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- Global Const $width = 960; / 4 * 3
- Global Const $height = $width / 16 * 9
- Global Const $title = "osu!tris"
- Global $g_bPaused = False
- Global $hGui
- Global Const $bgColorRGB = 0x121543
- Global Const $bgColorARGB = 0xFF000000 + $bgColorRGB
- Global $hGraphics
- Global $frameBuffer
- Global $hFrameBuffer
- Global $osuLogo
- Global $hBrushTris[10]
- Global $hBrushRed, $hBrushGreen, $hBrushParticle
- Global $deleteCount = 0
- Global Const $maxTriAmount = 100
- Global $tris[$maxTriAmount + 1][4] = [ _
- [2 , "", "",""], _
- [115.0, 250.0, 52.7, 2], _
- [137.0, 367.0, 88.9, 7]] ; Pure placeholder
- Global $triVelocityMultiplier = 3.9
- Global Const $triVelocityMultiplierMin = 1
- Global $hTimerBeat, $hTimerFrame, $hTimerEffet
- Global $smoothedFrameTime = 0.0
- Global Const $frameTimeSmoothingRatio = 0.3
- Global $effectLast, $effextOffset
- Global $effectCycleTime = 375, $effectPixels = 5
- Global $effectZoomInRatio = 4/5 ; How much of the cycle time is for the zoom-in part
- Global $effectMillisPerPixel = $effectCycleTime * $effectZoomInRatio / $effectPixels
- Global Const $applyEffectAndLogo = False
- Global Const $osuWhiteBgEnable = False
- Global $hAudioStream
- Global $channelDataBuffer
- Global $currentAudioLevel = 0
- Global $channelLevel
- Global $beat = False
- Global Const $useSystemSoundLevel = True
- Global $audioLevelIndex = 0
- Global Const $audioLevelMaxIndex = 15
- Global $aAudioLevel[$audioLevelMaxIndex]
- Global $audioLevelAverage = 0
- Global $hDllCallback
- Global $wndprocPreviousValue
- Global Const $maxParticleAmount = 100
- Global Const $maxParticleLife = 125
- Global $particles[$maxParticleAmount + 1][5] = [ _
- [2, "", "", "", ""], _
- [15, 25, 0.1, 0.3, 5], _
- [81, 14, 0.2, 0.1, 5]] ; Pure placeholder again
- Global $_LD_Debug = True
- #include <GDIPlus.au3>
- #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
- #include <WinAPISys.au3>
- #include <WindowsConstants.au3>
- ;#include "..\LibDebug.au3"
- ;#include "osu!tris.vars.au3"
- #include "Bass.au3"
- #include <StringConstants.au3>
- ; HotKeySet("{F6}", "TogglePause") ; F6 - Pause the whole thing
- HotKeySet("{F7}", "Terminate") ; F7 - Exit
- ; HotKeySet("{F8}", "plus") ; F8 - Increase triangle speed
- ; HotKeySet("^{F8}", "subt") ; Ctrl+F8 - Decrease triangle speed
- ; HotKeySet("{F9}", "plus2") ; F9 - Increase effect scale - if effect is applied
- ; HotKeySet("^{F9}", "subt2") ; Ctrl+F9 - Decrease effect scale - if effect is applied
- ; HotKeySet("{F10}", "plus3") ; F10 - Increase effect speed - if effect is applied
- ; HotKeySet("^{F10}", "subt3") ; Ctrl+F10 - Decrease effect speed - if effect is applied
- ; AdlibRegister("UpdateTitle", 300)
- SRandom(@MSEC)
- Func plus()
- $triVelocityMultiplier += 1
- EndFunc
- Func subt()
- $triVelocityMultiplier -= 1
- EndFunc
- Func plus2()
- $effectPixels += 1
- EndFunc
- Func subt2()
- $effectPixels -= 1
- EndFunc
- Func plus3()
- $effectCycleTime += 5
- EndFunc
- Func subt3()
