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- ***********************************************************************
- AmpMaster API :: AmpMasterLibrary v1.17.9.3 13:53:54 (x86)
- ***********************************************************************
- PrototypeC pAmp_Close()
- PrototypeC pAmp_CountAmpFormatsAll()
- PrototypeC pAmp_CountAmpPlayersAll()
- PrototypeC pAmp_CountSubSongs(*File.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_Free()
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetAmpFormatsStrAll()
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetAmpInDllsStrAll(*File.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetAmpInDllStr(*File.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetAmpInFormatStr(*InLib.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetError()
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetErrorStr(Error.i)
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetFileInfo(*File.p-Ascii, *Title, *Length)
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetInFlags(*InLib.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetInFormatStr()
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetInInfoStr()
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetOutInfoStr()
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetPercent()
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetPlayTime()
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetStopTime()
- PrototypeC pAmp_GetSubSong(*File.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_InAbout()
- PrototypeC pAmp_InConfig()
- PrototypeC pAmp_InfoBox(*File.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_Init()
- PrototypeC pAmp_MusicBox(*File.p-Ascii, Flags.i=1)
- PrototypeC pAmp_MusicGetLength(Flags.i=0)
- PrototypeC pAmp_MusicGetOutPosition()
- PrototypeC pAmp_MusicGetPosition()
- PrototypeC pAmp_MusicGetTitleStr()
- PrototypeC pAmp_MusicIsPlaying()
- PrototypeC pAmp_MusicPause(Pause.i)
- PrototypeC pAmp_MusicPlay(*File.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_MusicSetPan(Pan.i)
- PrototypeC pAmp_MusicSetPosition(Milliseconds.i)
- PrototypeC pAmp_MusicSetVolume(Volume.i)
- PrototypeC pAmp_MusicStop()
- PrototypeC pAmp_Open()
- PrototypeC pAmp_OutAbout()
- PrototypeC pAmp_OutConfig()
- PrototypeC pAmp_Play(*File.p-Ascii, Volume.i=255)
- PrototypeC pAmp_QuickPlay(*File.p-Ascii, *Path.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_SetAmpPath(*Path.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_SetDefaultLength(Milliseconds.i=0)
- PrototypeC pAmp_SetInDll(*InLib.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_SetInPath(*Path.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_SetLength(Milliseconds.i)
- PrototypeC pAmp_SetOutDll(*OutLib.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_SetOutPath(*Path.p-Ascii)
- PrototypeC pAmp_SetSubSong(*File.p-Ascii, SubSong.i)
- PrototypeC pAmp_SetWindow(*Window)
- PrototypeC pAmp_VersionStr(Flags.i=0)
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_Close()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Stop current playing song and close IN_DLL and OUT_DLL
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_CountAmpFormatsAll()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Calculates all supported formats (file-extensions)
- e.g. *.MOD;*.WAV;*.AVI;*.PNG...
- Return Code
- Number of intern supported extensions
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_CountAmpPlayersAll()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Calculates all supported IN_DLL
- Return Code
- Number of intern supported IN_DLL (AmpLibs\)
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_CountSubSongs(*File.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Calculates number of subsongs in file
- Parameters
- *File = Pointer to song-filename
- Return Code
- Number of subsongs
- Find out the number of subsongs from format *.sid;*.mdat;*.tfm;*.tfx;*.nsf;*.gbs;*.fred
- You must call this function before play subsongs, AmpMaster set the songnumber in file!
- While *.fred is hard to get correct songnumber, even old players gets none or different
- numbers, so this format returns always 15 subsongs.
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_Free()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Stop current playing song and close IN_DLL and OUT_DLL and frees all
- intern structures. Use this if AmpMaster no longer needed (shut down).
- ***********************************************************************
- *PTR = Amp_GetAmpFormatsStrAll()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Calculates all supported formats (extensions) supported by AmpMaster.
