

Feb 24th, 2019
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  1. The dark shapes that glisten and glow upon the faulty flickering stoplight all presence of light goes out in the flat eerily disown and dark landscape
  2. A sound like the buzzing of a bee can be hear in the distance it corrupts and breaks to a halt beside the darkened light the door opens a figure emerges from within and country music can faintly be heard a hood is popped and even though we cannot see we know there is smoke we can smell it drift towards us with eager anticipation of more to come.
  3. An hour passes
  4. Nothing
  5. Another time later a high speed the sound of something fast coming from the front ricochet sounded metal scraping death can be heard the music goes silent there is a faint sound of hazards and a stronger stench of smoke and a hint of gasoline stronger by the minute a groan from the creature its face contorted shivering cold as faced contortion confused and scared see red stains of as it views to a shape in the dark
  6. A fire is started somewhere above bright glistening blood in the eye leg trapped as the glow grows stronger the smell of death sickly sweet an air arises of smoke
  7. Passed out
  8. Screaming awakes the other cannot feel floating
  9. Is above other watches horrified as burning and screaming as the bright sticky sweet creeps over the body and drowns it in death a gray shadow wafts up floating together far down below an explosion wreathes havoc on remains. A faulty light -S5NDZ
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