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- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <cstdint>
- #include <vector>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <tuple>
- #include <thread>
- #include <mutex>
- #include <condition_variable>
- #include <queue>
- #include <functional>
- //Math functions
- int64_t intPow(int64_t base, int64_t expo){
- int64_t result = 1;
- while (expo){
- if (expo & 1) result *= base;
- base *= base;
- expo >>= 1;
- }
- return result;
- }
- int64_t digitLen(int64_t n){
- n = abs(n);
- if (n < 10) return 1;
- if (n < 100) return 2;
- if (n < 1000) return 3;
- if (n < 10000) return 4;
- if (n < 100000) return 5;
- if (n < 1000000) return 6;
- if (n < 10000000) return 7;
- if (n < 100000000) return 8;
- if (n < 1000000000) return 9;
- if (n < 10000000000) return 10;
- if (n < 100000000000) return 11;
- if (n < 1000000000000) return 12;
- if (n < 10000000000000) return 13;
- if (n < 100000000000000) return 14;
- if (n < 1000000000000000) return 15;
- if (n < 10000000000000000) return 16;
- if (n < 100000000000000000) return 17;
- if (n < 1000000000000000000) return 18;
- return 19;
- }
- int64_t int64Hash(const char* cstr){
- int64_t result = 0;
- while(cstr[0]){
- result = (result<<8) | (result>>56);
- result |= (uint8_t)cstr[0];
- cstr++;
- };
- return result;
- }
- void reverseCstr(char* cstr){
- size_t l = strlen(cstr)-1;
- for(size_t i=0; i<=l/2; i++){
- char buf=cstr[i];
- cstr[i]=cstr[l-i];
- cstr[l-i]=buf;
- }
- }
- void int64ToChar(int64_t value, char* cstr, size_t byteSize) {
- if(cstr==NULL){ return; }
- memset(cstr, 0, byteSize);
- size_t maxSize = byteSize-1;
- maxSize = maxSize < sizeof(int64_t) ? maxSize : sizeof(int64_t);
- memcpy(cstr, &value, maxSize);
- if(cstr[0]=='\0'){ return; }
- reverseCstr(cstr);
- }
- template <class T>
- bool isPrime(T n){
- if(n<=1){return false;}
- if(n==2){return true;}
- if(n%2==0){return false;}
- T max = sqrt(n);
- for(T i=3; i <= max; i+=2)
- if (n % i == 0)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- bool is_numeric(char const *string)
- {
- return std::all_of(string, string+strlen(string),
- [](unsigned char c) { return ::isdigit(c); });
- }
- class ThreadPool {
- public:
- ThreadPool(size_t numThreads);
- ~ThreadPool();
- template<class F>
- void enqueue(F&& f);
- void waitUntilFinished();
- private:
- std::vector<std::thread> workers;
- std::queue<std::function<void()>> tasks;
- std::mutex queueMutex;
- std::condition_variable condition;
- std::condition_variable finishedCondition;
- bool stop;
- int tasksRemaining = 0;
- };
- ThreadPool::ThreadPool(size_t numThreads) : stop(false) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) {
- workers.emplace_back([this] {
- while (true) {
- std::function<void()> task;
- {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(this->queueMutex);
- this->condition.wait(lock, [this] { return this->stop || !this->tasks.empty(); });
- if (this->stop && this->tasks.empty()) return;
- task = std::move(this->tasks.front());
- this->tasks.pop();
- }
- task();
- {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(this->queueMutex);
- tasksRemaining--;
- if (tasksRemaining == 0) {
- finishedCondition.notify_all();
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
- ThreadPool::~ThreadPool() {
- {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
- stop = true;
- }
- condition.notify_all();
- for (std::thread &worker : workers) {
- worker.join();
- }
- }
- template<class F>
