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- # Replace messages comming from a Gateway (with discord, irc, jabber/xmpp, matrix, telegram or other) with native messages
- # Author: sebbu
- # License: CC0
- import hexchat
- import os
- import types
- from types import SimpleNamespace
- import simplejson as json
- __module_name__ = "gateway_support"
- __module_version__ = "1.0.7"
- __module_description__ = "Translate gateway'd message into native messages"
- print ("Loading gateway_support")
- chmsg = "Channel Message"
- chmsg2= "Channel Msg Hilight"
- chact = "Channel Action"
- chact2= "Channel Action Hilight"
- chnot = "Channel Notice"
- chon = "Join"
- choff = "Part"
- choff2 = "Part with Reason"
- off = "Quit"
- nic = "Change Nick"
- pract = "Private Action to Dialog"
- prmsg = "Private Message to Dialog"
- # join : nick, channel, [host, account]
- # part : nick, host, channel, reason [ with reason]
- # quit : nick, reason, host
- # message : nick, text, modechar
- # notice : who, channel, message
- # nick : old, new
- styles = {
- "\x02", # bold (STX)
- "\x03", # color (ETX)
- "\x04", # ?hex color? (EOT)
- "\x0F", # normal or end-of-style (SI)
- "\x11", # ?monospace? (DC1)
- "\x16", # reverse (SYN)
- "\x1D", # italic (GS)
- "\x1E", # ?strike-through? (RS)
- "\x1F", # underline (US)
- }
- dir=hexchat.get_info("xchatdir")+"\\gateway_support"
- if not os.path.exists(dir):
- os.mkdir(dir)
- chans = set()
- chans2 = set()
- def un_gateway_ize(words, word_eol, userdata):
- global chans, chans2
- # tripplet server, channel, gateway username
- serv = hexchat.get_info("network").lower()
- chan = hexchat.get_info("channel").lower()
- who = hexchat.strip(words[0])
- # basic conditions, real channel (notice), text
- #print(":".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in who)) # debug invisible & unicode characters
- if len(words)<2:
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- if userdata["msgtype"]==chmsg or userdata["msgtype"]==chmsg2:
- if len(words)>=2:
- txt = words[1]
- else:
- txt = ""
- elif userdata["msgtype"]==chact or userdata["msgtype"]==chact2:
- txt= words[1]
- elif userdata["msgtype"]==chnot:
- txt = words[2]
- chan = words[1]
- who=who.replace('\u200b','').replace('\u200c','').replace('\u200d','')
- # user info
- user = [i for i in hexchat.get_list("users") if i.nick==who]
- if not user:
- user = SimpleNamespace(nick= who, account= 'gw', host= 'gw@gateway', realname= 'gateway')
- else:
- user = user[0]
- who = who.lower()
- if len(who)==0 or len(chan)==0 or len(txt)==0:
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- # single gateway
- if (serv, chan, who) in chans:
- who_ = txt.split(' ')
- who2a = who_[0]
- if len(who2a)==0:
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- who2 = hexchat.strip(who2a)
- # patterns
- if ((who2a[0] in styles and who2a[-1] in styles and who2a[1]!='<' and who2a[-2]=='>') or
- (who2a[0] in styles and who2a[-4] in styles and who2a[-3]=='@')):
- if userdata["msgtype"]==chmsg or userdata["msgtype"]==chmsg2:
- who2 = who2[0:-4]
- txt2 = ' '.join( who_[1:] )
- elif userdata["msgtype"]==chact or userdata["msgtype"]==chact2:
- who2 = who2[0:-4]
- txt2 = ' '.join( who_[1:] )
- elif userdata["msgtype"]==chnot:
- who2 = who2[0:-3]
- txt2 = ' '.join( who_[1:] )
- else:
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- elif who_[0]=='[' and who_[2]==']' and who_[3]==':':
- if len(who_)<4:
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- who2 = hexchat.strip(who_[1])
- txt2 = ' '.join( who_[4:] )
- elif (
- (who2[0]=='<' and who2[-1]=='>') or
- (who2[0]=='[' and who2[-1]==']') or
