

Nov 7th, 2018
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  1. Let's make a game!
  2. name:Julivert Barberà
  3. by:Kevin
  4. desc:Pos eso
  5. created:7/11/2018
  6. updated:7/11/2018
  7. version:3
  9. Settings
  10. background:
  11. building cost increase:115%
  12. building cost refund:50%
  13. spritesheet:icons, 48 by 48, stuff/bunnyIcons.png
  14. stylesheet:stuff/bigBlue.css
  16. Layout
  17. use default
  19. Buttons
  20. *botoJ
  21. name:Julivert
  22. desc:Clica per a recollir Julivert
  23. on click:anim icon wobble
  24. on click:yield 1 julivert
  25. on click:if (have ugoldentouch and chance(1%)) yield 1 goldenJ
  26. icon:
  27. on click:if (have ugoldentouch2 and chance(2%)) yield 2 goldenJ
  28. on click:if (have ugoldentouch3 and chance(3%)) yield 3 goldenJ
  29. on click:if (have ugoldentouch4 and chance(4%)) yield 4 goldenJ
  30. no text
  31. class:bigButton hasFlares
  32. icon class:shadowed
  33. tooltip origin:bottom
  34. tooltip class:red
  36. Resources
  37. *julivert|j
  38. name:Julivert|Juliverts
  39. desc:Això és lo teu Julivert. Utilitzau per a comprar i aconseguix-ne el màxim possible!
  40. icon:
  41. class:noBackground
  42. show earned
  44. *goldenJ|goldenJulivert|gj
  45. name:Julivert d'Or|Juliverts d'Or
  46. desc:Estos brillants Juliverts d'Or són super extranys! Extremadament bons i valuosos!
  47. icon:
  48. class:noBackground
  49. show earned
  51. *porros|p
  52. name:Porro|Porros
  53. desc:Porrets de marihuana de la bona! De normal s'utilitza pa motivar treballadors.
  54. icon:
  55. class:noBackground
  56. show earned
  58. *ron|r
  59. name:Ron Barbeló
  60. desc:Una brillant producció de Ron Anyec.
  61. icon:
  62. class:noBackground
  63. show earned
  66. Shinies
  67. *luckyJosep
  68. name:Barberà de la sort!
  69. on click:yield (random(10,100)) j
  70. movement:anywhere fade bounce moveRandom
  71. icon:
  72. class:bigButton
  73. frequency:30
  74. frequency variation:30
  75. duration:5
  77. *goldenluckyJosep
  78. name:Barberà de la sort dorat!
  79. on click:yield 1 gj
  80. movement:onRight moveLeft fade bounce:0.05
  81. icon:
  82. class:bigButton
  83. frequency:30
  84. frequency variation:30
  85. duration:5
  87. /*
  88. *luckyBunny
  89. on click:log Woop
  90. movement:onRight moveLeft fade bounce:0.05
  91. frequency:60
  92. frequency variation:30
  93. icon:stuff/luckyBunny.png
  94. class:bigButton
  95. on click:
  96. $boost=1
  97. if (have clover) $boost=4
  98. if (chance(25%))
  99. //get at least 7, or between 1 and 3 minutes of our bunny production
  100. $amount=max(7,random(bunnies:ps*60*1,bunnies:ps*60*3))*$boost
  101. toast The lucky bunny grants you<//><b>[$amount] bunnies</b>.
  102. yield $amount bunnies
  103. else
  104. $amount=1*$boost
  105. toast The lucky bunny grants you<//><b>[$amount] golden carrot[s?$amount]</b>!
  106. yield $amount goldenCarrot
  107. end
  108. end
  109. */
  111. Buildings
  112. *negre
  113. name:Negre
  114. desc:Un treballador negre normal. Produeix 0.5 Juliverts per segon.
  115. icon:
  116. on tick:yield 0.5 j
  117. cost:20 j
  118. unlocked
  120. *negref
  121. name:Negre Fort
  122. desc:Un treballador negre fort. Produeix 1 Julivert per segon.
  123. icon:
  124. on tick:yield 1 j
  125. cost:150 j
  126. req:50 j:earned
  128. *roy
  129. name:Roy Piñol
  130. desc:Un treballador bastant cheto. Produeix 3 Julivert per segon.
