatternHash )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_SHOOT_GUN_AT_COORD - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- Vector3 TempCoors( scrVecCoors);
- CTask* pTask = NULL;
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- if(scriptVerifyf(pPed->GetWeaponManager(), "%s:TASK_SHOOT_GUN_AT_COORD - ped requires a weapon manager", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter()))
- {
- const CWeaponInfo* pWeaponInfo = CWeaponInfoManager::GetInfo<CWeaponInfo>(pPed->GetWeaponManager()->GetEquippedWeaponHash());
- if(scriptVerifyf(pWeaponInfo, "%s:TASK_SHOOT_GUN_AT_COORD - pWeaponInfo NULL - ped has no equiped weapon info", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter())
- && pWeaponInfo->GetIsThrownWeapon())
- {
- pTask = rage_new CTaskAimAndThrowProjectile( CWeaponTarget( TempCoors ) );
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- if(pTask==NULL)
- {
- pTask = rage_new CTaskGun(CWeaponController::WCT_Fire, CTaskTypes::TASK_AIM_GUN_ON_FOOT, CWeaponTarget(TempCoors), ((float) iTime) / 1000.0f);
- if(iFiringPatternHash)
- {
- static_cast<CTaskGun*>(pTask)->SetFiringPatternHash(iFiringPatternHash);
- }
- if(iTime == -1)
- {
- static_cast<CTaskGun*>(pTask)->GetGunFlags().SetFlag(GF_InfiniteDuration);
- }
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_SHOOT_AT_COORD, "TASK_SHOOT_GUN_AT_COORD");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskShuffleToNextVehicleSeat( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, bool bUseAlternateShuffle)
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- CPed* pPed = NULL;
- {
- pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- if (!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetPedConfigFlag( CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_InVehicle ) && pPed->GetMyVehicle(), "Ped isn't in a vehicle, need to call IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE to verify ped is in one") ||
- !SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetMyVehicle() == pVehicle, "Ped is not in the given vehicle - TASK_SHUFFLE_TO_NEXT_VEHICLE_SEAT"))
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (pVehicle)
- {
- s32 iTargetSeatIndex = -1;
- if (pPed && bUseAlternateShuffle && pVehicle->GetSeatManager() && pVehicle->GetVehicleModelInfo() && pVehicle->GetVehicleModelInfo()->GetModelSeatInfo())
- {
- const s32 iCurrentSeatIndex = pVehicle->GetSeatManager()->GetPedsSeatIndex(pPed);
- const s32 iCurrentEntryPointIndex = pVehicle->GetVehicleModelInfo()->GetModelSeatInfo()->GetEntryPointIndexForSeat(iCurrentSeatIndex, pVehicle);
- iTargetSeatIndex = pVehicle->GetVehicleModelInfo()->GetModelSeatInfo()->GetShuffleSeatForSeat(iCurrentEntryPointIndex, iCurrentSeatIndex, true);
- }
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskInVehicleSeatShuffle(pVehicle,NULL, true, iTargetSeatIndex);
- }
- }
- void CommandClearPedTasks(int iPedID)
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pPed)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pPed->IsInjured(), "Ped is injured, cannot clear all tasks!"))
- {
- if(pPed->IsNetworkClone())
- {
- bool bClearTasksImmediately = false;
- CClearPedTasksEvent::Trigger(pPed, bClearTasksImmediately);
- }
- else
- {
- AI_LOG_WITH_ARGS_IF_SCRIPT_OR_PLAYER_PED(pPed, "[Script] - Ped %s has had tasks cleared by script %s\n", AILogging::GetDynamicEntityNameSafe(pPed), CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptName());
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->ClearTasks();
- pPed->SetIsCrouching(false);
- }
- #if __DEV
- // Record the task in the debug list
- static char stringName[] = "CLEAR_PED_TASKS";
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->AddScriptHistoryString(stringName, stringName, CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptName(), CTheScripts::GetCurrentGtaScriptThread()->GetThreadPC());
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandClearPedScriptTaskIfRunningThreatResponseNonTempTask(int iPedID)
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pPed)
- {
- // If this ped is running a non temporary threat response task, clear their primary (script) task which is dormant
- // [GTAV] B*1605087
- CTask* pNonTempTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetTaskAtPriority(PED_TASK_PRIORITY_EVENT_RESPONSE_NONTEMP);
- if (pNonTempTask && pNonTempTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_THREAT_RESPONSE)
- {
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->ClearPrimaryTaskAtPriority(PED_TASK_PRIORITY_PRIMARY);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandClearPedSecondaryTask(int iPedID)
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->ClearTasks( false, true );
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskEveryoneLeaveVehicle(int iVehicleID)
- {
- // this script command is not approved for use in network scripts
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(!NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress(), "%TASK_EVERYONE_LEAVE_VEHICLE - This script command is not allowed in network game scripts!"))
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pVehicle, "TASK_EVERYONE_LEAVE_VEHICLE - Vehicle doesn't exist"))
- {
- for(int loop = 0;loop < pVehicle->GetSeatManager()->GetMaxSeats(); loop++)
- {
- CPed* pPedInSeat = pVehicle->GetSeatManager()->GetPedInSeat(loop);
- if(pPedInSeat && !pPedInSeat->IsInjured() )
- {
- const int iDelay=(loop+1)*500+fwRandom::GetRandomNumberInRange(-100,100);
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskLeaveAnyCar(iDelay);
- AI_LOG_WITH_ARGS("[Script] - Script %s has created CTaskLeaveAnyCar from SCRIPT_TASK_EVERYONE_LEAVE_VEHICLE at 0x%p for ped %s\n", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptName(), pTask, AILogging::GetDynamicEntityNameSafe(pPedInSeat));
- const int iPedID=CTheScripts::GetGUIDFromEntity(*pPedInSeat);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Please keep this in sync with the enumeration in "commands_task.sch"
- {
- };
- void CommandTaskGotoEntityOffset( int iPedID, int iEntityID, int iTime, float fSeekRadius, float fSeekAngleDeg, float fMoveBlendRatio, int iGotoEntityOffsetFlags )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0), "TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- const float fSeekAngle=( DtoR * fSeekAngleDeg);
- const CEntity* pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iEntityID);
- if (pEntity)
- {
- if (NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress() && (!pEntity->GetIsDynamic() || !((CDynamicEntity*)pEntity)->GetNetworkObject()))
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "%s:TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET; the entity must be networked or this ped will not be able to migrate properly", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- CTask* pTask=rage_new TTaskMoveSeekEntityRadiusAngleOffset(pEntity,iTime);
- CEntitySeekPosCalculatorRadiusAngleOffset seekPosCalculator(fSeekRadius,fSeekAngle);
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityRadiusAngleOffset*)pTask)->SetEntitySeekPosCalculator(seekPosCalculator);
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityRadiusAngleOffset*)pTask)->SetMoveBlendRatio(fMoveBlendRatio);
- Assertf( (iGotoEntityOffsetFlags & ESEEK_OFFSET_ORIENTATES_WITH_ENTITY)==0, "Can't specify 'ESEEK_OFFSET_ORIENTATES_WITH_ENTITY' with TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET, this task always orientates offset with target entity.");
- if((iGotoEntityOffsetFlags & ESEEK_KEEP_TO_PAVEMENTS)!=0)
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityRadiusAngleOffset*)pTask)->SetPreferPavements(true);
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityRadiusAngleOffset*)pTask)->SetUseLargerSearchExtents(true);
- CTaskComplexControlMovement* pSimpleControlMovement = rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement(pTask);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pSimpleControlMovement, SCRIPT_TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET, "TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET");
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskGotoEntityOffsetXY( int iPedID, int iEntityID, int iTime, float fTargetRadius, float fOffsetX, float fOffsetY, float fMoveBlendRatio, int iGotoEntityOffsetFlags )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0), "TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET_XY - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- const CEntity* pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iEntityID);
- if (pEntity)
- {
- if (NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress() && (!pEntity->GetIsDynamic() || !((CDynamicEntity*)pEntity)->GetNetworkObject()))
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "%s:TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET_XY; the entity must be networked or this ped will not be able to migrate properly", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- CTask * pTask;
- if( (iGotoEntityOffsetFlags & ESEEK_OFFSET_ORIENTATES_WITH_ENTITY) != 0 )
- {
- pTask = rage_new TTaskMoveSeekEntityXYOffsetRotated(pEntity, iTime);
- CEntitySeekPosCalculatorXYOffsetRotated seekPosCalculator( Vector3(fOffsetX, fOffsetY, 0.0f) );
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityXYOffsetRotated*)pTask)->SetEntitySeekPosCalculator(seekPosCalculator);
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityXYOffsetRotated*)pTask)->SetMoveBlendRatio(fMoveBlendRatio);
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityXYOffsetRotated*)pTask)->SetTargetRadius(fTargetRadius);
- if((iGotoEntityOffsetFlags & ESEEK_KEEP_TO_PAVEMENTS)!=0)
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityXYOffsetRotated*)pTask)->SetPreferPavements(true);
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityXYOffsetRotated*)pTask)->SetUseLargerSearchExtents(true);
- }
- else
- {
- pTask = rage_new TTaskMoveSeekEntityXYOffsetFixed(pEntity, iTime);
- CEntitySeekPosCalculatorXYOffsetFixed seekPosCalculator( Vector3(fOffsetX, fOffsetY, 0.0f) );
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityXYOffsetFixed*)pTask)->SetEntitySeekPosCalculator(seekPosCalculator);
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityXYOffsetFixed*)pTask)->SetMoveBlendRatio(fMoveBlendRatio);
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityXYOffsetFixed*)pTask)->SetTargetRadius(fTargetRadius);
- if((iGotoEntityOffsetFlags & ESEEK_KEEP_TO_PAVEMENTS)!=0)
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityXYOffsetFixed*)pTask)->SetPreferPavements(true);
- ((TTaskMoveSeekEntityXYOffsetFixed*)pTask)->SetUseLargerSearchExtents(true);
- }
- CTaskComplexControlMovement* pSimpleControlMovement = rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement(pTask);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pSimpleControlMovement, SCRIPT_TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET, "TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET_XY");
- }
- }
- }
- // Remember to update eScriptInvestigateFlags in commands_task.sch
- enum eScriptInvestigateFlags
- {
- };
- void CommandTaskInvestigateCoords (int iPedID, const scrVector & vCoords, int timeToSpendAtSearchPointInMS, int investigateFlags)
- {
- Vector3 vInvestigationPosition(vCoords);
- // As there's only one flag right now, I'm just passing in a bool to the constructor of CTaskInvestigate. [1/9/2013 mdawe]
- const bool bReturnToPosition = !(investigateFlags & SIF_DONT_RETURN_TO_ORIGINAL_POSITION);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskInvestigate(vInvestigationPosition, NULL, EVENT_SUSPICIOUS_ACTIVITY, timeToSpendAtSearchPointInMS, bReturnToPosition);
- }
- // Remember to update the scripts if you change these flags
- // eScriptLookAtFlags in commands_task.sch
- // Please leave as numbers so its easy to compare with the flags in commands_task.sch
- // i.e dont change 4 to (1<<2)
- enum eScriptLookatFlags
- {
- SLF_SLOW_TURN_RATE = 1, // turn the head toward the target slowly
- SLF_FAST_TURN_RATE = 2, // turn the head toward the target quickly
- SLF_EXTEND_YAW_LIMIT = 4, // wide yaw head limits
- SLF_EXTEND_PITCH_LIMIT = 8, // wide pitch head limit
- SLF_WIDEST_YAW_LIMIT = 16, // widest yaw head limit
- SLF_WIDEST_PITCH_LIMIT = 32, // widest pitch head limit
- SLF_NARROW_YAW_LIMIT = 64, // narrow yaw head limits
- SLF_NARROW_PITCH_LIMIT = 128, // narrow pitch head limit
- SLF_NARROWEST_YAW_LIMIT = 256, // narrowest yaw head limit
- SLF_NARROWEST_PITCH_LIMIT = 512, // narrowest pitch head limit
- SLF_USE_TORSO = 1024, // use the torso aswell as the neck and head (currently disabled)
- SLF_WHILE_NOT_IN_FOV = 2048, // keep tracking the target even if they are not in the hard coded FOV
- SLF_USE_CAMERA_FOCUS = 4096, // use the camera as the target
- SLF_USE_EYES_ONLY = 8192, // only track the target with the eyes
- SLF_USE_LOOK_DIR = 16384, // use information in look dir DOF
- SLF_FROM_SCRIPT = 32768, // internal use only
- SLF_USE_REF_DIR_ABSOLUTE = 65536 // use absolute reference direction mode for solver
- };
- int ConvertScriptLookatFlags(int scriptFlags)
- {
- int lookatFlags = LF_FROM_SCRIPT;
- scriptFlags & SLF_SLOW_TURN_RATE ? lookatFlags |= LF_SLOW_TURN_RATE : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_FAST_TURN_RATE ? lookatFlags |= LF_FAST_TURN_RATE : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_EXTEND_YAW_LIMIT ? lookatFlags |= LF_WIDEST_YAW_LIMIT : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_EXTEND_PITCH_LIMIT ? lookatFlags |= LF_WIDEST_PITCH_LIMIT : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_WIDEST_YAW_LIMIT ? lookatFlags |= LF_WIDEST_YAW_LIMIT : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_WIDEST_PITCH_LIMIT ? lookatFlags |= LF_WIDEST_PITCH_LIMIT : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_NARROW_YAW_LIMIT ? lookatFlags |= LF_NARROW_YAW_LIMIT : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_NARROW_PITCH_LIMIT ? lookatFlags |= LF_NARROW_PITCH_LIMIT : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_NARROWEST_YAW_LIMIT ? lookatFlags |= LF_NARROWEST_YAW_LIMIT : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_USE_TORSO ? lookatFlags |= LF_USE_TORSO : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_WHILE_NOT_IN_FOV ? lookatFlags |= LF_WHILE_NOT_IN_FOV : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_USE_CAMERA_FOCUS ? lookatFlags |= LF_USE_CAMERA_FOCUS : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_USE_EYES_ONLY ? lookatFlags |= LF_USE_EYES_ONLY : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_USE_LOOK_DIR ? lookatFlags |= LF_USE_LOOK_DIR : 0;
- scriptFlags & SLF_USE_REF_DIR_ABSOLUTE ? lookatFlags |= LF_USE_REF_DIR_ABSOLUTE : 0;
- return lookatFlags;
- }
- void CommandTaskLookAtCoord(int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, int iTime, int flags, int priority)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0), "TASK_LOOK_AT_COORD - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- int lookatFlags = ConvertScriptLookatFlags(flags);
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(-1==CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence, "TASK_LOOK_AT_COORD - Sequence opened unexpectedly"))
- {
- CPed *pPed=CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_COORD(pPed %p %s, scrVecCoors %.3f,%.3f,%.3f, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) LookAt",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), pPed, pPed->GetModelName(), scrVecCoors.x, scrVecCoors.y, scrVecCoors.z, iTime, flags, priority);
- // this script command is not approved for use in network scripts
- Vector3 offset(scrVecCoors);
- pPed->GetIkManager().LookAt(0, 0, iTime, BONETAG_INVALID, &offset, lookatFlags, 500, 500, (CIkManager::eLookAtPriority)priority);
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_COORD(iPedID %i, scrVecCoors %.3f,%.3f,%.3f, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) Could not find ped!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID, scrVecCoors.x, scrVecCoors.y, scrVecCoors.z, iTime, flags, priority,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_COORD(iPedID %i, scrVecCoors %.3f,%.3f,%.3f, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) Sequence opened unexpectedly!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID, scrVecCoors.x, scrVecCoors.y, scrVecCoors.z, iTime, flags, priority,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Vector3 offset(scrVecCoors);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence >=0 && CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence<CTaskSequences::MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_TASKS, "TASK_LOOK_AT_COORD - Sequence task closed"))
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(CTaskSequences::ms_bIsOpened[CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence], "TASK_LOOK_AT_COORD - sequence task closed"))
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_COORD(iPedID %i, scrVecCoors %.3f,%.3f,%.3f, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) CTaskTriggerLookAt",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID, scrVecCoors.x, scrVecCoors.y, scrVecCoors.z, iTime, flags, priority);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskTriggerLookAt(NULL, iTime, BONETAG_INVALID, offset, lookatFlags);
- CTaskSequences::ms_TaskSequenceLists[CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence].AddTask(pTask);
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_COORD(iPedID %i, scrVecCoors %.3f,%.3f,%.3f, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) Sequence task closed!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID, scrVecCoors.x, scrVecCoors.y, scrVecCoors.z, iTime, flags, priority,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_COORD(iPedID %i, scrVecCoors %.3f,%.3f,%.3f, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) Sequence task closed!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID, scrVecCoors.x, scrVecCoors.y, scrVecCoors.z, iTime, flags, priority,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskLookAtEntity(int iPedID, int iEntityID, int iTime, int flags, int priority)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0), "TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- int lookatFlags = ConvertScriptLookatFlags(flags);
- const CEntity* pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iEntityID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_NO_DEAD_CHECK);
- if (pEntity)
- {
- eAnimBoneTag boneTag = BONETAG_INVALID;
- // Use the head bone as the target (if possible)
- if ( pEntity->GetIsTypePed() )
- {
- // Some animals e.g A_C_Stingray dont have a head fall back to the entity position
- s32 boneIdx = -1;
- if ( pEntity->GetSkeletonData().ConvertBoneIdToIndex((u16)BONETAG_HEAD, boneIdx) )
- {
- boneTag = BONETAG_HEAD;
- }
- }
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(-1==CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence, "TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY - Sequence opened unexpectedly"))
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_NO_DEAD_CHECK & CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(pPed)
- {
- scriptAssertf(pPed != pEntity, "TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY - Target and source entities are the same (entityId = %d)", iPedID);
- if(NetworkUtils::IsNetworkCloneOrMigrating(pPed))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pEntity->GetIsDynamic(), "TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY - Entity for clone is not dynamic!"))
- {
- netObject* pNetObj = static_cast<const CDynamicEntity*>(pEntity)->GetNetworkObject();
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pNetObj, "TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY - Entity for clone is not networked!"))
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY(pPed %p %s, pEntity %p %s, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) CSettingOfLookAtEntity",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), pPed, pPed->GetModelName(), pEntity, pEntity->GetModelName(), iTime, flags, priority);
- CScriptEntityStateChangeEvent::CSettingOfLookAtEntity parameters(pNetObj, lookatFlags, iTime);
- CScriptEntityStateChangeEvent::Trigger(pPed->GetNetworkObject(), parameters);
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY(pPed %p %s, pEntity %p %s, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) Entity for clone is not networked!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), pPed, pPed->GetModelName(), pEntity, pEntity->GetModelName(), iTime, flags, priority,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY(pPed %p %s, pEntity %p %s, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) Entity for clone is not dynamic!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), pPed, pPed->GetModelName(), pEntity, pEntity->GetModelName(), iTime, flags, priority,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY(pPed %p %s, pEntity %p %s, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) LookAt",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), pPed, pPed->GetModelName(), pEntity, pEntity->GetModelName(), iTime, flags, priority);
- pPed->GetIkManager().LookAt(0, pEntity, iTime, boneTag, NULL, lookatFlags, 500, 500, (CIkManager::eLookAtPriority)priority);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY(iPedID %i, pEntity %p %s, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) Entity for clone is not dynamic!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID, pEntity, pEntity->GetModelName(), iTime, flags, priority,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Vector3 offset(0,0,0);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence >=0 && CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence<CTaskSequences::MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_TASKS, "TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY - Sequence task closed"))
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(CTaskSequences::ms_bIsOpened[CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence], "TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY - sequence task closed"))
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY(iPedID %i, pEntity %p %s, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) CTaskTriggerLookAt",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID, pEntity, pEntity->GetModelName(), iTime, flags, priority);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskTriggerLookAt(pEntity, iTime, boneTag, offset, lookatFlags);
- CTaskSequences::ms_TaskSequenceLists[CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence].AddTask(pTask);
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY(iPedID %i, pEntity %p %s, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) Sequence task closed!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID, pEntity, pEntity->GetModelName(), iTime, flags, priority,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY(iPedID %i, pEntity %p %s, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) Sequence task closed!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID, pEntity, pEntity->GetModelName(), iTime, flags, priority,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY(iPedID %i, iEntityID %i, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) Could not find entity!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID, iEntityID, iTime, flags, priority,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY(iPedID %i, iEntityID %i, iTime %i, flags %i, priority %i) Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID, iEntityID, iTime, flags, priority,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- void CommandClearLookAt(int iPedID)
- {
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(-1==CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence, "TASK_CLEAR_LOOK_AT - Sequence opened unexpectedly"))
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- if(pPed->GetIkManager().IsLooking())
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u CLEAR_LOOK_AT(pPed %p %s) AbortLookAt(500)",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), pPed, pPed->GetModelName());
- pPed->GetIkManager().AbortLookAt(500);
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u CLEAR_LOOK_AT(pPed %p %s) Ped is not looking!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), pPed, pPed->GetModelName(),
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u CLEAR_LOOK_AT(iPedID %i) Could not find ped!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u CLEAR_LOOK_AT(iPedID %i) Sequence opened unexpectedly!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence >=0 && CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence<CTaskSequences::MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_TASKS, "CLEAR_LOOK_AT - Sequence task closed"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(CTaskSequences::ms_bIsOpened[CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence], "TASK_CLEAR_LOOK_AT - sequence task closed"))
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u CLEAR_LOOK_AT(iPedID %i) CTaskClearLookAt",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskClearLookAt();
- CTaskSequences::ms_TaskSequenceLists[CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence].AddTask(pTask);
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u CLEAR_LOOK_AT(iPedID %i) Sequence task closed!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ikDebugf3("%u CLEAR_LOOK_AT(iPedID %i) Sequence task closed!\n%s",
- fwTimer::GetFrameCount(), iPedID,
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- }
- }
- static u32 giSearchModelIndex = fwModelId::MI_INVALID;
- static CEntity* gpClosestEntity = NULL;
- static float gfClosestDistSq = 0.0f;
- static Vector3 gvSearchPos;
- bool FindNearestEntityCB (CEntity* pEntity, void* UNUSED_PARAM(pData) )
- {
- C2dEffect* pSpawnPoint = pEntity->GetClosest2dEffect(ET_SPAWN_POINT, gvSearchPos);
- if(!pSpawnPoint)
- {
- return true;
- }
- if( pEntity->GetModelIndex() == giSearchModelIndex ||
- !CModelInfo::IsValidModelInfo(giSearchModelIndex))
- {
- float fDistSq = DistSquared(pEntity->GetTransform().GetPosition(), RCC_VEC3V(gvSearchPos)).Getf();
- if(gpClosestEntity == NULL ||
- gfClosestDistSq > fDistSq )
- {
- gpClosestEntity = pEntity;
- gfClosestDistSq = fDistSq;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool CommandIsPedInvestigatingWhistlingEvent( int iPedID )
- {
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CTaskInvestigate* pInvestigateTask = (CTaskInvestigate*) pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_INVESTIGATE);
- if (pInvestigateTask && pInvestigateTask->IsInvestigatingWhistlingEvent())
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandSetInvestigationPosition( int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecInvestigationPosition)
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CTaskInvestigate* pInvestigateTask = (CTaskInvestigate*) pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_INVESTIGATE);
- if (pInvestigateTask)
- {
- pInvestigateTask->SetInvestigationPos(scrVecInvestigationPosition);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskTurnPedToFaceCoord( int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, int iTime )
- {
- float fTime;
- if(iTime < 0)
- {
- fTime = -1.0f;
- }
- else if(iTime == 0)
- {
- fTime = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- fTime = ((float)iTime)/1000.0f;
- }
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskTurnToFaceEntityOrCoord(Vector3(scrVecCoors), CTaskMoveAchieveHeading::ms_fHeadingChangeRateFrac, CTaskMoveAchieveHeading::ms_fHeadingTolerance, fTime);
- }
- void CommandTaskDrivePointRoute( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, float fCruiseSpeed )
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(CTaskMoveFollowPointRoute::ms_pointRoute.GetSize() > 0,"TASK_DRIVE_POINT_ROUTE: Point route didn't have any points in it."))
- {
- CTask* pTask;
- CVehicle *pVehicle = NULL;
- if(iVehicleID>=0)
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pVehicle)
- return;
- }
- pTask=rage_new CTaskDrivePointRoute(pVehicle,CTaskMoveFollowPointRoute::ms_pointRoute, fCruiseSpeed);
- }
- }
- void GivePedGoToPointAimingTask(
- int iPedID, const CAITarget& goToTarget, const CAITarget& aimAtTarget, float fMoveBlendRatio,
- float TargetRadius, float SlowDistance, bool bShoot, bool bUseNavmesh, int iNavFlags, bool bInstantBlendToAim, int iFiringPatternHash,
- int iScriptTaskType, const char* commandName, const int iTime )
- {
- #if __ASSERT
- Vector3 vGoToPosition;
- Vector3 vAimAtPosition;
- if(goToTarget.GetPosition(vGoToPosition))
- {
- scriptAssertf(!vGoToPosition.IsClose(VEC3_ZERO, SMALL_FLOAT), "%s - Goto position is too close to the origin. %s", commandName, CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- if(aimAtTarget.GetPosition(vAimAtPosition))
- {
- scriptAssertf(!vAimAtPosition.IsClose(VEC3_ZERO, SMALL_FLOAT), "%s - Aim at position is too close to the origin. %s", commandName, CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- #endif
- CTaskGoToPointAiming* pTask = rage_new CTaskGoToPointAiming(goToTarget, aimAtTarget, fMoveBlendRatio, bShoot, iTime);
- pTask->SetTargetRadius(TargetRadius);
- pTask->SetSlowDownDistance(SlowDistance);
- pTask->SetUseNavmesh(bUseNavmesh);
- pTask->SetScriptNavFlags(iNavFlags);
- pTask->SetInstantBlendToAim(bInstantBlendToAim);
- if(bShoot)
- {
- pTask->SetFiringPattern(iFiringPatternHash);
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedID, pTask, iScriptTaskType, commandName);
- }
- void CommandTaskGoToCoordWhileAimingAtCoord(
- int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecGoToCoord, const scrVector & scrVecAimAtCoord, float fMoveBlendRatio,
- bool bShoot, float TargetRadius, float SlowDistance, bool bUseNavmesh, int iNavFlags, bool bInstantBlendToAim, int iFiringPatternHash )
- {
- GivePedGoToPointAimingTask(
- iPedID, CAITarget(Vector3(scrVecGoToCoord)), CAITarget(Vector3(scrVecAimAtCoord)), fMoveBlendRatio,
- TargetRadius, SlowDistance, bShoot, bUseNavmesh, iNavFlags, bInstantBlendToAim, iFiringPatternHash, SCRIPT_TASK_GO_TO_COORD_WHILE_AIMING_AT_COORD,
- }
- void CommandTaskGoToCoordWhileAimingAtEntity(
- int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecGoToCoord, int iAimAtEntityID, float fMoveBlendRatio,
- bool bShoot, float TargetRadius, float SlowDistance, bool bUseNavmesh, int iNavFlags, bool bInstantBlendToAim, int iFiringPatternHash, const int iTime )
- {
- const CEntity* pAimAtEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iAimAtEntityID);
- if(pAimAtEntity)
- {
- GivePedGoToPointAimingTask(
- iPedID, CAITarget(Vector3(scrVecGoToCoord)), CAITarget(pAimAtEntity), fMoveBlendRatio,
- TargetRadius, SlowDistance, bShoot, bUseNavmesh, iNavFlags, bInstantBlendToAim, iFiringPatternHash, SCRIPT_TASK_GO_TO_COORD_WHILE_AIMING_AT_ENTITY,
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskGoToCoordAndAimAtHatedEntitiesNearCoord(
- int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecGoToCoord, const scrVector & scrAimNearCoord, float fMoveBlendRatio,
- bool bShoot, float TargetRadius, float SlowDistance, bool bUseNavmesh, int iNavFlags, int iTaskFlags, int iFiringPatternHash )
- {
- Vector3 vGoToPosition(scrVecGoToCoord);
- scriptAssertf(!vGoToPosition.IsClose(VEC3_ZERO, SMALL_FLOAT), "TASK_GO_TO_COORD_AND_AIM_AT_HATED_ENTITIES_NEAR_COORD - Go to position is too close to the origin. %s", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- Vector3 vAimNearPosition(scrAimNearCoord);
- scriptAssertf(!vAimNearPosition.IsClose(VEC3_ZERO, SMALL_FLOAT), "TASK_GO_TO_COORD_AND_AIM_AT_HATED_ENTITIES_NEAR_COORD - Aim near position is too close to the origin. %s", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- CTaskGoToPointAiming* pTask = rage_new CTaskGoToPointAiming(CAITarget(vGoToPosition), CAITarget(vAimNearPosition), fMoveBlendRatio, bShoot);
- pTask->SetTargetRadius(TargetRadius);
- pTask->SetSlowDownDistance(SlowDistance);
- pTask->SetUseNavmesh(bUseNavmesh);
- pTask->SetAimAtHatedEntitiesNearAimCoord(true);
- pTask->SetScriptNavFlags(iNavFlags);
- pTask->SetConfigFlags(iTaskFlags);
- if(bShoot)
- {
- pTask->SetFiringPattern(iFiringPatternHash);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskGoToEntityWhileAimingAtCoord(
- int iPedID, int iEntityID, const scrVector & scrVecAimAtCoord, float fMoveBlendRatio,
- bool bShoot, float TargetRadius, float SlowDistance, bool bUseNavmesh, bool bInstantBlendToAim, int iFiringPatternHash )
- {
- const CEntity* pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iEntityID);
- if(pEntity)
- {
- GivePedGoToPointAimingTask(
- iPedID, CAITarget(pEntity), CAITarget(Vector3(scrVecAimAtCoord)), fMoveBlendRatio,
- TargetRadius, SlowDistance, bShoot, bUseNavmesh, 0, bInstantBlendToAim, iFiringPatternHash, SCRIPT_TASK_GO_TO_ENTITY_WHILE_AIMING_AT_COORD,
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskGoToEntityWhileAimingAtEntity(
- int iPedID, int iGoToEntityID, int iAimAtEntityID, float fMoveBlendRatio,
- bool bShoot, float TargetRadius, float SlowDistance, bool bUseNavmesh, bool bInstantBlendToAim, int iFiringPatternHash )
- {
- const CEntity* pGoToEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iGoToEntityID);
- const CEntity* pAimAtEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iAimAtEntityID);
- if(pGoToEntity && pAimAtEntity)
- {
- GivePedGoToPointAimingTask(
- iPedID, CAITarget(pGoToEntity), CAITarget(pAimAtEntity), fMoveBlendRatio,
- TargetRadius, SlowDistance, bShoot, bUseNavmesh, 0, bInstantBlendToAim, iFiringPatternHash, SCRIPT_TASK_GO_TO_ENTITY_WHILE_AIMING_AT_ENTITY,
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleTempAction( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iAction, int iTime )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_VEHICLE_TEMP_ACTION - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle = 0;
- CTask* pTask;
- {
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pVehicle)
- return;
- }
- if(pVehicle)
- {
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_NO_DEAD_CHECK & CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(pPed && NetworkUtils::IsNetworkCloneOrMigrating(pPed))
- {
- netObject* pNetObj = pPed->GetNetworkObject();
- if(pNetObj)
- {
- CScriptEntityStateChangeEvent::CSettingOfTaskVehicleTempAction parameters(pVehicle->GetNetworkObject(),iAction,iTime);
- CScriptEntityStateChangeEvent::Trigger(pNetObj, parameters);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress() && iPedID==NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE)
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "TASK_VEHICLE_TEMP_ACTION - temp actions cannot be added to a sequence in MP");
- return;
- }
- pTask=rage_new CTaskCarSetTempAction(pVehicle,iAction,iTime);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleMission_Internal( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iTargetVehicleID,
- int iMission, float fCruiseSpeed, int iDrivingStyle, float fTargetReached, float fStraightLineDistance, bool bAllowedToGoAgainstTraffic, Vector3* vTarget)
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle=0;
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- }
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pVehicle, "TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION needs a valid vehicle!"))
