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- warn([[
- GameSense Free | December 8, 2018
- GameSense Premium, a private cheat, is now in the works.
- Discord: Avexus#4561
- Don't contact me about this script, it's been abandoned.
- I will consider making a newer version if there's still a demand for cheats anymore.
- ]])
- -- If you have any intentions of reading this code, I advise you don't... If you do, bring eye bleach, because I assure you it's the worst programming you'll ever see. Even Ubisoft can optimize better than this. I have improved *immensely* since I made this.
- local UIS = game:GetService('UserInputService')
- local RS = game:GetService('RunService')
- local Players = game:GetService('Players')
- local StarterGui = game:GetService('StarterGui')
- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- local Studio = RS:IsStudio()
- local PlayerGui = RS:IsStudio() and Player:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') or game.CoreGui
- local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- local old_icon = Mouse.Icon
- local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
- targetpart = 'Head' -- Don't change this.
- -- It can be changed with the targetpart_change hotkey ingame.
- local target
- local target_old
- local alert = false
- local lockedon = false
- local settingkey = false
- local upvals = nil
- local val = 1
- local windows = {}
- local function hb() RS.Heartbeat:wait() end
- local version = 1.25
- local Spawn = nil or game.PlaceId == 292439477 and workspace:WaitForChild('Lobby',2):WaitForChild('Spawn1',2)
- local spawned = false
- script.Name = 'GameSense!'
- Mouse.TargetFilter = Camera
- -- hotkey
- toggle_aim = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2
- toggle_aimbot = Enum.KeyCode.LeftAlt
- toggle_trigger = Enum.KeyCode.RightAlt
- toggle_esp = Enum.KeyCode.End
- toggle_gui = Enum.KeyCode.F6
- toggle_bottompos = Enum.KeyCode.F7
- toggle_performance = Enum.KeyCode.F8
- toggle_bones = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
- toggle_chams = Enum.KeyCode.F3
- toggle_tracers = Enum.KeyCode.F2
- toggle_boxes = Enum.KeyCode.F4
- toggle_font = Enum.KeyCode.F1
- ffatoggle = Enum.KeyCode.Semicolon
- targetpart_change = Enum.KeyCode.BackSlash
- priority_toggle = Enum.KeyCode.Insert
- sethotkey = Enum.KeyCode.RightControl
- -- aim fov
- fov_increase = Enum.KeyCode.KeypadPlus
- fov_decrease = Enum.KeyCode.KeypadMinus
- -- aim sens (how smooth your crosshair will move)
- sens_increase = Enum.KeyCode.RightBracket
- sens_decrease = Enum.KeyCode.LeftBracket
- -- parts
- parts = {
- 'Head';
- 'Torso'
- }
- fonts = {
- Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,
- Enum.Font.Cartoon,
- Enum.Font.Arcade,
- Enum.Font.SciFi,
- Enum.Font.Fantasy,
- Enum.Font.Code,
- Enum.Font.Highway,
- Enum.Font.Bodoni
- }
- textSet = false
- currentfont = 1
- ffa = false
- hidden = false
- performancemode = false
- -- aim
- fov = 5
- sens = .25
- drop = .45
- aim_toggled = false
- bottompos = true
- aim_priority = 2
- -- [2] FOV or [1] Distance
- aimingcolor = Color3.fromRGB(0,165,255)
- aimbot_toggled = true
- aim_line = true
- locksoundid = 538769304
- mouseiconid = 18671553
- -- trigger
- trigger_toggled = false
- trigger_delay = 1/20
- -- esp
- esp_toggled = true
- esp_bones = false
- esp_chams = true
- esp_tracers = true
- -- item_esp (coming soon)
- linesize = 1
- showdists = true
- textsize = 14
- textoffset = 20
- visiblecolor = Color3.fromRGB(38,255,99)
- hiddencolor = Color3.fromRGB(255,37,40)
- headboxsize = 4
- headboxaimsize = 6
- headboxshape = 'diamond'
- -- rectangle or diamond
- -- box esp
- bounding_box = true
- -- box_pointsize = 0 [UNUSED]
- box_line_size = 1
- -- box_line_size_visible = 2 [UNUSED]
- local GUI ='ScreenGui',PlayerGui)
- GUI.Name = 'GameSense '..version
- GUI.ResetOnSpawn = false
- ESP ='Folder',GUI)
- ESP.Name = 'ESP'
- local Bottom ='Frame',ESP)
- Bottom.Name = 'Bottom'
- Bottom.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- Bottom.Size =,1,0,1)
- Bottom.Position =,0,1,1)
- local Status ='TextLabel',GUI)
- Status.Name = 'Status'
- Status.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- Status.Size =,500,0,50)
- Status.Position =,-250,.85,0)
- Status.TextSize = 24
- Status.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
- Status.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- Status.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
- Status.TextStrokeTransparency = .6
- Status.Text = 'On Standby'
- Status.ZIndex = 50
- local Credits = Status:Clone()
- Credits.Name = 'Credits'
- Credits.Parent = GUI
- Credits.Position =,-250,.85,-20)
- Credits.TextSize = 16
- Credits.Text = 'GameSense '..version..' by Avexus!'