- (who2[0]=='`' and who2[-1]=='`') or
- (who2[0]=='x' and who2[-1]=='»') or
- (who2[0]=='@' and who2[-1]==':')
- ) :
- who2 = who2[1:-1]
- txt2 = ' '.join( who_[1:] )
- # control patterns
- elif (who.startswith('system/') or who=='system') and (who_[1].strip() in ['joins', 'leaves', 'parts']):
- txt2 = ''
- else:
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- user2 = [i for i in hexchat.get_list("users") if i.nick==who2]
- if not user2:
- hexchat.command('RECV :' + who2 + '!' + + ' JOIN ' + chan)
- if (userdata["msgtype"]==chmsg) or (userdata["msgtype"]==chmsg2):
- if who.startswith('system/') or who=='system':
- if who_[1].strip()=='joins':
- #hexchat.emit_print( chon, who2, chan,
- hexchat.command('RECV :' + who2 + '!' + + ' JOIN ' + chan)
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- elif who_[1].strip() in ['leaves', 'parts']:
- #hexchat.emit_print( choff, who2,, chan)
- hexchat.command('RECV :' + who2 + '!' + + ' PART ' + chan)
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- else:
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- else:
- #hexchat.emit_print( userdata["msgtype"], who2, txt2)
- hexchat.command('RECV :' + who2 + '!' + + ' PRIVMSG ' + chan + ' :' + txt2);
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- elif (userdata["msgtype"]==chact) or (userdata["msgtype"]==chact2):
- #hexchat.emit_print( userdata["msgtype"], who2, txt2)
- hexchat.command('RECV :' + who2 + '!' + + ' PRIVMSG ' + chan + " :\1ACTION" + txt2 + "\1");
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- elif userdata["msgtype"]==chnot:
- # notice is usually control messages (join, let, quit, nick change)
- if txt2=="joined the channel":
- #hexchat.emit_print( chon, who2, chan,
- hexchat.command('RECV :' + who2 + '!' + + ' JOIN ' + chan)
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- elif txt2=="left the channel":
- #hexchat.emit_print( choff, who2,, chan)
- hexchat.command('RECV :' + who2 + '!' + + ' PART ' + chan)
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- elif txt2=="quit the server":
- #hexchat.emit_print( off, who2, "",
- hexchat.command('RECV :' + who2 + '!' + + ' QUIT')
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- elif ' '.join(txt2.split(' ')[:-1])=="is the new nick of":
- who3 = txt2.split(' ')[-1]
- #hexchat.emit_print( nic, who3, who2)
- hexchat.command('RECV :' + who2 + '!' + + ' NICK ' + who3)
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- # debug, shouldn't happen
- print(who2)
- print(txt2)
- else:
- # debug, shouldn't happen
- print(userdata["msgtype"])
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- # multiple gateway
- if (serv, chan, who) in chans2:
- who_ = txt.split(' ')
- if len(who_)<2:
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- who2a = who_[0]
- if len(who2a)==0:
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- who2 = hexchat.strip(who2a)
- arg0 = hexchat.strip(who_[0])
- # allowed prefixes
- if(arg0!='[TG]' and arg0!='[telegram]' and arg0!='[FGD]' and arg0!='[xmpp]' and arg0!='[matrix]' and arg0!='[discord]'):
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- arg1 = hexchat.strip(who_[1])
- if len(who_)>=3:
- arg2 = hexchat.strip(who_[2])
- else:
- arg2 = ''
- act=False
- if(arg1[0]=='<' and arg1[-1]=='>'):
- who2 = arg1[1:-1]
- txt2 = ' '.join( who_[2:] )
- elif(arg1[0]=='x' and arg1[-1]=='»'):
- who2 = arg1[1:-1]
- txt2 = ' '.join( who_[2:] )
- elif(arg1[0]=='@' and arg1[-1]==':'):
- who2 = arg2
- txt2 = arg1 + ' ' + ' '.join( who_[3:] )
- act = True
- elif(who2[0] in styles and who2[-1] in styles and who2[-2]=='>'):
