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- 'BeepTune v1.0.1, February 2022.
- '
- '
- '
- '
- 'Usage: BeepTune [options] [code]
- '
- 'Options:
- '/i:x Read input from file x (override code from command line).
- '/o:x Write audio output into file x.
- '/r Render the code only. Does not play.
- '
- 'Code: one or more events, each separated by space(s).
- '
- 'Events:
- '{note[[+/-]octave]}[.length]
- ' Generate a note using default or specified octave and/or length.
- ' Notes: c, c#, d, d#, e, f, f#, g, g#, a, a#, b.
- ' Octave: 0-9. default=4.
- ' Length: 1-999 in beats. default=4. higher = longer.
- ' If octave is specified, sets the octave for the note and default octave.
- ' If "+"/"-" is specified, octave is changed relative to default octave.
- ' If length is specified, sets the length in beats for this note only.
- ' e.g.: c, or c5, or c+1, or c.4, or c5.4, or c+1.4, etc.
- '{.length}
- ' Generate a rest of specified length. See below. e.g.: .16
- '{commod{value}}
- ' Commands/modifiers:
- ' In Set signal type. 0/else=squareWave, 1=sineWave
- ' Ln Set default note/rest length in beats.
- ' default = 4 (4/16). i.e. length 4 = 1 beat, length 2 = 1/2 beat.
- ' Mn Set measure length in beats. 1-9999. 0=1. default = 16 (16/16).
- ' Time Signature = measureLength / length.
- ' On Set default octave. 0-9. default = 4 (middle C's octave).
- ' Sn Set speed in beats per minute (BPM). 1-9999. 0=1. default=100.
- ' Tn Set track number. 0-999. default = 0.
- ' V[+/-]n Set volume. 0-100. default=50.
- ' Xn Custom note with frequency n.
- ' e.g.: i1 l4 m4 o5 s100 t1 v50 x500
- '
- 'For file input, empty lines and lines which start with ";", are ignored.
- 'Changelog:
- 'v1.0.1:
- '- Initial release.
- '- Known problem: clicking noise at start/end of a note.
- ' Anyone know how to smoothly transition between two different sine waveform,
- ' please contact me.
- 'note frequency table:
- '
- noteLabels = array("C","C#","D","D#","E","F","F#","G","G#","A","A#","B")
- set noteIndexes = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
- for i = 0 to 11
- noteIndexes.add noteLabels(i), i
- next
- 'noteFreqs: [octave, note] [0..9, 0..11] C4=middleC
- noteFreqs = array( _
- array(16.351,17.324,18.354,19.445,20.601,21.827, _
- 23.124,24.499,25.956,27.5,29.135,30.868), _
- array(32.703,34.648,36.708,38.891,41.203,43.654, _
- 46.249,48.999,51.913,55,58.27,61.735), _
- array(65.406,69.296,73.416,77.782,82.407,87.307, _
- 92.499,97.999,103.826,110,116.541,123.471), _
- array(130.813,138.591,146.832,155.563,164.814,174.614, _
- 184.997,195.998,207.652,220,233.082,246.942), _
- array(261.626,277.183,293.665,311.127,329.628,349.228, _
- 369.994,391.995,415.305,440,466.164,493.883), _
- array(523.251,554.365,587.33,622.254,659.255,698.456, _
- 739.989,783.991,830.609,880,932.328,987.767), _
- array(1046.502,1108.731,1174.659,1244.508,1318.51,1396.913, _
- 1479.978,1567.982,1661.219,1760,1864.655,1975.533), _
- array(2093.005,2217.461,2349.318,2489.016,2637.021,2793.826, _
- 2959.955,3135.964,3322.438,3520,3729.31,3951.066), _
- array(4186.009,4434.922,4698.636,4978.032,5274.042,5587.652, _
- 5919.91,6271.928,6644.876,7040,7458.62,7902.132), _
- array(8372.018,8869.844,9397.272,9956.064,10548.084,11175.304, _
- 11839.82,12543.856,13289.752,14080,14917.24,15804.264) _
- )
- 'supported rates for stream. !16-bit signed mono PCM only!