- local FovGui ='ImageLabel',GUI)
- FovGui.Name = 'FovGui'
- FovGui.Image = 'rbxassetid://324848180'
- FovGui.Size =,(Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov))*2,0,(Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov))*2)
- FovGui.Position =,-FovGui.AbsoluteSize.X/2,0.5,-FovGui.AbsoluteSize.Y/2)
- FovGui.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- FovGui.ImageTransparency = .9
- FovGui.ImageColor3 =,0,0)
- local Indicator ='TextLabel',GUI)
- Indicator.Name = 'Indicator'
- Indicator.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- Indicator.TextSize = 14
- Indicator.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center
- Indicator.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center
- Indicator.TextStrokeTransparency = .75
- Indicator.Text = aim_priority>1 and 'FOV: '..fov or 'Distance'
- local SensAdjust ='TextBox',GUI)
- SensAdjust.Name = 'SensAdjust'
- SensAdjust.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- SensAdjust.BackgroundTransparency = .75
- SensAdjust.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
- SensAdjust.BorderColor3 =,1,1)
- SensAdjust.Size =,50,0,20)
- SensAdjust.TextStrokeTransparency = .6
- SensAdjust.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- SensAdjust.TextSize = 14
- SensAdjust.PlaceholderText = 'Sens'
- SensAdjust.Text = tonumber(sens)
- SensAdjust.Position = Credits.Position +,250,0,75)
- local SensLabel ='TextLabel',SensAdjust)
- SensLabel.Name = 'SensLabel'
- SensLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- SensLabel.Size =,0,1,0)
- SensLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- SensLabel.TextSize = 14
- SensLabel.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- SensLabel.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
- SensLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = .6
- SensLabel.Text = 'Sens:'
- SensLabel.Position =,0,0,0)
- SensLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
- local FovAdjust = SensAdjust:Clone()
- FovAdjust.Parent = GUI
- FovAdjust.PlaceholderText = 'FOV'
- FovAdjust.Name = 'FovAdjust'
- FovAdjust.Text = tonumber(fov)
- FovAdjust.Position = SensAdjust.Position +,0,0,20)
- FovAdjust.SensLabel.Name = 'FovLabel'
- FovAdjust.FovLabel.Text = 'Fov:'
- local DropAdjust = SensAdjust:Clone()
- DropAdjust.Parent = GUI
- DropAdjust.PlaceholderText = 'Drop'
- DropAdjust.Name = 'DropAdjust'
- DropAdjust.Text = tonumber(drop)
- DropAdjust.Position = SensAdjust.Position +,0,0,40)
- DropAdjust.SensLabel.Name = 'DropLabel'
- DropAdjust.DropLabel.Text = 'Drop:'
- local KeysList ='TextLabel',GUI)
- KeysList.Name = 'KeysList'
- KeysList.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- KeysList.TextStrokeTransparency = .6
- KeysList.TextSize = 14
- KeysList.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- KeysList.Size =,0,1,0)
- KeysList.Position =,5,0,-280)
- KeysList.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- KeysList.Active = false
- KeysList.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
- KeysList.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Bottom
- KeysList.Text = 'AimBot Toggle: '..toggle_aimbot.Name..'\nAim Toggle: '..toggle_aim.Name..'\nAim Part Toggle: '..targetpart_change.Name..'\nPriority Toggle: '..priority_toggle.Name
- ..'\nESP Toggle: '..toggle_esp.Name..'\nBones Toggle: '..toggle_bones.Name..'\nChams Toggle: '..toggle_chams.Name..'\nBoxes Toggle: '..toggle_boxes.Name..'\nFOV Increase: '..fov_increase.Name..'\nFOV Decrease: '..fov_decrease.Name..'\nSens Increase: '
- ..sens_increase.Name..'\nSens Decrease: '..sens_decrease.Name..'\nTrigger Toggle: '..toggle_trigger.Name..'\nFFA Toggle: '..ffatoggle.Name..'\nHide Cheats: '..toggle_gui.Name
- ..'\nChange ESP Origin: '..toggle_bottompos.Name..'\nPerformance Mode: '..toggle_performance.Name..'\nChange Font: '..toggle_font.Name
- local n = 0
- spawn(function()
- while Status do
- Indicator.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(n,.5,1)
- FovGui.ImageColor3 = Indicator.TextColor3
- if not textSet then
- if aim_toggled and target then
- Status.TextColor3 = aimingcolor
- Status.Text = ('Aiming at '
- else
- Status.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(n,.5,1)
- Status.Text = 'On Standby'
- end
- end
- n = (n+.005)%1
- hb()
- end
- end)
- SensAdjust.InputEnded:Connect(function() if SensAdjust.Text~='' then sens = tonumber(SensAdjust.Text)>0 and tonumber(SensAdjust.Text) or sens end end)
- FovAdjust.InputEnded:Connect(function() if FovAdjust.Text~='' then fov = tonumber(FovAdjust.Text)>0 and tonumber(FovAdjust.Text) or fov
- FovGui:TweenSize(,(Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov))*2,0,(Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov))*2),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,.1,true) end end)
- DropAdjust.InputEnded:Connect(function() if DropAdjust.Text~='' then drop = tonumber(DropAdjust.Text)>=0 and tonumber(DropAdjust.Text) or drop end end)
- local function distfromspawn(x)
- if Spawn then
- return x:DistanceFromCharacter(Spawn.Position)
- else
- return 201
- end
- end
- local function setText(text)
- spawn(function()
- textSet = true
- Status.Text = text
- Status.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- wait(#text/4)
- textSet = false
- end)
- end
- local function playsound(id)
- local sound ='Sound',Camera)
- sound.SoundId = 'rbxassetid://'
- sound.Volume = 3
- sound:Play()
- game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(sound,5)
- end
- playsound(1168009121)
- Mouse.Icon = 'rbxassetid://'..mouseiconid
- local function Notification(...)
- playsound(140910211)
- StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification',...)