- $effectCycleTime -= 5
- EndFunc
- Func GenerateTriangle()
- $tris[$tris[0][0] + 1][$TRIX] = Random(-30, $width + 30, 1)
- $tris[$tris[0][0] + 1][$TRIY] = Random($height + 125, $height + 150, 1)
- $tris[$tris[0][0] + 1][$TRISCALE] = Random(50, 150)
- ; $tris[$tris[0][0] + 1][$TRISCALE] = Random($width / 10, $width / 4)
- $tris[$tris[0][0] + 1][$TRISHADE] = Random(0, 9, 1)
- $tris[0][0] += 1
- EndFunc
- Func RemoveTriangle($ele)
- If $ele = $maxTriAmount Then
- ; Don't set things back to 0 due to performance reason
- Else
- For $i = $ele To $tris[0][0] - 1
- $tris[$i][$TRIX] = $tris[$i + 1][$TRIX]
- $tris[$i][$TRIY] = $tris[$i + 1][$TRIY]
- $tris[$i][$TRISCALE] = $tris[$i + 1][$TRISCALE]
- $tris[$i][$TRISHADE] = $tris[$i + 1][$TRISHADE]
- ; Don't set things back to 0 due to perfoxrmance reason
- Next
- EndIf
- $tris[0][0] -= 1
- EndFunc
- Func GenerateParticle()
- $particles[$particles[0][0] + 1][$PARTICLEX] = Random(40, $width - 40, 1)
- $particles[$particles[0][0] + 1][$PARTICLEY] = 0
- $particles[$particles[0][0] + 1][$PARTICLEVX] = Random(-0.5, 0.5)
- $particles[$particles[0][0] + 1][$PARTICLEVY] = Random(0.5, 1)
- $particles[$particles[0][0] + 1][$PARTICLELIFE] = Random(0, 50, 1)
- $particles[0][0] += 1
- EndFunc
- Func RemoveParticle($ele)
- If $ele = $maxParticleAmount Then
- Else
- For $i = $ele To $particles[0][0] - 1
- $particles[$i][$PARTICLEX] = $particles[$i + 1][$PARTICLEX]
- $particles[$i][$PARTICLEY] = $particles[$i + 1][$PARTICLEY]
- $particles[$i][$PARTICLEVX] = $particles[$i + 1][$PARTICLEVX]
- $particles[$i][$PARTICLEVY] = $particles[$i + 1][$PARTICLEVY]
- $particles[$i][$PARTICLELIFE] = $particles[$i + 1][$PARTICLELIFE]
- Next
- EndIf
- $particles[0][0] -= 1
- EndFunc
- Global $audioLevelsum
- Func AudioLevelAdd(ByRef $value)
- $aAudioLevel[$audioLevelIndex] = $value ; Add the value into array
- $audioLevelIndex += 1 ; Current index plus 1
- If $audioLevelIndex = $audioLevelMaxIndex Then ; Return to 0 when cur. index reach max
- $audioLevelIndex = 0
- EndIf
- $audioLevelsum = 0 ; Reset sum
- For $i = 0 To $audioLevelMaxIndex - 1 ; Add each array element together
- $audioLevelsum += $aAudioLevel[$i]
- Next
- $audioLevelAverage = $audioLevelsum / $audioLevelMaxIndex ; Set the average
- EndFunc
- ; Global $hTimerUpdate
- ; Global $nTimerUpdate = 0
- Func Update()
- ; $hTimerUpdate = TimerInit()
- $channelLevel = _Bass_ChannelGetLevel($hAudioStream) ; 32 bits returned, high part is left channel, low part is right channel
- $currentAudioLevel = (BitShift($channelLevel, 16) + BitAND($channelLevel, 0xFFFF)) / 2
- AudioLevelAdd($currentAudioLevel)
- If $currentAudioLevel > $audioLevelAverage + 500 And TimerDiff($hTimerBeat) > 100 Then
- $beat = True
- $triVelocityMultiplier += 15
- ; $triVelocityMultiplier += $currentAudioLevel / 32767 * 35
- $hTimerBeat = TimerInit()
- Else
- $beat = False
- EndIf
- $deleteCount = 0
- For $i = 1 To $tris[0][0] ; Delete triangles that exceed the range
- If $tris[$i - $deleteCount][$TRIY] < 0 Then
- RemoveTriangle($i - $deleteCount)
