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- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- //
- // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- //
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- // Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "definitions.h"
- #include "npc.h"
- #include "game.h"
- #include "tools.h"
- #include "configmanager.h"
- #include "position.h"
- #include "spells.h"
- #include "player.h"
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <functional>
- #include <string>
- #include <sstream>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
- #include <libxml/parser.h>
- #include "luascript.h"
- extern ConfigManager g_config;
- extern Game g_game;
- extern Spells* g_spells;
- AutoList<Npc> Npc::listNpc;
- NpcScriptInterface* Npc::m_scriptInterface = NULL;
- uint32_t Npc::npcCount = 0;
- #endif
- void Npcs::reload()
- {
- delete Npc::m_scriptInterface;
- Npc::m_scriptInterface = NULL;
- for(AutoList<Npc>::listiterator it = Npc::listNpc.list.begin(); it != Npc::listNpc.list.end(); ++it){
- it->second->reload();
- }
- }
- Npc* Npc::createNpc(const std::string& name)
- {
- Npc* npc = new Npc(name);
- if(!npc){
- return NULL;
- }
- if(!npc->load()){
- delete npc;
- return NULL;
- }
- return npc;
- }
- Npc::Npc(const std::string& _name) :
- Creature()
- {
- m_datadir = g_config.getString(ConfigManager::DATA_DIRECTORY);
- m_scriptdir = m_datadir + "npc/scripts/";
- m_filename = m_datadir + "npc/" + _name + ".xml";
- loaded = false;
- m_npcEventHandler = NULL;
- reset();
- npcCount++;
- #endif
- }
- Npc::~Npc()
- {
- reset();
- npcCount--;
- #endif
- }
- bool Npc::load()
- {
- if(isLoaded()){
- return true;
- }
- reset();
- if(!m_scriptInterface){
- m_scriptInterface = new NpcScriptInterface();
- m_scriptInterface->loadNpcLib(std::string(m_datadir + "npc/scripts/lib/npc.lua"));
- }
- loaded = loadFromXml(m_filename);
- return isLoaded();
- }
- void Npc::reset()
- {
- loaded = false;
- walkTicks = 1500;
- floorChange = false;
- attackable = false;
- hasBusyReply = false;
- hasScriptedFocus = false;
- focusCreature = 0;
- isIdle = true;
- talkRadius = 2;
- idleTime = 0;
- idleInterval = 5 * 60;
- delete m_npcEventHandler;
- m_npcEventHandler = NULL;
- for(ResponseList::iterator it = responseList.begin(); it != responseList.end(); ++it){
- delete *it;
- }
- for(StateList::iterator it = stateList.begin(); it != stateList.end(); ++it){
- delete *it;
- }
- responseList.clear();
- stateList.clear();
- queueList.clear();
- m_parameters.clear();
- itemListMap.clear();
- responseScriptMap.clear();
- }
- void Npc::reload()
- {
- reset();
- load();
- //Simulate that the creature is placed on the map again.
- if(m_npcEventHandler){
- m_npcEventHandler->onCreatureAppear(this);
- }
- if(walkTicks > 0){
- addEventWalk();
- }
- }
- bool Npc::loadFromXml(const std::string& filename)
- {
- xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(filename.c_str());
- if(doc){
- xmlNodePtr root, p;
- root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
- if(xmlStrcmp(root->name,(const xmlChar*)"npc") != 0){
- std::cerr << "Malformed XML" << std::endl;
- return false;
- }
- int intValue;
- std::string strValue;
- p = root->children;
- std::string scriptfile = "";
- if(readXMLString(root, "script", strValue)){
- scriptfile = strValue;
- }
- if(readXMLString(root, "name", strValue)){
- name = strValue;
- }
- else
- name = "";
- if(readXMLInteger(root, "speed", intValue)){
- baseSpeed = intValue;
- }
- else
- baseSpeed = 110;
- if(readXMLInteger(root, "attackable", intValue)){
- attackable = (intValue != 0);
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(root, "walkinterval", intValue)){
- walkTicks = intValue;
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(root, "autowalk", intValue)){
- //Depricated attribute.
- if(intValue == 0){
- walkTicks = 2000;
- }
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(root, "floorchange", intValue)){
- floorChange = (intValue != 0);
- }
- while(p){
- if(xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"health") == 0){
- if(readXMLInteger(p, "now", intValue)){
- health = intValue;
- }
- else
- health = 100;
- if(readXMLInteger(p, "max", intValue)){
- healthMax = intValue;
- }
- else
- healthMax = 100;
- }
- else if(xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"look") == 0){
- if(readXMLInteger(p, "type", intValue)){
- defaultOutfit.lookType = intValue;
- if(readXMLInteger(p, "head", intValue)){
- defaultOutfit.lookHead = intValue;
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(p, "body", intValue)){
- defaultOutfit.lookBody = intValue;
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(p, "legs", intValue)){
- defaultOutfit.lookLegs = intValue;
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(p, "feet", intValue)){
- defaultOutfit.lookFeet = intValue;
- }
- }
- else if(readXMLInteger(p, "typeex", intValue)){
- defaultOutfit.lookTypeEx = intValue;
- }
- currentOutfit = defaultOutfit;
- }
- else if(xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"parameters") == 0){
- for(xmlNodePtr q = p->children; q != NULL; q = q->next){
- if(xmlStrcmp(q->name, (const xmlChar*)"parameter") == 0){
- std::string paramKey;
- std::string paramValue;
- if(!readXMLString(q, "key", paramKey)){
- continue;
- }
- if(!readXMLString(q, "value", paramValue)){
- continue;
- }
- m_parameters[paramKey] = paramValue;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"interaction") == 0){
- if(readXMLInteger(p, "talkradius", intValue)){
- talkRadius = intValue;
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(p, "idletime", intValue)){
- idleTime = intValue;
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(p, "idleinterval", intValue)){
- idleInterval = intValue;
- }
- responseList = loadInteraction(p->children);
- }
- p = p->next;
- }
- xmlFreeDoc(doc);
- if(!scriptfile.empty()){
- m_npcEventHandler = new NpcScript(m_scriptdir + scriptfile, this);
- if(!m_npcEventHandler->isLoaded()){
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- uint32_t Npc::loadParams(xmlNodePtr node)
- {
- uint32_t params = RESPOND_DEFAULT;
- std::string strValue;
- if(readXMLString(node, "param", strValue)){
- std::vector<std::string> paramList = explodeString(strValue, ";");
- for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = paramList.begin(); it != paramList.end(); ++it){
- if(asLowerCaseString(*it) == "male"){
- params |= RESPOND_MALE;
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(*it) == "female"){
- params |= RESPOND_FEMALE;
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(*it) == "pzblock"){
- params |= RESPOND_PZBLOCK;
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(*it) == "lowmoney"){
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(*it) == "noamount"){
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(*it) == "lowamount"){
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(*it) == "premium"){
- params |= RESPOND_PREMIUM;
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(*it) == "druid"){
- params |= RESPOND_DRUID;
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(*it) == "knight"){
- params |= RESPOND_KNIGHT;
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(*it) == "paladin"){
- params |= RESPOND_PALADIN;
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(*it) == "sorcerer"){
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(*it) == "lowlevel"){
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "Warning: [Npc::loadParams] Unknown param " << (*it) << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- return params;
- }
- ResponseList Npc::loadInteraction(xmlNodePtr node)
- {
- ResponseList _responseList;
- std::string strValue ;
- int32_t intValue;
- while(node){
- if(xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*)"include") == 0){
- if(readXMLString(node, "file", strValue)){
- std::string includeFilename = m_datadir + "npc/lib/" + strValue;
- xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(includeFilename.c_str());
- if(doc){
- xmlNodePtr root;
- root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
- if(xmlStrcmp(root->name,(const xmlChar*)"interaction") == 0){
- ResponseList includeResponseList = loadInteraction(root->children);
- _responseList.insert(_responseList.end(), includeResponseList.begin(), includeResponseList.end());
- }
- else{
- std::cerr << "Malformed XML" << std::endl;
- }
- xmlFreeDoc(doc);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*)"itemlist") == 0){
- if(readXMLString(node, "listid", strValue)){
- ItemListMap::iterator it = itemListMap.find(strValue);
- if(it != itemListMap.end()){
- //duplicate listid found
- std::cout << "Warning: [Npc::loadInteraction] Duplicate listId found " << strValue << std::endl;
- }
- else{
- std::string listId = strValue;
- xmlNodePtr tmpNode = node->children;
- std::list<ListItem>& list = itemListMap[strValue];
- while(tmpNode){
- if(xmlStrcmp(tmpNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"item") == 0){
- ListItem li;
- if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "id", intValue)){
- li.itemId = intValue;
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "Warning: [Npc::loadInteraction] Missing list item itemId " << std::endl;
- tmpNode = tmpNode->next;
- continue;
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "sellprice", intValue)){
- li.sellPrice = intValue;
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "buyprice", intValue)){
- li.buyPrice = intValue;
- }
- if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "keywords", strValue)){
- li.keywords = strValue;
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "Warning: [Npc::loadInteraction] Missing list item keywords " << std::endl;
- tmpNode = tmpNode->next;
- continue;
- }
- //optional
- if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "subtype", intValue)){
- li.subType = intValue;
- }
- if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "name", strValue)){
- = strValue;
- }
- if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "pname", strValue)){
- li.pluralName = strValue;
- }
- list.push_back(li);
- }
- tmpNode = tmpNode->next;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*)"interact") == 0){