- void ThreadPool::enqueue(F&& f) {
- {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
- tasks.emplace(std::forward<F>(f));
- tasksRemaining++;
- }
- condition.notify_one();
- }
- void ThreadPool::waitUntilFinished() {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
- finishedCondition.wait(lock, [this] { return tasksRemaining == 0; });
- }
- //Polynomial
- struct Polynom {
- //Term
- struct Term {
- int64_t mult;
- int64_t base;
- int64_t expo;
- Term(int64_t m = 1, int64_t b = 1, int64_t e = 1) : mult(m), base(b), expo(e){}
- bool operator==(const Term& other) const;
- std::string getString() const;
- int64_t value() const;
- int64_t symbolCount() const;
- };
- struct SearchCache {
- std::vector<Polynom> *storage; //Pointer to unique polynom vector in thread scope
- const Polynom *curPolynom; //Pointer of mainList[i]
- int maxSymbols;
- int maxBranches;
- int termCount;
- int64_t maxCoef;
- int64_t maxExpo;
- SearchCache(
- std::vector<Polynom> *localeStorage = nullptr,
- const Polynom *polynomCur = nullptr,
- int symbolsMax = 8,
- int branchesMax = 8,
- int countTerm = 3,
- int64_t coefMax = 10000,
- int64_t expoMax = 62
- ):
- storage(localeStorage),
- curPolynom(curPolynom),
- maxSymbols(symbolsMax),
- maxBranches(branchesMax),
- termCount(countTerm),
- maxCoef(coefMax),
- maxExpo(expoMax)
- {}
- };
- std::vector<Term> terms; //polynomial terms, form a*b^c
- int64_t target;
- int64_t remainder; //How much needs to be added to reach the target
- bool validEnd=1;
- //Not enough redundatn calls to make caching useful
- // mutable int64_t cacheSymCount = -1;
- // mutable std::string cacheString;
- void add(Term term){
- remainder+=term.value();
- terms.push_back(term);
- }
- void terminate(){
- if(remainder==0){return;}
- terms.push_back({-1*remainder,1,1});
- remainder=0;
- }
- std::string getString() const;
- int64_t value() const;
- int symbolCount() const;
- int64_t scoreTerm(const Term& term, int64_t remainder) const;
- void sortTerms(SearchCache cfg, std::vector<Term> *candiTerms) const;
- int searchTerms(SearchCache cfg) const;
- bool isPrimesOnly() const;
- };
- std::string Polynom::getString() const {
- // if(cacheString!=""){return cacheString;}
- std::string str;
- for(int i=0;i<terms.size();i++){
- if(i>0 && (terms[i].mult>=0) ){str+= "+";} //positive sign for next term
- str+= terms[i].getString();
- }
- // cacheString=str;
- return str;
- }
- int Polynom::symbolCount() const {
- // if(cacheSymCount!=-1){return cacheSymCount;}
- int count=0;
- for(int i=0; i<terms.size();i++){
- count+=terms[i].symbolCount();
- }
- count+=terms.size()-1; // sign and digit
- // cacheSymCount=count;
- return count;
- }
- int64_t Polynom::value() const {
- int64_t sum=0;
- for(int i=0;i<terms.size();i++){
- sum+=terms[i].value();
- }
- return sum;
- }
- bool Polynom::isPrimesOnly() const {
- for(int i=0;i<terms.size();i++){
- Term term = terms[i];
- if(
- ( !isPrime(term.mult) && term.mult!=1 ) || //if any term isn't prime or 1
- ( !isPrime(term.base) && term.base!=1 ) ||
- ( !isPrime(term.expo) && term.expo!=1 )
- ){
- return 0;
- };
- }
- return 1;
- }
- //Polynom::Term::
- bool Polynom::Term::operator==(const Term& other) const {
- if (
- intPow(other.base,other.expo)==1 && //ignore base^expo==1
- intPow(base,expo)==1
- ) {
- return (mult == other.mult);
- }
- return (mult == other.mult) && (base == other.base) && (expo == other.expo);
- }
- std::string Polynom::Term::getString() const {
- std::string str="";
- if(
- mult!=1 ||
