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- 'Pokemon Simulation
- mainwin 45 25
- [start]
- count = 0
- superpotioncount = 5
- battleonstage = 0
- charizardhp = 255
- charizardatk = 188
- charizarddef = 180
- charizardspatk = 223
- charizardspdef = 190
- charizardspeed = 211
- charizardlevel = 70
- charizardtype1 = 10
- charizardtype2 = 3
- charizardname$ = "Charizard"
- blastoisehp = 256
- blastoiseatk = 187
- blastoisedef = 211
- blastoisespatk = 190
- blastoisespdef = 218
- blastoisespeed = 180
- blastoiselevel = 70
- blastoisetype1 = 11
- blastoisetype2 = 0
- blastoisename$ = "Blastoise"
- venusaurhp = 257
- venusauratk = 186
- venusaurdef = 187
- venusaurspatk = 211
- venusaurspdef = 211
- venusaurspeed = 183
- venusaurlevel = 70
- venusaurtype1 = 12
- venusaurtype2 = 4
- venusaurname$ = "Venusaur"
- pikachuhp = 194
- pikachuatk = 148
- pikachudef = 113
- pikachuspatk = 141
- pikachuspdef = 127
- pikachuspeed = 197
- pikachulevel = 70
- pikachutype1 = 13
- pikachutype2 = 0
- pikachuname$ = "Pikachu"
- solarbeamname$ = "Solarbeam"
- solarbeamtype = 12
- solarbeampower = 120
- solarbeamaccuracy = 100
- solarbeampp = 10
- solarbeamclass = 2
- solarbeamid = 76
- earthquakename$ = "Earthquake"
- earthquaketype = 5
- earthquakepower = 100
- earthquakeaccuracy = 100
- earthquakepp = 10
- earthquakeclass = 1
- earthquakeid = 89
- sludgebombname$ = "Sludge Bomb"
- sludgebombtype = 4
- sludgebombpower = 90
- sludgebombaccuracy = 100
- sludgebombpp = 10
- sludgebombclass = 2
- sludgebombid = 188
- leafstormname$ = "Leaf Storm"
- leafstormtype = 12
- leafstormpower = 130
- leafstormaccuracy = 90
- leafstormpp = 5
- leafstormclass = 2
- leafstormid = 437
- flamethrowername$ = "Flamethrower"
- flamethrowertype = 10
- flamethrowerpower = 90
- flamethroweraccuracy = 100
- flamethrowerpp = 15
- flamethrowerclass = 2
- flamethrowerid = 53
- dragonclawname$ = "Dragon Claw"
- dragonclawtype = 16
- dragonclawpower = 80
- dragonclawaccuracy = 100
- dragonclawpp = 15
- dragonclawclass = 1
- dragonclawid = 337
- flyname$ = "Fly"
- flytype = 3
- flypower = 90
- flyaccuracy = 95
- flypp = 15
- flyclass = 1
- flyid = 19
- surfname$ = "Surf"
- surftype = 11
- surfpower = 90
- surfaccuracy = 100
- surfpp = 15
- surfclass = 2
- surfid = 57
- icebeamname$ = "Ice Beam"
- icebeamtype = 15
- icebeampower = 90
- icebeamaccuracy = 100
- icebeampp = 10
- icebeamclass = 2
- icebeamid = 58
- skullbashname$ = "Skull Bash"
- skullbashtype = 1
- skullbashpower = 130
- skullbashaccuracy = 100
- skullbashpp = 10
- skullbashclass = 1
- skullbashid = 130
- thundername$ = "Thunder"
- thundertype = 13
- thunderpower = 110
- thunderaccuracy = 70
- thunderpp = 10
- thunderclass = 2
- thunderid = 87
- volttacklename$ = "Volt Tackle"
- volttackletype = 13
- volttacklepower = 120
- volttackleaccuracy = 100
- volttacklepp = 15
- volttackleclass = 1
- volttackleid = 344
- quickattackname$ = "Quick Attack"
- quickattacktype = 1
- quickattackpower = 40
- quickattackaccuracy = 100
- quickattackpp = 30
- quickattackclass = 1
- quickattackid = 98
- strengthname$ = "Strength"
- strengthtype = 1
- strengthpower = 80
- strengthaccuracy = 100
- strengthpp = 15
- strengthclass = 1
- strengthid = 70
- [userpokemoncheck]
- cls
- print "1) Charizard 2) Venusaur"
- print "3) Blastoise 4) Pikachu"
- input "What Pokemon do you want to use? ";pokemonuser
- select case pokemonuser
- case 1
- userpokemonhp = charizardhp
- userpokemonatk = charizardatk
- userpokemondef = charizarddef
- userpokemonspatk = charizardspatk
- userpokemonspdef = charizardspdef
- userpokemonspeed = charizardspeed
- userpokemonname$ = charizardname$
- userpokemonlevel = charizardlevel
- userpokemontype1 = charizardtype1
- userpokemontype2 = charizardtype2
- usermove1$ = flamethrowername$ : usermove1id = flamethrowerid
- usermove1power = flamethrowerpower
- usermove1accuracy = flamethroweraccuracy
- usermove1pp = flamethrowerpp
- usermove1type = flamethrowertype
- usermove1class = flamethrowerclass
- usermove2$ = dragonclawname$ : usermove2id = dragonclawid
- usermove2power = dragonclawpower
- usermove2accuracy = dragonclawaccuracy
- usermove2pp = dragonclawpp
- usermove2type = dragonclawtype
- usermove2class = dragonclawclass
- usermove3$ = earthquakename$ : usermove3id = earthquakeid
- usermove3power = earthquakepower
- usermove3accuracy = earthquakeaccuracy
- usermove3pp = earthquakepp
- usermove3type = earthquaketype
- usermove3class = earthquakeclass
- usermove4$ = flyname$ : usermove4id = flyid
- usermove4power = flypower
- usermove4accuracy = flyaccuracy
- usermove4pp = flypp
- usermove4type = flytype
- usermove4class = flyclass
- case 2
- userpokemonhp = venusaurhp
- userpokemonatk = venusauratk
- userpokemondef = venusaurdef
- userpokemonspatk = venusaurspatk
- userpokemonspdef = venusaurspdef
- userpokemonspeed = venusaurspeed
- userpokemonname$ = venusaurname$
- userpokemonlevel = venusaurlevel
- userpokemontype1 = venusaurtype1
- userpokemontype2 = venusaurtype2