- NpcResponse::ResponseProperties prop;
- if(readXMLString(node, "keywords", strValue)){
- prop.inputList.push_back(asLowerCaseString(strValue));
- }
- else if(readXMLString(node, "event", strValue)){
- strValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue);
- if(strValue == "onbusy"){
- hasBusyReply = true;
- }
- prop.interactType = INTERACT_EVENT;
- prop.inputList.push_back(strValue);
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(node, "topic", intValue)){
- prop.topic = intValue;
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(node, "focus", intValue)){
- prop.focusStatus = intValue;
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(node, "storageId", intValue)){
- prop.storageId = intValue;
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(node, "storageValue", intValue)){
- prop.storageValue = intValue;
- }
- uint32_t interactParams = loadParams(node);
- if(readXMLString(node, "storageComp", strValue)){
- if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "equal"){
- prop.storageComp = STORAGE_EQUAL;
- }
- if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "greaterorequal"){
- prop.storageComp = STORAGE_GREATEROREQUAL;
- }
- if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "greater"){
- prop.storageComp = STORAGE_GREATER;
- }
- if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "less"){
- prop.storageComp = STORAGE_LESS;
- }
- if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "lessorequal"){
- prop.storageComp = STORAGE_LESSOREQUAL;
- }
- }
- xmlNodePtr tmpNode = node->children;
- while(tmpNode){
- if(xmlStrcmp(tmpNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"keywords") == 0){
- //alternative input keywords
- xmlNodePtr altKeyNode = tmpNode->children;
- while(altKeyNode){
- if(xmlStrcmp(altKeyNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"text") == 0){
- if(readXMLContentString(altKeyNode, strValue)){
- prop.inputList.push_back(asLowerCaseString(strValue));
- }
- }
- altKeyNode = altKeyNode->next;
- }
- }
- else if(xmlStrcmp(tmpNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"list") == 0){
- xmlNodePtr listNode = tmpNode->children;
- while(listNode){
- if(xmlStrcmp(listNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"text") == 0){
- if(readXMLContentString(listNode, strValue)){
- ItemListMap::iterator it = itemListMap.find(strValue);
- if(it != itemListMap.end()){
- prop.itemList.insert(prop.itemList.end(), it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "Warning: [Npc::loadInteraction] Could not find a list id called " << strValue << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- listNode = listNode->next;
- }
- }
- tmpNode = tmpNode->next;
- }
- tmpNode = node->children;
- while(tmpNode){
- if(xmlStrcmp(tmpNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"response") == 0){
- prop.output = "";
- prop.knowSpell = "";
- prop.params = interactParams | loadParams(tmpNode);
- ScriptVars scriptVars;
- if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "knowspell", strValue)){
- prop.knowSpell = strValue;
- }
- if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "text", strValue)){
- prop.responseType = RESPONSE_DEFAULT;
- prop.output = strValue;
- }
- else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "function", strValue)){
- prop.responseType = RESPONSE_SCRIPT;
- prop.output = strValue;
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "b1", intValue)){
- scriptVars.b1 = (intValue == 1);
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "b2", intValue)){
- scriptVars.b2 = (intValue == 1);
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "b3", intValue)){
- scriptVars.b3 = (intValue == 1);
- }
- ResponseList subResponseList;
- xmlNodePtr subNode = tmpNode->children;
- while(subNode){
- if(xmlStrcmp(subNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"action") == 0){
- ResponseAction action;
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "name", strValue)){
- if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "topic"){
- if(readXMLInteger(subNode, "value", intValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETTOPIC;
- action.intValue = intValue;
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "price"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETPRICE;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- action.intValue = atoi(strValue.c_str());
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "amount"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETAMOUNT;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- action.intValue = atoi(strValue.c_str());
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "item"){
- if(readXMLInteger(subNode, "value", intValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETITEM;
- action.intValue = intValue;
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "subtype"){
- if(readXMLInteger(subNode, "value", intValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETSUBTYPE;
- action.intValue = intValue;
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "spell"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETSPELL;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- if(strValue != "|SPELL|"){
- InstantSpell* spell = g_spells->getInstantSpellByName(strValue);
- if(!spell){
- std::cout << "Warning: [Npc::loadInteraction] Could not find an instant spell called " << strValue << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "listname"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETLISTNAME;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "listpname"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETLISTPNAME;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "teachspell"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_TEACHSPELL;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- if(strValue != "|SPELL|"){
- InstantSpell* spell = g_spells->getInstantSpellByName(strValue);
- if(!spell){
- std::cout << "Warning: [Npc::loadInteraction] Could not find an instant spell called " << strValue << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "sell"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SELLITEM;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- action.intValue = atoi(strValue.c_str());
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "buy"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_BUYITEM;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- action.intValue = atoi(strValue.c_str());
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "takemoney"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_TAKEMONEY;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- action.intValue = atoi(strValue.c_str());
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "givemoney"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_GIVEMONEY;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- action.intValue = atoi(strValue.c_str());
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "level"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETLEVEL;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- action.intValue = atoi(strValue.c_str());
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "giveitem"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_GIVEITEM;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- action.intValue = atoi(strValue.c_str());
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "takeitem"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_TAKEITEM;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- action.intValue = atoi(strValue.c_str());
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "effect"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETEFFECT;
- action.intValue = getMagicEffect(strValue);
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "idle"){
- if(readXMLInteger(subNode, "value", intValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETIDLE;
- action.intValue = intValue;
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "script"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SCRIPT;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- }
- else{
- xmlNodePtr scriptNode = subNode->children;
- while(scriptNode){
- if(xmlStrcmp(scriptNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"text") == 0){
- if(readXMLContentString(scriptNode, strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SCRIPT;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- }
- }
- scriptNode = scriptNode->next;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "scriptparam"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SCRIPTPARAM;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "storage"){
- if(readXMLInteger(subNode, "value", intValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETSTORAGE;
- action.intValue = intValue;
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "addqueue"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- action.actionType = ACTION_ADDQUEUE;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- action.intValue = atoi(strValue.c_str());
- }
- }
- else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "teleport"){
- if(readXMLString(subNode, "value", strValue)){
- std::vector<std::string> posList = explodeString(strValue, ";");
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETTELEPORT;
- action.strValue = strValue;
- action.pos.x = 0;
- action.pos.y = 0;
- action.pos.z = 0;
- if(posList.size() == 3){
- action.pos.x = atoi(posList[0].c_str());
- action.pos.y = atoi(posList[1].c_str());
- action.pos.z = atoi(posList[2].c_str());
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "Warning: [Npc::loadInteraction] Unknown action " << strValue << std::endl;
- }
- }
- if(readXMLInteger(subNode, "key", intValue)){
- action.key = intValue;
- }
- if(action.actionType != ACTION_NONE){
- prop.actionList.push_back(action);
- }
- }
- else if(xmlStrcmp(subNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"interact") == 0){
- if(subResponseList.empty()){
- ResponseList nodeResponseList = loadInteraction(subNode);
- subResponseList.insert(subResponseList.end(),
- nodeResponseList.begin(), nodeResponseList.end());
- }
- else{
- //Already loaded this interaction.
