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- #
- from Tkinter import *
- import tkFont
- #A standard message box
- from tkMessageBox import askokcancel
- from tkColorChooser import askcolor
- NORMAL_COLOUR = 'grey90'
- SELECTED_COLOUR = 'grey80'
- # You can think of the toolbar (or probably anything that inherits from a Frame) as a widget
- class Toolbar(Frame):
- """The toolbar for DrawingApp"""
- def __init__(self, master, parent):
- """Create the toolbar:
- master - the toplevel window
- parent - the app object
- """
- Frame.__init__(self, master)
- self.parent = parent
- self.rect = Button(self, text="Rectangle", command = self.set_rect,
- self.rect.pack(side=LEFT,padx=2, pady=2)
- self.oval = Button(self, text="Oval", command = self.set_oval,
- self.oval.pack(side=LEFT,padx=2, pady=2)
- self.polygon = Button(self, text="Polygon", command = self.set_poly,
- self.polygon.pack(side=LEFT,padx=2, pady=2)
- self.line = Button(self, text="Line", command = self.set_line,
- self.line.pack(side=LEFT,padx=2, pady=2)
- self.text = Button(self, text="Text", command = self.set_text,
- self.text.pack(side=LEFT,padx=2, pady=2)
- self.move = Button(self, text="Move", command = self.set_move,
- self.move.pack(side=LEFT,padx=2, pady=2)
- self.deletebutton = Button(self, text="Delete",
- command = self.set_delete,
- self.deletebutton.pack(side=LEFT,padx=2, pady=2)
- self.selected = self.rect
- def change_selected(self, button):
- """Change button colours for change of selection."""
- self.selected.config(bg=NORMAL_COLOUR)
- button.config(bg=SELECTED_COLOUR)
- self.selected=button
- def set_rect(self):
- """Set the rectangle selection."""
- self.change_selected(self.rect)
- self.parent.set_rect()
- def set_oval(self):
- """Set the oval selection."""
- self.change_selected(self.oval)
- self.parent.set_oval()
- def set_poly(self):
- """Set the polygon selection."""
- self.change_selected(self.polygon)
- self.parent.set_poly()
- def set_line(self):
- """Set the polyline selection."""
- self.change_selected(self.line)
- self.parent.set_line()
- def set_text(self):
- """Set the text selection."""
- self.change_selected(self.text)
- self.parent.set_text()
- def set_move(self):
- """Set the move selection."""
- self.change_selected(self.move)
- self.parent.set_move()
- def set_delete(self):
- """Set the delete selection."""
- self.change_selected(self.deletebutton)
- self.parent.set_delete()
- # Another widget
- class Configuration(Frame):
- """The configurations bar for DrawingApp"""
- def __init__(self, master):
- """Create the configuration bar:
- master - the toplevel window
- """
- Frame.__init__(self, master)
- self.fillc = Button(self, text="Pick Fill Colour",
- command = self.sef_fill_colour, bg="white")
- self.fillc.pack(side=LEFT,padx=2, pady=2)
- self.outc = Button(self, text="Pick Outline Colour",
- command = self.set_outline_colour, bg = "white")
- self.outc.pack(side=LEFT,padx=2, pady=2)
- self.linec = Button(self, text="Pick Line Colour",
- command = self.set_line_colour, bg = "white")
- self.textc = Button(self, text="Pick Text Colour",
- command = self.set_text_colour, bg = "white")
- self.line_width_label = Label(self,text="Line width: ")
- self.line_width_scale = \
- Spinbox(self, from_=1,to=50,width = 5,
- command = self.set_line_width, state=DISABLED)
- self.line_width_scale.bind("<Return>", self.set_line_width_return)
- self.current_configs = [self.fillc, self.outc]
- self.line_colour = 'white'
- self.fill_colour = 'white'
- self.text_colour = 'white'
- self.line_width = 1
- def set_configs(self, items):
- """Disable widgets for previous config and enable widgets for new
- config items is the list of new widgets."""
