

Mar 19th, 2018
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  1. [4:17:52 PM] MeKLiN: does anyone here miss Cups? hes the chatter who has parrots on his shoulder at times?
  2. [4:17:53 PM] TeutonicBreeze: what do you want melt
  3. [4:17:54 PM] melt: thats nice
  4. [4:17:54 PM] Coop: its teutonicbreeze melt
  5. [4:18:00 PM] melt: breeze
  6. [4:18:01 PM] Pudu: u are what now
  7. [4:18:02 PM] MeKLiN: very fanciful, colored feather birds
  8. [4:18:02 PM] negan_111: i look like who did it andw hy
  9. [4:18:05 PM] melt: u started this racism
  10. [4:18:06 PM] negan_111: but fuck it
  11. [4:18:09 PM] MeKLiN: going once... going twice...
  12. [4:18:09 PM] melt: ur the seed of sin
  13. [4:18:12 PM] Coop: wait
  14. [4:18:14 PM] Coop: not him
  15. [4:18:16 PM] TeutonicBreeze: a little bit
  16. [4:18:16 PM] melt: oh
  17. [4:18:17 PM] Coop: that not clair
  18. [4:18:19 PM] TeutonicBreeze: i cant help it tho
  19. [4:18:22 PM] melt: well whoever clair is
  20. [4:18:31 PM] TeutonicBreeze: clair is a holy symbol
  21. [4:18:32 PM] TeutonicBreeze: iirc
  22. [4:18:33 PM] melt: they started this crusade against gingers
  23. [4:18:34 PM] Coop: clair left awhile ago
  24. [4:18:37 PM] guy1 has left the room
  25. [4:18:37 PM] jacelyn has left the room
  26. [4:18:38 PM] TeutonicBreeze: a symbol of the reich
  27. [4:18:38 PM] Pudu: clair quit chat
  28. [4:18:43 PM] Pudu: too many jews
  29. [4:18:47 PM] TeutonicBreeze: Pudu i wont
  30. [4:18:47 PM] Pudu: he couldn't handle it.
  31. [4:18:50 PM] TeutonicBreeze: i need people in my life
  32. [4:18:52 PM] jacelyn has entered the room.
  33. [4:18:55 PM] TeutonicBreeze: and you sorry fucks do just enough
  34. [4:19:00 PM] TeutonicBreeze: to keep me coming back
  35. [4:19:02 PM] negan_111: i think i drink too much water
  36. [4:19:07 PM] TeutonicBreeze: all i do is make my future
  37. [4:19:09 PM] melt: im also ajew
  38. [4:19:12 PM] melt: as well as a ginge
  39. [4:19:12 PM] negan_111: i drink like 12 bottles a day
  40. [4:19:13 PM] Trioxin: nice to see negan drinking water. sometimes i see chatters on here for hours,and they never hydrate
  41. [4:19:14 PM] TeutonicBreeze: people are a 2nd thought
  42. [4:19:15 PM] Trioxin: worries me
  43. [4:19:21 PM] Coop: 12 bottles isnt too much
  44. [4:19:23 PM] TeutonicBreeze: i drink like 20 and some liquor
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