- }
- }
- subNode = subNode->next;
- }
- //Check if this interaction has a |list| keyword
- bool hasListKeyword = false;
- for(std::list<std::string>::iterator it = prop.inputList.begin();
- it != prop.inputList.end(); ++it){
- if((*it).find("|list|") != std::string::npos){
- hasListKeyword = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- //Iterate through all input keywords and replace all |LIST| with the item list
- if(hasListKeyword && !prop.itemList.empty()){
- for(std::list<ListItem>::iterator it = prop.itemList.begin(); it != prop.itemList.end(); ++it){
- NpcResponse::ResponseProperties listItemProp = prop;
- for(std::list<std::string>::iterator iit = listItemProp.inputList.begin();
- iit != listItemProp.inputList.end(); ++iit){
- std::string& input = (*iit);
- if(input.find("|list|") == std::string::npos){
- continue;
- }
- //Replace |LIST| with the keyword in the list
- replaceString(input, "|list|", (*it).keywords);
- ResponseAction action;
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETITEM;
- action.intValue = (*it).itemId;
- listItemProp.actionList.push_front(action);
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETSELLPRICE;
- action.intValue = (*it).sellPrice;
- listItemProp.actionList.push_front(action);
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETBUYPRICE;
- action.intValue = (*it).buyPrice;
- listItemProp.actionList.push_front(action);
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETSUBTYPE;
- action.intValue = (*it).subType;
- listItemProp.actionList.push_front(action);
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETSUBTYPE;
- action.intValue = (*it).subType;
- listItemProp.actionList.push_front(action);
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETLISTNAME;
- if(!(*it).name.empty()){
- action.strValue = (*it).name;
- }
- else{
- const ItemType& itemType = Item::items[(*it).itemId];
- if( != 0){
- action.strValue = itemType.article + " " +;
- }
- }
- listItemProp.actionList.push_front(action);
- action.actionType = ACTION_SETLISTPNAME;
- if(!(*it).pluralName.empty()){
- action.strValue = (*it).pluralName;
- }
- else{
- const ItemType& itemType = Item::items[(*it).itemId];
- if( != 0){
- action.strValue = itemType.pluralName;
- }
- }
- listItemProp.actionList.push_front(action);
- ResponseList list;
- for(ResponseList::iterator respIter = subResponseList.begin();
- respIter != subResponseList.end(); ++respIter){
- list.push_back(new NpcResponse(*(*respIter)));
- }
- //Create a new response for this list item
- NpcResponse* response = new NpcResponse(listItemProp, list, scriptVars);
- _responseList.push_back(response);
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- NpcResponse* response = new NpcResponse(prop, subResponseList, scriptVars);
- _responseList.push_back(response);
- }
- }
- tmpNode = tmpNode->next;
- }
- }
- node = node->next;
- }
- return _responseList;
- }
- NpcState* Npc::getState(const Player* player, bool makeNew /*= true*/)
- {
- for(StateList::iterator it = stateList.begin(); it != stateList.end(); ++it){
- if((*it)->respondToCreature == player->getID()){
- return *it;
- }
- }
- if(!makeNew){
- return NULL;
- }
- NpcState* state = new NpcState;
- state->prevInteraction = 0;
- state->price = 0;
- state->sellPrice = 0;
- state->buyPrice = 0;
- state->amount = 1;
- state->itemId = 0;
- state->subType = -1;
- state->spellName = "";
- state->listName = "";
- state->listPluralName = "";
- state->level = -1;
- state->topic = -1;
- state->isIdle = true;
- state->isQueued = false;
- state->respondToText = "";
- state->respondToCreature = 0;
- state->lastResponse = NULL;
- state->prevRespondToText = "";
- stateList.push_back(state);
- return state;
- }
- bool Npc::canSee(const Position& pos) const
- {
- if(pos.z != getPosition().z){
- return false;
- }
- return Creature::canSee(getPosition(), pos, Map::maxClientViewportX, Map::maxClientViewportY);
- }
- std::string Npc::getDescription(int32_t lookDistance) const
- {
- std::stringstream s;
- s << name << ".";
- return s.str();
- }
- void Npc::onAddTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, const Item* item)
- {
- Creature::onAddTileItem(tile, pos, item);
- }
- void Npc::onUpdateTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos,
- const Item* oldItem, const ItemType& oldType, const Item* newItem, const ItemType& newType)
- {
- Creature::onUpdateTileItem(tile, pos, stackpos, oldItem, oldType, newItem, newType);
- }
- void Npc::onRemoveTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos,
- const ItemType& iType, const Item* item)
- {
- Creature::onRemoveTileItem(tile, pos, stackpos, iType, item);
- }
- void Npc::onUpdateTile(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos)
- {
- Creature::onUpdateTile(tile, pos);
- }
- void Npc::onCreatureAppear(const Creature* creature, bool isLogin)
- {
- Creature::onCreatureAppear(creature, isLogin);
- if(creature == this && walkTicks > 0){
- addEventWalk();
- }
- if(creature == this){
- if(m_npcEventHandler){
- m_npcEventHandler->onCreatureAppear(creature);
- }
- }
- //only players for script events
- else if(Player* player = const_cast<Player*>(creature->getPlayer())){
- if(m_npcEventHandler){
- m_npcEventHandler->onCreatureAppear(creature);
- }
- NpcState* npcState = getState(player);
- if(npcState){
- if(canSee(player->getPosition())){
- npcState->respondToCreature = player->getID();
- onPlayerEnter(player, npcState);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void Npc::onCreatureDisappear(const Creature* creature, uint32_t stackpos, bool isLogout)
- {
- Creature::onCreatureDisappear(creature, stackpos, isLogout);
- if(creature == this){
- /*
- Can't use this yet because Jiddo's scriptsystem isn't able to handle it.
- if(m_npcEventHandler){
- m_npcEventHandler->onCreatureDisappear(creature);
- }
- */
- }
- //only players for script events
- else if(Player* player = const_cast<Player*>(creature->getPlayer())){
- if(m_npcEventHandler){
- m_npcEventHandler->onCreatureDisappear(creature);
- }
- NpcState* npcState = getState(player);
- if(npcState){
- npcState->respondToCreature = player->getID();
- onPlayerLeave(player, npcState);
- }
- }
- }
- void Npc::onCreatureMove(const Creature* creature, const Tile* newTile, const Position& newPos,
- const Tile* oldTile, const Position& oldPos, uint32_t oldStackPos, bool teleport)
- {
- Creature::onCreatureMove(creature, newTile, newPos, oldTile, oldPos, oldStackPos, teleport);
- if(creature == this){
- if(m_npcEventHandler){
- m_npcEventHandler->onCreatureMove(creature, oldPos, newPos);
- }
- }
- else if(Player* player = const_cast<Player*>(creature->getPlayer())){
- if(m_npcEventHandler){
- m_npcEventHandler->onCreatureMove(creature, oldPos, newPos);
- }
- NpcState* npcState = getState(player);
- if(npcState){
- bool canSeeNewPos = canSee(newPos);
- bool canSeeOldPos = canSee(oldPos);
- if(canSeeNewPos && !canSeeOldPos){
- npcState->respondToCreature = player->getID();
- onPlayerEnter(player, npcState);
- }
- else if(!canSeeNewPos && canSeeOldPos){
- npcState->respondToCreature = player->getID();
- onPlayerLeave(player, npcState);
- }
- else if(canSeeNewPos && canSeeOldPos){
- npcState->respondToCreature = player->getID();
- const NpcResponse* response = getResponse(player, npcState, EVENT_PLAYER_MOVE);
- executeResponse(player, npcState, response);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void Npc::onCreatureTurn(const Creature* creature, uint32_t stackpos)
- {
- Creature::onCreatureTurn(creature, stackpos);
- }
- void Npc::onCreatureSay(const Creature* creature, SpeakClasses type, const std::string& text)
- {
- if(creature->getID() == this->getID())
- return;
- //only players for script events
- if(const Player* player = creature->getPlayer()){
- if(m_npcEventHandler){
- m_npcEventHandler->onCreatureSay(player, type, text);
- }
- if(type == SPEAK_SAY){
- const Position& myPos = getPosition();
- const Position& pos = creature->getPosition();
- if(canSee(myPos)){
- if ((pos.x >= myPos.x - talkRadius) && (pos.x <= myPos.x + talkRadius) &&
- (pos.y >= myPos.y - talkRadius) && (pos.y <= myPos.y + talkRadius)){
- NpcState* npcState = getState(player);
- npcState->respondToText = text;
- npcState->respondToCreature = player->getID();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void Npc::onCreatureChangeOutfit(const Creature* creature, const Outfit_t& outfit)
- {
- #ifdef __DEBUG_NPC__
- std::cout << "Npc::onCreatureChangeOutfit" << std::endl;
- #endif
- }
- void Npc::onPlayerEnter(Player* player, NpcState* state)
- {
- const NpcResponse* response = getResponse(player, state, EVENT_PLAYER_ENTER);
- executeResponse(player, state, response);