- return;
- CVehicle *pTargetVehicle = NULL;
- {
- pTargetVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iTargetVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pTargetVehicle)
- return;
- }
- if (fStraightLineDistance < 0.0f)
- {
- fStraightLineDistance = sVehicleMissionParams::DEFAULT_SWITCH_TO_STRAIGHT_LINE_DIST;
- }
- fStraightLineDistance = MIN(255.0f, fStraightLineDistance);
- if (fTargetReached < 0.0f)
- {
- fTargetReached = sVehicleMissionParams::DEFAULT_TARGET_REACHED_DIST;
- }
- #if __ASSERT
- if (iMission == MISSION_CRASH)
- {
- VehicleType vehicleType = pVehicle->GetVehicleType();
- if (vehicleType != VEHICLE_TYPE_PLANE
- && vehicleType != VEHICLE_TYPE_HELI
- && vehicleType != VEHICLE_TYPE_BLIMP
- && vehicleType != VEHICLE_TYPE_AUTOGYRO)
- {
- scriptErrorf("%s:%s Non PLANE, HELI, BLIMP or AUTOGYRO has been told to crash", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), "TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION");
- }
- }
- #endif //__ASSERT
- aiTask *pCarTask = CVehicleIntelligence::GetTaskFromMissionIdentifier(pVehicle, iMission, pTargetVehicle, vTarget, iDrivingStyle, fTargetReached, fStraightLineDistance, fCruiseSpeed, bAllowedToGoAgainstTraffic);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pCarTask);
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleMission( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iTargetVehicleID,
- int iMission, float fCruiseSpeed, int iDrivingStyle, float fTargetReached, float fStraightLineDistance, bool bDriveAgainstTraffic)
- {
- CommandTaskVehicleMission_Internal(iPedID, iVehicleID, iTargetVehicleID, iMission, fCruiseSpeed, iDrivingStyle, fTargetReached, fStraightLineDistance, bDriveAgainstTraffic, NULL);
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleMissionPedTarget_Internal( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iTargetPedID,
- int iMission, float fCruiseSpeed, int iDrivingStyle, float fTargetReached, float fStraightLineDistance, bool bAllowedToGoAgainstTraffic)
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle=0;
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pVehicle)
- return;
- }
- CPed *pTargetPed = NULL;
- {
- pTargetPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iTargetPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pTargetPed)
- return;
- }
- if (fStraightLineDistance < 0.0f)
- {
- fStraightLineDistance = sVehicleMissionParams::DEFAULT_SWITCH_TO_STRAIGHT_LINE_DIST;
- }
- fStraightLineDistance = MIN(255.0f, fStraightLineDistance);
- if (fTargetReached < 0.0f)
- {
- fTargetReached = sVehicleMissionParams::DEFAULT_TARGET_REACHED_DIST;
- }
- #if __ASSERT
- if (iMission == MISSION_CRASH)
- {
- VehicleType vehicleType = pVehicle->GetVehicleType();
- if (vehicleType != VEHICLE_TYPE_PLANE
- && vehicleType != VEHICLE_TYPE_HELI
- && vehicleType != VEHICLE_TYPE_BLIMP
- && vehicleType != VEHICLE_TYPE_AUTOGYRO)
- {
- scriptErrorf("%s:%s Non PLANE, HELI, BLIMP or AUTOGYRO has been told to crash", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), "TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION_PED_TARGET");
- }
- }
- #endif //__ASSERT
- aiTask *pCarTask = CVehicleIntelligence::GetTaskFromMissionIdentifier(pVehicle, iMission, pTargetPed, NULL, iDrivingStyle, fTargetReached, fStraightLineDistance, fCruiseSpeed, bAllowedToGoAgainstTraffic);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pCarTask);
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleMissionPedTarget( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iTargetPedID,
- int iMission, float fCruiseSpeed, int iDrivingStyle, float fTargetReached, float fStraightLineDistance, bool bDriveAgainstTraffic)
- {
- CommandTaskVehicleMissionPedTarget_Internal( iPedID, iVehicleID, iTargetPedID,
- iMission, fCruiseSpeed, iDrivingStyle, fTargetReached, fStraightLineDistance, bDriveAgainstTraffic);
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleMissionCoorsTarget( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors,
- int iMission, float fCruiseSpeed, int iDrivingStyle, float fTargetReached, float fStraightLineDistance, bool bDriveAgainstTraffic)
- {
- Vector3 VecCoors = Vector3 (scrVecCoors);
- CommandTaskVehicleMission_Internal( iPedID, iVehicleID, NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE,
- iMission, fCruiseSpeed, iDrivingStyle, fTargetReached, fStraightLineDistance, bDriveAgainstTraffic, &VecCoors);
- }
- void AddVehicleSubtaskInternal(int iPedID, CTask* pSubTask, const char* ASSERT_ONLY(szTaskName))
- {
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if( !pPed )
- {
- delete pSubTask;
- return;
- }
- CEventScriptCommand* pEvent = static_cast<CEventScriptCommand*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetEventOfType(EVENT_SCRIPT_COMMAND));
- if( !scriptVerifyf(pEvent, "%s:%s - You must have previously given the ped a valid driving task!", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), szTaskName) )
- {
- delete pSubTask;
- return;
- }
- aiTask* pTask = pEvent->GetTask();
- if( !scriptVerifyf(pTask && (pTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_CONTROL_VEHICLE || pTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_CAR_DRIVE_POINT_ROUTE), "%s:%s - You must have previously given the ped a valid driving task!", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), szTaskName) )
- {
- delete pSubTask;
- return;
- }
- if( pTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_CONTROL_VEHICLE )
- {
- CTaskControlVehicle* pVehicleTask = static_cast<CTaskControlVehicle*>(pTask);
- pVehicleTask->SetDesiredSubtask(pSubTask);
- }
- else if( pTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_CAR_DRIVE_POINT_ROUTE )
- {
- CTaskDrivePointRoute* pVehicleTask = static_cast<CTaskDrivePointRoute*>(pTask);
- pVehicleTask->SetDesiredSubtask(pSubTask);
- }
- else
- {
- #if __ASSERT
- scriptErrorf( "%s:%s unknown task type", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), szTaskName);
- #endif
- delete pSubTask;
- return;
- }
- }
- // Add task to last sequence thats open
- else
- {
- if( !scriptVerifyf(CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence >=0 && CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence<CTaskSequences::MAX_NUM_SEQUENCE_TASKS, "%s:%s Sequence task closed", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), szTaskName))
- {
- delete pSubTask;
- return;
- }
- // Add task to sequence
- if( !scriptVerifyf(CTaskSequences::ms_bIsOpened[CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence], "%s:%s Sequence task closed", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), szTaskName) )
- {
- delete pSubTask;
- return;
- }
- aiTask* pTask = CTaskSequences::ms_TaskSequenceLists[CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence].GetLastAddedTask();
- if( scriptVerifyf(pTask && (pTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_CONTROL_VEHICLE || pTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_CAR_DRIVE_POINT_ROUTE), "%s:%s Last task added to sequence not a valid driving task", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), szTaskName ) )
- {
- if( pTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_CONTROL_VEHICLE )
- {
- CTaskControlVehicle* pVehicleTask = static_cast<CTaskControlVehicle*>(pTask);
- pVehicleTask->SetDesiredSubtask(pSubTask);
- }
- else if( pTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_CAR_DRIVE_POINT_ROUTE )
- {
- CTaskDrivePointRoute* pVehicleTask = static_cast<CTaskDrivePointRoute*>(pTask);
- pVehicleTask->SetDesiredSubtask(pSubTask);
- }
- else
- {
- #if __ASSERT
- scriptErrorf( "%s:%s unknown task type", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), szTaskName);
- #endif
- delete pSubTask;
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- delete pSubTask;
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandAddVehicleSubtaskAttackCoord( int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors )
- {
- Vector3 vTarget(scrVecCoors);
- CAITarget target(vTarget);
- AddVehicleSubtaskInternal(iPedID, rage_new CTaskVehicleCombat(&target), "ADD_VEHICLE_SUBTASK_ATTACK_COORD");
- }
- void CommandAddVehicleSubtaskAttackPed( int iPedID, int iOtherPedID )
- {
- CPed* pOtherPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iOtherPedID);
- if( !pOtherPed )
- {
- return;
- }
- CAITarget target(pOtherPed);
- AddVehicleSubtaskInternal(iPedID, rage_new CTaskVehicleCombat(&target), "ADD_VEHICLE_SUBTASK_ATTACK_PED");
- }
- void CommandTaskHeliMission( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iTargetVehicleID, int iTargetPedID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors,
- int iMission, float fCruiseSpeed, float fTargetReached, float fHeliOrientation, int iFlightHeight, int iMinHeightAboveTerrain, float fSlowDownDistance, int iHeliFlags)
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle=0;
- Vector3 VecTargetCoors = Vector3 (scrVecCoors);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE!=iVehicleID, "TASK_HELI_MISSION - You must specify a heli to be flown"))
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pVehicle)
- return;
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pVehicle->GetVehicleType() == VEHICLE_TYPE_HELI, "TASK_HELI_MISSION - Vehicle to be used (2nd parameter) is not actually a heli"))
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- CPhysical* pPhysical = NULL;
- const CVehicle *pTargetVehicle = NULL;
- {
- pTargetVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CVehicle>(iTargetVehicleID);
- if(!pTargetVehicle)
- return;
- pPhysical = const_cast<CVehicle*>(pTargetVehicle);
- }
- const CPed *pTargetPed = NULL;
- {
- pTargetPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iTargetPedID);
- if(!pTargetPed)
- return;
- pPhysical = const_cast<CPed*>(pTargetPed);
- }
- if (fTargetReached < 0.0f)
- {
- fTargetReached = sVehicleMissionParams::DEFAULT_TARGET_REACHED_DIST;
- }
- if (fHeliOrientation < 0.0f)
- {
- fHeliOrientation = -1.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- fHeliOrientation = ( DtoR * fHeliOrientation);
- // For whatever reason the helicopter AI treats the X axis as 0, so we have to rotate a Y axis heading request by 90
- fHeliOrientation += 90.0f*DtoR;
- }
- aiTask *pHeliTask = CVehicleIntelligence::GetHeliTaskFromMissionIdentifier(pVehicle, iMission, pPhysical, &VecTargetCoors, fTargetReached, fCruiseSpeed, fHeliOrientation, iFlightHeight, iMinHeightAboveTerrain, fSlowDownDistance, iHeliFlags);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pHeliTask);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION, "TASK_HELI_MISSION");
- }
- void CommandTaskHeliEscort( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iTargetVehicleID, const scrVector & offsetVec)
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle=0;
- CVehicle *pTargetVehicle=0;
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE!=iVehicleID, "TASK_HELI_ESCORT_HELI - You must specify a heli to be flown"))
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pVehicle)
- return;
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pVehicle->GetVehicleType() == VEHICLE_TYPE_HELI, "TASK_HELI_ESCORT_HELI - Vehicle to be used (2nd parameter) is not actually a heli"))
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE!=iTargetVehicleID, "TASK_HELI_ESCORT_HELI - You must specify a heli to be targetted"))
- {
- pTargetVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iTargetVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pTargetVehicle)
- return;
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTargetVehicle->GetVehicleType() == VEHICLE_TYPE_HELI, "TASK_HELI_ESCORT_HELI - Vehicle to be targetted (2nd parameter) is not actually a heli"))
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- Vector3 vOffset(offsetVec);
- sVehicleMissionParams params;
- params.SetTargetEntity(pTargetVehicle);
- params.SetTargetPosition(vOffset);
- CTaskVehicleEscort *pHeliTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleEscort(params, CTaskVehicleEscort::VEHICLE_ESCORT_HELI);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pHeliTask);
- }
- void CommandTaskPlaneMission( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iTargetVehicleID, int iTargetPedID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors,
- int iMission, float fCruiseSpeed, float fTargetReached, float fOrientation, int iFlightHeight, int iMinHeightAboveTerrain, bool bPrecise)
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle=0;
- Vector3 VecTargetCoors = Vector3 (scrVecCoors);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE!=iVehicleID, "TASK_PLANE_MISSION - You must specify a plane to be flown"))
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pVehicle)
- return;
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pVehicle->GetVehicleType() == VEHICLE_TYPE_PLANE, "TASK_PLANE_MISSION - Vehicle to be used (2nd parameter) is not actually a plane"))
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- CPhysical* pPhysical = NULL;
- const CVehicle *pTargetVehicle = NULL;
- {
- pTargetVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CVehicle>(iTargetVehicleID);
- if(!pTargetVehicle)
- return;
- pPhysical = const_cast<CVehicle*>(pTargetVehicle);
- }
- const CPed *pTargetPed = NULL;
- {
- pTargetPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iTargetPedID);
- if(!pTargetPed)
- return;
- pPhysical = const_cast<CPed*>(pTargetPed);
- }
- if (fTargetReached < 0.0f)
- {
- fTargetReached = sVehicleMissionParams::DEFAULT_TARGET_REACHED_DIST;
- }
- if (fOrientation < 0.0f)
- {
- fOrientation = -1.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- fOrientation = ( DtoR * fOrientation);
- // For whatever reason the helicopter AI treats the X axis as 0, so we have to rotate a Y axis heading request by 90
- fOrientation += 90.0f*DtoR;
- }
- aiTask *pPlaneTask = CVehicleIntelligence::GetPlaneTaskFromMissionIdentifier(pVehicle, iMission, pPhysical, &VecTargetCoors, fTargetReached, fCruiseSpeed, fOrientation, iFlightHeight, iMinHeightAboveTerrain, bPrecise);
- if( pPlaneTask )
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pPlaneTask);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION, "TASK_PLANE_MISSION");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskPlaneTaxi(int iPedID, int iVehicleID, const scrVector& scrVecCoors, float fCruiseSpeed, float fTargetReached)
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle=0;
- Vector3 VecTargetCoors = Vector3 (scrVecCoors);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE!=iVehicleID, "TASK_PLANE_TAXI - You must specify a plane to taxi"))
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pVehicle)
- return;
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pVehicle->GetVehicleType() == VEHICLE_TYPE_PLANE, "TASK_PLANE_TAXI - Vehicle to be used (2nd parameter) is not actually a plane"))
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- if (fTargetReached < 0.0f)
- {
- fTargetReached = sVehicleMissionParams::DEFAULT_TARGET_REACHED_DIST;
- }
- sVehicleMissionParams params;
- params.SetTargetPosition(VecTargetCoors);
- params.m_fTargetArriveDist = fTargetReached;
- params.m_fCruiseSpeed = fCruiseSpeed;
- aiTask* pGotoTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleGoToPointAutomobile(params);
- if( pGotoTask )
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pGotoTask);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION, "TASK_PLANE_TAXI");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskBoatMission( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iTargetVehicleID, int iTargetPedID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors,
- int iMission, float fCruiseSpeed, int iDrivingStyle, float fTargetReached, int iBoatFlags)
- {
- CVehicle *pVehicle=0;
- Vector3 VecTargetCoors = Vector3 (scrVecCoors);
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!pVehicle)
- return;
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pVehicle->GetVehicleType() == VEHICLE_TYPE_BOAT, "TASK_BOAT_MISSION - Vehicle to be used (2nd parameter) is not actually a boat"))
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- CPhysical* pPhysical = NULL;
- const CVehicle *pTargetVehicle = NULL;
- {
- pTargetVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CVehicle>(iTargetVehicleID);
- if(!pTargetVehicle)
- return;
- pPhysical = const_cast<CVehicle*>(pTargetVehicle);
- }
- const CPed *pTargetPed = NULL;
- {
- pTargetPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iTargetPedID);
- if(!pTargetPed)
- return;
- pPhysical = const_cast<CPed*>(pTargetPed);
- }
- if (fTargetReached < 0.0f)
- {
- fTargetReached = sVehicleMissionParams::DEFAULT_TARGET_REACHED_DIST;
- }
- aiTask *pBoatTask = CVehicleIntelligence::GetBoatTaskFromMissionIdentifier(pVehicle, iMission, pPhysical, &VecTargetCoors, iDrivingStyle, fTargetReached, fCruiseSpeed, iBoatFlags);
- if( pBoatTask )
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pBoatTask);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION, "TASK_BOAT_MISSION");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskVehiclePark( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, const scrVector & vecMoveTarget, float HeadingDegrees, int ParkType, float ToleranceDegrees, bool bKeepLightsOn)
- {
- CVehicle* pVehicle = NULL;
- Vector3 VecTargetCoors = Vector3 (vecMoveTarget);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE != iVehicleID, "TASK_VEHICLE_PARK - You must specify a vehicle to be parked"))
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- }
- if(!pVehicle)
- {
- return;
- }
- const float HeadingRadians = HeadingDegrees*DtoR;
- Vector3 direction;
- direction.x = -rage::Sinf(HeadingRadians);
- direction.y = rage::Cosf(HeadingRadians);
- direction.z = 0.0f;
- sVehicleMissionParams params;
- params.SetTargetPosition(VecTargetCoors);
- CTaskVehicleParkNew* pParkTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleParkNew(params, direction, (CTaskVehicleParkNew::ParkType)ParkType, ToleranceDegrees*DtoR, bKeepLightsOn);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pParkTask);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_VEHICLE_PARK, "TASK_VEHICLE_PARK");
- }
- void CommandTaskStealthKill( int iPedID, int iTargetPedID, int iStealthKillActionResultId, float fDesiredMoveBlendRatio, int iStealthFlags )
- {
- {
- // Apparently sequence tasks rely on the iPedID to be NULL
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if( pPed )
- {
- // Check to make sure the ped has a weapon equipped
- const CWeaponInfo* pEquippedWeaponInfo = pPed->GetWeaponManager()->GetEquippedWeaponInfo();
- if( !SCRIPT_VERIFY( pEquippedWeaponInfo, "TASK_STEALTH_KILL - The ped doesn't have a weapon equipped. Please use GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED" ) )
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- // Ensure target ped is valid
- CPed* pTargetPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iTargetPedID);
- if( !SCRIPT_VERIFY( pTargetPed, "TASK_STEALTH_KILL - The target ped is invalid." ) )
- {
- return;
- }
- // Check to make sure the ped has a weapon equipped
- const CWeaponInfo* pTargetEquippedWeaponInfo = pTargetPed->GetWeaponManager()->GetEquippedWeaponInfo();
- if( !SCRIPT_VERIFY( pTargetEquippedWeaponInfo, "TASK_STEALTH_KILL - The target ped doesn't have a weapon equipped. Please use GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED" ) )
- {
- return;
- }
- // Ensure the stealth kill id is valid
- u32 uActionIdx = 0;
- const CActionResult* pStealthKillActionResult = ACTIONMGR.FindActionResult( uActionIdx, (u32)iStealthKillActionResultId );
- if( !SCRIPT_VERIFY( pStealthKillActionResult, "TASK_STEALTH_KILL - Invalid stealth kill action." ) )
- {
- return;
- }
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskStealthKill( pTargetPed, pStealthKillActionResult, fDesiredMoveBlendRatio, iStealthFlags );
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_STEALTH_KILL, "TASK_STEALTH_KILL" );
- }
- void CommandTaskPlantBomb( int iPedID, const scrVector &, float )
- {
- {
- // Apparently sequence tasks rely on the iPedID to be NULL
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if( pPed )
- {
- // Check to make sure the ped has a weapon equipped
- const CWeaponInfo* pEquippedWeaponInfo = pPed->GetWeaponManager()->GetEquippedWeaponInfo();
- if( !SCRIPT_VERIFY( pEquippedWeaponInfo && pEquippedWeaponInfo->GetProjectileCanBePlaced(), "TASK_PLANT_BOMB - The ped doesn't have a weapon that can be placed. Please use GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED" ) )
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskBomb();
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_PLANT_BOMB, "TASK_PLANT_BOMB" );
- }
- void CommandTaskSharkCircleCoord(int iPedID, const scrVector & vCoord, float fMBR, float fRadius)
- {
- CAITarget aiTarget;
- aiTarget.SetPosition(vCoord);
- float fSpeed = CTaskSharkAttack::GetTunables().m_CirclingAngularSpeed;
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement(rage_new CTaskSharkCircle(fMBR, aiTarget, fRadius, fSpeed));
- }
- void CommandTaskSharkCirclePed(int iPedID, int iOtherPedID, float fMBR, float fRadius)
- {
- CAITarget aiTarget;
- const CPed* pOtherPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iOtherPedID);
- aiTarget.SetEntity(pOtherPed);
- float fSpeed = CTaskSharkAttack::GetTunables().m_CirclingAngularSpeed;
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement(rage_new CTaskSharkCircle(fMBR, aiTarget, fRadius, fSpeed));
- }
- void CommandTaskPlaneGotoPreciseVtol(int iPedID, int iVehicleID, const scrVector & vecMoveTarget, int iFlightHeight, int iMinHeightAboveTerrain, bool bUseDesiredOrientation, float fDesiredOrientation, bool bAutoPilot)
- {
- CVehicle* pVehicle = NULL;
- Vector3 VecTargetCoors = Vector3 (vecMoveTarget);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE != iVehicleID, "TASK_PLANE_GOTO_PRECISE_VTOL - You must specify a vehicle to be parked"))
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID);
- }
- if(!pVehicle)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pVehicle->InheritsFromPlane(), "TASK_PLANE_GOTO_PRECISE_VTOL - Must be used on a plane"))
- {
- return;
- }
- CPlane* pPlane = static_cast<CPlane*>(pVehicle);
- if (!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPlane->GetVerticalFlightModeAvaliable(), "TASK_PLANE_GOTO_PRECISE_VTOL - Plane must support VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing)"))
- {
- return;
- }
- sVehicleMissionParams params;
- params.SetTargetPosition(VecTargetCoors);
- fDesiredOrientation *= DtoR;
- fDesiredOrientation += 90.0f*DtoR;
- fDesiredOrientation = fwAngle::LimitRadianAngleSafe(fDesiredOrientation);
- if (bAutoPilot)
- {
- params.m_iDrivingFlags.SetFlag(DF_DontTerminateTaskWhenAchieved);
- }
- CTaskVehicleGoToPlane* pPlaneTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleGoToPlane(params, iFlightHeight, iMinHeightAboveTerrain, true, bUseDesiredOrientation, fDesiredOrientation);
- if (bAutoPilot)
- {
- // Apply task directly to the vehicle
- pVehicle->GetIntelligence()->GetTaskManager()->SetTask(VEHICLE_TASK_TREE_PRIMARY, pPlaneTask, VEHICLE_TASK_PRIORITY_PRIMARY, false);
- pVehicle->GetIntelligence()->SetUsingScriptAutopilot(true);
- CVehicleNodeList * pNodeList = pVehicle->GetIntelligence()->GetNodeList();
- if(pNodeList)
- {
- pNodeList->ClearPathNodes();
- }
- pVehicle->SwitchEngineOn(true);
- }
- else
- {
- // Apply task to the ped as part of CTaskControlVehicle
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pPlaneTask);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskSubmarineGotoAndStop(int iPedID, int iVehicleID, const scrVector & vecMoveTarget, bool bAutoPilot)
- {
- CVehicle* pVehicle = NULL;
- Vector3 VecTargetCoors = Vector3 (vecMoveTarget);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE != iVehicleID, "TASK_PLANE_GOTO_PRECISE_VTOL - You must specify a vehicle to be parked"))
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID);
- }
- if(!pVehicle)
- {
- return;
- }
- sVehicleMissionParams params;
- params.SetTargetPosition(VecTargetCoors);
- s32 subFlags = 0;
- if (bAutoPilot)
- {
- params.m_iDrivingFlags.SetFlag(DF_DontTerminateTaskWhenAchieved);
- subFlags = CTaskVehicleGoToSubmarine::SF_HoverAtEnd;
- params.m_fTargetArriveDist = 30.0f;
- }
- CTaskVehicleGoToSubmarine* pSubTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleGoToSubmarine(params, subFlags);
- if (bAutoPilot)
- {
- // Apply task directly to the vehicle
- pVehicle->GetIntelligence()->GetTaskManager()->SetTask(VEHICLE_TASK_TREE_PRIMARY, pSubTask, VEHICLE_TASK_PRIORITY_PRIMARY, false);
- pVehicle->GetIntelligence()->SetUsingScriptAutopilot(true);
- CVehicleNodeList * pNodeList = pVehicle->GetIntelligence()->GetNodeList();
- if(pNodeList)
- {
- pNodeList->ClearPathNodes();
- }
- pVehicle->SwitchEngineOn(true);
- }
- else
- {
- // Apply task to the ped as part of CTaskControlVehicle
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pSubTask);
- }
- }
- void CommandClearDefaultPrimaryTask(int iPedID)
- {
- {
- if (CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID))
- {
- AI_LOG_WITH_ARGS("[Script] - Script %s has restarted the default primary task for ped %s", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptName(), AILogging::GetDynamicEntityNameSafe(pPed));
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->AddTaskDefault(pPed->ComputeDefaultTask(*pPed));
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandClearPrimaryVehicleTask( int iVehicleID )
- {
- CVehicle* pVehicle = NULL;
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFYF(pVehicle, "CLEAR_PRIMARY_VEHICLE_TASK - Could not find vehicle with provided ID %i", iVehicleID))
- {
- if (pVehicle->GetIntelligence() && pVehicle->GetIntelligence()->GetTaskManager())
- {
- pVehicle->GetIntelligence()->GetTaskManager()->ClearTask(VEHICLE_TASK_TREE_PRIMARY, VEHICLE_TASK_PRIORITY_PRIMARY);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandClearVehicleCrashTask( int iVehicleID )
- {
- CVehicle* pVehicle = NULL;
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFYF(pVehicle, "CLEAR_VEHICLE_CRASH_TASK - Could not find vehicle with provided ID %i", iVehicleID))
- {
- if (pVehicle->GetIntelligence() && pVehicle->GetIntelligence()->GetTaskManager())
- {
- pVehicle->GetIntelligence()->GetTaskManager()->ClearTask(VEHICLE_TASK_TREE_PRIMARY, VEHICLE_TASK_PRIORITY_CRASH);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleEscort( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iEscortEntityID, int iEscortType, float fCruiseSpeed, int iDrivingFlags, float fCustomOffset, int iMinHeightAboveTerrain, float fStraightLineDist)
- {
- CVehicle* pVehicle = NULL;
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE != iVehicleID, "TASK_VEHICLE_ESCORT - You must specify a vehicle to drive"))
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- }
- if(!pVehicle)
- {
- return;
- }
- CEntity *pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CEntity>(iEscortEntityID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (!pEntity)
- {
- return;
- }
- sVehicleMissionParams params;
- params.m_iDrivingFlags = iDrivingFlags;
- params.SetTargetEntity(pEntity);
- params.m_fCruiseSpeed = fCruiseSpeed;
- if (iMinHeightAboveTerrain < 0)
- {
- iMinHeightAboveTerrain = CTaskVehicleGoToHelicopter::DEFAULT_MIN_HEIGHT_ABOVE_TERRAIN;
- }
- CTaskVehicleEscort* pEscortTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleEscort(params, (CTaskVehicleEscort::VehicleEscortType)iEscortType, fCustomOffset, iMinHeightAboveTerrain, fStraightLineDist);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pEscortTask);
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleFollow( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iFollowEntityID, float fCruiseSpeed, int iDrivingFlags, int iFollowDistance)
- {
- CVehicle* pVehicle = NULL;
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE != iVehicleID, "TASK_VEHICLE_FOLLOW - You must specify a vehicle to drive"))
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- }
- if(!pVehicle)
- {
- return;
- }
- CEntity *pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CEntity>(iFollowEntityID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (!pEntity)
- {
- return;
- }
- sVehicleMissionParams params;
- params.m_iDrivingFlags = iDrivingFlags;
- params.SetTargetEntity(pEntity);
- params.m_fCruiseSpeed = fCruiseSpeed;
- CTaskVehicleFollow* pFollowTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleFollow(params, iFollowDistance);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pFollowTask);
- }
- void CommandTaskHeliProtect( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iEscortEntityID, float fCruiseSpeed, int iDrivingFlags, float fCustomOffset, int iMinHeightAboveTerrain, int iHeliFlags)
- {
- CVehicle* pVehicle = NULL;
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE != iVehicleID, "TASK_VEHICLE_HELI_PROTECT - You must specify a vehicle to drive"))
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- }
- if(!pVehicle)
- {
- return;
- }
- CEntity *pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CEntity>(iEscortEntityID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (!pEntity)
- {
- return;
- }
- sVehicleMissionParams params;
- params.m_iDrivingFlags = iDrivingFlags;
- params.SetTargetEntity(pEntity);
- params.m_fCruiseSpeed = fCruiseSpeed;
- if (iMinHeightAboveTerrain < 0)
- {
- iMinHeightAboveTerrain = CTaskVehicleGoToHelicopter::DEFAULT_MIN_HEIGHT_ABOVE_TERRAIN;
- }
- CTask* pHeliTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleHeliProtect(params, fCustomOffset, iMinHeightAboveTerrain, iHeliFlags);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pHeliTask);
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleChase(int iPedID, int iTargetID)
- {
- //Ensure the ped is valid.
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "TASK_VEHICLE_CHASE - The ped is invalid."))
- {
- return;
- }
- //Ensure the ped is in a vehicle.
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetVehiclePedInside(), "TASK_VEHICLE_CHASE - The ped is not in a vehicle."))
- {
- return;
- }
- //Ensure the target is valid.
- CPed* pTarget = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iTargetID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTarget, "TASK_VEHICLE_CHASE - The target is invalid."))
- {
- return;
- }
- //Ensure the target is in a vehicle.
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTarget->GetVehiclePedInside(), "TASK_VEHICLE_CHASE - The target is not in a vehicle."))
- {
- return;
- }
- //Create the task.
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleChase(pTarget);
- //Give the task to the ped.
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_VEHICLE_CHASE, "TASK_VEHICLE_CHASE");
- }
- void CommandSetTaskVehicleChaseBehaviorFlag(int iPedID, int iFlag, bool bValue)
- {
- //Ensure the ped is valid.
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- {
- return;
- }
- //Ensure the vehicle chase task is valid.
- CTaskVehicleChase* pTask = static_cast<CTaskVehicleChase *>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_CHASE));
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "SET_TASK_VEHICLE_CHASE_BEHAVIOR_FLAG - The task is invalid."))
- {
- return;
- }
- //Change the behavior flag.
- pTask->ChangeBehaviorFlag(CTaskVehicleChase::Overrides::Script, (CTaskVehicleChase::BehaviorFlags)iFlag, bValue);
- }
- void CommandSetTaskVehicleChaseIdealPursuitDistance(int iPedID, float fIdealPursuitDistance)
- {
- //Ensure the ped is valid.
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- {
- return;
- }
- //Ensure the vehicle chase task is valid.
- CTaskVehicleChase* pTask = static_cast<CTaskVehicleChase *>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_CHASE));
- {
- return;
- }
- //Set the ideal distance.
- pTask->SetIdealDistanceForPursue(CTaskVehicleChase::Overrides::Script, fIdealPursuitDistance);
- }
- void CommandTaskPlaneChase(int iPedID, int iTargetID, const scrVector & vTargetOffset)
- {
- //Ensure the ped is valid.
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "TASK_PLANE_CHASE - The ped is invalid."))
- {
- return;
- }
- //Ensure the target is valid.
- CEntity const* pTarget = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iTargetID);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTarget, "TASK_PLANE_CHASE - The target is invalid."))
- {
- return;
- }
- CAITarget target;
- target.SetEntityAndOffsetUnlimited(pTarget, vTargetOffset);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskPlaneChase(target);
- //Give the task to the ped.
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_PLANE_CHASE, "TASK_PLANE_CHASE");
- }
- void CommandTaskPlaneLand(int iPedID, int iVehicleID, const scrVector & vRunWayStart, const scrVector & vRunWayEnd)
- {
- //Ensure the ped is valid.
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "TASK_PLANE_LAND - The ped is invalid."))
- {
- return;
- }
- CVehicle* pVehicle = NULL;
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE != iVehicleID, "TASK_PLANE_LAND - You must specify a vehicle!"))
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID);
- }
- if(!pVehicle)
- {
- return;
- }
- //Create the task.
- CTask* pTaskVehicleLandPlane = rage_new CTaskVehicleLandPlane((Vec3V)vRunWayStart, (Vec3V)vRunWayEnd);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pTaskVehicleLandPlane);
- //Give the task to the ped.
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_PLANE_LAND, "TASK_PLANE_CHASE");
- }
- void CommandTaskHeliChase(int iPedID, int iTargetID, const scrVector & vTargetOffset)
- {
- //Ensure the ped is valid.
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "TASK_HELI_CHASE - The ped is invalid."))
- {
- return;
- }
- //Ensure the target is valid.
- const CEntity* pTarget = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iTargetID);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTarget, "TASK_HELI_CHASE - The target is invalid."))
- {
- return;
- }
- //Create the task.
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskHeliChase(CAITarget(pTarget), (Vec3V)vTargetOffset);
- //Give the task to the ped.
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_HELI_CHASE, "TASK_HELI_CHASE");
- }
- void CommandSetTaskHeliChaseTargetOffset(int iPedID, const scrVector & vTargetOffset)
- {
- //Ensure the ped is valid.
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "SET_TASK_HELI_CHASE_TARGET_OFFSET - The ped is invalid."))
- {
- return;
- }
- //Ensure the vehicle chase task is valid.
- CTaskHeliChase* pTask = static_cast<CTaskHeliChase *>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_HELI_CHASE));
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "SET_TASK_HELI_CHASE_TARGET_OFFSET - The task is invalid."))
- {
- return;
- }
- //Set the target offset.
- pTask->SetTargetOffset((Vec3V)vTargetOffset);
- }
- void CommandSetTaskHeliChaseTargetOffsetWorldSpace(int iPedID, bool bTargetOffsetWorldSpace)
- {
- //Ensure the ped is valid.
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- {
- return;
- }
- //Ensure the vehicle chase task is valid.
- CTaskHeliChase* pTask = static_cast<CTaskHeliChase *>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_HELI_CHASE));
- {
- return;
- }
- //Set the target offset.
- pTask->SetTargetOffsetRelative(bTargetOffsetWorldSpace ? CTaskHeliChase::OffsetRelative_World : CTaskHeliChase::OffsetRelative_Local );
- }
- void CommandSetTaskHeliChaseOrientation(int iPedID, int iOrientationMode, int iOrientationRelative, float in_orientation)
- {
- //Ensure the ped is valid.
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "SET_TASK_HELI_CHASE_ORIENTATION - The ped is invalid."))
- {
- return;
- }
- //Ensure the vehicle chase task is valid.
- CTaskHeliChase* pTask = static_cast<CTaskHeliChase *>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_HELI_CHASE));
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "SET_TASK_HELI_CHASE_ORIENTATION - The task is invalid."))
- {
- return;
- }
- pTask->SetOrientationMode(static_cast<CTaskHeliChase::OrientationMode>(iOrientationMode));
- pTask->SetOrientationRelative(static_cast<CTaskHeliChase::OrientationRelative>(iOrientationRelative));
- pTask->SetOrientationOffset(in_orientation);
- }
- void CommandTaskWeaponRoll( int UNUSED_PARAM(iPedID), bool UNUSED_PARAM(bRight))
- {
- Assertf(false, "unsupported command TASK_WEAPON_ROLL");
- MUST_FIX_THIS(anim missing);
- }
- bool CommandControlMountedWeapon( int iPedID )
- {
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- bool inVehicle = pPed->GetPedConfigFlag( CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_InVehicle );
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(inVehicle , "CONTROL_MOUNTED_WEAPON: ped is not in vehicle!"))
