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- local surface, monitor, width, height, screen, font, cardBg, cardBack, drive, buttons, deck, bigfont, lastBet, speaker, bouncingCards, logo
- MAX_BET = 128
- math.round = function(x) return x + 0.5 - (x + 0.5) % 1 end
- function shuffle(tbl)
- for i = #tbl, 2, -1 do
- local j = math.random(i)
- tbl[i], tbl[j] = tbl[j], tbl[i]
- end
- return tbl
- end
- function setup()
- surface = dofile("surface")
- monitor = peripheral.wrap("monitor_2")
- drive = peripheral.wrap("bottom")
- speaker = peripheral.find("speaker")
- monitor.setTextScale(0.5)
- term.redirect(monitor)
- term.setPaletteColor(colors.lightGray, 0xc5c5c5)
- term.setPaletteColor(, 0xf15c5c)
- term.setPaletteColor(colors.gray, 0x363636)
- term.setPaletteColor(, 0x044906)
- width, height = term.getSize()
- screen = surface.create(width, height)
- font = surface.loadFont(surface.load("font"))
- bigfont = surface.loadFont(surface.load("gothic"))
- cardBg = surface.load("card.nfp")
- cardBack = surface.load("cardback.nfp")
- logo = surface.load("logo.nfp")
- buttons = {}
- deck = {}
- local i = 1
- for _,suit in ipairs({"heart", "diamond", "club", "spade"}) do
- for _,num in ipairs({"A", "T", "J", "Q", "K"}) do
- deck[i] = num..suit;
- i = i + 1
- end
- for num = 2, 9, 1 do
- deck[i] = tostring(num)..suit;
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- shuffle(deck)
- bouncingCards = {}
- for i=1,4 do
- bouncingCards[i] = {
- x=-math.floor(math.random() * screen.width * 2),
- mirror=math.random() > 0.5,
- card=deck[i]
- }
- end
- end
- function drawCard(cardID)
- local number = cardID:sub(1, 1)
- if number == "T" then
- number = "10"
- end
- local suit = cardID:sub(2, -1)
- local card = surface.create(12, 15)
- suit = surface.load(suit..".nfp")
- card:drawSurface(cardBg, 0, 0)
- card:drawSurface(suit, 5, 2)
- card:drawText(number, font, 2, 8,
- return card
- end
- function run()
- local club = surface.load("club.nfp")
- screen:clear(
- --screen:drawSurfaceSmall(club, 0, 0)
- screen:drawSurface(drawCard("K", "spade"), 3, 3)
- screen:drawSurface(drawCard("A", "club"), 16, 3)
- screen:drawSurface(drawCard("1", "heart"), 3, 18)
- screen:drawSurface(drawCard("2", "diamond"), 16, 18)
- --screen:drawString(tostring(width)..", "..tostring(height), font, 2, 2,
- screen:output()
- end
- function getButtonSurface(text, bg)
- local textSize = surface.getTextSize(text, font)
- local button = surface.create(textSize + 2, 7)
- button:fillRect(0,0,textSize+2, 7, bg)
- button:drawText(text, font, 1, 1,
- return button
- end
- function betSlider(balance, func)
- local value
- if lastBet ~= nil then
- value = math.min(balance, lastBet)
- else
- value = math.min(MAX_BET / 2, math.floor(balance / 2))
- end
- local buttonPressed = false
- local quitPressed = false
- while not buttonPressed and not quitPressed do
- screen:clear(
- screen:drawText("BALANCE:", font, math.round((screen.width - surface.getTextSize("BALANCE:", font)) / 2), 2, colors.white)
- screen:drawText("$"..tostring(balance), bigfont, math.round((screen.width - surface.getTextSize("$"..tostring(balance), bigfont)) / 2), 8, colors.white)
- local betText = tostring(value)
- local betTextWidth = surface.getTextSize(betText, font)
- -- local betButton = getButtonSurface("BET", colors.lightBlue)
- -- slider:drawSurface(betButton, math.floor(slider.width / 2), 8)
- local updateValue = function(amount)
- return function ()
- value = math.floor(value + amount)
- value = math.min(math.min(MAX_BET, balance), math.max(1, value))
- end
- end
- local yOffset = height - 20
- local betButton = button(screen, "BET", colors.lightBlue, screen.width / 2, yOffset + 8, function() buttonPressed = true end, true)
- button(screen, "QUIT",, 0, screen.height - 7, function() quitPressed = true end)
- button(screen, "-1",, math.round(screen.width / 2 - betButton.width / 2 - 11), yOffset, updateValue(-1))
- button(screen, "-8",, math.round(screen.width / 2 - betButton.width / 2 - 22), yOffset, updateValue(-8))
- button(screen, "+1", colors.lime, math.round(screen.width / 2 + betButton.width / 2 + 2), yOffset, updateValue(1))
- button(screen, "+8", colors.lime, math.round(screen.width / 2 + betButton.width / 2 + 12), yOffset, updateValue(8))
- screen:fillRect(math.round((screen.width - betButton.width)/2), yOffset, betButton.width, 7, colors.white)
