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- -- RBX.Lua | Geometrical Gui | By Cass
- local c = {}
- local n =
- local t = type
- local ud = 'userdata'
- function c:Part(P,s)
- local p = n('Part',P)
- p.formFactor = 'Custom'
- if t(s) == ud then p.Size = s
- elseif t(s) == 'table' then p.Size =[1],s[2],s[3]) end
- p:BreakJoints()
- return p
- end
- function c:Part3(P,s)
- local p = c:Part(P,s)
- local m = n("SpecialMesh",p)
- m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://9856898"
- m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://48358980"
- p.Changed:connect(function()
- m.Scale = p.Size * 2
- end)
- return p,m
- end
- Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- pcall(function()
- Player.PlayerGui.G:Destroy()
- end)
- function HSVtoRGB(h,s,v)
- local c = v * s
- local x = c * (1 - math.abs(h/60%2-1))
- local m = v - c
- local r = 0
- local g = 0
- local b = 0
- if h >= 0 and h < 60 then
- r = c ; g = x
- elseif h >= 60 and h < 120 then
- r = x ; g = c
- elseif h >= 120 and h < 180 then
- g = c ; b = x
- elseif h >= 180 and h < 240 then
- g = x ; b = c
- elseif h >= 240 and h < 300 then
- r = x ; b = c
- elseif h >= 300 and h < 360 then
- r = c ; b = x
- end
- r = r+m
- g = g+m
- b = b+m
- return r,g,b
- end
- Screen ="ScreenGui",Player.PlayerGui)
- Screen.Name = "G"
- function TextLabel(Pa,S,Po,Color)
- local T ="TextLabel",Pa)
- T.Size = S
- T.Position = Po
- T.BackgroundColor3 = Color
- T.Text = ""
- T.BorderSizePixel = 0
- return T
- end
- function TextButton(Pa,S,Po,Color)
- local T ="TextButton",Pa)
- T.Size = S
- T.Position = Po
- T.BackgroundColor3 = Color
- T.BorderColor3 = Color
- T.Text = ""
- return T
- end
- function TextBox(Pa,S,Po,Color)
- local T ="TextBox",Pa)
- T.Size = S
- T.Position = Po
- T.BackgroundColor3 = Color
- T.BorderColor3 = Color
- T.Text = ""
- return T
- end
- function Frame(Pa,S,Po)
- local T ="Frame",Pa)
- T.Size = S
- T.Position = Po
- T.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1)
- T.BorderSizePixel = 0
- return T
- end
- local BarScreen = Frame(Screen,,0,2,0),,0,-1,0))
- BarScreen.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- local WS = Frame(Screen,,0,.335,0),,0,.665,0))
- local TStick = 3
- local WantedColor =,.5,.8)
- local MStick = {}
- local Angles = {
- {
- 0,60,0
- },
- {
- 0.5,0,0
- },
- {
- 0,1,0
- },
- {
- 0,0,0
- },
- {
- 0,0,0
- },
- {
- 0,0,0
- },
- {
- 0,0,0
- },
- }
- function reVisible(Number)
- for i = 1,7 do
- if i > Number then
- MStick[i].Visible = false
- elseif i <= Number then
- MStick[i].Visible = true
- end
- end
- end
- function CreateGeometry()
- Centre = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
- pcall(function()
- Player.Character["Geometry"..Player.Name]:Destroy()
- end)
- local Boss ="Model",Player.Character)
- Boss.Name = "Geometry"..Player.Name
- local OldPart = nil
- local FirstPart = nil
- local Parts = {}
- local MyAngles = {}
- local ModifyAngle = {}
- local MyCentre = Centre *,-3,0)
- local MyParent = Boss
- for i,v in pairs(Angles) do
- table.insert(MyAngles,i,{})
- MyAngles[i][1] = v[1]
- MyAngles[i][2] = v[2]
- MyAngles[i][3] = v[3]
- end
- for i = 1,TStick do
- local Part ="Part",MyParent)
- table.insert(Parts,i,Part)
- Part.FormFactor = "Custom"
- Part.CanCollide = false
- Part.Anchored = true
- Part.Size =,.1,5)
- if OldPart == nil then
- Part.CFrame = MyCentre
- FirstPart = Part
- else
- Part.CFrame = OldPart.CFrame + OldPart.CFrame.lookVector*Part.Size.Z/2
- end
- OldPart = Part
- Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame + Part.CFrame.lookVector*Part.Size.Z/2
- end
- local ReachMax=false
- for i = 1, #Parts do
- table.insert(ModifyAngle,i,{0,0,0})
- end
- local OldPos = Parts[#Parts].CFrame + Parts[#Parts].CFrame.lookVector*Parts[#Parts].Size.Z/2
- local co = 0
- repeat
- local StopTry=false
- for i,v in pairs(ModifyAngle) do
- v[1] = v[1] + MyAngles[i][1]
- v[2] = v[2] + MyAngles[i][2]
- v[3] = v[3] + MyAngles[i][3]
- if i == 1 then
- Parts[i].CFrame = MyCentre* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(v[1]),math.rad(v[2]),math.rad(v[3]))
- else
- Parts[i].CFrame = (Parts[i-1].CFrame + Parts[i-1].CFrame.lookVector*Parts[i-1].Size.Z/2)
- Parts[i].CFrame = Parts[i].CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(v[1]),math.rad(v[2]),math.rad(v[3]))
- end
- Parts[i].CFrame = Parts[i].CFrame + Parts[i].CFrame.lookVector*Parts[i].Size.Z/2
- local NewPos = Parts[#Parts].CFrame + Parts[#Parts].CFrame.lookVector*Parts[#Parts].Size.Z/2
- local L,M = c:Part3(MyParent,{.1,.1,(NewPos.p - OldPos.p).magnitude})
- local R,G,B = HSVtoRGB(co%360,1,1)
- L.FormFactor = "Custom"
- L.TopSurface = "Smooth"
- L.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- L.CanCollide = true
- L.Anchored = true
- L.CFrame = NewPos:lerp(OldPos,.3)
- L.CFrame =,OldPos.p)
- L.CFrame = L.CFrame + L.CFrame.lookVector*((NewPos.p - OldPos.p).magnitude/2)
- M.VertexColor =,G,B)
- OldPos = NewPos
- if v[1]%360 == 0 and v[2]%360 == 0 and v[3]%360 == 0 and not StopTry then
- ReachMax = true
- elseif v[1]%360 ~= 0 or v[2]%360 ~= 0 or v[3]%360 ~= 0 then
- ReachMax = false
- StopTry = true
- end
- end
- wait()
- co=co+1
- until ReachMax
- for i,v in pairs(Parts) do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- for i=1,7 do
- local Label = TextLabel(WS,,0,.075,0),,0,.05+(i-1)*0.085,0),WantedColor)
- Label.Text = "S"..i
- local X = TextBox(Label,,0,1,0),,WantedColor); X.BorderSizePixel = 0
- X.Changed:connect(function()
- Angles[i][1] = tonumber(X.Text)
- end)
- local Y = TextBox(Label,,0,1,0),,WantedColor); Y.BorderSizePixel = 0
- Y.Changed:connect(function()
- Angles[i][2] = tonumber(Y.Text)
- end)
- local Z = TextBox(Label,,0,1,0),,WantedColor); Z.BorderSizePixel = 0
- Z.Changed:connect(function()
- Angles[i][3] = tonumber(Z.Text)
- end)
- X.Text = Angles[i][1]; Y.Text = Angles[i][2]; Z.Text = Angles[i][3]
- if i > TStick then Label.Visible = false end
- table.insert(MStick,i,Label)
- end
- local IncStick = TextButton(WS,,0,.05,0),,0,.05,0),WantedColor)
- IncStick.Text = "^"
- local DecStick = TextButton(WS,,0,.049,0),,0,.1,0),WantedColor)
- DecStick.Text = "v"
- local ShoStick = TextBox(WS,,0,.1,0),,0,.05,0),WantedColor)
- ShoStick.Text = TStick
- IncStick.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- if TStick == 7 then return end
- TStick = TStick + 1
- ShoStick.Text = TStick
- reVisible(TStick)
- end)
- DecStick.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- if TStick == 1 then return end
- TStick = TStick - 1
- ShoStick.Text = TStick
- reVisible(TStick)
- end)
- ShoStick.Changed:connect(function()
- if tonumber(ShoStick.Text) < 1 then
- TStick = 1
- reVisible(TStick)
- elseif tonumber(ShoStick.Text) > 7 then
- TStick = 7
- reVisible(TStick)
- else
- ShoStick.Text = TStick
- end
- ShoStick.Text = TStick
- end)
- local Generate = TextButton(WS,,0,0.2,0),,0,0.7,0),WantedColor); Generate.Text = "Generate"
- Generate.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- CreateGeometry()
- end)
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