
no table

Sep 19th, 2016
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  2. Customer ID Search Results
  4. Name:
  5. #customer.billing.firstname# #customer.billing.lastname#
  6. <cfif structKeyExists(customer.billing,"emailaddress")>
  7. Email Address:
  8. #customer.billing.emailaddress#
  9. </cfif>
  10. &nbsp;
  11. <!--- BILLING INFO --->
  12. <!--- BILLING INFO --->
  13. Billing Info
  14. First Name:
  15. <input name="firstname" id="firstname" value="#customer.billing.firstname#" />*
  16. Last Name:
  17. <input name="lastname" id="lastname" value="#customer.billing.lastname#" />*
  18. Email Address:
  19. <input name="emailaddress" id="emailaddress" value="#structKeyExists(customer.billing,"emailaddress")?customer.billing.emailaddress:""#" />
  20. Company:
  21. <input name="companyName" id="companyName" value="" />
  22. Attention:
  23. <input name="attention" id="attention" value="#customer.billing.attention#" />
  24. Phone Number:
  25. <input name="mainTelephone" id="mainTelephone" value="#customer.billing.phonenumber#" />*
  26. Ext:
  27. <input name="mainPhoneExtension" id="mainPhoneExtension" value="#customer.billing.extension#" />
  28. Fax:
  29. <input name="fax" id="fax" value="#customer.billing.faxphonenumber#" />
  30. Street Address 1:
  31. <input name="address1" id="address1" value="#customer.billing.streetaddress1#" />*
  32. Street Address 2:
  33. <input name="address2" id="address2" value="#customer.billing.streetaddress2#" />
  34. City:
  35. <input name="city" id="city" value="" />*
  36. State:
  37. <input name="state" id="state" value="#customer.billing.provincestate#" />*
  38. Zip:
  39. <input name="postalcode" id="postalcode" value="#customer.billing.postalcode#" />*
  40. Country:
  41. <select name="countryID" id="countryID">
  42.     <option value="" #(toString(customer.billing.countryid).length())?"selected":""#>Select a Country</option><cfloop query="countries">
  43.     <option value="#countryID#" #(countryID EQ customer.billing.countryid)?"selected":""#>#name#</option>
  44.     </cfloop>
  45. </select>*
  46. Email marketing opt in/out:
  47. <cfif structKeyExists(customer.billing,"sendMarketingEmailFlg")>
  48.     <input type="radio" name="sendMarketingEmailFlg" id="mkgtFlagNo" value="0" #(customer.billing.sendMarketingEmailFlg GT 0)?' ':'checked '#/> No
  49.     <input type="radio" name="sendMarketingEmailFlg" id="mkgtFlagYes" value="1" #(customer.billing.sendMarketingEmailFlg GT 0)?'checked ':' '#/> Yes
  50. <cfelse>
  51.     <input type="radio" name="sendMarketingEmailFlg" id="mkgtFlagNo" value="0" checked /> No
  52.     <input type="radio" name="sendMarketingEmailFlg" id="mkgtFlagYes" value="1" /> Yes
  53. </cfif>
  54. &nbsp;
  55. <!--- SHIPPING INFO --->
  56. <!--- SHIPPING INFO --->
  57. Shipping Info
  58. &nbsp;
  59. Street Address 1:
  60. <input name="sh.address1" id="shipAddress1" value="#customer.shipping.recordCount GT 0?customer.shipping.streetaddress1:''#" />*
  61. Street Address 2:
  62. <input name="sh.address2" id="shipAddress2" value="#customer.shipping.recordCount GT 0?customer.shipping.streetaddress2:''#" />
  63. City:
  64. <input name="" id="shipCity" value="#customer.shipping.recordCount GT 0?''#" />*
  65. State:
  66. <input name="sh.state" id="shipState" value="#customer.shipping.recordCount GT 0?customer.shipping.provincestate:''#" />*
  67. Zip:
  68. <input name="sh.postalcode" id="shipPostalcode" value="#customer.shipping.recordCount GT 0?customer.shipping.postalcode:''#" />*
  69. Country:
  70. <select name="sh.countryID" id="shipCountryID">
  71.     <option value="" #(toString(customer.shipping.countryid).length())?"selected":""#>Select a Country</option><cfloop query="countries">
  72.     <option value="#countryID#" #(countryID EQ customer.shipping.countryid)?"selected":""#>#name#</option>
  73.     </cfloop>
  74. </select>*
  75. <input type="hidden" name="action" id="" value="saveCustAddressInfo" />
  76. <input type="hidden" name="encryptedID" id="" value="#encryptedID#" />
  77. <input type="submit" name="submit" id="" id="submit" value="Submit" />
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