- sampleRates = array( _
- 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000)
- 'generate and replace with signal from previous to neutral zero
- function genNeutral(byref buf, byref bufPos, sampleRate, seconds, _
- byref prevPhase)
- dim dataLen, i, pdelta
- if not ((sampleRate >= 8000) and (sampleRate <= 48000)) then
- sampleRate = 44100
- end if
- sampleRate = int(sampleRate)
- if not ((seconds >= 0) and (seconds <= 1.79769313486231580779e308)) then
- seconds = 1
- end if
- dataLen = sampleRate * seconds
- redim preserve buf(bufPos + dataLen - 1)
- pdelta = (prevPhase / (sampleRate * seconds)) * -1
- for i = 1 to dataLen
- buf(bufPos) = cint(prevPhase * 32767)
- prevPhase = prevPhase + pdelta
- bufPos = bufPos + 1
- next
- genNeutral = dataLen
- end function
- 'generate and replace with slience
- 'prevPhase will be reset to zero
- function genSilence(byref buf, byref bufPos, sampleRate, seconds, _
- byref prevPhase)
- dim dataLen, i
- if not ((sampleRate >= 8000) and (sampleRate <= 48000)) then
- sampleRate = 44100
- end if
- sampleRate = int(sampleRate)
- if not ((seconds >= 0) and (seconds <= 1.79769313486231580779e308)) then
- seconds = 1
- end if
- dataLen = sampleRate * seconds
- redim preserve buf(bufPos + dataLen - 1)
- for i = 1 to dataLen
- buf(bufPos) = cint(0)
- bufPos = bufPos + 1
- next
- prevPhase = 0
- genSilence = dataLen
- end function
- 'generate and replace with sine/square signal
- 'prevPhase is used for sine wave only
- function genWaveform(byref buf, byref bufPos, signalType, sampleRate, _
- frequency, seconds, volume, byref prevPhase)
- dim dataLen, i, data, t, tdelta, phase, pdelta, p
- if not ((sampleRate >= 8000) and (sampleRate <= 48000)) then
- sampleRate = 44100
- end if
- sampleRate = int(sampleRate)
- if not ((frequency >= 0.001) and (frequency <= sampleRate)) then
- frequency = 500
- end if
- if not ((seconds >= 0) and (seconds <= 1.79769313486231580779e308)) then
- seconds = 1
- end if
- if not ((volume >= 0) and (volume <= 1)) then
- volume = 0.5
- end if
- dataLen = sampleRate * seconds
- redim preserve buf(bufPos + dataLen - 1)
- t = 0
- tdelta = 1 / sampleRate
- data = atn(1) * 4 * frequency
- if signalType = 1 then 'sine
- phase = 0
- if prevPhase > 0 then
- pdelta = -prevPhase / (sampleRate * seconds / 1000)
- elseif prevPhase < 0 then
- pdelta = abs(prevPhase) / (sampleRate * seconds / 1000)
- else
- pdelta = 0
- end if
- for i = 1 to dataLen
- phase = sin(data * t) * volume
- p = phase * 32767
- p = (phase + prevPhase) * 32767
- if p > 32767 then
- p = 32767
- elseif p < -32768 then
- p = -32768
- end if
- buf(bufPos) = cint(p)
- t = t + tdelta
- prevPhase = prevPhase + pdelta
- if ((pdelta > 0) and (prevPhase > 0)) or _
- ((pdelta < 0) and (prevPhase < 0)) then
- prevPhase = 0
- pdelta = 0
- end if
- bufPos = bufPos + 1
- next
- prevPhase = phase
- else 'square
- for i = 1 to dataLen
- buf(bufPos) = cint(sgn(sin(data * t)) * volume * 32767)
- t = t + tdelta
- bufPos = bufPos + 1
- next
- end if
- genWaveform = dataLen
- end function
- 'get best matching wave type and its sampling rate.
- 'return array [type, sampleRate]
- function getBestMatchingWaveType(sampleRate)
- dim t, a, i
- t = 0
- for i = 0 to ubound(sampleRates)
- if sampleRates(i) = sampleRate then
- t = i * 4 + 6
- exit for
- elseif (i + 1) < ubound(sampleRates) then
- if (sampleRates(i) < sampleRate) and _
- (sampleRate < sampleRates(i + 1)) then
- t = sampleRate - sampleRates(i)
- a = sampleRates(i + 1) - sampleRate
- if a < t then
- sampleRate = sampleRates(i + 1)
- t = (i + 1) * 4 + 6
- else
- sampleRate = sampleRates(i)
- t = i * 4 + 6
- end if
- exit for
- end if
- end if
- next
- if t = 0 then
- sampleRate = 44100
- t = 34
- end if
- getBestMatchingWaveType = array(t, sampleRate)
- end function
- 'make wave memory stream.
