
questions for uranian aliens + translate

Jan 11th, 2023
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  1. EN
  3. # would-you-rather for aliens
  5. - useful for various alien encounters
  6. - This is NOT checked for duplicates. additionally, stupid would-you-rathers are not removed (i.e. would you rather have <thing>, or <better thing>?)
  7. - Generated by chatGPT
  9. ---
  11. ## Questions
  13. Would you rather live in a society where individuality is encouraged or where conformity is valued?
  14. Would you rather have a life full of pleasure and comfort but no meaning or purpose or a challenging but fulfilling life?
  15. Would you rather be able to control your thoughts and emotions or those of others?
  16. Would you rather live in a world with complete transparency and honesty or secrets and privacy?
  17. Would you rather live in a world where everyone follows the same set of moral values or a world where personal morality is subjective?
  18. Would you rather have the ability to live forever or the ability to choose the exact moment of your death?
  19. Would you rather have the power to bring someone back to life or the power to see into the future?
  20. Would you rather be able to erase specific memories or be able to create false memories?
  21. Would you rather live in a world where everything is predetermined or one where everything is a result of chance?
  22. Would you rather have your desires instantly fulfilled or the ability to change the world and help others?
  23. Would you rather live on Uranus's frozen, dark side or the warm, bright side?
  24. Would you rather have tentacles or tentacles with suction cups?
  25. Would you rather be able to breathe methane or breathe sulfur dioxide?
  26. Would you rather be able to see in the ultraviolet spectrum or the infrared spectrum?
  27. Would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to teleport short distances?
  28. Would you rather have a third eye or an extra set of arms?
  29. Would you rather be able to survive extreme cold or extreme heat?
  30. Would you rather be able to communicate telepathically or by emitting sounds through your skin?
  31. Would you rather have the ability to shapeshift or turn invisible at will?
  32. Would you rather live in a dome on the surface of Uranus or in an underground cave network?
  33. Would you rather live in a utopian society where everyone is happy and content, but creativity and individualism are suppressed, or a society with a wide range of emotions and personal freedoms and suffering and conflict?
  34. Would you rather have a society where the pursuit of pleasure is the highest goal or a society where the pursuit of meaning and purpose is the highest goal?
  35. Would you rather live in a society where the government has complete control and makes all decisions for the citizens or a society where individuals have complete freedom but no social structure or organization?
  36. Would you rather live in a society where technology has advanced to the point of perfectly predicting and controlling the future or where the future is uncertain and unknown?
  37. Would you rather live in a society where all forms of suffering and death have been eliminated, but the value and appreciation of life are diminished as a result, or a society where suffering and death are a natural part of life, but the value and appreciation of life are heightened as a result?
  38. Would you rather live in a society where relationships and connections with others are the most critical aspect of life or a society where individual growth and personal development are the most important aspects?
  39. Would you rather live in a society where resources are abundant and freely available to all, but population control measures are strictly enforced, or a society where resources are scarce and must be fought over, but population control measures are non-existent?
  40. Would you rather live in a society where there is complete transparency, and everyone knows everything about each other or a society where privacy and secrecy are valued and maintained?
  41. Would you rather live in a society where the strong dominate and control the weak and powerless or a society where equality and fairness are the foundations of the social structure?
  42. Would you rather live in a society where change and progress are encouraged and embraced or a society where tradition and the preservation of the past are valued above all else?
  43. Would you rather have your society be based on a collectivist culture where the group is more important than the individual or an individualist culture where the individual is more important than the group?
  44. Would you rather have your society value conformity and tradition or creativity and innovation?
  45. Would you rather have your society place a higher importance on familial ties and loyalty to one's kin or personal achievement and merit?
  46. Would you rather have a hierarchical social structure with a strong central government or a more decentralized and egalitarian structure?
  47. Would you rather have a society that values harmony and consensus or a society that values debate and conflict resolution through discussion?
  50. ---
  54. Navighescha pli gugent per ils utensils
  56. Nizzaivel per differents inscunters cun persunas da l’exteriur
  57. «Quai vegn examinà NICHT sin Duplicats. Supplementarmain na vegnan betg allontanads ils mammas-du-rathers (q.v.d. avessani pli gugent <thing> u <better thing>?»
  58. Creà da chatGPT
  60. ---
  62. ## Dumondas
  64. Vivessas Vus pli gugent en ina societad, promovida en l’individualitad u appreziada da la confurmitad?
  65. Vegnas ti pli gugent a manar ina vita plain gust e confort, però senza il senn e l’intent u ina vita che pretenda da vegnir ademplida?
  66. Essas ti plitost ablas da controllar tias ponderaziuns ed emoziuns u ils auters?
  67. Vivessas ti pli gugent en in mund plain transparenza e sinceradad u secrets e sfera privata?
  68. Vivessas ti plitost en in mund, en il qual mintgin suonda las medemas valurs moralas, u en in mund, nua che la morala persunala è subjectiva?