- $deleteCount += 1
- EndIf
- Next
- While $tris[0][0] < $maxTriAmount ; Generate triangles until count is reached
- GenerateTriangle()
- WEnd
- If $triVelocityMultiplier > $triVelocityMultiplierMin Then
- $triVelocityMultiplier -= ($triVelocityMultiplier - $triVelocityMultiplierMin) / 3
- EndIf
- For $i = 1 To $tris[0][0] ; Apply movement
- $tris[$i][$TRIY] += -(($tris[$i][$TRISCALE] / 50 - 1) * (0.5 / 2) + 0.5) * $triVelocityMultiplier
- Next
- $deleteCount = 0
- For $i = 1 To $particles[0][0] ; Delete particles that reach it's life
- If $particles[$i][$PARTICLELIFE] > $maxParticleLife Then
- RemoveParticle($i - $deleteCount)
- $deleteCount += 1
- EndIf
- Next
- While $particles[0][0] < $maxParticleAmount
- GenerateParticle()
- WEnd
- For $i = 1 To $particles[0][0]
- $particles[$i][$PARTICLEX] += 3 * $particles[$i][$PARTICLEVX]
- $particles[$i][$PARTICLEY] += 3 * $particles[$i][$PARTICLEVY]
- $particles[$i][$PARTICLELIFE] += 1
- Next
- ; $nTimerUpdate = TimerDiff($hTimerUpdate)
- EndFunc
- ; Global $hTimerDraw
- ; Global $nTimerDraw = 0
- Func Draw()
- Local Static $triBuffer[4][2] = [[3, ""], [-50.0, 150.0], [300.0, 500.0], [550.0, 150.0]]
- ; $hTimerDraw = TimerInit()
- _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hFrameBuffer, $bgColorARGB)
- ; Draw the triangles
- For $i = 1 To $tris[0][0]
- ; 3
- ; / \
- ; / \
- ; 1 ------- 2
- $triBuffer[1][0] = $tris[$i][$TRIX]
- $triBuffer[1][1] = $tris[$i][$TRIY]
- $triBuffer[2][0] = $tris[$i][$TRIX] + $tris[$i][$TRISCALE]
- $triBuffer[2][1] = $tris[$i][$TRIY]
- $triBuffer[3][0] = $tris[$i][$TRIX] + $tris[$i][$TRISCALE] / 2
- $triBuffer[3][1] = $tris[$i][$TRIY] - $tris[$i][$TRISCALE]
- _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPolygon($hFrameBuffer, $triBuffer, $hBrushTris[$tris[$i][$TRISHADE]])
- Next
- ; Draw the particles
- For $i = 1 to $particles[0][0]
- _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillEllipse($hFrameBuffer, $particles[$i][$PARTICLEX], $height - $particles[$i][$PARTICLEY], 5, 5, $hBrushParticle)
- Next
- ; Draw the osu! text and circle
- If $applyEffectAndLogo Then
- _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hFrameBuffer, $osuLogo, $effectPixels, $effectPixels, $width - 2 * $effectPixels, $height - 2 * $effectPixels)
- EndIf
- ; $nTimerDraw = TimerDiff($hTimerDraw)
- ; Current audio level and average value
- _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hFrameBuffer, 5, $height - 5 - 5, _
- $currentAudioLevel / 32768 * 50, 5, $hBrushRed)
- _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hFrameBuffer, 5 + $audioLevelAverage / 32768 * 50, $height - 5 - 5, _
- 2, 5, $hBrushGreen)
- ; Current FPS
- _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString($hFrameBuffer, "FPS: " & Round(1000 / $smoothedFrameTime, 1), 150, $height - 15)
- ; _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString($hFrameBuffer, "VelocityMultiplier: " & Round($triVelocityMultiplier, 1), 300, $height - 15)
- EndFunc
- ; Why do we want/need frame buffer?