- 'sampleRate rate is rounded to nearest or down
- function makeWaveformStream(sampleRate)
- set makeWaveformStream = createobject("sapi.spmemorystream")
- makeWaveformStream.format.type = getBestMatchingWaveType(sampleRate)(0)
- 0
- end function
- function newbuf
- dim ar
- redim ar(-1)
- newbuf = ar
- end function
- 'render audio. returns array [stream, buffer]
- function render(code, sampleRate, byref signalType, byref speedBpm, _
- byref measureLen, byref noteRestLen, byref defaultOctave, byref defaultVolume)
- dim posSec, prevPhase, bufs, bufPoss, bufIdx, bufPos, _
- xs, xp, stm, m, a, nt, ln, dr
- sampleRate = getBestMatchingWaveType(sampleRate)(1)
- if speedBpm <= 0 then
- speedBpm = 1
- elseif speedBpm > 9999 then
- speedBpm = 9999
- elseif not ((speedBpm >= 1) and (speedBpm <= 9999)) then
- speedBpm = 100
- end if
- if measureLen <= 0 then
- measureLen = 1
- elseif measureLen > 999 then
- measureLen = 999
- elseif not ((measureLen >= 1) and (measureLen <= 999)) then
- measureLen = 4
- end if
- if noteRestLen <= 0 then
- noteRestLen = 1
- elseif noteRestLen > 999 then
- noteRestLen = 999
- elseif not ((noteRestLen >= 1) and (noteRestLen <= 999)) then
- noteRestLen = 4
- end if
- if defaultOctave < 0 then
- defaultOctave = 0
- elseif defaultOctave > 9 then
- defaultOctave = 9
- elseif not ((defaultOctave >= 0) and (defaultOctave <= 9)) then
- defaultOctave = 4
- end if
- if defaultVolume < 0 then
- defaultVolume = 0
- elseif defaultVolume > 100 then
- defaultVolume = 100
- elseif not ((defaultVolume >= 0) and (defaultVolume <= 100)) then
- defaultVolume = 50
- end if
- posSec = 0 'pointer in seconds. internal
- prevPhase = 0 'previous sine wave phase. internal
- redim bufs(0)
- redim bufPoss(0)
- bufIdx = 0
- bufs(0) = newbuf
- bufPoss(0) = 0
- set xs = new regexp 'code splitter
- = true
- xs.pattern = "\S+"
- set xp = new regexp 'code parser
- = true
- xp.ignorecase = true
- xp.pattern = _
- "^(?:" & _
- "(?:" & _
- "(c#?|d#?|e|f#?|g#?|a#?|b)([+-]?\d)?(\.\d{1,3})?" & _
- ")" & _
- "|" & _
- "(\.\d{1,3})?" & _
- "|" & _
- "(" & _
- "i\d|l\d{1,3}|m\d{1,4}|o\d|s\d{1,4}|" & _
- "t\d{1,3}|v\d{1,3}|w\d|x\d{1,5}" & _
- ")" & _
- ")$"
- set stm = makeWaveformStream(sampleRate)
- sampleRate = stm.format.getwaveformatex.samplespersec
- genSilence bufs(0), bufPoss(0), sampleRate, 0.01, prevPhase
- for each m in xs.execute(code)
- set a = xp.execute(m)
- if a.count = 0 then
- wsh.echo "Invalid code at column " & (m.firstindex + 1) & "."
- wsh.quit 1
- end if
- if a(0).submatches(4) <> "" then 'command/modifier
- select case ucase(left(a(0).submatches(4), 1))
- case "I" 'set signal type
- signalType = cint(mid(a(0).submatches(4), 2))
- if signalType <> 1 then signalType = 0
- case "L" 'set default length
- noteRestLen = cint(mid(a(0).submatches(4), 2))
- case "M" 'set measure length
- measureLen = cint(mid(a(0).submatches(4), 2))
- if measureLen = 0 then measureLen = 1
- case "O" 'set default octave
- defaultOctave = cint(mid(a(0).submatches(4), 2))
- case "S" 'set speed
- speedBpm = cint(mid(a(0).submatches(4), 2))
- if speedBpm = 0 then speedBpm = 1
- case "T" 'track number
- bufIdx = cint(mid(a(0).submatches(4), 2))
- nt = ubound(bufs)
- if bufIdx > nt then
- redim preserve bufs(bufIdx)
- redim preserve bufPoss(bufIdx)
- end if
- if isempty(bufs(bufIdx)) then
- bufs(bufIdx) = newbuf
- bufPoss(bufIdx) = 0
- end if
- case "V" 'set volume
- defaultVolume = cint(mid(a(0).submatches(4), 2))
- if defaultVolume > 100 then defaultVolume = 100
- case "W" 'set signal type
- signalType = cint(mid(a(0).submatches(4), 2))
- if signalType <> 1 then signalType = 0
