
Heimskringla War

Mar 17th, 2023
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  1. Óðinn went with an army against the Vanir, but they put up a good fight and
  2. defended their land, and victory went alternately to both sides. They each
  3. raided the other’s land and did damage. But when both sides grew weary
  4. of this, they arranged a meeting of reconciliation between them and made
  5. peace and gave each other hostages. The Vanir put forward their noblest men,
  6. Njǫrðr the Wealthy and his son Freyr, and the Æsir in return the one called
  7. Hœnir, and they claimed that he was very suitable to be a ruler. He was a
  8. large and most handsome man. With him the Æsir sent the one called Mímir,
  9. a very clever man, and in return the Vanir put forward the wisest in their
  10. company. He was called Kvasir. But when Hœnir came to Vanaheimr
  11. he was at once made a lord. Mímir always told him what to do.
  14. - Heimskringla, Ynglinga Saga, Chapter 4
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