- ; A frame buffer holds the "unfinished" frame data we're still drawing onto,
- ; While keeping the actual screen clean/untouched from different drawing steps
- ; Global $hTimerSwapbuffer
- ; Global $nTimerSwapbuffer = 0
- Func FrameBufferTransfer()
- ; $hTimerSwapbuffer = TimerInit()
- ; Draw the framebuffer onto the screen,
- ; Also apply the time based zoom-in zoom-out effect
- If $applyEffectAndLogo Then
- $effectLast = TimerDiff($hTimerEffect)
- $effectElapsed = Mod($effectLast, $effectCycleTime) ; Remove repeating parts of the elapsed time
- If $effectElapsed <= $effectCycleTime * $effectZoomInRatio Then ; Zoom in part
- $effectOffset = -1 * $effectElapsed / $effectMillisPerPixel
- Else ; Zoom out part
- $effectOffset = -$effectPixels + ($effectElapsed - $effectCycleTime * $effectZoomInRatio) / $effectMillisPerPixel
- EndIf
- _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphics, $frameBuffer, 0 + $effectOffset, 0 + $effectOffset, _
- $width + 2 * Abs($effectOffset), $height + 2 * Abs($effectOffset))
- If $effectLast > $effectCycleTime Then
- $hTimerEffect = TimerInit()
- EndIf
- Else
- _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGraphics, $frameBuffer, 0, 0)
- EndIf
- ; $nTimerSwapbuffer = TimerDiff($hTimerSwapbuffer)
- EndFunc
- Global $nTimerFrame = 0
- Func Main()
- _DebugOn()
- _GDIPlus_Startup() ; Start GDI library
- $hGui = GUICreate($title, $width, $height, Default, Default, Default) ; Create GUI
- ; $hGui = GUICreate($title, $width, $height, Default, Default, Default, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)
- ; $hGui = GUICreate($title, $width, $height, Default, Default, Default, $WS_POPUP)
- $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hGui)
- CreateBrushes()
- GUISetBkColor($bgColorRGB, $hGui)
- $frameBuffer = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($width, $height, $hGraphics) ; Create framebuffer bitmap
- $hFrameBuffer = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($frameBuffer) ; Get the handle to the context of the bitmap in order to pass it to other drawing funcs
- If $osuWhiteBgEnable Then ; Create logo bitmap from the file
- $osuLogo = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile(@ScriptDir & "\osu!logo with bg.png")
- Else
- $osuLogo = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile(@ScriptDir & "\osu!logo.png")
- EndIf
- ; GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SIZE, "WM_SIZE") ; TODO: Dynamic resizing
- _BASS_Startup(@Scriptdir & "\bass.dll") ; Start bass library
- _Bass_Init(0)
- If $useSystemSoundLevel Then
- _BASS_RecordInit(-1)
- $hAudioStream = _BASS_RecordStart(48000, 2, 0, 0)
- _BASS_ChannelPlay($hAudioStream, 0)
- Else
- LoadAudioAndPlay(@Scriptdir & "\music.mp3")
- _BASS_ChannelSetPosition($hAudioStream, _BASS_ChannelGetLength($hAudioStream, $BASS_POS_BYTE) / 100 * 80, $BASS_POS_BYTE)
- EndIf
- $hDllCallback = DllCallbackRegister('WndProc', 'ptr', 'hwnd;uint;wparam;lparam')
- $pDllCallback = DllCallbackGetPtr($hDllCallback)
- $wndprocPreviousValue = _WinAPI_SetWindowLong($hGui, $GWL_WNDPROC, $pDllCallback)
- _WinAPI_DragAcceptFiles($hGui, True) ; Enable drag and drop for the gui
- GUISetState(@SW_SHOW)
- While 1
- $hTimerFrame = TimerInit()
- Update()
- Draw()