- end
- local function DrawLine(Folder,P1,P2,Thickness,Color,LineTransparency,BorderThickness,BorderColor)
- -- Declare variables
- local Point1,Point2 = P1.Position,P2.Position
- if Point1 and Point2 then
- local X,Y = Camera.ViewportSize.X, Camera.ViewportSize.Y
- local X1,X2 = (X * Point1.X.Scale + Point1.X.Offset + P1.Size.X.Offset/2), (X * Point2.X.Scale + Point2.X.Offset + P2.Size.X.Offset/2)
- local Y1,Y2 = (Y * Point1.Y.Scale + Point1.Y.Offset + P1.Size.Y.Offset/2), (Y * Point2.Y.Scale + Point2.Y.Offset + P2.Size.Y.Offset/2)
- local MidX,MidY = (X1+X2)/2, (Y1+Y2)/2
- -- Set defaults to prevent errors
- Thickness = Thickness or 1
- Color = Color or,1,1)
- LineTransparency = LineTransparency or 0
- BorderThickness = BorderThickness or 0
- BorderColor = BorderColor or,0,0)
- -- Draw the line
- local Line = Folder:FindFirstChild(P1.Name..'-'..P2.Name) or'Frame',Folder)
- Line.Visible = false
- Line.BackgroundTransparency = LineTransparency
- Line.BorderSizePixel = BorderThickness
- Line.BorderColor3 = BorderColor
- Line.Size =,(,Y1) -,Y2)).magnitude-1,0,Thickness)
- Line.Position =,MidX-Line.AbsoluteSize.X/2,0,MidY-Line.AbsoluteSize.Y)
- Line.BackgroundColor3 = Color
- Line.Rotation = math.deg(math.atan2((Y2-Y1),(X2-X1)))
- Line.Name = P1.Name..'-'..P2.Name
- Line.Visible = true
- return Line
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- local function GetNearest(Mode)
- local lowest,nearest,gui = math.huge,nil,nil
- if Mode==1 then
- for _,plr in next,Players:GetPlayers() do
- if plr.Name~=Player.Name and plr.Character~=nil and plr.Character:FindFirstChild(targetpart) then
- local dist = Player:DistanceFromCharacter(plr.Character[targetpart].Position)
- local ray =,(plr.Character[targetpart].Position-Player.Character.Head.Position).unit*5000)
- local part,point = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray,{Camera,Player.Character,unpack(windows)})
- local Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(plr.Character[targetpart].Position).Z
- if part and part:IsDescendantOf(plr.Character) and Z>0 and dist < lowest and (ffa or plr.TeamColor~=Player.TeamColor) then lowest = dist nearest = plr.Character end
- end
- end
- elseif Mode==2 then
- for _,plr in next,Players:GetPlayers() do
- if plr.Name~=Player.Name and plr.Character~=nil and plr.Character:FindFirstChild(targetpart) then
- local pos = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(plr.Character[targetpart].Position)
- local ray =[targetpart].Position,(plr.Character[targetpart].Position-Player.Character[targetpart].Position).unit*2048)
- local part,point = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray,{Camera,Player.Character,unpack(windows)})
- local dist = (,Mouse.Y),pos.Y)).magnitude
- if part and part:IsDescendantOf(plr.Character) and pos.Z>0 and dist <= Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov) and dist < lowest and (ffa or plr.TeamColor~=Player.TeamColor) then lowest = dist nearest = plr.Character end
- end
- end
- end
- return nearest
- end
- Mouse.Move:Connect(function()
- cursor = ESP:FindFirstChild('Cursor') or'Frame',ESP)
- cursor.Name = 'Cursor'
- cursor.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- cursor.Size =,1,0,1)
- cursor.Position =,Mouse.X,0,Mouse.Y)
- end)
- UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input)
- if Input.KeyCode == toggle_aim or Input.UserInputType == toggle_aim then
- aim_toggled = true
- warn('GS: aim toggled',aim_toggled and 'on' or 'off')
- alert = true
- while aim_toggled and aimbot_toggled do