- {
- if(CTaskVehicleMountedWeapon::IsTaskValid(pPed))
- {
- CTask* pControlVehicleTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskPrimaryByType( CTaskTypes::TASK_CONTROL_VEHICLE );
- if( pControlVehicleTask )
- {
- CTaskControlVehicle* pTaskControlVehicle=static_cast<CTaskControlVehicle*>(pControlVehicleTask);
- pTaskControlVehicle->SetDesiredSubtask(NULL);
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandSetMountedWeaponTarget(int iPedID, int iOtherPedID, int iTargetVehicleID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, int TaskMode, bool bIgnoreTargetVehDeadCheck)
- {
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>( iPedID );
- if( pPed )
- {
- // Determine the type of target to updateSET_MOUNTED_WEAPON_TARGET
- const CEntity *pTargetEntity = NULL;
- // Ped target
- {
- if( !SCRIPT_VERIFY( iTargetVehicleID == NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE, "SET_MOUNTED_WEAPON_TARGET - Can't have a target ped and a target car" ) )
- return;
- const CPed* pTargetPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>( iOtherPedID );
- if( !SCRIPT_VERIFY( pTargetPed, "SET_MOUNTED_WEAPON_TARGET - Target ped doesn't exist" ) )
- return;
- pTargetEntity = pTargetPed;
- }
- // Vehicle target
- if( iTargetVehicleID != NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE )
- {
- const CVehicle *pTargetVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CVehicle>( iTargetVehicleID, bIgnoreTargetVehDeadCheck ? CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_NO_DEAD_CHECK : CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_ALL );
- if( !SCRIPT_VERIFY( pTargetVehicle, "SET_MOUNTED_WEAPON_TARGET - Target vehicle doesn't exist" ) )
- return;
- pTargetEntity = pTargetVehicle;
- }
- // Set the target
- const Vector3 vTargetCoords( scrVecCoors );
- aiTask* pMountedWeaponBase = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType( CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_MOUNTED_WEAPON );
- if( pMountedWeaponBase )
- {
- //Updated the mode
- static_cast<CTaskVehicleMountedWeapon*>(pMountedWeaponBase)->SetMode((CTaskVehicleMountedWeapon::eTaskMode)TaskMode);
- //Set the target
- if( pTargetEntity )
- static_cast<CTaskVehicleMountedWeapon*>(pMountedWeaponBase)->SetTarget( pTargetEntity, &vTargetCoords );
- else
- static_cast<CTaskVehicleMountedWeapon*>(pMountedWeaponBase)->SetTargetPosition( vTargetCoords );
- }
- Assertf( pMountedWeaponBase, "SET_MOUNTED_WEAPON_TARGET - Native function invoked but ped has no gun or vehicle gun task." );
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandClearMountedWeaponTaskUnderneathDrivingTask(int iPedID)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- bool inVehicle = pPed->GetPedConfigFlag( CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_InVehicle );
- {
- CTask* pCurrent=pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_CONTROL_VEHICLE );
- if( pCurrent )
- {
- CTaskControlVehicle* pTaskControlVehicle=static_cast<CTaskControlVehicle*>(pCurrent);
- if( scriptVerifyf( pTaskControlVehicle->GetDesiredSubtask() && pTaskControlVehicle->GetDesiredSubtask()->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_MOUNTED_WEAPON, "CLEAR_MOUNTED_WEAPON_TASK_UNDERNEATH_DRIVING_TASK no mounted weapon task running, use IS_MOUNTED_WEAPON_TASK_UNDERNEATH_DRIVING_TASK" ) )
- {
- pTaskControlVehicle->SetDesiredSubtask(NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bool CommandIsMountedWeaponTaskUnderneathDrivingTask(int iPedID)
- {
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- bool inVehicle = pPed->GetPedConfigFlag( CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_InVehicle );
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(inVehicle, "IS_MOUNTED_WEAPON_TASK_UNDERNEATH_DRIVING_TASK: ped is not in vehicle or on a mount!"))
- {
- CTask* pCurrent = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_MOUNTED_WEAPON);
- if( pCurrent )
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandTaskDriveBy( int iPedID, int iOtherPedID, int iTargetVehicleID,
- const scrVector & scrVecCoors, float fAbortRange, int iFrequencyPercentage, bool bPushUnderneathDrivingTaskIfDriving, int iFiringPatternHash )
- {
- Vector3 TempVec, CentreVec, VecDiff;
- CPed *pPed;
- const CPed *pSecondPed;
- const CVehicle *pSecondVehicle;
- CTask* pTask;
- TempVec = Vector3(scrVecCoors);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY( (iFrequencyPercentage >= 0) && (iFrequencyPercentage <= 100), "TASK_DRIVE_BY - Frequency should be between 0 and 100"))
- return;
- const CEntity *pTargetEntity = NULL;
- if (iOtherPedID != NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE) // >= 0)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iTargetVehicleID == NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE, "TASK_DRIVE_BY - Can't have a target ped and a target car"))
- {
- pSecondPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iOtherPedID);
- if(!pSecondPed)
- return;
- pTargetEntity = pSecondPed;
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pSecondPed = NULL;
- }
- if (iTargetVehicleID != NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE) // >= 0)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iOtherPedID == NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE, "TASK_DRIVE_BY - Can't have a target ped and a target car"))
- {
- pSecondVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CVehicle>(iTargetVehicleID);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pSecondVehicle, "TASK_DRIVE_BY - Target vehicle doesn't exist"))
- return;
- pTargetEntity = pSecondVehicle;
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pSecondVehicle = NULL;
- }
- // Set up the arguments
- CAITarget target;
- if( pTargetEntity )
- {
- target.SetEntityAndOffset(pTargetEntity,TempVec);
- }
- else
- {
- target.SetPosition(TempVec);
- }
- const u32 uFiringPattern = iFiringPatternHash != 0 ? (u32)iFiringPatternHash : ATSTRINGHASH("FIRING_PATTERN_BURST_FIRE_DRIVEBY", 0x0d31265f2);
- bool bAlreadydoingDriveBy=false;
- {
- pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- bool inVehicle = pPed->GetPedConfigFlag( CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_InVehicle );
- bool onMount = (pPed->GetMyMount() != NULL);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(inVehicle || onMount, "TASK_DRIVE_BY: char is not in vehicle or on a mount!"))
- {
- CTask* pControlVehicleTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskPrimaryByType( CTaskTypes::TASK_CONTROL_VEHICLE );
- CTask* pCurrent=pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetTaskAtPriority(PED_TASK_PRIORITY_PRIMARY);
- if(pCurrent && pCurrent->GetTaskType()==CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_GUN)
- {
- CTaskVehicleGun* pTaskDriveBy=(CTaskVehicleGun*)pCurrent;
- if(pTaskDriveBy->GetTarget().GetEntity()==pSecondPed)
- {
- bAlreadydoingDriveBy=true;
- }
- }
- else if( bPushUnderneathDrivingTaskIfDriving && pControlVehicleTask )
- {
- CTaskControlVehicle* pTaskControlVehicle=static_cast<CTaskControlVehicle*>(pControlVehicleTask);
- pTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleGun(CTaskVehicleGun::Mode_Fire,uFiringPattern,&target,((float)iFrequencyPercentage)/100.0f,fAbortRange);
- pTaskControlVehicle->SetDesiredSubtask(pTask);
- bAlreadydoingDriveBy=true;
- }
- else if(onMount && bPushUnderneathDrivingTaskIfDriving)
- {
- CTaskComplexControlMovement* pControlTask = static_cast<CTaskComplexControlMovement*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_COMPLEX_CONTROL_MOVEMENT));
- if(pControlTask)
- {
- const int existingSubTask = pControlTask->GetMainSubTaskType();
- if(existingSubTask == CTaskTypes::TASK_NONE || existingSubTask == CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_GUN)
- {
- pTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleGun(CTaskVehicleGun::Mode_Fire,uFiringPattern,&target,((float)iFrequencyPercentage)/100.0f,fAbortRange);
- pControlTask->SetNewMainSubtask(pTask);
- bAlreadydoingDriveBy=true;
- }
- // Note: not entirely sure what to do in the case of there being a subtask that's something
- // else than CTaskVehicleGun. Now, it would still give you the driveby task, but running as the
- // main task. This seems consistent with the vehicle case and is probably acceptable.
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(!bAlreadydoingDriveBy)
- {
- pTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleGun(CTaskVehicleGun::Mode_Fire,uFiringPattern,&target,((float)iFrequencyPercentage)/100.0f,fAbortRange);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_DRIVE_BY, "TASK_DRIVE_BY");
- }
- }
- void CommandSetDriveByTarget(int iPedID, int iOtherPedID, int iTargetVehicleID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors)
- {
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>( iPedID );
- if( pPed )
- {
- // Determine the type of target to update
- const CEntity *pTargetEntity = NULL;
- // Ped target
- {
- if( !SCRIPT_VERIFY( iTargetVehicleID == NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE, "SET_DRIVERBY_TASK_TARGET - Can't have a target ped and a target car" ) )
- return;
- const CPed* pTargetPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>( iOtherPedID );
- if( !SCRIPT_VERIFY( pTargetPed, "SET_DRIVERBY_TASK_TARGET - Target ped doesn't exist" ) )
- return;
- pTargetEntity = pTargetPed;
- }
- // Vehicle target
- if( iTargetVehicleID != NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE )
- {
- const CVehicle *pTargetVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CVehicle>( iTargetVehicleID );
- if( !SCRIPT_VERIFY( pTargetVehicle, "SET_DRIVERBY_TASK_TARGET - Target vehicle doesn't exist" ) )
- return;
- pTargetEntity = pTargetVehicle;
- }
- // Set the target
- const Vector3 vTargetCoords( scrVecCoors );
- // Check the gun task
- aiTask* pGunTaskBase = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType( CTaskTypes::TASK_GUN );
- if( pGunTaskBase )
- {
- CWeaponTarget target;
- if( pTargetEntity )
- target.SetEntityAndOffset( pTargetEntity, vTargetCoords );
- else
- target.SetPosition( vTargetCoords );
- static_cast<CTaskGun*>(pGunTaskBase)->SetTarget( target );
- }
- // Check vehicle gun task just in case
- aiTask* pVehicleGunTaskBase = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType( CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_GUN );
- if( pVehicleGunTaskBase )
- {
- if( pTargetEntity )
- static_cast<CTaskVehicleGun*>(pVehicleGunTaskBase)->SetTarget( pTargetEntity, &vTargetCoords );
- else
- static_cast<CTaskVehicleGun*>(pVehicleGunTaskBase)->SetTargetPosition( vTargetCoords );
- }
- Assertf( pGunTaskBase || pVehicleGunTaskBase, "SET_DRIVERBY_TASK_TARGET - Native function invoked but ped has no gun or vehicle gun task." );
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandClearDrivebyTaskUnderneathDrivingTask(int iPedID)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- bool inVehicle = pPed->GetPedConfigFlag( CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_InVehicle );
- bool onMount = (pPed->GetMyMount() != NULL);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(inVehicle || onMount, "CLEAR_DRIVEBY_TASK_UNDERNEATH_DRIVING_TASK: char is not in vehicle or on a mount!"))
- {
- CTask* pCurrent=pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_CONTROL_VEHICLE );
- if( pCurrent )
- {
- CTaskControlVehicle* pTaskControlVehicle=static_cast<CTaskControlVehicle*>(pCurrent);
- if( scriptVerifyf( pTaskControlVehicle->GetDesiredSubtask() && pTaskControlVehicle->GetDesiredSubtask()->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_GUN, "CLEAR_DRIVEBY_TASK_UNDERNEATH_DRIVING_TASK no driveby task running, use IS_DRIVEBY_TASK_UNDERNEATH_DRIVING_TASK" ) )
- {
- pTaskControlVehicle->SetDesiredSubtask(NULL);
- }
- }
- else if(onMount)
- {
- CTaskComplexControlMovement* pControlTask = static_cast<CTaskComplexControlMovement*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_COMPLEX_CONTROL_MOVEMENT));
- if(pControlTask)
- {
- const int existingSubTask = pControlTask->GetMainSubTaskType();
- if(existingSubTask == CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_GUN)
- {
- pControlTask->SetNewMainSubtask(NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bool CommandIsDrivebyTaskUnderneathDrivingTask(int iPedID)
- {
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- bool inVehicle = pPed->GetPedConfigFlag( CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_InVehicle );
- bool onMount = (pPed->GetMyMount() != NULL);
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(inVehicle || onMount, "IS_DRIVEBY_TASK_UNDERNEATH_DRIVING_TASK: char is not in vehicle or on a mount!"))
- {
- CTask* pCurrent=pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_CONTROL_VEHICLE);
- if( pCurrent )
- {
- CTaskControlVehicle* pTaskControlVehicle=static_cast<CTaskControlVehicle*>(pCurrent);
- return (pTaskControlVehicle->GetDesiredSubtask() && pTaskControlVehicle->GetDesiredSubtask()->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_GUN);
- }
- else if(onMount)
- {
- CTaskComplexControlMovement* pControlTask = static_cast<CTaskComplexControlMovement*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_COMPLEX_CONTROL_MOVEMENT));
- if(pControlTask)
- {
- const int existingSubTask = pControlTask->GetMainSubTaskType();
- return existingSubTask == CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_GUN;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandTaskUseMobilePhone( int iPedID, bool bUsePhone, int eDesiredPhoneMode )
- {
- if (bUsePhone)
- {
- {
- // pulled inside due to the NULL check
- bool bShouldCreatePhoneTask = true;
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = (bShouldCreatePhoneTask ? pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByTreeAndType(PED_TASK_TREE_SECONDARY, CTaskTypes::TASK_MOBILE_PHONE) : NULL);
- if (pTask)
- {
- CTaskMobilePhone* pTaskMobilePhone = static_cast<CTaskMobilePhone*>(pTask);
- pTaskMobilePhone->PutUpToEar();
- bShouldCreatePhoneTask = false;
- }
- pTask = (bShouldCreatePhoneTask ? pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_MOTION_IN_COVER) : NULL);
- if (pTask && pTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_MOTION_IN_COVER)
- {
- CTaskMotionInCover* pTaskCover = (CTaskMotionInCover*)pTask;
- pTaskCover->ProcessUseMobilePhone(true); // Pick up phone
- bShouldCreatePhoneTask = false;
- }
- }
- if (bShouldCreatePhoneTask)
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskMobilePhone(CTaskMobilePhone::PhoneMode(eDesiredPhoneMode));
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->AddTaskSecondary(pTask, PED_TASK_SECONDARY_PARTIAL_ANIM);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We still have to try and send the task if this is called from script in a sequence.
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskMobilePhone(CTaskMobilePhone::PhoneMode(eDesiredPhoneMode), -1, false);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY( NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE != iPedID, "TASK_USE_MOBILE_PHONE( ped, FALSE ) Cannot be used in a sequence"))
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByTreeAndType(PED_TASK_TREE_SECONDARY, CTaskTypes::TASK_MOBILE_PHONE);
- if (pTask)
- {
- CTaskMobilePhone* pTaskPhone = (CTaskMobilePhone*)pTask;
- pTaskPhone->PutDownToPrevState();
- }
- // Make sure any mobile phone tasks in the event queue are removed.
- for (s32 i = 0; i < pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetNumEventsInQueue(); i++)
- {
- CEvent* pEvent = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetEventByIndex(i);
- if (pEvent && pEvent->GetEventType() == EVENT_SCRIPT_COMMAND)
- {
- CEventScriptCommand* pEventScript = static_cast<CEventScriptCommand*>(pEvent);
- if (pEventScript->GetTask() && pEventScript->GetTask()->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_MOBILE_PHONE)
- {
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->RemoveEvent(pEvent);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandAddFollowNavmeshToPhoneTask( int iPedID, const scrVector & svTargetPos, float fMoveBlendRatio )
- {
- Assert(fMoveBlendRatio >= MOVEBLENDRATIO_WALK && fMoveBlendRatio <= MOVEBLENDRATIO_SPRINT);
- Vector3 vTargetPos = svTargetPos;
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTaskSecondary = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByTreeAndType(PED_TASK_TREE_SECONDARY, CTaskTypes::TASK_MOBILE_PHONE);
- if(pTaskSecondary)
- {
- CTaskComplexControlMovement* pControlTask = static_cast<CTaskComplexControlMovement*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_COMPLEX_CONTROL_MOVEMENT));
- if(pControlTask)
- {
- CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh * pNavMeshTask = rage_new CTaskMoveFollowNavMesh(fMoveBlendRatio, vTargetPos);
- pNavMeshTask->SetIsScriptedRoute(true);
- pControlTask->SetNewMoveTask(pNavMeshTask);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskUseMobilePhoneTimed( int iPedID, int iTime )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_USE_MOBILE_PHONE_TIMED - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByTreeAndType(PED_TASK_TREE_SECONDARY, CTaskTypes::TASK_MOBILE_PHONE);
- if (!pTask)
- {
- pTask = rage_new CTaskMobilePhone(CTaskMobilePhone::Mode_ToCall, iTime);
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->AddTaskSecondary(pTask, PED_TASK_SECONDARY_PARTIAL_ANIM);
- }
- else
- {
- // we already have one, just reset it
- CTaskMobilePhone* pTaskMobilePhone = static_cast<CTaskMobilePhone*>(pTask);
- pTaskMobilePhone->ResetTaskMobilePhone(CTaskMobilePhone::Mode_ToCall, iTime);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We still have to try and send the task if this is called from script in a sequence.
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskMobilePhone(CTaskMobilePhone::Mode_ToCall, iTime, false);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskUseWalkieTalkie( int UNUSED_PARAM(iPedID), const char* UNUSED_PARAM(szContext) )
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "TASK_USE_WALKIE_TALKIE has been deprecated");
- }
- void CommandTaskCapturePed(int UNUSED_PARAM(iPedID), int UNUSED_PARAM(iOtherPedID), float UNUSED_PARAM(fCaptureTime), float UNUSED_PARAM(fTimeToQuestion))
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "TASK_CAPTURE_PED is deprecated");
- }
- void CommandTaskAdvanceToTargetInLine(int iPedID, int iOtherPedID, const scrVector & svTargetLocation, float fDesiredDist, float fTimeToHoldAtEnd, int iFlags)
- {
- // If we aren't running this in a sequence, assert on the peds group
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- Assertf(pPed->GetPedsGroup(), "Ped running TASK_ADVANCE_TO_TARGET_IN_LINE must have a valid group");
- }
- // Get the other ped or location or both to determine the target type
- CPed* pOtherPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iOtherPedID);
- Vector3 vTargetLoc = svTargetLocation;
- Assertf(pOtherPed || vTargetLoc.IsNonZero(), "Target must be a valid ped or a non-origin position");
- CAITarget target;
- if(pOtherPed)
- {
- target = vTargetLoc.IsZero() ? CAITarget(pOtherPed) : CAITarget(pOtherPed, vTargetLoc);
- }
- else
- {
- target = CAITarget(vTargetLoc);
- }
- // Create our new task and give it to the ped
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskSwatFollowInLine(target, fDesiredDist, fTimeToHoldAtEnd, iFlags);
- }
- void CommandSetChargeTargetEnabled(bool bEnabled)
- {
- CTaskCombat::ms_Tunables.m_ChargeTuning.m_bChargeTargetEnabled = bEnabled;
- }
- void CommandSetMaxNumActiveChargers(int iMaxActiveChargers)
- {
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY(iMaxActiveChargers >= 0, "SET_MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_CHARGERS -- negative MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_CHARGERS requested") )
- {
- CTaskCombat::ms_Tunables.m_ChargeTuning.m_uMaxNumActiveChargers = (u8)iMaxActiveChargers;
- }
- }
- void CommandSetMinTimeBetweenChargesAtSameTarget(float fMinTimeSeconds)
- {
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY(fMinTimeSeconds >= 0.0f, "SET_MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_CHARGES_AT_SAME_TARGET -- negative MIN_TIME_SECONDS requested") )
- {
- CTaskCombat::ms_Tunables.m_ChargeTuning.m_uMinTimeBetweenChargesAtSameTargetMS = (u32)(fMinTimeSeconds * 1000.0f);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskChatToPed(int iPedID, int iOtherPedID, int iFlags, const scrVector & vGoToPos, float fHeadingDegs, float fIdleTime)
- {
- CPed* pOtherPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iOtherPedID);
- if (pOtherPed)
- {
- // Convert the heading to radians, in the -PI..PI range.
- float fHeading = CanonicalizeAngle(fHeadingDegs*DtoR);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskChat(pOtherPed, iFlags, vGoToPos, fHeading, fIdleTime);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_CHAT_TO_PED, "TASK_CHAT_TO_PED");
- }
- }
- bool CommandIsChattingPedInPosition(int iPedID)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_CHAT);
- if (pTask && static_cast<CTaskChat*>(pTask)->IsInPosition())
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CommandIsChattingPedPlayingAnim(int iPedID)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_CHAT);
- if (pTask && static_cast<CTaskChat*>(pTask)->IsPlayingClip())
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandMakeChattingPedPlayAnim(int UNUSED_PARAM(iPedID), const char *UNUSED_PARAM(pAnimDictName), const char *UNUSED_PARAM(pAnimName), float UNUSED_PARAM(fBlendInDelta), int UNUSED_PARAM(nTimeToPlay), int UNUSED_PARAM(nControlFlags))
- {
- // GSALES - killing this so I can get rid of the old anim control flag stuff. It doesn't seem to be used anywhere any more.
- scriptAssertf(0, "MAKE_CHATTING_PED_PLAY_ANIM - This command is deprecated. See an animation programmer.");
- }
- void CommandMakeChattingPedLeave(int iPedID, bool bPlayGoodByeGestures)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_CHAT);
- if (pTask)
- {
- static_cast<CTaskChat*>(pTask)->LeaveChat(bPlayGoodByeGestures);
- }
- }
- }
- enum {
- };
- bool CommandGetMobilePhoneTaskSubTask( int iPedID, int &ReturnSubTask)
- {
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CTaskComplexUseMobilePhone *pTaskUseMobile = (CTaskComplexUseMobilePhone*)pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_COMPLEX_USE_MOBILE_PHONE);
- // Assertf(pTaskUseMobile, "%s:GET_MOBILE_PHONE_TASK_SUB_TASK - ped is not performing the mobile phone task", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- if (pTaskUseMobile)
- {
- CTask *pSubTask = pTaskUseMobile->GetSubTask();
- if (pSubTask)
- {
- switch (pSubTask->GetTaskType())
- {
- case CTaskTypes::TASK_SIMPLE_PHONE_IN:
- break;
- break;
- break;
- default: // return the same value for all other sub task types?
- break;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- // if the ped isn't performing TASK_COMPLEX_USE_MOBILE_PHONE then ReturnSubTask will be MOBILE_SUB_TASK_PHONE_IN
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandTaskWarpPedIntoVehicle( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, int iSeat )
- {
- scriptAssertf(!NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress(), "%s:TASK_WARP_PED_INTO_VEHICLE is not safe in network games! Use TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE with the warp flag set instead!", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- CVehicle *pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID);
- if(pVehicle)
- {
- s32 iSeatIndex = iSeat+1;
- if( iSeatIndex == -1 )
- {
- // If -2 is passed in, we should put the ped into any passenger seat
- for (s32 seatIndex=1; seatIndex<pVehicle->GetSeatManager()->GetMaxSeats(); seatIndex++)
- {
- if (!pVehicle->GetSeatManager()->GetPedInSeat(seatIndex))
- {
- iSeatIndex = seatIndex;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!SCRIPT_VERIFY(iSeatIndex != -1, "TASK_WARP_PED_INTO_VEHICLE - Couldn't find free passenger seat to put ped in"))
- return;
- }
- if( iSeatIndex != -1 )
- {
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY((iSeatIndex < pVehicle->GetSeatManager()->GetMaxSeats()), "TASK_WARP_PED_INTO_VEHICLE - Seat number is too large"))
- return;
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pVehicle->GetSeatManager()->GetPedInSeat(iSeatIndex), "TASK_WARP_PED_INTO_VEHICLE - Vehicle already has a passenger in the specified seat"))
- return;
- }
- CTaskSetPedInVehicle* pTask=rage_new CTaskSetPedInVehicle(pVehicle, iSeatIndex, CPed::PVF_Warp);
- }
- }
- // Warps a ped to a position on an entity with defined combination of limbs attached and sets the ped to ragdoll.
- void CommandTaskNMAttachPedToEntity(int iPedID, int iEntityID, int iAttachParentBone, const scrVector & vOffset, const scrVector & vRotation, int iAttachFlags, const char* pAnimDict, const char * pGetOnAnimName, const char* pIdleAnimName, int RotOrder)
- {
- s32 animDictIndex;
- CPhysical* pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(iEntityID);
- if(scriptVerifyf(!NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress(), "TASK_NM_ATTACH_PED_TO_ENTITY - This script command is not allowed in network game scripts!"))
- {
- if(pEntity)
- {
- if(scriptVerifyf(fwAnimManager::GetClipIfExistsByName(pAnimDict, pGetOnAnimName), "Check that the dictionary: %s is loaded and the anim: %s is contained with the dictionary",pAnimDict ,pGetOnAnimName ))
- {
- if(scriptVerifyf(fwAnimManager::GetClipIfExistsByName(pAnimDict, pIdleAnimName), "Check that the dictionary: %s is loaded and the anim: %s is contained with the dictionary",pAnimDict ,pIdleAnimName))
- {
- animDictIndex = fwAnimManager::FindSlot(pAnimDict).Get();
- Quaternion rotationQuaternion;
- CScriptEulers::QuaternionFromEulers(rotationQuaternion, vRotation, static_cast<EulerAngleOrder>(RotOrder));
- CTaskAnimatedAttach* pTaskAttach=rage_new CTaskAnimatedAttach(pEntity, iAttachParentBone, vOffset, rotationQuaternion, iAttachFlags, animDictIndex, atStringHash(pGetOnAnimName), atStringHash(pIdleAnimName) );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskShootAtEntity( int iPedID, int iEntityID, int iTime, int iFiringPatternHash )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_SHOOT_AT_ENTITY - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- const CEntity *pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iEntityID);
- if(pEntity)
- {
- CTaskGun* pTaskGun = rage_new CTaskGun(CWeaponController::WCT_Fire, CTaskTypes::TASK_AIM_GUN_ON_FOOT, CWeaponTarget(pEntity), ((float) iTime) / 1000.0f);
- pTaskGun->SetAllowRestartAfterAbort(true);
- if(iFiringPatternHash)
- {
- pTaskGun->SetFiringPatternHash(iFiringPatternHash);
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedID, pTaskGun, SCRIPT_TASK_SHOOT_AT_ENTITY, "TASK_SHOOT_AT_ENTITY");
- #if 0
- // This block of code is an attempt to make this task work for a mounted ped, left in
- // for reference. Was hoping that we could just use CTaskGun with CTaskAimGunVehicleDriveBy,
- // but there were some complications. Basically, if we bypass CTaskVehicleGun, there is nothing
- // streaming in the animations that CTaskAimGunVehicleDriveBy needs. If on the other hand
- // we create a CTaskVehicleGun instead of CTaskGun, we probably won't have support for
- // the time parameter. /FF
- CTaskTypes::eTaskType aimTaskType = CTaskTypes::TASK_AIM_GUN_ON_FOOT;
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed && pPed->GetMyMount())
- {
- aimTaskType = CTaskTypes::TASK_AIM_GUN_VEHICLE_DRIVE_BY;
- }
- CTaskGun* pTaskGun = rage_new CTaskGun(CWeaponController::WCT_Fire, aimTaskType, CWeaponTarget(pEntity), ((float) iTime) / 1000.0f);
- if(aimTaskType == CTaskTypes::TASK_AIM_GUN_VEHICLE_DRIVE_BY)
- {
- const CVehicleDriveByInfo* pDrivebyInfo = CVehicleMetadataMgr::GetVehicleDriveByInfoFromPed(pPed);
- taskAssert(pDrivebyInfo);
- const CVehicleDriveByAnimInfo* pAnimInfo = CVehicleMetadataMgr::GetDriveByAnimInfoForWeapon(pPed, pPed->GetWeaponManager()->GetEquippedWeaponHash());
- pTaskGun->SetOverrideClipSetId(pAnimInfo->GetClipSet());
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskClimb( int iPedID, bool UNUSED_PARAM(bUsePlayerLaunchForce) )
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskJumpVault(JF_ForceVault);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_CLIMB, "TASK_CLIMB" );
- }
- void CommandTaskClimbLadder( int iPedID, bool bFast )
- {
- CTask *pTask=rage_new CTaskClimbLadderFully(bFast);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask( iPedID,pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_CLIMB_LADDER, "TASK_CLIMB_LADDER");
- }
- void CommandTaskRappelDownWall( int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecStartPos, const scrVector & scrVecRopeAnchorPos, float fDestinationHeight, int ropeID )
- {
- ropeManager* pRopeManager = CPhysics::GetRopeManager();
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY(pRopeManager, "Rope Manager doesn't exist or is damaged!") )
- {
- ropeInstance* pRope = pRopeManager->FindRope( ropeID );
- if( scriptVerifyf(pRope, "Rope with ID: %d, doesn't exist or is damaged!", ropeID) )
- {
- Vector3 vStartPos(scrVecStartPos);
- Vector3 vAnchorPos(scrVecRopeAnchorPos);
- CTask *pTask = rage_new CTaskRappel(fDestinationHeight, vStartPos, vAnchorPos, ropeID, CLIP_SET_ID_INVALID);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskRappelDownWallUsingClipsetOverride(int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecStartPos, const scrVector & scrVecRopeAnchorPos, float fDestinationHeight, int ropeID, const char* szOverrideRappelClipset, bool bSkipClimbOverWall)
- {
- ropeManager* pRopeManager = CPhysics::GetRopeManager();
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pRopeManager, "Rope Manager doesn't exist or is damaged!"))
- {
- ropeInstance* pRope = pRopeManager->FindRope(ropeID);
- if (scriptVerifyf(pRope, "Rope with ID: %d, doesn't exist or is damaged!", ropeID))
- {
- if (szOverrideRappelClipset)
- {
- fwMvClipSetId setId(szOverrideRappelClipset);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFYF(fwClipSetManager::GetClipSet(setId) != NULL, "ClipSet %s did not exist. Are you sure it is in clip_sets.xml?", szOverrideRappelClipset))
- {
- Vector3 vStartPos(scrVecStartPos);
- Vector3 vAnchorPos(scrVecRopeAnchorPos);
- CTask *pTask = rage_new CTaskRappel(fDestinationHeight, vStartPos, vAnchorPos, ropeID, setId, bSkipClimbOverWall);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int CommandsGetTaskRappelDownWallState( int iPedID )
- {
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetQueriableInterface()->IsTaskCurrentlyRunning(CTaskTypes::TASK_RAPPEL))
- {
- return pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetQueriableInterface()->GetStateForTaskType(CTaskTypes::TASK_RAPPEL);
- }
- return -1;
- }
- void CommandClearPedTasksImmediately(int iPedID)
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(pPed)
- {
- pPed->SetPedResetFlag(CPED_RESET_FLAG_ScriptClearingPedTasks, true);
- if(pPed->IsNetworkClone())
- {
- bool bClearTasksImmediately = true;
- CClearPedTasksEvent::Trigger(pPed, bClearTasksImmediately);
- }
- else
- {
- AI_LOG_WITH_ARGS_IF_SCRIPT_OR_PLAYER_PED(pPed, "[Script] - Ped %s has had tasks cleared immediately by script %s\n", AILogging::GetDynamicEntityNameSafe(pPed), CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptName());
- // instantly blend out any remaining animation before the flush
- pPed->GetMovePed().SwitchToAnimated(0, false, true);
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FlushImmediately(true);
- pPed->SetIsCrouching(false);
- pPed->StopAllMotion(true);
- // B*2979918 - too late to change for SP, but don't clear the helmet in MP when clearing tasks. It should be managed separately
- if (!NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress())
- {
- if (pPed->GetHelmetComponent())
- pPed->GetHelmetComponent()->DisableHelmet();
- }
- pPed->SetPedResetFlag( CPED_RESET_FLAG_IsDrowning, false );
- }
- pPed->SetTimeSincePedInWater(60.0f); //B* 1150689
- #if __DEV
- // Record the task in the debug list
- static char stringName[] = "CLEAR_PED_TASKS_IMMEDIATELY";
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->AddScriptHistoryString(stringName, stringName, CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptName(), CTheScripts::GetCurrentGtaScriptThread()->GetThreadPC());
- #endif
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskPerformSequenceFromProgress( int iPedID, int iTaskIndex, int iProgress1, int iProgress2 )
- {
- const int iTaskID = GetActualSequenceId(iTaskIndex);
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(!CTaskSequences::ms_bIsOpened[iTaskID], "TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE_FROM_PROGRESS - Sequence task is still open"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(!CTaskSequences::ms_TaskSequenceLists[iTaskID].IsEmpty(), "TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE_FROM_PROGRESS - sequence task empty"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iProgress1>=0 && iProgress1<CTaskList::MAX_LIST_SIZE, "TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE_FROM_PROGRESS - Sequence task ID too big"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iProgress2<CTaskList::MAX_LIST_SIZE, "TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE_FROM_PROGRESS - Sequence task ID too big"))
- {
- CTaskUseSequence* pTask=rage_new CTaskUseSequence(iTaskID, iTaskIndex);
- pTask->SetProgress((u32)iProgress1,iProgress2);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- float CommandGetPedDesiredMoveBlendRatio( int iPedIndex )
- {
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- return pPed->GetMotionData()->GetDesiredMbrY();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void CommandSetNextDesiredMoveState( float /*NextMoveState*/ )
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "%s:SET_NEXT_DESIRED_MOVE_STATE - Function is deprecated - do not use anymore", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- void CommandSetPedDesiredMoveBlendRatio( int iPedID, float fNewMoveBlendRatio )
- {
- if(!scriptVerifyf(fNewMoveBlendRatio >= MOVEBLENDRATIO_STILL && fNewMoveBlendRatio <= MOVEBLENDRATIO_SPRINT, "SET_PED_DESIRED_MOVE_BLEND_RATIO - move blend ratio %f out of range (%.2f:%.2f)", fNewMoveBlendRatio, MOVEBLENDRATIO_STILL, MOVEBLENDRATIO_SPRINT))
- {
- }
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- //Assertf(fMoveBlendRatio >= MOVEBLENDRATIO_STILL && fMoveBlendRatio <= MOVEBLENDRATIO_SPRINT, "MODIFY_PED_MOVE_BLEND_RATIO - Ratio must be between 0..3 inclusive");
- // Generally speaking we will want to look for the control-movement task in the primary (script) slot.