- Return Code
- Pointer to AscII String. Formats separated by ";*." in sorted order
- ***********************************************************************
- *PTR = Amp_GetAmpInDllsStrAll(*File.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Generates sorted string of all predefined IN_DLLs used by extension
- Parameters
- *File = Pointer to song-filename
- Return Code
- Pointer to AscII String. Libs separated by ";" in sorted order
- ***********************************************************************
- *PTR = Amp_GetAmpInDllStr(*File.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the default IN_DLL of *File-format
- Parameters
- *File = Pointer to song-filename
- Return Code
- Pointer to default IN_DLL of fileformat
- ***********************************************************************
- *PTR = Amp_GetAmpInFormatStr(*InLib.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get intern supported formats by given IN_DLL *InLib only
- Parameters
- *InLib = Pointer to IN_DLL (eg. AmpLibs\in_sk00l.dll)
- Return Code
- Pointer to AscII String. Formats separated by ";*." in sorted order
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_GetError()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the last errorcode
- Return Code
- #EAMP_OK = 0 ;* all ok, no error
- #EAMP_NO_OUTDLL = -1 ;* out_dll is no winamp-dll
- #EAMP_OPEN_OUTDLL = -2 ;* can't open out_dll
- #EAMP_NO_INDLL = -3 ;* in_dll is no winamp-dll
- #EAMP_OPEN_INDLL = -4 ;* can't open in_dll
- #EAMP_OPEN_FILE = -5 ;* can't replay file (not supported)
- #EAMP_UNKOWN_FORMAT = -6 ;* none of defined (supported) formats
- #EAMP_INITIALIZE = -7 ;* in_/out_dll not initialized
- #EAMP_NO_MASTER = -8 ;* obsolete: cannot open ampmaster.dll
- ***********************************************************************
- *PTR = Amp_GetErrorStr(Error.i)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the error-string of Error
- Parameters
- Errorcode
- Return Code
- Pointer to AscII Error-String.
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_GetFileInfo(*File.p-Ascii, *Title, *Length)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get information of *File
- Return Code
- Error or NULL all OK
- Parameters
- *File = Pointer to Filename or 0 -> current playing file
- *Title = Pointer to Buffer{2048} for real title of song
- *Length = Pointer to Integer for time in ms
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_GetInFlags(*InLib.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the intern flags-combination of supported IN_DLL *InLib only
- Parameters
- *InLib = Pointer to IN_DLL (eg. AmpLibs\in_pureamp.dll)
- Return Code
- #FAMP_DEFAULT #Null ;* Nothing
- #FAMP_EX_INI 1<<0 ;* Needs ini-file (don't delete it)
- #FAMP_EX_LIBS 1<<1 ;* Needs extern libs/drivers (must set path to AmpLibs\)
- #FAMP_EX_SFX 1<<2 ;* Needs extern sfx-file (must set path to song eg. miniusf...)
- #FAMP_NB_SONGS 1<<3 ;* Plays subsongs (tfmx, sid, nsf, gbs, fred...)
- #FAMP_NO_PAUSE 1<<4 ;* Cannot paused
- #FAMP_NO_RECORD 1<<5 ;* Cannot record waves
- #FAMP_NO_SEEK 1<<6 ;* Cannot time-seek
- #FAMP_NO_VOLUME 1<<7 ;* Cannot control volume (ffviii)
- #FAMP_NO_PAN 1<<8 ;* Cannot control pan (bass)
- #FAMP_NO_OUTPUT 1<<9 ;* No use of out_dll (in_dll own replayer -> eg. in_bass.dll)
- ***********************************************************************
- *PTR = Amp_GetInFormatStr()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the IN_DLL supported formats, thats is mostly different from the intern
- defined AmpMaster formats. For example in_xmp.dll will return 32 extensions only,
- but detect and play 136 formats.