- who2 = arg1[1:-2]
- txt2 = ' '.join( who_[2:])
- elif(
- (arg1[0]>='a' and arg1[0]<='z') or
- (arg1[0]>='A' and arg1[0]<='Z')
- ):
- who2=arg1
- txt2 = ' '.join( who_[2:] )
- act = True
- else:
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- if act:
- if(userdata["msgtype"]==chmsg):
- what = chact
- elif(userdata["msgtype"]==chmsg2):
- what = chact2
- else:
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- #hexchat.emit_print( what, who2, txt2)
- hexchat.command('RECV :' + who2 + '!' + + ' PRIVMSG ' + chan + ' :' + txt2);
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- else:
- hexchat.emit_print( userdata["msgtype"], who2, txt2)
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- return hexchat.EAT_NONE
- def gateway_on(word, word_eol, userdata):
- global chans
- serv = hexchat.get_info("network").lower()
- chan = hexchat.get_info("channel").lower()
- who = hexchat.strip(word[1]).lower()
- if (serv, chan, who) not in chans:
- chans.add( (serv, chan, word[1].lower()) )
- # chans.append( (serv, chan, word[1].lower()) )
- print("added")
- else:
- print("already existed, so not added")
- # print("INFO '%s' '%s' '%s'" % (serv, chan, who) )
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- def gateway_off(word, word_eol, userdata):
- global chans
- serv = hexchat.get_info("network").lower()
- chan = hexchat.get_info("channel").lower()
- who = hexchat.strip(word[1]).lower()
- if (serv, chan, who) in chans:
- chans.remove( (serv, chan, word[1].lower()) )
- print("removed")
- else:
- print("didn't existed, so not removed")
- # print("INFO '%s' '%s' '%s'" % (serv, chan, who) )
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- def gateway_on2(word, word_eol, userdata):
- global chans2
- serv = hexchat.get_info("network").lower()
- chan = hexchat.get_info("channel").lower()
- who = hexchat.strip(word[1]).lower()
- if (serv, chan, who) not in chans2:
- chans2.add( (serv, chan, word[1].lower()) )
- # chans2.append( (serv, chan, word[1].lower()) )
- print("added")
- else:
- print("already existed, so not added")
- # print("INFO '%s' '%s' '%s'" % (serv, chan, who) )
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- def gateway_off2(word, word_eol, userdata):
- global chans2
- serv = hexchat.get_info("network").lower()
- chan = hexchat.get_info("channel").lower()
- who = hexchat.strip(word[1]).lower()
- if (serv, chan, who) in chans2:
- chans2.remove( (serv, chan, word[1].lower()) )
- print("removed")
- else:
- print("didn't existed, so not removed")
- # print("INFO '%s' '%s' '%s'" % (serv, chan, who) )
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- def gateway_clear(word, word_eol, userdata):
- global chans, chans2
- chans = set()
- chans2 = set()
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- def file_load(replace = False):
- global dir, chans, chans2
- if replace:
- chans = set()
- chans2 = set()
- with open(dir+"\\gateway1.tsv", "a+") as f:
- f.readline()
- for line in f:
- line = line.strip("\r\n")
- line2=line.split("\t")
- elem = ( line2[0], line2[1], line2[2])
- if elem not in chans:
- chans.add( elem )
- with open(dir+"\\gateway2.tsv", "a+") as f:
- f.readline()
- for line in f:
- line = line.strip("\r\n")
- line2=line.split("\t")
- elem = ( line2[0], line2[1], line2[2])
- if elem not in chans2:
- chans2.add( elem )
- return True
- def file_save():
- global dir, chans, chans2
- with open(dir+"\\gateway1.tsv", "w+") as f:
- f.write("server\tchannel\tbridge\n")
- for elem in chans:
- f.write(elem[0]+"\t"+elem[1]+"\t"+elem[2]+"\n")
- with open(dir+"\\gateway2.tsv", "w+") as f:
- f.write("server\tchannel\tbridge\n")