- screen:drawText(betText, font, math.round((screen.width - betTextWidth) / 2), yOffset + 1,
- screen:output()
- waitForButtonPress(0, 0)
- end
- if quitPressed then
- return nil
- end
- lastBet = value
- return value
- end
- function waitForButtonPress(ox, oy)
- local pressed = false
- while not pressed do
- local event, button, px, py = os.pullEvent("monitor_touch")
- px = px - ox
- py = py - oy
- for text,button in pairs(buttons) do
- if px >= button.x and px <= button.x + button.width and py >= button.y and py <= button.y + button.height then
- button.cb()
- buttons = {}
- pressed = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function button(surface, text, bg, x, y, func, center)
- local button = getButtonSurface(text, bg)
- if center then
- x = math.floor(x - button.width / 2)
- end
- surface:drawSurface(button, x, y)
- buttons[text] = {x=x, y=y, width=button.width, height=button.height, cb=func}
- return button
- end
- function getHandScore(hand)
- local sum = 0
- local aceCount = 0
- for _,card in ipairs(hand) do
- local nStr = card:sub(1, 1)
- local number = tonumber(nStr)
- if number == nil then
- if nStr == "A" then
- number = 11
- aceCount = aceCount + 1
- else
- number = 10
- end
- end
- sum = sum + number
- end
- local soft = aceCount > 0
- while sum > 21 and aceCount > 0 do
- sum = sum - 10
- aceCount = aceCount - 1
- end
- return sum, soft
- end
- function getPlayerBalance(player)
- rednet.send(MAINFRAME_ID, {type="getPlayerBalance", player=player}, "otto")
- local _, data = rednet.receive("otto")
- if not data then
- return nil
- end
- return, data.balance
- end
- function setPlayerBalance(player, balance)
- rednet.send(MAINFRAME_ID, {type="setPlayerBalance", player=player, balance=balance}, "otto")
- rednet.receive("otto")
- local filePath = fs.combine(drive.getMountPath(), "bal")
- file =, "w")
- file.write(tostring(balance))
- file.close()
- return
- end
- function sleep()
- os.sleep(0.1)
- end
- function ease(x)
- local n1 = 7.5625
- local d1 = 2.75
- if x < 1 / d1 then
- return n1 * x * x
- elseif x < 2 / d1 then
- x = x - 1.5 / d1
- return n1 * x * x + 0.75
- elseif x < 2.5 / d1 then
- x = x - 2.25 / d1
- return n1 * x * x + 0.9375
- else
- x = x - 2.625 / d1
- return n1 * x * x + 0.984375
- end
- end
- -- for i=0,1,0.01 do
- -- print(-ease(i) * 79)
- -- os.sleep(0.05)
- -- end
- local jX, aX = 0,-30
- function drawIdleScreen()
- screen:clear(
- for i,card in ipairs(bouncingCards) do
- local x = card.x
- if card.mirror then
- x = (screen.width - cardBack.width) - x
- end
- screen:drawSurface(drawCard(card.card), x, math.round((ease(card.x / screen.width)) * (screen.height * 0.75) + (screen.height * 0.25)) - cardBack.height)
- bouncingCards[i].x = card.x + 1
- if card.x > width then
- bouncingCards[i].x = -cardBack.width - 5
- card.card = deck[math.floor(math.random() * #deck) + 1]
- end
- end
- screen:drawSurface(logo, 0, 0)
- -- screen:drawText(" BLACK\n JACK", bigfont, -1, 1,
- -- screen:drawText(" BLACK\n JACK", bigfont, -1, -1,
- -- screen:drawText(" BLACK\n JACK", bigfont, 1, 1,
- -- screen:drawText(" BLACK\n JACK", bigfont, 1, -1,
- -- screen:drawText(" BLACK\n JACK", bigfont, 0, 0,
- screen:output()
- end
- function quit()
- local player = drive.getDiskID()
- local name, balance = getPlayerBalance(player)
- if balance ~= nil then
- drive.setDiskLabel(name.."'s Periodt Card - $"..tostring(balance))
- end
- turtle.suckDown()
- turtle.dropUp()
- redstone.setOutput("top", false)
- os.sleep(0.1)
- redstone.setOutput("top", true)
- os.sleep(0.1)
- redstone.setOutput("top", false)
- os.sleep(0.1)
- redstone.setOutput("top", true)
- end
- function loop()
- screen:clear(
- local player = drive.getDiskID()
- local _,balance = getPlayerBalance(player)
- if balance == nil then
- quit()
- return
- end
- screen:drawText(tostring(balance), font, 0,0,
- local betAmount = betSlider(balance, quit)
- if betAmount == nil or betAmount == 0 then
- quit()
- return
- end
- shuffle(deck)
- local playerHand = {deck[1], deck[3]}
- local dealerHand = {deck[2], deck[4]}
- local deckIndex = 5
- local userAction = ""
- local handScore = getHandScore(playerHand)
- local dealerScore, dealerSoft = getHandScore(dealerHand)
- local winState
- local canDouble = balance >= betAmount * 2
- local hasDoubled = false