  131. icon:
  132. on tick:yield 3 j
  133. cost:400 j
  134. req:500 j:earned
  136. *sergi
  137. name:Sergi Lopez
  138. desc:Un treballador negre inusual. Produeix 5 Juliverts per segon lo loco.
  139. on tick:yield 5 j
  140. cost:1000 j
  141. req:1500 j:earned
  143. *badbunny
  144. name:Bad Bunny
  145. desc:El conejo malo ve a ajudarte a recollir Julivert! Produeix 7.5 Juliverts per segon.
  146. on tick:yield 7.5 j
  147. cost:3500 j
  148. req:6000 j:earned
  150. *aitor
  151. name:Aitor Nuez
  152. desc:Un treballador bastant vago pero funciona. Produeix 10 Juliverts per segon.
  153. on tick:yield 10 j
  154. cost:8000 j
  155. req:14000 j:earned
  157. *josafe
  158. name:Josafe
  159. desc:Un treballador que lia porrets de Julivert. Produeix 0.1 Porros per segon.
  160. on tick:yield 0.1 p
  161. cost:13000 j
  162. req:20000 j:earned
  164. *cassia
  165. name:Cassià
  166. desc:Avegades derrapa i quan beu se descontrola, pero es bon treballador, produeix 20 Juliverts per segon.
  167. on tick:yield 20 j
  168. cost:17500 j
  169. req:30000 j:earned
  171. *frank
  172. name:Frank
  173. desc:És camarero i no te carnet, però produeix 35 Juliverts per segon lo loco. És un màquina.
  174. on tick:yield 35 j
  175. cost:25000 j
  176. req:50000 j:earned
  178. *miquel
  179. name:Miquel
  180. desc:Avegades pega patades i li fa pudor lo melic. Predueix 50 Juliverts per segon.
  181. on tick:yield 50 j
  182. cost:35000 j, 150 p
  183. req:70000 j:earned
  185. *pau
  186. name:Pau Pastor
  187. desc:Sempre entrenant lo Tren Superior. Si li dones massa porros o Ron Barbeló se descontrola. Produeix 80 Juliverts per segon.
  188. on tick:yield 80 j
  189. cost:55000 j, 25 p
  190. req:100000 j:earned
  192. *rodrigo
  193. name:Rodri
  194. desc:Si lo crides Mocu te fot fora del grup. Produeix 120 Juliverts per segon.
  195. on tick:yield 120 j
  196. cost:90000 j, 300 p
  197. req:200000 j:earned
  199. *dan
  200. name:Dan
  201. desc:Cuidado, solocasionar baralles entre treballadors. Predueix 200 Juliverts per segon.
  202. on tick:yield 200 j
  203. cost:250000 j, 300 p
  204. req:350000 j:earned
  206. *ferry
  207. name:Ferran Roman
  208. desc:Es un ampanat iau. Predueix 0.5 Juliverts d'Or per segon.
  209. on tick:yield 0.5 gj
  210. cost:250000 j, 30 p
  211. req:350000 j:earned
  213. *josepbarbera
  214. name:Josep Barberà
  215. desc:Ja que és un borraxo, sap produir 0.05 unitats de Ron Barbeló cada segon.
  216. on tick:yield 0.05 r
  217. cost:1000000 j, 75 p, 100 gj
  218. req:900000 j:earned
  220. *ferrancliment
  221. name:Ferran Climent
  222. desc:Avegades tira toxos als peus de la gent. Produeix 750 Juliverts per segon.
  223. on tick:yield 750 j
  224. cost:1000000 j, 50 p, 1 r, 100 gj
  225. req:900000 j:earned
  227. *jordi
  228. name:Jordi
  229. desc:Lia porros de julivert a 0.5 Porros per segon!
  230. on tick:yield 0.5 p
  231. cost:2100000 j, 100 p
  232. req:2000000 p:earned
  236. /*
  238. *village|villages
  239. name:Rabbit village|Rabbit villages
  240. desc:Your bunnies are building their own villages now!<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Produces 300 rabbits per second.