- }
- void Npc::onPlayerLeave(Player* player, NpcState* state)
- {
- if(player){
- const NpcResponse* response = getResponse(player, state, EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE);
- executeResponse(player, state, response);
- }
- }
- void Npc::onThink(uint32_t interval)
- {
- Creature::onThink(interval);
- if(m_npcEventHandler){
- m_npcEventHandler->onThink();
- }
- isIdle = true;
- bool idleResponse = false;
- #define MAX_RAND_RANGE 10000000
- if(((uint32_t)MAX_RAND_RANGE * (EVENT_CREATURE_THINK_INTERVAL / 1000)) / idleInterval >= (uint32_t)random_range(0, MAX_RAND_RANGE)){
- idleResponse = true;
- }
- for(StateList::iterator it = stateList.begin(); it != stateList.end();){
- NpcState* npcState = *it;
- const NpcResponse* response = NULL;
- Player* player = g_game.getPlayerByID(npcState->respondToCreature);
- bool closeConversation = false;
- bool idleTimeout = false;
- if(!npcState->isQueued){
- if(npcState->prevInteraction == 0){
- npcState->prevInteraction = OTSYS_TIME();
- }
- if(idleTime > 0 && (OTSYS_TIME() - npcState->prevInteraction) > idleTime * 1000){
- idleTimeout = true;
- closeConversation = true;
- }
- }
- if(idleResponse && player){
- response = getResponse(player, EVENT_IDLE);
- executeResponse(player, npcState, response);
- idleResponse = false;
- }
- if(!player || closeConversation){
- if(queueList.empty()){
- if(idleTimeout){
- onPlayerLeave(player, npcState);
- }
- }
- else{
- Player* nextPlayer = NULL;
- while(!queueList.empty()){
- nextPlayer = g_game.getPlayerByID(*queueList.begin());
- if(nextPlayer){
- NpcState* nextPlayerState = getState(nextPlayer, false);
- if(nextPlayerState){
- nextPlayerState->respondToText = nextPlayerState->prevRespondToText;
- nextPlayerState->isQueued = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- queueList.erase(queueList.begin());
- }
- }
- delete *it;
- stateList.erase(it++);
- //std::cout << "Closing conversation." << std::endl;
- continue;
- }
- if(!npcState->respondToText.empty()){
- if(hasBusyReply && !isIdle){
- //Check if we have a busy reply
- response = getResponse(player, npcState, EVENT_BUSY);
- if(response){
- executeResponse(player, npcState, response);
- }
- }
- else{
- if(npcState->lastResponse){
- //Check previous response chain first
- const ResponseList& list = npcState->lastResponse->getResponseList();
- response = getResponse(list, player, npcState, npcState->respondToText);
- }
- if(!response){
- response = getResponse(player, npcState, npcState->respondToText);
- }
- if(response){
- setCreatureFocus(player);
- executeResponse(player, npcState, response);
- }
- }
- npcState->prevRespondToText = npcState->respondToText;
- npcState->respondToText = "";
- }
- response = getResponse(player, npcState, EVENT_THINK);
- executeResponse(player, npcState, response);
- if(!npcState->isIdle){
- isIdle = false;
- if(hasBusyReply){
- setCreatureFocus(player);
- }
- }
- ++it;
- }
- if(isIdle && !hasScriptedFocus){
- setCreatureFocus(NULL);
- }
- }
- void Npc::executeResponse(Player* player, NpcState* npcState, const NpcResponse* response)
- {
- if(response){
- npcState->lastResponse = response;
- bool resetTopic = true;
- if(response->getFocusState() == 0){
- npcState->isIdle = true;
- }
- else if(response->getFocusState() == 1){
- npcState->isIdle = false;
- }
- if(response->getAmount() != -1){
- npcState->amount = response->getAmount();
- }
- for(ActionList::const_iterator it = response->getFirstAction(); it != response->getEndAction(); ++it){
- switch((*it).actionType){
- case ACTION_SETTOPIC: npcState->topic = (*it).intValue; resetTopic = false; break;
- case ACTION_SETSELLPRICE: npcState->sellPrice = (*it).intValue; break;
- case ACTION_SETBUYPRICE: npcState->buyPrice = (*it).intValue; break;
- case ACTION_SETITEM: npcState->itemId = (*it).intValue; break;
- case ACTION_SETSUBTYPE: npcState->subType = (*it).intValue; break;
- case ACTION_SETEFFECT: g_game.addMagicEffect(player->getPosition(), (*it).intValue); break;
- {
- if((*it).strValue == "|SELLPRICE|"){
- npcState->price = npcState->sellPrice;
- }
- else if((*it).strValue == "|BUYPRICE|"){
- npcState->price = npcState->buyPrice;
- }
- else{
- npcState->price = (*it).intValue;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- Position teleportTo = (*it).pos;
- if((*it).strValue == "|TEMPLE|"){
- teleportTo = player->getTemplePosition();
- }
- g_game.internalTeleport(player, teleportTo);
- break;
- }
- {
- npcState->isIdle = ((*it).intValue == 1);
- break;
- }
- {
- if((*it).strValue == "|SPELLLEVEL|"){
- npcState->level = -1;
- InstantSpell* spell = g_spells->getInstantSpellByName(npcState->spellName);
- if(spell){
- npcState->level = spell->getLevel();
- }
- }
- else{
- npcState->level = (*it).intValue;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- npcState->spellName = "";
- InstantSpell* spell = g_spells->getInstantSpellByName((*it).strValue);
- if(spell){
- npcState->spellName = (*it).strValue;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- npcState->listName = (*it).strValue;
- break;
- }
- {
- npcState->listPluralName = (*it).strValue;
- break;
- }
- {
- int32_t amount = 1;
- if((*it).strValue == "|AMOUNT|"){
- amount = npcState->amount;
- }
- else{
- amount = (*it).intValue;
- }
- npcState->amount = amount;
- break;
- }
- {
- std::string spellName = "";
- if((*it).strValue == "|SPELL|"){
- spellName = npcState->spellName;
- }
- else{
- spellName = (*it).strValue;
- }
- player->learnInstantSpell(spellName);
- break;
- }
- {
- if((*it).key > 0){
- player->addStorageValue((*it).key, (*it).intValue);
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- QueueList::iterator it = std::find(queueList.begin(), queueList.end(), player->getID());
- if(it == queueList.end()){
- queueList.push_back(player->getID());
- npcState->isQueued = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- uint32_t moneyCount = 0;
- if((*it).strValue == "|PRICE|"){
- moneyCount = npcState->price * npcState->amount;
- }
- else{
- moneyCount = (*it).intValue;
- }
- const ItemType& it = Item::items[npcState->itemId];
- if( != 0){
- int32_t subType = -1;
- if(it.hasSubType()){
- subType = npcState->subType;
- }
- uint32_t itemCount = player->__getItemTypeCount(, subType);
- if(itemCount >= npcState->amount){
- g_game.removeItemOfType(player,, npcState->amount, subType);
- g_game.addMoney(player, moneyCount, FLAG_NOLIMIT);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- uint32_t moneyCount = 0;
- if((*it).strValue == "|PRICE|"){
- moneyCount = npcState->price * npcState->amount;
- }
- else{
- moneyCount = (*it).intValue;
- }
- const ItemType& it = Item::items[npcState->itemId];
- if( != 0){
- int32_t subType = -1;
- if(it.hasSubType()){
- subType = npcState->subType;
- }
- if(g_game.removeMoney(player, moneyCount)){
- for(int32_t i = 0; i < npcState->amount; ++i){
- Item* item = Item::CreateItem(, subType);
- if(g_game.internalPlayerAddItem(player, item) != RET_NOERROR){
- delete item;
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "Error [Npc::executeResponse] Not enough money: " << player->getName() << "\tNpc: " << getName() << std::endl;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- int32_t itemId = 0;
- if((*it).strValue == "|ITEM|"){
- itemId = npcState->itemId;
- }
- else{
- itemId = (*it).intValue;
- }
- const ItemType& it = Item::items[npcState->itemId];
- if( != 0){
- int32_t subType = -1;
- if(it.hasSubType()){
- subType = npcState->subType;
- }
- uint32_t itemCount = player->__getItemTypeCount(itemId, subType);
- if(itemCount >= npcState->amount){
- g_game.removeItemOfType(player, itemId, npcState->amount, subType);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- int32_t itemId = 0;
- if((*it).strValue == "|ITEM|"){
- itemId = npcState->itemId;
- }
- else{
- itemId = (*it).intValue;
- }
- const ItemType& it = Item::items[itemId];
- if( != 0){
- int32_t subType = -1;
- if(it.hasSubType()){
- subType = npcState->subType;
- }
- for(int32_t i = 0; i < npcState->amount; ++i){
- Item* item = Item::CreateItem(, subType);
- if(g_game.internalPlayerAddItem(player, item) != RET_NOERROR){
- delete item;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- uint32_t moneyCount = 0;
- if((*it).strValue == "|PRICE|"){
- moneyCount = npcState->price * npcState->amount;
- }
- else{
- moneyCount = (*it).intValue;
- }
- g_game.removeMoney(player, moneyCount);
- break;
- }
- {
- uint32_t moneyCount = 0;
- if((*it).strValue == "|PRICE|"){
- moneyCount = npcState->price * npcState->amount;
- }
- else{
- moneyCount = (*it).intValue;
- }
- g_game.addMoney(player, moneyCount);
- break;
- }
- {
- NpcScriptInterface scriptInterface;
