

Sep 4th, 2017
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  1. on load:
  2. broadcast "&8&m-------------------------"
  3. broadcast "&7Thank you for using the "
  4. broadcast "&7RONATIONS Custom HCF script"
  5. broadcast "&7This script was made by:"
  6. broadcast "&bXXXCanadian&8, &bGumboGubs "
  7. broadcast "&8&m-------------------------"
  9. command /staffchat [<text>]:
  10. aliases: /sc, /s,
  11. permission: {hcf.staffchat}
  12. permission message: &cSorry but that command has been DEINIED
  13. trigger:
  14. loop all players:
  15. if arg 1 is not set:
  16. message "&8[&aHCF&bX&8] &cError, use &7./staffchat [Message]"
  17. stop trigger
  18. if arg 1 is set:
  19. if loop-player has permission "hcf.staffchat":
  20. send "&7[&9StaffChat&7] &7%player% &9» &f%arg 1%"
  21. stop trigger
  22. # Admin Staff Chat
  23. command /adminchat [<text>]:
  24. aliases: /ac,
  25. permission: {hcf.adminchat}
  26. permission message: &cSorry but that command has been &c&lDEINIED
  27. trigger:
  28. loop all players:
  29. if arg 1 is not set:
  30. message "&8[&aHCF&bX&8] &cError, use &7./adminchat [Message]"
  31. stop trigger
  32. if arg 1 is set:
  33. if loop-player has permission "hcf.adminchat":
  34. send "&7[&cAdminChat&7] &7%player% &c» &f%arg 1%"
  35. stop trigger
  36. #Mod Staff Chat
  37. command /modchat [<text>]:
  38. aliases: /mc,
  39. permission: {hcf.modchat}
  40. permission message: &cSorry but that command has been &c&lDEINIED
  41. trigger:
  42. loop all players:
  43. if arg 1 is not set:
  44. message "&8[&aHCF&bX&8] &cError, use &7./modchat [Message]"
  45. stop trigger
  46. if arg 1 is set:
  47. if loop-player has permission "hcf.modchat":
  48. send "&7[&5ModChat&7] &7%player% &5» &f%arg 1%"
  49. stop trigger
  51. # Helper Staff Chat
  52. command /helperchat [<text>]:
  53. aliases: /hc,
  54. permission: {hcf.helperchat}
  55. permission message: &cSorry but that command has been &c&lDEINIED
  56. trigger:
  57. loop all players:
  58. if arg 1 is not set:
  59. message "&8[&aHCF&bX&8] &cError, use &7./helperchat [Message]"
  60. stop trigger
  61. if arg 1 is set:
  62. if loop-player has permission "hcf.helperchat":
  63. send "&7[&3HelperChat&7] &7%player% &3» &f%arg 1%"
  64. stop trigger
  65. # Donator Chat - Give this to people who donate
  66. command /donatorchat [<text>]:
  67. aliases: /dc,
  68. permission: {hcf.helperchat}
  69. permission message: &cSorry but that command has been &c&lDEINIED
  70. trigger:
  71. loop all players:
  72. if arg 1 is not set:
  73. message "&8[&aHCF&bX&8] &cError, use &7./donatorchat [Message]"
  74. stop trigger
  75. if arg 1 is set:
  76. if loop-player has permission "hcf.donatorchat":
  77. send "&7[&2DonatorChat&7] &7%player% &2» &f%arg 1%"
  78. stop trigger
  79. #Check your kills and deaths
  80. command /stats [<text>]:
  81. trigger:
  82. if arg 1 is not set:
  83. message "&7Kills&7: &c%{kills.%player%}%"
  84. message "&7Deaths&7: &c%{deaths.%player%}%"
  86. # CLEARCHAT - Clears Player Chat!
  88. command /clearchat [<text>]:
  89. aliases: /cc, /chatclear, /c,
  90. permission: {hcf.clearchat}
  91. permission message: &cSorry but that command has been &c&lDEINIED
  92. trigger:
  93. if arg 1 is not set:
  94. message "&8[&aHCF&bX&8] &cError, use &7./clearchat [Reason]"
  95. stop
  96. if arg 1 is set:
  97. loop 100 times:
  98. broadcast " "
  99. broadcast " "
  100. broadcast " "
  101. broadcast " "
  102. broadcast " "
  103. broadcast " "
  104. broadcast "&bChat has been cleared by &3%player%&b for: &3%arg 1%"
  105. broadcast " "
  106. stop trigger
  107. # Rules Basic INFORMATION
  108. # If you want to know how JSON works with Skript -> http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/skript/forum/tutorials/68371-json-messages/
  110. command /rules:
  111. trigger:
  112. message "&7&m------------------------------------------------"
  113. message "&a &cGeneral &fInformation"
  114. message " "
  115. message "&7(Hover over each rule for more info!)"
