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- local acos = math.acos
- local sqrt = math.sqrt
- local max = math.max
- local min = math.min
- local clamp = math.clamp
- local cos = math.cos
- local sin = math.sin
- local abs = math.abs
- local sign = math.sign
- local setmetatable = setmetatable
- local rawset = rawset
- local rawget = rawget
- local rad2Deg = math.rad2Deg
- local deg2Rad = math.deg2Rad
- Vector3 =
- {
- class = "Vector3",
- }
- local fields = {}
- setmetatable(Vector3, Vector3)
- Vector3.__index = function(t,k)
- local var = rawget(Vector3, k)
- if var == nil then
- var = rawget(fields, k)
- if var ~= nil then
- return var(t)
- end
- end
- return var
- end
- Vector3.__call = function(t,x,y,z)
- return Vector3.New(x,y,z)
- end
- function Vector3.New(x, y, z)
- local v = {x = x or 0, y = y or 0, z = z or 0}
- setmetatable(v, Vector3)
- return v
- end
- function Vector3:Set(x,y,z)
- self.x = x or 0
- self.y = y or 0
- self.z = z or 0
- end
- function Vector3:Get()
- return self.x, self.y, self.z
- end
- function Vector3:Clone()
- return Vector3.New(self.x, self.y, self.z)
- end
- function Vector3.Distance(va, vb)
- return sqrt((va.x - vb.x)^2 + (va.y - vb.y)^2 + (va.z - vb.z)^2)
- end
- function Vector3.Dot(lhs, rhs)
- return (((lhs.x * rhs.x) + (lhs.y * rhs.y)) + (lhs.z * rhs.z))
- end
- function Vector3.Lerp(from, to, t)
- t = clamp(t, 0, 1)
- return Vector3.New(from.x + ((to.x - from.x) * t), from.y + ((to.y - from.y) * t), from.z + ((to.z - from.z) * t))
- end
- function Vector3:Magnitude()
- return sqrt(self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y + self.z * self.z)
- end
- function Vector3.Max(lhs, rhs)
- return Vector3.New(max(lhs.x, rhs.x), max(lhs.y, rhs.y), max(lhs.z, rhs.z))
- end
- function Vector3.Min(lhs, rhs)
- return Vector3.New(min(lhs.x, rhs.x), min(lhs.y, rhs.y), min(lhs.z, rhs.z))
- end
- function Vector3:Normalize()
- local v = self:Clone()
- return v:SetNormalize()
- end
- function Vector3:SetNormalize()
- local num = self:Magnitude()
- if num == 1 then
- return self
- elseif num > 1e-5 then
- self:Div(num)
- else
- self:Set(0,0,0)
- end
- return self
- end
- function Vector3:SqrMagnitude()
- return self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y + self.z * self.z
- end
- local dot = Vector3.Dot
- function Vector3.Angle(from, to)
- return acos(clamp(dot(from:Normalize(), to:Normalize()), -1, 1)) * rad2Deg
- end
- function Vector3:ClampMagnitude(maxLength)
- if self:SqrMagnitude() > (maxLength * maxLength) then
- self:SetNormalize()
- self:Mul(maxLength)
- end
- return self
- end
- function Vector3.OrthoNormalize(va, vb, vc)
- va:SetNormalize()
- vb:Sub(vb:Project(va))
- vb:SetNormalize()
- if vc == nil then
- return va, vb
- end
- vc:Sub(vc:Project(va))
- vc:Sub(vc:Project(vb))
- vc:SetNormalize()
- return va, vb, vc
- end
- function Vector3.RotateTowards2(from, to, maxRadiansDelta, maxMagnitudeDelta)
- local v2 = to:Clone()
- local v1 = from:Clone()
- local len2 = to:Magnitude()
- local len1 = from:Magnitude()
- v2:Div(len2)
- v1:Div(len1)
- local dota = dot(v1, v2)
