
Training Program Request

Mar 23rd, 2018 (edited)
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  1. I'm looking for a training program I can use.
  3. My first goal is looking good (think Abercrombie & Fitch model good), with
  4. strength as the second priority, and I'd like to strengthen my arms in
  5. particular.
  7. Currently I'm quite fit, but not particularly muscular.
  8. e.g. my pecs are salient and not flabby, but not particularly large
  9. I'm tall (1m90, 76kg) and probably an ectomorph.
  11. I want a training that can "scale" up to my target and keep me there with as
  12. little work as possible on an undefinite basis. Possibly that is going to
  13. require two training regiment. That's fine.
  15. My philosophy is that I want training to get out of the way - to be something I
  16. do without having to think too hard about it.
  18. I can subscribe to a gym membership, but I'd rather train at home. I own a
  19. pullup bar and a set of one-hand weights. I can buy more equipment but my space
  20. is limited - so no bench and barbells.
  22. I want a 3-split training (3 days out of the week) as that proves the most
  23. flexible for my schedule.
  25. In terms of nutrition, I'm unwilling to tamper with my diet too much (which is
  26. varied and healthy). I'm worried about protein intake, as I might be getting the
  27. recommended 1g of protein per kilogram, but clearly not the 2/3g recommended for
  28. gaining. It seems difficult for me to get that from diet only, so I'll probably
  29. need to supplement with proteins (I'm looking for recommendations on this too).
  31. In general, I'm open to supplementing insofar that it helps with my stated
  32. objectives. On the other hand, I want to keep things simple, so the benefits
  33. should be clear cut.
  35. I already supplement 8g Citrulline Malate daily, which helps with unrelated
  36. circulatory issues. I can adapt my consumption to benefit the training program.
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