- usermove1$ = solarbeamname$ : usermove1id = solarbeamid
- usermove1power = solarbeampower
- usermove1accuracy = solarbeamaccuracy
- usermove1pp = solarbeampp
- usermove1type = solarbeamtype
- usermove1class = solarbeamclass
- usermove2$ = earthquakename$ : usermove2id = earthquakeid
- usermove2power = earthquakepower
- usermove2accuracy = earthquakeaccuracy
- usermove2pp = earthquakepp
- usermove2type = earthquaketype
- usermove2class = earthquakeclass
- usermove3$ = sludgebombname$ : usermove3id = sludgebombid
- usermove3power = sludgebombpower
- usermove3accuracy = sludgebombaccuracy
- usermove3pp = sludgebombpp
- usermove3type = sludgebombtype
- usermove3class = sludgebombclass
- usermove4$ = leafstormname$ : usermove4id = leafstormid
- usermove4power = leafstormpower
- usermove4accuracy = leafstormaccuracy
- usermove4pp = leafstormpp
- usermove4type = leafstormtype
- usermove4class = leafstormclass
- case 3
- userpokemonhp = blastoisehp
- userpokemonatk = blastoiseatk
- userpokemondef = blastoisedef
- userpokemonspatk = blastoisespatk
- userpokemonspdef = blastoisespdef
- userpokemonspeed = blastoisespeed
- userpokemonname$ = blastoisename$
- userpokemonlevel = blastoiselevel
- userpokemontype1 = blastoisetype1
- userpokemontype2 = blastoisetype2
- usermove1$ = surfname$ : usermove1id = surfid
- usermove1power = surfpower
- usermove1accuracy = surfaccuracy
- usermove1pp = surfpp
- usermove1type = surftype
- usermove1class = surfclass
- usermove2$ = earthquakename$ : usermove2id = earthquakeid
- usermove2power = earthquakepower
- usermove2accuracy = earthquakeaccuracy
- usermove2pp = earthquakepp
- usermove2type = earthquaketype
- usermove2class = earthquakeclass
- usermove3$ = icebeamname$ : usermove3id = icebeamid
- usermove3power = icebeampower
- usermove3accuracy = icebeamaccuracy
- usermove3pp = icebeampp
- usermove3type = icebeamtype
- usermove3class = icebeamclass
- usermove4$ = skullbashname$ : usermove4id = skullbashid
- usermove4power = skullbashpower
- usermove4accuracy = skullbashaccuracy
- usermove4pp = skullbashpp
- usermove4type = skullbashtype
- usermove4class = skullbashclass
- case 4
- userpokemonhp = pikachuhp
- userpokemonatk = pikachuatk
- userpokemondef = pikachudef
- userpokemonspatk = pikachuspatk
- userpokemonspdef = pikachuspdef
- userpokemonspeed = pikachuspeed
- userpokemonname$ = pikachuname$
- userpokemonlevel = pikachulevel
- userpokemontype1 = pikachutype1
- userpokemontype2 = pikachutype2
- usermove1$ = thundername$ : usermove1id = thunderid
- usermove1power = thunderpower
- usermove1accuracy = thunderaccuracy
- usermove1pp = thunderpp
- usermove1type = thundertype
- usermove1class = thunderclass
- usermove2$ = volttacklename$ : usermove2id = volttackleid
- usermove2power = volttacklepower
- usermove2accuracy = volttackleaccuracy
- usermove2pp = volttacklepp
- usermove2type = volttackletype
- usermove2class = volttackleclass
- usermove3$ = quickattackname$ : usermove3id = quickattackid
- usermove3power = quickattackpower
- usermove3accuracy = quickattackaccuracy
- usermove3pp = quickattackpp
- usermove3type = quickattacktype
- usermove3class = quickattackclass
- usermove4$ = strengthname$ : usermove4id = strengthid
- usermove4power = strengthpower
- usermove4accuracy = strengthaccuracy
- usermove4pp = strengthpp
- usermove4type = strengthtype
- usermove4class = strengthclass
- case else
- goto [userpokemoncheck]
- end select
- [cpupokemoncheck]
- cls
- print "1) Charizard 2) Venusaur"
- print "3) Blastoise 4) Pikachu"
- input "What Pokemon should the computer use? ";pokemoncpu
- select case pokemoncpu
- case 1
- cpupokemonhp = charizardhp
- cpupokemonatk = charizardatk
- cpupokemondef = charizarddef
- cpupokemonspatk = charizardspatk
- cpupokemonspdef = charizardspdef
- cpupokemonspeed = charizardspeed
- cpupokemonname$ = charizardname$
- cpupokemonlevel = charizardlevel
- cpupokemontype1 = charizardtype1
- cpupokemontype2 = charizardtype2
- cpumove1$ = flamethrowername$ : cpumove1id = flamethrowerid
- cpumove1power = flamethrowerpower
- cpumove1accuracy = flamethroweraccuracy
- cpumove1pp = flamethrowerpp
- cpumove1type = flamethrowertype
- cpumove1class = flamethrowerclass
- cpumove2$ = dragonclawname$ : cpumove2id = dragonclawid
- cpumove2power = dragonclawpower
- cpumove2accuracy = dragonclawaccuracy
- cpumove2pp = dragonclawpp
- cpumove2type = dragonclawtype
- cpumove2class = dragonclawclass
- cpumove3$ = earthquakename$ : cpumove3id = earthquakeid
- cpumove3power = earthquakepower
- cpumove3accuracy = earthquakeaccuracy
- cpumove3pp = earthquakepp
- cpumove3type = earthquaketype
- cpumove3class = earthquakeclass
- cpumove4$ = flyname$ : cpumove4id = flyid
- cpumove4power = flypower
- cpumove4accuracy = flyaccuracy
- cpumove4pp = flypp
- cpumove4type = flytype
- cpumove4class = flyclass
- case 2
- cpupokemonhp = venusaurhp
- cpupokemonatk = venusauratk
- cpupokemondef = venusaurdef
- cpupokemonspatk = venusaurspatk
- cpupokemonspdef = venusaurspdef
- cpupokemonspeed = venusaurspeed