- local angle = acos(dota)
- local theta = min(angle, maxRadiansDelta)
- local len = 0
- if len1 < len2 then
- len = min(len2, len1 + maxMagnitudeDelta)
- elseif len1 == len2 then
- len = len1
- else
- len = max(len2, len1 - maxMagnitudeDelta)
- end
- v2:Sub(v1 * dota)
- v2:SetNormalize()
- v2:Mul(sin(theta))
- v1:Mul(cos(theta))
- v2:Add(v1)
- v2:SetNormalize()
- v2:Mul(len)
- return v2
- end
- function Vector3.RotateTowards1(from, to, maxRadiansDelta, maxMagnitudeDelta)
- local omega, sinom, scale0, scale1, len, theta
- local v2 = to:Clone()
- local v1 = from:Clone()
- local len2 = to:Magnitude()
- local len1 = from:Magnitude()
- v2:Div(len2)
- v1:Div(len1)
- local cosom = dot(v1, v2)
- if len1 < len2 then
- len = min(len2, len1 + maxMagnitudeDelta)
- elseif len1 == len2 then
- len = len1
- else
- len = max(len2, len1 - maxMagnitudeDelta)
- end
- if 1 - cosom > 1e-6 then
- omega = acos(cosom)
- theta = min(omega, maxRadiansDelta)
- sinom = sin(omega)
- scale0 = sin(omega - theta) / sinom
- scale1 = sin(theta) / sinom
- v1:Mul(scale0)
- v2:Mul(scale1)
- v2:Add(v1)
- v2:Mul(len)
- return v2
- else
- v1:Mul(len)
- return v1
- end
- end
- function Vector3.MoveTowards(current, target, maxDistanceDelta)
- local delta = target - current
- local sqrDelta = delta:SqrMagnitude()
- local sqrDistance = maxDistanceDelta * maxDistanceDelta
- if sqrDelta > sqrDistance then
- local magnitude = sqrt(sqrDelta)
- if magnitude > 1e-6 then
- delta:Mul(maxDistanceDelta / magnitude)
- delta:Add(current)
- return delta
- else
- return current:Clone()
- end
- end
- return target:Clone()
- end
- function ClampedMove(lhs, rhs, clampedDelta)
- local delta = rhs - lhs
- if delta > 0 then
- return lhs + min(delta, clampedDelta)
- else
- return lhs - min(-delta, clampedDelta)
- end
- end
- local overSqrt2 = 0.7071067811865475244008443621048490
- local function OrthoNormalVector(vec)
- local res = Vector3.New()
- if abs(vec.z) > overSqrt2 then
- local a = vec.y * vec.y + vec.z * vec.z
- local k = 1 / sqrt (a)
- res.x = 0
- res.y = -vec.z * k
- res.z = vec.y * k
- else
- local a = vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y
- local k = 1 / sqrt (a)
- res.x = -vec.y * k
- res.y = vec.x * k
- res.z = 0
- end
- return res
- end
- function Vector3.RotateTowards(current, target, maxRadiansDelta, maxMagnitudeDelta)
- local len1 = current:Magnitude()
- local len2 = target:Magnitude()
- if len1 > 1e-6 and len2 > 1e-6 then
- local from = current / len1
- local to = target / len2
- local cosom = dot(from, to)
- if cosom > 1 - 1e-6 then
- return Vector3.MoveTowards (current, target, maxMagnitudeDelta)
- elseif cosom < -1 + 1e-6 then
- local axis = OrthoNormalVector(from)
- local q = Quaternion.AngleAxis(maxRadiansDelta * rad2Deg, axis)
- local rotated = q:MulVec3(from)
- local delta = ClampedMove(len1, len2, maxMagnitudeDelta)
- rotated:Mul(delta)
- return rotated
- else
- local angle = acos(cosom)
- local axis = Vector3.Cross(from, to)
- axis:SetNormalize ()
- local q = Quaternion.AngleAxis(min(maxRadiansDelta, angle) * rad2Deg, axis)
- local rotated = q:MulVec3(from)