- Return Code
- Pointer to AscII Tracker-String of IN_DLL only in sorted order
- ***********************************************************************
- *PTR = Amp_GetInInfoStr()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the IN_DLL info-string
- Return Code
- Pointer to AscII Info-String of IN_DLL
- ***********************************************************************
- *PTR = Amp_GetOutInfoStr()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the OUT_DLL info-string
- Return Code
- Pointer to AscII Info-String of OUT_DLL
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_GetPercent()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get current position of playing file in percent (0-100)
- Return Code
- Time in percent
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_GetPlayTime()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get current position of playing file in milliseconds
- Return Code
- Time in milliseconds
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_GetStopTime()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get rest of playtime until stop
- Return Code
- Resttime in milliseconds
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_GetSubSong(*File.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get actual subsong of *File
- Return Code
- Actual subsong which would played
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_InAbout()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Opens a info-request about current active IN_DLL
- Return Code
- Error or Null
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_InConfig()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Opens a config-dialogue to setup actual IN_DLL, changes will be active
- when its reloaded.
- Return Code
- Error or Null
- Not all IN_DLL has a configuration and when, every one got its own setup.
- AmpMaster doesn't change the individual configuration.
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_InfoBox(*File.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Opens a file-dialogue pretent by its format and default IN_DLL
- Return Code
- Error or Null
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_Init()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Frees all intern datas, setup internals to its default
- Call this function allways at first when initialize AmpMaster
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_MusicBox(*File.p-Ascii, Flags.i=1)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Opens the intern AmpPlayer GUI for easy replay
- Parameters
- *File = Pointer to song-name to play imediatly, or NULL
- Flags = 1 -> Default, saves preferences on quit, multiple fileselect
- 0 -> Singe file-replay, no prefs will be saved
- Return Code
- Error or NULL
- Its the eseast way to choose and play a file, all functions supported!
- See the Includes\i_amp_player.pbi for (bad) example.
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_MusicGetLength(Flags.i=0)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the playlength of current playing file
- Parameters
- Flags = 0 -> Return the time generated by IN_DLL
- 1 -> Return the time generated by FileInfo
- Return Code
- Playlength in milliseconds or <= NULL
- Not all IN_DLLs generates real playlength, some like in_sid2.dll
- return number of subsongs, others return -1 downto -1000, you can
- check the individual Flags for special support!
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_MusicGetOutPosition()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the current record-position in milliseconds
- Return Code
- Record-Position in milliseconds
- Use this only if a diskwriter is used as OUT_DLL (eg. out_disk.dll)
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_MusicGetPosition()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the current play-position in milliseconds
- Return Code
- Play-Position in milliseconds
- Not all return real position. Better use Amp_GetPlayTime(), cause it
- returns intern AmpMaster play-position exacttly, regardles of format.
- ***********************************************************************
- *PTR = Amp_MusicGetTitleStr()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the song-intern name of current played file
- Return Code
- Pointer to AscII Title-String or empty
- Not all songs included a title-string as song-name, it depends by the
- user self to setup the individual tags (MP3, MOD...)
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_MusicIsPlaying()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Test if a song is currently playing
- Return Code
- True = Playing
- False = Stopped
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_MusicPause(Pause.i)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pause current playing song
- Parameters
- True = Song paused
- False = Song unpaused
- Return Code
- 1 = Song paused
- 0 = Song unpaused
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_MusicPlay(*File.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Plays the *File
- Parameters
- *File = Pointer to full Path + Filename
- Return Code
- Error or #EAMP_OK (0)
- If no IN_DLL / OUT_DLL is set, AmpMaster try to open by default setup.
- Set of volume and pan will be used, so no need to do it again.