- cpupokemonname$ = venusaurname$
- cpupokemonlevel = venusaurlevel
- cpupokemontype1 = venusaurtype1
- cpupokemontype2 = venusaurtype2
- cpumove1$ = solarbeamname$ : cpumove1id = solarbeamid
- cpumove1power = solarbeampower
- cpumove1accuracy = solarbeamaccuracy
- cpumove1pp = solarbeampp
- cpumove1type = solarbeamtype
- cpumove1class = solarbeamclass
- cpumove2$ = earthquakename$ : cpumove2id = earthquakeid
- cpumove2power = earthquakepower
- cpumove2accuracy = earthquakeaccuracy
- cpumove2pp = earthquakepp
- cpumove2type = earthquaketype
- cpumove2class = earthquakeclass
- cpumove3$ = sludgebombname$ : cpumove3id = sludgebombid
- cpumove3power = sludgebombpower
- cpumove3accuracy = sludgebombaccuracy
- cpumove3pp = sludgebombpp
- cpumove3type = sludgebombtype
- cpumove3class = sludgebombclass
- cpumove4$ = leafstormname$ : cpumove4id = leafstormid
- cpumove4power = leafstormpower
- cpumove4accuracy = leafstormaccuracy
- cpumove4pp = leafstormpp
- cpumove4type = leafstormtype
- cpumove4class = leafstormclass
- case 3
- cpupokemonhp = blastoisehp
- cpupokemonatk = blastoiseatk
- cpupokemondef = blastoisedef
- cpupokemonspatk = blastoisespatk
- cpupokemonspdef = blastoisespdef
- cpupokemonspeed = blastoisespeed
- cpupokemonname$ = blastoisename$
- cpupokemonlevel = blastoiselevel
- cpupokemontype1 = blastoisetype1
- cpupokemontype2 = blastoisetype2
- cpumove1$ = surfname$ : cpumove1id = surfid
- cpumove1power = surfpower
- cpumove1accuracy = surfaccuracy
- cpumove1pp = surfpp
- cpumove1type = surftype
- cpumove1class = surfclass
- cpumove2$ = earthquakename$ : cpumove2id = earthquakeid
- cpumove2power = earthquakepower
- cpumove2accuracy = earthquakeaccuracy
- cpumove2pp = earthquakepp
- cpumove2type = earthquaketype
- cpumove2class = earthquakeclass
- cpumove3$ = icebeamname$ : cpumove3id = icebeamid
- cpumove3power = icebeampower
- cpumove3accuracy = icebeamaccuracy
- cpumove3pp = icebeampp
- cpumove3type = icebeamtype
- cpumove3class = icebeamclass
- cpumove4$ = skullbashname$ : cpumove4id = skullbashid
- cpumove4power = skullbashpower
- cpumove4accuracy = skullbashaccuracy
- cpumove4pp = skullbashpp
- cpumove4type = skullbashtype
- cpumove4class = skullbashclass
- case 4
- cpupokemonhp = pikachuhp
- cpupokemonatk = pikachuatk
- cpupokemondef = pikachudef
- cpupokemonspatk = pikachuspatk
- cpupokemonspdef = pikachuspdef
- cpupokemonspeed = pikachuspeed
- cpupokemonname$ = pikachuname$
- cpupokemonlevel = pikachulevel
- cpupokemontype1 = pikachutype1
- cpupokemontype2 = pikachutype2
- cpumove1$ = thundername$ : cpumove1id = thunderid
- cpumove1power = thunderpower
- cpumove1accuracy = thunderaccuracy
- cpumove1pp = thunderpp
- cpumove1type = thundertype
- cpumove1class = thunderclass
- cpumove2$ = volttacklename$ : cpumove2id = volttackleid
- cpumove2power = volttacklepower
- cpumove2accuracy = volttackleaccuracy
- cpumove2pp = volttacklepp
- cpumove2type = volttackletype
- cpumove2class = volttackleclass
- cpumove3$ = quickattackname$ : cpumove3id = quickattackid
- cpumove3power = quickattackpower
- cpumove3accuracy = quickattackaccuracy
- cpumove3pp = quickattackpp
- cpumove3type = quickattacktype
- cpumove3class = quickattackclass
- cpumove4$ = strengthname$ : cpumove4id = strengthid
- cpumove4power = strengthpower
- cpumove4accuracy = strengthaccuracy
- cpumove4pp = strengthpp
- cpumove4type = strengthtype
- cpumove4class = strengthclass
- case else
- goto [cpupokemoncheck]
- end select
- [start1]
- timecheck1 = time$("ms")
- count = count + 1
- [flash]
- timecheck2 = time$("ms")
- flashtimestart = time$("ms")
- time1 = (timecheck2 - timecheck1)/1000
- cls
- if time1 > 0.04 then goto [start_sequence]
- goto [flash]
- [start_sequence]
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- select case battleonstage
- case 1
- goto [sequence_pokemonthrow]
- case 2
- goto [sequence_battlemenu]
- case 3
- goto [choice_cpu]
- case 4
- goto [sequence_battlebagselect]
- case 5
- goto [sequence_battlepokemonselect]
- case 6
- goto [sequence_runaway]
- end select
- flashtimecheck = time$("ms")
- time = (flashtimecheck - flashtimestart)/1000
- if count = 6 then goto [stopflash]
- if time > 0.04 then
- goto [start1]
- else
- goto [start_sequence]
- end if
- [stopflash]
- locate 2, 16 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 19 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 17 : print "#"
- locate 2, 18 : print "#"
- locate 39, 17 : print "#"
- locate 39, 18 : print "#"
- locate 5, 17 : print "A wild Pokemon appeared!"
- locate 37, 17 : input "V";dummy$
- battleonstage = 1 : cls
- goto [start_sequence]
- [sequence_pokemonthrow]
- locate 2, 16 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 19 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 17 : print "#"
- locate 2, 18 : print "#"
- locate 39, 17 : print "#"
- locate 39, 18 : print "#"
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 4 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 5 : print " "+cpupokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", cpupokemonhp)