  116. send json of "&31. &bInfo about Blacklist &7(Hover over)" tooltip "&4* &eIf you're &6blacklisted&e that means we &6no longer&e want you on &6our server&e. %new line%&4* &eBeing &6blacklisted&e meaning &6no chance&e on becoming &6unbanned." to player
  117. send json of "&32. &bHacked Clients" tooltip "&eAny &6mod &ethat changes the way a player interacts with the server is considered a &6hacked client&e. %new line%&eThis contains things such as &6forcefield&e, &6clickaimbot&e, &6flying&e, etc. %new line%&4* &cFirst Offense &8- &3Permanent Ban." to player
  118. send json of "&33. &bX-Ray / Radar" tooltip "&eAny &6mod &ethat let's &6you see entities&e or let's you see &6through blocks&e are bannable.%new line%&4*&c First Offense &8- &32 week ban. %new line%&4*&c Second Offense &8- &31 month ban." to player
  119. send json of "&34. &bMacros / Autoclicking" tooltip "&eModifying your mouse in &6ANYWAY&e is &6not allowed&e. %new line%&eDoing &6anything to make your &6mouse double click&e or &6click twice in one motion is not allowed&e. %new line%&4* &cFirst Offense &8- &3Permanent Ban." to player
  120. send json of "&35. &bInappropriate Chat Content (Spam)" tooltip "&6Players&e who we consider &6serial offenders&e will be &6permanently muted.%new line%&4* &cFirst Offense &8- &310 minute mute%new line%&4* &cSecond Offense &8- &330 minute mute%new line%&4* &cThird Offense &8- &31 hour mute%new line%&4* &cFourth Offense &8- &31 day mute%new line%&4* &cFifth Offense &8- &3Permanent mute" to player
  121. send json of "&36. &bInappropriate Links in Chat" tooltip "&ePosting &6offensive links&e in chat (Ex: &6porn links&e, &6self-harm links&e, &6etc...&e)%new line%&4* &cFirst Offense &8- &35 minute mute%new line%&4* &cSecond Offense &8- &330 minute mute%new line%&4* &cThird Offense &8- &31 hour mute%new line%&4* &cFourth Offense &8- &32 day mute%new line%&4* &cFifth Offense &8- &3Permanent mute" to player
  122. send json of "&37. &bCobble Monsters/Water Griefing" tooltip "&eAny type of &6Cobble Monster&e or &6Water Grief&e will not be &6tolerated&e on our server! %new line%&4* &cFirst Offence &8- &3Warn%new line%&4* &cSecond Offence &8- &3Kick%new line%&4* &cThird Offence &8- &33 day ban" to player
  123. message " "
  124. message "&7For more assistance use the command /helpop or ./ask (message)"
  125. message "&7&m--------------------------------------------------"
  127. # helpop- For player help
  129. command /helpop [<text>]:
  130. aliases: /request, /req, /ask,
  131. trigger:
  132. loop all players:
  133. if arg 1 is not set:
  134. message "&8[&aHCF&bX&8] &cError, use &7./helpop [Reason]"
  135. stop trigger
  136. set {_waited} to difference between {helpop.%player%.lastused} and now
  137. if {_waited} is less than {hcf.helpop}:
  138. message "&cError, &eYou can't use helpop for another &d%difference between {hcf.helpop} and {_waited}%"
  139. stop trigger
  140. if arg 1 is set:
  141. if loop-player has permission "{hcf.helpop}":
  142. send "&7[&cHelpOp&7] &f%player%:&7 %arg 1%" to loop-player
  143. message "&aYour helpop message has been sent to our staff team and will be dealt with shortly."
  144. set {helpop.%player%.lastused} to now
  146. #Muteall - Mutes the chat for all players
  147. command /mutechat:
  148. permission: hcf.mute
  149. permission message: §cNo.
  150. executable by: players and console
  151. trigger:
  152. if {muteall} is not set:
  153. set {muteall} to true
  154. broadcast "&bThe chat has been &3muted&b by &3%player%&e"
  155. else:
  156. delete {muteall}
  157. broadcast "&bThe chat has been &3unmuted&b by &3%player%&e"
  159. on chat:
  160. {muteall} is true
  161. player does not have permission "hcf.bypass"
  162. cancel the event
  163. message "&bThe chat is currently &3Muted!"