- ( mult==1 && (mult==1 && base ==1) )
- ){
- str+= std::to_string(mult);
- }
- if(base==1){return str;} //a
- if(mult!=1){
- str+= "*";
- }
- str+= std::to_string(base);
- if(expo==1){return str;} //a*b
- str+= "^" + std::to_string(expo);
- return str; //a*b^c
- }
- int64_t Polynom::Term::value() const{
- return mult*intPow(base,expo);
- }
- int64_t Polynom::Term::symbolCount() const { //remove trivial components and return term a*b^c as a string
- bool trivExpo = intPow(base,expo)==1;
- int symCount = 0;
- if(mult!=1){
- symCount+=digitLen(mult);
- }
- if( trivExpo ){
- if(symCount==0){return 1;} // 1*1^1 (1 digit)
- return symCount; //a
- }
- symCount += mult!=1; //multiply sign *
- symCount+=digitLen(base);
- if(expo!=1){
- symCount+=digitLen(expo);
- }
- return symCount; //b or b^c or a*b^c
- }
- //Polynomial::
- //Fitness value for new term. Higher is better
- int64_t Polynom::scoreTerm(const Term& term, int64_t remainder) const {
- int64_t termLength = term.symbolCount(); //how many chars the term has
- int64_t reduceWeight = 1+termLength; //Each new term adds plus or minus sign, so we prefer remainder reduction
- int64_t lengthWeight = termLength;
- int64_t newRemainder = remainder + term.value();
- int64_t charsReduced = digitLen(remainder) - digitLen(newRemainder); //how many chars the term reduces from remainder
- //weight
- int64_t score = 0;
- score += charsReduced * reduceWeight; //Higher = better
- score -= termLength * lengthWeight; //Higher = worse
- return score;
- }
- void Polynom::sortTerms(SearchCache cfg, std::vector<Term> *candiTerms) const {
- //Precompute scores
- std::vector<std::pair<Term, int>> scoredTerms;
- for (const auto& term : *candiTerms){
- scoredTerms.emplace_back(term, scoreTerm(term, cfg.curPolynom->remainder));
- }
- //sort highest score last
- std::sort(scoredTerms.begin(), scoredTerms.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b){
- return a.second > b.second;
- });
- Term prevTerm;
- candiTerms->clear();
- for (const auto& pair : scoredTerms){
- //Don't add terms with same value
- if( !(pair.first==prevTerm) ){
- candiTerms->push_back(pair.first);
- prevTerm=pair.first;
- }
- }
- }
- //Find candidates for polynomial term close to remainder
- int Polynom::searchTerms(SearchCache cfg) const {
- if(cfg.curPolynom->remainder==0){return 0;}
- std::vector<Term> candiTerms; //candidate terms
- Term newTerm = {0};
- int64_t sign = cfg.curPolynom->remainder < 0 ? 1 : -1; //if remainder is negative, next coefficient should be positive
- for(int64_t base=2;base<=cfg.maxCoef;base++){
- for(int64_t expo=1;expo<=cfg.maxExpo;expo++){
- int64_t power = intPow(base,expo);
- if( power<=0 || ( power>cfg.maxCoef+abs(cfg.curPolynom->remainder) ) ){break;} //ignore overflown powers
- //Scale the power near reminder
- int64_t mult = (abs(cfg.curPolynom->remainder)+power/2)/power;
- if(mult<=0){mult=1;}
- newTerm={ sign*mult, base, expo };
- int64_t newTermDiff = abs(cfg.curPolynom->remainder+newTerm.value()); //new term difference from remainder
- if( newTermDiff > abs( cfg.curPolynom->remainder ) ){ break; } //break if the new term results in bigger abs(remainder)
- //If the new term meets the conditions, add it to candidate term list
- if(newTerm.symbolCount() <= cfg.maxSymbols){ //Limit term symbol count
- candiTerms.push_back(newTerm);
- }
- }
- }
- if(candiTerms.empty()){ return 1; }
- sortTerms(cfg,&candiTerms);
- //Add new branchest to main list. Indices 0 to maxBranches