- // However there's an exception to this rule : if the ped is in a group, they may be entering a vehicle
- // via a task which has been given them in response to CEventLeaderEnteredCarAsDriver (etc), in which
- // case we will want to find the control movement in the TASK_PRIORITY_EVENT_RESPONSE_NONTEMP slot.
- CTaskComplexControlMovement * pCtrlMove = NULL;
- CPedIntelligence * pPedAi = pPed->GetPedIntelligence();
- const int iTaskPriority = pPedAi->GetTaskManager()->GetActiveTaskPriority(PED_TASK_TREE_PRIMARY);
- if(pPed->GetPedsGroup()!=NULL && iTaskPriority==PED_TASK_PRIORITY_EVENT_RESPONSE_NONTEMP
- && pPedAi->GetCurrentEventType()==EVENT_LEADER_ENTERED_CAR_AS_DRIVER)
- {
- pCtrlMove = (CTaskComplexControlMovement*)pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_COMPLEX_CONTROL_MOVEMENT);
- }
- else
- {
- pCtrlMove = (CTaskComplexControlMovement*)pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskPrimaryByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_COMPLEX_CONTROL_MOVEMENT);
- }
- if(!pCtrlMove)
- {
- return;
- }
- CTask * pRunningMoveTask = pCtrlMove->GetRunningMovementTask(pPed);
- CTask * pBackUpMoveTask = pCtrlMove->GetBackupCopyOfMovementSubtask();
- if(pRunningMoveTask)
- {
- Assert(pRunningMoveTask->IsMoveTask());
- pRunningMoveTask->PropagateNewMoveSpeed(fNewMoveBlendRatio);
- }
- if(pBackUpMoveTask)
- {
- Assert(pBackUpMoveTask->IsMoveTask());
- pBackUpMoveTask->PropagateNewMoveSpeed(fNewMoveBlendRatio);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskGotoEntityAiming( int iPedID, int iEntityID, float fSeekRadius, float fAimRadius )
- {
- CTask *pTask;
- const CEntity* pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(iEntityID);
- if(pEntity)
- {
- Assert(fAimRadius>=fSeekRadius);
- pTask=rage_new CTaskSeekEntityAiming(pEntity,fSeekRadius,fAimRadius);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskSetDecisionMaker( int iPedID, int iDecisionMakerId )
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iDecisionMakerId != NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE, "TASK_SET_DECISION_MAKER - NULL passed for decision maker, or variable not initialised"))
- {
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->IsPlayer() == false, "TASK_SET_PED_DECISION_MAKER - Can't change a player's decision maker"))
- {
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->SetDecisionMakerId(iDecisionMakerId);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskSetCharDecisionMaker(iDecisionMakerId);
- }
- }
- }
- void SetPedDefensiveIfNeeded( CPed* pPed )
- {
- if(pPed)
- {
- // If our ped is set as will advance movement then change it to defensive
- CCombatBehaviour& pedCombatBehaviour = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetCombatBehaviour();
- if(pedCombatBehaviour.GetCombatMovement() == CCombatData::CM_WillAdvance)
- {
- pedCombatBehaviour.SetCombatMovement(CCombatData::CM_Defensive);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskSetSphereDefensiveArea(int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecCenter, float fRadius )
- {
- Vector3 vCenter(scrVecCenter);
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetDefensiveAreaManager()->GetPrimaryDefensiveArea()->SetAsSphere( vCenter, fRadius, NULL );
- SetPedDefensiveIfNeeded(pPed);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskSetPedDefensiveArea(vCenter, fRadius);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskClearDefensiveArea(int iPedID)
- {
- bool bGivePedTask = true;
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed && !pPed->IsNetworkClone())
- {
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetDefensiveAreaManager()->GetPrimaryDefensiveArea()->Reset();
- bGivePedTask = false;
- }
- }
- if(bGivePedTask)
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskSetPedDefensiveArea();
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskPedSlideToCoordWithHeadingChangeRate(int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, float fHeadingDegs, float fSpeed, float fHdgChangeRate)
- {
- while(fHeadingDegs < 0.0f) fHeadingDegs += 360.0f;
- while(fHeadingDegs >= 360.0f) fHeadingDegs -= 360.0f;
- const float heading=( DtoR * fHeadingDegs);
- float speed=fSpeed;
- if(speed<0)
- {
- speed=0.1f;
- }
- Vector3 v(scrVecCoors);
- #if __DEV
- {
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- scriptAssertf(DistSquared(RCC_VEC3V(v), pPed->GetTransform().GetPosition()).Getf() < 100.0f, "TASK_PED_SLIDE_TO_COORD_HDG_RATE is moving a ped over 10m.");
- }
- #endif
- static dev_float fTargetRadius = 0.125f; //CTaskMoveGoToPointAndStandStill::ms_fTargetRadius;
- CTaskSequenceList* pTaskList = rage_new CTaskSequenceList();
- CTaskMoveGoToPointAndStandStill * pGotoTask = rage_new CTaskMoveGoToPointAndStandStill(MOVEBLENDRATIO_WALK, v, fTargetRadius);
- pTaskList->AddTask(rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement(pGotoTask));
- CTaskSlideToCoord * pTaskSlide = rage_new CTaskSlideToCoord(v,heading,speed);
- pTaskSlide->SetHeadingIncrement( ( DtoR * fHdgChangeRate) );
- pTaskList->AddTask(pTaskSlide);
- }
- void CommandTaskPedSlideToCoord(int iPedID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, float fHeadingDegs, float fSpeed)
- {
- CommandTaskPedSlideToCoordWithHeadingChangeRate(iPedID, scrVecCoors, fHeadingDegs, fSpeed, 0.0f);
- }
- //This command is not called by any include_command.sch but needs to be incorporated into CommandTaskPedSlideToCoordAndPlayAnim
- void CommandTaskPedSlideToCoordAndPlayAnimWithHeadingChangeRate( int iPedID,
- const scrVector & scrVecCoors,
- float fHeadingDegrees, float fSpeed,
- const char* AnimName, const char* AnimDictName,
- float fBlendDelta,
- bool bLooped, bool bExtractBackwardsVelocity, bool bExtractSidewaysVelocity, bool bHoldOnLastFrame,
- int iTime, float fHdgChangeRate)
- {
- while(fHeadingDegrees < 0.0f) fHeadingDegrees += 360.0f;
- while(fHeadingDegrees >= 360.0f) fHeadingDegrees -= 360.0f;
- const float heading=( DtoR * fHeadingDegrees);
- float speed=fSpeed;
- if(speed<0)
- {
- speed=0.1f;
- }
- s32 flags = 0;
- if ( bLooped || (iTime > 0) )
- {
- flags |= APF_ISLOOPED;
- }
- if (bExtractBackwardsVelocity)
- {
- //flags |= APF_CANEXTRACTYVELOCITY; //These flags no longer exist: GS 09/12/2009
- }
- if (bHoldOnLastFrame == false)
- {
- }
- if (bExtractSidewaysVelocity)
- {
- //scriptAssertf(bExtractBackwardsVelocity, "%s:TASK_PLAY_ANIM - If you want to extract sideways velocity you have to extract forwards velocity too", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- //flags |= APF_CANEXTRACTXVELOCITY; //These flags no longer exist: GS 09/12/2009
- }
- bool bRunInSequence=false;
- if(CTaskSequences::ms_iActiveSequence>=0)
- {
- bRunInSequence=true;
- }
- Vector3 v(scrVecCoors);
- #if __DEV
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- scriptAssertf(DistSquared(RCC_VEC3V(v), pPed->GetTransform().GetPosition()).Getf() < 100.0f, "TASK_PED_SLIDE_TO_COORD_HDG_RATE is moving a ped over 10m.");
- #endif
- static dev_float fTargetRadius = 0.125f; //CTaskMoveGoToPointAndStandStill::ms_fTargetRadius;
- CTaskSequenceList* pTaskList = rage_new CTaskSequenceList();
- // JB: Slightly larger target radius, since peds were occasionally overshooting their target & then sliding back
- CTaskMoveGoToPointAndStandStill * pTaskGoto = rage_new CTaskMoveGoToPointAndStandStill(MOVEBLENDRATIO_WALK, v, fTargetRadius);
- pTaskList->AddTask(rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement(pTaskGoto) );
- CTaskSlideToCoord * pTaskSlide;
- if (iTime > 0)
- {
- pTaskSlide = rage_new CTaskSlideToCoord(v,heading,speed,AnimName,AnimDictName,flags,fBlendDelta,bRunInSequence,iTime);
- }
- else
- {
- pTaskSlide = rage_new CTaskSlideToCoord(v,heading,speed,AnimName,AnimDictName,flags,fBlendDelta,bRunInSequence);
- }
- pTaskSlide->SetHeadingIncrement( ( DtoR * fHdgChangeRate) );
- pTaskList->AddTask(pTaskSlide);
- }
- void CommandTaskPedSlideToCoordAndPlayAnim(
- int iPedID,
- const scrVector & scrVecCoors,
- float fHeadingDegrees, float fSpeed,
- const char* AnimName, const char* AnimDictName,
- float fBlendDelta,
- bool bLooped, bool bExtractBackwardsVelocity, bool bExtractSidewaysVelocity, bool bHoldOnLastFrame,
- int iTime)
- {
- CommandTaskPedSlideToCoordAndPlayAnimWithHeadingChangeRate(
- iPedID, scrVecCoors, fHeadingDegrees, fSpeed, AnimName, AnimDictName, fBlendDelta, bLooped,
- bExtractBackwardsVelocity, bExtractSidewaysVelocity, bHoldOnLastFrame, iTime, 0.0f);
- }
- void CommandTaskDrivePointRouteAdvanced( int iPedID, int iVehicleID, float fCruiseSpeed, int iMode, int VehicleModelHashKey, int iDrivingStyle)
- {
- CVehicle* pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(pVehicle)
- {
- fwModelId VehicleModelId;
- {
- CModelInfo::GetBaseModelInfoFromHashKey((u32) VehicleModelHashKey, &VehicleModelId); // ignores return value
- scriptAssertf( VehicleModelId.IsValid(), "%s:TASK_DRIVE_POINT_ROUTE_ADVANCED - this is not a valid model index", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- }
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskDrivePointRoute(pVehicle,CTaskMoveFollowPointRoute::ms_pointRoute,fCruiseSpeed,iMode,VehicleModelId.GetModelIndex(),7.0f,iDrivingStyle); // 7.0 was -1.0 (finished radius)
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskGuardAssignedDefensiveArea(int iPedIndex, const scrVector & vDefendPosition, float fHeading, float fMaxPatrolProximity, int nTimer)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((nTimer == -1) || (nTimer > 0) ,"TASK_GUARD_ASSIGNED_DEFENSIVE_AREA - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- Vector3 vDefendPosV3 = vDefendPosition;
- float fNewPedHeading = fHeading;
- float fTimer = ((float) nTimer)/1000.0f;
- while (fNewPedHeading < 0.0f)
- {
- fNewPedHeading += 360.0f;
- }
- while (fNewPedHeading > 360.0f)
- {
- fNewPedHeading -= 360.0f;
- }
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskStandGuard( vDefendPosV3, ( DtoR * fNewPedHeading), fMaxPatrolProximity, GM_PatrolDefensiveArea, fTimer);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskGuardAngledDefensiveArea(int iPedIndex, const scrVector & vDefendPosition, float fHeading, float fMaxPatrolProximity, int iTime, const scrVector & sv1, const scrVector & sv2, float fDefensiveAreaWidth)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_GUARD_ANGLED_DEFENSIVE_AREA - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- scriptAssertf(fDefensiveAreaWidth >= CDefensiveArea::GetMinRadius(), "TASK_GUARD_ANGLED_DEFENSIVE_AREA - defensive area radius should be at least %.2f, but passed in - %.2f",CDefensiveArea::GetMinRadius(),fDefensiveAreaWidth);
- Vector3 vDefendPosV3 = vDefendPosition;
- float fNewPedHeading = fHeading;
- float fTimer = ((float) iTime)/1000.0f;
- if (fNewPedHeading < 0.0f)
- {
- fNewPedHeading += 360.0f;
- }
- if (fNewPedHeading > 360.0f)
- {
- fNewPedHeading -= 360.0f;
- }
- Vector3 v1 = sv1;
- Vector3 v2 = sv2;
- CDefensiveArea area;
- area.Set(v1, v2, fDefensiveAreaWidth);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskSetAndGuardArea( vDefendPosV3, ( DtoR * fNewPedHeading), fMaxPatrolProximity, GM_PatrolDefensiveArea, fTimer, area );
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskGuardSphereDefensiveArea(int iPedIndex, const scrVector & vDefendPosition, float fHeading, float fMaxPatrolProximity, int iTime, const scrVector & sv1, float fDefensiveAreaRadius)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_GUARD_SPHERE_DEFENSIVE_AREA - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- Vector3 v1 = sv1;
- Vector3 vDefendPosV3 = vDefendPosition;
- float fNewPedHeading = fHeading;
- float fTimer = ((float) iTime)/1000.0f;
- scriptAssertf(!vDefendPosV3.IsClose(VEC3_ZERO, SMALL_FLOAT), "TASK_GUARD_SPHERE_DEFENSIVE_AREA is tasking a ped to defend the origin. This is is very likely an error.");
- scriptAssertf(fDefensiveAreaRadius >= CDefensiveArea::GetMinRadius(),"TASK_GUARD_SPHERE_DEFENSIVE_AREA - defensive area radius should be at least %.2f, but passed in - %.2f",CDefensiveArea::GetMinRadius(),fDefensiveAreaRadius);
- if (fNewPedHeading < 0.0f)
- {
- fNewPedHeading += 360.0f;
- }
- if (fNewPedHeading > 360.0f)
- {
- fNewPedHeading -= 360.0f;
- }
- CDefensiveArea area;
- area.SetAsSphere(v1, fDefensiveAreaRadius);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskSetAndGuardArea( vDefendPosV3, ( DtoR * fNewPedHeading), fMaxPatrolProximity, GM_PatrolDefensiveArea, fTimer, area );
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskGuardCurrentPosition(int iPedIndex, float fMaxPatrolProximity, float fDefensiveAreaRadius, bool bSetDefensiveArea)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "Invalid ped tasked with TASK_GUARD_CURRENT_POSITION"))
- {
- scriptAssertf(fDefensiveAreaRadius >= CDefensiveArea::GetMinRadius(),"TASK_GUARD_CURRENT_POSITION - defensive area radius should be at least %.2f, but passed in - %.2f",CDefensiveArea::GetMinRadius(),fDefensiveAreaRadius);
- Vector3 vDefendPosV3 = VEC3V_TO_VECTOR3(pPed->GetTransform().GetPosition());
- CDefensiveArea area;
- area.SetAsSphere(vDefendPosV3, fDefensiveAreaRadius);
- float fTimer = -1.0f;
- eGuardMode guardMode = bSetDefensiveArea ? GM_PatrolDefensiveArea : GM_PatrolProximity;
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskSetAndGuardArea( vDefendPosV3, pPed->GetCurrentHeading(), fMaxPatrolProximity, guardMode, fTimer, area, true, bSetDefensiveArea );
- }
- }
- // Stand guard at a position
- void CommandTaskStandGuard(int iPedIndex, const scrVector & vDefendPosition, float fHeading, const char* szContext)
- {
- Vector3 vDefendPosV3 = vDefendPosition;
- float fNewPedHeading = fHeading;
- fwAngle::LimitDegreeAngle(fNewPedHeading);
- if (strcmp(szContext,"Default") == 0)
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskStandGuardFSM( vDefendPosV3, ( DtoR * fNewPedHeading));
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_STAND_GUARD, "TASK_STAND_GUARD");
- }
- else
- {
- s32 scenarioType = CScenarioManager::GetScenarioTypeFromHashKey(atStringHash(szContext));
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskStandGuardFSM( vDefendPosV3, ( DtoR * fNewPedHeading),scenarioType);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_STAND_GUARD, "TASK_STAND_GUARD");
- }
- }
- // Add a scripted cover point
- int CommandAddCoverPoint( const scrVector & scrVecCoors, float fDirection, s32 iUsage, s32 iHeight, s32 iArc, bool bIsPriority)
- {
- AI_LOG_WITH_ARGS("[Script] - Script %s is adding a coverpoint at position (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptName(), scrVecCoors.x, scrVecCoors.y, scrVecCoors.z);
- CScriptResource_Coverpoint coverPoint(Vector3(scrVecCoors), fDirection, iUsage, iHeight, iArc, bIsPriority);
- return CTheScripts::GetCurrentGtaScriptHandler()->RegisterScriptResourceAndGetRef(coverPoint);
- }
- // Remove a scripted cover point
- void CommandRemoveCoverPoint( int iIdentifier )
- {
- AI_LOG_WITH_ARGS("[Script] - Script %s is removing a cover point with ID %d", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptName(), iIdentifier);
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentGtaScriptHandler()->RemoveScriptResource(CGameScriptResource::SCRIPT_RESOURCE_COVERPOINT, iIdentifier);
- }
- bool CommandDoesScriptedCoverPointExistAtCoords( const scrVector & scrVecCoors )
- {
- CCoverPoint* pOverlappingCoverPoint = NULL;
- if (!CCoverPointsContainer::CheckIfNoOverlapAndGetGridCell(scrVecCoors, CCoverPoint::COVTYPE_SCRIPTED, NULL, pOverlappingCoverPoint, false))
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- scrVector CommandGetScriptedCoverPointCoords( int iIdentifier )
- {
- CScriptedCoverPoint* pScriptedCoverPoint = CTheScripts::GetScriptedCoverPointToModifyFromGUID(iIdentifier);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pScriptedCoverPoint ,"GET_SCRIPTED_COVER_POINT_COORDS - Identifier is invalid" ))
- {
- CCoverPoint* pCoverPoint = CCover::FindCoverPointWithIndex(pScriptedCoverPoint->GetScriptIndex());
- if (scriptVerifyf(pCoverPoint, "GET_SCRIPTED_COVER_POINT_COORDS - Cover Point %i Doesn't Exist", iIdentifier))
- {
- Vector3 vCoverPos(Vector3::ZeroType);
- if (scriptVerifyf(pCoverPoint->GetCoverPointPosition(vCoverPos), "GET_SCRIPTED_COVER_POINT_COORDS - Couldn't get cover point coords for cover point with index %i", iIdentifier))
- {
- return vCoverPos;
- }
- }
- }
- return VEC3_ZERO;
- }
- // Add a scripted cover area which will be appended to the streamed cover area array
- void CommandAddScriptedCoverArea(const scrVector & scrVecCoors, const float fRadius)
- {
- if (CPed* pPlayer = CGameWorld::FindLocalPlayer())
- {
- Vector3 vFrom(scrVecCoors);
- Vector3 vDistance = VEC3V_TO_VECTOR3(pPlayer->GetTransformPtr()->GetPosition()) - vFrom;
- float fDistance2 = vDistance.Mag2();
- if (scriptVerifyf(fDistance2 < rage::square(200), "ADD_SCRIPTED_COVER_AREA - Scripted Area Cover distance from player is %fm, it must be within 200m to add.", vDistance.Mag()))
- {
- AI_LOG_WITH_ARGS("[Script] - Script %s is adding a scripted cover area at position (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) with a radius of %.2f", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptName(), scrVecCoors.x, scrVecCoors.y, scrVecCoors.z, fRadius);
- CCover::AddNewScriptedCoverArea(scrVecCoors, fRadius);
- }
- }
- }
- /*int CommandGetScriptedCoverPointStatus( int iIdentifier )
- {
- CScriptedCoverPoint* pScriptedCoverPoint = CTheScripts::GetScriptedCoverPointToModifyFromGUID(iIdentifier);
- if (scriptVerifyf(pScriptedCoverPoint, "GET_SCRIPTED_COVER_POINT_STATUS - Cover Point %i Doesn't Exist", iIdentifier))
- {
- CCoverPoint* pCoverPoint = CCover::FindCoverPointWithIndex(pScriptedCoverPoint->GetScriptIndex());
- if (scriptVerifyf(pCoverPoint, "GET_SCRIPTED_COVER_POINT_STATUS - Cover Point %i Doesn't Exist", iIdentifier))
- {
- return pCoverPoint->GetStatus();
- }
- }
- return CCoverPoint::COVSTATUS_Invalid;
- }*/
- // Seek cover from the given position
- void CommandTaskSeekCoverFromPos( int PedIndex, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, int iTime, bool bAllowPeekingAndFiring )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_SEEK_COVER_FROM_POS - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- float fTime = ( ( float )iTime ) / 1000.0f;
- Vector3 vFrom(scrVecCoors);
- CTaskCover* pCoverTask = rage_new CTaskCover(CAITarget(vFrom), bAllowPeekingAndFiring ? 0 : CTaskCover::CF_DisableAimingAndPeeking);
- pCoverTask->SetSearchFlags(CTaskCover::CF_SeekCover | CTaskCover::CF_CoverSearchAny | CTaskCover::CF_ScriptedSeekCover);
- pCoverTask->SetTimeInCover(fTime);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pCoverTask, SCRIPT_TASK_SEEK_COVER_FROM_POS, "TASK_SEEK_COVER_FROM_POS");
- }
- }
- // Seek cover from the given ped
- void CommandTaskSeekCoverFromPed( int iPedIndex, int iOtherPedIndex, int iTime, bool bAllowPeekingAndFiring )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_SEEK_COVER_FROM_PED - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- float fTime = ( ( float )iTime ) / 1000.0f;
- const CPed *pOtherPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iOtherPedIndex);
- if(!pOtherPed)
- return;
- CTaskCover* pCoverTask = rage_new CTaskCover(CAITarget(pOtherPed), bAllowPeekingAndFiring ? 0 : CTaskCover::CF_DisableAimingAndPeeking);
- pCoverTask->SetSearchFlags(CTaskCover::CF_SeekCover | CTaskCover::CF_CoverSearchAny | CTaskCover::CF_ScriptedSeekCover);
- pCoverTask->SetTimeInCover(fTime);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedIndex, pCoverTask, SCRIPT_TASK_SEEK_COVER_FROM_PED, "TASK_SEEK_COVER_FROM_PED");
- }
- }
- // Seek cover to the given cover point, away from the position specified
- void CommandTaskSeekCoverToCoverPoint( int iPedIndex, int iIdentifier, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, int iTime, bool bAllowPeekingAndFiring )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_SEEK_COVER_TO_COVER_POINT - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- float fTime = ( ( float )iTime ) / 1000.0f;
- CScriptedCoverPoint* pScriptedCoverPoint = CTheScripts::GetScriptedCoverPointToModifyFromGUID(iIdentifier, "TASK_SEEK_COVER_TO_COVER_POINT");
- if (scriptVerifyf(pScriptedCoverPoint, "Cover point with id %i didn't exist", iIdentifier))
- {
- s32 iCoverIndex = pScriptedCoverPoint->GetScriptIndex();
- // Find the cover point specified by the identifier
- #if __ASSERT
- CCoverPoint* pCoverPoint = CCover::FindCoverPointWithIndex( iCoverIndex );
- scriptAssertf(pCoverPoint, "%s:TASK_SEEK_COVER_TO_COVER_POINT - Invalid cover point specified", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- Assert( pCoverPoint->GetType() == CCoverPoint::COVTYPE_SCRIPTED );
- #endif
- Vector3 vFrom(scrVecCoors);
- CTaskCover* pCoverTask = rage_new CTaskCover(CAITarget(vFrom), bAllowPeekingAndFiring ? 0 : CTaskCover::CF_DisableAimingAndPeeking);
- pCoverTask->SetSearchFlags(CTaskCover::CF_SeekCover | CTaskCover::CF_CoverSearchScripted | CTaskCover::CF_ScriptedSeekCover);
- pCoverTask->SetScriptedCoverIndex(iCoverIndex);
- pCoverTask->SetTimeInCover(fTime);
- }
- }
- }
- // Seek cover to the given coords, away from the position specified
- void CommandTaskSeekCoverToCoords( int iPedIndex, const scrVector & scrVecCoverCoors, const scrVector & scrVecFromCoors, int iTime, bool bAllowPeekingAndFiring )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_SEEK_COVER_TO_COVER_COORD - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- float fTime = ( ( float )iTime ) / 1000.0f;
- Vector3 vCover(scrVecCoverCoors);
- Vector3 vFrom(scrVecFromCoors);
- CTaskCover* pCoverTask = rage_new CTaskCover(CAITarget(vFrom), bAllowPeekingAndFiring ? 0 : CTaskCover::CF_DisableAimingAndPeeking);
- pCoverTask->SetSearchFlags(CTaskCover::CF_SeekCover | CTaskCover::CF_CoverSearchByPos | CTaskCover::CF_ScriptedSeekCover);
- pCoverTask->SetSearchPosition(vCover);
- pCoverTask->SetTimeInCover(fTime);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedIndex, pCoverTask, SCRIPT_TASK_SEEK_COVER_TO_COORDS, "TASK_SEEK_COVER_TO_COVER_COORD");
- }
- }
- CTaskCover* CreatePutPedDirectlyIntoCoverTask( const scrVector & vscStart, const CAITarget& aiTarget, int iTime, bool bAllowPeekingAndFiring, float fBlendInDuration, bool bForceInitialFacingDirection, bool bForceFaceLeft, int iIdentifier, bool bDoEntry )
- {
- scriptAssertf(fBlendInDuration < 10.0f, "Setting a long blend in duration (%.2f) are you sure you want the anims to blend in this slowly?", fBlendInDuration);
- float fTime = ( ( float )iTime ) / 1000.0f;
- Vector3 vStart = vscStart;
- s32 iCoverFlags = bAllowPeekingAndFiring ? CTaskCover::CF_PutPedDirectlyIntoCover : CTaskCover::CF_PutPedDirectlyIntoCover | CTaskCover::CF_DisableAimingAndPeeking;
- if (bForceInitialFacingDirection)
- {
- aiDisplayf("TASK_PUT_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_COVER called forcing ped to face %s at <<%.2f,%.2f,%.2f>>", bForceFaceLeft ? "Left" : "Right", vscStart.x, vscStart.y, vscStart.z);
- iCoverFlags |= CTaskCover::CF_SpecifyInitialHeading;
- if (bForceFaceLeft)
- {
- iCoverFlags |= CTaskCover::CF_FacingLeft;
- }
- }
- // Set whether we want to skip the cover entry anims
- if (!bDoEntry)
- {
- iCoverFlags |= CTaskCover::CF_SkipIdleCoverTransition;
- }
- CTaskCover* pCoverTask = rage_new CTaskCover(aiTarget, iCoverFlags);
- CScriptedCoverPoint* pScriptedCoverPoint = NULL;
- if (iIdentifier != NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE)
- {
- pScriptedCoverPoint = CTheScripts::GetScriptedCoverPointToModifyFromGUID(iIdentifier, "TASK_PUT_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_COVER");
- }
- if (pScriptedCoverPoint)
- {
- s32 iCoverIndex = pScriptedCoverPoint->GetScriptIndex();
- #if __ASSERT
- // Find the cover point specified by the identifier
- CCoverPoint* pCoverPoint = CCover::FindCoverPointWithIndex( iCoverIndex );
- scriptAssertf(pCoverPoint, "%s:TASK_SEEK_COVER_TO_COVER_POINT - Invalid cover point specified", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- Assert( pCoverPoint->GetType() == CCoverPoint::COVTYPE_SCRIPTED );
- #endif
- pCoverTask->SetSearchFlags(CTaskCover::CF_CoverSearchScripted | CTaskCover::CF_ScriptedSeekCover);
- pCoverTask->SetScriptedCoverIndex(iCoverIndex);
- }
- else
- {
- pCoverTask->SetSearchFlags(CTaskCover::CF_FindClosestPointAtStart | CTaskCover::CF_ScriptedSeekCover);
- }
- pCoverTask->SetBlendInDuration(fBlendInDuration);
- pCoverTask->SetSearchPosition(vStart);
- pCoverTask->SetTimeInCover(fTime);
- return pCoverTask;
- }
- // Seek cover from the given position
- void CommandTaskPutPedDirectlyIntoCover( int iPedIndex, const scrVector & vscStart, int iTime, bool bAllowPeekingAndFiring, float fBlendInDuration, bool bForceInitialFacingDirection, bool bForceFaceLeft, int iIdentifier, bool bDoEntry )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_PUT_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_COVER - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- CTaskCover* pCoverTask = CreatePutPedDirectlyIntoCoverTask(vscStart, CAITarget(), iTime, bAllowPeekingAndFiring, fBlendInDuration, bForceInitialFacingDirection, bForceFaceLeft, iIdentifier, bDoEntry);
- }
- }
- bool GetAiTarget(CAITarget& target, int iOtherPedIndex, int iTargetVehicleIndex, const scrVector & vscTargetCoords)
- {
- Vector3 TempVec, CentreVec, VecDiff;
- const CPed *pSecondPed;
- const CVehicle *pSecondVehicle;
- TempVec = Vector3(vscTargetCoords);
- const CEntity *pTargetEntity = NULL;
- if (iOtherPedIndex != NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE) // >= 0)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iTargetVehicleIndex == NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE, "TASK_PUT_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_COVER_FROM_TARGET - Can't have a target ped and a target car"))
- {
- pSecondPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iOtherPedIndex);
- if(!pSecondPed)
- return false;
- pTargetEntity = pSecondPed;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pSecondPed = NULL;
- }
- if (iTargetVehicleIndex != NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE) // >= 0)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(iOtherPedIndex == NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE, "TASK_PUT_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_COVER_FROM_TARGET - Can't have a target ped and a target car"))
- {
- pSecondVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CVehicle>(iTargetVehicleIndex);
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pSecondVehicle, "TASK_PUT_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_COVER_FROM_TARGET - Target vehicle doesn't exist"))
- return false;
- pTargetEntity = pSecondVehicle;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pSecondVehicle = NULL;
- }
- // Set up the arguments
- if (pTargetEntity)
- {
- target.SetEntityAndOffset(pTargetEntity,TempVec);
- }
- else
- {
- target.SetPosition(TempVec);
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Seek cover from the given position
- void CommandTaskPutPedDirectlyIntoCoverFromTarget( int iPedIndex, int iOtherPedIndex, int iTargetVehicleIndex, const scrVector & vscTargetCoords, const scrVector & vscStart, int iTime, bool bAllowPeekingAndFiring, float fBlendInDuration, bool bForceInitialFacingDirection, bool bForceFaceLeft, int iIdentifier, bool bDoEntry )
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0) ,"TASK_PUT_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_COVER_FROM_TARGET - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0" ))
- {
- CAITarget target;
- if (GetAiTarget(target, iOtherPedIndex, iTargetVehicleIndex, vscTargetCoords))
- {
- CTaskCover* pCoverTask = CreatePutPedDirectlyIntoCoverTask(vscStart, target, iTime, bAllowPeekingAndFiring, fBlendInDuration, bForceInitialFacingDirection, bForceFaceLeft, iIdentifier, bDoEntry);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskWarpPedDirectlyIntoCover(const int iPedIndex, const int iTime, const bool bAllowPeekingAndFiring, const bool bForceInitialFacingDirection, const bool bForceFaceLeft, const int iIdentifier)
- {
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY((iTime == -1) || (iTime > 0), "TASK_WARP_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_COVER - Time must be -1 for infinite and > 0") &&
- {
- if (CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES))
- {
- Vector3 vPedPosition = VEC3V_TO_VECTOR3(pPed->GetTransform().GetPosition());
- CTaskCover* pCoverTask = CreatePutPedDirectlyIntoCoverTask(vPedPosition, CAITarget(), iTime, bAllowPeekingAndFiring, 0.0f, bForceInitialFacingDirection, bForceFaceLeft, iIdentifier, false);
- pCoverTask->SetCoverFlag(CTaskCover::CF_WarpPedToCoverPosition);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandSetCoverTarget(int iPedIndex, int iOtherPedIndex, int iTargetVehicleIndex, const scrVector & vscTargetCoords)
- {
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>( iPedIndex );
- if( pPed && SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pPed->IsNetworkClone(), "SET_COVER_TARGET - Can't call this command on a network clone!"))
