
MODX Resource Fields

Sep 18th, 2017
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  1. General Resource Fields
  2. Name Description
  3. id The ID of the Resource.
  4. template A reference to the Template that this Resource is using
  5. published If the Resource is Published, or viewable on the front-end.
  6. pagetitle The title of the Resource.
  7. longtitle A longer title of the Resource.
  8. description An extended description of the Resource.
  9. introtext Also called 'Summary', an introductory excerpt of the Resource's content. Useful for blogs or searching.
  10. alias The URL alias to use, if your site is using Friendly URLs. A Resource with alias 'home' and Content Type 'html' would render 'home.html' if it isn't a Container.
  11. parent The Parent Resource's ID.
  12. link_attributes Used with menu building snippets to add attributes to links, etc. Can be repurposed for other needs.
  13. menutitle The title to show for the Resource when displayed in a menu.
  14. menuindex The order index of the Resource in a menu. Higher order means later.
  15. hidemenu Also called 'Hide from Menus', if set, this Resource will not show in most Menu or Navigation snippets.
  16. content The actual content of the Resource.
  17. Settings Resource Fields
  18. Name Description
  19. isfolder Labeled as 'Container', this specifies whether or not the Resource renders with a / in Friendly URLs instead of its suffix.
  20. searchable If the Resource is searchable.
  21. cacheable If the Resource is cacheable.
  22. createdby The ID of the user who created the Resource.
  23. editedby The ID of the last user to edit the Resource.
  24. deleted If the Resource is deleted or not.
  25. deletedby The ID of the user who deleted the Resource.
  26. publishedby The ID of the user who last published the Resource.
  27. createdon The date the Resource was created.
  28. publishedon The date the Resource was published.
  29. editedon The date the Resource was last edited.
  30. pub_date The scheduled date for a Resource to be published.
  31. unpub_date The scheduled date for a Resource to be unpublished.
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