- local delta = ClampedMove(len1, len2, maxMagnitudeDelta)
- rotated:Mul(delta)
- return rotated
- end
- end
- return Vector3.MoveTowards(current, target, maxMagnitudeDelta)
- end
- function Vector3.SmoothDamp(current, target, currentVelocity, smoothTime)
- local maxSpeed = math.huge
- local deltaTime = Time.deltaTime
- smoothTime = max(0.0001, smoothTime)
- local num = 2 / smoothTime
- local num2 = num * deltaTime
- local num3 = 1 / (((1 + num2) + ((0.48 * num2) * num2)) + (((0.235 * num2) * num2) * num2))
- local vector2 = target:Clone()
- local maxLength = maxSpeed * smoothTime
- local vector = current - target
- vector:ClampMagnitude(maxLength)
- target = current - vector
- local vec3 = (currentVelocity + (vector * num)) * deltaTime
- currentVelocity = (currentVelocity - (vec3 * num)) * num3
- local vector4 = target + (vector + vec3) * num3
- if Vector3.Dot(vector2 - current, vector4 - vector2) > 0 then
- vector4 = vector2
- currentVelocity:Set(0,0,0)
- end
- return vector4, currentVelocity
- end
- function Vector3.Scale(a, b)
- local v = a:Clone()
- return v:SetScale(b)
- end
- function Vector3:SetScale(b)
- self.x = self.x * b.x
- self.y = self.y * b.y
- self.z = self.z * b.z
- return self
- end
- function Vector3.Cross(lhs, rhs)
- local x = lhs.y * rhs.z - lhs.z * rhs.y
- local y = lhs.z * rhs.x - lhs.x * rhs.z
- local z = lhs.x * rhs.y - lhs.y * rhs.x
- return Vector3.New(x,y,z)
- end
- function Vector3:Equals(other)
- return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y and self.z == other.z
- end
- function Vector3.Reflect(inDirection, inNormal)
- local num = -2 * dot(inNormal, inDirection)
- inNormal = inNormal * num
- inNormal:Add(inDirection)
- return inNormal
- end
- function Vector3.Project(vector, onNormal)
- local num = onNormal:SqrMagnitude()
- if num < 1.175494e-38 then
- return Vector3.New(0,0,0)
- end
- local num2 = dot(vector, onNormal)
- local v3 = onNormal:Clone()
- v3:Mul(num2/num)
- return v3
- end
- function Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(vector, planeNormal)
- local v3 = Vector3.Project(vector, planeNormal)
- v3:Mul(-1)
- v3:Add(vector)
- return v3
- end
- function Vector3.Slerp2(from, to, t)
- if t <= 0 then
- return from:Clone()
- elseif t >= 1 then
- return to:Clone()
- end
- local v2 = to:Clone()
- local v1 = from:Clone()
- local len2 = to:Magnitude()
- local len1 = from:Magnitude()
- v2:Div(len2)
- v1:Div(len1)
- local omega = dot(v1, v2)
- local len = (len2 - len1) * t + len1
- local theta = acos(omega) * t
- v2:Sub(v1 * omega)
- v2:SetNormalize()
- v2:Mul(sin(theta))
- v1:Mul(cos(theta))
- v2:Add(v1)
- v2:SetNormalize()
- v2:Mul(len)
- return v2
- end
- function Vector3.Slerp(from, to, t)
- local omega, sinom, scale0, scale1
- if t <= 0 then
- return from:Clone()
- elseif t >= 1 then
- return to:Clone()
- end
- local v2 = to:Clone()
- local v1 = from:Clone()
- local len2 = to:Magnitude()
- local len1 = from:Magnitude()
- v2:Div(len2)
- v1:Div(len1)
- local len = (len2 - len1) * t + len1
- local cosom = dot(v1, v2)
- if 1 - cosom > 1e-6 then
- omega = acos(cosom)
- sinom = sin(omega)
