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- module ram_reader #(
- parameter p_data_width = 8,
- parameter p_address_width = 20
- )(
- output wire [(p_data_width-1) : 0] o_w_out,
- input wire [(p_data_width-1) : 0] i_w_in,
- input wire [(p_address_width-1) : 0] i_w_address,
- input wire i_w_we,
- input wire i_w_oe,
- input wire i_w_clk
- );
- // Variabila de tip reg: l_r_data (vector de 2**p_adress_width elemente de dimensiunea unei date)
- // Bloc always edge-triggerd
- // Logica scrierii in memorie
- // Asignarea continua pe iesiri
- endmodule
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