- FrameBufferTransfer()
- $nTimerFrame = TimerDiff($hTimerFrame)
- $smoothedFrameTime = ($smoothedFrameTime * (1 - $frameTimeSmoothingRatio)) + $nTimerFrame * $frameTimeSmoothingRatio
- Switch GUIGetMsg()
- Terminate()
- EndSwitch
- WEnd
- EndFunc
- Main()
- Func LoadAudioAndPlay($filePath)
- If _BASS_ChannelIsActive($hAudioStream) Then
- _BASS_RecordFree()
- _BASS_ChannelStop($hAudioStream)
- _BASS_StreamFree($hAudioStream)
- EndIf
- $hAudioStream = _BASS_StreamCreateFile(0, $filePath, 0, 0, $BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP)
- _Bass_ChannelPlay($hAudioStream, 0)
- EndFunc
- ; WindowProc callback function that processes messages sent to the window
- Func WndProc($hWnd, $idMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
- Switch $idMsg
- Local $fileList = _WinAPI_DragQueryFileEx($wParam, 1) ; The first element is file amount
- ; Only accept .mp3 file here (case insensitive)
- ; Can also use "xxx" = "xxx"
- If StringCompare(StringRight($fileList[1], 4), ".mp3") = 0 Then
- LoadAudioAndPlay($fileList[1])
- EndIf
- _WinAPI_DragFinish($wParam)
- Return 0
- EndSwitch
- Return _WinAPI_CallWindowProc($wndprocPreviousValue, $hWnd, $idMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
- EndFunc
- Func CreateBrushes()
- $hBrushRed = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(0xFFFF0000)
- $hBrushGreen = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(0xFF00FF00)
- #cs normal tinting and shading
- Local $shadedColor
- Local $r = BitAND(BitShift($bgColorRGB, 16), 0xFF)
- Local $g = BitAND(BitShift($bgColorRGB, 8), 0xFF)
- Local $b = BitAND($bgColorRGB, 0xFF)
- For $i = 0 To 9 ; Create 2 shades + og color + 7 tints of brushes
- $shadedColor = Round($r + (255 - $r) * ($i - 2) / 30) * 256 * 256 + _
- Round($g + (255 - $g) * ($i - 2) / 30) * 256 + _
- Round($b + (255 - $b) * ($i - 2) / 30)
- $hBrushTris[$i] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(0xFF000000 + $shadedColor)
- Next
- #ce
- ; Gradient colors
- Local $shadedColor
- Local $ogR = BitAND(BitShift($bgColorRGB, 16), 0xFF)
- Local $ogG = BitAND(BitShift($bgColorRGB, 8), 0xFF)
- Local $ogB = BitAND($bgColorRGB, 0xFF)
- Local $toR = 0x39
- Local $toG = 0x4D
- Local $toB = 0xDE
- For $i = 0 To 9
- $shadedColor = Round($ogR + ($toR - $ogR) * $i / 10) * 256 * 256 + _
- Round($ogG + ($toG - $ogG) * $i / 10) * 256 + _
- Round($ogB + ($toB - $ogB) * $i / 10)
- $hBrushTris[$i] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(0xFF000000 + $shadedColor)
- Next
- $hBrushParticle = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(0x40FF6D1F)
- EndFunc
- Func UpdateTitle()
- ; WinSetTitle($hGui, "", $title & " | FPS: " & Round(1000 / $smoothedFrameTime, 1) & _
- ; " | $triVmul: " & $triVelocityMultiplier)
- cv(1, 'smoothedFrameTime', 'nTimerUpdate', 'nTimerDraw', 'nTimerSwapbuffer')
- EndFunc
- Func GdiPlusClose()
- _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($hBrushRed)
- For $i = 0 To 9
- _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($hBrushTris[$i])
- Next
- _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($hBrushParticle)
- _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($frameBuffer)
- _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($osuLogo)