- if(scriptInterface.reserveScriptEnv()){
- ScriptEnviroment* env = m_scriptInterface->getScriptEnv();
- std::stringstream scriptstream;
- //attach various variables that could be interesting
- scriptstream << "cid = " << env->addThing(player) << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "text = \"" << npcState->respondToText << "\"" << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "name = \"" << player->getName() << "\"" << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "idletime = " << idleTime << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "idleinterval = " << idleInterval << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "itemlist = {" << std::endl;
- uint32_t n = 0;
- for(std::list<ListItem>::const_iterator iit = response->prop.itemList.begin(); iit != response->prop.itemList.end(); ++iit){
- bool adddelim = (n + 1 != response->prop.itemList.size());
- scriptstream << "{id = " << iit->itemId
- << ", subtype = " << iit->subType
- << ", buy=" << iit->buyPrice
- << ", sell=" << iit->sellPrice << "}";
- if(adddelim){
- scriptstream << "," << std::endl;
- }
- ++n;
- }
- scriptstream << "}" << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "_state = {" << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "topic = " << npcState->topic << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "itemid = " << npcState->itemId << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "subtype = " << npcState->subType << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "amount = " << npcState->amount << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "price = " << npcState->price << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "level = " << npcState->level << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "spellname = \"" << npcState->spellName << "\"" << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "listname = \"" << npcState->listName << "\"" << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "listpname = \"" << npcState->listPluralName << "\"" << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "n1 = " << npcState->scriptVars.n1 << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "n2 = " << npcState->scriptVars.n2 << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "n3 = " << npcState->scriptVars.n3 << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "b1 = " << (npcState->scriptVars.b1 ? "true" : "false" ) << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "b2 = " << (npcState->scriptVars.b2 ? "true" : "false" ) << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "b3 = " << (npcState->scriptVars.b3 ? "true" : "false" ) << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "s1 = \"" << npcState->scriptVars.s1 << "\"" << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "s2 = \"" << npcState->scriptVars.s2 << "\"" << ',' << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "s3 = \"" << npcState->scriptVars.s3 << "\"" << std::endl;
- scriptstream << "}" << std::endl;
- scriptstream << (*it).strValue;
- //std::cout << scriptstream.str() << std::endl;
- if(scriptInterface.loadBuffer(scriptstream.str(), this) != -1){
- lua_State* L = scriptInterface.getLuaState();
- lua_getglobal(L, "_state");
- NpcScriptInterface::popState(L, npcState);
- }
- scriptInterface.releaseScriptEnv();
- }
- break;
- }
- default: break;
- }
- }
- /*
- if(npcState.amount == 0){
- npcState.amount = player->__getItemTypeCount(npcState.itemId);
- }
- */
- if(response->getResponseType() == RESPONSE_DEFAULT){
- std::string responseString = formatResponse(player, npcState, response);
- if(!responseString.empty()){
- g_game.internalCreatureSay(this, SPEAK_SAY, responseString);
- }
- }
- else{
- int32_t functionId = -1;
- ResponseScriptMap::iterator it = responseScriptMap.find(response->getText());
- if(it != responseScriptMap.end()){
- functionId = it->second;
- }
- else{
- functionId = m_scriptInterface->getEvent(response->getText());
- responseScriptMap[response->getText()] = functionId;
- }
- if(functionId != -1){
- if(m_scriptInterface->reserveScriptEnv()){
- ScriptEnviroment* env = m_scriptInterface->getScriptEnv();
- std::stringstream desc;
- desc << "npc " << m_npc->getName();
- env->setEventDesc(desc.str());
- #endif
- lua_State* L = m_scriptInterface->getLuaState();
- env->setScriptId(functionId, m_scriptInterface);
- Npc* prevNpc = env->getNpc();
- env->setRealPos(getPosition());
- env->setNpc(this);
- m_scriptInterface->pushFunction(functionId);
- int32_t paramCount = 0;
- for(ActionList::const_iterator it = response->getFirstAction(); it != response->getEndAction(); ++it){
- if((*it).actionType == ACTION_SCRIPTPARAM){
- if((*it).strValue == "|PLAYER|"){
- uint32_t cid = env->addThing(player);
- lua_pushnumber(L, cid);
- }
- else if((*it).strValue == "|TEXT|"){
- lua_pushstring(L, npcState->respondToText.c_str());
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "Warning [Npc::executeResponse] Unknown script param: " << (*it).strValue << std::endl;
- break;
- }
- ++paramCount;
- }
- }
- NpcScriptInterface::pushState(L, npcState);
- lua_setglobal(L, "_state");
- m_scriptInterface->callFunction(paramCount);
- lua_getglobal(L, "_state");
- NpcScriptInterface::popState(L, npcState);
- if(prevNpc){
- env->setRealPos(prevNpc->getPosition());
- env->setNpc(prevNpc);
- }
- m_scriptInterface->releaseScriptEnv();
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "[Error] Call stack overflow." << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- if(resetTopic && response->getTopic() == npcState->topic){
- npcState->topic = -1;
- }
- npcState->prevInteraction = OTSYS_TIME();
- }
- }
- void Npc::doSay(std::string msg)
- {
- g_game.internalCreatureSay(this, SPEAK_SAY, msg);
- }
- void Npc::doMove(Direction dir)
- {
- g_game.internalMoveCreature(this, dir);
- }
- void Npc::doTurn(Direction dir)
- {
- g_game.internalCreatureTurn(this, dir);
- }
- bool Npc::getNextStep(Direction& dir)
- {
- if(Creature::getNextStep(dir)){
- return true;
- }
- if(walkTicks <= 0){
- return false;
- }
- if(!isIdle || focusCreature != 0){
- return false;
- }
- if(getTimeSinceLastMove() < walkTicks){
- return false;
- }
- return getRandomStep(dir);
- }
- bool Npc::canWalkTo(const Position& fromPos, Direction dir)
- {
- Position toPos = fromPos;
- switch(dir){
- case NORTH:
- toPos.y -= 1;
- break;
- case SOUTH:
- toPos.y += 1;
- break;
- case WEST:
- toPos.x -= 1;
- break;
- case EAST:
- toPos.x += 1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- bool result = Spawns::getInstance()->isInZone(masterPos, masterRadius, toPos);
- if(!result){
- return false;
- }
- Tile* tile = g_game.getTile(toPos.x, toPos.y, toPos.z);
- if(!tile || tile->__queryAdd(0, this, 1, 0) != RET_NOERROR){
- return false;
- }
- if(!floorChange && (tile->floorChange() || tile->getTeleportItem())){
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool Npc::getRandomStep(Direction& dir)
- {
- std::vector<Direction> dirList;
- const Position& creaturePos = getPosition();
- if(canWalkTo(creaturePos, NORTH)){
- dirList.push_back(NORTH);
- }
- if(canWalkTo(creaturePos, SOUTH)){
- dirList.push_back(SOUTH);
- }
- if(canWalkTo(creaturePos, EAST)){
- dirList.push_back(EAST);
- }
- if(canWalkTo(creaturePos, WEST)){
- dirList.push_back(WEST);
- }
- if(!dirList.empty()){
- std::random_shuffle(dirList.begin(), dirList.end());
- dir = dirList[random_range(0, dirList.size() - 1)];
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void Npc::doMoveTo(Position target)
- {
- std::list<Direction> listDir;
- if(!g_game.getPathToEx(this, target, listDir, 1, 1, true, true)){
- return;
- }
- startAutoWalk(listDir);
- }
- void Npc::setCreatureFocus(Creature* creature)
- {
- if(creature){
- focusCreature = creature->getID();
- const Position& creaturePos = creature->getPosition();
- const Position& myPos = getPosition();
- int32_t dx = myPos.x - creaturePos.x;
- int32_t dy = myPos.y - creaturePos.y;
- Direction dir = SOUTH;
- float tan = 0;
- if(dx != 0){
- tan = dy/dx;
- }
- else{
- tan = 10;
- }
- if(std::abs(tan) < 1){
- if(dx > 0){
- dir = WEST;
- }
- else{
- dir = EAST;
- }
- }
- else{
- if(dy > 0){
- dir = NORTH;
- }
- else{
- dir = SOUTH;
- }
- }
- g_game.internalCreatureTurn(this, dir);
- }
- else{
- focusCreature = 0;
- }
- }
- const NpcResponse* Npc::getResponse(const ResponseList& list, const Player* player,
- NpcState* npcState, const std::string& text, bool exactMatch /*= false*/)
- {
- std::string textString = asLowerCaseString(text);
- std::vector<std::string> wordList = explodeString(textString, " ");
- NpcResponse* response = NULL;
- int32_t bestMatchCount = 0;
