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- #include-once
- ; =======================================
- ; Title .........: Setting
- ; AutoIt Version :
- ; Language ......: English
- ; Description ...: Операции с конфигурационными данными
- ; Author .........: AZJIO
- ; =======================================
- ; #CURRENT# =============================
- ; _Setting_Read
- ; _Setting_Write
- ; _Setting_Delete
- ; _Setting_ReadSection
- ; _Setting_ReadSectionNames
- ; _Setting_WriteSection
- ; _Setting_RenameSection
- ; _Setting_MigrateIniToReg
- ; _Setting_MigrateRegToIni
- ; =======================================
- ; #FUNCTION# ;=================================================================================
- ; Description ........: Reads a value from ini-file or registry.
- ; Parameters:
- ; $sPath - Path or Key
- ; $sSection - Section or KeyName
- ; $sValueName - Key or ValueName
- ; $sDefault - by default
- ; $iReg - (0,1)
- ; |0 - ini-file
- ; |1 - registry
- ; Return values ....: Success - String
- ; Author(s) ..........: AZJIO
- ; ============================================================================================
- Func _Setting_Read($sPath, $sSection, $sValueName, $sDefault, $iReg = 0)
- Local $sValue
- If $iReg Then
- $sValue = RegRead($sPath & '\' & $sSection, $sValueName)
- If @error Then $sValue = $sDefault
- Else
- $sValue = IniRead($sPath, $sSection, $sValueName, $sDefault)
- EndIf
- Return $sValue
- EndFunc
- ; #FUNCTION# ;=================================================================================
- ; Description ........: Writes a value to a ini-file or registry.
- ; Parameters:
- ; $sPath - Path or Key
- ; $sSection - Section or KeyName
- ; $sValueName - Key or ValueName
- ; $sValue - Value
- ; $iReg - (0,1)
- ; |0 - ini-file
- ; |1 - registry
- ; Return values ....: Success - 1
- ; Failure - 0, @error = 1
- ; Author(s) ..........: AZJIO
- ; ============================================================================================
- Func _Setting_Write($sPath, $sSection, $sValueName, $sValue, $iReg = 0)
- If $iReg Then
- $sValue = StringRegExpReplace($sValue, '^"(.*?)"$', '\1')
- $iRes = RegWrite($sPath & '\' & $sSection, $sValueName, "REG_SZ", $sValue)
- Else
- $iRes = IniWrite($sPath, $sSection, $sValueName, $sValue)
- EndIf
- Return SetError(Not $iRes, 0, $iRes)
- EndFunc
- ; #FUNCTION# ;=================================================================================
- ; Description ........: Writes a section to a ini-file or registry.
- ; Parameters:
- ; $sPath - Path or Key
- ; $sSection - Section or KeyName
- ; $Data - Data, key=value, array or string, delimited by @LF
- ; $iIndex - If an array is passed as data, this specifies the index to start writing from
- ; $iReg - (0,1)
- ; |0 - ini-file
- ; |1 - registry
- ; Return values ....: Success - 1
- ; Failure - 0, @error = 1, @extended = count
- ; Author(s) ..........: AZJIO
- ; ============================================================================================
- Func _Setting_WriteSection($sPath, $sSection, $Data, $iIndex = 1, $iReg = 0)
- Local $error = 0
- If $iReg Then
- If RegDelete($sPath & '\' & $sSection) = 2 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- If IsString($Data) Then
- $iIndex = 1
- Local $aString = StringSplit(StringStripWS($Data, 3), @LF)
- Dim $Data[$aString[0] + 1][2] = [[$aString[0]]]
- $j = 0
- For $i = 1 To $aString[0]
- $aTmp = StringRegExp($aString[$i], '^(\S+?)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$', 3)
- If @error Then
- $error += 1
- ContinueLoop
- EndIf
- $j += 1
- $aTmp[1] = StringRegExpReplace($aTmp[1], '^"(.*?)"$', '\1')
- $Data[$j][0] = $aTmp[0]
- $Data[$j][1] = $aTmp[1]
- Next
- ReDim $Data[$j + 1][2]
- EndIf
- For $i = $iIndex To UBound($Data) - 1
- If Not RegWrite($sPath & '\' & $sSection, $Data[$i][0], "REG_SZ", $Data[$i][1]) Then $error += 1
- Next
- If $error Then
- $iRes = 0
- Else
- $iRes = 1
- EndIf
- Else
- $iRes = IniWriteSection($sPath, $sSection, $Data, $iIndex)
- EndIf
- Return SetError(Not $iRes, $error, $iRes)
- EndFunc
- ; #FUNCTION# ;=================================================================================
- ; Description ........: Renames a section in a ini-file or registry.