- locate 17, 6 : print "---------------------"
- locate 5, 17 : print userpokemonname$+", I choose you!"
- locate 37, 17 : input "V";dummy$
- battleonstage = 2 : cls
- goto [start_sequence]
- [sequence_battlemenu]
- if fly = 1 then
- fly = 2
- goto [choice_cpu]
- end if
- if fly = 2 then fly = 0
- potion = 0
- cls
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- locate 2, 16 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 19 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 17 : print "#"
- locate 2, 18 : print "#"
- locate 39, 17 : print "#"
- locate 39, 18 : print "#"
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 4 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 5 : print " "+cpupokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", cpupokemonhp)
- locate 17, 6 : print "---------------------"
- locate 4, 17 : print "1) Battle"
- locate 4, 18 : print "3) Pokemon"
- locate 19, 17 : print "2) Bag"
- locate 19, 18 : print "4) Run"
- locate 36, 17 : input "V";choice
- select case choice
- case 1
- battleonstage = 3
- goto [start_sequence]
- case 2
- battleonstage = 4
- goto [start_sequence]
- case 3
- battleonstage = 5
- goto [start_sequence]
- case 4
- battleonstage = 6
- goto [start_sequence]
- case else
- goto [sequence_battlemenu]
- end select
- [choice_cpu]
- qa = 0
- cpuqa = 0
- if cpufly = 1 then
- cpufly = 2
- goto [cpures]
- end if
- cpueffectivecheck = 0
- cpuhastoplay = 0
- usercount = 0
- cpucount = 0
- cpunull = 0
- nulleffect = 0
- movechoicecpu = int(rnd(1)*4)+1
- select case movechoicecpu
- case 1
- if cpumove1pp = 0 then
- goto [choice_cpu]
- end if
- a = cpupokemonlevel
- if cpumove1class = 1 then
- b = cpupokemonatk
- else
- b = cpupokemonspatk
- end if
- c = cpumove1power
- if cpumove1class = 1 then
- d = userpokemondef
- else
- d = userpokemonspdef
- end if
- if cpumove1type = cpupokemontype1 or cpumove1type = cpupokemontype2 then
- x = 1.5
- else
- x = 1
- end if
- cpumoveused = 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpueffectivecheck >= 4 then
- y = 40
- cpuse = 1
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck = 2 then
- y = 20
- cpuse = 1
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck = 0 then
- y = 10
- cpuse = 0
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck = -2 then
- y = 5
- cpuse = -1
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck <= -4 then
- y = 2.5
- cpuse = -1
- end if
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- if cpumove1type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- goto [cpures]
- case 2
- if cpumove2pp = 0 then
- goto [choice_cpu]
- end if
- a = cpupokemonlevel
- if cpumove2class = 1 then
- b = cpupokemonatk
- else
- b = cpupokemonspatk
- end if
- c = cpumove2power
- if cpumove2class = 1 then
- d = userpokemondef
- else
- d = userpokemonspdef
- end if
- if cpumove2type = cpupokemontype1 or cpumove2type = cpupokemontype2 then
- x = 1.5
- else
- x = 1
- end if
- cpumoveused = 2
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpueffectivecheck >= 4 then
- y = 40
- cpuse = 1
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck = 2 then
- y = 20
- cpuse = 1
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck = 0 then
- y = 10
- cpuse = 0
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck = -2 then
- y = 5
- cpuse = -1
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck <= -4 then
- y = 2.5
- cpuse = -1
- end if
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- if cpumove2type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- goto [cpures]
- case 3
- if cpumove1id = quickattackid then cpuqa = 1
- if cpumove3pp = 0 then
- goto [choice_cpu]
- end if
- a = cpupokemonlevel
- if cpumove3class = 1 then
- b = cpupokemonatk
- else
- b = cpupokemonspatk
- end if
- c = cpumove3power
- if cpumove3class = 1 then
- d = userpokemondef
- else
- d = userpokemonspdef
- end if
- if cpumove3type = cpupokemontype1 or cpumove3type = cpupokemontype2 then
- x = 1.5
- else
- x = 1
- end if
- cpumoveused = 3
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpueffectivecheck >= 4 then
- y = 40
- cpuse = 1
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck = 2 then
- y = 20
- cpuse = 1
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck = 0 then
- y = 10
- cpuse = 0
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck = -2 then
- y = 5
- cpuse = -1
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck <= -4 then
- y = 2.5
- cpuse = -1
- end if
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- if cpumove3type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- goto [cpures]
- case 4
- if cpumove4id = flyid then cpufly = 1
- if cpumove4pp = 0 then
- goto [choice_cpu]
- end if
- a = cpupokemonlevel
- if cpumove4class = 1 then
- b = cpupokemonatk
- else
- b = cpupokemonspatk
- end if
- c = cpumove4power
- if cpumove4class = 1 then
- d = userpokemondef
- else
- d = userpokemonspdef
- end if