- int32_t totalMatchCount = 0;
- for(ResponseList::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it){
- int32_t matchCount = 0;
- if((*it)->getParams() != RESPOND_DEFAULT){
- uint32_t params = (*it)->getParams();
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_MALE, params)){
- if(!player->getSex() == PLAYERSEX_MALE){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_FEMALE, params)){
- if(!player->getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_PZBLOCK, params)){
- if(!player->isPzLocked()){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_PREMIUM, params)){
- if(!player->isPremium()){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_DRUID, params)){
- if(player->getVocationId() != VOCATION_DRUID){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_KNIGHT, params)){
- if(player->getVocationId() != VOCATION_KNIGHT){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_PALADIN, params)){
- if(player->getVocationId() != VOCATION_PALADIN){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_SORCERER, params)){
- if(player->getVocationId() != VOCATION_SORCERER){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_LOWLEVEL, params)){
- if(player->getLevel() > npcState->level){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_LOWMONEY, params)){
- uint32_t moneyCount = g_game.getMoney(player);
- if(moneyCount >= npcState->price){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_LOWAMOUNT, params) || hasBitSet(RESPOND_NOAMOUNT, params)){
- uint32_t itemCount = player->__getItemTypeCount(npcState->itemId);
- if(itemCount >= npcState->amount){
- continue;
- }
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_LOWAMOUNT, params)){
- if(npcState->amount == 1){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if(hasBitSet(RESPOND_NOAMOUNT, params)){
- if(npcState->amount > 1){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- }
- }
- if((*it)->getKnowSpell() != ""){
- std::string spellName = (*it)->getKnowSpell();
- if(spellName == "|SPELL|"){
- spellName = npcState->spellName;
- }
- if(!player->hasLearnedInstantSpell(spellName)){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if((*it)->scriptVars.b1){
- if(!npcState->scriptVars.b1){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if((*it)->scriptVars.b2){
- if(!npcState->scriptVars.b2){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if((*it)->scriptVars.b3){
- if(!npcState->scriptVars.b3){
- continue;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if((*it)->getStorageId() != -1){
- int32_t playerStorageValue = -1;
- if(!player->getStorageValue((*it)->getStorageId(), playerStorageValue)){
- playerStorageValue = -1;
- }
- int32_t storageValue = (*it)->getStorageValue();
- StorageComparision_t comp = (*it)->getStorageComp();
- switch(comp){
- {
- if(playerStorageValue >= storageValue){
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(playerStorageValue > storageValue){
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(playerStorageValue != storageValue){
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(playerStorageValue < storageValue){
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(playerStorageValue <= storageValue){
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- default: break;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- }
- if((*it)->getInteractType() == INTERACT_TEXT || (*it)->getFocusState() != -1){
- if(npcState->isIdle && (*it)->getFocusState() != 1){
- //We are idle, and this response does not activate the npc.
- continue;
- }
- if(!npcState->isIdle && (*it)->getFocusState() == 1){
- //We are not idle, and this response would activate us again.
- continue;
- }
- }
- if(npcState->topic == -1 && (*it)->getTopic() != -1){
- //Not the right topic
- continue;
- }
- if(npcState->topic != -1 && npcState->topic == (*it)->getTopic()){
- //Topic is right
- matchCount += 1000;
- }
- if((*it)->getInteractType() == INTERACT_EVENT){
- if((*it)->getInputText() == asLowerCaseString(text)){
- ++matchCount;
- }
- else{
- matchCount = 0;
- }
- }
- else if((*it)->getInteractType() == INTERACT_TEXT){
- int32_t matchAllCount = 0; //Contains the number of keywords that where matched
- int32_t totalKeywordCount = 0; //Contains the total number of keywords that where being compared
- int32_t matchWordCount = getMatchCount(*it, wordList, exactMatch, matchAllCount, totalKeywordCount);
- if(matchWordCount> 0){
- //Remove points for |*| matches
- matchWordCount -= matchAllCount;
- //Remove points for not full match
- matchWordCount -= (totalKeywordCount - matchAllCount - matchWordCount);
- //Total "points" for this response, word matches are worth more
- matchCount += matchWordCount * 100000;
- }
- else{
- matchCount = 0;
- }
- }
- if(matchCount > bestMatchCount){
- totalMatchCount = 0;
- response = (*it);
- bestMatchCount = matchCount;
- //std::cout << "Found response string: " << response->getText() << ", keyword: " << response->getInputText() << std::endl;
- }
- else if(bestMatchCount > 0 && matchCount == bestMatchCount){
- ++totalMatchCount;
- }
- }
- if(totalMatchCount > 1){
- return NULL;
- }
- return response;
- }
- uint32_t Npc::getMatchCount(NpcResponse* response, std::vector<std::string> wordList,
- bool exactMatch, int32_t& matchAllCount, int32_t& totalKeywordCount)
- {
- matchAllCount = 0;
- totalKeywordCount = 0;
- int32_t bestMatchCount = 0;
- const std::list<std::string>& inputList = response->getInputList();
- for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = inputList.begin(); it != inputList.end(); ++it){
- int32_t matchCount = 0;
- std::vector<std::string>::iterator lastWordMatchIter = wordList.begin();
- std::string keywords = (*it);
- std::vector<std::string> keywordList = explodeString(keywords, ";");
- for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator keyIter = keywordList.begin(); keyIter != keywordList.end(); ++keyIter){
- if(!exactMatch && (*keyIter) == "|*|"){
- //Match anything.
- matchAllCount++;
- }
- else if((*keyIter) == "|amount|"){
- //TODO: Should iterate through each word until a number or a new keyword is found.
- int32_t amount = atoi((*lastWordMatchIter).c_str());
- if(amount > 0){
- response->setAmount(amount);
- }
- else{
- response->setAmount(1);
- continue;
- }
- }
- else{
- std::vector<std::string>::iterator wordIter = wordList.end();
- for(wordIter = lastWordMatchIter; wordIter != wordList.end(); ++wordIter){
- size_t pos = (*wordIter).find_first_of("!\"#�%&/()=?`{[]}\\^*><,.-_'~");
- if(pos == std::string::npos){
- pos = 0;
- }
- if((*wordIter).find((*keyIter), pos) == pos){
- break;
- }
- }
- if(wordIter == wordList.end()){
- continue;
- }
- lastWordMatchIter = wordIter + 1;
- }
- ++matchCount;
- if(matchCount > bestMatchCount){
- bestMatchCount = matchCount;
- totalKeywordCount = keywordList.size();
- }
- if(lastWordMatchIter == wordList.end()){
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return bestMatchCount;
- }
- const NpcResponse* Npc::getResponse(const Player* player, NpcState* npcState, const std::string& text)
- {
- return getResponse(responseList, player, npcState, text);
- }
- const NpcResponse* Npc::getResponse(const Player* player, NpcEvent_t eventType)
- {
- std::string eventName = getEventResponseName(eventType);
- if(eventName.empty()){
- return NULL;
- }
- std::vector<NpcResponse*> result;
- for(ResponseList::const_iterator it = responseList.begin(); it != responseList.end(); ++it){
- if((*it)->getInteractType() == INTERACT_EVENT){
- if((*it)->getInputText() == asLowerCaseString(eventName)){
- result.push_back(*it);
- }
- }
- }
- if(result.empty()){
- return NULL;
- }
- return result[random_range(0, result.size() - 1)];
- }
- const NpcResponse* Npc::getResponse(const Player* player, NpcState* npcState, NpcEvent_t eventType)
- {
- std::string eventName = getEventResponseName(eventType);
- if(eventName.empty()){
- return NULL;
- }
- return getResponse(responseList, player, npcState, eventName, true);
- }
- std::string Npc::getEventResponseName(NpcEvent_t eventType)
- {
- switch(eventType){
- case EVENT_BUSY: return "onBusy"; break;
- case EVENT_THINK: return "onThink"; break;
- case EVENT_IDLE: return "onIdle"; break;
- case EVENT_PLAYER_ENTER: return "onPlayerEnter"; break;
- case EVENT_PLAYER_MOVE: return "onPlayerMove"; break;
- case EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE: return "onPlayerLeave"; break;
- default: return ""; break;
- }
- return "";
- }
- std::string Npc::formatResponse(Creature* creature, const NpcState* npcState, const NpcResponse* response) const
- {
- std::string responseString = response->getText();
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << npcState->price * npcState->amount;