- target = GetNearest(aim_priority)
- if target then
- local dist = Player:DistanceFromCharacter(target[targetpart].Position)
- local headpos = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(target[targetpart],dist/(100/drop),0))
- local moveto =*sens,(headpos.Y-Mouse.Y)*sens)
- aimpos = GUI:FindFirstChild('AimPos') or'Frame',GUI)
- if not GUI:FindFirstChild('AimPos') then
- aimpos.Name = 'AimPos'
- aimpos.BorderSizePixel = 1
- aimpos.BorderColor3 =,0,0)
- aimpos.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- aimpos.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1)
- aimpos.Rotation = 45
- aimpos.ZIndex = 4
- aimpos.Size =,3,0,3)
- end
- aimpos.Position =,headpos.X-aimpos.AbsoluteSize.X/2,0,headpos.Y-aimpos.AbsoluteSize.Y/2)
- aimpos.Visible = true
- mousemoverel(moveto.X,moveto.Y)
- if alert or target~=target_old then
- playsound(locksoundid)
- print('GS: locked onto',target.Name)
- lockedon = true
- alert = false
- end
- end
- RS.Heartbeat:wait()
- target_old = target
- if aimpos then
- aimpos.Visible = false
- end
- end
- lockedon = false
- elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_trigger then
- trigger_toggled = not trigger_toggled
- setText('Toggled TriggerBot '..(trigger_toggled and 'On' or 'Off'))
- Notification({Title='TriggerBot';Text='TriggerBot was toggled '..(trigger_toggled and 'On' or 'Off');Duration=2;})
- warn('trigger toggled',trigger_toggled and 'on' or 'off')
- local Box ='SelectionBox',PlayerGui)
- Box.Color3 =,0,0)
- Box.LineThickness = .05
- Box.Adornee = nil
- if trigger_delay>0 then wait(trigger_delay) end
- while trigger_toggled do
- local Target = Mouse.Target
- local plr = Players:FindFirstChild(Target.Parent.Name)
- if Target and Target.Parent and plr~=nil and plr~=Player and ffa or plr~=nil and plr.TeamColor~=Player.TeamColor then
- Box.Adornee = Mouse.Target
- mouse1press()
- wait()
- mouse1release()
- end
- RS.Heartbeat:wait()
- end
- Box:Destroy()
- elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_esp then
- esp_toggled = not esp_toggled
- Notification({Title='ESP';Text='ESP was toggled '..(esp_toggled and 'On' or 'Off');Duration=2;})
- setText('Toggled ESP '..(esp_toggled and 'On' or 'Off'))
- elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_aimbot then
- aimbot_toggled = not aimbot_toggled
- Notification({Title='AimBot';Text='AimBot was toggled '..(aimbot_toggled and 'On' or 'Off');Duration=2;})
- setText('Toggled AimBot '..(aimbot_toggled and 'On' or 'Off'))
- elseif Input.KeyCode == fov_increase then
- fov = fov + .5
- FovAdjust.Text = tonumber(fov)
- if FovGui.Visible then
- FovGui:TweenSize(,(Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov))*2,0,(Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov))*2),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,.1,true)
- end
- setText('Aim FOV: '..fov)
- elseif Input.KeyCode == fov_decrease and fov>0 then
- fov = fov - .5
- FovAdjust.Text = tonumber(fov)
- if FovGui.Visible then
- FovGui:TweenSize(,(Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov))*2,0,(Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov))*2),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,.1,true)
- end
- setText('Aim FOV: '..fov)
- elseif Input.KeyCode == sens_increase then
- sens = sens + .05
- SensAdjust.Text = tonumber(sens)
- setText('Sens: '..sens)
- elseif Input.KeyCode == sens_decrease then
- sens = sens - .05
- SensAdjust.Text = tonumber(sens)
- setText('Sens: '..sens)
- elseif Input.KeyCode == targetpart_change then