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_MusicSetPan(Pan.i)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set the pan-level for left & right speaker
- Parameters
- Pan = -127 -> full left
- 0 -> center
- 127 -> full right
- Return Code
- Real pan-level
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_MusicSetPosition(Milliseconds.i)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set the current playing song-position in milliseconds
- Parameters
- Milliseconds = Position in milliseconds
- Return Code
- Real position in milliseconds
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_MusicSetVolume(Volume.i)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set the volume-level for left & right speaker
- Parameters
- Volume = 0 (silence) ... maximal 255 (full loudness)
- Return Code
- Real volume-level
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_MusicStop()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Stops the current playing song
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_Open()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Opens the given IN_DLL & OUT_DLL, this is to call before playing a
- song.
- Return Code
- Error or #EAMP_OK (0)
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_OutAbout()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Opens a info-request about current active OUT_DLL
- Return Code
- Error or #EAMP_OK (0)
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_OutConfig()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Opens a config-dialogue to setup actual OUT_DLL, changes will be active
- when its reloaded.
- Return Code
- Error or #EAMP_OK (0)
- Not all OUT_DLL has a configuration and when, every one got its own setup.
- AmpMaster doesn't change the individual configuration.
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_Play(*File.p-Ascii, Volume.i=255)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Replays a *File and must stopp manually
- Parameters
- *File = Pointer to full Path + Filename
- Volume = Volume 0..255
- Return Code
- Error or #EAMP_OK (0)
- Easy way to replay a song in own programms
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_QuickPlay(*File.p-Ascii, *Path.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Opens a requester with informations about plaing file and IN_DLL
- Parameters
- *File = Pointer to full Path + Filename
- *Path = Pointer to path of AmpLibs\
- Return Code
- Error or #EAMP_OK (0)
- Implemented for a quick play and test of song-file and IN_DLL
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_SetAmpPath(*Path.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set the path to IN_DLLs / OUT_DLLs, all access will be to the given
- path.
- Parameters
- *Path = Pointer to full path-name of AmpLibs
- if *Path = 0 AmpMaster reset to DEFAULT_PATH
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_SetDefaultLength(Milliseconds.i=0)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set the default play-length in milliseconds
- Parameters
- Milliseconds = Length in milliseconds
- If milliseconds <= 0 AmpMaster set DEFAULT_LENGTH
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_SetInDll(*InLib.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set IN_DLL to play a song-file
- Parameters
- *InLib = Pointer to full path + filename of IN_DLL
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_SetInPath(*Path.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set path of IN_DLLs
- Parameters
- *Path = Pointer to path of stored IN_DLLs
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_SetLength(Milliseconds.i)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set play-length of current playing sound-file
- Parameters
- Milliseconds = Length of sound-file in milliseconds
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_SetOutDll(*OutLib.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set OUT_DLL to play a song-file
- Parameters
- *OutLib = Pointer to full path + filename of OUT_DLL
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_SetOutPath(*Path.p-Ascii)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set path of OUT_DLLs
- Parameters
- *Path = Pointer to path of stored OUT_DLLs
- ***********************************************************************
- INT = Amp_SetSubSong(*File.p-Ascii, SubSong.i)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set the subsong in file *.sid;*.mdat;*.tfm;*.tfx;*.nsf;*.gbs;*.fred
- Parameters
- *File = Pointer to full path + filename
- SubSong = Number of subsong
- Return Code
- Error or #EAMP_OK (0)
- Remeber always to call first Amp_CountSubSongs(), cause it will generate
- special tags in some formats.
- ***********************************************************************
- Amp_SetWindow(*Window)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set the parent-window for IN_DLLs / OUT_DLLs
- Parameters
- *Window = Handle to parent-window (calling application)
- Default ist foreground-window (desktop)
- ***********************************************************************
- *PTR = Amp_VersionStr(Flags.i=0)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the pointer to version-string of AmpMaster
- Parameters
- Flags = 0 -> short version-string
- 1 -> long version-string (build time)
- Return Code
- Pointer to AscII Version-String of AmpMaster_x86.dll
- ***********************************************************************
- end of file - I don't like writing docs, sorry for my bad english
- ***********************************************************************
- Sunday, 3. September 2017
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