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- sensor:
- - platform: template
- sensors:
- affald_hentes:
- friendly_name: "Affald:"
- value_template: >-
- {% if states('sensor.affald') <= states('sensor.affald_sommer') %}
- {% set days = state_attr('sensor.affald', 'days') %}
- {% set next_date = state_attr('sensor.affald', 'next_date') %}
- {%- else -%}
- {% set days = state_attr('sensor.affald_sommer', 'days') %}
- {% set next_date = state_attr('sensor.affald_sommer', 'next_date') %}
- {%- endif -%}
- {% if days == 0 %}
- i dag
- {%- elif days == 1 %}
- i morgen
- {%- else -%}
- {% set time_stamp = as_timestamp(next_date | regex_replace(":[0-9][0-9][0-9].*$","")) %}
- om {{ ((time_stamp - as_timestamp(now())) / ( 60 * 60 * 24 )) | round(0, 'ceil') }} dage (
- {{- states("var.weekdays_dk").split(",")[time_stamp | timestamp_custom('%w') | int - 1] }}dag den {{ time_stamp | timestamp_custom('%-d.') }}
- {{ states("var.months_dk").split(",")[time_stamp | timestamp_custom('%-m') | int - 1] }})
- {%- endif -%}
- genbrug_hentes:
- friendly_name: "Genbrug:"
- value_template: >-
- {% set days = state_attr('sensor.genbrug', 'days') %}
- {% set next_date = state_attr('sensor.genbrug', 'next_date') %}
- {% if days == 0 %}
- i dag
- {%- elif days == 1 %}
- i morgen
- {%- else -%}
- {% set time_stamp = as_timestamp(next_date | regex_replace(":[0-9][0-9][0-9].*$","")) %}
- om {{ ((time_stamp - as_timestamp(now())) / ( 60 * 60 * 24 )) | round(0, 'ceil') }} dage (
- {{- states("var.weekdays_dk").split(",")[time_stamp | timestamp_custom('%w') | int - 1] }}dag den {{ time_stamp | timestamp_custom('%-d.') }}
- {{ states("var.months_dk").split(",")[time_stamp | timestamp_custom('%-m') | int - 1] }})
- {%- endif -%}
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