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- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # pip install python-telegram-bot --pre
- # pip install python-telegram-bot[rate-limiter]
- import logging
- import sqlite3
- from pathlib import Path
- import telegram
- from telegram.ext import AIORateLimiter, ApplicationBuilder, MessageHandler, filters
- logging.basicConfig(
- level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
- )
- aps_logger = logging.getLogger("apscheduler")
- aps_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
- async def post(update, context):
- global update_id
- update_id = update.update_id + 1
- if post := update.channel_post:
- for entity in post.entities:
- if entity.type == "url":
- url = post.text[entity.offset : entity.offset + entity.length]
- if url in links:
- try:
- url = f"{abs( + 1000000000000)}/{links[url]}"
- try:
- await post.edit_text(f"Link wurde bereits gepostet.\n{url}")
- except telegram.error.TimedOut:
- continue
- except telegram.error.BadRequest:
- # print("Konnte Post nicht löschen")
- continue
- # print(
- # "Link ist gelöscht worden, da dieser schon einmal gepostet worden ist."
- # )
- else:
- # print(url)
- links[url] =
- # print("Füge Link zur DB hinzu")
- with db:
- cur.execute(
- "INSERT INTO urls VALUES (:url, :cid);",
- {"url": url, "cid":},
- )
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- TOKEN = Path.home().joinpath(".local/telegram_token").read_text().strip()
- db = sqlite3.connect(Path.home().joinpath(".local/telegram_urls"))
- cur = db.cursor()
- with db:
- cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS urls (url string, id integer);")
- update_id = None
- links = {}
- for url, cid in cur.execute("SELECT * FROM urls;"):
- links[url] = cid
- print(url, "->", cid)
- application = (
- ApplicationBuilder().token(TOKEN).rate_limiter(AIORateLimiter()).build()
- )
- msg_handler = MessageHandler(filters.TEXT, post)
- application.add_handler(msg_handler)
- application.run_polling()
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