

Jul 11th, 2013
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  1. EX3275
  3. 11 Jul 2013 10:08 Investigating Microsoft Exchange is investigating reports of some users served out of the EMEA region unable to connect using the Outlook client. Outlook Web Access(OWA) service is not affected at this time. We will be providing further updates as the investigation continues.
  4. 11 Jul 2013 11:11 Investigating Microsoft Exchange engineers have found that Outlook services in Exchange are healthy. We are currently troubleshooting the networking and DNS side of infrastructure. Outlook Web Access users are not affected at this time. More updates will be provided at 12.00 PM UTC or upon service restoration.
  5. 11 Jul 2013 12:46 Service interruption Microsoft exchange engineers have confirmed that the O365 Exchange service is healthy at this time. We believe that the issue is caused by a faulty external DNS. Customers are reporting that switching DNS provider is resolving the issue. Customers currently experiencing problems connecting to the service can try to switch to another DNS provider such as OpenDNS( and or Dnsadvantage( and Next update will be provided at 2:00 PM UTC.
  6. 11 Jul 2013 14:47 Service interruption Microsoft engineers are troubleshooting DNS servers to mitigate the issue affecting some users ability to connect using the Outlook client. Meanwhile the switching of DNS provider continues to be a viable workaround. Next update will be provided at 3:00 PM UTC.
  7. 11 Jul 2013 16:00 Service interruption Microsoft network engineers are continuing to troubleshoot DNS servers to mitigate the issue affecting some users ability to connect using the Outlook client. Meanwhile the switching of DNS provider might be a viable workaround and Outlook Web Access continues to work without issue. Next update will be provided at 4:00 PM UTC.
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