- if self.line_width_scale in self.current_configs:
- self.line_width_scale.configure(state=DISABLED)
- for b in self.current_configs: b.pack_forget()
- for i in items:
- i.pack(side=LEFT,padx=2, pady=2)
- self.current_configs = items
- def set_fill_configs(self):
- """Set the config widgets for rectangles, ovals and polygons."""
- self.set_configs([self.fillc, self.outc])
- def set_text_configs(self):
- """Set the text config widgets"""
- self.set_configs([self.textc])
- def set_line_configs(self):
- """Set the line config widgets"""
- self.set_configs([self.linec,self.line_width_label,
- self.line_width_scale])
- self.line_width_scale.configure(state=NORMAL)
- def hide_configs(self):
- """Hide all config widgets."""
- self.set_configs([])
- def sef_fill_colour(self):
- """Choose fill colour."""
- _, colour = askcolor(self.fill_colour, title="Choose Fill Colour")
- if colour:
- self.fill_colour = colour
- self.fillc.configure(bg= colour)
- def set_outline_colour(self):
- """Choose outline colour."""
- _, colour = askcolor(self.line_colour, title="Choose Outline Colour")
- if colour:
- self.line_colour = colour
- self.outc.configure(bg= colour)
- self.linec.configure(bg= colour)
- def set_line_colour(self):
- """Choose line colour"""
- _, colour = askcolor(self.line_colour, title="Choose Line Colour")
- if colour:
- self.line_colour = colour
- self.outc.configure(bg= colour)
- self.linec.configure(bg= colour)
- def set_text_colour(self):
- """Choose text colour."""
- _, colour = askcolor(self.text_colour, title="Choose Text Colour")
- if colour:
- self.text_colour = colour
- self.textc.configure(bg= colour)
- def set_line_width(self):
- self.line_width = self.line_width_scale.get()
- def set_line_width_return(self,e):
- self.line_width = self.line_width_scale.get()
- def get_fill_colour(self):
- return self.fill_colour
- def get_line_colour(self):
- return self.line_colour
- def get_text_colour(self):
- return self.text_colour
- def get_line_width(self):
- return self.line_width
- # For drawing rectangles and ellipses - left click, drag, release
- # For drawing polygons and (poly)lines left click and release to set a point
- # - each subsequent left click/release draws a line from previous point
- # - middle click to end drawing
- # For move left click, drag, release
- # For delete left click/release
- class DrawingApp(object):
- """Drawing demo."""
- def __init__(self, master=None):
- master.title("Drawing Demo")
- self._master = master
- self.customFont = tkFont.Font(family="Helvetica", size=14)
- # Make a toolbar
- toolbar = Toolbar(master, self)
- toolbar.pack(fill=X)
- # Make a canvas and set callbacks
- self.canvas = Canvas(master,width=800, height=600, bg='black')
- self.canvas.pack()
- self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.press_button1)
- self.canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.press_button3)
- self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.releaseButton1)
- self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.b1Motion)
- self.canvas.bind("<Motion>", self.motion)
- self.canvas.bind_all("<Key>", self.keypress)
- # Make a configuration bar
- self.configFrame = Configuration(master)
- self.configFrame.pack(fill=X)
- self.drawing_fun = self.canvas.create_rectangle
- self.reset()
- def reset(self):
- """Reset values ready for next drawing."""