- val = val+1
- targetpart = val<=#parts and parts[val] or parts[1]
- if parts[1]==targetpart then val = 1 end
- Notification({Title='Target Part';Text='Target part set to '..targetpart;Duration=2;})
- setText('Target Part: '..targetpart)
- elseif Input.KeyCode == ffatoggle then
- ffa = not ffa
- Notification({Title='FFA Mode';Text='FFA Mode is '..(ffa and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled');Duration=2;})
- setText('FFA Mode: '..(ffa and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
- elseif Input.KeyCode == priority_toggle then
- aim_priority = aim_priority+1>2 and 0 or 1
- aim_priority = aim_priority+1
- FovGui.Visible = aim_priority>1
- Notification({Title='Aim Priority';Text='Aim Priority: '..(aim_priority==1 and 'Distance' or 'FOV');Duration=2;})
- setText('Aim Priority: '..(aim_priority==1 and 'Distance' or 'FOV'))
- elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_bones then
- esp_bones = not esp_bones
- if not esp_bones then
- for _,v in next,ESP:GetDescendants() do
- if v:IsA('Frame') and v.Name:match('-') then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- Notification({Title='ESP';Text='ESP Bones: '..(esp_bones and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled');Duration=2;})
- setText('Toggled ESP Bones '..(esp_bones and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
- elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_gui then
- hidden = not hidden
- for _,gui in next,GUI:GetDescendants() do
- if gui:IsA('GuiObject') and not hidden and not gui.Visible then
- gui.Visible = true
- Mouse.Icon = 'rbxassetid://'..mouseiconid
- elseif gui:IsA('GuiObject') and gui.Visible then
- gui.Visible = false
- esp_toggled = false
- Mouse.Icon = old_icon
- end
- end
- elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_bottompos then
- bottompos = not bottompos
- if bottompos then
- Bottom.Position =,0,1,1)
- end
- elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_performance then
- performancemode = not performancemode
- setText('Performance Mode '..(performancemode and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
- elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_chams then
- esp_chams = not esp_chams
- setText('Chams '..(esp_chams and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
- Notification({Title='ESP';Text='Chams: '..(esp_chams and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled');Duration=2;})
- elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_tracers then
- esp_tracers = not esp_tracers
- setText('Tracers '..(esp_chams and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
- Notification({Title='ESP';Text='Tracers: '..(esp_tracers and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled');Duration=2;})
- elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_boxes then
- bounding_box = not bounding_box
- setText('Bounding Boxes '..(bounding_box and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
- Notification({Title='ESP';Text='Bounding Boxes: '..(bounding_box and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled');Duration=2;})
- elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_font then
- currentfont = (currentfont+1)>#fonts and 1 or currentfont+1
- for _,v in next,GUI:GetDescendants() do
- if v.Name~='KeysList' then
- if v:IsA('TextLabel') or v:IsA('TextButton') then
- v.Font = fonts[currentfont]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- UIS.InputEnded:Connect(function(Input)