- {
- CAITarget aiTarget;
- if (GetAiTarget(aiTarget, iOtherPedIndex, iTargetVehicleIndex, vscTargetCoords))
- {
- CTaskCover* pCoverTask = static_cast<CTaskCover*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_COVER));
- if( pCoverTask )
- {
- CWeaponTarget& weaponTarget = pCoverTask->GetWeaponTarget();
- const CEntity* pEntity = aiTarget.GetEntity();
- if( pEntity )
- {
- Vector3 vOffset(Vector3::ZeroType);
- if (aiTarget.GetPositionOffset(vOffset))
- {
- weaponTarget.SetEntityAndOffset(pEntity, vOffset);
- }
- else
- {
- weaponTarget.SetEntity(pEntity);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Vector3 vPosition(Vector3::ZeroType);
- if (aiTarget.GetPosition(vPosition))
- {
- weaponTarget.SetPosition(vPosition);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Exit cover
- void CommandTaskExitCover( int iPedIndex, int iExitType, const scrVector & vscTargetCoords )
- {
- s32 iFlags = 0;
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>( iPedIndex, 0 );
- if (pPed)
- {
- // Early out if called on network clone or ped doesn't have a cover point
- if (!SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pPed->IsNetworkClone(), "SCRIPT_TASK_EXIT_COVER - Cannot call on network clone"))
- {
- return;
- }
- if (!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetCoverPoint(), "SCRIPT_TASK_EXIT_COVER - Called on a ped without a cover point"))
- {
- return;
- }
- if (pPed->GetPedResetFlag(CPED_RESET_FLAG_InCoverFacingLeft))
- {
- iFlags |= CTaskCover::CF_FacingLeft;
- }
- }
- CAITarget target;
- if (iExitType == CTaskCover::FE_Aim)
- {
- target.SetPosition(vscTargetCoords);
- }
- // Maybe given as part of a sequence, can't detect if ped will be in cover now if this is the case
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedIndex, rage_new CTaskCover(target, iFlags, (CTaskCover::eForcedExit) iExitType), SCRIPT_TASK_EXIT_COVER, "SCRIPT_TASK_EXIT_COVER");
- }
- // Seek cover from the given position
- void CommandTaskPutPedDirectlyIntoMelee( int iPedIndex, int iTargetIndex, float fBlendInDuration, float fTimeInMelee, float fStrafePhaseSync, const int iAiCombatFlags )
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex);
- if( pPed )
- {
- // Force the default unarmed weapon
- CPedWeaponManager* pWeaponManager = pPed->GetWeaponManager();
- if( pWeaponManager )
- {
- const CWeaponInfo* pWeaponInfo = pWeaponManager->GetEquippedWeaponInfo();
- if( pWeaponInfo && !pWeaponInfo->GetIsMelee() )
- pWeaponManager->EquipWeapon( pPed->GetDefaultUnarmedWeaponHash(), -1, true );
- }
- CTaskMotionPed* pCurrentMotionTask = static_cast<CTaskMotionPed*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->GetTaskManager()->FindTaskByTypeActive(PED_TASK_TREE_MOTION, CTaskTypes::TASK_MOTION_PED));
- if( pCurrentMotionTask )
- {
- pCurrentMotionTask->SetTaskFlag( CTaskMotionPed::PMF_SkipStrafeIntroAnim );
- pCurrentMotionTask->SetInstantStrafePhaseSync( fStrafePhaseSync );
- pCurrentMotionTask->SetStrafeDurationOverride( fBlendInDuration );
- }
- CPed* pTargetPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iTargetIndex);
- aiTask* pCombatTask = NULL;
- if( pPed->IsAPlayerPed() )
- {
- u32 uMeleeFlags = CTaskMelee::MF_ShouldBeInMeleeMode | CTaskMelee::MF_AllowStrafeMode;
- // Would the invoker like to keep the player in strafe?
- // NOTE: they also need to set CPED_RESET_FLAG_ForcePedToStrafe
- if( fTimeInMelee < 0.0f )
- uMeleeFlags |= CTaskMelee::MF_ForceStrafe;
- pCombatTask = rage_new CTaskMelee( NULL, pTargetPed, uMeleeFlags, CSimpleImpulseTest::ImpulseNone, (s32)( fTimeInMelee * 1000.0f ) );
- }
- else
- {
- CTaskThreatResponse* pTask = rage_new CTaskThreatResponse( pTargetPed );
- pTask->SetThreatResponseOverride( CTaskThreatResponse::TR_Fight );
- pTask->SetConfigFlagsForCombat( CTaskCombat::ComF_DisableAimIntro | CTaskCombat::ComF_MeleeAnimPhaseSync | iAiCombatFlags );
- pTask->SetConfigFlags( CTaskThreatResponse::CF_CanFightArmedPedsWhenNotArmed );
- pCombatTask = pTask;
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandSetDriveTaskCruiseSpeed(int iPedIndex, float CruiseSpeed )
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_NO_DEAD_CHECK & CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if(pPed)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetMyVehicle() && pPed->GetPedConfigFlag( CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_InVehicle ), "SET_DRIVE_TASK_CRUISE_SPEED - Ped is not in car"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetMyVehicle()->GetDriver() == pPed, "SET_DRIVE_TASK_CRUISE_SPEED - Ped is not driver of car"))
- {
- if(NetworkUtils::IsNetworkCloneOrMigrating(pPed))
- {
- CScriptEntityStateChangeEvent::CSettingOfDriveTaskCruiseSpeed parameters(CruiseSpeed);
- CScriptEntityStateChangeEvent::Trigger(pPed->GetNetworkObject(), parameters);
- }
- else
- {
- CTaskVehicleMissionBase *pCarTask = pPed->GetMyVehicle()->GetIntelligence()->GetActiveTask();
- if(pCarTask)
- {
- pCarTask->SetCruiseSpeed(CruiseSpeed);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandSetDriveTaskMaxCruiseSpeed(int iPedIndex, float MaxCruiseSpeed )
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetMyVehicle() && pPed->GetPedConfigFlag( CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_InVehicle ), "SET_DRIVE_TASK_MAX_CRUISE_SPEED - Ped is not in car"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetMyVehicle()->GetDriver() == pPed, "SET_DRIVE_TASK_MAX_CRUISE_SPEED - Ped is not driver of car"))
- {
- CTaskVehicleMissionBase *pCarTask = pPed->GetMyVehicle()->GetIntelligence()->GetActiveTask();
- if(pCarTask)
- pCarTask->SetMaxCruiseSpeed((u8) MaxCruiseSpeed);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandSetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(int iPedIndex, int iDrivingFlags)
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetMyVehicle() && pPed->GetPedConfigFlag( CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_InVehicle ), "SET_DRIVE_TASK_DRIVING_STYLE - Ped is not in car"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetMyVehicle()->GetDriver() == pPed, "SET_DRIVE_TASK_DRIVING_STYLE - Ped is not driver of car"))
- {
- CTaskVehicleMissionBase *pCarTask = pPed->GetMyVehicle()->GetIntelligence()->GetActiveTask();
- if(pCarTask)
- pCarTask->SetDrivingFlags(iDrivingFlags);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandSetPursueTaskIdealDistance(int iPedIndex, float fIdealDistance)
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetMyVehicle() && pPed->GetPedConfigFlag( CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_InVehicle ), "SET_PURSUE_TASK_IDEAL_DISTANCE - Ped is not in car"))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetMyVehicle()->GetDriver() == pPed, "SET_PURSUE_TASK_IDEAL_DISTANCE - Ped is not driver of car"))
- {
- CTaskVehiclePursue* pPursueTask = static_cast<CTaskVehiclePursue*>(pPed->GetMyVehicle()->GetIntelligence()->GetTaskManager()->FindTaskByTypeActive(VEHICLE_TASK_TREE_PRIMARY, CTaskTypes::TASK_VEHICLE_PURSUE));
- {
- pPursueTask->SetIdealDistance(fIdealDistance);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Add a cover blocking area
- void CommandAddCoverBlockingArea( const scrVector & vStart, const scrVector & vEnd, bool bBlockObjects, bool bBlockVehicles, bool bBlockMap, bool bBlockPlayer )
- {
- Vector3 vStartV3 = vStart;
- Vector3 vEndV3 = vEnd;
- CCover::AddCoverBlockingArea( vStartV3, vEndV3, bBlockObjects, bBlockVehicles, bBlockMap, bBlockPlayer );
- }
- // Add a scripted cover point
- void CommandFlushCoverBlockingAreas()
- {
- CCover::FlushCoverBlockingAreas();
- }
- // Remove any scripted cover points that contain the specified position.
- void CommandRemoveCoverBlockingAreasAtPosition(const scrVector &vPosition)
- {
- Vector3 vPositionV3 = vPosition;
- CCover::RemoveCoverBlockingAreasAtPosition(vPositionV3);
- }
- // Remove any scripter cover points that have the specified params.
- void CommandRemoveSpecificCoverBlockingAreas(const scrVector & vStart, const scrVector & vEnd, bool bBlockObjects, bool bBlockVehicles, bool bBlockMap, bool bBlockPlayer)
- {
- Vector3 vStartV3 = vStart;
- Vector3 vEndV3 = vEnd;
- CCover::RemoveSpecificCoverBlockingArea( vStartV3, vEndV3, bBlockObjects, bBlockVehicles, bBlockMap, bBlockPlayer );
- }
- void CommandTaskStartScenarioInPlace( int PedIndex, const char* szScenario, int iTimeToLeave, bool playIntro)
- {
- s32 type = CScenarioManager::GetScenarioTypeFromName(szScenario);
- if (scriptVerifyf(type!=Scenario_Invalid, "TASK_START_SCENARIO_IN_PLACE: Unknown scenario type (%s)", szScenario ))
- {
- int flags = CTaskUseScenario::SF_StartInCurrentPosition;
- if (!playIntro)
- {
- flags |= CTaskUseScenario::SF_SkipEnterClip;
- }
- if (iTimeToLeave < 0)
- {
- flags |= CTaskUseScenario::SF_IdleForever;
- }
- CTaskUseScenario* pTask = rage_new CTaskUseScenario(type, flags );
- #if __ASSERT
- //If assigning a task with a prop, make sure the ped has an inventory
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- scriptAssertf(!pTask->GetScenarioInfo().HasProp() || pPed->GetInventory(), "%s: Attempting to assign a ped a scenario (%s) that has a prop, but the ped(%s) has no inventory", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), pTask->GetScenarioInfo().GetName(), pPed->GetModelName());
- }
- #endif
- if( iTimeToLeave > 0 )
- {
- float fTimeToLeave = (float) iTimeToLeave;
- pTask->SetTimeToLeave(fTimeToLeave/1000.0f);
- }
- pTask->CreateProp();
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskStartScenarioAtPosition( int iPedIndex, const char* szScenario, const scrVector & svScenarioPlace, float fHeading, int iTimeToLeave, bool playIntro, bool bWarp)
- {
- Vector3 vScenarioPoint = svScenarioPlace;
- s32 type = CScenarioManager::GetScenarioTypeFromName(szScenario);
- if (scriptVerifyf(type!=Scenario_Invalid, "TASK_START_SCENARIO_AT_POSITION: Unknown scenario type (%s)", szScenario ))
- {
- int flags = 0;
- if (bWarp)
- {
- flags |= CTaskUseScenario::SF_Warp;
- }
- if (!playIntro)
- {
- flags |= CTaskUseScenario::SF_SkipEnterClip;
- }
- if (iTimeToLeave < 0)
- {
- flags |= CTaskUseScenario::SF_IdleForever;
- }
- CTaskUseScenario* pTask = rage_new CTaskUseScenario(type, vScenarioPoint, fwAngle::LimitRadianAngle( (DtoR * fHeading) ), flags );
- if( iTimeToLeave > 0 )
- {
- float fTimeToLeave = (float) iTimeToLeave;
- pTask->SetTimeToLeave(fTimeToLeave/1000.0f);
- }
- pTask->CreateProp();
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskStartVehicleScenario( int iPedIndex, int iVehicleIndex, const char* szScenario, bool bWarp )
- {
- {
- CVehicle* pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleIndex);
- if(!pVehicle)
- return;
- s32 type = CScenarioManager::GetScenarioTypeFromName(szScenario);
- if (scriptVerifyf(type!=Scenario_Invalid, "TASK_START_VEHICLE_SCENARIO: Unknown scenario type (%s)", szScenario ))
- {
- scriptAssertf(SCENARIOINFOMGR.GetScenarioInfoByIndex(type) && SCENARIOINFOMGR.GetScenarioInfoByIndex(type)->GetIsClass<CScenarioParkedVehicleInfo>(), "Invalid Vehicle Scenario");
- CTaskParkedVehicleScenario* pTask = rage_new CTaskParkedVehicleScenario(type, pVehicle, bWarp);
- }
- }
- }
- bool CommandDoesScenarioExistInArea( const scrVector & svScenarioPlace, float fMaxRange, bool bMustBeFree )
- {
- Vector3 vScenarioPoint = svScenarioPlace;
- CPedPopulation::GetScenarioPointInAreaArgs args(RCC_VEC3V(vScenarioPoint), fMaxRange);
- args.m_MustBeFree = bMustBeFree;
- args.m_CheckPopulation = bMustBeFree;
- CScenarioPoint* pScenarioPoint = NULL;
- if(!CPedPopulation::GetScenarioPointInArea(args, &pScenarioPoint))
- {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool CommandDoesScenarioOfTypeExistInArea ( const scrVector & svScenarioPlace, const char* szScenario, float fMaxRange, bool bMustBeFree )
- {
- Vector3 vScenarioPoint = svScenarioPlace;
- CPedPopulation::GetScenarioPointInAreaArgs args(RCC_VEC3V(vScenarioPoint), fMaxRange);
- args.m_MustBeFree = bMustBeFree;
- args.m_CheckPopulation = bMustBeFree;
- args.m_NumTypes = 1;
- s32 type = CScenarioManager::GetScenarioTypeFromName(szScenario);
- args.m_Types = &type;
- scriptAssertf(type!=Scenario_Invalid, "DOES_SCENARIO_OF_TYPE_EXIST_IN_AREA: Unknown scenario type (%s)", szScenario );
- CScenarioPoint* pScenarioPoint = NULL;
- if(!CPedPopulation::GetScenarioPointInArea(args, &pScenarioPoint))
- {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool CommandIsScenarioOccupied(const scrVector & svScenarioPlace, float fMaxRange, bool onlyUsersActuallyAtScenario)
- {
- Vector3 vScenarioPoint = svScenarioPlace;
- CScenarioPoint* pScenarioPoint = NULL;
- CPedPopulation::GetScenarioPointInAreaArgs args(RCC_VEC3V(vScenarioPoint), fMaxRange);
- args.m_MustBeFree = false;
- args.m_CheckPopulation = false;
- if(!CPedPopulation::GetScenarioPointInArea(args, &pScenarioPoint))
- {
- return false;
- }
- // If onlyUsersActuallyAtScenario is set, we need to loop over the peds later.
- bool needToCheckPeds = onlyUsersActuallyAtScenario;
- // Note: CPedPopulation::IsEffectInUse() is a bit unfortunate in how it always
- // returns true if the scenario is attached to anything but a CObject. This is
- // different than how the check is done in GetScenarioPointInArea()
- // and GeneratePedsFromScenarioPointList(), where a scenario attached to something
- // else is considered not in use. Thus, we check the type here.
- if(!pScenarioPoint->GetEntity() || pScenarioPoint->GetEntity()->GetIsTypeObject())
- {
- if(!CPedPopulation::IsEffectInUse(*pScenarioPoint))
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- else if(pScenarioPoint->GetEntity() && !pScenarioPoint->GetEntity()->GetIsTypeObject())
- {
- // Since we don't keep track of use for non-CObject entities,
- // we need to check the ped tasks.
- needToCheckPeds = true;
- }
- if(needToCheckPeds)
- {
- int scenarioTypeFoundInLocation = pScenarioPoint->GetScenarioTypeVirtualOrReal();
- bool isVirtual = SCENARIOINFOMGR.IsVirtualIndex(scenarioTypeFoundInLocation);
- bool foundNearby = false;
- CPed::Pool* pool = CPed::GetPool();
- const int maxPeds = pool->GetSize();
- for(int i = 0; i < maxPeds; i++)
- {
- CPed* pPed = pool->GetSlot(i);
- if(!pPed)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Note: for virtual scenario types, we won't ever match GetScenarioType(). We could loop over
- // all the real types, but the code below looks like it may work well enough without that.
- if(!isVirtual && scenarioTypeFoundInLocation != CPed::GetScenarioType(*pPed))
- {
- continue;
- }
- const CTaskUseScenario* pTaskUseScenario = static_cast<const CTaskUseScenario*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_USE_SCENARIO));
- if(pTaskUseScenario)
- {
- if (pTaskUseScenario->GetScenarioPoint() != pScenarioPoint)
- {
- continue;
- }
- const int taskState = pTaskUseScenario->GetState();
- if(onlyUsersActuallyAtScenario && (taskState == CTaskUseScenario::State_Start || taskState == CTaskUseScenario::State_GoToStartPosition))
- {
- // In this case, we certainly appear to have found the ped that's considered the user
- // of the scenario point, but it hasn't actually arrived yet. In that case, we don't consider
- // the scenario occupied, so we return false.
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- // Found the true user of this scenario.
- return true;
- }
- }
- else if(!foundNearby && !isVirtual)
- {
- // Somehow, according to CPed::GetScenarioType(), we are using a scenario of the type we are looking for,
- // but we can't find the CTaskUseScenario. It might be possible for this to happen for some scenario that's
- // using a different task, or perhaps in some networking situation, so we try to fall back on a distance
- // check.
- static float s_DistThresholdSq = square(1.0f); // MAGIC!
- const Vec3V scenarioWorldPosV = pScenarioPoint->GetPosition();
- const Vec3V pedPosV = pPed->GetTransform().GetPosition();
- const ScalarV distThresholdSqV = LoadScalar32IntoScalarV(s_DistThresholdSq);
- const ScalarV distSqV = DistSquared(scenarioWorldPosV, pedPosV);
- if(IsLessThanAll(distSqV, distThresholdSqV))
- {
- // This ped is close, set this variable. Note that we don't return true right away here,
- // because we might still find a ped that's actually using this scenario through a CTaskUseScenario,
- // in which case returning false is still an option.
- foundNearby = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(foundNearby)
- {
- // We didn't find anybody running a CTaskUseScenario on this scenario, but we found
- // somebody using a scenario of the right type, close enough to the point.
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- // Nobody nearby is using a scenario of this type.
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- bool CommandPedHasUseScenarioTask(int iPedIndex)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "PedIndex was invalid for PED_HAS_USE_SCENARIO_TASK!"))
- {
- CTaskUseScenario* pTaskScenario = static_cast<CTaskUseScenario*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_USE_SCENARIO));
- if (pTaskScenario)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandOverrideTaskedScenarioBaseAnim(int iPedIndex, const char* clipSet, const char* clip)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "PedIndex was invalid for OVERRIDE_TASKED_SCENARIO_BASE_ANIM!"))
- {
- CTaskUseScenario* pTaskScenario = static_cast<CTaskUseScenario*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_USE_SCENARIO));
- if (pTaskScenario)
- {
- fwMvClipSetId setId(clipSet);
- fwMvClipId clipId(clip);
- pTaskScenario->OverrideBaseClip(setId, clipId);
- }
- // if we are already running the ambient clips task then we should set the override on there as well.
- CTaskAmbientClips* pTaskAmbientClips = static_cast<CTaskAmbientClips*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_AMBIENT_CLIPS));
- if (pTaskAmbientClips)
- {
- fwMvClipSetId setId(clipSet);
- fwMvClipId clipId(clip);
- pTaskAmbientClips->OverrideBaseClip(setId, clipId);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandPlayAnimOnRunnningScenario(int iPedIndex, const char* clipSet, const char* clip)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "PedIndex was invalid for TASK_SCENARIO_PLAY_AS_IDLE!"))
- {
- CTaskAmbientClips* pTaskAmbientClips = static_cast<CTaskAmbientClips*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_AMBIENT_CLIPS));
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskAmbientClips, "Ped is currently not running the right task to run TASK_SCENARIO_PLAY_AS_IDLE"))
- {
- fwMvClipSetId setId(clipSet);
- fwMvClipId clipId(clip);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFYF(fwClipSetManager::GetClipSet(setId) != NULL, "ClipSet %s did not exist. Are you sure it is in clip_sets.xml?", clipSet))
- {
- pTaskAmbientClips->PlayAnimAsIdle(setId, clipId);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int GetScenarioGroupHelper(const char* groupName, const char* ASSERT_ONLY(cmdName), bool ASSERT_ONLY(mayNotExist))
- {
- int groupId = CScenarioPointManager::kNoGroup;
- if(groupName && groupName[0])
- {
- groupId = SCENARIOPOINTMGR.FindGroupByNameHash(atHashString(groupName), true);
- }
- scriptAssertf(groupId != CScenarioPointManager::kNoGroup || mayNotExist, "%s used with group name %s, which doesn't exist.", cmdName, groupName ? groupName : "<NULL>");
- return groupId;
- }
- bool CommandDoesScenarioGroupExist(const char* groupName)
- {
- return GetScenarioGroupHelper(groupName, "DOES_SCENARIO_GROUP_EXIST", true) != CScenarioPointManager::kNoGroup;
- }
- bool CommandIsScenarioGroupEnabled(const char* groupName)
- {
- int groupId = GetScenarioGroupHelper(groupName, "IS_SCENARIO_GROUP_ENABLED", false);
- if(groupId != CScenarioPointManager::kNoGroup)
- {
- const int groupIndex = groupId - 1;
- return SCENARIOPOINTMGR.IsGroupEnabled(groupIndex);
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandSetScenarioGroupEnabled(const char* groupName, bool enabled)
- {
- int groupId = GetScenarioGroupHelper(groupName, "IS_SCENARIO_GROUP_ENABLED", false);
- if(groupId != CScenarioPointManager::kNoGroup)
- {
- const int groupIndex = groupId - 1;
- SCENARIOPOINTMGR.SetGroupEnabled(groupIndex, enabled);
- }
- }
- void CommandResetScenarioGroupsEnabled()
- {
- SCENARIOPOINTMGR.ResetGroupsEnabledToDefaults();
- }
- void CommandSetExclusiveScenarioGroup(const char* groupName)
- {
- int groupId = GetScenarioGroupHelper(groupName, "SET_EXCLUSIVE_SCENARIO_GROUP", false);
- if(groupId != CScenarioPointManager::kNoGroup)
- {
- const int groupIndex = groupId - 1;
- SCENARIOPOINTMGR.SetExclusivelyEnabledScenarioGroupIndex(groupIndex);
- }
- }
- void CommandResetExclusiveScenarioGroup()
- {
- SCENARIOPOINTMGR.SetExclusivelyEnabledScenarioGroupIndex(-1);
- }
- int GetScenarioTypeHelper(const char* typeName, const char* ASSERT_ONLY(cmdName))
- {
- int ret = -1;
- if(typeName && typeName[0])
- {
- const u32 hash = atStringHash(typeName);
- // Note: this is currently an O(n) operation.
- ret = SCENARIOINFOMGR.GetScenarioIndex(hash, false);
- }
- scriptAssertf(ret >= 0, "%s used with type name %s, which doesn't exist.", cmdName, typeName ? typeName : "<NULL>");
- return ret;
- }
- void CommandForceScenarioGroupPriority(const char* groupName, bool bIsHighPriority)
- {
- int groupId = GetScenarioGroupHelper(groupName, "FORCE_SCENARIO_GROUP_PRIORITY", true);
- if(groupId != CScenarioPointManager::kNoGroup)
- {
- CScenarioPointPriorityManager::GetInstance().ForceScenarioPointGroupPriority((u8)groupId, bIsHighPriority);
- }
- }
- void CommandResetScenarioGroupsPriority()
- {
- CScenarioPointPriorityManager::GetInstance().RestoreGroupsToOriginalPriorities();
- }
- bool CommandIsScenarioTypeEnabled(const char* typeName)
- {
- int typeIndex = GetScenarioTypeHelper(typeName, "IS_SCENARIO_TYPE_ENABLED");
- if(typeIndex >= 0)
- {
- return SCENARIOINFOMGR.IsScenarioTypeEnabled(typeIndex);
- }
- return true;
- }
- void CommandSetScenarioTypeEnabled(const char* typeName, bool enabled)
- {
- int typeIndex = GetScenarioTypeHelper(typeName, "SET_SCENARIO_TYPE_ENABLED");
- if(typeIndex >= 0)
- {
- SCENARIOINFOMGR.SetScenarioTypeEnabled(typeIndex, enabled);
- }
- }
- void CommandResetScenarioTypesEnabled()
- {
- SCENARIOINFOMGR.ResetScenarioTypesEnabledToDefaults();
- }
- void CommandSuppressNormalScenarioExitsNextFrame()
- {
- CScenarioManager::SetScenarioExitsSuppressed(true);
- }
- void CommandSuppressScenarioAttractionNextFrame()
- {
- CScenarioManager::SetScenarioAttractionSuppressed(true);
- }
- void CommandSuppressBreakoutScenarioExitsNextFrame()
- {
- CScenarioManager::SetScenarioBreakoutExitsSuppressed(true);
- }
- CTask* CommonUseNearestScenarioToPos( CPed* pPed, const scrVector & svScenarioPlace, float fMaxRange, bool bWarp, bool ASSERT_ONLY(bCalledFromTask), int iTimeToLeave, bool bMustBeTrainScenario )
- {
- Vector3 vScenarioPoint = svScenarioPlace;
- CScenarioPoint* pScenarioPoint = NULL;
- CPedPopulation::GetScenarioPointInAreaArgs args(RCC_VEC3V(vScenarioPoint), fMaxRange);
- args.m_MustBeFree = true;
- args.m_PedOrDummyToUsePoint = pPed;
- args.m_Random = false;
- args.m_MustBeAttachedToTrain = bMustBeTrainScenario;
- bool bCheckPeds = false;
- if( !CPedPopulation::GetScenarioPointInArea( args, &pScenarioPoint ) )
- {
- // do it again and process it further...the actual use count on the scenario point isn't
- // always what we want if they are going to the point on a long chain and the player is much closer
- args.m_MustBeFree = false;
- args.m_CheckPopulation = false;
- if( !CPedPopulation::GetScenarioPointInArea( args, &pScenarioPoint ) )
- {
- #if __ASSERT
- if( !bCalledFromTask )
- scriptAssertf(0, "%s:TASK_USE_NEAREST_SCENARIO_TO_POS(_WARP) - No scenario found within range", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- #endif // __ASSERT
- return NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- bCheckPeds = true;
- }
- }
- if(bCheckPeds)
- {
- // Really check if the ped is actually using the scenario...
- // The CScenarioPoint.m_iUses won't get reset until the cleanup function is called in CTaskUseScenario
- // Other states here may be valid for us to start the scenario
- CPed::Pool* pool = CPed::GetPool();
- const int maxPeds = pool->GetSize();
- for(int i = 0; i < maxPeds; i++)
- {
- CPed* pCurPed = pool->GetSlot(i);
- if(!pCurPed || pCurPed == args.m_PedOrDummyToUsePoint || pCurPed->PopTypeIsMission())
- {
- continue;
- }
- CTaskUseScenario* pTaskUseScenario = static_cast<CTaskUseScenario*>(pCurPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_USE_SCENARIO));
- if(pTaskUseScenario)
- {
- if (pTaskUseScenario->GetScenarioPoint() != pScenarioPoint)
- {
- continue;
- }
- const int taskState = pTaskUseScenario->GetState();
- if(taskState != CTaskUseScenario::State_Start && taskState != CTaskUseScenario::State_GoToStartPosition)
- {
- #if __ASSERT
- if( !bCalledFromTask )
- scriptAssertf(0, "%s:TASK_USE_NEAREST_SCENARIO_TO_POS(_WARP) - No scenario found within range -- Scenario State For Another Ped Is Actively Using The Scenario", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- #endif // __ASSERT
- return NULL;
- }
- else if (pCurPed->PopTypeIsRandom())
- {
- // Scripted peds take priority over ambient/scenario peds
- // This will prevent undesirable conflicts at atms, vending machines, etc
- pTaskUseScenario->MakeAbortable(aiTask::ABORT_PRIORITY_URGENT, NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- s32 scenarioType = CScenarioManager::ChooseRealScenario(pScenarioPoint->GetScenarioTypeVirtualOrReal(), pPed);
- bool bStartInCurrentPos = !bWarp;
- float fHeading = 0.0f;
- Vector3 vPedPos;
- CTask* pScenarioTask = CScenarioManager::SetupScenarioAndTask(scenarioType, vPedPos, fHeading, *pScenarioPoint, 0, bStartInCurrentPos);
- CNetObjGame* pNetObjPed = (NetworkInterface::IsGameInProgress() && pPed) ? pPed->GetNetworkObject() : NULL;
- CAILogManager::GetLog().Log("CommonUseNearestScenarioToPos: [0x%p][%s], (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f), Range (%.2f), Warp (%d), ScenarioType %d, ScenarioPoint 0x%p (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)\r\n",
- pPed, pNetObjPed ? pNetObjPed->GetLogName() : "unknown",
- svScenarioPlace.x, svScenarioPlace.y, svScenarioPlace.z, fMaxRange, bWarp,
- scenarioType, pScenarioPoint, pScenarioPoint->GetWorldPosition().GetXf(), pScenarioPoint->GetWorldPosition().GetYf(), pScenarioPoint->GetWorldPosition().GetZf());
- #endif
- if(pScenarioTask)
- {
- if (pScenarioTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_USE_SCENARIO)
- {
- if (iTimeToLeave < 0)
- {
- ((CTaskUseScenario*)pScenarioTask)->SetDontLeaveEver();
- }
- if( iTimeToLeave > 0)
- {
- float fTimeToLeave = (float) iTimeToLeave;
- ((CTaskUseScenario*)pScenarioTask)->SetTimeToLeave(fTimeToLeave/1000.0f);
- }
- }
- // This is probably not strictly necessary, as CTaskUseScenario should warp us into
- // place anyway. But, may still be safest, in case the script gets the position of the ped
- // before the task has run, or if we're using a ragdoll.
- if(bWarp && pPed)
- {
- // If we are using ragdoll, the calls to SetPosition() and other functions wouldn't work
- // well. FlushImmediately() should take care of this by ending tasks and doing other things
- // to restore the ped to a normal state. See B* 333114: "Ignorable Assert - Error: false:
- // CPed::UpdatePhysicsFromEntity called while ragdoll active - fired after starting private dance".
- // Note: we could potentially do this in the non-ragdoll case too, but to start out with, that
- // seemed a bit risky.
- if(pPed->GetUsingRagdoll())
- {
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FlushImmediately(true);
- }
- pPed->SetPosition(vPedPos);
- pPed->SetHeading(fHeading);
- pPed->SetDesiredHeading(fHeading);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- #if __ASSERT
- if( !bCalledFromTask )
- scriptAssertf(0, "%s:TASK_USE_NEAREST_SCENARIO_TO_POS(_WARP) - scenario type found of invalid type", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter());
- #endif // __ASSERT
- }
- // We could probably do this if we wanted to wrap the scenario task in a CTaskUnalerted. The main
- // reason for that would probably be if we needed to support chaining when done using the current scenario.
- // aiTask* pControlTask = CScenarioManager::SetupScenarioControlTask(*pScenarioInfo, pScenarioTask, *pPropScenarioPoint);
- return pScenarioTask;
- }
- CTask* CommonUseNearestScenarioChainToPos(CPed* pPed, const scrVector & svScenarioPlace, float fMaxRange, bool bWarp, bool bCalledFromTask, int iTimeToLeave )
- {
- CTask* pControlTask = NULL;
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "Invalid ped in CommonUseNearestScenarioChainToPos!"))
- {
- // Construct CTaskUseScenario for the nearest scenario point.
- CTask* pScenarioTask = CommonUseNearestScenarioToPos(pPed, svScenarioPlace, fMaxRange, bWarp, bCalledFromTask, iTimeToLeave);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pScenarioTask, "Invalid scenario task!"))
- {
- CScenarioPoint* pScenarioPoint = pScenarioTask->GetScenarioPoint();
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pScenarioPoint, "Generated scenario task did not have a valid scenario point!"))
- {
- s32 iScenarioType = CScenarioManager::ChooseRealScenario(pScenarioPoint->GetScenarioTypeVirtualOrReal(), pPed);
- const CScenarioInfo* pScenarioInfo = CScenarioManager::GetScenarioInfo(iScenarioType);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pScenarioInfo, "Invalid scenario info for type!"))
- {
- // Wrap the scenario point task in CTaskUnalerted so the ped can follow the chain.
- pControlTask = CScenarioManager::SetupScenarioControlTask(*pPed, *pScenarioInfo, pScenarioTask, pScenarioPoint, iScenarioType);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return pControlTask;
- }
- void CommandTaskUseNearestScenarioToPos( int iPedIndex, const scrVector & svScenarioPlace, float fMaxRange, int iTimeToLeave )
- {
- // NULL peds are valid since this task can run in a sequence
- CPed *pPed = NULL;
- {
- pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- }
- CTask* pTask = CommonUseNearestScenarioToPos(pPed, svScenarioPlace, fMaxRange, false, false, iTimeToLeave);
- if( pTask )
- }
- void CommandTaskUseNearestScenarioToPosWarp( int iPedIndex, const scrVector & svScenarioPlace, float fMaxRange, int iTimeToLeave )
- {
- // NULL peds are valid since this task can run in a sequence
- CPed *pPed = NULL;
- {
- pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- }
- CTask* pTask = CommonUseNearestScenarioToPos(pPed, svScenarioPlace, fMaxRange, true, false, iTimeToLeave);
- if( pTask )
- }
- void CommandTaskUseNearestTrainScenarioToPosWarp( int iPedIndex, const scrVector & svScenarioPlace, float fMaxRange )
- {
- // NULL peds are valid since this task can run in a sequence
- CPed *pPed = NULL;
- {
- pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- }
- CTask* pUseScenarioTask = CommonUseNearestScenarioToPos(pPed, svScenarioPlace, fMaxRange, true, false, 0, true);
- CTaskRideTrain* pTaskRideTrain = NULL;
- if (pUseScenarioTask)
- {
- const CScenarioPoint* pScenarioPoint = pUseScenarioTask->GetScenarioPoint();
- if (pScenarioPoint)
- {
- //Check if the scenario is on a train.
- CEntity* pEntity = pScenarioPoint->GetEntity();
- if(pEntity && pEntity->GetIsTypeVehicle())
- {
- CVehicle* pVehicle = static_cast<CVehicle *>(pEntity);
- if(pVehicle->InheritsFromTrain())
- {
- //Grab the train.
- CTrain* pTrain = static_cast<CTrain *>(pVehicle);
- //Ride the train with the scenario point.
- pTaskRideTrain = rage_new CTaskRideTrain(pTrain, pUseScenarioTask);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (pTaskRideTrain)
- {
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskUseNearestScenarioChainToPos( int iPedIndex, const scrVector & svScenarioInPlace, float fMaxRange, int iTimeToLeave )
- {
- {
- // Find the ped.
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = CommonUseNearestScenarioChainToPos(pPed, svScenarioInPlace, fMaxRange, false, false, iTimeToLeave);
- if(pTask)
- {
- // Give the ped the scenario following task.
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskUseNearestScenarioChainToPosWarp( int iPedIndex, const scrVector & svScenarioPlace, float fMaxRange, int iTimeToLeave )
- {
- {
- // Find the ped.
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = CommonUseNearestScenarioChainToPos(pPed, svScenarioPlace, fMaxRange, true, false, iTimeToLeave);
- if(pTask)
- {
- // Give the ped the scenario following task.