- for (int i = 0; (i < cfg.maxBranches) && (i < candiTerms.size()); i++){
- Polynom bufCandi = *cfg.curPolynom;
- bufCandi.add(candiTerms[i]);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- //Main
- void sortPolynoms(std::vector<Polynom> *polys, uint maxCoef=10000) {
- //invalidate branches that didn't reach remainder=0
- for (Polynom& polynom : *polys) {
- if(abs(polynom.remainder) < maxCoef){
- polynom.terminate();
- }else
- if(polynom.remainder != 0){
- polynom.validEnd=0;
- }
- }
- //Remove incomplete polynomials
- polys->erase(std::remove_if(polys->begin(), polys->end(), [](const Polynom& p) {
- return !p.validEnd;
- }), polys->end());
- //Precompute strings and symbol counts
- struct PolynomWithString {
- Polynom poly;
- std::string cachedString;
- int symbolCount;
- PolynomWithString(const Polynom& p) : poly(p), cachedString(p.getString()), symbolCount(p.symbolCount()) {}
- };
- //Copy original polynomials to
- std::vector<PolynomWithString> cachedPolys;
- cachedPolys.reserve(polys->size());
- for (const auto& poly : *polys) {
- cachedPolys.emplace_back(poly);
- }
- // Sort using the cached values
- std::sort(cachedPolys.begin(), cachedPolys.end(), [](const PolynomWithString& a, const PolynomWithString& b) {
- if (a.symbolCount != b.symbolCount) {
- return a.symbolCount > b.symbolCount; // Sort by symbol count ascending
- }
- return a.cachedString > b.cachedString; // Sort by ASCII order
- });
- //Remove duplicates
- auto last = std::unique(cachedPolys.begin(), cachedPolys.end(), [](const PolynomWithString& a, const PolynomWithString& b) {
- return a.cachedString == b.cachedString; // Remove duplicates based on cached string
- });
- polys->clear(); //copy back to polys
- for (auto it = cachedPolys.begin(); it != last; ++it) {
- polys->push_back(it->poly);
- }
- }
- void printManual(char** argv){
- std::string path = argv[0];
- std::string programName = path.substr(path.find_last_of("/\\") + 1);
- std::cout << "This program searches polynomial for a given number \n";
- std::cout << "Usage : ./" << programName << " [integer] [terms] [branches] [polynoms] [digits]\n";
- std::cout << "Argument : Default : Explanation\n";
- std::cout << "integer : 2^31-1 : Number 0 to 2^63-10001. Non-numerics are hashed\n";
- std::cout << "terms : 2 : Number of terms in polynomial\n";
- std::cout << "branches : 100 : Branch count per node in the tree search\n";
- std::cout << "polynoms : 20 : Number of displayed polynomials\n";
- std::cout << "digits : Varies : Number of digits in term constants\n";
- }
- int main(int argc, char** argv){
- if(argc>1){
- std::string firstArg = argv[1];
- if( firstArg=="-h" || firstArg=="-?" || firstArg=="--help" ){
- printManual(argv);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- const int64_t MAX_THREADS = 24;
- Polynom starter;
- int64_t defaultTarget = int64Hash("Therma");
- // = 3083;
- // = 13238717;
- //;
- if(argc>0){
- if(argv[1]){
- if(is_numeric(argv[1])){
- size_t num=std::strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);
- }
- else{
- }
- }
- }
- starter.remainder =;
- // = 128;
- std::vector<Polynom> mainList; //Main list of polynom candidates
- mainList.push_back(starter);
- int64_t MAX_COEF=pow(10,digitLen(;
- MAX_COEF = MAX_COEF > 10000 ? 10000 : MAX_COEF;
- //config
- Polynom::SearchCache cache;
- cache.maxBranches=300;
- cache.termCount=2;
- cache.maxSymbols=digitLen(;
- cache.maxExpo=62;
- cache.maxCoef = MAX_COEF;
- size_t maxLeaves = 100000;
- size_t maxDisplay = 20;
- bool primalityCheck = 0;