- ; Parameters:
- ; $sPath - Path or Key
- ; $sSection - Section or KeyName
- ; $sNewSection - The new Section/KeyName name
- ; $flag - (0,1)
- ; |0 - Fail if "new section" already exists
- ; |1 - Overwrite "new section".
- ; $iReg - (0,1)
- ; |0 - ini-file
- ; |1 - registry
- ; Return values ....: Success - 1
- ; Failure - 0, @error = 1
- ; Author(s) ..........: AZJIO
- ; ============================================================================================
- Func _Setting_RenameSection($sPath, $sSection, $sNewSection, $flag = 0, $iReg = 0)
- If $iReg Then
- $aKeyValue = _Setting_ReadSection($sPath, $sSection, 1)
- If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- If _RegExists($sPath & '\' & $sNewSection) Then
- If $flag Then
- If RegDelete($sPath & '\' & $sNewSection) = 2 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- Else
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- _Setting_WriteSection($sPath, $sNewSection, $aKeyValue, 1, 1)
- If @error Then
- $iRes = 0
- Else
- $iRes = 1
- EndIf
- If RegDelete($sPath & '\' & $sSection) = 2 Then Return SetError(3, 0, $iRes)
- Else
- $iRes = IniRenameSection($sPath, $sSection, $sNewSection, $flag)
- EndIf
- Return SetError(Not $iRes, 0, $iRes)
- EndFunc
- ; #FUNCTION# ;=================================================================================
- ; Description ........: Deletes a value from a ini-file or registry.
- ; Parameters:
- ; $sPath - Path or Key
- ; $sSection - Section or KeyName
- ; $sValueName - Key or ValueName
- ; $iReg - (0,1)
- ; |0 - ini-file
- ; |1 - registry
- ; Return values ....: Success - True
- ; Failure - False, @error = 1
- ; Author(s) ..........: AZJIO
- ; ============================================================================================
- Func _Setting_Delete($sPath, $sSection, $sValueName = '', $iReg = 0)
- If $iReg Then
- If $sValueName == '' Then
- $fRes = (RegDelete($sPath & '\' & $sSection) = 2)
- Else
- $fRes = (RegDelete($sPath & '\' & $sSection, $sValueName) = 2)
- EndIf
- Else
- If $sValueName == '' Then
- $fRes = (IniDelete($sPath, $sSection) = 0)
- Else
- $fRes = (IniDelete($sPath, $sSection, $sValueName) = 0)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Return SetError($fRes, 0, Not $fRes)
- EndFunc
- ; #FUNCTION# ;=================================================================================
- ; Description ........: Reads all key/value pairs from a section in ini-file or registry.
- ; Parameters:
- ; $sPath - Path or Key
- ; $sSection - Section or KeyName
- ; $iReg - (0,1)
- ; |0 - ini-file
- ; |1 - registry
- ; Return values ....: Success - Returns a 2 dimensional array where Array[n][0] is the key and Array[n][1] is the value
- ; Failure - @error = 1
- ; Remarks ..........: Array[0][0] = number of elements
- ; Author(s) ..........: AZJIO
- ; ============================================================================================
- Func _Setting_ReadSection($sPath, $sSection, $iReg = 0)
- If $iReg Then
- Local $aKeyValue[1][2] = [[0]], $i = 0, $sValueName
- While 1
- $i += 1
- $sValueName = RegEnumVal($sPath & '\' & $sSection, $i)
- If @error Then ExitLoop
- ReDim $aKeyValue[$i + 1][2]
- $aKeyValue[$i][0] = $sValueName
- $aKeyValue[$i][1] = RegRead($sPath & '\' & $sSection, $sValueName)
- WEnd
- If $i = 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 1)
- $aKeyValue[0][0] = $i - 1
- Else
- Local $aKeyValue = IniReadSection($sPath, $sSection)
- If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 1)
- EndIf
- Return $aKeyValue
- EndFunc
- ; #FUNCTION# ;=================================================================================
- ; Description ........: Reads all sections in a ini-file or registry.