  69. Essas ti forsa l’abilitad da viver eterna, u l’abilitad d’eleger il mument exact da tia mort?
  70. Avess ti plitost la pussanza da puspè svegliar la vita ad insatgi u la pussanza da vesair en il futur?
  71. Essas ti plitost ablas da stizzar tschertas regurdientschas u da crear faussas regurdientschas?
  72. Vivess ti plitost en in mund, nua che tut è gia fixà ordavant u en il qual tut è il resultat da la casualitad?
  73. Vulais Vus pli gugent ademplir immediat Voss giavischs u avair la capacitad da midar il mund e da gidar auters?
  74. Vivess ti plitost da la vart schelada e stgira da l’uranus u da la vart chauda e chauda?
  75. Avais Vus pli gugent tentaclas u tabellas cun guts da tschitschar?
  76. Vegnes ti plitost a savair metan u dioxid da zulper?
  77. Vulais Vus pli gugent vesair en il spectrum ultraviolet u en il spectrum infracotschen?
  78. Vegnas ti pli gugent a sgular u pudair transportar distanzas curtas?
  79. Avais Vus pli gugent in terz egl u ina vopna supplementara?
  80. Essas ti pli gugent pudair surventscher fradaglia extrema u chalira extrema?
  81. Vegnas ti plitost a savair communitgar telepaticamain u cun emetter ramurs tras tia pel?
  82. Avess ti plitost l’abilitad da midar furma tenor giavisch u da daventar nunvesaivla?
  83. Vivess ti pli gugent en ina cupla sin la surfatscha da l’uranus u en ina rait da cuvertas sutterrana?
  84. Vivess ti plitost en ina societad utopica, en la quala mintgin è cuntent, ma creativitad ed individualissem vegnan supprimids, u en ina societad cun ina gronda dimensiun d’emoziuns e libertads persunalas, da mals e da conflicts?
  85. Avess ti pli gugent ina societad, nua che la finamira la pli auta da sa stentar, u ina societad, en la quala la finamira è la pli auta tenor il senn e tenor l’intent?
  86. Vivessas ti plitost en ina societad, en la quala la regenza ha la controlla cumplaina e tutga tut las decisiuns per las burgaisas ed ils burgais, u en ina societad, en la quala la singula libertad cumplaina, ma nagina structura sociala u organisaziun?
  87. Vivessas Vus pli gugent en ina societad, en la quala la tecnologia è avanzada uschè lunsch ch’ella prognosa e controlla l’avegnir a moda perfetga, u en la quala l’avegnir è intschert e nunenconuschent?
  88. Vivessas ti plitost en ina societad, en la quala vegnan eliminadas tut las furmas dal mal e da la mort, ma cun reducir la valur e la stima da la vita, u en ina societad, en la quala las suffrientschas e la mort èn ina part natirala da la vita, ma la valur e la stima da la vita tras quai?
  89. Vesessas ti plitost en ina societad, en la quala las relaziuns e las colliaziuns èn l’aspect il pli critic da la vita, u en ina societad, en la quala la creschientscha individuala ed il svilup persunal èn ils aspects ils pli impurtants?
  90. Vegnissas Vus pli gugent a viver en ina societad, nua che las resursas èn avant maun a moda ritga e stattan a disposiziun libramain a tuts, ma las mesiras per cumbatter la populaziun ston vegnir realisadas strictamain u stuessan vegnir cumbattidas en ina societad, en la quala las resursas èn stgarsas e na ston betg vegnir cumbattidas, en la quala i na dat dentant naginas mesiras per cumbatter la populaziun?
  91. Vegnessas Vus pli gugent a viver en ina societad, nua che la transparenza è cumpletta e mintgin sappia da l’autra, u vegnis apprezià e preservà en ina societad, en la sfera privata ed en la secretezza?
  92. Vivessas ti plitost en ina societad, nua ch’ils ferms domineschan e controlleschan ils flaivels e las persunas senza pussanza, u en ina societad, en l’egualitad e giustia, èn las basas da la structura sociala?
  93. Vivessas Vus pli gugent viver en ina societad, promover e recepir en la midada ed en il progress, u metter ella en ina societad, en la tradiziun ed en la conservaziun dal passà tut auter?
  94. Vegnessas Vus pli gugent ad avair ina cultura collectivistica, en la quala la gruppa è pli impurtanta che l’individi, u ina cultura individuala, en la quala l’individi è pli impurtant che la gruppa?
  95. Vegnes ti plitost a dar paisa a la confurmitad ed a la tradiziun u a la creativitad ed a l’innovaziun?
  96. Vulais Vus pli gugent che Vossa societad dat dapli paisa a lioms famigliars ed a la loialitad als confamigliars u a prestaziuns persunalas ed a servetschs?
  97. Avessas Vus pli gugent ina structura da la societad ierarchica cun ina ferma regenza centrala u ina structura actualisada ed egalitara pli fitg?
  98. Avais Vus pli gugent ina societad che appreziescha l’armonia ed ils consens u ina societad che appreziescha la discussiun e la soluziun dal conflict tras discussiun?
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