- if cpumove4type = cpupokemontype1 or cpumove4type = cpupokemontype2 then
- x = 1.5
- else
- x = 1
- end if
- cpumoveused = 4
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 12 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 10 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 10 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 3 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 3 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 11 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 11 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 13 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 4 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 4 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 11 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 15 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 4 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 10 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 12 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck - 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 13 then cpueffectivecheck = cpueffectivecheck + 1
- if cpueffectivecheck >= 4 then
- y = 40
- cpuse = 1
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck = 2 then
- y = 20
- cpuse = 1
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck = 0 then
- y = 10
- cpuse = 0
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck = -2 then
- y = 5
- cpuse = -1
- end if
- if cpueffectivecheck <= -4 then
- y = 2.5
- cpuse = -1
- end if
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- if cpumove4type = 5 and userpokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- goto [cpures]
- case else
- goto [choice_cpu]
- end select
- [cpures]
- z = int(rnd(1)*255)+1
- if z < 217 then goto [cpures]
- cls
- cpucrit = int(rnd(1)*200)+1
- if cpucrit <= 12 then
- a = a*2
- cpucrit = 500
- end if
- cpuhpdamage = ((((((((((2*a)/5)+2)*b*c)/d)/50)+2)*x)*y/10)*z)/255
- cpuhpdamage = int(cpuhpdamage)
- if potion = 1 then
- goto [cpufirst]
- else
- goto [choice]
- end if
- [choice]
- cls
- effectivecheck = 0
- if userppout = 1 then
- userppout = 0
- print "Insufficiant PP"
- print
- end if
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 4 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 5 : print " "+cpupokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", cpupokemonhp)
- locate 17, 6 : print "---------------------"
- locate 2, 16 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 19 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 17 : print "#"
- locate 2, 18 : print "#"
- locate 39, 17 : print "#"
- locate 39, 18 : print "#"
- locate 3, 17 : print "1) "+usermove1$
- locate 3, 18 : print "3) "+usermove3$
- locate 20, 17 : print "2) "+usermove2$
- locate 20, 18 : print "4) "+usermove4$
- locate 36, 17 : input "V";movechoiceuser
- select case movechoiceuser
- case 1
- if usermove1pp = 0 then
- flagppout = 1
- goto [choice]
- end if
- a = userpokemonlevel
- if usermove1class = 1 then
- b = userpokemonatk
- else
- b = userpokemonspatk
- end if
- c = usermove1power
- if usermove1class = 1 then
- d = cpupokemondef
- else
- d = cpupokemonspdef
- end if
- if usermove1type = userpokemontype1 or usermove1type = userpokemontype2 then
- x = 1.5
- else
- x = 1
- end if
- usermoveused = 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if effectivecheck >= 4 then
- y = 40
- userse = 1
- end if
- if effectivecheck = 2 then
- y = 20
- userse = 1
- end if
- if effectivecheck = 0 then
- y = 10
- userse = 0
- end if
- if effectivecheck = -2 then
- y = 5
- userse = -1
- end if
- if effectivecheck <= -4 then
- y = 2.5
- userse = -1
- end if
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- if usermove1type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- goto [move_set_calculation]
- case 2
- if usermove2pp = 0 then
- flagppout = 1
- goto [choice]
- end if
- a = userpokemonlevel
- if usermove2class = 1 then
- b = userpokemonatk
- else
- b = userpokemonspatk
- end if
- c = usermove2power
- if usermove2class = 1 then
- d = cpupokemondef
- else
- d = cpupokemonspdef
- end if
- if usermove2type = userpokemontype1 or usermove2type = userpokemontype2 then
- x = 1.5
- else
- x = 1
- end if
- usermoveused = 2
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if effectivecheck >= 4 then
- y = 40
- userse = 1
- end if
- if effectivecheck = 2 then
- y = 20
- userse = 1
- end if
- if effectivecheck = 0 then
- y = 10
- userse = 0
- end if
- if effectivecheck = -2 then
- y = 5
- userse = -1
- end if
- if effectivecheck <= -4 then
- y = 2.5
- userse = -1
- end if
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- if usermove2type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- goto [move_set_calculation]
- case 3
- if usermove1id = quickattackid then qa = 1
- if usermove3pp = 0 then
- flagppout = 1
- goto [choice]
- end if
- a = userpokemonlevel
- if usermove3class = 1 then
- b = userpokemonatk
- else
- b = userpokemonspatk
- end if