- if(argc>1){
- if(argv[2]){
- size_t num=std::strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10);
- cache.termCount=num;
- }
- }
- if(argc>2){
- if(argv[3]){
- size_t num=std::strtol(argv[3], NULL, 10);
- if(num){
- cache.maxBranches=num;
- }
- }
- }
- if(argc>3){
- if(argv[4]){
- size_t num=std::strtol(argv[4], NULL, 10);
- if(num){
- maxDisplay=num;
- }
- }
- }
- if(argc>4){
- if(argv[5]){
- size_t num=std::strtol(argv[5], NULL, 10);
- if(num){
- MAX_COEF=num;
- cache.maxCoef = MAX_COEF;
- }
- }
- }
- size_t testedTerms = 0;
- ThreadPool pool(MAX_THREADS); // Adjust number of threads to hardware
- for(int j=0;j<cache.termCount;j++){
- const std::vector<Polynom> prevList=mainList; //Make a copy that the list won't change
- size_t prevSize=prevList.size();
- prevSize= std::min(maxLeaves,prevSize); //Limit maximum leaf node count
- std::mutex mainListMutex;
- std::vector<std::vector<Polynom>> threadStorage; //New branches storage. unique per thread
- threadStorage.resize(prevSize);
- //searchTerms function will be adding new elements each loop
- for(int i=0;i<prevSize;i++){
- if( prevList[i].validEnd==0 || prevList[i].remainder==0 ){ continue; } //Skip invalid or terminated branches
- Polynom::SearchCache localCache=cache; //Copy config for each thread. Usually better for small caches
- localCache.curPolynom=&prevList[i]; //Address of polynom copy that the thread will branch out
- // Enqueue work for the thread pool
- pool.enqueue([i, localCache, &mainList, &prevList, &mainListMutex] {
- bool err = localCache.curPolynom->searchTerms(localCache); //populater threadStorage aka
- });
- }
- pool.waitUntilFinished();
- //invalidate previous branches that weren't terminated and therefore become part of the trunk
- for (int i=0; i<prevSize; i++){
- if (!threadStorage[i].empty()) {//If valid
- size_t branchCount = std::min(threadStorage[i].size(), (size_t)cache.maxBranches); //Insert last N elements to maunList
- mainList.insert(mainList.end(), threadStorage[i].end() - branchCount, threadStorage[i].end());
- }else if(mainList[i].remainder!=0){
- mainList[i].validEnd = 0;
- if (i != 0) {
- std::cout << "No branches found for " << mainList[i].getString() << "\n";
- }
- }
- if( abs(prevList[i].remainder) < cache.maxCoef ){
- mainList[i].terminate(); //if remainder is X digits or shorter, add it as constant +N*1^1
- }else
- if (mainList[i].remainder!=0){
- mainList[i].validEnd=0;
- }
- }
- std::cout << "Depth: " << j << " Branches: " << mainList.size() << "\n";
- testedTerms+=mainList.size();
- }
- sortPolynoms(&mainList,MAX_COEF);
- //Print
- int count = 0;
- size_t startPrint=0;
- if(maxDisplay!=-1 && !primalityCheck){
- startPrint=0;
- if(mainList.size()>maxDisplay){
- startPrint=mainList.size()-maxDisplay;
- }
- }
- for (size_t i = startPrint; i < mainList.size(); i++) {
- if( primalityCheck && !mainList[i].isPrimesOnly() ){ continue; }
- std::string bufStr=mainList[i].getString();
- std::cout << bufStr;
- // std::cout << " " << mainList[i].symbolCount();
- std::cout << "\n";
- count++;
- }
- if(mainList.size()>0){
- int64_t polyValue = mainList[0].value();
- char polyAscii[9];
- int64ToChar(polyValue,polyAscii,sizeof(polyAscii));
- std::cout << "Decimal: " << polyValue << "\n";
- std::cout << "Ascii: " << polyAscii << "\n";
- }
- std::cout << "Listed: " << count << "\n";
- std::cout << "Terms tested: " << testedTerms << "\n";
- if(argc<=1){
- printManual(argv);
- }
- return 0;
- }
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