- replaceString(responseString, "|PRICE|", ss.str());
- ss.str("");
- ss << npcState->amount;
- replaceString(responseString, "|AMOUNT|", ss.str());
- ss.str("");
- ss << npcState->level;
- replaceString(responseString, "|LEVEL|", ss.str());
- ss.str("");
- ss << npcState->scriptVars.n1;
- replaceString(responseString, "|N1|", ss.str());
- ss.str("");
- ss << npcState->scriptVars.n2;
- replaceString(responseString, "|N2|", ss.str());
- ss.str("");
- ss << npcState->scriptVars.n3;
- replaceString(responseString, "|N3|", ss.str());
- replaceString(responseString, "|S1|", npcState->scriptVars.s1);
- replaceString(responseString, "|S2|", npcState->scriptVars.s2);
- replaceString(responseString, "|S3|", npcState->scriptVars.s3);
- ss.str("");
- if(npcState->itemId != -1){
- const ItemType& it = Item::items[npcState->itemId];
- if(npcState->amount <= 1){
- ss << it.article + " " +;
- replaceString(responseString, "|ITEMNAME|", ss.str());
- }
- else{
- ss << it.pluralName;
- replaceString(responseString, "|ITEMNAME|", ss.str());
- }
- }
- replaceString(responseString, "|NAME|", creature->getName());
- replaceString(responseString, "|NPCNAME|", getName());
- return responseString;
- }
- NpcScriptInterface* Npc::getScriptInterface()
- {
- return m_scriptInterface;
- }
- NpcScriptInterface::NpcScriptInterface() :
- LuaScriptInterface("Npc interface")
- {
- m_libLoaded = false;
- initState();
- }
- NpcScriptInterface::~NpcScriptInterface()
- {
- //
- }
- bool NpcScriptInterface::initState()
- {
- return LuaScriptInterface::initState();
- }
- bool NpcScriptInterface::closeState()
- {
- m_libLoaded = false;
- return LuaScriptInterface::closeState();
- }
- bool NpcScriptInterface::loadNpcLib(std::string file)
- {
- if(m_libLoaded)
- return true;
- if(loadFile(file) == -1){
- std::cout << "Warning: [NpcScriptInterface::loadNpcLib] Can not load " << file << std::endl;
- return false;
- }
- m_libLoaded = true;
- return true;
- }
- void NpcScriptInterface::registerFunctions()
- {
- LuaScriptInterface::registerFunctions();
- //npc exclusive functions
- lua_register(m_luaState, "selfSay", NpcScriptInterface::luaActionSay);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "selfMove", NpcScriptInterface::luaActionMove);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "selfMoveTo", NpcScriptInterface::luaActionMoveTo);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "selfTurn", NpcScriptInterface::luaActionTurn);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "selfFollow", NpcScriptInterface::luaActionFollow);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "selfGetPosition", NpcScriptInterface::luaSelfGetPos);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "creatureGetName", NpcScriptInterface::luaCreatureGetName);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "creatureGetName2", NpcScriptInterface::luaCreatureGetName2);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "creatureGetPosition", NpcScriptInterface::luaCreatureGetPos);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "getDistanceTo", NpcScriptInterface::luagetDistanceTo);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "doNpcSetCreatureFocus", NpcScriptInterface::luaSetNpcFocus);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "getNpcCid", NpcScriptInterface::luaGetNpcCid);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "getNpcPos", NpcScriptInterface::luaGetNpcPos);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "getNpcState", NpcScriptInterface::luaGetNpcState);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "setNpcState", NpcScriptInterface::luaSetNpcState);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "getNpcName", NpcScriptInterface::luaGetNpcName);
- lua_register(m_luaState, "getNpcParameter", NpcScriptInterface::luaGetNpcParameter);
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaCreatureGetName2(lua_State *L)
- {
- //creatureGetName2(name) - returns creature id
- popString(L);
- reportErrorFunc("Deprecated function.");
- lua_pushnil(L);
- return 1;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaCreatureGetName(lua_State *L)
- {
- //creatureGetName(cid)
- popNumber(L);
- reportErrorFunc("Deprecated function. Use getCreatureName");
- lua_pushstring(L, "");
- return 1;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaCreatureGetPos(lua_State *L)
- {
- //creatureGetPosition(cid)
- popNumber(L);
- reportErrorFunc("Deprecated function. Use getCreaturePosition");
- lua_pushnil(L);
- lua_pushnil(L);
- lua_pushnil(L);
- return 3;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaSelfGetPos(lua_State *L)
- {
- //selfGetPosition()
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(npc){
- Position pos = npc->getPosition();
- lua_pushnumber(L, pos.x);
- lua_pushnumber(L, pos.y);
- lua_pushnumber(L, pos.z);
- }
- else{
- lua_pushnil(L);
- lua_pushnil(L);
- lua_pushnil(L);
- }
- return 3;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaActionSay(lua_State* L)
- {
- //selfSay(words)
- std::string msg(popString(L));
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(npc){
- npc->doSay(msg);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaActionMove(lua_State* L)
- {
- //selfMove(direction)
- Direction dir = (Direction)popNumber(L);
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(npc){
- npc->doMove(dir);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaActionMoveTo(lua_State* L)
- {
- //selfMoveTo(x,y,z)
- Position target;
- target.z = (int)popNumber(L);
- target.y = (int)popNumber(L);
- target.x = (int)popNumber(L);
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(npc){
- npc->doMoveTo(target);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaActionTurn(lua_State* L)
- {
- //selfTurn(direction)
- Direction dir = (Direction)popNumber(L);
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(npc){
- npc->doTurn(dir);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaActionFollow(lua_State* L)
- {
- //selfFollow(cid)
- uint32_t cid = popNumber(L);
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(cid);
- if(cid != 0 && !player){
- lua_pushboolean(L, false);
- return 1;
- }
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(!npc){
- lua_pushboolean(L, false);
- return 1;
- }
- bool result = npc->setFollowCreature(player, true);
- lua_pushboolean(L, result);
- return 1;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luagetDistanceTo(lua_State *L)
- {
- //getDistanceTo(uid)
- uint32_t uid = popNumber(L);
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- Thing* thing = env->getThingByUID(uid);
- if(thing && npc){
- Position thing_pos = thing->getPosition();
- Position npc_pos = npc->getPosition();
- if(npc_pos.z != thing_pos.z){
- lua_pushnumber(L, -1);
- }
- else{
- int32_t dist = std::max(std::abs(npc_pos.x - thing_pos.x), std::abs(npc_pos.y - thing_pos.y));
- lua_pushnumber(L, dist);
- }
- }
- else{
- reportErrorFunc(getErrorDesc(LUA_ERROR_THING_NOT_FOUND));
- lua_pushnil(L);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaSetNpcFocus(lua_State *L)
- {
- //doNpcSetCreatureFocus(cid)
- uint32_t cid = popNumber(L);
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(npc){
- Creature* creature = env->getCreatureByUID(cid);
- if(creature){
- npc->hasScriptedFocus = true;
- }
- else{
- npc->hasScriptedFocus = false;
- }
- npc->setCreatureFocus(creature);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaGetNpcPos(lua_State* L)
- {
- //getNpcPos()
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- Position pos(0, 0, 0);
- uint32_t stackpos = 0;
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(npc){
- pos = npc->getPosition();
- stackpos = npc->getParent()->__getIndexOfThing(npc);
- }
- pushPosition(L, pos, stackpos);
- return 1;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaGetNpcState(lua_State* L)
- {
- //getNpcState(cid)
- uint32_t cid = popNumber(L);
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- const Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(cid);
- if(!player){
- lua_pushnil(L);
- return 1;
- }
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(!npc){
- lua_pushnil(L);
- return 1;
- }
- NpcState* state = npc->getState(player);
- NpcScriptInterface::pushState(L, state);
- return 1;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaSetNpcState(lua_State* L)
- {
- //setNpcState(state, cid)
- uint32_t cid = popNumber(L);
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- const Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(cid);
- if(!player){
- lua_pushnil(L);
- return 1;
- }
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(!npc){