- case "X" 'custom note
- nt = cint(mid(a(0).submatches(4), 2))
- if nt < 1 then
- nt = 1
- elseif nt > sampleRate then
- nt = sampleRate
- end if
- dur = (60 / speedBpm) * (noteRestLen / measureLen)
- genWaveform bufs(bufIdx), bufPoss(bufIdx), signalType, sampleRate, _
- nt, dur, defaultVolume / 100, prevPhase
- posSec = posSec + dur
- end select
- else 'note
- nt = a(0).submatches(0) 'specify note
- if nt <> "" then
- nt = noteIndexes(ucase(nt))
- else
- nt = -1
- end if
- ln = a(0).submatches(1) 'update default octave
- if ln <> "" then
- if left(ln, 1) = "+" then
- defaultOctave = defaultOctave + cint(right(ln, 1))
- elseif left(ln, 1) = "-" then
- defaultOctave = defaultOctave - cint(right(ln, 1))
- else
- defaultOctave = cint(ln)
- end if
- end if
- ln = a(0).submatches(2) 'override note/rest length
- if ln = "" then ln = a(0).submatches(3)
- if (ln <> "") and (ln <> ".") then
- ln = cint(mid(ln, 2))
- else
- ln = noteRestLen
- end if
- dr = (60 / speedBpm) * (ln / (measureLen / 4))
- if nt >= 0 then 'generate note
- genWaveform bufs(bufIdx), bufPoss(bufIdx), signalType, sampleRate, _
- noteFreqs(defaultOctave)(nt), dr, defaultVolume / 100, prevPhase
- elseif ln > 0 then 'generate rest
- genSilence bufs(bufIdx), bufPoss(bufIdx), sampleRate, dr, prevPhase
- end if
- posSec = posSec + dr
- end if
- next
- dim buf()
- xp = -1 'max data length
- for a = 0 to ubound(bufs)
- if ubound(bufs(a)) > xp then xp = ubound(bufs(a))
- next
- redim buf(xp)
- for a = 0 to xp
- nt = 0
- for xs = 0 to ubound(bufs)
- if ubound(bufs(xs)) >= a then
- if not isempty(bufs(xs)(a)) then nt = nt + bufs(xs)(a)
- end if
- next
- nt = cint(nt / (ubound(bufs) + 1))
- if nt > 32767 then
- buf(a) = 32767
- elseif nt < -32768 then
- buf(a) = -32768
- else
- buf(a) = nt
- end if
- next
- bufPos = ubound(buf)
- genNeutral buf, bufPos, sampleRate, 0.001, prevPhase
- stm.write buf
- 0
- render = array(stm, buf)
- end function
- sub help
- set f = fs.opentextfile(wsh.scriptfullname)
- a = ""
- do while not f.atendofstream
- s = f.readline
- if s <> "" then
- a = a & mid(s, 2) & vbcrlf
- else
- exit do
- end if
- loop
- wsh.echo left(a, len(a) - 2)
- wsh.quit 1
- end sub
- function readCode(f)
- s = ""
- do while not f.atendofstream
- l = trim(f.readline)
- if l <> "" then
- if left(l, 1) <> ";" then s = s & l & " "
- end if
- loop
- readCode = s
- end function
- set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
- fin = ""
- fout = ""
- play = true
- code = ""
- for each a in wsh.arguments.named
- select case ucase(a)
- case "I"
- fin = wsh.arguments.named(a)
- case "O"
- fout = wsh.arguments.named(a)
- case "R"
- play = false
- case else
- help
- end select
- next
- if fin <> "" then
- set fi = fs.opentextfile(fin)
- code = readCode(fi)
- fi.close
- elseif wsh.arguments.unnamed.count > 0 then
- code = wsh.arguments.unnamed(0)
- else
- set fi = fs.getstandardstream(0)
- if fi.atendofstream then
- code = ""
- else
- code = readCode(fi)
- end if
- end if
- sampleRate = 44100
- signalType = 1 'sine
- speedBpm = 100
- measureLen = 16 '16/16
- noteRestLen = 4 '4/16 = 1/4
- defaultOctave = 4
- defaultVolume = 50
- a = render(code, sampleRate, signalType, speedBpm, measureLen, noteRestLen, _
- defaultOctave, defaultVolume)
- if fout <> "" then
- a(0).seek 0
- a(0).read b, (ubound(a(1)) + 1) * 2
- set fo = createobject("sapi.spfilestream")
- set fo.format = a(0).format
- fout, 3
- fo.write b
- fo.close
- end if
- if play then
- a(0).seek 0
- set vc = createobject("sapi.spvoice")
- vc.speakstream a(0)
- end if
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