  165. #Lockchat - Mutes the chat for all players
  166. command /lockchat:
  167. permission: hcf.mute
  168. permission message: §cNo.
  169. executable by: players and console
  170. trigger:
  171. if {muteall} is not set:
  172. set {muteall} to true
  173. broadcast "&bThe chat has been &3muted&b by &3%player%&b"
  174. else:
  175. delete {muteall}
  176. broadcast "&bThe chat has been &3unmuted&b by &3%player%&b"
  178. on chat:
  179. {muteall} is true
  180. player does not have permission "hcf.bypass"
  181. cancel the event
  182. message "&bThe chat is currently &3Muted!"
  184. command /hcf+:
  185. trigger:
  186. message "&aHCF&bX&7[&cCustom Plugin&7]&7 - &e(Made By XXXCanadian, GumboGubs)"
  187. wait 1 tick
  189. command /hcf info:
  190. trigger:
  191. message "&aHCF&bX&7[&cCustom Plugin&7]&7 - &e(Made By XXXCanadian, GumboGubs)"
  192. wait 1 tick
  196. command /Staff:
  197. permission: hcf.staff
  198. aliases: /h
  199. trigger:
  200. if {staffmode} is false:
  201. clear player's inventory
  202. message "&8[&aHCF&bX&8]Staff Mode: &aEnabled"
  203. wait 1 tick
  204. equip player with chain leggings
  205. wait 1 tick
  206. enchant the player's leggings with unbreaking 3
  207. enchant the player's leggings with protection 1
  208. wait 1 tick
  209. set slot 5 of player to a emerald named "&aPlayer Teleport"
  210. wait 1 tick
  211. set slot 7 of player to a nether star named "&bVanish &7(Become Invisible)"
  212. wait 1 tick
  213. set slot 0 of player to a compass named "&cTeleporter &7(Teleport To Players)"
  214. wait 1 tick
  215. set slot 8 of player to a lead named "&9Follower &7(Follow Players Around) "
  216. set slot 1 of player to a diamond sword named "&cHacker &fSlayer"
  217. enchant the player's slot 1 with sharpness 100
  218. set {staffmode} to true
  219. make player execute command "/gamemode c"
  220. else:
  221. message "&8[&aHCF&bX&8]Staff Mode: &cDisabled"
  222. set {staffmode} to false
  223. wait 1 tick
  224. clear player's inventory
  225. make player execute command "/gamemode s"
  227. on break:
  228. if {staffmode} is true:
  229. cancel event
  230. on place:
  231. if {staffmode} is true:
  232. cancel event
  233. on damage:
  234. if {on.%attacker%} is true:
  235. cancel event
  236. if {on.%victim%} is true:
  237. cancel event
  238. on respawn:
  239. if player has permission " hcf.staff":
  240. if {staffmode} is true:
  241. make player execute command "/staff"
  242. set {staffmode} to false
  246. on right click with emerald:
  247. if player is holding a emerald named "&aPlayer Teleport":
  248. if player has permission "hcf.staff":
  249. set {_random} to a random player out of all players
  250. while {_random} is name of player:
  251. set {_random} to a random player out of all players
  252. wait 1 tick
  253. if {_random} is not name of player:
  254. teleport player 1 behind {_random}
  255. send "&8[&aHCF&bX&8] Teleported to &c%{_random}%"
  256. else:
  257. message "&cSorry but that command has been &c&lDEINIED"
  260. on right click with nether star:
  261. if player is holding a nether star named "&bVanish &7(Become Invisible)":
  262. if player has permission "hcf.staff":
  263. if {vanish} is true:
  264. set {vanish} to false
  265. make player execute command "/vanish"
  266. message "&8[&aHCF&bX&8] Vanish has been &cDisabled"
  267. else:
  268. make player execute command "/vanish"
  269. message "&8[&aHCF&bX&8] Vanish has been &aEnabled"
  270. set {vanish} to true
  271. else:
  272. message "&cSorry but that command has been &c&lDEINIED"
  273. on inventory click:
  274. if {staffmode} is true:
  275. cancel event
  277. on right click with lead:
  278. if player is holding a lead named "&9Follower &7(Follow Players Around) ":
  279. if player has permission "hcf.staff":
  280. if entity's target is a player:
  281. set {_name} to "%target entity%" parsed as a player
  282. send "&8[&aHCF&bX&8] &7You now follow &9%{_name}%"
  283. make player ride {_name}
  285. on drop:
  286. if {staffmode} is true:
  287. if player has permission "hcf.staff":
  288. if event-item is a emerald:
  289. cancel event
  290. if event-item is a nether star:
  291. cancel event
  292. if event-item is a compass:
  293. cancel event
  294. if event-item is a lead:
  295. cancel event
  296. if event-item is a white stained glass pane:
  297. cancel event
  298. on right click:
  299. if {staffmode} is true:
  300. if player has permission "hcf.staff":
  301. if event-item is a emerald:
  302. cancel event
  303. if event-item is a nether star:
  304. cancel event
  305. if event-item is a compass:
  306. cancel event
  307. if event-item is a lead:
  308. cancel event
  309. on left click:
  310. if {staffmode} is true:
  311. if player has permission "hcf.staff":
  312. if event-item is a emerald:
  313. cancel event
  314. if event-item is a nether star:
  315. cancel event
  316. if event-item is a compass:
  317. cancel event
  318. if event-item is a lead:
  319. cancel event
  320. on rightclick on chest:
  321. if {on.%player%} is true:
  322. cancel event
  323. loop items in clicked chest:
  324. add loop-item to {_item::*}
  325. wait 3 ticks
  326. set {_slot} to 0
  327. open chest with 6 row named "&3Chest" to player
  328. loop {_item::*}:
  329. format slot {_slot} of player with loop-value named "" with lore "" to be unstealable
  330. add 1 to {_slot}
  331. add 1 to {_slot}
  333. # Something
  335. on sign change:
  336. if player doesn't have permission "hcf.kits":
  337. send "&cYou have insufficient permissions!"
  338. stop
  339. if player has permission "hcf.kits":
  340. line 2 is "[HCF]":
  341. line 3 is "Diamond":
  342. set line 1 to "&7&m---------------------------"
  343. set line 2 to "&7[&c*&7]"
  344. set line 3 to "&2PvP Class"
  345. set line 4 to "&7&m---------------------------"
  346. stop
  349. # Something more
  351. on rightclick on sign:
  352. line 2 of the clicked block is "&7[&c*&7]":
  353. line 3 of the clicked block is "&2PvP Class":
  355. set {_waited} to difference between {hcf.%player%.lastused} and now
  356. if {_waited} is less than 10 seconds:
  357. message "&cError, You can use this kit in &4%difference between 10 seconds and {_waited}%"
  358. set line 1 to "&4ERROR:"
  359. set line 2 to "&7Cant use kit"
  360. set line 3 to "&7for another"
  361. set line 4 to "&3%difference between 10 seconds and {_waited}%"
  362. wait 1 seconds
  363. set line 1 to "&7&m---------------------------"
  364. set line 2 to "&7[&c*&7]"
  365. set line 3 to "&2PvP Class"
  366. set line 4 to "&7&m---------------------------"
  367. stop
  368. else:
  369. set {hcf.%player%.lastused} to now
  370. wait 3 seconds
  371. set line 3 to "&aKit Activated!"
  372. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword
  373. enchant the player's slot 0 with unbreaking 3
  374. enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
  375. set slot 1 of player to 16 ender pearl
  376. set slot 2 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  377. set slot 3 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  378. set slot 4 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  379. set slot 5 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  380. set slot 6 of player to extended Fire Resistance potion item
  381. set slot 7 of player to unextended Swiftness potion II item
  382. set slot 8 of player to 64 golden carrot
  383. set slot 9 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  384. set slot 10 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  385. set slot 11 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  386. set slot 12 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  387. set slot 13 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  388. set slot 14 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  389. set slot 15 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  390. set slot 16 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  391. set slot 17 of player to unextended Swiftness potion II item
  392. set slot 18 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  393. set slot 19 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  394. set slot 20 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  395. set slot 21 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  396. set slot 22 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  397. set slot 23 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  398. set slot 24 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  399. set slot 24 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  400. set slot 25 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  401. set slot 26 of player to unextended Swiftness potion II item
  402. set slot 27 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  403. set slot 28 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  404. set slot 29 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  405. set slot 30 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  406. set slot 31 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  407. set slot 32 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  408. set slot 33 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  409. set slot 34 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  410. set slot 35 of player to unextended Swiftness potion II item
  411. equip player with diamond boots
  412. enchant the player's boots with unbreaking 3
  413. enchant the player's boots with protection 1
  414. enchant the player's boots with feather falling 4
  415. equip player with diamond leggings
  416. enchant the player's leggings with unbreaking 3
  417. enchant the player's leggings with protection 1
  418. equip player with diamond chestplate
  419. enchant the player's chestplate with unbreaking 3
  420. enchant the player's chestplate with protection 1
  421. equip player with diamond helmet
  422. enchant the player's helmet with unbreaking 3
  423. enchant the player's helmet with protection 1
  424. message "&8[&e*&8]&e Succesfully equpied &6PvP &eclass"
  426. # Something
  428. on sign change:
  429. if player doesn't have permission "hcf.kits":
  430. send "&cYou have insufficient permissions!"