- lua_pushboolean(L, false);
- return 1;
- }
- NpcState* state = npc->getState(player);
- NpcScriptInterface::popState(L, state);
- lua_pushboolean(L, true);
- return 1;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaGetNpcCid(lua_State* L)
- {
- //getNpcCid()
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(npc){
- uint32_t cid = env->addThing(npc);
- lua_pushnumber(L, cid);
- }
- else{
- lua_pushnil(L);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaGetNpcName(lua_State* L)
- {
- //getNpcName()
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(npc){
- lua_pushstring(L, npc->getName().c_str());
- }
- else{
- lua_pushstring(L, "");
- }
- return 1;
- }
- int NpcScriptInterface::luaGetNpcParameter(lua_State *L)
- {
- //getNpcParameter(paramKey)
- std::string paramKey = popString(L);
- ScriptEnviroment* env = getScriptEnv();
- Npc* npc = env->getNpc();
- if(npc){
- Npc::ParametersMap::iterator it = npc->m_parameters.find(paramKey);
- if(it != npc->m_parameters.end()){
- lua_pushstring(L, it->second.c_str());
- }
- else{
- lua_pushnil(L);
- }
- }
- else{
- lua_pushnil(L);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- void NpcScriptInterface::pushState(lua_State *L, NpcState* state)
- {
- lua_newtable(L);
- setField(L, "price", state->price);
- setField(L, "amount", state->amount);
- setField(L, "itemid", state->itemId);
- setField(L, "subtype", state->subType);
- setField(L, "topic", state->topic);
- setField(L, "level", state->level);
- setField(L, "spellname", state->spellName);
- setField(L, "listname", state->listName);
- setField(L, "listpname", state->listPluralName);
- setFieldBool(L, "isidle", state->isIdle);
- setField(L, "n1", state->scriptVars.n1);
- setField(L, "n2", state->scriptVars.n2);
- setField(L, "n3", state->scriptVars.n3);
- setFieldBool(L, "b1", state->scriptVars.b1);
- setFieldBool(L, "b2", state->scriptVars.b2);
- setFieldBool(L, "b3", state->scriptVars.b3);
- setField(L, "s1", state->scriptVars.s1);
- setField(L, "s2", state->scriptVars.s2);
- setField(L, "s3", state->scriptVars.s3);
- }
- void NpcScriptInterface::popState(lua_State *L, NpcState* &state)
- {
- state->price = getField(L, "price");
- state->amount = getField(L, "amount");
- state->itemId = getField(L, "itemid");
- state->subType = getField(L, "subtype");
- state->topic = getField(L, "topic");
- state->level = getField(L, "level");
- state->spellName = getFieldString(L, "spellname");
- state->listName = getFieldString(L, "listname");
- state->listPluralName = getFieldString(L, "listpname");
- state->isIdle = getFieldBool(L, "isidle");
- state->scriptVars.n1 = getField(L, "n1");
- state->scriptVars.n2 = getField(L, "n2");
- state->scriptVars.n3 = getField(L, "n3");
- state->scriptVars.b1 = getFieldBool(L, "b1");
- state->scriptVars.b2 = getFieldBool(L, "b2");
- state->scriptVars.n3 = getFieldBool(L, "b3");
- state->scriptVars.s1 = getFieldString(L, "s1");
- state->scriptVars.s2 = getFieldString(L, "s2");
- state->scriptVars.s3 = getFieldString(L, "s3");
- }
- NpcEventsHandler::NpcEventsHandler(Npc* npc)
- {
- m_npc = npc;
- m_loaded = false;
- }
- NpcEventsHandler::~NpcEventsHandler()
- {
- //
- }
- bool NpcEventsHandler::isLoaded()
- {
- return m_loaded;
- }
- NpcScript::NpcScript(std::string file, Npc* npc) :
- NpcEventsHandler(npc)
- {
- m_scriptInterface = npc->getScriptInterface();
- if(m_scriptInterface->loadFile(file, npc) == -1){
- std::cout << "Warning: [NpcScript::NpcScript] Can not load script. " << file << std::endl;
- std::cout << m_scriptInterface->getLastLuaError() << std::endl;
- m_loaded = false;
- return;
- }
- m_onCreatureSay = m_scriptInterface->getEvent("onCreatureSay");
- m_onCreatureDisappear = m_scriptInterface->getEvent("onCreatureDisappear");
- m_onCreatureAppear = m_scriptInterface->getEvent("onCreatureAppear");
- m_onCreatureMove = m_scriptInterface->getEvent("onCreatureMove");
- m_onThink = m_scriptInterface->getEvent("onThink");
- m_loaded = true;
- }
- NpcScript::~NpcScript()
- {
- //
- }
- void NpcScript::onCreatureAppear(const Creature* creature)
- {
- if(m_onCreatureAppear == -1){
- return;
- }
- //onCreatureAppear(creature)
- if(m_scriptInterface->reserveScriptEnv()){
- ScriptEnviroment* env = m_scriptInterface->getScriptEnv();
- std::stringstream desc;
- desc << "npc " << m_npc->getName();
- env->setEventDesc(desc.str());
- #endif
- lua_State* L = m_scriptInterface->getLuaState();
- env->setScriptId(m_onCreatureAppear, m_scriptInterface);
- env->setRealPos(m_npc->getPosition());
- env->setNpc(m_npc);
- uint32_t cid = env->addThing(const_cast<Creature*>(creature));
- m_scriptInterface->pushFunction(m_onCreatureAppear);
- lua_pushnumber(L, cid);
- m_scriptInterface->callFunction(1);
- m_scriptInterface->releaseScriptEnv();
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "[Error] Call stack overflow. NpcScript::onCreatureAppear" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- void NpcScript::onCreatureDisappear(const Creature* creature)
- {
- if(m_onCreatureDisappear == -1){
- return;
- }
- //onCreatureDisappear(id)
- if(m_scriptInterface->reserveScriptEnv()){
- ScriptEnviroment* env = m_scriptInterface->getScriptEnv();
- std::stringstream desc;
- desc << "npc " << m_npc->getName();
- env->setEventDesc(desc.str());
- #endif
- lua_State* L = m_scriptInterface->getLuaState();
- env->setScriptId(m_onCreatureDisappear, m_scriptInterface);
- env->setRealPos(m_npc->getPosition());
- env->setNpc(m_npc);
- uint32_t cid = env->addThing(const_cast<Creature*>(creature));
- m_scriptInterface->pushFunction(m_onCreatureDisappear);
- lua_pushnumber(L, cid);
- m_scriptInterface->callFunction(1);
- m_scriptInterface->releaseScriptEnv();
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "[Error] Call stack overflow. NpcScript::onCreatureDisappear" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- void NpcScript::onCreatureMove(const Creature* creature, const Position& oldPos, const Position& newPos)
- {
- if(m_onCreatureMove == -1){
- return;
- }
- //onCreatureMove(creature, oldPos, newPos)
- if(m_scriptInterface->reserveScriptEnv()){
- ScriptEnviroment* env = m_scriptInterface->getScriptEnv();
- std::stringstream desc;
- desc << "npc " << m_npc->getName();
- env->setEventDesc(desc.str());
- #endif
- lua_State* L = m_scriptInterface->getLuaState();
- env->setScriptId(m_onCreatureMove, m_scriptInterface);
- env->setRealPos(m_npc->getPosition());
- env->setNpc(m_npc);
- uint32_t cid = env->addThing(const_cast<Creature*>(creature));
- m_scriptInterface->pushFunction(m_onCreatureMove);
- lua_pushnumber(L, cid);
- LuaScriptInterface::pushPosition(L, oldPos, 0);
- LuaScriptInterface::pushPosition(L, newPos, 0);
- m_scriptInterface->callFunction(3);
- m_scriptInterface->releaseScriptEnv();
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "[Error] Call stack overflow. NpcScript::onCreatureMove" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- void NpcScript::onCreatureSay(const Creature* creature, SpeakClasses type, const std::string& text)
- {
- if(m_onCreatureSay == -1){
- return;
- }
- //onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)
- if(m_scriptInterface->reserveScriptEnv()){
- ScriptEnviroment* env = m_scriptInterface->getScriptEnv();
- std::stringstream desc;
- desc << "npc " << m_npc->getName();
- env->setEventDesc(desc.str());
- #endif
- env->setScriptId(m_onCreatureSay, m_scriptInterface);
- env->setRealPos(m_npc->getPosition());
- env->setNpc(m_npc);
- uint32_t cid = env->addThing(const_cast<Creature*>(creature));
- lua_State* L = m_scriptInterface->getLuaState();
- m_scriptInterface->pushFunction(m_onCreatureSay);
- lua_pushnumber(L, cid);
- lua_pushnumber(L, type);
- lua_pushstring(L, text.c_str());
- m_scriptInterface->callFunction(3);
- m_scriptInterface->releaseScriptEnv();
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "[Error] Call stack overflow. NpcScript::onCreatureSay" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- void NpcScript::onThink()
- {
- if(m_onThink == -1){
- return;
- }
- //onThink()
- if(m_scriptInterface->reserveScriptEnv()){
- ScriptEnviroment* env = m_scriptInterface->getScriptEnv();
- std::stringstream desc;
- desc << "npc " << m_npc->getName();
- env->setEventDesc(desc.str());
- #endif
- env->setScriptId(m_onThink, m_scriptInterface);
- env->setRealPos(m_npc->getPosition());
- env->setNpc(m_npc);
- m_scriptInterface->pushFunction(m_onThink);
- m_scriptInterface->callFunction(0);
- m_scriptInterface->releaseScriptEnv();
- }
- else{
- std::cout << "[Error] Call stack overflow. NpcScript::onThink" << std::endl;
- }
- }
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