- c = usermove3power
- if usermove3class = 1 then
- d = cpupokemondef
- else
- d = cpupokemonspdef
- end if
- if usermove3type = userpokemontype1 or usermove3type = userpokemontype2 then
- x = 1.5
- else
- x = 1
- end if
- usermoveused = 3
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if effectivecheck >= 4 then
- y = 40
- userse = 1
- end if
- if effectivecheck = 2 then
- y = 20
- userse = 1
- end if
- if effectivecheck = 0 then
- y = 10
- userse = 0
- end if
- if effectivecheck = -2 then
- y = 5
- userse = -1
- end if
- if effectivecheck <= -4 then
- y = 2.5
- userse = -1
- end if
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- if usermove3type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- goto [move_set_calculation]
- case 4
- if usermove4id = flyid then fly = 1
- if usermove4pp = 0 then
- flagppout = 1
- goto [choice]
- end if
- a = userpokemonlevel
- if usermove4class = 1 then
- b = userpokemonatk
- else
- b = userpokemonspatk
- end if
- c = usermove4power
- if usermove4class = 1 then
- d = cpupokemondef
- else
- d = cpupokemonspdef
- end if
- if usermove4type = userpokemontype1 or usermove4type = userpokemontype2 then
- x = 1.5
- else
- x = 1
- end if
- usermoveused = 4
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 12 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 10 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 10 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 3 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 3 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 11 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 11 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 13 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 4 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 4 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 11 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 15 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 4 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 10 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 12 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck - 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 13 then effectivecheck = effectivecheck + 1
- if effectivecheck >= 4 then
- y = 40
- userse = 1
- end if
- if effectivecheck = 2 then
- y = 20
- userse = 1
- end if
- if effectivecheck = 0 then
- y = 10
- userse = 0
- end if
- if effectivecheck = -2 then
- y = 5
- userse = -1
- end if
- if effectivecheck <= -4 then
- y = 2.5
- userse = -1
- end if
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype1 = 3 then y = 0
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- if usermove4type = 5 and cpupokemontype2 = 3 then y = 0
- goto [move_set_calculation]
- case else
- goto [choice]
- end select
- [move_set_calculation]
- z = int(rnd(1)*255)+1
- if z < 217 then goto [move_set_calculation]
- cls
- crit = int(rnd(1)*200)+1
- if crit <= 12 then
- a = a*2
- crit = 500
- end if
- if cpuqa = 1 then goto [cpufirst]
- if qa = 1 then goto [playerfirst]
- if userpokemonspeed >= cpupokemonspeed then
- cpuhastoplay = 1
- goto [playerfirst]
- else
- goto [cpufirst]
- end if
- [playerfirst]
- cls
- if fly = 2 then goto [playerflyex]
- select case usermoveused
- case 1
- usermove1pp = usermove1pp - 1
- case 2
- usermove2pp = usermove2pp - 1
- case 3
- usermove3pp = usermove3pp - 1
- case 4
- usermove4pp = usermove4pp - 1
- end select
- if fly = 1 then
- locate 4, 17 : print "Charizard flew up high!"
- goto [nextusercheck]
- end if
- [playerflyex]
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 4 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 5 : print " "+cpupokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", cpupokemonhp)
- locate 17, 6 : print "---------------------"
- locate 2, 16 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 19 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 17 : print "#"
- locate 2, 18 : print "#"
- locate 39, 17 : print "#"
- locate 39, 18 : print "#"
- userhpdamage = ((((((((((2*a)/5)+2)*b*c)/d)/50)+2)*x)*y/10)*z)/255
- userhpdamage = int(userhpdamage)
- if miss = 1 then
- locate 4, 17 : print userpokemonname$+" missed..."
- goto [nextusercheck]
- end if
- if usermoveused = 1 then
- locate 4, 17 : print userpokemonname$+" used "+usermove1$+"."
- end if
- if usermoveused = 2 then
- locate 4, 17 : print userpokemonname$+" used "+usermove2$+"."
- end if
- if usermoveused = 3 then
- locate 4, 17 : print userpokemonname$+" used "+usermove3$+"."
- end if
- if usermoveused = 4 then
- locate 4, 17 : print userpokemonname$+" used "+usermove4$+"."
- end if
- if userhpdamage = 0 then
- locate 4, 18 : print "It has no effect on the opponent!"
- nulleffect = 1
- end if
- if crit = 500 and nulleffect <> 1 then
- locate 4, 18 : print "Critical Hit!"
- end if
- if userse = 1 and nulleffect <> 1 then
- locate 4, 18 : print "It's Super Effective!"
- end if
- if userse <= -1 and nulleffect <> 1 then
- locate 4, 18 : print "It's Not Very Effective..."