  431. stop
  432. if player has permission "hcf.kits":
  433. line 2 is "[HCF]":
  434. line 3 is "Bard":
  435. set line 1 to "&7&m---------------------------"
  436. set line 2 to "&7[&c*&7]"
  437. set line 3 to "&6Bard Class"
  438. set line 4 to "&7&m---------------------------"
  439. stop
  442. # Something more
  444. on rightclick on sign:
  445. line 2 of the clicked block is "&7[&c*&7]":
  446. line 3 of the clicked block is "&6Bard Class":
  447. set {_waited} to difference between {hcf.%player%.lastused} and now
  448. if {_waited} is less than 10 seconds:
  449. message "&cError, You can use this kit in &4%difference between 10 seconds and {_waited}%"
  450. set line 1 to "&4ERROR:"
  451. set line 2 to "&7Cant use kit"
  452. set line 3 to "&7for another"
  453. set line 4 to "&3%difference between 10 seconds and {_waited}%"
  454. wait 1 seconds
  455. set line 1 to "&7&m---------------------------"
  456. set line 2 to "&7[&c*&7]"
  457. set line 3 to "&6Bard Class"
  458. set line 4 to "&7&m---------------------------"
  459. stop
  460. else:
  461. set {hcf.%player%.lastused} to now
  462. wait 3 seconds
  463. set line 3 to "&aKit Activated!"
  464. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword
  465. enchant the player's slot 0 with unbreaking 3
  466. enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
  467. set slot 1 of player to 16 ender pearl
  468. set slot 2 of player to 64 blaze powder
  469. set slot 3 of player to 32 sugar
  470. set slot 4 of player to 32 iron ingots
  471. set slot 5 of player to 32 ghast tears
  472. set slot 6 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  473. set slot 7 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  474. set slot 8 of player to 64 golden carrot
  475. set slot 9 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  476. set slot 10 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  477. set slot 11 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  478. set slot 12 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  479. set slot 13 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  480. set slot 14 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  481. set slot 15 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  482. set slot 16 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  483. set slot 17 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  484. set slot 18 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  485. set slot 19 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  486. set slot 20 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  487. set slot 21 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  488. set slot 22 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  489. set slot 23 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  490. set slot 24 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  491. set slot 24 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  492. set slot 25 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  493. set slot 26 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  494. set slot 27 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  495. set slot 28 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  496. set slot 29 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  497. set slot 30 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  498. set slot 31 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  499. set slot 32 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  500. set slot 33 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  501. set slot 34 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  502. set slot 35 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  503. equip player with gold boots
  504. enchant the player's boots with unbreaking 3
  505. enchant the player's boots with protection 1
  506. enchant the player's boots with feather falling 4
  507. equip player with gold leggings
  508. enchant the player's leggings with unbreaking 3
  509. enchant the player's leggings with protection 1
  510. equip player with gold chestplate
  511. enchant the player's chestplate with unbreaking 3
  512. enchant the player's chestplate with protection 1
  513. equip player with gold helmet
  514. enchant the player's helmet with unbreaking 3
  515. enchant the player's helmet with protection 1
  516. message "&8[&e*&8]&e Succesfully equpied &6Bard &eclass"
  519. # Something
  521. on sign change:
  522. if player doesn't have permission "hcf.kits":
  523. send "&cYou have insufficient permissions!"