- if Input.KeyCode == toggle_aim or Input.UserInputType == toggle_aim then
- aim_toggled = false
- end
- end)
- local function checkifspawned(x)
- spawned = false
- while not spawned and game.PlaceId==292439477 do
- spawned = distfromspawn(x)>200 and true or false
- wait(1/5)
- end
- spawned = true
- end
- checkifspawned(Player)
- Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(c)
- checkifspawned(Player)
- for _,v in next,ESP:GetDescendants() do
- if v:IsA('Frame') and v.Name:match('-') then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end)
- Notification({Title='GameSense '..version;Text='Cheat loaded successfully.';Icon='rbxassetid://2572157833';Duration=10;})
- wait(.5)
- Notification({Title='Main Coder';Text='AvexusDev';Duration=4;Icon=''})
- wait(.5)
- Notification({Title='Thank you!';Text='If you like this script, please leave a vouch on my thread!';Duration=4;})
- RS.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- if cursor then
- FovGui.Position =,FovGui.AbsoluteSize.X/2,0,FovGui.AbsoluteSize.Y/2)
- Indicator.Position =,0,0,40)
- end
- end)
- Mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function()
- spawn(function()
- if FovGui.Visible then
- FovGui:TweenSize(,Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov)*2.35,0,Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov)*2.35),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,.1,true)
- wait(.1)
- FovGui:TweenSize(,Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov)*2,0,Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov)*2),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,.1,true)
- end
- end)
- end)
- while true do
- Indicator.Text = (aim_priority>1 and 'FOV: '..fov or 'Distance') ..'\nSens: '..sens..(aim_toggled and '\nAiming' or '')
- if not bottompos then Bottom.Position = cursor.Position end
- if esp_toggled then
- for _,v in next,ESP:children() do
- if v~=Bottom and not Players:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- for _,v in next,Players:GetPlayers() do
- local Char = v.Character
- if Char and spawned and v~=Player and Char:FindFirstChild(targetpart) and distfromspawn(v)>100 then
- if ffa or v.TeamColor~=Player.TeamColor then
- local X = Camera:GetPartsObscuringTarget({Camera.CFrame.p,Char[targetpart].CFrame.p},{v.Character,Char,Camera,unpack(windows)})
- local Dist = Player:DistanceFromCharacter(Char:FindFirstChild(targetpart).Position)
- local Color = hiddencolor
- local Folder = ESP:FindFirstChild(v.Name) or'Folder',ESP)
- Folder.Name = v.Name
- -- ESP
- local Head = Folder:FindFirstChild('Head') or'Frame',Folder)
- if not Folder:FindFirstChild('Head') then
- Head.Name = 'Head'
- Head.BorderSizePixel = 1
- Head.BorderColor3 =,0,0)
- Head.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- end
- Head.BackgroundColor3 = #X>0 and hiddencolor or #X==0 and visiblecolor
- Head.Rotation = headboxshape=='diamond' and 45 or 0
- Head.ZIndex = 3
- local HP = Folder:FindFirstChild('HP') or'TextLabel',Folder)
- if not Folder:FindFirstChild('HP') then
- HP.Name = 'HP'
- HP.TextTransparency = Head.BackgroundTransparency-.4
- HP.Font = fonts[currentfont]
- HP.TextStrokeTransparency = .6
- HP.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- HP.TextSize = 14
- end
- HP.Text = showdists and Char.Name..'\n'..math.floor(Dist+.5) or Char.Name
- if aim_toggled and target==Char then
- Head.Size =,headboxaimsize,0,headboxaimsize)
- Head.BackgroundColor3 = aimingcolor
- HP.Text = showdists and '['..Char.Name..']'..'\n'..math.floor(Dist+.5) or '['..Char.Name..']'