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bool CommandIsPedActiveInScenario(int iPedIndex)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex);
- {
- CTaskUseScenario* pTaskScenario = static_cast<CTaskUseScenario*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_USE_SCENARIO));
- if (pTaskScenario)
- {
- // The ped is really only "in" the scenario when they are playing the ambient animations associated with it.
- return pTaskScenario->GetState() == CTaskUseScenario::State_PlayAmbients;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CommandIsPedPlayingBaseClipInScenario(int iPedIndex)
- {
- if (CommandIsPedActiveInScenario(iPedIndex))
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CTaskAmbientClips* pTaskAmbientClips = static_cast<CTaskAmbientClips*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_AMBIENT_CLIPS));
- if (pTaskAmbientClips)
- {
- return pTaskAmbientClips->IsBaseClipFullyBlended();
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandSetCanPlayAmbientIdles(int PedIndex, bool bBlockIdleClips, bool bRemoveIdleClipIfPlaying)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CTaskAmbientClips* pTaskAmbientClips = static_cast<CTaskAmbientClips*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_AMBIENT_CLIPS));
- if (pTaskAmbientClips)
- {
- pTaskAmbientClips->SetBlockAmbientIdles(bBlockIdleClips);
- pTaskAmbientClips->SetRemoveAmbientIdles(bRemoveIdleClipIfPlaying);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskSwapWeapon(int PedIndex, bool bDrawWeapon)
- {
- u32 nFlags = SWAP_HOLSTER;
- if(bDrawWeapon)
- nFlags |= SWAP_DRAW;
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskSwapWeapon(nFlags);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_SWAP_WEAPON, "TASK_SWAP_WEAPON");
- }
- void CommandTaskReloadWeapon(int PedIndex, bool UNUSED_PARAM(bDrawWeapon))
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed , "PedIndex was invalid for TASK_RELOAD_WEAPON!") &&
- SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetWeaponManager() , "WeaponManager was invalid for TASK_RELOAD_WEAPON!") &&
- SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed->GetWeaponManager()->GetEquippedWeapon() , "Equipped weapon was invalid for TASK_RELOAD_WEAPON!") )
- {
- CTaskReloadGun* pTaskToGiveToPed = rage_new CTaskReloadGun(CWeaponController::WCT_Reload);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskToGiveToPed, "TASK_RELOAD_WEAPON - Unable to create reload gun task"))
- {
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTaskToGiveToPed, SCRIPT_TASK_RELOAD_WEAPON, "TASK_RELOAD_WEAPON");
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskCombatRoll(int UNUSED_PARAM(PedIndex), s32 UNUSED_PARAM(iDirection))
- {
- scriptAssertf(0, "TASK_COMBAT_ROLL removed");
- }
- void CommandTaskSkyDive(int iPedIndex, bool bInstant)
- {
- fwFlags32 fallFlags = FF_ForceSkyDive;
- if(bInstant)
- {
- fallFlags.SetFlag(FF_InstantBlend);
- fallFlags.SetFlag(FF_DisableSkydiveTransition);
- }
- CTaskComplexControlMovement * pCtrlTask;
- pCtrlTask = rage_new CTaskComplexControlMovement( rage_new CTaskMoveInAir(), rage_new CTaskFall(fallFlags), CTaskComplexControlMovement::TerminateOnSubtask );
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedIndex, pCtrlTask, SCRIPT_TASK_SKY_DIVE, "TASK_SKY_DIVE");
- }
- void CommandTaskParachute(int iPedID, bool UNUSED_PARAM(bGiveParachuteItem), bool bInstant)
- {
- //Note: The 'give parachute' param is being ignored -- it is
- // too error prone, and causes asserts and failed tasks.
- fwFlags32 paraFlags = CTaskParachute::PF_GiveParachute;
- if(bInstant)
- {
- paraFlags.SetFlag(CTaskParachute::PF_InstantBlend);
- }
- CTaskParachute *pTask = rage_new CTaskParachute(paraFlags);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_PARACHUTE, "TASK_PARACHUTE");
- }
- void CommandTaskParachuteToTarget(int iPedID, const scrVector & svTargetLocation)
- {
- CTaskParachute *pTask = rage_new CTaskParachute(CTaskParachute::PF_GiveParachute | CTaskParachute::PF_SkipSkydiving);
- pTask->SetTargetPosition(VECTOR3_TO_VEC3V((Vector3)svTargetLocation));
- }
- void CommandSetParachuteTaskTarget(int iPedID, const scrVector & svTargetLocation)
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CTaskParachute *pTaskParachute = (CTaskParachute *)pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_PARACHUTE);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskParachute, "Ped isn't running parachute task, please use GET_PED_PARACHUTE_STATE != PPS_INVALID to check") )
- {
- pTaskParachute->GetParachuteFlags().SetFlag(CTaskParachute::PF_SkipSkydiving);
- pTaskParachute->SetTargetPosition(VECTOR3_TO_VEC3V((Vector3)svTargetLocation));
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandSetParachuteTaskThrust(int iPedID, float fThrust)
- {
- CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- CTaskParachute *pTaskParachute = (CTaskParachute *)pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_PARACHUTE);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskParachute, "Ped isn't running parachute task, please use GET_PED_PARACHUTE_STATE != PPS_INVALID to check") )
- {
- pTaskParachute->SetParachuteThrust(fThrust);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandSetParachuteTaskTargetEntity(int iPedID, int iTargetID, const scrVector & vOffset)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- const CPhysical* pTarget = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(iTargetID);
- if(pTarget)
- {
- CTaskParachute* pTaskParachute = static_cast<CTaskParachute *>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_PARACHUTE));
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskParachute, "Ped isn't running parachute task, please use GET_PED_PARACHUTE_STATE != PPS_INVALID to check") )
- {
- pTaskParachute->SetTarget(pTarget, VECTOR3_TO_VEC3V((Vector3)vOffset));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskJetpack(int iPedID)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- //Ensure the inventory is valid.
- CPedInventory* pPedInventory = pPed->GetInventory();
- if(pPedInventory)
- {
- //! Give ped a jetpack.
- pPedInventory->AddWeapon(GADGETTYPE_JETPACK);
- //! Equip it.
- pPed->SetPedConfigFlag(CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_EquipJetpack, true);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskJetpackGoToCoord(int JETPACK_ONLY(iPedID), const scrVector & JETPACK_ONLY(scrVecCoors), float JETPACK_ONLY(fMinHeightFromGround), bool JETPACK_ONLY(bDisableThrustAtDestination))
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_JETPACK);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "TASK_JETPACK_GO_TO_COORD - Not running jetpack task!"))
- {
- CTaskJetpack *pTaskJetpack = static_cast<CTaskJetpack*>(pTask);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskJetpack, "TASK_JETPACK_GO_TO_COORD - Not running jetpack task!"))
- {
- Vector3 vCoord = Vector3(scrVecCoors);
- pTaskJetpack->SetGoToParametersForAI(NULL, vCoord, fMinHeightFromGround, bDisableThrustAtDestination);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- void CommandTaskJetpackGoToEntity(int JETPACK_ONLY(iPedID), int JETPACK_ONLY(iTargetEntityID), const scrVector & JETPACK_ONLY(scrVecCoorsOffset), float JETPACK_ONLY(fMinHeightFromGround), bool JETPACK_ONLY(bDisableThrustAtDestination), bool JETPACK_ONLY(bUseRandomTimerWhenClose))
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_JETPACK);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "TASK_JETPACK_GO_TO_ENTITY - Not running jetpack task!"))
- {
- CTaskJetpack *pTaskJetpack = static_cast<CTaskJetpack*>(pTask);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskJetpack, "TASK_JETPACK_GO_TO_ENTITY - Not running jetpack task!"))
- {
- CPhysical* pTargetPhysical = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(iTargetEntityID);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTargetPhysical, "TASK_JETPACK_GO_TO_ENTITY - Target entity is not valid!"))
- {
- Vector3 vCoord = Vector3(scrVecCoorsOffset);
- pTaskJetpack->SetGoToParametersForAI(pTargetPhysical, vCoord, fMinHeightFromGround, bDisableThrustAtDestination, bUseRandomTimerWhenClose);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- void CommandTaskJetpackShootAtCoord(int JETPACK_ONLY(iPedID), const scrVector & JETPACK_ONLY(scrVecCoors), float JETPACK_ONLY(fAbortRange), int JETPACK_ONLY(iFrequencyPercentage), int JETPACK_ONLY(iFiringPatternHash))
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_JETPACK);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "TASK_JETPACK_SHOOT_AT_COORD - Not running jetpack task!"))
- {
- CTaskJetpack *pTaskJetpack = static_cast<CTaskJetpack*>(pTask);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskJetpack, "TASK_JETPACK_SHOOT_AT_COORD - Not running jetpack task!"))
- {
- Vector3 vCoord = Vector3(scrVecCoors);
- pTaskJetpack->SetShootAtParametersForAI(NULL, vCoord, fAbortRange, iFrequencyPercentage, iFiringPatternHash);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- void CommandTaskJetpackShootAtEntity(int JETPACK_ONLY(iPedID), int JETPACK_ONLY(iTargetEntityID), const scrVector & JETPACK_ONLY(scrVecCoorsOffset), float JETPACK_ONLY(fAbortRange), int JETPACK_ONLY(iFrequencyPercentage), int JETPACK_ONLY(iFiringPatternHash))
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_JETPACK);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "TASK_JETPACK_SHOOT_AT_ENTITY - Not running jetpack task!"))
- {
- CTaskJetpack *pTaskJetpack = static_cast<CTaskJetpack*>(pTask);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskJetpack, "TASK_JETPACK_SHOOT_AT_ENTITY - Not running jetpack task!"))
- {
- Vector3 vCoord = Vector3(scrVecCoorsOffset);
- CPhysical* pTargetPhysical = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(iTargetEntityID);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTargetPhysical, "TASK_JETPACK_SHOOT_AT_ENTITY - Target entity is not valid!"))
- {
- pTaskJetpack->SetShootAtParametersForAI(pTargetPhysical, vCoord, fAbortRange, iFrequencyPercentage, iFiringPatternHash);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- void CommandTaskJetpackStopShooting(int JETPACK_ONLY(iPedID))
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if(pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_JETPACK);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTask, "TASK_JETPACK_SHOOT_AT_COORD - Not running jetpack task!"))
- {
- CTaskJetpack *pTaskJetpack = static_cast<CTaskJetpack*>(pTask);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTaskJetpack, "TASK_JETPACK_SHOOT_AT_COORD - Not running jetpack task!"))
- {
- pTaskJetpack->RequestDrivebyTermination(true);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- void CommandTaskRappelFromHeli(int iPedIndex, float fMinRappelHeight)
- {
- CTaskHeliPassengerRappel* pRappelTask = rage_new CTaskHeliPassengerRappel(fMinRappelHeight);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedIndex, pRappelTask, SCRIPT_TASK_RAPPEL_FROM_HELI, "TASK_RAPPEL_FROM_HELI");
- }
- void CommandTaskDragPedToCoord(int iDraggerIndex, int iDraggedIndex, const scrVector & vCoords, float fMoveBlendRatioForApproach)
- {
- CPed* pDragged = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iDraggedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_NO_DEAD_CHECK);
- if(pDragged)
- {
- CTaskDraggingToSafety* pTask = rage_new CTaskDraggingToSafety(pDragged, NULL, CTaskDraggingToSafety::CF_CoverNotRequired);
- pTask->DragToPosition(vCoords);
- pTask->SetMoveBlendRatioForApproach(fMoveBlendRatioForApproach);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iDraggerIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_DRAG_PED_TO_COORD, "TASK_DRAG_PED_TO_COORD");
- }
- }
- bool CommandIsPedGettingUp(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- return pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->IsPedGettingUp();
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandTaskWrithe(int iPedID, int iPedTargetID, int nMinFireLoops, int UNUSED_PARAM(StartState), bool bForceShootOnGround, int nShootFromGroundTimer)
- {
- const CPed* pTargetPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedTargetID);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pTargetPed, "SCRIPT_TASK_WRITHE - Invalid target"))
- {
- bool bFromGetUp = true;
- bool bEnableRagdollOnCollision = true;
- if (bForceShootOnGround)
- {
- bEnableRagdollOnCollision = false;
- }
- CTaskWrithe* pTask = rage_new CTaskWrithe(CWeaponTarget(pTargetPed), bFromGetUp, bEnableRagdollOnCollision , bForceShootOnGround);
- pTask->SetMinFireLoops(nMinFireLoops);
- pTask->SetShootFromGroundTimer(nShootFromGroundTimer);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_WRITHE, "TASK_WRITHE");
- }
- }
- bool CommandIsPedInWrithe(int iPedID)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY(pPed, "SCRIPT_TASK_WRITHE - Invalid target"))
- {
- return pPed->GetPedResetFlag(CPED_RESET_FLAG_IsInWrithe);
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandOpenPatrolRoute(const char* RouteName)
- {
- CTheScripts::GetScriptPatrol().OpenPatrolRoute(RouteName);
- }
- void CommandClosePatrolRoute()
- {
- CTheScripts::GetScriptPatrol().ClosePatrolRoute();
- }
- void CommandAddPatrolNode(int NodeId, const char* NodeType, const scrVector & scrNodePos, const scrVector & scrNodeHeading, int Duration)
- {
- Vector3 vNodePos(scrNodePos);
- Vector3 vNodeHeading(scrNodeHeading);
- CTheScripts::GetScriptPatrol().AddPatrolNode(NodeId, NodeType, vNodePos, vNodeHeading, Duration);
- }
- void CommandAddPatrolNodeLink(int NodeID1, int NodeID2)
- {
- CTheScripts::GetScriptPatrol().AddPatrolLink(NodeID1, NodeID2);
- }
- void CommandCreatePatrolRoute()
- {
- CTheScripts::GetScriptPatrol().CreatePatrolRoute();
- }
- void CommandDeletePatrolRoute(const char * RouteName)
- {
- u32 HashedRouteName = atStringHash(RouteName);
- CTheScripts::GetCurrentGtaScriptHandler()->RemoveScriptResource(CGameScriptResource::SCRIPT_RESOURCE_PATROL_ROUTE, static_cast<ScriptResourceRef>(HashedRouteName));
- }
- void CommandTaskPatrol (int PedIndex, const char* cPatrolRouteName, int iAlertState, bool bCanChatToPeds, bool bUseHeadLookAt)
- {
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(cPatrolRouteName,"Error, NULL patrol route name, did you forget to initialise the route name?");
- int iRouteNameHash =atStringHash(cPatrolRouteName);
- CTaskPatrol::AlertStatus asAlertState = CTaskPatrol::AlertStatus (iAlertState);
- u32 iPatrolFlags = 0;
- if (bCanChatToPeds)
- {
- iPatrolFlags |= GF_CanChatToPeds;
- }
- if (bUseHeadLookAt)
- {
- iPatrolFlags |= GF_UseHeadLookAt;
- }
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskPatrol(iRouteNameHash, asAlertState, iPatrolFlags);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_PATROL, "TASK_PATROL");
- }
- void CommandTaskStayInCover (int PedIndex)
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskStayInCover();
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_STAY_IN_COVER, "TASK_STAY_IN_COVER");
- }
- bool CommandGetPatrolNodeInfo (int PedIndex, int &iTimeLeftAtNode, int &iNodeId)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- bool bHaveVaildTask = false;
- if (pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_PATROL);
- //CTask* pTask = pPedAI->GetTaskManager()->GetActiveTask();
- if (pTask && pTask->GetTaskType()==CTaskTypes::TASK_PATROL)
- {
- CTaskPatrol* pPatrolTask = (CTaskPatrol*)pTask;
- iNodeId = pPatrolTask->CTaskPatrol::GetCurrentNode();
- iTimeLeftAtNode = pPatrolTask->CTaskPatrol::GetTimeLeftAtNode();
- bHaveVaildTask = true;
- }
- }
- return bHaveVaildTask;
- }
- void CommandTaskHangGlider(int UNUSED_PARAM(PedIndex), int UNUSED_PARAM(HangGliderObjectIndex))
- {
- Assertf(0, "HangGlider is deprecated functionality");
- }
- void CommandSetHangGliderAirSpeed(int UNUSED_PARAM(PedIndex), const scrVector & UNUSED_PARAM(scrVAirSpeed))
- {
- Assertf(0, "HangGlider is deprecated functionality");
- }
- void CommandVehicleShootAtPed(int PedIndex, int OtherPedIndex, float fFireTolerance)
- {
- const CPed* pOtherPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(OtherPedIndex);
- if (pOtherPed)
- {
- CAITarget target(pOtherPed);
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskVehicleCombat(&target, 0, fFireTolerance);
- }
- }
- void CommandVehicleAimAtPed(int PedIndex, int OtherPedIndex)
- {
- const CPed* pOtherPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(OtherPedIndex);
- if (pOtherPed)
- {
- CAITarget target(pOtherPed);
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskVehicleCombat(&target, CTaskVehicleCombat::Flag_justAim);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_VEHICLE_AIM_AT_ENTITY, "TASK_VEHICLE_AIM_AT_PED");
- }
- }
- void CommandVehicleShootAtCoord(int PedIndex, const scrVector & svTarget, float fFireTolerance)
- {
- Vector3 vTarget(svTarget);
- CAITarget target(vTarget);
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskVehicleCombat(&target, 0, fFireTolerance);
- }
- void CommandVehicleAimAtCoord(int PedIndex, const scrVector & svTarget)
- {
- Vector3 vTarget(svTarget);
- CAITarget target(vTarget);
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskVehicleCombat(&target, CTaskVehicleCombat::Flag_justAim);
- }
- void CommandVehicleAimUsingCamera(int PedIndex)
- {
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskVehicleCombat(NULL, CTaskVehicleCombat::Flag_useCamera);
- }
- // Give a ped the bind-pose task to examine the transition from NM to animation.
- // DEV ONLY!
- void CommandTaskBindPose(int DEV_ONLY(iPedID), bool DEV_ONLY(bDoBlendFromNM))
- {
- #if __DEV
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskBindPose(bDoBlendFromNM);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedID, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_BIND_POSE, "TASK_BIND_POSE");
- #endif // __DEV
- }
- // Give ped an NM electrocution task.
- void CommandElectrocute(int iPedID, int nMinTime, int nMaxTime)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed && CTaskNMBehaviour::CanUseRagdoll(pPed, RAGDOLL_TRIGGER_SCRIPT) )
- {
- UpdatePedRagdollBoundsForScriptActivation(pPed);
- CTask* pNmTask = rage_new CTaskNMElectrocute(nMinTime, nMaxTime);
- CEventSwitch2NM event(nMaxTime, pNmTask, true, nMinTime);
- pPed->SwitchToRagdoll(event);
- }
- }
- // Give ped a high fall task.
- void CommandHighFall(int iPedID, int nMinTime, int nMaxTime, int eEntryType)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed && CTaskNMBehaviour::CanUseRagdoll(pPed, RAGDOLL_TRIGGER_SCRIPT) )
- {
- UpdatePedRagdollBoundsForScriptActivation(pPed);
- CTask* pNmTask = rage_new CTaskNMHighFall(nMinTime, NULL, (CTaskNMHighFall::eHighFallEntryType)eEntryType);
- CEventSwitch2NM event(nMaxTime, pNmTask, true, nMinTime);
- pPed->SwitchToRagdoll(event);
- }
- }
- // Give ped an NM dangle-from-meathook task.
- void CommandDangleFromMeathook(bool bStart, int iPedID, int iHookID, const scrVector & scrPos, bool bDoGrab, float fFrequency, int UNUSED_PARAM(nMinTime), int nMaxTime,
- bool bFixRotation, float fRotMinX, float fRotMinY, float fRotMinZ, float fRotMaxX, float fRotMaxY, float fRotMaxZ)
- {
- Vector3 pos = Vector3(scrPos.x, scrPos.y, scrPos.z);
- Vector3 vecRotMinLimits = Vector3(fRotMinX, fRotMinY, fRotMinZ);
- Vector3 vecRotMaxLimits = Vector3(fRotMaxX, fRotMaxY, fRotMaxZ);
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed)
- {
- // First time activating?
- if (bStart && CTaskNMBehaviour::CanUseRagdoll(pPed, RAGDOLL_TRIGGER_SCRIPT))
- {
- UpdatePedRagdollBoundsForScriptActivation(pPed);
- // Give it the dangle task
- CTask* pNmTask = rage_new CTaskNMDangle(pos);
- CEventSwitch2NM event(nMaxTime, pNmTask, true);
- pPed->SwitchToRagdoll(event);
- // Set grab state
- ((CTaskNMDangle*)pNmTask)->SetGrabParams(pPed, bDoGrab, fFrequency);
- // Create the hook to world constraint
- if (pPed->GetRagdollConstraintData())
- {
- CPhysical* pHook = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPhysical>(iHookID);
- AssertMsg(pHook && pHook->GetCurrentPhysicsInst(), "CommandDangleFromMeathook - valid hookID not provided");
- if (pHook && pHook->GetCurrentPhysicsInst())
- pPed->GetRagdollConstraintData()->CreateHookToWorldConstraint(pHook, pos, bFixRotation, vecRotMinLimits, vecRotMaxLimits);
- }
- }
- // Set grab state
- if (CTaskNMDangle* pTaskDangle = static_cast<CTaskNMDangle*>(
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_NM_DANGLE)))
- {
- pTaskDangle->SetGrabParams(pPed, bDoGrab, fFrequency);
- pTaskDangle->UpdateHookConstraint(pos, vecRotMinLimits, vecRotMaxLimits);
- }
- else if (pPed->GetRagdollConstraintData())
- {
- // Update the hook to world constraint manually if the dangle task has ended
- pPed->GetRagdollConstraintData()->UpdateHookToWorldConstraint(pos, vecRotMinLimits, vecRotMaxLimits);
- }
- }
- }
- // Give ped an NM slung-over-shoulder task.
- void CommandSlungOverShoulder(int iPedIDSlungPed, int iPedIDCarrier, int nMinTime, int nMaxTime)
- {
- CPed* pPedSlung = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIDSlungPed);
- CPed* pPedCarrier = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIDCarrier);
- if (pPedSlung && pPedCarrier && CTaskNMBehaviour::CanUseRagdoll(pPedSlung, RAGDOLL_TRIGGER_SLUNG_OVER_SHOULDER))
- {
- // Perform normal collision to avoid popping upon activation
- pPedSlung->GetRagdollInst()->SetDontZeroMatricesOnActivation();
- UpdatePedRagdollBoundsForScriptActivation(pPedSlung);
- // Give it the slung over shoulder task
- CTask* pNmTask = rage_new CTaskNMSlungOverShoulder(pPedSlung, pPedCarrier);
- CEventSwitch2NM event(nMaxTime, pNmTask, true, nMinTime);
- pPedSlung->SwitchToRagdoll(event);
- }
- }
- // Give ped an NM stumble task.
- void CommandStumble(int iPedID, int nMinTime, int nMaxTime)
- {
- Assertf(0, "CommandStumble is no longer supported");
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (pPed && CTaskNMBehaviour::CanUseRagdoll(pPed, RAGDOLL_TRIGGER_SCRIPT) )
- {
- UpdatePedRagdollBoundsForScriptActivation(pPed);
- CTask* pNmTask = rage_new CTaskNMRelax(nMinTime, nMaxTime);
- CEventSwitch2NM event(nMaxTime, pNmTask, true, nMinTime);
- pPed->SwitchToRagdoll(event);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents (int PedIndex, bool bSet)
- {
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents(bSet);
- }
- void CommandTaskForceMotionState (int PedIndex, int motionState, bool bForceRestart)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, 0);
- if (scriptVerifyf(CPed::IsAllowedToForceMotionState((CPedMotionStates::eMotionState)motionState, pPed), "%s: TASK_FORCE_MOTION_STATE - Failed to force state %d - See TTY for details", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), motionState))
- {
- CTask* pTask=rage_new CTaskForceMotionState((CPedMotionStates::eMotionState)motionState, bForceRestart);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskMoveNetworkByName(int PedIndex, const char *network, float blendDuration, bool bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate, const char* szDictionary, s32 flags)
- {
- if (scriptVerifyf(g_NetworkDefStore.FindSlot(network)!=-1, "TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_BY_NAME - Network def '%s' does not exist!", network ))
- {
- u32 iFlags = (u32)flags;
- if(bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate)
- {
- iFlags |= CTaskMoVEScripted::Flag_AllowOverrideCloneUpdate;
- }
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTask=rage_new CTaskMoVEScripted(fwMvNetworkDefId(network), iFlags, blendDuration, VEC3_ZERO, Quaternion::sm_I);
- if(szDictionary && szDictionary[0] != '\0')
- {
- pTask->SetCloneSyncDictHash(atStringHash(szDictionary));
- }
- bool bPartOfASequence = (PedIndex == NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE);
- if (iFlags&CTaskMoVEScripted::Flag_Secondary)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY( !bPartOfASequence, "TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_BY_NAME_SECONDARY* Cant be used in a sequence!" ))
- {
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->AddTaskSecondary( pTask, PED_TASK_SECONDARY_PARTIAL_ANIM );
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK, "TASK_MOVE_NETWORK");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskMoveNetworkByNameWithInitParams(int PedIndex, const char *network, int& initialParameters, float blendDuration, bool bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate, const char* szDictionary, s32 flags)
- {
- if (scriptVerifyf(g_NetworkDefStore.FindSlot(network)!=-1, "TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_BY_NAME - Network def '%s' does not exist!", network ))
- {
- u32 iFlags = (u32)flags;
- if(bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate)
- {
- iFlags |= CTaskMoVEScripted::Flag_AllowOverrideCloneUpdate;
- }
- CTaskMoVEScripted::ScriptInitialParameters* pInitParams = reinterpret_cast<CTaskMoVEScripted::ScriptInitialParameters*>(&initialParameters);
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTask=rage_new CTaskMoVEScripted(fwMvNetworkDefId(network), iFlags, blendDuration, VEC3_ZERO, Quaternion::sm_I, pInitParams);
- if(szDictionary && szDictionary[0] != '\0')
- {
- pTask->SetCloneSyncDictHash(atStringHash(szDictionary));
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK, "TASK_MOVE_NETWORK");
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskMoveNetworkAdvancedByName(int PedIndex, const char *network, const scrVector & pos, const scrVector & rot, s32 RotOrder, float blendDuration, bool bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate, const char* szDictionary, s32 flags)
- {
- if (scriptVerifyf(g_NetworkDefStore.FindSlot(network)!=-1, "TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ADVANCED_BY_NAME - Network def '%s' does not exist!", network ))
- {
- u32 iFlags = ((u32)flags);
- iFlags |= CTaskMoVEScripted::Flag_SetInitialPosition;
- if(bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate)
- {
- iFlags |= CTaskMoVEScripted::Flag_AllowOverrideCloneUpdate;
- }
- Vector3 vPos(pos);
- Vector3 vRot(rot);
- vRot*= DtoR;
- Quaternion qRot;
- CScriptEulers::QuaternionFromEulers(qRot, vRot, static_cast<EulerAngleOrder>(RotOrder));
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTask=rage_new CTaskMoVEScripted(fwMvNetworkDefId(network), iFlags, blendDuration, vPos, qRot);
- if(szDictionary && szDictionary[0] != '\0')
- {
- pTask->SetCloneSyncDictHash(atStringHash(szDictionary));
- }
- bool bPartOfASequence = (PedIndex == NULL_IN_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE);
- if (iFlags&CTaskMoVEScripted::Flag_Secondary)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY( !bPartOfASequence, "TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ADVANCED_BY_NAME_SECONDARY* Cant be used in a sequence!" ))
- {
- CPed * pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->AddTaskSecondary( pTask, PED_TASK_SECONDARY_PARTIAL_ANIM );
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK, "TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ADVANCED");
- }
- }
- CTaskMoVEScripted* FindScriptedMoveTask(const CPed* pPed)
- {
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_MOVE_SCRIPTED);
- if (!pTask)
- {
- pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskSecondaryByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_MOVE_SCRIPTED);
- }
- return static_cast<CTaskMoVEScripted*>(pTask);
- }
- void CommandTaskMoveNetworkAdvancedByNameWithInitParams(int PedIndex, const char *network, int& initialParameters, const scrVector & pos, const scrVector & rot, s32 RotOrder, float blendDuration, bool bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate, const char* szDictionary, s32 flags)
- {
- if (scriptVerifyf(g_NetworkDefStore.FindSlot(network)!=-1, "TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ADVANCED_BY_NAME - Network def '%s' does not exist!", network ))
- {
- u32 iFlags = ((u32)flags);
- iFlags |= CTaskMoVEScripted::Flag_SetInitialPosition;
- if(bAllowOverrideCloneUpdate)
- {
- iFlags |= CTaskMoVEScripted::Flag_AllowOverrideCloneUpdate;
- }
- CTaskMoVEScripted::ScriptInitialParameters* pInitParams = reinterpret_cast<CTaskMoVEScripted::ScriptInitialParameters*>(&initialParameters);
- Vector3 vPos(pos);
- Vector3 vRot(rot);
- vRot*= DtoR;
- Quaternion qRot;
- CScriptEulers::QuaternionFromEulers(qRot, vRot, static_cast<EulerAngleOrder>(RotOrder));
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTask=rage_new CTaskMoVEScripted(fwMvNetworkDefId(network), iFlags, blendDuration, vPos, qRot, pInitParams);
- if(szDictionary && szDictionary[0] != '\0')
- {
- pTask->SetCloneSyncDictHash(atStringHash(szDictionary));
- }
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK, "TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ADVANCED");
- }
- }
- bool CommandIsTaskMoveNetworkActive(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- if( pTaskMoVE && pTaskMoVE->GetIsNetworkActive() )
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkClipSet(s32 pedIndex, s32 clipSetHash, s32 variableClipSetHash = 0)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(pedIndex);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE, "SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_CLIP_SET - task not running! Have you called TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_BY_NAME yet?" ) )
- {
- fwMvClipSetVarId varId;
- fwMvClipSetId setId;
- if (variableClipSetHash==0)
- {
- variableClipSetHash = CLIP_SET_VAR_ID_INVALID;
- }
- varId.SetHash((u32)variableClipSetHash);
- setId.SetHash((u32)clipSetHash);
- pTaskMoVE->SetClipSet(varId, setId);
- }
- }
- }
- bool CommandIsTaskMoveNetworkReadyForTransition(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- {
- {
- return pTaskMoVE->GetState() == CTaskMoVEScripted::State_InState;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandRequestTaskMoveNetworkStateTransition(int PedIndex, const char* szState)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- {
- {
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE->GetState() == CTaskMoVEScripted::State_InState, "REQUEST_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_STATE_TRANSITION - task not ready for a transition! Check IS_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_READY_FOR_TRANSITION!" ) )
- {
- pTaskMoVE->RequestStateTransition(szState);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandSetExpectedCloneNextTaskMoveNetworkState(int PedIndex, const char* szState)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- {
- {
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE->GetState() == CTaskMoVEScripted::State_InState, "SET_EXPECTED_CLONE_NEXT_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_STATE - task not ready for a transition! Check IS_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_READY_FOR_TRANSITION!" ) )
- {
- pTaskMoVE->SetExpectedCloneNextStateTransition(szState);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- const char* CommandGetTaskMoveNetworkState(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE, "GET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_STATE - task is not running!"))
- {
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE->GetIsNetworkActive(), "GET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_STATE - task not active! Check IS_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ACTIVE!" ) )
- {
- return pTaskMoVE->GetScriptStateName();
- }
- }
- }
- return "Unknown";
- }
- void CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkSignalFloat(int PedIndex, const char* szSignal, float fSignal)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE, "SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_FLOAT - task is not running!"))
- {
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE->GetIsNetworkActive(), "SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_FLOAT - task not active! Check IS_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ACTIVE!" ) )
- {
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY ((!pPed->IsNetworkClone() || pTaskMoVE->GetAllowOverrideCloneUpdate()),
- "SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_FLOAT - Can't set float on cloned ped if its task is not being overridden!" ) )
- {
- pTaskMoVE->SetSignalFloat(szSignal, fSignal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkSignalFloatLerpRate(int PedIndex, const char* szSignal, float fLerpRate)
- {
- scriptAssertf(fLerpRate!=0.0f, "CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkSignalFloatLerpRate don't expect fLerpRate to be 0.0f");
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- {
- {
- return pTaskMoVE->SetSignalFloatLerpRate(szSignal, fLerpRate);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- float CommandGetTaskMoveNetworkSignalFloat(int PedIndex, const char* szSignal)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE, "GET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_FLOAT - task is not running!"))
- {
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE->GetIsNetworkActive(), "GET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_FLOAT - task not active! Check IS_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ACTIVE!" ) )
- {
- return pTaskMoVE->GetSignalFloat(szSignal);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0.0f;
- }
- void CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkSignalBool(int PedIndex, const char* szSignal, bool bSignal)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE, "SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_BOOL - task is not running!"))
- {
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE->GetIsNetworkActive(), "SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_BOOL - task not active! Check IS_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ACTIVE!" ) )
- {
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY ((!pPed->IsNetworkClone() || pTaskMoVE->GetAllowOverrideCloneUpdate()),
- "SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_BOOL - Can't set bool on cloned ped if its task is not being overridden!" ) )
- {
- pTaskMoVE->SetSignalBool(szSignal, bSignal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkSignalLocalBool(int PedIndex, const char* szSignal, bool bSignal)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE, "SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_LOCAL_BOOL - task is not running!"))
- {
- {
- pTaskMoVE->SetSignalBool(szSignal, bSignal, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkSignalLocalFloat(int PedIndex, const char* szSignal, float signal)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- {
- {
- pTaskMoVE->SetSignalFloat(szSignal, signal, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bool CommandGetTaskMoveNetworkSignalBool(int PedIndex, const char* szSignal)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE, "GET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_BOOL - task is not running!"))
- {
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE->GetIsNetworkActive(), "GET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_BOOL - task not active! Check IS_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ACTIVE!" ) )
- {
- return pTaskMoVE->GetSignalBool(szSignal);
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CommandGetTaskMoveNetworkEvent(int PedIndex, const char * eventName)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE, "GET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_EVENT - task is not running!"))
