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- --Creator: Hass
- --Made in: 03/01/2020
- --Last update: 18/01/2020
- tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman()
- tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame()
- math.inSquare = function(x1,y1,r1,x2,y2,r2)
- return (x1 + r1 > x2 - r2 and x1 - r1 < x2 + r2) and (y1 + r1 > y2 - r2 and y1 - r1 < y2 + r2)
- end
- info = {}
- eventNewPlayer = function(n)
- if not info[n] then
- info[n] = {
- n = n,
- id =[n].id,
- isDead = {false,0},
- capture = 0,
- size = 10,
- speed = 5,
- boost = {0,0,0}, -- speed, end, is boosting
- color = math.random(0xFFFFFF),
- coord = {math.random(800),math.random(400)},
- dir = {0,0},
- }
- end
- for k,v in next,{0,1,2,3,32,string.byte("POB",1,3)} do
- system.bindKeyboard(n,v,true,true)
- system.bindKeyboard(n,v,false,true)
- end
- end
- table.foreach(,eventNewPlayer)
- eventNewGame = function()
- table.foreach(,tfm.exec.killPlayer)
- end
- eventLoop = function(currentTime)
- if currentTime / 1000 > 3 then
- for k,v in next,info do
- if not v.isDead[1] then
- v.coord[1] = v.coord[1] + v.dir[1]
- v.coord[2] = v.coord[2] + v.dir[2]
- if v.coord[1] < 1 then
- v.coord[1] = 800
- elseif v.coord[1] > 800 then
- v.coord[1] = 1
- end
- if v.coord[2] < 1 then
- v.coord[2] = 400
- elseif v.coord[2] > 400 then
- v.coord[2] = 1
- end
- if v.boost[3] == 1 then
- if v.boost[2] > 0 then
- v.boost[2] = v.boost[2] - .5
- else
- v.boost[2] = 0
- v.boost[3] = 0
- v.speed = v.boost[1]
- end
- else
- if v.boost[2] < 4.5 then
- v.boost[2] = v.boost[2] + .05
- end
- end
- ui.addTextArea( or 1000,"",nil,v.coord[1] or 0,v.coord[2] or 0,v.size or 10,v.size or 10,v.color or 1,v.color or 1,.5,true)
- ui.addTextArea(,"<font size='8' color='#E6FF00'>" .. v.n,nil,v.coord[1] - 10 - #v.n,v.coord[2] - (v.size/2) - 15,nil,nil,1,1,0,true)
- ui.addTextArea(0,string.format("X: %s\nY: %s\nSize: %sx%s\nSpeed: %s\nBoost: %s",v.coord[1],v.coord[2],v.size,v.size,v.speed,v.boost[2]),v.n,0,30,120,100,1,1,0,true)
- else
- if os.time() > v.isDead[2] then
- v.isDead = {false,0}
- v.coord = {math.random(800),math.random(400)}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- eventKeyboard = function(n,k,d)
- if k == 32 then
- if os.time() > info[n].capture then
- info[n].capture = os.time() + 5000
- for k,v in next,info do
- if n ~= v.n then
- if math.inSquare(v.coord[1],v.coord[2],v.size,info[n].coord[1],info[n].coord[2],info[n].size) then
- info[n].size = info[n].size + (10/100) * v.size
- info[n].speed = info[n].speed + (15/100) * v.speed
- ui.removeTextArea(,nil)
- ui.removeTextArea(,nil)
- ui.removeTextArea(0,v.n)
- v.isDead = {true,os.time() + 10000}
- v.size = 10
- v.speed = 5
- info[n].capture = 0
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif k == string.byte("B") then
- if info[n].boost[2] > .5 then
- info[n].boost[3] = d and 1 or 0
- if d then
- info[n].boost[1] = info[n].speed
- info[n].speed = info[n].speed * 2.5
- else
- info[n].speed = info[n].boost[1]
- end
- end
- elseif k == string.byte("P") then
- elseif k == string.byte("O") then
- ui.showColorPicker(0,n,info[n].color,"Square")
- else
- if k == 0 then
- info[n].dir = {-info[n].speed,0}
- elseif k == 2 then
- info[n].dir = {info[n].speed,0}
- elseif k == 1 then
- info[n].dir = {0,-info[n].speed}
- elseif k == 3 then
- info[n].dir = {0,info[n].speed}
- end
- end
- end
- eventColorPicked = function(i,n,c)
- info[n].color = c
- end
- tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P /><Z><S /><D /><O /></Z></C>')
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