- HP.TextSize = 16
- else
- Head.Size =,headboxsize,0,headboxsize)
- end
- HP.TextColor3 = Head.BackgroundColor3
- local toScreen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Char[targetpart].CFrame.p)
- if #X==0 then Color = visiblecolor end
- Head.Position =,toScreen.X-Head.Size.X.Offset/2,0,toScreen.Y-Head.Size.Y.Offset/2)
- HP.Position =,0,0,textoffset)
- if esp_tracers then
- local Line = DrawLine(Folder,ESP.Bottom,Head,linesize,Head.BackgroundColor3,.75,1,,0,0))
- Line.Visible = Head.Visible
- else
- local imtired = Folder:FindFirstChild(ESP.Bottom.Name..'-'..Head.Name)
- if imtired then
- imtired:Destroy()
- end
- end
- if toScreen.Z<=0 then Head.Visible = false else Head.Visible = true end
- HP.Visible = Head.Visible
- if Char:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and Char.Humanoid.RigType==Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then
- local Neck = Folder:FindFirstChild('Neck') or'Frame',Folder)
- Neck.Name = 'Neck'
- Neck.ZIndex = 2
- if Char['Torso']~=nil then
- local Pos = (Char.Torso.CFrame*,.8,0)).p
- local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z
- Neck.Position =,X,0,Y)
- Neck.BorderSizePixel = 0
- if Z<=0 then Neck.Visible = false else Neck.Visible = true end
- else
- Neck.Visible = false
- end
- --
- local Pelvis = Folder:FindFirstChild('Pelvis') or'Frame',Folder)
- Pelvis.Name = 'Pelvis'
- Pelvis.ZIndex = 2
- Pelvis.BorderSizePixel = 0
- if Char['Torso']~=nil then
- local Pos = (Char.Torso.CFrame*,-1,0)).p
- local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z
- Pelvis.Position =,X,0,Y)
- if Z<=0 then Pelvis.Visible = false else Pelvis.Visible = true end
- else
- Pelvis.Visible = false
- end
- --
- local RightFoot = Folder:FindFirstChild('Right Foot') or'Frame',Folder)
- RightFoot.Name = 'Right Foot'
- RightFoot.ZIndex = 2
- RightFoot.BorderSizePixel = 0
- if Char['Right Leg']~=nil then
- local Pos = (Char['Right Leg'].CFrame*,-1,0)).p
- local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z
- RightFoot.Position =,X,0,Y)
- if Z<=0 then RightFoot.Visible = false else RightFoot.Visible = true end
- else
- RightFoot.Visible = false
- end
- --
- local LeftFoot = Folder:FindFirstChild('Left Foot') or'Frame',Folder)
- LeftFoot.Name = 'Left Foot'
- if Char['Left Leg']~=nil then
- local Pos = (Char['Left Leg'].CFrame*,-1,0)).p
- local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z
- LeftFoot.Position =,X,0,Y)
- LeftFoot.BorderSizePixel = 0
- if Z<=0 then LeftFoot.Visible = false else LeftFoot.Visible = true end
- else
- LeftFoot.Visible = false
- end
- --
- local RightHand = Folder:FindFirstChild('Right Hand') or'Frame',Folder)
- RightHand.Name = 'Right Hand'
- RightHand.ZIndex = 2
- RightHand.BorderSizePixel = 0
- if Char['Right Arm']~=nil then
- local Pos = (Char['Right Arm'].CFrame*,-1,0)).p
- local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z
- RightHand.Position =,X,0,Y)
- if Z<=0 then RightHand.Visible = false else RightHand.Visible = true end
- else
- RightHand.Visible = false
- end
- --
- local LeftHand = Folder:FindFirstChild('Left Hand') or'Frame',Folder)
- LeftHand.Name = 'Left Hand'
- LeftHand.ZIndex = 2
- LeftHand.BorderSizePixel = 0
- if Char['Left Arm']~=nil then
- local Pos = (Char['Left Arm'].CFrame*,-1,0)).p
- local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z