- scale0 = sin((1 - t) * omega) / sinom
- scale1 = sin(t * omega) / sinom
- else
- scale0 = 1 - t
- scale1 = t
- end
- v1:Mul(scale0)
- v2:Mul(scale1)
- v2:Add(v1)
- v2:Mul(len)
- return v2
- end
- function Vector3:Mul(q)
- if type(q) == "number" then
- self.x = self.x * q
- self.y = self.y * q
- self.z = self.z * q
- else
- self:MulQuat(q)
- end
- return self
- end
- function Vector3:Div(d)
- self.x = self.x / d
- self.y = self.y / d
- self.z = self.z / d
- return self
- end
- function Vector3:Add(vb)
- self.x = self.x + vb.x
- self.y = self.y + vb.y
- self.z = self.z + vb.z
- return self
- end
- function Vector3:Sub(vb)
- self.x = self.x - vb.x
- self.y = self.y - vb.y
- self.z = self.z - vb.z
- return self
- end
- function Vector3:MulQuat(quat)
- local num = quat.x * 2
- local num2 = quat.y * 2
- local num3 = quat.z * 2
- local num4 = quat.x * num
- local num5 = quat.y * num2
- local num6 = quat.z * num3
- local num7 = quat.x * num2
- local num8 = quat.x * num3
- local num9 = quat.y * num3
- local num10 = quat.w * num
- local num11 = quat.w * num2
- local num12 = quat.w * num3
- local x = (((1 - (num5 + num6)) * self.x) + ((num7 - num12) * self.y)) + ((num8 + num11) * self.z)
- local y = (((num7 + num12) * self.x) + ((1 - (num4 + num6)) * self.y)) + ((num9 - num10) * self.z)
- local z = (((num8 - num11) * self.x) + ((num9 + num10) * self.y)) + ((1 - (num4 + num5)) * self.z)
- self:Set(x, y, z)
- return self
- end
- function Vector3.AngleAroundAxis (from, to, axis)
- from = from - Vector3.Project(from, axis)
- to = to - Vector3.Project(to, axis)
- local angle = Vector3.Angle (from, to)
- return angle * (Vector3.Dot (axis, Vector3.Cross (from, to)) < 0 and -1 or 1)
- end
- Vector3.__tostring = function(self)
- return "["..self.x..","..self.y..","..self.z.."]"
- end
- Vector3.__div = function(va, d)
- return Vector3.New(va.x / d, va.y / d, va.z / d)
- end
- Vector3.__mul = function(va, d)
- if type(d) == "number" then
- return Vector3.New(va.x * d, va.y * d, va.z * d)
- else
- local vec = va:Clone()
- vec:MulQuat(d)
- return vec
- end
- end
- Vector3.__add = function(va, vb)
- return Vector3.New(va.x + vb.x, va.y + vb.y, va.z + vb.z)
- end
- Vector3.__sub = function(va, vb)
- return Vector3.New(va.x - vb.x, va.y - vb.y, va.z - vb.z)
- end
- Vector3.__unm = function(va)
- return Vector3.New(-va.x, -va.y, -va.z)
- end
- Vector3.__eq = function(a,b)
- local v = a - b
- local delta = v:SqrMagnitude()
- return delta < 1e-10
- end
- fields.up = function() return Vector3.New(0,1,0) end
- fields.down = function() return Vector3.New(0,-1,0) end
- fields.right = function() return Vector3.New(1,0,0) end
- fields.left = function() return Vector3.New(-1,0,0) end
- fields.forward = function() return Vector3.New(0,0,1) end
- fields.back = function() return Vector3.New(0,0,-1) end
- = function() return Vector3.New(0,0,0) end
- = function() return Vector3.New(1,1,1) end
- fields.magnitude = Vector3.Magnitude
- fields.normalized = Vector3.Normalize
- fields.sqrMagnitude = Vector3.SqrMagnitude
- print('Lua Vector3 loaded..')
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