  241. icon:icons[3,5]
  242. cost:200000 bunnies, 1 goldenCarrot
  243. on tick:yield 300 bunnies
  244. req:200000 bunnies:earned and independenceDay
  245. cost increase:105%
  246. */
  248. Upgrades
  250. //Clic
  251. *upBarbera1
  252. name:Barberà se cheta!
  253. desc:Barberà se posa calent i recolleix Juliver en les dos mans!
  254. passive:multiply j yield of botoJ by 2
  255. cost:200 j
  257. *upBarbera2
  258. name:Barberà se cheta més!
  259. desc:Barberà se posa molt calent i recolleix Julivert en les dos mans i un peu!!!
  260. passive:increase j yield of botoJ by 1
  261. cost:600 j
  262. req:upBarbera1
  264. *milloraJoseptres
  265. name:Barberà se cheta ancara més!
  266. desc:Barberà se posa molt calent i recolleix Julivert en les dos mans, un peu i la boca!!!
  267. passive:increase j yield of botoJ by 1
  268. cost:2000 j
  269. req:upBarbera2
  271. *upBarbera4
  272. name:Barberà se cheta molt més!
  273. desc:Barberà se posa molt calent i recolleix Julivert en les dos mans, un peu i la boca!!!
  274. passive:increase j yield of botoJ by 1
  275. cost:5000 j, 100 p
  276. req:milloraJoseptres
  278. //Or
  279. *ugoldentouch
  280. name:Toc d'Or I!
  281. desc:L'art de trobar Juliverts fets de metalls preciosos...
  282. icon:
  283. cost:1 goldenJ
  284. req:1 goldenJ:earned
  286. *ugoldentouch2
  287. name:Toc d'Or II!
  288. desc:L'art de trobar Juliverts de metalls preciosos amb més facilitat!
  289. icon:
  290. cost:10 gj
  291. req:ugoldentouch
  293. *ugoldentouch3
  294. name:Toc d'Or III!
  295. desc:L'art de trobar Juliverts de metalls preciosos amb encara més facilitat!
  296. icon:
  297. cost:25 gj
  298. req:ugoldentouch2
  300. *ugoldentouch4
  301. name:Toc d'Or IV!
  302. desc:L'art de trobar Juliverts de metalls preciosos casi perfeccionada!
  303. icon:
  304. cost:100 gj
  305. req:ugoldentouch3
  311. //Shinies
  312. *perBarbera
  313. name:Més Barberà de la sort!
  314. desc:Augmenta la frequencia en que los Barberans de la sort apareixen un 30%!
  315. icon:
  316. passive:multiply frequency of luckyJosep by 0.7
  317. cost:10 gj
  318. req:5 gj
  320. //Treballadors
  321. *buildingUpgrade1
  322. name:Motivació I
  323. desc:Els treballadors negres multipliquen la producció de Julivert per 2!
  324. icon:
  325. cost:10 p
  326. passive:multiply yield of negre by 2
  327. passive:multiply yield of negref by 2
  328. passive:multiply yield of sergi by 2
  329. req:(negre>=10 or negref>=10 or sergi>=10)
  330. //req: 1 josafe
  332. *buildingUpgrade2
  333. name:Motivació II
  334. desc:Roy se fuma un porret de Julivert i multiplica la producció per 3!
  335. cost:50 p
  336. passive:multiply yield of roy by 3
  337. req:buildingUpgrade1
  339. *buildingupgrade3
  340. name:Anar de caseta
  341. desc:Tots los treballadors van de caseta i el resultado te sorprendera.
  342. passive:multiply yield of roy by 2
  343. passive:multiply yield of pau by 2
  344. passive:multiply yield of cassia by 2
  345. passive:multiply yield of josafe by 2
  346. passive:multiply yield of pau by 2
  347. passive:multiply yield of rodrigo by 2
  348. passive:multiply yield of miquel by 2
  349. passive:multiply yield of frank by 2
  350. cost:250000 j, 50 p, 20 gj, 20 r
  351. req:50 r:earned
  353. *buildingUpgrade3
  354. name:Motivació III!
  355. desc:Aitor se fuma un cigarro i multiplica la producció per 2!