- end if
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 4 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 5 : print " "+cpupokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", cpupokemonhp)
- locate 17, 6 : print "---------------------"
- cpupokemonhp = cpupokemonhp - userhpdamage
- if cpupokemonhp <= 0 then
- cpupokemonhp = 0
- battlewon = 1
- end if
- [nextusercheck]
- locate 36, 17 : input "V";dummy$
- usercount = 1
- if battlewon = 1 then goto [battlewon]
- if battlewon = -1 then goto [battlelost]
- if cpucount = 1 then goto [sequence_battlemenu]
- goto [cpufirst]
- [cpufirst]
- if cpufly = 2 then goto [flyuse]
- cls
- select case cpumoveused
- case 1
- cpumove1pp = cpumove1pp - 1
- case 2
- cpumove2pp = cpumove2pp - 1
- case 3
- cpumove3pp = cpumove3pp - 1
- case 4
- cpumove4pp = cpumove4pp - 1
- end select
- if cpufly = 1 then
- locate 4, 17 : print "Charizard flew up high!"
- goto [nextcpucheck]
- end if
- [flyuse]
- if cpufly = 2 then cpufly = 3
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 4 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 5 : print " "+cpupokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", cpupokemonhp)
- locate 17, 6 : print "---------------------"
- locate 2, 16 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 19 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 17 : print "#"
- locate 2, 18 : print "#"
- locate 39, 17 : print "#"
- locate 39, 18 : print "#"
- if cpumiss = 1 then
- locate 4, 17 : print userpokemonname$+" missed..."
- goto [nextcpucheck]
- end if
- if cpumoveused = 1 then
- locate 4, 17 : print cpupokemonname$+" used "+cpumove1$+"."
- end if 'yourmom
- if cpumoveused = 2 then
- locate 4, 17 : print cpupokemonname$+" used "+cpumove2$+"."
- end if
- if cpumoveused = 3 then
- locate 4, 17 : print cpupokemonname$+" used "+cpumove3$+"."
- end if
- if cpumoveused = 4 then
- locate 4, 17 : print cpupokemonname$+" used "+cpumove4$+"."
- end if
- if cpuhpdamage = 0 then
- locate 4, 18 : print "It has no effect on the opponent!"
- cpunull = 1
- end if
- if cpucrit = 500 and cpunull <> 1 then
- locate 4, 18 : print "Critical Hit!"
- end if
- if cpuse = 1 and cpunull <> 1 then
- locate 4, 18 : print "It's Super Effective!"
- end if
- if cpuse <= -1 and cpunull <> 1 then
- locate 4, 18 : print "It's Not Very Effective..."
- end if
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 4 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 5 : print " "+cpupokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", cpupokemonhp)
- locate 17, 6 : print "---------------------"
- userpokemonhp = userpokemonhp - cpuhpdamage
- if userpokemonhp <= 0 then
- userpokemonhp = 0
- battlewon = -1
- end if
- [nextcpucheck]
- locate 36, 17 : input "V";dummy$
- cpucount = 1
- if potion = 1 then goto [sequence_battlemenu]
- if battlewon = 1 then goto [battlewon]
- if battlewon = -1 then goto [battlelost]
- if usercount = 0 then goto [playerfirst]
- if cpuhastoplay = 1 then goto [sequence_battlemenu]
- goto [sequence_battlemenu]
- [battlewon]
- cls
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 4 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 5 : print " "+cpupokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", cpupokemonhp)
- locate 17, 6 : print "---------------------"
- locate 2, 16 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 19 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 17 : print "#"
- locate 2, 18 : print "#"
- locate 39, 17 : print "#"
- locate 39, 18 : print "#"
- locate 4, 17 : print "You've won the battle!"
- battlewon = 0
- locate 4, 18 : input "Wanna fight again? (Y:N) ";answer$
- select case answer$
- case "y"
- cls : goto [start]
- case "n"
- cls : goto [stop_all]
- case else
- cls : print "Follow Directions!"
- goto [stop_all]
- end select
- [battlelost]
- cls
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 4 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 5 : print " "+cpupokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", cpupokemonhp)
- locate 17, 6 : print "---------------------"
- locate 2, 16 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 19 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 17 : print "#"
- locate 2, 18 : print "#"
- locate 39, 17 : print "#"
- locate 39, 18 : print "#"
- locate 4, 17 : print "You've lost the battle!"
- battlewon = 0
- locate 4, 18 : input "Wanna fight again? (Y:N) ";answer$
- select case answer$
- case "y"
- cls : goto [start]
- case "n"
- cls : goto [stop_all]
- case else
- cls : print "Follow Directions!"
- goto [stop_all]
- end select
- [stop_all]
- print "Thanks for using the program!"
- print "Press ALT-F4 to close the window."
- end
- [sequence_runaway]
- cls
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 2, 16 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 19 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 17 : print "#"
- locate 2, 18 : print "#"
- locate 39, 17 : print "#"
- locate 39, 18 : print "#"
- locate 4, 17 : print "You got away safely!"
- locate 4, 18 : input "Wanna fight again? (Y:N) ";answer$
- select case answer$
- case "y"
- cls : goto [start]
- case "n"
- cls : goto [stop_all]
- case else
- cls : print "Follow Directions!"