- _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphics)
- _GDIPlus_Shutdown()
- EndFunc
- Func Terminate()
- _BASS_RecordFree()
- _Bass_Free()
- GdiPlusClose()
- _WinAPI_SetWindowLong($hGui, $GWL_WNDPROC, $wndprocPreviousValue)
- DllCallbackFree($hDllCallback)
- GUIDelete($hGui)
- Exit 0
- EndFunc
- Func TogglePause()
- $g_bPaused = Not $g_bPaused
- While $g_bPaused
- Sleep(500)
- ToolTip('Script is "Paused"', @desktopWidth / 2, @desktopHeight / 2, Default, Default, $TIP_CENTER)
- WEnd
- ToolTip("")
- EndFunc
- Func _DebugOff()
- $_LD_Debug = False
- EndFunc
- Func _DebugOn()
- $_LD_Debug = True
- EndFunc
- ; Consoleout
- ; Automatically replaces $ to variables given
- ; Escape $ using $$
- Func c($s = "", $nl = True, $v1 = 0x0, $v2 = 0x0, $v3 = 0x0, _
- $v4 = 0x0, $v5 = 0x0, $v6 = 0x0, _
- $v7 = 0x0, $v8 = 0x0, $v9 = 0x0, $v10 = 0x0)
- If Not $_LD_Debug Then
- Return
- EndIf
- If @NumParams > 2 Then
- $s = StringReplace($s, "$$", "@PH@")
- $s = StringReplace($s, "$", "@PH2@")
- For $i = 1 To @NumParams - 2
- $s = StringReplace($s, "@PH2@", Eval("v" & $i), 1)
- If @extended = 0 Then ExitLoop
- Next
- $s = StringReplace($s, "@PH@", "$")
- EndIf
- If $nl Then
- $s &= @CRLF
- EndIf
- ConsoleWrite($s)
- If @NumParams = 1 Then
- Return $s
- EndIf
- EndFunc
- ; Insert variable
- ; Returns a string with all given variables inserted into
- Func iv($s = "", $v1 = 0x0, $v2 = 0x0, $v3 = 0x0, _
- $v4 = 0x0, $v5 = 0x0, $v6 = 0x0, _
- $v7 = 0x0, $v8 = 0x0, $v9 = 0x0, $v10 = 0x0)
- If @NumParams > 1 Then
- $s = StringReplace($s, "$$", "@PH@")
- $s = StringReplace($s, "$", "@PH2@")
- For $i = 1 To @NumParams - 1
- $s = StringReplace($s, "@PH2@", Eval("v" & $i), 1)
- If @extended = 0 Then ExitLoop
- Next
- $s = StringReplace($s, "@PH@", "$")
- EndIf
- Return $s
- EndFunc
- ; Consoleout Line
- Func cl()
- If Not $_LD_Debug Then
- Return
- EndIf
- ConsoleWrite(@CRLF)
- EndFunc
- ; Consoleout Variable
- ; Only accepts the name of variable without the $ as string
- Func cv($nl = True, $v1 = 0x0, $v2 = 0x0, $v3 = 0x0, $v4 = 0x0, $v5 = 0x0, _
- $v6 = 0x0, $v7 = 0x0, $v8 = 0x0, $v9 = 0x0, $v10 = 0x0)
- If Not $_LD_Debug Then
- Return
- EndIf
- Local $s = ""
- For $i = 1 To @NumParams - 1
- $s &= "$" & Eval("v" & $i) & " = " & Eval(Eval("v" & $i))
- If $i < @NumParams - 1 Then
- $s &= " | "
- EndIf
- Next
- If $nl Then
- $s &= @CRLF
- EndIf
- ConsoleWrite($s)
- EndFunc
- ; Consoleout Array
- Func ca($a = [], $nl = True)
- Local $s = "["
- Switch UBound($a, 0)
- Case 1
- For $i = 0 To UBound($a) - 1
- If IsString($a[$i]) Then
- $s &= '"'
- EndIf
- $s &= $a[$i]
- If IsString($a[$i]) Then
- $s &= '"'
- EndIf
- If $i < UBound($a) - 1 Then
- $s &= ", "
- EndIf
- Next
- Case 2
- For $i = 0 To UBound($a, 1) - 1
- $s &= "["
- For $j = 0 To UBound($a, 2) - 1
- If IsString($a[$i]) Then
- $s &= '"'
- EndIf
- $s &= $a[$i][$j]
- If IsString($a[$i]) Then
- $s &= '"'
- EndIf
- If $j < UBound($a, 2) - 1 Then
- $s &= ", "
- EndIf
- Next
- $s &= "]"
- If $i < UBound($a, 1) -1 Then
- $s &= ", "
- EndIf
- Next
- EndSwitch
- $s &= "]"
- If $nl Then
- $s &= @CRLF
- EndIf
- ConsoleWrite($s)
- EndFunc
- ; Consoleout Error
- Func ce($nl = True)
- $nl ? ConsoleWrite(@ERROR & @CRLF) : ConsoleWrite(@ERROR)
- EndFunc
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