- ; Parameters:
- ; $sPath - Path or Key
- ; $iReg - (0,1)
- ; |0 - ini-file
- ; |1 - registry
- ; Return values ....: Success - Returns an array of all section names
- ; Failure - 0, @error = 1
- ; Author(s) ..........: AZJIO
- ; ============================================================================================
- Func _Setting_ReadSectionNames($sPath, $iReg = 0)
- If $iReg Then
- Local $sSection[1] = [0], $i = 0, $sKey
- While 1
- $i += 1
- $sKey = RegEnumKey($sPath, $i)
- If @error Then ExitLoop
- ReDim $sSection[$i + 1]
- $sSection[$i] = $sKey
- WEnd
- If $i = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- $sSection[0] = $i - 1
- Else
- Local $sSection = IniReadSectionNames($sPath)
- If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- EndIf
- Return $sSection
- EndFunc
- ; #FUNCTION# ;=================================================================================
- ; Description ........: Copies given from registry in ini-file.
- ; Parameters:
- ; $sPath - Path
- ; $sKey - Key
- ; $flag - (0, 1, 2)
- ; |0 - none (Default)
- ; |1 - Deletes the data in the registry before the migration
- ; |2 - Removes the .ini file after migration
- ; Return values ....: Success True - @error = 0, @extended = number of lines
- ; Failure False - @error = number of errors, @extended = number of successful lines
- ; Author(s) ..........: AZJIO
- ; ============================================================================================
- Func _Setting_MigrateIniToReg($sPath, $sKey, $flag = 0)
- Local $iFailure, $iSuccess, $aKeyValue, $i, $j, $sSection, $tmp
- If BitAND($flag, 1) Then RegDelete($sKey)
- $sSection = IniReadSectionNames($sPath)
- If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- For $i = 1 To $sSection[0]
- $aKeyValue = IniReadSection($sPath, $sSection[$i])
- If Not @error Then
- For $j = 1 To $aKeyValue[0][0]
- If RegWrite($sKey & '\' & $sSection[$i], $aKeyValue[$j][0], "REG_SZ", $aKeyValue[$j][1]) Then
- $iSuccess += 1
- Else
- $iFailure += 1
- EndIf
- Next
- EndIf
- Next
- If BitAND($flag, 2) Then FileDelete($sPath)
- Return SetError($iFailure, $iSuccess, Not $iFailure)
- EndFunc
- ; #FUNCTION# ;=================================================================================
- ; Description ........: Copies given from ini-file in registry.
- ; Parameters:
- ; $sKey - Key
- ; $sPath - Path
- ; $flag - (0, 1, 2)
- ; |0 - none (Default)
- ; |1 - Removes all sections in .ini file before migration
- ; |2 - Deletes the data in the registry after the migration
- ; |4 - use IniWrite instead of IniWriteSection, without removing existing
- ; Return values ....: Success - @error = 0, @extended = number of lines
- ; Failure - @error = number of errors, @extended = number of successful lines
- ; Author(s) ..........: AZJIO
- ; ============================================================================================
- Func _Setting_MigrateRegToIni($sKey, $sPath, $flag = 0)
- Local $iFailure, $iSuccess, $aKeyValue, $i, $j, $sSection, $tmp
- If BitAND($flag, 1) Then
- $tmp = IniReadSectionNames($sPath)
- If Not @error Then
- For $i = 1 To $tmp[0]
- IniDelete($sPath, $tmp[0])
- Next
- EndIf
- EndIf
- $sSection = _Setting_ReadSectionNames($sKey, 1)
- If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- For $i = 1 To $sSection[0]
- $aKeyValue = _Setting_ReadSection($sKey, $sSection[$i], 1)
- If Not @error Then
- For $j = 1 To $aKeyValue[0][0]
- If StringLeft($aKeyValue[$j][1], 1) = '"' And StringRight($aKeyValue[$j][1], 1) = '"' Then $aKeyValue[$j][1] = '"' & $aKeyValue[$j][1] & '"'
- If StringRegExp(StringLeft($aKeyValue[$j][1], 1) & StringRight($aKeyValue[$j][1], 1), '\h') Then $aKeyValue[$j][1] = '"' & $aKeyValue[$j][1] & '"'
- Next
- If BitAND($flag, 4) Then
- For $j = 1 To $aKeyValue[0][0]
- If IniWrite($sPath, $sSection[$i], $aKeyValue[$j][0], $aKeyValue[$j][1]) Then
- $iSuccess += 1
- Else
- $iFailure += 1
- EndIf
- Next
- Else
- If _Setting_WriteSection($sPath, $sSection[$i], $aKeyValue, 1, 0) Then
- $iSuccess += 1
- Else
- $iFailure += 1
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Next
- If BitAND($flag, 2) Then RegDelete($sKey)
- Return SetError($iFailure, $iSuccess, Not $iFailure)
- EndFunc
- Func _RegExists($sKey)
- RegRead($sKey, '')
- Return Not (@error > 0)
- EndFunc
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