- self.drawing = None
- self.points = []
- self.string = ''
- def set_rect(self):
- """Set up for drawing rectangles"""
- if self.drawing_fun != self.canvas.create_rectangle:
- self.configFrame.set_fill_configs()
- self.drawing_fun = self.canvas.create_rectangle
- self.reset()
- def set_oval(self):
- """Set up for drawing ovals"""
- if self.drawing_fun != self.canvas.create_oval:
- self.configFrame.set_fill_configs()
- self.drawing_fun = self.canvas.create_oval
- self.reset()
- def set_poly(self):
- """Set up for drawing polygons"""
- if self.drawing_fun != self.canvas.create_polygon:
- self.configFrame.set_fill_configs()
- self.drawing_fun = self.canvas.create_polygon
- self.reset()
- def set_line(self):
- """Set up for drawing polylines"""
- if self.drawing_fun != self.canvas.create_line:
- self.configFrame.set_line_configs()
- self.drawing_fun = self.canvas.create_line
- self.reset()
- def set_text(self):
- """Set up for drawing text"""
- if self.drawing_fun != self.canvas.create_text:
- self.configFrame.set_text_configs()
- self.drawing_fun = self.canvas.create_text
- self.reset()
- def set_move(self):
- """Set up for moving"""
- if self.drawing_fun not in [self.canvas.move, self.canvas.delete]:
- self.configFrame.hide_configs()
- self.drawing_fun = self.canvas.move
- def set_delete(self):
- """Set up for deleting"""
- if self.drawing_fun not in [self.canvas.move, self.canvas.delete]:
- self.configFrame.hide_configs()
- self.drawing_fun = self.canvas.delete
- def press_button1(self, e):
- """Left button is pressed"""
- # Drawing rectangles and ovals
- if self.drawing_fun in \
- [self.canvas.create_rectangle,self.canvas.create_oval]:
- self.startx = e.x
- self.starty = e.y
- self.drawing = \
- self.drawing_fun(e.x, e.y, e.x, e.y,
- outline = self.configFrame.get_line_colour(),
- fill = self.configFrame.get_fill_colour())
- # Drawing polygons and polylines
- elif self.drawing_fun in \
- [self.canvas.create_polygon, self.canvas.create_line]:
- self.points.extend([e.x,e.y])
- # Drawing text
- elif self.drawing_fun == self.canvas.create_text:
- self.string = ''
- self.drawing = self.drawing_fun(e.x, e.y ,text=self.string,
- font = self.customFont,
- fill=self.configFrame.get_text_colour())
- # Moving object
- elif self.drawing_fun == self.canvas.move:
- self.startx = e.x
- self.starty = e.y
- self.moveID = self.canvas.find_closest(e.x, e.y)
- # Deleting object
- elif self.drawing_fun == self.canvas.delete:
- ID = self.canvas.find_closest(e.x, e.y)
- self.canvas.delete(ID)
- def releaseButton1(self, e):
- """Left button is released"""
- if self.drawing_fun in \
- [self.canvas.create_rectangle,
- self.canvas.create_oval,
- self.canvas.move]:
- self.drawing = None
- def keypress(self, e):
- "Keyboard key is pressed"""
- if self.drawing_fun == self.canvas.create_text:
- if e.keysym == 'BackSpace':
- #if backspace is pressed remove last character typed
- self.string = self.string[:-1]
- else:
- self.string += e.char
- self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.drawing, text = self.string)
- def motion(self, e):
- """Mouse motion without key press"""
- if self.drawing_fun in \
- [self.canvas.create_polygon, self.canvas.create_line]:
- if len(self.points) == 2 and not self.drawing:
- self.drawing = \
- self.canvas.create_line(self.points+[e.x,e.y],
- fill = 'white')
- elif self.drawing:
- self.canvas.coords(*([self.drawing]+self.points+[e.x,e.y]))
- def b1Motion(self,e):
- """Motion with left mouse pressed"""
- if self.drawing_fun in \
- [self.canvas.create_rectangle,self.canvas.create_oval]:
- self.canvas.coords(self.drawing, self.startx, self.starty,
- e.x, e.y)
- elif self.drawing_fun == self.canvas.move:
- dx = e.x - self.startx
- dy = e.y - self.starty
- self.startx = e.x
- self.starty = e.y
- self.canvas.move(self.moveID, dx, dy)
- def press_button3(self, e):
- """Middle mouse button pressed."""
- if self.drawing_fun == self.canvas.create_polygon:
- self.canvas.delete(self.drawing)
- self.points.extend([e.x,e.y])
- self.drawing_fun(self.points,
- outline = self.configFrame.get_line_colour(),
- fill = self.configFrame.get_fill_colour())
- self.points = []
- self.drawing = None
- elif self.drawing_fun == self.canvas.create_line:
- self.canvas.delete(self.drawing)
- self.points.extend([e.x,e.y])
- self.drawing_fun(self.points,
- fill = self.configFrame.get_line_colour(),
- width=self.configFrame.get_line_width())
- self.points = []
- self.drawing = None
- root = Tk()
- app = DrawingApp(root)
- root.mainloop()
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