- goto [stop_all]
- end select
- [sequence_battlebagselect]
- cls
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- locate 20, 2 : print "*"
- locate 20, 3 : print "*"
- locate 20, 4 : print "*"
- locate 20, 5 : print "*"
- locate 20, 6 : print "*"
- locate 20, 7 : print "*"
- locate 20, 8 : print "*"
- locate 20, 9 : print "*"
- locate 20, 10 : print "*"
- locate 20, 11 : print "*"
- locate 20, 12 : print "*"
- locate 20, 13 : print "*"
- locate 20, 14 : print "*"
- locate 20, 15 : print "*"
- locate 20, 16 : print "*"
- locate 20, 17 : print "*"
- locate 20, 18 : print "*"
- locate 20, 19 : print "*"
- locate 2, 11 : print "******************"
- locate 22, 3 : print "1) Super Potion x";superpotioncount
- locate 22, 4 : print "2) Max Repel x";int(rnd(1)*1000)+1
- locate 22, 5 : print "3) Light Ball x1"
- locate 22, 6 : print "4) Red Orb x1"
- locate 22, 7 : print "5) Close Bag"
- locate 36, 7 : input "";bagchoice
- select case bagchoice
- case 1
- if superpotioncount = 0 then goto [nopotion]
- if userpokemonname$ = "Charizard" then maxhp = charizardhp
- if userpokemonname$ = "Blastoise" then maxhp = blastoisehp
- if userpokemonname$ = "Venusaur" then maxhp = venusaurhp
- if userpokemonname$ = "Pikachu" then maxhp = pikachuhp
- hpdiff = 100
- userpokemonhp = userpokemonhp + 100
- if userpokemonhp > maxhp then
- hpdiff = userpokemonhp - maxhp
- hpdiff = 100 - hpdiff
- userpokemonhp = maxhp
- end if
- cls
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 4 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 5 : print " "+cpupokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", cpupokemonhp)
- locate 17, 6 : print "---------------------"
- locate 2, 16 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 19 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 17 : print "#"
- locate 2, 18 : print "#"
- locate 39, 17 : print "#"
- locate 39, 18 : print "#"
- locate 4, 17 : print hpdiff;" points of health were"
- locate 4, 18 : print "restored."
- locate 37, 17 : input "V";dummy$
- potion = 1
- superpotioncount = superpotioncount - 1
- goto [choice_cpu]
- case 5
- goto [sequence_battlemenu]
- case else
- cls
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 4 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 5 : print " "+cpupokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", cpupokemonhp)
- locate 17, 6 : print "---------------------"
- locate 2, 16 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 19 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 17 : print "#"
- locate 2, 18 : print "#"
- locate 39, 17 : print "#"
- locate 39, 18 : print "#"
- locate 4, 17 : print "You can't use that here."
- locate 37, 17 : input "V";dummy$
- goto [sequence_battlemenu]
- end select
- [nopotion]
- cls
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- locate 3, 11 : print "---------------------"
- locate 3, 12 : print " "+userpokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", userpokemonhp)
- locate 3, 13 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 4 : print "---------------------"
- locate 17, 5 : print " "+cpupokemonname$+" | HP: ";using("###", cpupokemonhp)
- locate 17, 6 : print "---------------------"
- locate 2, 16 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 19 : print "######################################"
- locate 2, 17 : print "#"
- locate 2, 18 : print "#"
- locate 39, 17 : print "#"
- locate 39, 18 : print "#"
- locate 4, 17 : print "You have no potions left."
- locate 37, 17 : input "V";dummy$
- goto [sequence_battlemenu]
- [sequence_battlepokemonselect]
- cls
- locate 1, 1 : print "****************************************"
- locate 1, 2 : print "*"
- locate 1, 3 : print "*"
- locate 1, 4 : print "*"
- locate 1, 5 : print "*"
- locate 1, 6 : print "*"
- locate 1, 7 : print "*"
- locate 1, 8 : print "*"
- locate 1, 9 : print "*"
- locate 1, 10 : print "*"
- locate 1, 11 : print "*"
- locate 1, 12 : print "*"
- locate 1, 13 : print "*"
- locate 1, 14 : print "*"
- locate 1, 15 : print "*"
- locate 1, 16 : print "*"
- locate 1, 17 : print "*"
- locate 1, 18 : print "*"
- locate 1, 19 : print "*"
- locate 1, 20 : print "****************************************"
- locate 40, 2 : print "*"
- locate 40, 3 : print "*"
- locate 40, 4 : print "*"
- locate 40, 5 : print "*"
- locate 40, 6 : print "*"
- locate 40, 7 : print "*"
- locate 40, 8 : print "*"
- locate 40, 9 : print "*"
- locate 40, 10 : print "*"
- locate 40, 11 : print "*"
- locate 40, 12 : print "*"
- locate 40, 13 : print "*"
- locate 40, 14 : print "*"
- locate 40, 15 : print "*"
- locate 40, 16 : print "*"
- locate 40, 17 : print "*"
- locate 40, 18 : print "*"
- locate 40, 19 : print "*"
- locate 2, 4 : print "####################"
- locate 2, 5 : print "# "+userpokemonname$+" lv. ";userpokemonlevel
- locate 21, 5 : print "#"
- locate 2, 6 : print "# HP: ";userpokemonhp;"
- locate 2, 7 : print "# EXP: 0"
- locate 21, 7 : print "#"
- locate 2, 8 : print "####################"
- locate 21, 2 : print "#"
- locate 21, 3 : print "#"
- locate 21, 4 : print "###################"
- locate 21, 5 : print "#"
- locate 21, 6 : print "#"
- locate 21, 7 : print "###################"
- locate 21, 8 : print "#"
- locate 21, 9 : print "#"
- locate 21, 10 : print "###################"
- locate 21, 11 : print "#"
- locate 21, 12 : print "#"
- locate 21, 13 : print "###################"
- locate 21, 14 : print "#"
- locate 21, 15 : print "#"
- locate 21, 16 : print "###################"
- locate 21, 17 : print "#"
- locate 21, 18 : print "#"
- locate 21, 19 : print "###################"
- locate 3, 18 : print "Back (Press Enter)";dummy$
- goto [sequence_battlemenu]
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