  356. passive:multiply yield of aitor by 2
  357. cost:50000 j
  358. req:100000 j:earned
  360. /*
  362. *broccoli
  363. name:Broccoli
  364. desc:Crunchy greens that look like little trees.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>bunnies/click x2<.>bunny production +5%
  365. icon:icons[1,4]
  366. cost:3000 bunnies
  367. passive:multiply bunny yield of bunnyButton by 2
  368. passive:multiply yield of bunnies by 1.05
  369. req:1000 bunnies:earned
  372. *carrot
  373. name:Carrot
  374. desc:The quintessential rabbit food! Crunchy, orange, and perfect.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>bunnies/click x2<.>bunny production +10%
  375. icon:icons[1,0]
  376. cost:100000000 bunnies
  377. passive:multiply bunny yield of bunnyButton by 2
  378. passive:multiply yield of bunnies by 1.1
  379. req:1000000 bunnies:earned
  380. */
  383. Achievements
  384. *a100j
  385. name:Joder! Tens molt de Juliver!
  386. desc:Aconsegueix 100 Juliverts.
  387. req:100 j
  389. /*
  390. *TEMPLATE
  391. on click:anim glow
  393. *bunnyAchiev1
  394. name:Run rabbit run
  395. desc:Have <b>1</b> bunny.
  396. req:1 bunny
  397. icon:icons[2,4] icons[0,2] icons[0,6]
  398. *bunnyAchiev2
  399. name:Bunniest home videos
  400. desc:Have <b>1000</b> bunnies.
  401. req:1000 bunnies
  402. icon:icons[2,4] icons[0,3] icons[0,6]
  403. *bunnyAchiev3
  404. name:You got buns, hun
  405. desc:Have <b>1000000</b> bunnies.
  406. req:10000000 bunnies
  407. icon:icons[2,4] icons[0,4] icons[0,6]
  409. *clickAchiev1
  410. name:That tickles
  411. desc:Click the bunny <b>10</b> times.
  412. req:10 bunnyButton clicks
  413. icon:icons[2,2] icons[0,2] icons[0,6]
  414. *clickAchiev2
  415. name:Don't squeeze me I'll fart
  416. desc:Click the bunny <b>100</b> times.
  417. req:100 bunnyButton clicks
  418. icon:icons[2,2] icons[0,3] icons[0,6]
  419. *clickAchiev3
  420. name:You're cruising for a bruising, dude
  421. desc:Click the bunny <b>2000</b> times.
  422. req:2000 bunnyButton clicks
  423. icon:icons[2,2] icons[0,4] icons[0,6]
  425. *bunnyPsAchiev1
  426. name:Be vewy vewy quiet
  427. desc:Produce <b>10</b> bunnies per second.
  428. req:10 bunnies per second
  429. icon:icons[2,3] icons[0,2] icons[0,6]
  430. *bunnyPsAchiev2
  431. name:Hop and a skip
  432. desc:Produce <b>1000</b> bunnies per second.
  433. req:1000 bunnies per second
  434. icon:icons[2,3] icons[0,3] icons[0,6]
  435. *bunnyPsAchiev3
  436. name:Go forth and multiply
  437. desc:Produce <b>100000</b> bunnies per second.
  438. req:100000 bunnies per second
  439. icon:icons[2,3] icons[0,4] icons[0,6]
  441. *carrotAchiev1
  442. name:Isn't it neat
  443. desc:Have <b>1</b> golden carrot.
  444. req:1 goldenCarrot
  445. icon:icons[0,1] icons[0,2]
  446. *carrotAchiev2
  447. name:All that glitters
  448. desc:Have <b>100</b> golden carrots.
  449. req:100 goldenCarrot
  450. icon:icons[0,1] icons[0,3]
  451. *carrotAchiev3
  452. name:Zero nutritional value
  453. desc:Have <b>1000</b> golden carrots.
  454. req:1000 goldenCarrot
  455. icon:icons[0,1] icons[0,4]
  457. *fortressAchiev
  458. name:Freedom!
  459. desc:Complete building the <b>freedom fortress</b>.<//>This is it. You beat the game!
  460. req:100 fortress
  461. icon:icons[3,8] icons[0,4]
  463. */
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