- for elem in chans2:
- f.write(elem[0]+"\t"+elem[1]+"\t"+elem[2]+"\n")
- return True
- def gateway_load(word, word_eol, userdata):
- global chans, chans2
- file_load()
- print("loading gateway_support data")
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- def gateway_reload(word, word_eol, userdata):
- global chans, chans2
- file_load(True)
- print("reloading gateway_support data")
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- def gateway_save(word, word_eol, userdata):
- global chans, chans2
- file_save()
- print("Saving gateway_support data")
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- def gateway_list(word, word_eol, userdata):
- global chans
- ms=len("Server")
- mc=len("Channel")
- mn=len("Nick")
- count=0
- for elem in chans:
- if len(elem[0]) > ms:
- ms = len(elem[0])
- if len(elem[1]) > mc:
- mc = len(elem[1])
- if len(elem[2]) > mn:
- mn = len(elem[2])
- count+=1
- for elem in chans2:
- if len(elem[0]) > ms:
- ms = len(elem[0])
- if len(elem[1]) > mc:
- mc = len(elem[1])
- if len(elem[2]) > mn:
- mn = len(elem[2])
- count+=1
- print("{0:<{1}} {2:<{3}} {4:<{5}}\n{6:{7}<{1}} {6:{7}<{3}} {6:{7}<{5}}".format("Server", ms, "Channel", mc, "Nick", mn, "#", "#"))
- for elem in chans:
- print("{0:<{1}} {2:<{3}} {4:<{5}}".format(elem[0], ms, elem[1], mc, elem[2], mn))
- for elem in chans2:
- print("{0:<{1}} {2:<{3}} {4:<{5}}".format(elem[0], ms, elem[1], mc, elem[2], mn))
- if count==0:
- print("List is empty.")
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- def unload_cb(userdata):
- global chans, chans2
- print("Unloading gateway_support")
- hexchat.command('MENU DEL "$NICK/Use Gateway"')
- #gateway_save([], [], [])
- return hexchat.EAT_ALL
- hexchat.hook_unload(unload_cb)
- gateway_load([], [], [])
- hexchat.hook_command('gateway_on', gateway_on, help="/gateway_on <nick> Add the user as the gateway for the channel")
- hexchat.hook_command('gateway_off', gateway_off, help="/gateway_off <nick> Remove the user as the gateway for the channel")
- hexchat.hook_command('gateway_on2', gateway_on2, help="/gateway_on2 <nick> Add the user as the gateway [prefixed] for the channel")
- hexchat.hook_command('gateway_off2', gateway_off2, help="/gateway_off2 <nick> Remove the user as the gateway [prefixed] for the channel")
- hexchat.hook_command('gateway_save', gateway_save, help="/gateway_save Save the gateway list for all servers / channel")
- hexchat.hook_command('gateway_load', gateway_load, help="/gateway_load Read the gateway list for all servers / channel (WARNING: overwrite content)")
- hexchat.hook_command('gateway_reload', gateway_reload, help="/gateway_reload Read the gateway list for all servers / channel (WARNING: append content)")
- hexchat.hook_command('gateway_clear', gateway_clear, help="/gateway_clear Clears the gateway list for all servers / channel (WARNING: delete content)")
- hexchat.hook_command('gateway_list', gateway_list, help="/gateway_list List the gateway list for all servers / channel")
- #hexchat.command('MENU -t0 ADD "$NICK/Use as gateway" "gateway_on %s" "gateway_off %s"')
- hexchat.hook_print(chmsg , un_gateway_ize, {"msgtype": chmsg })
- hexchat.hook_print(chmsg2, un_gateway_ize, {"msgtype": chmsg2})
- hexchat.hook_print(chnot, un_gateway_ize, {"msgtype": chnot})
- hexchat.hook_print(chact , un_gateway_ize, {"msgtype": chact })
- hexchat.hook_print(chact2, un_gateway_ize, {"msgtype": chact2})
- # hexchat.hook_print(pract, un_gateway_ize, {"msgtype": pract})
- # hexchat.hook_print(prmsg, un_gateway_ize, {"msgtype": prmsg})
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