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- The Industry->Science conversion is bugged in Endless Space. It is supposed to convert 33% of your unused Industry into Science. Instead, it converts 33% of all of your Industry into Science.
- E.g. In a system that produces 99 Industry per turn, your build queue has a 96 Industry cost ship, and then an Industry->Science conversion. You would expect to receive 1 point of Science, but instead you receive 33.
- If you are playing multiplayer, make sure that everyone is playing by the same rules. My play group has chosen to exploit this bug, and make sure that everyone in the game knows of its existence and how to use it. Happy Endless Spacing!
- This also impacts the Sophon Low-Impact Labs upgrade to the Industry to Science conversion. It also impacts the Industry to Food conversions (both Harmony and Sowers), but not Industry to Dust (instead, if you queue anything before an Industry to Dust conversion, you simply gain no benefit from the conversion until following turns when it is uninterrupted).
- Credit to Diante for first pointing this out to me :).
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