- local function drawPlayerHand(hand, y, hideCard)
- local cardDeltaX = cardBack.width + 2
- if cardDeltaX * #hand > screen.width then
- cardDeltaX = (screen.width - 7) / #hand
- end
- local cardX = (screen.width - (#hand * cardDeltaX)) / 2
- for i,card in ipairs(hand) do
- local img
- if hideCard and i == 2 then
- img = cardBack
- else
- img = drawCard(card)
- end
- screen:drawSurface(img, math.round(cardX), y)
- cardX = cardX + cardDeltaX
- end
- end
- local function drawBottomButtons(buttons)
- local totalWidth = 0
- for _, button in ipairs(buttons) do
- button.width = surface.getTextSize(button.text, font) + 4
- totalWidth = totalWidth + button.width
- end
- local leftX = math.round((screen.width - totalWidth) / 2)
- local accWidth = 0
- for _, b in ipairs(buttons) do
- button(screen, b.text, b.color, leftX + accWidth, screen.height - 8, b.func)
- accWidth = accWidth + b.width
- end
- end
- local function drawHands(hideDealerCard, showPlayerButtons)
- screen:clear(
- drawPlayerHand(dealerHand, 5, hideDealerCard)
- drawPlayerHand(playerHand, screen.height - 10 - cardBack.height)
- if showPlayerButtons then
- local buttons = {}
- if not hasDoubled then
- buttons[1] = {
- text="HIT",
- color=colors.lightBlue,
- func=function() userAction = "hit" end
- }
- end
- buttons[#buttons + 1] = {
- text="STAND",
- color=colors.lightBlue,
- func=function() userAction = "stand" end
- }
- if canDouble then
- buttons[#buttons + 1]={
- text="x2",
- color=colors.lightBlue,
- func=function() userAction = "double" end
- }
- end
- drawBottomButtons(buttons)
- -- button(screen, "HIT", colors.lightBlue, hitPos, screen.height - 8, function() userAction = "hit" end)
- -- button(screen, "STAND", colors.lightBlue, hitPos + hitWidth + 1, screen.height - 8, function() userAction = "stand" end)
- end
- screen:output()
- end
- if handScore == 21 and dealerScore == 21 then
- winState = "push"
- elseif handScore == 21 then
- winState = "blackjack"
- elseif dealerScore == 21 then
- winState = "dealer blackjack"
- end
- if winState == nil then
- -- Do player actions
- while userAction ~= "stand" and handScore < 21 do
- drawHands(true, true)
- waitForButtonPress(0, 0)
- if userAction == "hit" or userAction == "double" then
- if userAction == "double" then
- hasDoubled = true
- end
- canDouble = false
- playerHand[#playerHand + 1] = deck[deckIndex]
- deckIndex = deckIndex + 1
- handScore = getHandScore(playerHand)
- end
- end
- drawHands(false, false)
- if handScore > 21 then
- winState = "busted"
- else
- while dealerScore < 17 or (dealerScore == 17 and dealerSoft) do
- os.sleep(1.5)
- -- do dealer hit
- dealerHand[#dealerHand + 1] = deck[deckIndex]
- deckIndex = deckIndex + 1
- dealerScore, dealerSoft = getHandScore(dealerHand)
- drawHands(false, false)
- end
- if dealerScore > 21 then
- winState = "you win"
- elseif dealerScore == handScore then
- winState = "push"
- elseif dealerScore > handScore then
- winState = "try again"
- else
- winState = "you win"
- end
- end
- end
- local payoutMult
- if winState == "you win" and hasDoubled then
- payoutMult = 2
- elseif winState == "you win" then
- payoutMult = 1
- elseif winState == "push" then
- payoutMult = 0
- elseif winState == "blackjack" then
- payoutMult = 1.5
- elseif hasDoubled then
- payoutMult = -2
- else
- payoutMult = -1
- end
- if payoutMult > 0 then
- speaker.playSound("minecraft:entity.player.levelup")
- elseif payoutMult < 0 then
- speaker.playSound("minecraft:entity.witch.ambient")
- end
- local payout = math.floor(payoutMult * betAmount)
- setPlayerBalance(player, balance + payout)
- local playAgain;
- drawHands(false, false)
- drawBottomButtons({
- [1]={
- text="PLAY AGAIN",
- color=colors.lightBlue,
- func=function() playAgain = true end
- },
- [2]={
- text="QUIT",
- func=function() playAgain = false end
- }
- })
- local winText = string.upper(winState)
- local winTextWidth = surface.getTextSize(winText, font)
- screen:drawText(winText, font, math.round((screen.width - winTextWidth) / 2), math.round(screen.height / 2 - 5), colors.yellow)
- screen:output()
- waitForButtonPress(0, 0)
- if not playAgain then
- quit()
- return
- end
- end
- setup()
- while true do
- if not drive.isDiskPresent() then
- drawIdleScreen()
- else
- loop()
- end
- os.sleep(0.05)
- end
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