  524. stop
  525. if player has permission "hcf.kits":
  526. line 2 is "[HCF]":
  527. line 3 is "Archer":
  528. set line 1 to "&7&m---------------------------"
  529. set line 2 to "&7[&c*&7]"
  530. set line 3 to "&cArcher Clas"
  531. set line 4 to "&7&m---------------------------"
  532. stop
  535. # Something more
  537. on rightclick on sign:
  538. line 2 of the clicked block is "&7[&c*&7]":
  539. line 3 of the clicked block is "&cArcher Class":
  540. set {_waited} to difference between {hcf.%player%.lastused} and now
  541. if {_waited} is less than 10 seconds:
  542. message "&cError, You can use this kit in &4%difference between 10 seconds and {_waited}%"
  543. set line 1 to "&4ERROR:"
  544. set line 2 to "&7Cant use kit"
  545. set line 3 to "&7for another"
  546. set line 4 to "&3%difference between 10 seconds and {_waited}%"
  547. wait 1 seconds
  548. set line 1 to "&7&m---------------------------"
  549. set line 2 to "&7[&c*&7]"
  550. set line 3 to "&cArcher Clas"
  551. set line 4 to "&7&m---------------------------"
  552. stop
  553. else:
  554. set {hcf.%player%.lastused} to now
  555. wait 3 seconds
  556. set line 3 to "&aKit Activated!"
  557. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword
  558. enchant the player's slot 0 with unbreaking 3
  559. enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
  560. set slot 1 of player to 16 ender pearl
  561. set slot 2 of player to 64 sugar
  562. set slot 3 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  563. set slot 4 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  564. set slot 5 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  565. set slot 6 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  566. set slot 7 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  567. set slot 8 of player to 64 golden carrot
  568. set slot 9 of player to bow
  569. set slot 10 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  570. set slot 11 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  571. set slot 12 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  572. set slot 13 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  573. set slot 14 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  574. set slot 15 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  575. set slot 16 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  576. set slot 17 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  577. set slot 18 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  578. set slot 19 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  579. set slot 20 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  580. set slot 21 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  581. set slot 22 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  582. set slot 23 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  583. set slot 24 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  584. set slot 24 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  585. set slot 25 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  586. set slot 26 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  587. set slot 27 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  588. set slot 28 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  589. set slot 29 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  590. set slot 30 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  591. set slot 31 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  592. set slot 32 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  593. set slot 33 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  594. set slot 34 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  595. set slot 35 of player to unextended splash Health potion II item
  596. equip player with leather boots
  597. enchant the player's boots with unbreaking 3
  598. enchant the player's boots with protection 1
  599. enchant the player's boots with feather falling 4
  600. equip player with leather leggings
  601. enchant the player's leggings with unbreaking 3
  602. enchant the player's leggings with protection 1
  603. equip player with leather chestplate
  604. enchant the player's chestplate with unbreaking 3
  605. enchant the player's chestplate with protection 1
  606. equip player with leather helmet
  607. enchant the player's helmet with unbreaking 3
  608. enchant the player's helmet with protection 1
  609. message "&8[&e*&8]&e Succesfully equpied &6Archer &eclass"
  612. mine of diamond ore:
  613. {diamonds::%player%::%location of event-block%} is not set
  614. loop blocks in radius 5 around block:
  615. loop-block is diamond ore:
  616. add 1 to {_diamondore}
  617. set {diamonds::%player%::%location of loop-block%} to true
  618. broadcast "&7[&cHCF+&7] &e%player%&e has found &d%{_diamondore}% &ediamonds&e!"
  621. on place of tnt:
  622. cancel event
  624. on craft of golden apple:
  625. cancel event
  627. on rightclick with ender pearl:
  628. if {cooldown::%player%} is set:
  629. if {cooldown::%player%} was less than seconds ago:
  630. send "&cYou need to wait 3 seconds between throws!"
  631. cancel event
  632. stop
  633. remove 1 ender pearl from player
  634. set {cooldown::%player%} to now
  636. command /ping [<player>]:
  637. aliases: /p
  638. trigger:
  639. if arg 1 is not set:
  640. send "&6%player%'s Ping: &e%player's ping% ms"
  641. else:
  642. send "&6%player-arg%'s Ping: &e%player-arg's ping% ms "
  645. on join:
  646. player has permission "*"
  647. message “&command /hcf info:
  648. trigger:
  649. message "&aHCF&bX&7 - &HAVE FUN!
  652. command /info:
  653. trigger:
  654. message "&aHCF&bX&7[&cCustom Plugin&7]&7
  658. on first join:
  659. set {togglechat.%player%.toggle} to false
  661. on chat:
  662. cancel event
  663. if {togglechat.%player%.toggle} is false:
  664. send “&cYour chat has been disabled” to player
  665. stop
  666. loop all players:
  667. if {togglechat.%loop-player%.toggle} is true:
  668. send "&c%player%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player
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