- LeftHand.Position =,X,0,Y)
- if Z<=0 then LeftHand.Visible = false else LeftHand.Visible = true end
- else
- LeftHand.Visible = false
- end
- -- draw joints
- if esp_bones then
- if Head.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Head,Neck,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end
- if Neck.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Neck,Pelvis,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end
- if Neck.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Neck,RightHand,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end
- if Neck.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Neck,LeftHand,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end
- if Pelvis.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Pelvis,RightFoot,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end
- if Pelvis.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Pelvis,LeftFoot,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end
- end
- end
- if esp_chams then
- for _,Part in next,Char:children() do
- if Part:IsA('BasePart') and Part.Name~='HumanoidRootPart' then
- local Adornment = Folder:FindFirstChild(Part.Name..'_Cham') or'BoxHandleAdornment',Folder)
- if not Folder:FindFirstChild(Part.Name..'_Cham') then
- Adornment.Name = Part.Name..'_Cham'
- Adornment.Adornee = Part
- Adornment.AlwaysOnTop = true
- Adornment.Size = Part.Name=='Head' and,1,1) or Part.Size
- Adornment.ZIndex = 1
- end
- Adornment.Color3 = Head.BackgroundColor3
- end
- end
- else
- for _,v in next,Folder:GetDescendants() do
- if v.Name:match('Cham') then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- if bounding_box and Char:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local Box = Char:FindFirstChild('Box') or'BillboardGui',Char)
- if not Char:FindFirstChild('Box') then
- Box.Name = 'Box'
- Box.Adornee = Char:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
- Box.AlwaysOnTop = true
- Box.LightInfluence = 0
- Box.StudsOffset =,-Box.Adornee.Size.Y/4,0)
- Box.Size =,1,5,1)
- local Top ='Frame',Box)
- Top.Size =,0,0,box_line_size)
- Top.BorderSizePixel = 0
- local Bot = Top:Clone()
- Bot.Position =,0,1,-box_line_size)
- Bot.Parent = Box
- local Left = Top:Clone()
- Left.Size =,1,1,0)
- Left.Parent = Box
- local Right = Left:Clone()
- Right.Position =,-box_line_size,0,0)
- Right.Parent = Box
- end
- for _,v in next,Box:children() do
- if v:IsA('Frame') then
- v.BackgroundColor3 = Head.BackgroundColor3
- end
- end
- else
- local Box = Char:FindFirstChild('Box')
- if Box then
- Box:Destroy()
- end
- end
- if lockedon and target and aim_line and ESP:FindFirstChild(target.Name) then
- DrawLine(ESP,cursor,ESP:FindFirstChild(target.Name).Head,1,Head.BackgroundColor3,.5)
- end
- else
- if ESP:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then
- ESP:FindFirstChild(v.Name):Destroy()
- end
- end
- else
- if ESP:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then
- ESP:FindFirstChild(v.Name):Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- else
- for _,v in next,ESP:children() do
- if v:IsA('Folder') then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- if performancemode then
- wait(1/(workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS()*.75))
- else
- RS.Stepped:wait()
- end
- end
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