- {
- if( SCRIPT_VERIFY (pTaskMoVE && pTaskMoVE->GetIsNetworkActive(), "GET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_EVENT - task not active! Check IS_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ACTIVE!" ) )
- {
- return pTaskMoVE->GetMoveEvent(eventName);
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkEnableCollisionOnNetworkCloneWhenFixed(int PedIndex, bool bEnableCollisionOnNetworkCloneWhenFixed)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed && pPed->GetPedIntelligence())
- {
- CTaskMoVEScripted* pTaskMoVE = FindScriptedMoveTask(pPed);
- {
- {
- return pTaskMoVE->SetEnableCollisionOnNetworkCloneWhenFixed(bEnableCollisionOnNetworkCloneWhenFixed);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void PlayVehicleAnimScriptCommand(int VehicleIndex, const char *pAnimName, const char *pAnimDictNameStr)
- {
- const strStreamingObjectName pAnimDictName( pAnimDictNameStr );
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pAnimName, "VEHICLE_TASK_PLAY_ANIM - Animation name is null"))
- {
- return;
- }
- if(!SCRIPT_VERIFY(pAnimDictName.IsNotNull(), "VEHICLE_TASK_PLAY_ANIM - Animation dictionary name is null"))
- {
- return;
- }
- CVehicle *pVehicle = NULL;
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(VehicleIndex);
- if(!pVehicle)
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- //scriptAssertf(strlen(pAnimName)<ANIM_NAMELEN, "%s:TASK_PLAY_ANIM - Animation name is null : %s", CTheScripts::GetCurrentScriptNameAndProgramCounter(), pAnimName);
- aiTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleAnimation(pAnimDictName, pAnimName);
- if(pVehicle)
- {
- }
- }
- void CommandVehicleTaskPlayAnim(int VehicleIndex, const char *pAnimDictName, const char *pAnimName)
- {
- PlayVehicleAnimScriptCommand(VehicleIndex, pAnimName, pAnimDictName);
- }
- bool CommandIsMoveBlendRatioStill(float fMoveBlendRatio)
- {
- return CPedMotionData::GetIsStill(fMoveBlendRatio);
- }
- bool CommandIsMoveBlendRatioWalking(float fMoveBlendRatio)
- {
- return CPedMotionData::GetIsWalking(fMoveBlendRatio);
- }
- bool CommandIsMoveBlendRatioRunning(float fMoveBlendRatio)
- {
- return CPedMotionData::GetIsRunning(fMoveBlendRatio);
- }
- bool CommandIsMoveBlendRatioSprinting(float fMoveBlendRatio)
- {
- return CPedMotionData::GetIsSprinting(fMoveBlendRatio);
- }
- bool CommandIsPedStill(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- return pPed->GetMotionData()->GetIsStill();
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CommandIsPedWalking(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- return pPed->GetMotionData()->GetIsWalking();
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CommandPedIsRunning(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- return pPed->GetMotionData()->GetIsRunning();
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CommandPedIsSprinting(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- return pPed->GetMotionData()->GetIsSprinting();
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CommandPedIsStrafing(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if (pPed)
- {
- return pPed->GetMotionData()->GetIsStrafing();
- }
- return false;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Start the sweep task and point at an entity
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CommandTaskSweepAimEntity(int PedIndex, const char* pAnimDictName, const char* pLowAnimName, const char* pMedAnimName, const char* pHiAnimName, int runTime, int TargetEntityIndex, float turnRate, float fBlendInDuration)
- {
- const CEntity *pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(TargetEntityIndex);
- if( pEntity )
- {
- int clipDictId = fwAnimManager::FindSlot(strStreamingObjectName(pAnimDictName)).Get();
- fwMvClipId lowClipId(pLowAnimName);
- fwMvClipId medClipId(pMedAnimName);
- fwMvClipId highClipId(pHiAnimName);
- aiTask *pTask = rage_new CTaskGeneralSweep(clipDictId, lowClipId, medClipId, highClipId, runTime, pEntity, turnRate, fBlendInDuration);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_GENERAL_SWEEP, "TASK_GENERAL_SWEEP");
- }
- }
- // Update the sweep task and point at an entity
- void CommandUpdateTaskSweepAimEntity(int PedIndex, int TargetEntityIndex)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- // Check if the task is running
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType( CTaskTypes::TASK_GENERAL_SWEEP );
- if( Verifyf( pTask, "TaskGeneralSweep Isn't running, so cannot be updated!" ) )
- {
- const CEntity *pEntity = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CEntity>(TargetEntityIndex);
- if( Verifyf( pEntity, "Tracking Entity doesn't exist!" ) )
- {
- static_cast<CTaskGeneralSweep*>(pTask)->SetTrackEntity(pEntity);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Start the sweep task and point at a position
- void CommandTaskSweepAimPosition(int PedIndex, const char* pAnimDictName, const char* pLowAnimName, const char* pMedAnimName, const char* pHiAnimName, int runTime, const scrVector & scrVecCoors, float turnRate, float fBlendInDuration)
- {
- int clipDictId = fwAnimManager::FindSlot(strStreamingObjectName(pAnimDictName)).Get();
- fwMvClipId lowClipId(pLowAnimName);
- fwMvClipId medClipId(pMedAnimName);
- fwMvClipId highClipId(pHiAnimName);
- const Vector3 AimCoords = Vector3(scrVecCoors);
- aiTask *pTask = rage_new CTaskGeneralSweep(clipDictId, lowClipId, medClipId, highClipId, runTime, &AimCoords, turnRate, fBlendInDuration);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(PedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_GENERAL_SWEEP, "TASK_GENERAL_SWEEP");
- }
- // Update the sweep task and point at a position
- void CommandUpdateTaskSweepAimPosition(int PedIndex, const scrVector & scrVecCoors)
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- if(pPed)
- {
- // Check if the task is running
- CTask* pTask = pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType( CTaskTypes::TASK_GENERAL_SWEEP );
- if( Verifyf( pTask, "TaskGeneralSweep Isn't running, so cannot be updated!" ) )
- {
- const Vector3 AimCoords = Vector3(scrVecCoors);
- static_cast<CTaskGeneralSweep*>(pTask)->SetTrackPosition(&AimCoords);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskArrestPed(int CopPedIndex, int CrookPedIndex)
- {
- scriptDisplayf("CommandTaskArrestPed\n");
- CPed *pCopPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(CopPedIndex, 0);
- CPed *pCrookPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(CrookPedIndex, CTheScripts::GUID_ASSERT_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLONES);
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(pCrookPed, "TASK_ARREST_PED - You must specify the crook ped!");
- if(pCrookPed)
- {
- if(!pCopPed || !pCopPed->IsAPlayerPed())
- {
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskArrestPed(pCrookPed);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(CopPedIndex, pTask, SCRIPT_TASK_ARREST_PED, "TASK_ARREST_PED");
- }
- }
- }
- bool CommandIsPedRunningArrestTask(int PedIndex)
- {
- const CPed *pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(PedIndex);
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(pPed, "IS_PED_RUNNING_ARREST_TASK - You must specify the ped!");
- if(pPed)
- {
- CTaskPlayerOnFoot *pTaskPlayerOnFoot = static_cast< CTaskPlayerOnFoot * >(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_PLAYER_ON_FOOT));
- if(pTaskPlayerOnFoot)
- {
- aiTask *pTask = pTaskPlayerOnFoot->GetScriptedTask();
- if(pTask && pTask->GetTaskType() == CTaskTypes::TASK_ARREST_PED2)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- CTaskArrestPed2 *pTaskArrestPed2 = static_cast< CTaskArrestPed2 * >(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_ARREST_PED2));
- if(pTaskArrestPed2)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CommandIsArrestTypeValid(int CopPedIndex, int CrookPedIndex, int ArrestType)
- {
- const CPed *pCopPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(CopPedIndex);
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(pCopPed, "IS_ARREST_TYPE_VALID - You must specify the cop ped!");
- const CPed *pCrookPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(CrookPedIndex);
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(pCrookPed, "IS_ARREST_TYPE_VALID - You must specify the crook ped!");
- SCRIPT_ASSERT(ArrestType >= 0 && ArrestType < CArrestHelpers::ARREST_COUNT, "IS_ARREST_TYPE_VALID - You must specify a valid ArrestType!");
- if(pCopPed && pCrookPed && ArrestType >= 0 && ArrestType < CArrestHelpers::ARREST_COUNT)
- {
- return CArrestHelpers::IsArrestTypeValid(pCopPed, pCrookPed, ArrestType);
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CommandIsPedBeingArrested(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- CTaskCuffed* pTaskCuffed = static_cast<CTaskCuffed*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_CUFFED));
- return pTaskCuffed && pTaskCuffed->IsBeingCuffed();
- }
- return false;
- }
- int CommandGetPedArrester(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- CTaskCuffed* pTaskCuffed = static_cast<CTaskCuffed*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_CUFFED));
- if (pTaskCuffed && pTaskCuffed->IsBeingCuffed())
- {
- if (CPed* pCustodianPed = pTaskCuffed->GetArrestPed())
- {
- return CTheScripts::GetGUIDFromEntity(*pCustodianPed);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bool CommandIsPedCuffed(int iPedIndex)
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- // Just check the handcuffed flag rather than checking for the cuffed state,
- // as other higher priority states may have bumped it off temporarily.
- return pPed->GetPedConfigFlag(CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_IsHandCuffed);
- }
- return false;
- }
- int CommandGetPedCustodian(int iPedIndex)
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (CPed* pCustodianPed = pPed->GetCustodian())
- {
- return CTheScripts::GetGUIDFromEntity(*pCustodianPed);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bool CommandIsPedBeingUncuffed(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- CTaskCuffed* pTaskCuffed = static_cast<CTaskCuffed*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_CUFFED));
- return pTaskCuffed && pTaskCuffed->IsBeingUncuffed();
- }
- return false;
- }
- int CommandGetPedUncuffer(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- CTaskCuffed* pTaskCuffed = static_cast<CTaskCuffed*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_CUFFED));
- if (pTaskCuffed && pTaskCuffed->IsBeingUncuffed())
- {
- if (CPed* pCustodianPed = pTaskCuffed->GetArrestPed())
- {
- return CTheScripts::GetGUIDFromEntity(*pCustodianPed);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bool CommandIsPedArresting(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (CTaskArrest* pTaskArrest = static_cast<CTaskArrest*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_ARREST)))
- {
- return pTaskArrest->IsArresting();
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- int CommandGetPedArrestingTarget(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (CTaskArrest* pTaskArrest = static_cast<CTaskArrest*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_ARREST)))
- {
- if (pTaskArrest->IsArresting())
- {
- if (CPed* pTargetPed = pTaskArrest->GetTargetPed())
- {
- return CTheScripts::GetGUIDFromEntity(*pTargetPed);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bool CommandIsPedTakingCustody(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (CTaskArrest* pTaskArrest = static_cast<CTaskArrest*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_ARREST)))
- {
- return pTaskArrest->IsTakingCustody();
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- int CommandGetPedTakingCustodyTarget(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (CTaskArrest* pTaskArrest = static_cast<CTaskArrest*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_ARREST)))
- {
- if (pTaskArrest->IsTakingCustody())
- {
- if (CPed* pTargetPed = pTaskArrest->GetTargetPed())
- {
- return CTheScripts::GetGUIDFromEntity(*pTargetPed);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bool CommandIsPedBeingTakenIntoCustody(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if(!pPed->GetPedConfigFlag(CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_IsInCustody))
- {
- CTaskInCustody* pTaskInCustody = static_cast<CTaskInCustody*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_IN_CUSTODY));
- if (pTaskInCustody)
- {
- //! Ask in custody task.
- return pTaskInCustody->IsBeingTakenIntoCustody();
- }
- else if(pPed->GetCustodian())
- {
- //! Having a custodian indicates that someone is trying to put you into custody.
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CommandIsPedUncuffing(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (CTaskArrest* pTaskArrest = static_cast<CTaskArrest*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_ARREST)))
- {
- return pTaskArrest->IsUnCuffing();
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- int CommandGetPedUncuffingTarget(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (CTaskArrest* pTaskArrest = static_cast<CTaskArrest*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_ARREST)))
- {
- if(pTaskArrest->IsUnCuffing())
- {
- if (CPed* pTargetPed = pTaskArrest->GetTargetPed())
- {
- return CTheScripts::GetGUIDFromEntity(*pTargetPed);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void CommandCuffPed(int iPedIndex)
- {
- if (CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pPed->IsNetworkClone(), "CUFF_PED - Can't cuff cloned ped!"))
- {
- // Force the ped to be handcuffed immediately
- pPed->SetPedConfigFlag(CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_IsHandCuffed, true);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandUncuffPed(int iPedIndex)
- {
- if (CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pPed->IsNetworkClone(), "UNCUFF_PED - Can't remove clone ped from cuffs!"))
- {
- // Just unset the handcuffed flag, this will kick the ped out of the cuffed task
- pPed->SetPedConfigFlag(CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_IsHandCuffed, false);
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskTakeCustody(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iCustodianIndex), int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (CPed* pCustodianPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iCustodianIndex))
- {
- CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex, 0);
- if(pPed)
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pPed->IsNetworkClone(), "TASK_TAKE_CUSTODY - Must set on ped owner's, not clone!"))
- {
- pPed->SetInCustody(true, pCustodianPed);
- CTaskInCustody* pTaskInCustody = rage_new CTaskInCustody(pCustodianPed, true);
- CScriptPeds::GivePedScriptedTask(iPedIndex, pTaskInCustody, SCRIPT_TASK_IN_CUSTODY, "TASK_IN_CUSTODY");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CommandRemovePedFromCustody(int iPedIndex)
- {
- if (CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if(SCRIPT_VERIFY(!pPed->IsNetworkClone(), "REMOVE_PED_FROM_CUSTODY - Can't remove clone ped from custody!"))
- {
- pPed->SetInCustody(false, NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- float CommandGetPedArrestPhase(int ENABLE_TASKS_ARREST_CUFFED_ONLY(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- //! Arrest Task.
- CTaskArrest* pTaskArrest = static_cast<CTaskArrest*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_ARREST));
- if (pTaskArrest)
- {
- return pTaskArrest->GetPhase();
- }
- //! Cuffed Task
- CTaskCuffed* pTaskCuffed = static_cast<CTaskCuffed*>(pPed->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_CUFFED));
- if (pTaskCuffed)
- {
- return pTaskCuffed->GetPhase();
- }
- //! In Custody Task.
- if(pPed->GetCustodian())
- {
- CTaskArrest* pTaskArrest = static_cast<CTaskArrest*>(pPed->GetCustodian()->GetPedIntelligence()->FindTaskActiveByType(CTaskTypes::TASK_ARREST));
- if(pTaskArrest && pTaskArrest->IsTakingCustody())
- {
- return pTaskArrest->GetPhase();
- }
- }
- }
- return 0.0f;
- }
- int CommandGetPedPotentialArrestTarget(int iPedIndex)
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (CPed* pTargetPed = pPed->GetArrestTarget())
- {
- return CTheScripts::GetGUIDFromEntity(*pTargetPed);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int CommandGetPedPotentialUncuffTarget(int iPedIndex)
- {
- if (const CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToQueryFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- if (CPed* pTargetPed = pPed->GetUncuffTarget())
- {
- return CTheScripts::GetGUIDFromEntity(*pTargetPed);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void CommandSetPedCustodyOverrideFollowDistance(int iPedIndex, float fFollowDistance)
- {
- if (CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- pPed->SetCustodyFollowDistanceOverride(fFollowDistance);
- }
- }
- void CommandWarpIntoLeadersVehicle(int iPedIndex)
- {
- if (CPed* pPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedIndex))
- {
- pPed->SetPedConfigFlag(CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_WarpIntoLeadersVehicle, true);
- }
- }
- void CommandTaskVehicleGotoNavmesh(int iPedID, int iVehicleID, const scrVector & scrVecCoors,
- float fCruiseSpeed, int iDrivingFlags, float fTargetReached)
- {
- CVehicle* pVehicle = NULL;
- {
- pVehicle = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CVehicle>(iVehicleID);
- }
- if(!pVehicle)
- {
- return;
- }
- sVehicleMissionParams params;
- params.m_iDrivingFlags = iDrivingFlags;
- if (fCruiseSpeed > 0.0f)
- {
- params.m_fCruiseSpeed = fCruiseSpeed;
- }
- else
- {
- params.m_fCruiseSpeed = 64.0f;
- }
- Vector3 vTargetPos(scrVecCoors);
- params.SetTargetPosition(vTargetPos);
- params.m_fTargetArriveDist = fTargetReached;
- ASSERT_ONLY(params.IsTargetValid());
- CTaskVehicleGoToNavmesh* pNavmeshTask = rage_new CTaskVehicleGoToNavmesh(params);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskControlVehicle(pVehicle, pNavmeshTask);
- }
- void CommandGivePedAgitatedTaskConfront(int iPedID, int iAgitatorPedID)
- {
- {
- CPed* pTargetPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iPedID);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFYF((pTargetPed && !pTargetPed->IsAPlayerPed()),"TASK_AGITATED_ACTION_CONFRONT_RESPONSE is trying to give agitated task to a player ped or could not find ped with this ID - %i!", iPedID))
- {
- CPed* pAgitatorPed = CTheScripts::GetEntityToModifyFromGUID<CPed>(iAgitatorPedID);
- if (SCRIPT_VERIFYF(pAgitatorPed,"TASK_AGITATED_ACTION_CONFRONT_RESPONSE could not find agitator ped with this ID - %i", iAgitatorPedID))
- {
- CTaskConfront* pConfrontTask = rage_new CTaskConfront(pAgitatorPed);
- CTask* pTask = rage_new CTaskAgitatedAction(pConfrontTask);
- pTargetPed->SetPedConfigFlag(CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_CanBeAgitated, true);
- pTargetPed->SetPedConfigFlag(CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_IsAgitated, true);
- CTaskAgitated* pAgitatedTask = rage_new CTaskAgitated(pAgitatorPed);
- pAgitatedTask->SetStartedFromScript(true);
- pTargetPed->GetPedIntelligence()->AddTaskSecondary( pAgitatedTask, PED_TASK_SECONDARY_PARTIAL_ANIM );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SetupScriptCommands()
- {
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PAUSE,0x19c58ba8a663b64b, CommandTaskPause );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_STAND_STILL,0x83f5bcfffba26699, CommandTaskStandStill );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_JUMP,0x012983f49702416c, CommandTaskJump );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_COWER,0x402a537158a551bd, CommandTaskCower );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_HANDS_UP,0x3598f95a00026dd8, CommandTaskHandsUp );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(UPDATE_TASK_HANDS_UP_DURATION,0x46a203feec0ecef4, CommandUpdateTaskHandsUpDuration );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_DUCK,0x54b5addaf8a132f7, CommandTaskDuck );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_OPEN_VEHICLE_DOOR,0xf9d446af83e7a624, CommandTaskOpenVehicleDoor );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE,0xb486640392ec50bb, CommandTaskEnterVehicle );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_LEAVE_VEHICLE,0x02f1caac7cb77e47, CommandTaskLeaveVehicle );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_MOUNT_ANIMAL,0x3f0ad0f6b2f34df6, CommandTaskMountAnimal );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_DISMOUNT_ANIMAL,0xfe2e56c600a68fce, CommandTaskDismountAnimal );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GET_OFF_BOAT,0x9aef335a2f73e00a, CommandTaskGetOffBoat );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SKY_DIVE,0x622c61505349f582, CommandTaskSkyDive );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PARACHUTE,0xb7121915a3797c65, CommandTaskParachute );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PARACHUTE_TO_TARGET,0xf323d744a727a4a2, CommandTaskParachuteToTarget );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_PARACHUTE_TASK_TARGET,0x878fd7e3c8110527, CommandSetParachuteTaskTarget );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_PARACHUTE_TASK_THRUST,0x3ca038370f6e3223, CommandSetParachuteTaskThrust );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_PARACHUTE_TASK_TARGET_ENTITY,0x63b1ba4dbcd822ac, CommandSetParachuteTaskTargetEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_JETPACK,0x23c36cbde291e36c, CommandTaskJetpack );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_JETPACK_GO_TO_COORD,0x586dae563b9e50c6, CommandTaskJetpackGoToCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_JETPACK_GO_TO_ENTITY,0x67794f749799bd7d, CommandTaskJetpackGoToEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_JETPACK_SHOOT_AT_COORD,0x6ebd50cacaab197e, CommandTaskJetpackShootAtCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_JETPACK_SHOOT_AT_ENTITY,0xa767f2d717d074f9, CommandTaskJetpackShootAtEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_JETPACK_STOP_SHOOTING,0xafd3096512ccc6cd, CommandTaskJetpackStopShooting );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_RAPPEL_FROM_HELI,0x01ddcf3e0afad31b, CommandTaskRappelFromHeli );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_DRAG_PED_TO_COORD,0xb269aa2c4e7f407c, CommandTaskDragPedToCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_COORD,0x3b8f94419979a0b1, CommandTaskVehicleDriveToCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_COORD_LONGRANGE,0x70d024128ce0c114, CommandTaskVehicleDriveToCoordLongRange);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_WANDER,0xad6cdbcda713560a, CommandTaskVehicleDriveWander );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_FOLLOW_TO_OFFSET_OF_ENTITY,0x6fce069e4940878c, CommandTaskFollowToOffsetOfEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_FOLLOW_TO_OFFSET_OF_PICKUP,0x6f91735acae34873, CommandTaskFollowToOffsetOfPickup);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GO_STRAIGHT_TO_COORD,0x13c3030981ea7c3b, CommandTaskGoStraightToCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GO_STRAIGHT_TO_COORD_RELATIVE_TO_ENTITY,0xc98e8d7f0d9d4795, CommandTaskGoStraightToCoordRelativeToEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_ACHIEVE_HEADING,0x30e00b59448ab97e, CommandTaskAchieveHeading );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_FLUSH_ROUTE,0x83a64e1fe4669225, CommandFlushRoute );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_EXTEND_ROUTE,0x9d38259cb54342be, CommandExtendRoute );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_FOLLOW_POINT_ROUTE,0x790dea4e63d61baa, CommandTaskFollowPointRoute );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GO_TO_ENTITY,0xc149e50fbb27dd70, CommandTaskGoToEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SMART_FLEE_COORD,0x84918839a90c954c, CommandTaskSmartFleeCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SMART_FLEE_PED,0x7734082b0edb0be0, CommandTaskSmartFleePed );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_REACT_AND_FLEE_COORD,0x596713d55325f5c9, CommandTaskReactAndFleeCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_REACT_AND_FLEE_PED,0x7a9da0518e81ec15, CommandTaskReactAndFleePed );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_SHOCKING_EVENT_BACK_AWAY,0xa19ac1e1c0d01b42, CommandTaskShockingEventBackAway );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_SHOCKING_EVENT_HURRY_AWAY,0x4e742aa861140b96, CommandTaskShockingEventHurryAway );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SHOCKING_EVENT_REACT,0xb5bc9e2b43334cef, CommandTaskShockingEventReact );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_WANDER_IN_AREA,0x5315f7ac22dc95f1, CommandTaskWanderInArea );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_WANDER_STANDARD,0xd86a0bc9cc0a625a, CommandTaskWanderStandard );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_WANDER_SPECIFIC,0x26f1da9738c260f2, CommandTaskWanderSpecific);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_PARK,0x5b7af57d366861f2, CommandTaskVehiclePark );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_STEALTH_KILL,0xe2c1d6fa4e5ea991, CommandTaskStealthKill );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PLANT_BOMB,0xd9ab2b08ce49a043, CommandTaskPlantBomb );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_SHARK_CIRCLE_COORD,0xfff1232e7a485388, CommandTaskSharkCircleCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_SHARK_CIRCLE_PED,0xfd4e7488138e4f25, CommandTaskSharkCirclePed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_FOLLOW_NAV_MESH_TO_COORD,0x7d1424753688ee7a, CommandTaskFollowNavMeshToCoord );
- scrThread::RegisterCommand(SCRHASH("TASK_FOLLOW_NAV_MESH_TO_COORD_ADVANCED",0x72f317bc03266125), CommandTaskFollowNavMeshToCoordAdvanced_ScrStruct SCRIPT_DEBUGGING_ONLY(, "TASK_FOLLOW_NAV_MESH_TO_COORD_ADVANCED", __FILE__, scrSignature()));
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_PED_PATH_CAN_USE_CLIMBOVERS,0xcacf57ad414acc75, CommandSetPedPathCanUseClimbOvers );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_PED_PATH_CAN_USE_LADDERS,0x32bb80e6e576379a, CommandSetPedPathCanUseLadders );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_PED_PATH_CAN_DROP_FROM_HEIGHT,0x91d9c55e11392690, CommandSetPedPathCanDropFromHeight );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_PED_PATH_CLIMB_COST_MODIFIER,0xd0b0e285f00a8b61, CommandSetPedPathClimbCostModifier );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_PED_PATH_MAY_ENTER_WATER,0xbe74e997fb714956, CommandSetPedToMayEnterWater );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_PED_PATH_PREFER_TO_AVOID_WATER,0x8bb90eda0a7b150e, CommandSetPedPreferToAvoidWater );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_PED_PATH_AVOID_FIRE,0x9ef69bf12b6fbcb3, CommandSetPedPathAvoidFire );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_GLOBAL_MIN_BIRD_FLIGHT_HEIGHT,0xb133bc406357c5a5, CommandSetGlobalMinBirdFlightHeight );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_NAVMESH_ROUTE_DISTANCE_REMAINING,0x9fa616df1ef7172a, CommandGetNavMeshRouteDistanceRemaining );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_NAVMESH_ROUTE_RESULT,0xb02b2cd950b6ba04, CommandGetNavMeshRouteResult );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_CONTROLLED_VEHICLE_UNABLE_TO_GET_TO_ROAD,0xa8a55d2ba7497f6f, CommandIsControlledVehicleUnableToGetToRoad );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GO_TO_COORD_ANY_MEANS,0x9603c0ec536c6425, CommandTaskGoToCoordAnyMeans );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GO_TO_COORD_ANY_MEANS_EXTRA_PARAMS,0x110dedd855267ad4, CommandTaskGoToCoordAnyMeansExtraParams );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GO_TO_COORD_ANY_MEANS_EXTRA_PARAMS_WITH_CRUISE_SPEED,0xfaaa6a6a67097054, CommandTaskGoToCoordAnyMeansExtraParamsWithCruiseSpeed );
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Animation task commands
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PLAY_ANIM,0x49d97b076e3590ac, CommandTaskPlayAnim );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PLAY_ANIM_ADVANCED,0x246c656f8e525dc7, CommandTaskPlayAnimAdvanced );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(STOP_ANIM_TASK,0x227b2dd85a708e68, CommandStopAnimTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION,0x86577f7f045f84c7, CommandTaskScriptedAnimation );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(PLAY_ENTITY_SCRIPTED_ANIM,0xc51d165944c64ca6, CommandPlayEntityScriptedAnimation );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(START_ANIM_PLAYBACK,0x8fc2aa42fd9fa172, CommandStartAnimPlayback );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(STOP_ANIM_PLAYBACK,0xe3258b995b832e6a, CommandStopAnimPlayback );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_ANIM_CLIP,0xf962040546b0d2d7, CommandTaskClipSetClip );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_ANIM_WEIGHT,0xecd4da16b454528f, CommandTaskClipSetBlendWeight );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_ANIM_FILTER,0x979aba5e5d177c74, CommandTaskClipSetFilter );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_ANIM_PHASE,0x60f9850ce23ed209, CommandTaskClipSetPhase );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_ANIM_RATE,0x1cbf84e41b1bfe92, CommandTaskClipSetRate );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_ANIM_LOOPED,0x8bf7b8753e6fadd0, CommandTaskClipSetLooped );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PLAY_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIMATION,0xb8ea44dc2c77645c, CommandTaskPlayPhoneGestureAnimation );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_STOP_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIMATION,0xfcd42d914e921580, CommandTaskStopPhoneGestureAnimation );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PLAYING_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIM,0x7ce0cfe0533867b0, CommandIsPlayingPhoneGestureAnim );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIM_CURRENT_TIME,0x198866ca14785166, CommandGetPhoneGestureAnimCurrentTime );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_PHONE_GESTURE_ANIM_TOTAL_TIME,0xc20701b83e0998c5, CommandGetPhoneGestureAnimTotalTime );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_PLAY_ANIM,0x8da8932b29e225ed, CommandVehicleTaskPlayAnim );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_LOOK_AT_COORD,0xe1e1af00ca06a2b7, CommandTaskLookAtCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY,0xf30f15f203736de4, CommandTaskLookAtEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_CLEAR_LOOK_AT,0xc89ea639a6f338a6, CommandClearLookAt );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(OPEN_SEQUENCE_TASK,0xa888f8cc04f25cc8, CommandOpenSequenceTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(CLOSE_SEQUENCE_TASK,0xc963a45b50851768, CommandCloseSequenceTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE,0x8acada903fcaa42f, CommandTaskPerformSequence );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE_LOCALLY,0x7bcccccdabd49a93, CommandTaskPerformSequenceLocally );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(CLEAR_SEQUENCE_TASK,0x7461d7c5ba953bc7, CommandClearSequenceTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_SEQUENCE_TO_REPEAT,0x3f2b528df27c8a9f, CommandSetSequenceToRepeat );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_SEQUENCE_PREVENT_MIGRATION,0x6a177d7d156481ae, CommandSetSequencePreventMigration );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_SEQUENCE_PROGRESS,0x0829092f169950ab, CommandGetSequenceProgress );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_IS_TASK_ACTIVE,0x7f528e84564c4d10, CommandGetIsTaskActive );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_SCRIPT_TASK_STATUS,0x174ced88b97c78d9, CommandGetScriptTaskStatus );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_ACTIVE_VEHICLE_MISSION_TYPE,0xf9eec73ae0b9c439, CommandGetActiveVehicleMissionType);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_LEAVE_ANY_VEHICLE,0xab7639d658bbccee, CommandTaskLeaveAnyVehicle );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED,0xccf862b807fe3901, CommandTaskAimGunScripted );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED_WITH_TARGET,0x30cd3d58df974a16, CommandTaskAimGunScriptedWithTarget );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(UPDATE_TASK_AIM_GUN_SCRIPTED_TARGET,0x20a2aeaf04674323, CommmandUpdateTaskAimGunScriptedTarget );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_CLIP_SET_FOR_SCRIPTED_GUN_TASK,0x3943988de42ef74a, CommandGetClipSetForScriptedGunTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_ROPE_TRACK_ENTITY_FOR_SCRIPTED_GUN_TASK,0x87ac327b490ecccc, CommandSetRopeTrackEntityForGunTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_AIM_GUN_AT_ENTITY,0x636b3584208a6d73, CommandTaskAimGunAtEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_TURN_PED_TO_FACE_ENTITY,0x529d306014d3c29a, CommandTaskTurnPedToFaceEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_AIM_GUN_AT_COORD,0x2ea72cdbfacd9e92, CommandTaskAimGunAtCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SHOOT_AT_COORD,0xa99ad9dee4794c48, CommandTaskShootAtCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SHUFFLE_TO_NEXT_VEHICLE_SEAT,0x8625186d3a8ddd7a, CommandTaskShuffleToNextVehicleSeat );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(CLEAR_PED_TASKS,0x03a927199a2dfe46, CommandClearPedTasks );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(CLEAR_PED_SCRIPT_TASK_IF_RUNNING_THREAT_RESPONSE_NON_TEMP_TASK,0xf3642376bf6ac7a8, CommandClearPedScriptTaskIfRunningThreatResponseNonTempTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(CLEAR_PED_SECONDARY_TASK,0xca2872f050840231, CommandClearPedSecondaryTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_EVERYONE_LEAVE_VEHICLE,0x417047b1f659225c, CommandTaskEveryoneLeaveVehicle );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET,0x6624b56c8f9a7bbf, CommandTaskGotoEntityOffset );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET_XY,0xb17a6034b9f1bcc2, CommandTaskGotoEntityOffsetXY );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_INVESTIGATE_COORDS,0xb834945c258dac7b, CommandTaskInvestigateCoords);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_TURN_PED_TO_FACE_COORD,0x1a96b8b416bc07d0, CommandTaskTurnPedToFaceCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_DRIVE_POINT_ROUTE,0x8c4f2dd2f4b46da9, CommandTaskDrivePointRoute );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_TEMP_ACTION,0xcd41d6f721cb9c3a, CommandTaskVehicleTempAction );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION,0xfe5a02cf2178b6a8, CommandTaskVehicleMission );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION_PED_TARGET,0xb69d13e19147910f, CommandTaskVehicleMissionPedTarget );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION_COORS_TARGET,0xfdb121077308e944, CommandTaskVehicleMissionCoorsTarget );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(IS_PED_INVESTIGATING_WHISTLING_EVENT,0x7fd44d022e2a2e07, CommandIsPedInvestigatingWhistlingEvent );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_INVESTIGATION_POSITION,0x00f6e31f2f0528cc, CommandSetInvestigationPosition );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_ESCORT,0xdbee353c7ca6e88e, CommandTaskVehicleEscort );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_FOLLOW,0xbb97101b3b2dbef5, CommandTaskVehicleFollow );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_CHASE,0x9286a110a3fd81f1, CommandTaskVehicleChase );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_HELI_PROTECT,0x69ac7dd318a3e1ba, CommandTaskHeliProtect );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_TASK_VEHICLE_CHASE_BEHAVIOR_FLAG,0xc8d0b0d2cfd76bb5, CommandSetTaskVehicleChaseBehaviorFlag );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_TASK_VEHICLE_CHASE_IDEAL_PURSUIT_DISTANCE,0xdfad0df477fd9eb3, CommandSetTaskVehicleChaseIdealPursuitDistance);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_HELI_CHASE,0x42935fa7528ffce8, CommandTaskHeliChase );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_TASK_HELI_CHASE_TARGET_OFFSET,0x4caff843df59d524, CommandSetTaskHeliChaseTargetOffset );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_TASK_HELI_CHASE_TARGET_OFFSET_WORLD_SPACE,0x8d6ba126f7ac98e4, CommandSetTaskHeliChaseTargetOffsetWorldSpace );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_TASK_HELI_CHASE_ORIENTATION,0xe97d050a690da21c, CommandSetTaskHeliChaseOrientation );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PLANE_CHASE,0xe8f8c382b0eb7478, CommandTaskPlaneChase );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PLANE_LAND,0x214f418bf9481244, CommandTaskPlaneLand );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(CLEAR_DEFAULT_PRIMARY_TASK,0xeb6fbc20375e72c2, CommandClearDefaultPrimaryTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(CLEAR_PRIMARY_VEHICLE_TASK,0xe4a094de05c0210c, CommandClearPrimaryVehicleTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(CLEAR_VEHICLE_CRASH_TASK,0x273bc6472375634c, CommandClearVehicleCrashTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PLANE_GOTO_PRECISE_VTOL,0xce661a3c8cf58b44, CommandTaskPlaneGotoPreciseVtol );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SUBMARINE_GOTO_AND_STOP,0x835cbdb247b09c67, CommandTaskSubmarineGotoAndStop );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_HELI_MISSION,0x545c59578966d5b8, CommandTaskHeliMission );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_HELI_ESCORT_HELI,0x53a1d75e294fdb30, CommandTaskHeliEscort );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PLANE_MISSION,0xcdaacb23d43f080d, CommandTaskPlaneMission );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PLANE_TAXI,0x908b77e6d8aa83d8, CommandTaskPlaneTaxi );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_BOAT_MISSION,0xc5a824d6ee9c9cd3, CommandTaskBoatMission );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_WEAPON_ROLL, 0x123b2716, CommandTaskWeaponRoll );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_DRIVE_BY,0x0e6c3a4efa9d9d35, CommandTaskDriveBy );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_DRIVEBY_TASK_TARGET,0x8217f7dfe30383b0, CommandSetDriveByTarget );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(CLEAR_DRIVEBY_TASK_UNDERNEATH_DRIVING_TASK,0xd639b91d6baf25c6, CommandClearDrivebyTaskUnderneathDrivingTask);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_DRIVEBY_TASK_UNDERNEATH_DRIVING_TASK,0x99d3be8c39ba34ff, CommandIsDrivebyTaskUnderneathDrivingTask);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(CONTROL_MOUNTED_WEAPON,0xb604014eee3ca5f8, CommandControlMountedWeapon );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_MOUNTED_WEAPON_TARGET,0x748e7aee8deb2a3a, CommandSetMountedWeaponTarget );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(CLEAR_MOUNTED_WEAPON_TASK_UNDERNEATH_DRIVING_TASK,0xf4dedafc0c550318, CommandClearMountedWeaponTaskUnderneathDrivingTask);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_MOUNTED_WEAPON_TASK_UNDERNEATH_DRIVING_TASK,0xcb8e14dc7871f52c, CommandIsMountedWeaponTaskUnderneathDrivingTask);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_USE_MOBILE_PHONE,0x57caa5fbf134d4ae, CommandTaskUseMobilePhone );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_USE_MOBILE_PHONE_TIMED,0x9bd5d84c8c3f0b2c, CommandTaskUseMobilePhoneTimed );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_USE_WALKIE_TALKIE,0x46f7b490eb75e92c, CommandTaskUseWalkieTalkie );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_CHAT_TO_PED,0x2966111306fa6611, CommandTaskChatToPed );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(IS_CHATTING_PED_IN_POSITION,0xd701a91d13919148, CommandIsChattingPedInPosition );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(IS_CHATTING_PED_PLAYING_ANIM,0xae8fabcda3959d22, CommandIsChattingPedPlayingAnim );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(MAKE_CHATTING_PED_PLAY_ANIM,0x3f4bfc1622d674be, CommandMakeChattingPedPlayAnim );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(MAKE_CHATTING_PED_LEAVE,0x9dfbb232fdaa2244, CommandMakeChattingPedLeave );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(ADD_FOLLOW_NAVMESH_TO_PHONE_TASK,0xe12df85ba18a27f8, CommandAddFollowNavmeshToPhoneTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(GET_MOBILE_PHONE_TASK_SUB_TASK,0xeb6576b40ae232f5, CommandGetMobilePhoneTaskSubTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_WARP_PED_INTO_VEHICLE,0x73a521eac1ef5c1b, CommandTaskWarpPedIntoVehicle );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SHOOT_AT_ENTITY,0x913e191f1f726271, CommandTaskShootAtEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_CLIMB,0x893ddd76cc7c67b1, CommandTaskClimb );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_CLIMB_LADDER,0x12425bd281be5f3c, CommandTaskClimbLadder );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_RAPPEL_DOWN_WALL,0x42ee24d502e263b3, CommandTaskRappelDownWall );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_RAPPEL_DOWN_WALL_USING_CLIPSET_OVERRIDE,0x80f9b0598b0c9c85, CommandTaskRappelDownWallUsingClipsetOverride);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_TASK_RAPPEL_DOWN_WALL_STATE,0xa0584425edd6ec9d, CommandsGetTaskRappelDownWallState );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(CLEAR_PED_TASKS_IMMEDIATELY,0x51bb443b279e4104, CommandClearPedTasksImmediately );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE_FROM_PROGRESS,0x23378ce912d5b544, CommandTaskPerformSequenceFromProgress );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_NEXT_DESIRED_MOVE_STATE,0x8ff5f2b541a0e471, CommandSetNextDesiredMoveState );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_PED_DESIRED_MOVE_BLEND_RATIO,0x98f7e0916b6b5a0b, CommandSetPedDesiredMoveBlendRatio );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_PED_DESIRED_MOVE_BLEND_RATIO,0x5e9b3bbf63a5e2f6, CommandGetPedDesiredMoveBlendRatio );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_AIMING,0x27c6152f3e5f2933, CommandTaskGotoEntityAiming );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SET_DECISION_MAKER,0xd029ba670c8df65b, CommandTaskSetDecisionMaker );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SET_SPHERE_DEFENSIVE_AREA,0x223133feb94059cd, CommandTaskSetSphereDefensiveArea );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_CLEAR_DEFENSIVE_AREA,0x4b16afbb0c12b630, CommandTaskClearDefensiveArea );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PED_SLIDE_TO_COORD,0xed2842d9cc50eb6e, CommandTaskPedSlideToCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_PED_SLIDE_TO_COORD_AND_PLAY_ANIM,0x93a741ed3ed7f56f, CommandTaskPedSlideToCoordAndPlayAnim );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_PED_SLIDE_TO_COORD_AND_PLAY_ANIM_HDG_RATE, 0x95abc676, CommandTaskPedSlideToCoordAndPlayAnimWithHeadingChangeRate );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PED_SLIDE_TO_COORD_HDG_RATE,0xd6711eee6b632dae, CommandTaskPedSlideToCoordWithHeadingChangeRate );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_DRIVE_POINT_ROUTE_ADVANCED,0x730dad3cf7f02fa7, CommandTaskDrivePointRouteAdvanced );
- // Combat and cover
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(ADD_COVER_POINT,0x41ba9dba367c9c12, CommandAddCoverPoint );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(REMOVE_COVER_POINT,0x5990dad3727a1b45, CommandRemoveCoverPoint );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(DOES_SCRIPTED_COVER_POINT_EXIST_AT_COORDS,0x7fd113b09d96c678, CommandDoesScriptedCoverPointExistAtCoords );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_SCRIPTED_COVER_POINT_COORDS,0x137fb6fc6e40a0a8, CommandGetScriptedCoverPointCoords );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(ADD_SCRIPTED_COVER_AREA, 0x28b7b9bfdaf274aa, CommandAddScriptedCoverArea);
- //SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(GET_SCRIPTED_COVER_POINT_STATUS, 0x56c9de8d, CommandGetScriptedCoverPointStatus );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_COMBAT_PED,0xc1a74225341aa9fb, CommandTaskCombat );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_COMBAT_PED_TIMED,0x5fc4a511155d6f9a, CommandTaskCombatTimed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SEEK_COVER_FROM_POS,0x3f58924930345d8d, CommandTaskSeekCoverFromPos );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SEEK_COVER_FROM_PED,0xb67d1d267c666dc4, CommandTaskSeekCoverFromPed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SEEK_COVER_TO_COVER_POINT,0x419e449559bf60b4, CommandTaskSeekCoverToCoverPoint );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SEEK_COVER_TO_COORDS,0x264cd1b504831626, CommandTaskSeekCoverToCoords );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PUT_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_COVER,0x809dfa39515d5981, CommandTaskPutPedDirectlyIntoCover );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_PUT_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_COVER_FROM_TARGET,0x9f8e54193d416a78, CommandTaskPutPedDirectlyIntoCoverFromTarget );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_WARP_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_COVER,0x6e01e9e8d89f8276, CommandTaskWarpPedDirectlyIntoCover);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_COVER_TASK_TARGET,0x778c4e702f2a65e5, CommandSetCoverTarget );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_EXIT_COVER,0x412ed6ee0b28c20d, CommandTaskExitCover );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PUT_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_MELEE,0x957211dc68d2869f, CommandTaskPutPedDirectlyIntoMelee );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_ADVANCE_TO_TARGET_IN_LINE,0xd9c691ad25d0d5eb, CommandTaskAdvanceToTargetInLine );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_CHARGE_TARGET_ENABLED,0x9dea9d830bfc9937, CommandSetChargeTargetEnabled );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_CHARGERS,0xa2d85c968ea44e3d, CommandSetMaxNumActiveChargers );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_CHARGES_AT_SAME_TARGET,0xfbb868ae331debcd, CommandSetMinTimeBetweenChargesAtSameTarget );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_TOGGLE_DUCK,0xa5af895dd224fdc0, CommandTaskToggleDuck );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GUARD_CURRENT_POSITION,0x274a180d57a0d9a6, CommandTaskGuardCurrentPosition );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GUARD_ASSIGNED_DEFENSIVE_AREA,0x4182d960e26d40bb, CommandTaskGuardAssignedDefensiveArea );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_GUARD_ANGLED_DEFENSIVE_AREA,0xf035a69189e11b7a, CommandTaskGuardAngledDefensiveArea );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GUARD_SPHERE_DEFENSIVE_AREA,0x061a42ebc9ceb366, CommandTaskGuardSphereDefensiveArea );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_STAND_GUARD,0x4b551665e9b2e8f6, CommandTaskStandGuard );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_DRIVE_TASK_CRUISE_SPEED,0xbb3480bb855cdb33, CommandSetDriveTaskCruiseSpeed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_DRIVE_TASK_MAX_CRUISE_SPEED,0x3d2ebac0a745e60c, CommandSetDriveTaskMaxCruiseSpeed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_DRIVE_TASK_DRIVING_STYLE,0x27be5555cdf6f983, CommandSetDriveTaskDrivingStyle );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_PURSUE_TASK_IDEAL_DISTANCE,0x971919670679e003, CommandSetPursueTaskIdealDistance );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(ADD_COVER_BLOCKING_AREA,0x5af3192f3c3d45ec, CommandAddCoverBlockingArea );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(REMOVE_ALL_COVER_BLOCKING_AREAS,0x71fcd88fc7f98621, CommandFlushCoverBlockingAreas );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(REMOVE_COVER_BLOCKING_AREAS_AT_POSITION,0xac7ab29fe3c36266, CommandRemoveCoverBlockingAreasAtPosition );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(REMOVE_SPECIFIC_COVER_BLOCKING_AREAS,0xaa443863046f380a, CommandRemoveSpecificCoverBlockingAreas);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_START_SCENARIO_IN_PLACE,0xc9fefb406c44f60b, CommandTaskStartScenarioInPlace );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_START_SCENARIO_AT_POSITION,0xdb4f67aafbf32aa5, CommandTaskStartScenarioAtPosition );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_START_VEHICLE_SCENARIO,0xbfb160b082e439fa, CommandTaskStartVehicleScenario );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_USE_NEAREST_SCENARIO_TO_COORD,0x1d698ecdff42ac58, CommandTaskUseNearestScenarioToPos );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_USE_NEAREST_SCENARIO_TO_COORD_WARP,0x8ceb5d8b56025aa2, CommandTaskUseNearestScenarioToPosWarp );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_USE_NEAREST_TRAIN_SCENARIO_TO_COORD_WARP,0x97deba5039a7f6c7, CommandTaskUseNearestTrainScenarioToPosWarp);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_USE_NEAREST_SCENARIO_CHAIN_TO_COORD,0xaf0492886bc6c105, CommandTaskUseNearestScenarioChainToPos );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_USE_NEAREST_SCENARIO_CHAIN_TO_COORD_WARP,0x6d44636281842060, CommandTaskUseNearestScenarioChainToPosWarp );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(DOES_SCENARIO_EXIST_IN_AREA,0x5b138084858689ac, CommandDoesScenarioExistInArea );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(DOES_SCENARIO_OF_TYPE_EXIST_IN_AREA,0x48d8c2729764de01, CommandDoesScenarioOfTypeExistInArea);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_SCENARIO_OCCUPIED,0xc85b76c87214bd87, CommandIsScenarioOccupied );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(PED_HAS_USE_SCENARIO_TASK,0x23bf8abbc9594609, CommandPedHasUseScenarioTask );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(OVERRIDE_TASKED_SCENARIO_BASE_ANIM,0xdd7e39f6a9fa3ce0, CommandOverrideTaskedScenarioBaseAnim );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(PLAY_ANIM_ON_RUNNING_SCENARIO,0x8b90895f7d0bee59, CommandPlayAnimOnRunnningScenario );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(DOES_SCENARIO_GROUP_EXIST,0x1e63be2394148da0, CommandDoesScenarioGroupExist );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_SCENARIO_GROUP_ENABLED,0x96a05000ccd43584, CommandIsScenarioGroupEnabled );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_SCENARIO_GROUP_ENABLED,0xa3d2c191df3cb742, CommandSetScenarioGroupEnabled );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(RESET_SCENARIO_GROUPS_ENABLED,0xb750df5029a6790a, CommandResetScenarioGroupsEnabled );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_EXCLUSIVE_SCENARIO_GROUP,0xedf1af96b1a92325, CommandSetExclusiveScenarioGroup );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(RESET_EXCLUSIVE_SCENARIO_GROUP,0xa7fee431b0d22e80, CommandResetExclusiveScenarioGroup );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(FORCE_SCENARIO_GROUP_PRIORITY,0xb2a385f314986d7d, CommandForceScenarioGroupPriority );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(RESET_SCENARIO_GROUPS_PRIORITY,0xf842c44cfffb8884, CommandResetScenarioGroupsPriority );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_SCENARIO_TYPE_ENABLED,0xaec3fb024079cf27, CommandIsScenarioTypeEnabled );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_SCENARIO_TYPE_ENABLED,0x247f21b1803f0ec4, CommandSetScenarioTypeEnabled );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(RESET_SCENARIO_TYPES_ENABLED,0xa9fc42dea687033d, CommandResetScenarioTypesEnabled );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SUPPRESS_NORMAL_SCENARIO_EXITS_NEXT_FRAME,0x462559c9bfdb51d1, CommandSuppressNormalScenarioExitsNextFrame);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SUPPRESS_SCENARIO_ATTRACTION_NEXT_FRAME,0xf50d4dd468864fca, CommandSuppressScenarioAttractionNextFrame);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SUPPRESS_BREAKOUT_SCENARIO_EXITS_NEXT_FRAME,0x743ef6f4b8c462a8,CommandSuppressBreakoutScenarioExitsNextFrame);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PED_ACTIVE_IN_SCENARIO,0x67360b9474054c5e, CommandIsPedActiveInScenario );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PED_PLAYING_BASE_CLIP_IN_SCENARIO,0x2dc1bc483b6a3316, CommandIsPedPlayingBaseClipInScenario );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_PED_CAN_PLAY_AMBIENT_IDLES,0xe72d9eb9db4b874d, CommandSetCanPlayAmbientIdles );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_COMBAT_HATED_TARGETS_IN_AREA,0xe45039a194d735de, CommandTaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_COMBAT_HATED_TARGETS_AROUND_PED,0x766d377a16f499e3, CommandTaskCombatHatedTargetsAroundPed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_COMBAT_HATED_TARGETS_AROUND_PED_TIMED,0x34ad04c1e7cb67d8, CommandTaskCombatHatedTargetsAroundPedTimed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_THROW_PROJECTILE,0xa43ab969c8956eb8, CommandTaskThrowProjectile );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SWAP_WEAPON,0xd4834169f570e6d2, CommandTaskSwapWeapon );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_RELOAD_WEAPON,0x62f1ebed7a072b40, CommandTaskReloadWeapon );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_COMBAT_ROLL,0x8eddf98bab0a7bc9, CommandTaskCombatRoll );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PED_GETTING_UP,0x03454821a9ecf4aa, CommandIsPedGettingUp );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_WRITHE,0x99e9c3c2d6af9a52, CommandTaskWrithe );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PED_IN_WRITHE,0x645f244ecddef6cf, CommandIsPedInWrithe );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(OPEN_PATROL_ROUTE,0x9d3e7062e40f2049, CommandOpenPatrolRoute );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(CLOSE_PATROL_ROUTE,0xc65dee4d8f9f02eb, CommandClosePatrolRoute );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(ADD_PATROL_ROUTE_NODE,0xad84831de60c1442, CommandAddPatrolNode );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(ADD_PATROL_ROUTE_LINK,0x23c767cf5993cf13, CommandAddPatrolNodeLink );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(CREATE_PATROL_ROUTE,0x274f700901c096dd, CommandCreatePatrolRoute );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(DELETE_PATROL_ROUTE,0x6bd70dca1fdc1c56, CommandDeletePatrolRoute );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_PATROL_TASK_INFO,0x52f734cebe20dfba, CommandGetPatrolNodeInfo );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_PATROL,0xac81ed4a4f2fec9c, CommandTaskPatrol );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_STAY_IN_COVER,0xf21f1b3825b46822, CommandTaskStayInCover );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(ADD_VEHICLE_SUBTASK_ATTACK_COORD,0xf2e8f4bd20869ab2, CommandAddVehicleSubtaskAttackCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(ADD_VEHICLE_SUBTASK_ATTACK_PED,0x80e8bfe6e62212c1, CommandAddVehicleSubtaskAttackPed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_SHOOT_AT_PED,0xbba695ad5315cdd8, CommandVehicleShootAtPed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_AIM_AT_PED,0xc514d16960a4fa43, CommandVehicleAimAtPed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_SHOOT_AT_COORD,0xe5d96c43ab0b0dc6, CommandVehicleShootAtCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_AIM_AT_COORD,0x7d49955a299139e9, CommandVehicleAimAtCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_VEHICLE_AIM_USING_CAMERA,0x6614a146419eb189, CommandVehicleAimUsingCamera );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_HANG_GLIDER,0xbdbadc2ff688e5b2, CommandTaskHangGlider );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_HANG_GLIDER_AIR_SPEED,0x23b2c655efd82c53, CommandSetHangGliderAirSpeed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_GOTO_NAVMESH,0xdf44785f7bc09dd2, CommandTaskVehicleGotoNavmesh );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GO_TO_COORD_WHILE_AIMING_AT_COORD,0x642c58f4ca259448, CommandTaskGoToCoordWhileAimingAtCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GO_TO_COORD_WHILE_AIMING_AT_ENTITY,0x98db2abd53b8d70b, CommandTaskGoToCoordWhileAimingAtEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GO_TO_COORD_AND_AIM_AT_HATED_ENTITIES_NEAR_COORD,0x2a83cd9941ec44d0, CommandTaskGoToCoordAndAimAtHatedEntitiesNearCoord);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GO_TO_ENTITY_WHILE_AIMING_AT_COORD,0x60fad147bb45a92a, CommandTaskGoToEntityWhileAimingAtCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_GO_TO_ENTITY_WHILE_AIMING_AT_ENTITY,0x0b47872e9d74882c, CommandTaskGoToEntityWhileAimingAtEntity);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_BIND_POSE,0xac5fea0754bcc7cf, CommandTaskBindPose );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(ELECTROCUTE_PED,0x9eebf0c360e75bef, CommandElectrocute );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_HIGH_FALL_TASK,0xdb1174c6546afc65, CommandHighFall );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(DANGLE_FROM_MEATHOOK,0xd9c1a873ff69a447, CommandDangleFromMeathook );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SLUNG_OVER_SHOULDER,0xcbdd75b6dfb92714, CommandSlungOverShoulder );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(MAKE_PED_STUMBLE,0x6b0ebf2507baba30, CommandStumble );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(REQUEST_WAYPOINT_RECORDING,0x70f260358d1a42c4, waypoint_commands::CommandRequestWaypointRecording );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_IS_WAYPOINT_RECORDING_LOADED,0xbd3cea9cd36e271e, waypoint_commands::CommandGetIsWaypointRecordingLoaded );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(REMOVE_WAYPOINT_RECORDING,0x10f7bfe3a88cb99b, waypoint_commands::CommandRemoveWaypointRecording );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_RECORDING_GET_NUM_POINTS,0x042959494b85e155, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointRecordingGetNumPoints );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_RECORDING_GET_COORD,0x76263b6f2b150aff, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointRecordingGetCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_RECORDING_GET_SPEED_AT_POINT,0xaa4b93a8c0d05be3, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointRecordingGetSpeedAtPoint);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_RECORDING_GET_CLOSEST_WAYPOINT,0xe49fae8c75dfe3b0, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointRecordingGetClosestWaypoint );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_FOLLOW_WAYPOINT_RECORDING,0x4218764824f31173, waypoint_commands::CommandTaskFollowWaypointRecording );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_GOING_ON_FOR_PED,0xb4ae2a423a4176ce, waypoint_commands::CommandIsWaypointPlaybackGoingOnForPed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_PED_WAYPOINT_PROGRESS,0x0b331f8dc5c61933, waypoint_commands::CommandGetPedWaypointProgress );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_PED_WAYPOINT_PROGRESS,0xadc4c24903027450, waypoint_commands::CommandSetPedWaypointProgress );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_PED_WAYPOINT_DISTANCE,0xb80b2f3bfb68df1a, waypoint_commands::CommandGetPedWaypointDistance );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_PED_WAYPOINT_ROUTE_OFFSET,0x455e0249f399ef4c, waypoint_commands::CommandSetPedWaypointRouteOffset );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_WAYPOINT_DISTANCE_ALONG_ROUTE,0xd2fe51a38e9a1946, waypoint_commands::CommandGetWaypointDistanceAlongRoute );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_GET_IS_PAUSED,0x656f70678f75d966, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointPlaybackGetIsPaused );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_PAUSE,0x499c4b0d70f4097c, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointPlaybackPause );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_RESUME,0x4ffeb98e621afb27, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointPlaybackResume );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_OVERRIDE_SPEED,0x369b082b04a4f619, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointPlaybackOverrideSpeed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_USE_DEFAULT_SPEED,0x5039c5050b42f1e0, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointPlaybackUseDefaultSpeed );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(USE_WAYPOINT_RECORDING_AS_ASSISTED_MOVEMENT_ROUTE,0xbb6589e0d27bd54e, waypoint_commands::CommandUseWaypointRecordingAsAssistedMovementRoute);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_START_AIMING_AT_PED,0x9b4dd143cd0c78fe, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointPlaybackStartAimingAtPed );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_START_AIMING_AT_ENTITY,0x47e2d6d68a34062a, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointPlaybackStartAimingAtEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_START_AIMING_AT_COORD,0xa142fd669ff80016, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointPlaybackStartAimingAtCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_START_SHOOTING_AT_PED,0xa9b13da1d075a160, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointPlaybackStartShootingAtPed );
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_START_SHOOTING_AT_ENTITY,0x4f6e75c1ca97a1ef, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointPlaybackStartShootingAtEntity );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_START_SHOOTING_AT_COORD,0x4f826adf9bdb6bd8, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointPlaybackStartShootingAtCoord );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_STOP_AIMING_OR_SHOOTING,0x282cae6fb0e3b2fc, waypoint_commands::CommandWaypointPlaybackStopAimingOrShooting );
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(ASSISTED_MOVEMENT_REQUEST_ROUTE,0xb5549ea4fcf75870, waypoint_commands::CommandAssistedMovementRequestRoute);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(ASSISTED_MOVEMENT_REMOVE_ROUTE,0xed4af6b9266b55c9, waypoint_commands::CommandAssistedMovementRemoveRoute);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(ASSISTED_MOVEMENT_IS_ROUTE_LOADED,0x632b7d3b9b85016a, waypoint_commands::CommandAssistedMovementIsRouteLoaded);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(ASSISTED_MOVEMENT_GET_ROUTE_PROPERTIES,0xec6dfa1a86cf270a, waypoint_commands::CommandAssistedMovementGetRouteProperties);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(ASSISTED_MOVEMENT_SET_ROUTE_PROPERTIES,0x50569e4320bc8e92, waypoint_commands::CommandAssistedMovementSetRouteProperties);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(ASSISTED_MOVEMENT_OVERRIDE_LOAD_DISTANCE_THIS_FRAME,0xd7e4e11cc0659bb6, waypoint_commands::CommandAssistedMovementOverrideLoadDistanceThisFrame);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_VEHICLE_FOLLOW_WAYPOINT_RECORDING,0xa24707688ba83cea, waypoint_commands::CommandTaskVehicleFollowWaypointRecording);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_GOING_ON_FOR_VEHICLE,0x22ff01f89d3006c0, waypoint_commands::CommandIsWaypointPlaybackGoingOnForVehicle);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_VEHICLE_WAYPOINT_PROGRESS,0x46ea6598acefacc1, waypoint_commands::CommandGetVehicleWaypointProgress);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_VEHICLE_WAYPOINT_TARGET_POINT,0x0e9d3608e0ae9ee3, waypoint_commands::CommandGetVehicleWaypointTargetPoint);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(VEHICLE_WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_PAUSE,0xe3948de25c763434, waypoint_commands::CommandVehicleWaypointPlaybackPause);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(VEHICLE_WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_GET_IS_PAUSED,0xa84a1cf14183e169, waypoint_commands::CommandVehicleWaypointPlaybackGetIsPaused);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(VEHICLE_WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_RESUME,0x211bb80656beac0f, waypoint_commands::CommandVehicleWaypointPlaybackResume);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(VEHICLE_WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_USE_DEFAULT_SPEED,0x502f9fce448f5724, waypoint_commands::CommandVehicleWaypointPlaybackUseDefaultSpeed);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(VEHICLE_WAYPOINT_PLAYBACK_OVERRIDE_SPEED,0xf248aeaab65d17cd, waypoint_commands::CommandVehicleWaypointPlaybackOverrideSpeed);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_NM_ATTACH_PED_TO_ENTITY,0x7ed90e7321ac4a87, CommandTaskNMAttachPedToEntity);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS,0xf7b73727a8f72f54, CommandTaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_FORCE_MOTION_STATE,0x57374b880e0a67bd, CommandTaskForceMotionState);
- // MoVE interface
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_BY_NAME,0x84a70ae1a2393914, CommandTaskMoveNetworkByName);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ADVANCED_BY_NAME,0xad3d17c7e426d09d, CommandTaskMoveNetworkAdvancedByName);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_BY_NAME_WITH_INIT_PARAMS,0x4601817fd87b48e3, CommandTaskMoveNetworkByNameWithInitParams);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ADVANCED_BY_NAME_WITH_INIT_PARAMS,0xca9cbdbc10f9d281, CommandTaskMoveNetworkAdvancedByNameWithInitParams);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ACTIVE,0xfcd53f51d587f4c6, CommandIsTaskMoveNetworkActive);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_READY_FOR_TRANSITION,0x0422aefd9002867b, CommandIsTaskMoveNetworkReadyForTransition);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(REQUEST_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_STATE_TRANSITION,0xdcd29be535921736, CommandRequestTaskMoveNetworkStateTransition);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_EXPECTED_CLONE_NEXT_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_STATE,0x2029bef342249fb1, CommandSetExpectedCloneNextTaskMoveNetworkState);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_STATE,0x111890991356db66, CommandGetTaskMoveNetworkState);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ANIM_SET,0x2d9f06756211492a, CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkClipSet);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_FLOAT,0x8e11f085404a3100, CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkSignalFloat);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_LOCAL_FLOAT,0x357c016ef8883bad, CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkSignalLocalFloat);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_FLOAT_LERP_RATE,0x6e3f82dd454ea5b1, CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkSignalFloatLerpRate);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_BOOL,0xdde2a56a49baf5b0, CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkSignalBool);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_LOCAL_BOOL,0xbe46dff5c216a2b0, CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkSignalLocalBool);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_FLOAT,0x103bce39f925945e, CommandGetTaskMoveNetworkSignalFloat);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_SIGNAL_BOOL,0x501632a36a6512aa, CommandGetTaskMoveNetworkSignalBool);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(GET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_EVENT,0xce3f029a4833b5e1, CommandGetTaskMoveNetworkEvent);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(SET_TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_ENABLE_COLLISION_ON_NETWORK_CLONE_WHEN_FIXED,0x4a5f1661be58e97e, CommandSetTaskMoveNetworkEnableCollisionOnNetworkCloneWhenFixed);
- // End MoVE interface
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_MOVE_BLEND_RATIO_STILL,0x98daeb6e7093895e, CommandIsMoveBlendRatioStill);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_MOVE_BLEND_RATIO_WALKING,0x6b46f0285c770b5b, CommandIsMoveBlendRatioWalking);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_MOVE_BLEND_RATIO_RUNNING,0x833a52f892a42353, CommandIsMoveBlendRatioRunning);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_MOVE_BLEND_RATIO_SPRINTING,0x3861da7f20602340, CommandIsMoveBlendRatioSprinting);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PED_STILL,0x443c6afb940b3c83, CommandIsPedStill);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PED_WALKING,0x834c649d79d5128d, CommandIsPedWalking);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PED_RUNNING,0x81bbcaf9fe3b469d, CommandPedIsRunning);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PED_SPRINTING,0xe02d8bdf4b18d48d, CommandPedIsSprinting);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PED_STRAFING,0xfe3baaf47e48d31f, CommandPedIsStrafing);
- // synchronized scenes
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SYNCHRONIZED_SCENE,0x950b26f4c891073f, CommandTaskSynchronizedScene);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_AGITATED_ACTION_CONFRONT_RESPONSE,0x3e7d91f4eece76b8, CommandGivePedAgitatedTaskConfront);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Ped SweepTask commands
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SWEEP_AIM_ENTITY,0x26d2934cf2d5b32c, CommandTaskSweepAimEntity);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(UPDATE_TASK_SWEEP_AIM_ENTITY,0x878b7bb84cc31442, CommandUpdateTaskSweepAimEntity);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_SWEEP_AIM_POSITION,0x07c9c36e1a3234e9, CommandTaskSweepAimPosition);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(UPDATE_TASK_SWEEP_AIM_POSITION,0xc82e4267a5f18820, CommandUpdateTaskSweepAimPosition);
- // @DEPRECATED: Old arrest commands
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(TASK_ARREST_PED,0x463d4f9c4826a59b, CommandTaskArrestPed);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PED_RUNNING_ARREST_TASK,0x64152dd440e37f50, CommandIsPedRunningArrestTask);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(IS_ARREST_TYPE_VALID,0x1c805a9f43140ae6, CommandIsArrestTypeValid);
- // Arrest/uncuff commands
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PED_BEING_ARRESTED,0x1c7f03843c4541ad, CommandIsPedBeingArrested);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(IS_PED_BEING_UNCUFFED,0x522ef0aaa44cd03a, CommandIsPedBeingUncuffed);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(IS_PED_ARRESTING,0x2a706f5c5d386b6e, CommandIsPedArresting);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(IS_PED_UNCUFFING,0x1590a589bdbbf96c, CommandIsPedUncuffing);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(GET_PED_ARRESTER,0x1d081ef24f8c6203, CommandGetPedArrester);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(GET_PED_UNCUFFER,0x79a3054bf21c9039, CommandGetPedUncuffer);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(GET_PED_ARRESTING_TARGET,0x9def9d10068f6f46, CommandGetPedArrestingTarget);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(GET_PED_UNCUFFING_TARGET,0x08c5c742c9b17f90, CommandGetPedUncuffingTarget);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(CUFF_PED,0x7b9873a2f170f8b0, CommandCuffPed);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(UNCUFF_PED,0x9a89b72b9931965c, CommandUncuffPed);
- SCR_REGISTER_SECURE(IS_PED_CUFFED,0xea266e5f12328e62, CommandIsPedCuffed);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(IS_PED_TAKING_CUSTODY,0xb178acc0bca5b82c, CommandIsPedTakingCustody);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(GET_PED_TAKING_CUSTODY_TARGET,0x2f6461d574428769, CommandGetPedTakingCustodyTarget);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(IS_PED_BEING_TAKEN_INTO_CUSTODY,0xcaff880c04b723c0, CommandIsPedBeingTakenIntoCustody);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(TASK_TAKE_CUSTODY,0x53baad9817f5de01, CommandTaskTakeCustody);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(GET_PED_CUSTODIAN,0x670b52c53b47a811, CommandGetPedCustodian);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(REMOVE_PED_FROM_CUSTODY,0x512b985df2d0e125, CommandRemovePedFromCustody);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(GET_PED_ARREST_PHASE,0x44559d9a1dd62526, CommandGetPedArrestPhase);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(GET_PED_POTENTIAL_ARREST_TARGET,0x1214edf270c95469, CommandGetPedPotentialArrestTarget);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(GET_PED_POTENTIAL_UNCUFF_TARGET,0x346aeaa1e63abaeb, CommandGetPedPotentialUncuffTarget);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(SET_PED_CUSTODY_FOLLOW_DISTANCE,0x006f134efa946bd1, CommandSetPedCustodyOverrideFollowDistance);
- SCR_REGISTER_UNUSED(WARP_INTO_LEADERS_VEHICLE,0x196931342f1803a2, CommandWarpIntoLeadersVehicle);
- }
- } // end of namespace task_commands
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